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酸性硫酸盐土壤上施用磷矿粉对水稻养分有效性的影响   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
1998~2001年在已垦和未垦酸性硫酸盐土壤上连续进行6季作物的磷矿粉肥效试验,4种磷矿粉分别为摩洛哥CALCINE和BRUT,ALGERIA及昆阳磷矿粉,另外加上过磷酸钙和重过磷酸钙及对照。2000年起每小区均分成2个裂区,其中裂区Ⅰ继续按以前磷肥用量施肥,裂区Ⅱ则将后4季作物的肥料1次施下。试验结果表明,在未垦地上,施用磷矿粉处理水稻稻草P含量比对照显著提高,植株吸收N、P、K量、土壤含P量显著增加。磷矿粉为水稻生长提供了稳定有效的P源;水稻根部吸收P并主要储存于稻草中;2种施用方法无显著差异。已垦地上各处理间无显著差异。虽然缺P是制约水稻生长的一个关键因素,但在此类土壤上还存在更多的限制因子。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the influence of phosphate and citrate, which are common inorganic andorganic anions in soils, on the adsorption of acid phosphatase by kaolin, goethite and the colloids separatedfrom yellow-brown soil (YBS) and latosol (LS) in central-south China. The YBS colloid has the major claymineral composition of 1.4 nm mineral, illite and kaolinite while the LS colloid mainly contains kaolinite andoxides. The adsorption isotherm of acid phosphatase on the examined soil colloids and minerals fitted tothe Langmuir model. The amount of enzyme adsorbed in the absence of ligands was in the order of YBScolloid >LS colloid>kaolin≈goethite. In the presence of phosphate or citrate, the amounts of the enzymeadsorbed followed the sequence YBS colloid>kaolin>LS colloid>goethite. The presence of ligands alsodecreased the binding energy between the enzyme and soil colloids or minerals. With the increase of ligandconcentration from 10 mmol L-1 to 400 m mol L-1, different behaviors for the adsorption of enzyme werefound in the colloid and mineral systems studied. A sharp decrease in enzyme adsorption was observed ongoethite while gradual decreases of enzyme adsorption were recorded in the two soil colloid systems. However,no any decrease was found for the amount of enzyme adsorbed on kaolin at higher ligand concentrations.When phosphate or citrate was introduced to the system before the addition of enzyme, the ligands usuallyenhanced the adsorption of enzyme. The results obtained in this study suggested the important role ofkaolinite mineral in the adsorption of enzyme molecules in acidic soils in the presence of various ligands.  相似文献   

土壤酸化会加剧土壤和柑橘树体缺镁,施用镁肥是解决柑橘园缺镁的主要措施。目前农业生产中常以硫酸镁(MgSO4)等价格较低、溶解性较高的镁肥形态为主。但其水解性较强且为速效性镁肥,养分易淋洗损失,难以满足柑橘等多年生作物的生长所需。因此,在柑橘园中施用何种镁肥的效果更好则需进一步研究。以降低土壤酸度、补充土壤和柑橘树体镁素、提高柑橘产量和品质为主要指标,评价了酸性缺镁土壤上MgSO4、碳酸镁(MgCO3)和氧化镁(MgO)3种常用镁肥的施用效果。连续两年的田间试验表明,不施镁处理的耕层(0~40 cm)土壤交换性镁含量从27.7 mg/kg降低至22.5 mg/kg,与不施镁肥处理相比,施用镁肥则增加至29.2~34.5 mg/kg,且土壤pH与交换性镁含量呈极显著正相关关系;其中,MgCO3对降低土壤酸度和增加土壤交换性镁的效果优于MgSO4和MgO。另外,施用镁肥显著提高了叶片镁含量,降低了钾含量,使叶片钾镁比和钙镁比趋于合理,其中以MgCO3施用效果最佳。此外,酸性缺镁土壤施用3种不同镁肥均能增加柑橘挂果量并提高果实产量,MgSO4、MgCO3和MgO处理分别比不施镁处理增产5.7%、28.4%和12.5%。同时,与不施镁处理相比,施用MgCO3及MgO的果实风味品质得到进一步提升。各施镁处理中果实可溶性固形物和维生素C含量分别平均增加8.41%和1.46%。酸性缺镁土壤柑橘园中,MgCO3在协同调酸、补镁、增产和提质方面的效果较好,MgO次之,MgSO4较低。这些结果为酸性缺镁土壤上有效解决柑橘园的缺镁问题提供了有益的探索和技术支撑。  相似文献   

