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Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a major food and cash crop mainly grown by small-scale farmers in the highland regions of Uganda. Changing global weather patterns require varieties that are able to grow within the short rainfall cycles and yield optimally under the prevailing conditions. The objectives of this study were to estimate the combining ability effects for early maturity, yield and yield related traits in potato. Eighteen F1 families generated from two sets of 12 parents using a North Carolina Design II were evaluated for days to 50% flowering, leaf senescence, yield and yield related traits in two different locations. Both additive and non-additive genetic effects influenced the expression of traits. However, additive genetic effects were predominant over the non-additive for most of the traits. The GCA/SCA ratios were 0.68 and 0.78 for days to 50% flowering and average tuber weight. Broad sense heritability estimates were 0.70 for total tuber weight and 0.78 for days to 50% flowering. The predominance of additive genetic effects imply that, genetic gains can be achieved through different selection methods and traits transferred to the respective progenies. Parents Rwangume, 396,038.107, 395,011.2, NKRK19.17, 393,077.54, Kimuri, and 392,657.8 had desirable GCA effects for the number of days to flowering and yield related traits. Families of Rwangume?×?NKRK19.17, 393,077.54?×?395,011.2, 396,038.107?×?Rwangume and 396,038.107?×?395,011.2 had desirable SCA effects for yield and number of days to 50% flowering. The selected parents and families will be subjected to further clonal evaluation and selection.  相似文献   

A balance of maternal and paternal genetic factors, conceptually named the endosperm balance number (EBN), is required for normal endosperm development in interspecific crosses in potato. We previously found that Solanum demissum (D), a hexaploid wild species widely used in potato breeding, has a slightly lower EBN than S. tuberosum (T). To explore the genetic nature of the EBN, the berry-setting rate, seed number/berry, and seed weight were evaluated in BC1 [(D?×?T)?×?T] plants, each possessing different portions of the S. demissum chromosomes, by reciprocal crosses with D and T, and a quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis was performed. At least 99 S. demissum-derived QTLs were detected, of which 29 were associated with differential responses to D and T. Three QTLs were possibly co-localized on chromosomes 7A and 10D1, while the remaining 23 QTLs were independently located. The QTLs in the three S. demissum homoeologous chromosomes exhibited three types of interaction: (1) positive, (2) negative, and (3) one positive and one negative effect on the same trait. We found that several major genes, one of which was localized in the S. demissum chromosome 9A, and many minor genes controlled the crossability of BC1 plants. The QTLs responsible for the differential responses to D and T were different between the BC1 plants used as male and female parents, indicating that different genes control the male and female EBNs. Consequently, we conclude that the EBN is represented by the sum of various genetic effects controlled by a large number of genes.  相似文献   

The germplasm with exotic genomic components especially from Sea Island cotton (Gossypium barbadense L. Gb) is the dominant genetic resources to enhance fiber quality of upland cotton (G. hirsutum L., Gh). Due to low efficiency of phenotypic evaluation and selection on fiber quality, genetic dissection of favorable alleles using molecular markers is essential. Genetic dissection on putative Gb introgressions related to fiber traits were conducted by SSR markers with mapping populations derived from a cross between Luyuan343 (LY343), a superior fiber quality introgression line (IL) with genomic components from Gb, and an elite Upland cotton cv. Lumianyan#22 (LMY22). Among 82 polymorphic loci screened out from 4050 SSRs, 42 were identified as putative introgression alleles. A total of 29 fiber-related QTLs (23 for fiber quality and six for lint percentage) were detected and most of which clustered on the putative Gb introgression chromosomal segments of Chr.2, Chr.16, Chr.23 and Chr.25. As expected, a majority of favorable alleles of fiber quality QTLs (12/17, not considering the QTLs for fiber fineness) came from the IL parent and most of which (11/12) were conferred by the introgression genomic components while three of the six (3/6) favorable alleles for lint percentage came from the Gh parent. Validation of these QTLs using an F8 breeding population from the same cross made previously indicated that 13 out of 29 QTLs showed considerable stability. The results suggest that fiber quality improvement using the introgression components could be facilitated by marker-assisted selection in cotton breeding program.  相似文献   

