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In Switzerland there was a reduction in the number of cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, observed in the birth cohorts from 1995 to 1996, but no further reduction in the following birth cohorts up to 1998. From the records of 34 cases born after April 30, 1996 (BAB96) and 174 cases born before April 30, 1996 and after December 1990 (BAB90), observed up to April 30, 2004, the risk factors at the farm level, possible routes of exposure and the geographical distribution of the cases were analysed to try to explain the observations. No evidence was found for a rate of exposure other than feed. There was some evidence that the risk factors at farm level were different between the BAB90 and BAB96 cases. A large proportion of the BAB96 cases was born in cantons that had reported only a few BAB90 cases, but a small cluster of the BAB96 cases was found in a region where there had been a cluster of BAB90 cases. The spatial distribution of these cases indicated that the risk of exposure to infection had been more randomly distributed than during the period up to April 1996. Farms with mixed livestock had a higher risk of having a case born after the ban on the feeding of specified risk material in 1996. In a regression model, a trend towards an association between cases of BSE and presence of small ruminants on the farm was observed for the BAB96 cases, and the presence of pigs and the pig:cattle ratio were significant for the BAB90 cases.  相似文献   

一种简便快速的体外点突变方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体外点突变是研究蛋白质结构 -功能关系、基因表达、载体修饰等的重要技术之一。已报道的一些体外突变方法 [1~ 4 ] ,一般需以单链 DNA为模板 ,并要求对突变基因进行亚克隆和对单链 DNA拯救 ,技术上较复杂 ,多数需 1周以上时间。Stratagen公司研制的 Quickchange试剂盒 ,可以双链 DNA质粒为模板 ,只需 4步操作 ,在 1~ 2 d内即可完成点突变过程 [5] ,但该试剂盒价格昂贵 ,使用次数有限。我们根据 Pfu和 Dpn 等酶的特性 ,自行设计了突变反应及方法 ,对 6kb、8kb和1 4.6kb的目的质粒分别进行了点突变 ,成功地在质粒上创造了相应的酶切…  相似文献   

In France, after the ban on meat and bone meal (MBM) in cattle feeding in June 1990, cases of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) have continued to be detected in bovines born after that ban (called BAB cases). A case-control study was therefore carried out to determine the way these cases were contaminated. A multivariate conditional model was built adjusting for the production type of the animals and taking into account the herd size. The results confirmed that feeding cattle with proprietary concentrates was at risk for BSE, with an adjusted odds ratio of 6.8 (2.5; 18.7) for the consumption of less or three different proprietary concentrates and 17.6 (5.7; 54.8) for more than three, when comparing with no consumption of proprietary concentrates, considering feeding of bovines before the age of two. The results suggest that cross-contaminations by MBM in bovine concentrates have occurred after 1990. To a lesser extent, on-farm cross-contaminations, i.e. consumption by cattle of feedstuffs initially dedicated to other animals and which could legally contain MBM, have probably also existed, since the presence on farms of poultry fed purchased feed involved an increased risk of BSE with an odds ratio of 1.8 (1.1; 3.0). The use of milk replacers, which often incorporates animal fats, was also at risk with an odds ratio of 1.8 (1.0; 3.1).  相似文献   

A spatio-temporal analysis was carried out to see how the risk distribution of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in France changed depending on the period of birth. The data concerned the 539 BSE cases born in France after the ban (BAB) of meat and bone meal (MBM) in 1990 and detected between July 1, 2001 and December 31, 2003, when the surveillance of BSE was comprehensive. Seventy-two of these cases were born after the reinforced (second) ban (BASB) in 1996, which involved the removal of BSE-risk materials and cadavers from the processing of MBM. The Ederer-Myers-Mantel (EMM) time and space cluster test was applied, after classifying the cases by trimester and region of birth, BAB or BASB status, and dairy or beef status. Then disease mapping was performed for four successive birth periods, three for the BAB cases (January 1991 through June 1994, July 1994 through June 1995, July 1995 through June 1996), and one for the BASB (July 1996 through October 1998). It was elaborated with the Bayesian graphical modelling methods and based on a Poisson distribution with spatial smoothing. The parameters were estimated by a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation method. The main finding was that the areas with the highest risk of BSE changed largely from one birth period to another; from the west, it reached the east of France for birth cohort 1994-1995 and the southwest for birth cohort 1995-1996. The EMM test identified a peak risk in this region both for dairy and beef cattle in the fall 1995. The spatial distribution of the risk for the BASB cases matched the spatial pattern of risk for the preceding BAB birth cohort quite well; this was in favour of a common origin of the infection of the BAB and BASB cases, despite the complementary control measures.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in Turkish cattle in the Marmara region which borders the European Union (EU). For this, cattle brought to abattoirs in Istanbul were analysed. The high risk group were selected and therefore 384 cattle above 2 years old were included in the study. They were primarily examined for the presence of any clinical signs of nervous system and also other clinical disorders. The whole brains were taken and analysed for the presence of vacuolar degeneration and prion protein by PLATELIA BSE test kit. Only 5 cattle were found to be nervous and showed aggressive behaviour. There were no cattle showing incoordination or other neurological disorders. Cysts were observed in 3 brains. Histopathologically, no vacuolar degeneration indicative of BSE was found in any cattle examined. However, in 8 brains, few vacuoles were observed in neurons in sections taken from the brain, cerebellum, medulla oblongata and medulla spinalis. Slight mononuclear cell infiltration in 9 brain, intensed mononuclear cell infiltration in 1 brain, haemorrhages in 5 brains and gliosis in 11 brains were also found. No infective prion was detected by ELISA in samples taken from 384 cattle brain.  相似文献   