基于不同方法测定土壤酸性磷酸酶活性的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤酸性磷酸酶与有机磷的矿化及植物的磷素营养关系最为密切。目前国内学者在测定酸性磷酸酶活性时主要参照关松荫《土壤酶及其研究法》中以磷酸苯二钠为基质的测定方法,而国外学者主要参照Dick《Methods of Soil Enzymology》中以对硝基苯磷酸二钠为基质的测定方法(PNPP)。但是,在以磷酸苯二钠为基质测定生成物的过程中,常出现显色程度不明显的问题;另外,采用不同基质测定酸性磷酸酶活性也造成了测定方法选择的困难。为合理选择土壤酸性磷酸酶活性的测定方法,本研究选用酸性、中性和碱性土壤各10个土样,分别采用以磷酸苯二钠为基质,且在显色阶段分别加入pH5.0醋酸盐缓冲液(DPP 1)和pH9.4硼酸盐缓冲液(DPP 2)的方法,以及PNPP方法测定土壤酸性磷酸酶活性。同时也研究了不同pH缓冲液和苯酚浓度对生成物显色反应的影响。结果表明:以磷酸苯二钠为基质、在显色反应阶段加入pH≤6的缓冲液时,苯酚和2,6-二溴苯醌氯亚胺不显色;当加入pH≥8的缓冲液时,两者之间显色且苯酚浓度和吸光值的Pearson相关系数极显著。这说明pH低是导致高苯酚浓度和2,6-二溴苯醌氯亚胺显色效果差的一个主要原因。此外,采用PNPP方法测定时,在酸性、中性和碱性土壤中,10个样本酸性磷酸酶活性的变异系数分别较DPP 2增加了70.04%、42.44%和21.17%;极差分别是DPP 2的27.18倍、26.85倍和39.43倍。总之,如果选用磷酸苯二钠为基质测定土壤酸性磷酸酶活性,应在显色阶段加入碱性硼酸盐缓冲液;选用对硝基苯磷酸二钠为基质,是更为简单和灵敏的方法。  相似文献   

酸性土壤中亚硝态氮提取方法的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴沈艳  温腾  张金波  蔡祖聪 《土壤》2018,50(2):341-346
亚硝态氮NO_2~-N是土壤硝化和反硝化过程中很重要的一种中间产物,与土壤中含氮气体的产生密切相关。NO_2~-N在土壤中的转化极其迅速,尤其在强酸性条件下NO_2~-N极不稳定,2 mol/L KCl溶液提取过程中会大量发生分解。为了更准确地研究酸性土壤中的NO_2~-N变化,必须选择合适的提取剂,以实现土壤中NO_2~-N的高效提取。本文采用15N标记方法,系统比较了不同方法提取土壤NO_2~-N和NH_4~+-N的回收率,提出了改进措施。结果显示:调节强酸性土壤初始pH为6.0和8.0处理,经2 mol/L KCl溶液提取,提取液的pH分别保持在4.8和5.8左右,显著高于对照(3.8)。pH与振荡时间对酸性土壤NO_2~-N和NH_4~+-N的回收率存在显著的交互影响。振荡时间30 min以内,pH 6.0和pH 8.0处理,NO_2~-N的回收率最高;而振荡时间为30 min时,未调节pH和pH 6.0处理NH_4~+-N的回收率最高。综合考虑,提取土壤无机氮时,土壤/KCl悬浮液的pH保持在5.0~6.0,振荡时间30 min,能同时满足对土壤NO_2~-N和NH_4~+-N的提取。对于强酸性土壤(pH6.0),本研究推荐使用KCl溶液和pH 8.4的缓冲液混合溶液(KCl溶液/缓冲液比为4/1)作为提取液(土/液比为1/5)。对于pH在7.5以上的土壤样品,推荐使用KCl溶液和pH 7.5的缓冲液混合溶液(KCl溶液/缓冲液比为4/1)作为提取液(土/液比为1/5)。对于pH在6.0~7.5的土壤样品,可以直接使用2 mol/L KCl溶液提取。  相似文献   