Genotype-by-environment interactions (GEIs) can affect breeding progress because they often complicate the evaluation and selection of superior genotypes. This drawback can be reduced by gaining insights into GEI processes and genotype adaptation. Here, we have studied the GEIs over a set of 24 barley genotypes that were grown across six environments (location-by-year combinations) in Sardinia, Italy. Three groups of genotypes were analysed: barley landraces (LANs), recombinant inbred lines (RILs), and commercial varieties (VARs). The additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model was used for data analysis, and results evidenced no significant differences in grain yield averages for the 24 genotypes. However, there was a relevant GEI for yield mainly between two of the six environments (one characterised by warm pre-anthesis period and high spring rainfalls, and the other characterised by opposite features) and two groups of genotypes (VAR and LAN). Moreover, a negative trade-off between yield levels of genotypes was seen when the barley genotypes were grown in the contrasting environments. Overall, intermediate GEI levels were seen for RILs in comparison to LANs and VARs, and some of the RILs provided valuable yield levels (e.g. RILs 23 and 52). The results thus show the potential usefulness of LANs as a genetic resource for breeding, e.g. to obtain genotypes adapted to Mediterranean environments, such as the RILs analysed in this study. Most of the actual work was carried out when the first author was a PhD student in ‘Agro-meteorology and ecophysiology of agricultural and forest systems’ and she was affiliated to Dipartimento di Scienze Agronomiche e Genetica Vegetale Agraria, Università degli Studi di Sassari, Via E. de Nicola, Sassari 07100, Italy.  相似文献   

The success of plant breeding programs depends on the ability to provide farmers with genotypes with guaranteed superior performance in terms of yield across a range of environmental conditions. We evaluated 49 sugar beet genotypes in four different geographical locations in 2 years aiming to identify stable genotypes with respect to root, sugar and white sugar yields, and to determine discriminating ability of environments for genotype selection and introduce representative environments for yield comparison trials. Combinations of year and location were considered as environment. Statistical analyses including additive main effects and multiplicative interactions (AMMI), genotype main effects and genotype?×?environment interaction effects (GGE) models and AMMI stability value (ASV) were used to dissect genotype by environment interactions (GEI). Based on raw data, root, sugar and white sugar yields varied from 0.95 to 104.86, 0.15 to 20.81, and 0.09 to 18.45 t/ha across environments, respectively. Based on F-Gollob validation test, three interaction principal components (IPC) were significant for each trait in the AMMI model whereas according to F ratio (FR) test two significant IPCs were identified for root yield and sugar yield and three for white sugar yield. For model diagnosis, the actual root mean square predictive differences (RMS PD) were estimated based upon 1000 validations and the AMMI-1 model with the smallest RMS PD was identified as the most accurate model with highest predictive accuracy for the three traits. In the GGE biplot model, the first two IPCs accounted for 60.52, 62.9 and 64.69% of the GEI variation for root yield, sugar yield and white sugar yield, respectively. According to the AMMI-1 model, two mega-environments were delineated for root yield and three for sugar yield and white sugar yield. The mega-environments identified had an evident ecological gradient from long growing season to intermediate or short growing season. Environment-focused scaling GGE biplots indicated that two locations (Ekbatan and Zarghan) were the most representative testing environments with discriminating ability for the three traits tested. Environmentally stable genotypes (i.e. G21, G28 and G29) shared common parental lines in their pedigree having resistance to some sugar beet diseases (i.e. rhizomania and cyst nematodes). The results of the AMMI model were partly in accord with the results of GGE biplot analysis with respect to mega-environment delineation and winner genotypes. The outcome of this study may assist breeders to save time and costs to identify representative and discriminating environments for root and sugar yield test trials and creates a corner stone for an accelerated genotype selection to be used in sweet-based programs.  相似文献   

A triploid hybrid with an ABC genome constitution, produced from an interspecific cross between Brassica napus (AACC genome) and B. nigra (BB genome), was used as source material for chromosome doubling. Two approaches were undertaken for the production of hexaploids: firstly, by self-pollination and open-pollination of the triploid hybrid; and secondly, by application of colchicine to axillary meristems of triploid plants. Sixteen seeds were harvested from triploid plants and two seedlings were confirmed to be hexaploids with 54 chromosomes. Pollen viability increased from 13% in triploids to a maximum of 49% in hexaploids. Petal length increased from 1.3 cm (triploid) to 1.9 cm and 1.8 cm in the two hexaploids and longest stamen length increased from 0.9 cm (triploid) to 1.1 cm in the hexaploids. Pollen grains were longer in hexaploids (43.7 and 46.3 μm) compared to the triploid (25.4 μm). A few aneuploid offsprings were also observed, with chromosome number ranging from 34 to 48. This study shows that trigenomic hexaploids can be produced in Brassica through interspecific hybridisation of B. napus and B. nigra followed by colchicine treatment.  相似文献   