An assessment was made of the risks of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) occurring in Argentina. Most of the factors associated with the origin and development of the BSE epidemic in the UK are essentially absent. For example, Argentina's large sheep and cattle industries are based on low-cost production systems using grass. Concentrated feeds are not used for sheep, rarely for beef cattle and to a comparatively modest extent for dairy cows. Particularly important are the facts that scrapie (and BSE) has never been reported in Argentina—very small amounts of waste tissues from sheep are rendered to produce meat and bone meal (MBM)—and MBM is not used in concentrated feeds for cattle. We conclude that Argentina has an exceptionally low risk of BSE due to scrapie. There is a very small risk of BSE having been introduced via live animals imported from countries with BSE, but this could only give rise to isolated cases because MBM is not fed to cattle.

A surveillance programme has been carried out based largely on a histological examination of brains from three categories of old dairy cows: animals reported on the suspicion of having neurological disease; animals in poor condition at slaughter; healthy animals randomly selected in the abattoir. No evidence of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy was seen in several sections from each of a total of 1019 brains. We conclude that, for most practical purposes, Argentina may be considered to be free from BSE.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a case-control study of the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) cases born in Great Britain after the statutory reinforcement of the ban (BARB) on the feeding of mammalian-derived meat and bone meal on 31 July 1996. A total of 499 suspect clinical cases of BSE, born after 31 July 1996, and reported negative by July 31, 1996 and were compared with the set of 164 confirmed Great BARB cases in Great Britain detected by both passive and active surveillance. Animal-level risk factors (age and type of feed offered) and herd-level risk factors (herd size and type, number of prereinforced feed ban BSE cases born on the holding, the presence of other domestic species and waste management) were obtained for the analysis. BARB cases were 2.56 times (95 per cent CI 1.29 to 5.07) more likely to be exposed to homemix or a combination of homemix and proprietary feeds were 0.59 times (95 per cent CI 0.50 to 0.69) as less likely to be exposed to the unit increases in the number of prereinforced feed ban BSE cases diagnosed on the natal holding. A supplementary spatial analysis of these cases revealed three areas of excess BARB density: Northwest and Southwest of Wales and Northeast of Scotland.  相似文献   

疯牛病的研究动态和我国防控体系建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,欧洲、北美洲、亚洲都不同程度发生疯牛病疫情,文章重点介绍世界各国在疯牛病预防、监测、基础理论方面的研究动态,以及我国疯牛病防控体系现状。  相似文献   

Since the first identification of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in Japan in September 2001, a series of safety measures was introduced by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the Food Safety Commission of the Cabinet Office. These measures included blanket BSE testing and removal of specified risk materials at slaughterhouses, surveillance of risk animals and a ban on the use of meat-and-bone meals and traceability on all farms. The Japanese experience over the past five years has shed light on several issues in countries that have a low BSE incidence.  相似文献   

Semen from 13 bulls, eight with clinical bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), was used to artificially inseminate (AI) 167 cows with clinical BSE, and their resultant embryos were collected non-surgically seven days after AI. The viable and non-viable embryos with intact zonae pellucidae were washed 10 times (as recommended by the International Embryo Transfer Society) then frozen. Later, 587 of the viable embryos were transferred singly into 347 recipient heifers imported from New Zealand, and 266 live offspring were born of which 54.1 per cent had a BSE-positive sire and a BSE-positive dam. The recipients were monitored for clinical signs of BSE for seven years after the transfer, and the offspring were monitored for seven years after birth. Twenty-seven of the recipients and 20 offspring died while being monitored but none showed signs of BSE. Their brains, and the brains of the recipients and offspring killed after seven years, were examined for BSE by histopathology, PrP immunohistochemistry, and by electron microscopy for scrapie-associated fibrils. They were all negative. In addition, 1020 non-viable embryos were sonicated and injected intracerebrally into susceptible mice (20 embryos per mouse) which were monitored for up to 700 days, after which their brains were examined for spongiform lesions. They were all negative. It is concluded that embryos are unlikely to carry BSE infectivity even if they have been collected at the end-stage of the disease, when the risk of maternal transmission is believed to be highest.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of two measures against Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), the compulsory processing of animal by products to meat and bone meal (MBM) at 133 degrees C under 3 bars of pressure for 20 minutes in February 1993 and the exclusion of fallen stock, heads with eyes and spinal cord of cattle older than 30 month from MBM production in April 1996, was evaluated in a process model. The transmission of BSE by calculation of the basic reproduction ratio R0 was modelled.The results were verified by use of a cohort model, based on observed surveillance data. Prior to 1990, before the ban of feeding MBM to ruminants, R0, as calculated in the process model, was above 1, coherent with a slowly progressing BSE epidemic. Since 1991, values of R0 were low at 0.06.The corresponding R0 values derived from the cohort model were higher, the lowest value 0.13 calculated for 1996. Given such low R0 values, the epidemic should have died out. Additionally, no influence of the two measures was obvious at that time given the low level of R0. The discrepancy between the results of the two models is evidence for a dependency of the BSE epidemic from an infection source not considered in the process model. This infection source is most likely importation of feed ingredients and MBM.  相似文献   