KCl, CaCl2, NH4Cl, NaCl, K2SO4 and KF solutions were used for studying the effects of cations and anions on the dissolution of aluminum and the distribution of aluminum forms respectively. Power of exchanging and releasing aluminum of four kinds of cations was in the decreasing order Ca2+ >K+ >NH4+ >Na+. The dissolution of aluminum increased with the cation concentration. The adsorption affinity of various soils for aluminum was different. The aluminum in the soil with a stronger adsorption affinity was difficult to be exchanged and released by cations. The Al-F complexes were main species of inorganic aluminum at a low concentration of cations, while Al3+ became major species of inorganic aluminum at a high concentration of cations. The results on the effect of anions indicated that the concentrations of total aluminum, three kinds of inorganic aluminum (Al3+, Al-F and Al-OH complexes) and organic aluminum complexes (Al-OM) when SO42- was added into soil suspension were lower than those when Cl- was added. The dissolution of aluminum from soils and the distribution of aluminum forms in solution were affected by the adsorption of F- on the soil. For soils with strong affinity for F-, the concentrations of the three inorganic aluminum species in soil solution after addition of F- were lower than those after addition of Cl-; but for soils with weak affinity for F-, the concentrations of Al3+ and Al-OM were lower and the concentrations of Al-F complexes and total inorganic aluminum after addition of F- were higher than those after addition of Cl-. The increase of F- concentration in soil solution accelerated the dissolution of aluminum from soils.  相似文献   

赵甜甜  田康  胡文友  黄标  赵永存 《土壤学报》2022,59(5):1204-1214
磷是土壤生态系统中的重要组成元素,开展土壤磷循环研究对提高磷肥利用效率和降低磷的生态环境风险具有重要意义。磷酸盐氧同位素技术已经被证明是一种示踪环境中磷生物地球化学行为的有效方法。本文系统综述了磷酸盐氧同位素技术的研究进展和未来发展方向。详细介绍了磷酸盐氧同位素的技术原理、样品处理和测定方法;阐述了无机磷和有机磷的氧同位素特征及时空分布特征;从评估土壤磷微生物利用状况和示踪土壤磷循环两个方面探讨了磷酸盐氧同位素技术在土壤磷循环研究中的应用前景,分析了磷来源、环境条件、生物活动和样品前处理过程对土壤磷酸盐氧同位素特征的影响,最后展望了该技术未来的研究方向。以期为磷酸盐氧同位素技术在土壤学和环境科学领域的发展和应用提供新的视角和科学指导。  相似文献   

酸性降落物在土壤中的动态及对杉林影响的预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

酸性土壤中颗粒磷肥施用方法对其利用情形的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
各种矿物肥料施入土壤中以后,利用率有很大不同,其中以氮肥的利用率最高,磷肥的利用率最低。例如,根据A.B.索柯洛夫所引用的材料的研究结果为:N—80%,K_2O——66%,P_2O_5——25%;Wagner 的研究结果为:在第一年,K_2O 为  相似文献   

离子交换树脂膜测定肥料养分在土壤中的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在25℃恒温培养条件下,采用离子交换树脂膜(IERM)连续提取法研究了不同肥料(尿素、氯化钾、磷酸二氢钙、缓释复合肥)养分(氮、磷、钾)在土壤中的变化。结果表明,几种肥料养分释放速率各异,缓释复合肥氮、磷养分释放在前期(28 d)释放较慢。用该方法提取肥料养分(N、P、K)在土壤中的释放累积量随时间的增加而增大,用Elovich、双常数、一级扩散、抛物线扩散4种动力学方程来描述二者的关系,拟合度都达到了极显著水平(r=0.863**~0.999**)。用该法测定肥料在土壤中释放养分的变化特性与用其测定的土壤本身养分的变化特性相似。从而提出了离子交换树脂膜法作为一种评价肥料养分在土壤中的变化特性的较理想方法的可能性。  相似文献   

