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Phytophthora drechsleri causes stem blight, which is one of the most serious diseases of pigeonpea. Eight races of this fungus have been identified, but the inheritance of resistance to all these races is not clear except for race P2. This study examined the inheritance of resistance to race ‘Kanpur’ (KPR) of P. drechsleri in eight crosses involving four resistant parents, viz.‘KPBR 80‐2‐1′, ‘KPBR 80‐2‐2′, ‘Hy 3C and ‘BDN 1′, and two susceptible parents, viz.‘Bahar’ and ‘PDA 10′. The reactions of the parental lines, and their F1, F2 and backcross generations were studied in an infected plot. In the F1 generation of all crosses, a susceptible reaction was observed that indicated dominance of susceptibility over resistance. The segregation pattern in F2 indicated that two homozygous recessive genes (pdr1pdr1pdr2pdr2) were responsible for imparting resistance in the parents, ‘KPBR 80‐2‐1’ and ‘KPBR 80‐2‐2′, and that a single homozygous recessive gene (pdrpdr) was responsible for resistance in the parents ‘Hy 3C and ‘BDN 1′. Therefore, ‘KPBR 80‐2‐1’ and ‘KPBR 80‐2‐2’ with two genes for resistance are better donors because the resistance transferred from them will be more durable compared with ‘Hy3C and ‘BDN1’ with only one gene for resistance.  相似文献   

The legume pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera, is one of the most devastating pests of pigeonpea. High levels of resistance to pod borer have been reported in the wild relative of pigeonpea, Cajanus scarabaeoides. Trichomes (their type, orientation, density and length) and their exudates on pod wall surface play an important role in the ovipositional behavior and host selection process of insect herbivores. They have been widely exploited as an insect defense mechanism in number of crops. In the present investigation, inheritance of resistance to pod borer and different types of trichomes (A, B, C and D) on the pod wall surface in the parents (C. cajan and C. scarabaeoides) and their F1, F2, BC1 (C. cajan × F1), and F3 generations has been studied. Trichomes of the wild parents (high density of the non-glandular trichomes C and D, and glandular trichome B and low density of glandular trichome A) were dominant over the trichome features of C. cajan. A single dominant gene as indicated by the segregation patterns individually will govern each trait in the F2 and backcross generation. Segregation ratio of 3 (resistant): 1 (susceptible) for resistance to pod borer in the F2 generation under field conditions was corroborated with a ratio of 1:1 in the backcross generation, and the ratio of 1 non-segregating (resistant): 2 segregating (3 resistant: 1 susceptible): 1 non-segregating (susceptible) in F3 generation. Similar results were obtained for pod borer resistance under no-choice conditions. Resistance to pod borer and trichomes associated with it (low density of type A trichome and high density of type C) are governed individually by a dominant allele of a single gene in C. scarabaeoides. Following backcrossing, these traits can be transferred from C. scarabaeoides into the cultivated background.  相似文献   

Duration from sowing to flowering is the most important trait influencing adaptation in pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), but the inheritance of this trait has not been elucidated clearly. Crosses were made between two early (60 to 70d) and one late (160 to 170d) flowering pigeonpea genotype and F1, F2 and BC1 populations produced. These populations, comprising 60 to 100 parents, 30 F1, 400F2 and 40 to 50 BC1 plants, were grown under natural (mean13.4 hd-1) and artificially extended (to 15 hd-1) daylength and duration from sowing to first flowering recorded. Genetic analysis of the segregation ratios, supported by Chi-square tests, indicated that the duration from sowing to flowering in each of the crosses was controlled by two genes assorting independently and with predominantly additive quantitative effects. The segregation patterns were most clearly defined in the 15 hd-1 daylength. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Although many studies have been conducted on gene action of grain yield and yield related traits in maize, none of them focused on highland maize in Uganda. This study was conducted to establish the gene action controlling inheritance of yield and its related traits in highland maize hybrids. Thirty-six F1 hybrids generated from a 9 x 9 half diallel mating design, were planted with two local checks in three highland locations; Kalengyere, Kachwekano, and Buginyanya with two replications using a 2 x 19 alpha (0, 1) lattice design. Results showed that inheritance of ear length and anthesis-silking interval was controlled by both additive and non-additive gene action while the inheritance of days to anthesis, days to silking was mainly controlled by additive gene action. The inheritance of grain yield and other yield related traits was greatly influenced by environment and genotype x environment interaction. Considering the great influence of the environment and genotype x environment interaction on most of the traits including grain yield, further testing in additional locations over more seasons and broadening the genetic base of the parents is encouraged.  相似文献   