Lesion profiles are considered to be an important tool for the comparison of the various animal and human spongiform encephalopathies and to obtain information upon prion strain variations. Histological and immunohistochemical reactions (PrPsc, GFAP) in 13 brain areas at 4 levels in the brainstem from 135 BSE-positive and 45 BSE-negative cases were retrospectively evaluated. In this retrospective study a lesion profile based on histological features was worked out on the basis of BSE cases originating from Switzerland over a period of ten years. They were confirmed post mortem by histology and immunohistology. Our findings were reviewed in comparison with lesion profiles published in England. No striking differences comparing type and quality of lesions in the relevant areas between the Swiss and the English cases were evident. Moreover, the lesion profiles and the character of the lesions did not differ between animals born before or after the offal feeding ban, which supports the hypothesis that the Swiss epidemic is sustained by the same single, stable strain of the BSE agent, which is probably the same as in the English epidemic.There was a good correlation between PrPsc accumulation and spongiform changes, in particular in those areas which were morphologically most affected. Astrocytosis in BSE was quantified. A significant rise in GFAP-positive cells could be shown comparing the brain stem nuclei of BSE affected with BSE-unaffected cattle, despite considerable variation between the cases and between the nuclei. The observed astrocytosis did correlate with vacuolation of the neuropil and of perikarya as well as with PrPsc accumulation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to model the expected numbers of cattle incubating bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and the numbers of clinical cases of BSE in the Swiss cattle population between 1984 and 2005. The results were compared with the observed number of clinical BSE cases and with the results of a culling and testing scheme on herdmates of cattle with BSE. The age distribution of the Swiss cattle population, the age-at-death distribution of the first 235 BSE cases and exposure information were used to calculate the expected number of infected cattle in each birth cohort and the resulting numbers of clinical cases and survivors incubating the disease for each year. The model which did not assume any under-reporting of cases fitted the observed epidemic curve of clinical cases reasonably well, and predicted that the Swiss BSE epidemic would come to an end between 2003 and 2005. The age of survivors incubating BSE is increasing. The higher than expected incidence of subclinical cases observed in animals from the culling scheme is most probably the result of the heterogeneous distribution of infected animals and affected herds in the population. The results of the model need to be taken into account when designing surveillance and testing schemes for BSE.  相似文献   

The decline in the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) epidemic in Great Britain (GB) demands a review of control strategies to ensure that they remain proportionate. Amongst controls that are subject to review are those intended to minimise the risk of BSE exposure of consumers through food. Such risk mitigation steps are costly, and the relative impact of each in terms of human exposure to BSE infectivity is not known. This risk assessment, termed the BSE Control Model, aims to estimate by use of stochastic simulation the impact of testing of cattle at slaughter and the removal of Specified Risk Materials (SRM) on potential BSE infectivity consumed. This paper describes the use of the model to investigate the effect of different risk management methods that have been or could be implemented between 2005 and 2010.Our results suggest that the amount of infectivity consumed in 2005 with the Over Thirty Month (OTM) rule in place was a mean of 0.03 bovine oral ID50 (BO ID50). This is an extremely low amount, particularly considering that it would be spread over, on average, 236 infected carcases that would be further sub-divided into portions for human consumption. The highest contributor to the total amount of infectivity consumed per year is spinal contamination at carcase splitting (35%). In 2006 the OTM scheme was discontinued and head meat was again permitted into the food chain. These changes resulted in an increase in the amount of infectivity consumed, rising to an estimated 28 BO ID50 in 2006, and 19 BO ID50 in 2007.In 2008 the age at removal of vertebral column was raised from 24 to 30 months, and an estimated 24 BO ID50 of infectivity was consumed. At the beginning of 2009 the age at testing of cattle was raised to 48 months for healthy slaughter, emergency slaughter and fallen stock. Under these conditions, an estimated mean of 24 BO ID50 will be consumed in 2009, decreasing to 20 BO ID50 in 2010. Even though presented in terms of bovine rather than human oral ID50, such estimates represent an extremely low exposure of the British population. Considerable uncertainty would surround any attempt to try to convert such exposure into estimates of new cases of vCJD, but the most recent estimates of the size of the species barrier between cattle and humans (4000, EFSA, 2006) suggest that there would be few, if any, new cases of vCJD arising from such exposure levels.  相似文献   

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE): menace or mirage?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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