磷矿粉和活化磷矿粉修复Cu污染土壤   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了比较磷矿粉和活化磷矿粉对铜污染土壤的修复效果,在实验室将实际铜污染土壤和模拟污染土壤与不同质量分数(0、0.1%、0.5%、1%、4%、8%等)的磷矿粉和活化磷矿粉混合培养,运用欧共体标准物质局提出的改进的三步连续提取法(简称BCR法)分析了土壤中铜的各种形态及其含量的变化。结果表明:2种含磷材料都具有一定的修复土壤铜污染的作用;培养10 d后,2种土壤在磷矿粉8%用量下可溶态铜含量降幅分别为25.8%和40.0%,氧化态和还原态变化趋势不同,残渣态含量增幅达到77.1%和41.3%,有效地降低了土壤中铜的活性。而施用经草酸活化的磷矿粉后,实际污染土壤中可溶态铜含量有所增加,模拟污染土壤中可溶态铜含量基本无变化;实际污染的红壤和模拟污染的土壤中残渣态铜含量分别增加了82.6%和17.0%,其他形态铜的变化差异不显著。该研究可为磷矿的综合利用和重金属污染的土壤的原位修复提供参考。  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted to quantify the relative contribution of protons and other mechanisms to the dissolution of phosphate rocks (PRs) from six countries in solutions of low-molecular-weight-aliphatic organic acids. The amounts of P and Ca released after 3 d of incubation at 28°C were determined in all the experiments. In the first experiment the solubility of the PRs < 500 μm particle size) in 100 M (25 mL g-1 PR) oxalic, tartaric, and citric acids was compared with that in three mineral acids and four chelating compounds. There were no differences in the amount of P released by the mineral acids, but the organic acids released more P than could be accounted for by protonation. The chelating compounds were the least effective. In the second experiment, 1 g each of Sri Lanka and Togo PRs was incubated with 2.5 mmol of the organic acids using three acid concentration (mM) : acid volume ratios (250:10, 100:25, and 25:100). The amount of P dissolved from the PRs and the amount of acid remaining in the filtrate were about the same for all three treatments. A mixture of the organic acids and the respective Na-salts was prepared at six different acid: salt ratios in the third experiment. Total acid concentration in all the solutions was 100 mM. Higher proportion of the Na-salt in the mixture decreased PR dissolution, while the amount of the acid remaining in the filtrate increased. The Ca concentration in the filtrate showed an opposite trend. The results indicated that PR dissolution by the organic acids was initially dependent on protonation, which accounted for only 13–38% of the amount of P dissolved. Most of the amount of P dissolved could therefore be attributed to other mechanisms. Removal of dissolved Ca from the solution appears to be the major factor controlling the subsequent dissolution of the PRs. The ability of tartaric and oxalic acids to dissolve effectively the PRs was attributed to the formation of an insoluble calcium compound which was precipitated from the solution. For the use of organic acids as a potential amendment for improving the P availability of PRs, the Ca binding power of the organic acids should also be considered.  相似文献   

Most soils in Nigeria are known to be slightly acidic and very low in plant‐available P. These soils need to be fertilized for optimal crop production but cost and scarcity of mineral P fertilizers shifted attention to making direct application of indigenous phosphate rock viable alternative. Laboratory and greenhouse studies were carried out to monitor the effect of the decomposition of legume biomass on the solubilization of Ogun phosphate rock (OPR) on slightly acidic soils. Surface soil samples collected from three experimental sites in SW Nigeria were used. The fertilizer treatments were four rates of P as OPR (0, 30, 60, and 90 kg ha–1) and one rate of triple superphosphate (TSP, 40 kg P ha–1). The legume treatments were cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L Walp) and mucuna (Mucuna puriens L). Rice (Oryza sativa) was used in the greenhouse study as the test crop. Soil samples were analyzed for soluble P and pH after 2, 4, 6, and 10 months of incubation in the laboratory while plant tissues collected from greenhouse study were analyzed for P. In the incubation study, significant increase in water‐soluble P was observed when legume biomass was incorporated with phosphate rock at p < 0.05. Highest value in rice dry‐matter yield was recorded with pots treated with mucuna and TSP, also treatment combination of cowpea and OPR significantly increased rice dry‐matter yield by 16% over pots treated with cowpea biomass alone and 42% over control pot (no legume biomass and OPR in the green house (p < 0.05). Thus incorporation of legume biomass significantly increased rate of OPR solubilization.  相似文献   