The resistant reaction to tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) was found to be determined by a single dominant gene in three Capsicum chinense Jacq. accessions (‘PI 152225’, ‘PI 159236’, ‘7204’). Allelism studies indicated that all C. chinense lines bear the same allele located at the Tsw locus. All the inoculated plants in the allelism tests displayed a resistant hypersensitive phenotype characterized by necrotic local lesions followed by abscission of the inoculated organ. However, a small proportion of them showed late systemic infection. Nine TSWV isolates obtained from these individual plants with systemic symptoms were backinoculated to the three resistant parents. All isolates were able to infect systemically all the resistant accessions without inducing local necrotic lesions. Serological analysis confirmed that these nine viral isolates belong to the TSWV species (serogroup I). Consequently, the susceptible plants in the allelism tests could not be interpreted as possessing a recombinant genotype because of the virulence change in the viral strain. Hobbs et al. (1994) already reported the existence of TSWV pathotypes overcoming the resistance of C. chinense resistant accessions. Practical consequences for pepper breeding associated with the emergence of these resistance-breaking isolates are discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. melonis race 2 is conferred by a single dominant gene, Fom-1 in melon. Here, we identified DNA markers tightly linked to Fom-1 that could be used for marker assisted selection in breeding programs. First, we developed 125 F2 plants derived from the cross between melon lines P11 (fom-1fom-1) and MR-1 (Fom-1Fom-1). Using the F2 population, we constructed a linkage map including 14 SSR markers which had not been mapped previously. Fom-1 was confirmed to be allocated to linkage group 7. Then, we identified four AFLP markers using bulked segregant analysis. The AFLP marker TAG/GCC-470 was completely linked to Fom-1 and other three markers were mapped near Fom-1. TAG/GCC-470 and TCG/GGT-400 were respectively converted to STS and CAPS markers. Usefulness of DNA markers was confirmed in the analysis with several melon cultivars and lines.  相似文献   

The most important breeding objectives in crop improvement are improving grain yield, grain quality, and resistances to various biotic and abiotic stresses. The objectives of our study were to compare two crossing and four selection schemes for grain yield, yield traits, and slow rusting resistance to leaf rust (Puccinia recondita) based on additive genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum), and to identify the most efficient crossing and selection methodologies in terms of genetic gains and cost efficiency. Segregating populations were derived from 18 simple crosses and the same number of top (three-way) crosses. Half of the crosses were derived from Yecora 70 and the other half from Veery #10 as the common leaf rust susceptible parents. The four selection schemes were: pedigree, modified bulk (F2 and F1-top as pedigree, selected lines in F3, F4, F2-top, F3-top as bulk; and pedigree in F5 and F4-top populations), selected bulk (selected plants in F2, F3, F4, F1-top, F2-top and F3-top as bulk; and pedigree in F5 and F4-top populations), and nonselected bulk (bulk in F2, F3, F4, F1-top, F2-top and F3-top; and pedigree in F5 and F4-top populations). A total of 320 progeny lines, parents and checks were tested for grain yield, other agronomic traits and leaf rust resistance during the 1992/93 and 1993/94 seasons in Ciudad Obregon (Sonora State, Mexico) which represents a typical high yielding irrigated site. The influence of the type of cross and the selection scheme on the mean grain yield and other traits of the progenies was minimal. The selection of parents was the most important feature in imparting yield potential and other favourable agronomic traits. Moreover, the highest yielding lines were distributed equally. Progeny lines derived from Veery #10 crosses had significantly higher mean grain yield compared to those derived from the Yecora 70 crosses. Furthermore, a large proportion of the highest yielding lines also originated from Veery #10 crosses. Mean leaf rust severity of the top cross progenies was lower than that of the simple cross progenies possibly because two parents contributed resistance to top cross progenies. Mean leaf rust severity of the nonselected bulk derivatives was twice that of lines derived from the other three schemes. Selected bulk appears to be the most attractive selection scheme in terms of genetic gains and cost efficiency. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Seedlings from six crosses between susceptible × resistant and two between susceptible parents were screened against P3 isolate of Phytophthora drechsleri f. sp. cajani in the glasshouses. Disease reaction was scored on a rating scale of 1–5. Resistance was found to be controlled by one dominant gene and some minor genes and is affected by ontogeny. The resistance gene appeared to be different from the one reported earlier (Pd1) and is designated here as Pd3. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

M. H. Dickson 《Euphytica》1977,26(3):811-815
Summary Tipburn resistance was identified as being highly but not completely dominant in three nearly isogenic populations of cabbage. Narrow sense heritability estimates of 0.14, 0.34, and 0.49 and broad sense heritability estimates of 0.64, 0.74, and 0.77 were obtained with 2–4 genes controlling resistance. Analysis of resistance was made under conditions of high fertility, especially high N and plentiful moisture and generally high humidity which together resulted in very severe tipburn in susceptible plants.Journal Paper No. 3038 of the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, New York, USA.  相似文献   

P. Dhanasekar    R. N. Pandey    K. N. Dhumal 《Plant Breeding》2007,126(5):551-552
A compact dwarf plant type TDT2004-1 isolated from the progeny of a cross involving Cajanus cajan (cv. 'C-11') and C. cajanifolia was investigated for its inheritance. Pigeonpea genotype TDT2004-1 is semi-determinate in growth habit; short (approximately 37 cm) with reduced internodal length (1.2 cm), a compact canopy and a high harvest index (40%), while genotype TT44-4 is indeterminate in growth habit; tall (132 cm) with normal internodal length (2.3 cm), an open canopy and a low harvest index (28.9%). The inheritance study involving cross TT44-4 × TDT2004-1 showed that the compact dwarf plant type was governed by a single recessive gene. TDT2004-1 could be utilized for improving the harvest index and also for restructuring the plant canopy in pigeonpea.  相似文献   