超微活化条件对磷矿粉磷素形态及肥效的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用化学分析、红外光谱分析以及盆栽试验研究了活化剂添加量及研磨时间对超微活化磷矿粉磷素形态及生物有效性的影响.结果表明,与普通磷矿粉相比,磷矿粉经超微活化处理后有效磷提高了45.1%~58.7%,活性磷提高了169.4%~203.6%,水溶性磷含量随活化剂添加量的增加也明显提高;当活化剂添加量达到5%时,3次水溶性磷的累积释放量较相同条件下制得的超微细磷矿粉提高84倍以上.适当延长研磨时间有利于磷矿粉磷素的释放,但效果不显著.红外光谱分析结果表明:超微细活化磷矿粉中与PO3-、HPO2-相关的特征吸收峰强度较普通磷矿粉显著增强,且生成了与PO43-、HPO42-相关的新特征吸收峰,使磷矿粉中的磷向有效状态转变.盆栽试验结果进一步表明,超微活化磷矿粉处理的玉米生物量、磷素利用率均显著高于磷矿粉、普通超微细磷矿粉以及过磷酸钙和磷酸二铵等常规水溶性磷肥,可增强抗固定能力而显著提高土壤有效磷含量.超微活化磷矿粉较高的活性磷总量和水溶性磷持续适度的供磷强度是其生物有效性高的原因.  相似文献   

A glasshouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the agronomic potential of four partially acidulated rock phosphates(PARP) in three representative solis sampled from subtripical China.The PARPs were manufactured by attacking a moderately reactive phosphate rock either with sulfuric acid alone or with combination of sulfuric and phosphoric acids at 30 or 60 percent of acidulation.Shoot dry weight and P accumulation of six successive cuttings of ryegrass were used to compare the agronomic potential of these fertilizers with that of the raw rock phosphate(RP) and monocalcium phosphate (MCP).Results indicated that the effectiveness of various phosphates was determined both by the solubility of the phosphates and by the acidity and P-fixing capacity of the soils.The higher the watersoluble P contained,the better the effectiveness of the fertilizer was.Although plant P accumulation of PARP treatments was constantly lower than that of MCP treatment,some PARPs could still get a dry matter production similar to that of MCP treatment.PARP SP60,which was acidulated with a mixture of sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid at 60 percent of acidulation and contained the highest soluble,P,was as effective as MCP in terms of dry matter production on all the soils.S60 and C1 which were both acidulated with sulfuric acid with the former at 60 percent of acidulation and the latter at 30 percent but with a further addition of monoammonium phosphate,were more than 80 percent as efective as MCP,Raw RP also showed a reasonable effectiveness which increased with soil acidity.It was suggested from the study that some of these APRPs could be expected to have a comparable field performance as soluble P fertilizers in the acid soil regions.  相似文献   

草酸活化磷矿粉对砖红壤中外源铅的钝化效果   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
磷矿粉被广泛用于固定污染土壤中的重金属,然而施用草酸活化磷矿粉后对土壤中铅形态的研究非常有限。该文采用Tessier连续提取法分析砖红壤中施加未活化和经草酸活化的磷矿粉后,砖红壤中外源铅形态的变化。结果表明:随着磷矿粉施加量的增加,各处理中交换态铅质量分数比对照(64.1mg/kg)显著下降,未活化磷矿粉处理(PR)的交换态铅质量分数为0.1mg/kg,而草酸活化磷矿粉处理(APR)中未检出;醋酸盐提取态铅质量分数除草酸活化磷矿粉2000mg/kg处理为24.5mg/kg(APR3)减少外,其他处理均高于对照(27.2mg/kg),在未活化磷矿粉500mg/kg(PR2)处理时达到最大值41.8mg/kg;铁锰氧化物结合态除未活化磷矿粉50mg/kg(PR1)处理为69.5mg/kg低于对照(74.2mg/kg)外,其余均高于对照,在APR3处理时达最大值117.2mg/kg;有机物结合态铅质量分数除PR1处理为20.7mg/kg,其余均高于对照处理(21.8mg/kg),在APR3处理时达到最大值46.5mg/kg;PR处理残渣态铅与对照相比(44.2mg/kg)显著增加至60.6mg/kg,对APR处理其变化范围为42.7~43.5mg/kg,各处理稍低于对照,但差异不显著(p<0.05)。显然,磷矿粉的施加可有效降低砖红壤中交换态铅质量分数,增加稳定态铅质量分数,且草酸活化磷矿粉的效果更佳。同时,草酸活化后磷矿粉的释磷能力增加,除草酸活化磷矿粉最高施磷量处理外(5000mg/kg),施入磷矿粉和草酸活化磷矿粉后释放的磷对环境构成风险可能性极小。X-射线衍射光谱(X-ray diffraction,XRD)和扫描电镜(scaning electron microscope,SEM)结果分析也表明草酸活化磷矿粉的释磷能力增加,更有利于固定土壤中的铅。该研究可为草酸活化磷矿粉固定土壤中的铅提供参考依据。  相似文献   

An incubation and a pot experiment were conducted to evaluate the dissolution and agronomic effectiveness of a less reactive phosphate rock, Busumbu soft ore (BPR), in an Oxisol in Kenya. Resin (anion and anion + cation)‐extractable P and sequentially extracted P with 0.5 M NaHCO3, 0.1 M NaOH, and 1 M HCl were analyzed. Dissolution was determined from the increase in anion resin (AER)–, NaHCO3‐, and NaOH‐extractable P in soil amended with PR compared with the control soil. Where P was applied, resin P significantly increased above the no‐P treatment. Busumbu‐PR solubility was low and did not increase significantly in 16 weeks. Anion + cation (ACER)‐extractable P was generally greater than AER‐P. The difference was greater for PR than for triple superphosphate (TSP). The ACER extraction may be a better estimate of plant P availability, particularly when poorly soluble P sources are used. Addition of P fertilizers alone or in combination with Tithonia diversifolia (TSP, BPR, TSP + Tithonia, and BPR + Tithonia) increased the concentration of labile inorganic P pools (NaHCO3‐ and NaOH‐Pi). Cumulative evolved CO2 was significantly correlated with cumulative N mineralized from Tithonia (r, 0.51, p < 0.05). Decrease in pH caused NH ‐N accumulation while NO ‐N remained low where Tithonia was incorporated at all sampling times. However, when pH was increased, NH ‐N declined with a corresponding rise in NO ‐N. Tithonia significantly depressed soil exchangeable acidity relative to control with time. A significant increase (p < 0.05) was observed for P uptake but not dry‐mass production in maize where BPR was applied. The variations in yield and P uptake due to source and rates of application were statistically significant. At any given P rate, highest yields were obtained with Tithonia alone. Combination of Busumbu PR with TSP or Tithonia did not enhance the effectiveness of the PR. The poor dissolution and plant P uptake of BPR may be related to the high Fe content in the PR material.  相似文献   

(pp. 833–841)

In order to learn the status of available soil nitrogen (N), two sequential extraction methods (A and B) were tested. Proposed methods are as follows.

(A) Extraction with water, KCl, acetic acid, 1/15 M phosphate buffer, sulfuric acid, and NaOH.

(B) Extraction with water, KCl, 0.01 M sulfuric acid, 0.1 M sulfuric, 0.2 M sulfuric acid and 0.4 M sulfuric acid.

1) NO3-N was only detected in a solution extracted with water. Major N in an extract with KCl was in ammonium form. Extracts with phosphate buffer and sulfuric acid contained organic-N only. When these two fractions were examined by size exclusion chromatography (HPLC-SEC), only one major peak in each extract appeared.

2) Minerals, such as Al and Fe in each extract were determined using ICP (Varian Co., Ltd.). With the increase in concentration of sulfuric acid, the high Fe concentration in each extract increased. On the other hand, much higher Al was found in extracts with lower concentrations of sulfuric acid compared to Fe.

3) Though some crop species such as spinach and carrot show the potential to take up organic-N in a soil applied with organic matter, this sequential soil-nitrogen extraction method may be useful to evaluate availability of soil nitrogen fertility with more accuracy compared to conventional methods in the case of these superior crop species.  相似文献   

Rock phosphate (RP) is a low efficiency P fertilizer that is directly applied to the soil and can be solubilized by phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms (PSMs) in fermentation or soil conditions. This study investigated dynamic solubilization of 2 concentrations of rock phosphate in a liquid culture with different dosages of glucose by two fungal isolates,Aspergillus niger P39 and Penicillium oxalicum P66, from soybean and wheat rhizosphere soil. Although during the 20 day culture period A. niger P39 had a stronger ability to acidify the culture media than P. ozalicum P66, soluble P concentrations at glucose dosages of 30 and 50 g L^-1 with RP of 15 g L^-1 in the culture solution were much higher by P. oxalicum P66. The greater effectiveness of P. oxalicum P66 compared to A. niger P39 in the solubilization of RP was strongly associated with the production of organic acids. This study suggested that for RP solubilization the type rather than the concentration of PSM-produced organic acids was more important.  相似文献   

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