The coffee leaf miner, Leucoptera coffeella, is the most important pest of Coffea arabica plantations in Brazil, and all cultivars are susceptible to the insect. However, distinct reactions have been observed in other species, such as C. congensis and C. canephora. In this work, the occurrence of antixenotic response was surveyed in individuals of Coffea species, selected for resistance to the leaf miner at both field and laboratory conditions. Tests performed on young plants from C. arabica cultivars Icatu Precoce IAC 3282, Mundo Novo IAC 515-20, Tupi IAC 1669-33 and Catuaí Amarelo IAC 62 demonstrated that these were preferred for oviposition when pooled with seedlings from C. canephora cv. Apoat? IAC 2258. Apoat? was also preferred over C. racemosa for oviposition. Similar results were observed in tests using detached leaves, and higher amount of eggs was counted in the cv Obat? IAC 1669-20 and Catuaí Vermelho IAC 81, and lower oviposition frequency was observed in C. canephora cv. Guarini IAC 1598. C. congensis showed an oviposition frequency between C. arabica and C. canephora. Also, the results suggest that the frequency of oviposition is co-related with the plant resistance level, during larvae infection.  相似文献   

U. Lavi  E. Tomer  S. Gazit 《Euphytica》1989,44(1-2):5-10
Summary High heterozygosity on the one hand, and the inability to carry out successful hand pollinations on the other hand, have limited the amount of systematic work which has been done in mango breeding. In studying the inheritance of important horticultural traits we must first analyse the distribution of different traits in seedlings derived from open pollination. We studied correlations between these traits and assessed the contribution of the three female parents to that distribution.Although in general the trait distribution pattern is similar among the three progenies, some differences were noted. We also detected some correlations among various traits which might be useful for future breeding. It was concluded from both a chi-square test and an intraclass correlation coefficient that there is a specific female parent effect on both harvest season and fruit color; a smaller effect was found on fruit taste and size, and no effect of the female parent tree was detected on the distribution of both the juvenile period and fertility.  相似文献   

Summary Tomato accessions (Lycopersicon sp.), along with commercial cultivars and breeding lines were grown in a field infested with the brown root rot (BRR) organism, Pyrenochaeta lycopersici and evaluated for resistance. Three L. esculentum Mill. accessions, P.I. 260397, P.I. 262906 and P.I. 203231, were resistant and were used as male parents in crosses designed to transfer resistance to tomatoes of fresh market type. Through analysis of parental generations and F1 and F2 progenies from three crosses the heritability of resistance in the broad sense was estimated to range from 25 to 43 percent. The minimum number of genes influencing resistance was estimated to be from 4 to 8.Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations Journal Series Paper no. 317.  相似文献   

F. Bnejdi  M. El Gazzah 《Euphytica》2008,163(2):225-230
Resistance to grain yellowberry in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) was investigated using generation mean analysis in four resistant or intermediate-resistant X susceptible crosses. Significant differences in resistance were observed between generations in all crosses. Generation mean analysis indicated a complex gene action controlling this trait, with additive, dominance and epistatic effects. Additive (d) components were positive in all crosses, suggesting that additive effects contributed more to resistance than to susceptibility. In contrast dominance (h) effects were negative in majority of crosses. The minimum number of genes controlling resistance was estimated at 1.41. Mid-parent heterosis ranged from 28.5 to 52.1 indicating dominance of resistance. Broad-sense heritability estimates ranged from 0.52 to 0.88, while narrow-sense heritability estimates ranged from 0 to 0.79. Estimates of genetic gain for resistance ranged from low to high. Estimates of broad and narrow sense heritabilities indicated that genetic effects were larger than environmental effects. Additive effects represented the largest components of genetic effects.  相似文献   

Summary The mode of inheritance of resistance to Ascochyta blight (Ascochyta rabiei) isolate G-52 in chickpea was studied in three cross combinations and their reciprocals. It was found that resistance variety I-13 was controlled by a single dominant gene pair.  相似文献   

This preliminary study indicated that the resistance to race 2 of fusarium wilt is controlled by two genes, the first of which must be present in the homozygous recessive form, and the other in the dominant form, whether homozygous or heterozygous for complete resistance. Early wilting results if the other gene is homozygous recessive. Late wilting occurs if both loci are dominant. The existence of differences among chickpea cultivars in the time taken to express the initial symptoms of fusarium wilt were observed.  相似文献   

Summary Yield components and yield were studied in F1 barley hybrids produced by hand pollination or male sterility. Grain number exhibited only partial dominance but grain weight showed dominance or overdominance and contributed to the heterotic situation particularly in 2×6-row crosses. For the commercial exploitation of heterosis it is essential that hybrids should be found which show greater dominance for high grain number.  相似文献   

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