The recessive mutation of the XANTHA gene (XNT) transforms seedlings and plants into a yellow color, visually distinguishable from normal (green) rice. Thus, it has been introduced into male sterile lines as a distinct marker for rapidly testing and efficiently increasing varietal purity in seed and paddy production of hybrid rice. To identify closely linked markers and eventually isolate the XNT gene, two mapping populations were developed by crossing the xantha mutant line Huangyu B (indica) with two wild type japonica varieties; a total of 1,720 mutant type F2 individuals were analyzed for fine mapping using polymorphic InDel markers and high dense microsatellite markers. The XNT gene was mapped on chromosome 11, within in a fragment of ~100 kb, where 13 genes are annotated. The NP_001067671.1 gene within the delimited region is likely to be a candidate XNT gene, since it encodes ATP-dependent chloroplast protease ATP-binding subunit clp A. However, no sequence differences were observed between the mutant and its parent. Bioinformatics analysis demonstrated that four chlorophyll deficient mutations that were previously mapped on the same chromosome are located outside the XNT region, indicating XNT is a new gene. The results provide useful DNA markers not only for marker assisted selection of the xantha trait but also its eventual cloning.  相似文献   

Phytophthora root rot (PRR) is among the most important soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) diseases worldwide, and the host displays complex genetic resistance. A genome-wide association study was performed on 337 accessions from the Yangtze-Huai soybean breeding germplasm to identify resistance regions associated with PRR resistance using 60,862 high-quality single nucleotide polymorphisms markers. Twenty-six significant SNP-trait associations were detected on chromosomes 01 using a mixed linear model with the Q matrix and K matrix as covariates. In addition, twenty-six SNPs belonged to three adjacent haplotype blocks according to a linkage disequilibrium blocks analysis, and no previous studies have reported resistance loci in this 441 kb region. The real-time RT-PCR analysis of the possible candidate genes showed that two genes (Glyma01g32800 and Glyma01g32855) are likely involved in PRR resistance. Markers associated with resistance can contribute to marker-assisted selection in breeding programs. Analyses of candidate genes can lay a foundation for exploring the mechanism of P. sojae resistance.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae is the main pathogen responsible for bacterial blight disease in pea and can cause yield losses of 70%. P. syringae pv. pisi is prevalent in most countries but the importance of P. syringae pv. syringae (Psy) is increasing. Several sources of resistance to Psy have been identified but genetics of the resistance is unknown. In this study the inheritance of resistance to Psy was studied in the pea recombinant inbred line population P665 × ‘Messire’. Results suggest a polygenic control of the resistance and two quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with resistance, Psy1 and Psy2, were identified. The QTL explained individually 22.2 and 8.6% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. In addition 21 SSR markers were included in the P665 × ‘Messire’ map, of which six had not been mapped on the pea genome in previous studies.  相似文献   

Submergence is a major stress causing yield losses particularly in the direct-seeded rice cultivation system and necessitates the development of a simple, rapid and reliable bioassay for a large scale screening of rice germplasms with tolerance against submergence stress. We developed two new bioassay methods that were based primarily on the seedling vigor evaluated by the ability of fast shoot elongation under submerged conditions, and compared their effectiveness with two other available methods. All four bioassay methods using cultivars of 7 indica and 6 japonica types revealed significant and consistent cultivar differences in seedling vigor under submergence and/or submergence tolerance. Japonica cultivars were more vigorous than indica cultivars, with Nipponbare being the most vigorous. The simplest test tube method showed the highest correlations to all other methods. Our results suggest that seedling vigor serves as a submergence avoidance mechanism and confers tolerance on rice seedlings to flooding during early crop establishment. A possible relationship is discussed between seedling vigor based on fast shoot elongation and submergence tolerance defined by recovery from submergence stress.  相似文献   

The rice leaffolder (RLF), Cnaphalocrocis medinalis is an important pest of rice that causes severe damage in many areas of the world. The plants were transformed with fully modified (plant codon optimized) synthetic Cry1C coding sequences as well as with the hpt and gus genes, coding for hygromycin phosphotransferase and β-glucuronidase, respectively. Cry1C sequences placed under the control of doubled 35S promoter plus the AMV leader sequence, and hpt and gus genes driven by cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, were used in this study. Embryogenic calli after cocultivation with Agrobacterium were selected on the medium containing hygromycin B. A total of 67 hygromycin-resistant plants were regenerated. PCR and Southern blot analyses of primary transformants revealed the stable integration of Cry1C coding sequences into the rice genome with predominant single copy integration. R1 progeny plants disclosed a monogenic pattern (3:1) of transgene segregation as confirmed by molecular analyses. These transgenic lines were highly resistant to rice leaffolder (RLF), Cnaphalocrocis medinalis as revealed by insect bioassay.  相似文献   

Gene effects of resistance to two isolates of Phytophthora nicotianae in two crosses of pepper were investigated using separate generation means analysis. Additive-dominance models were inadequate in all cases. Digenic parameter models were adequate in three cases and the probability of goodness of fit of models was negatively correlated with the aggressiveness of the pathogen. None of these models explained variation among generation means in the combined cross Beldi × CM334 with P. nicotianae isolate Pn2. Additive × additive, dominance × dominance and dominance × additive effects were significant in most cases. Additive and dominance effects (of negative sign) contribute more to resistance than to susceptibility. Additive variance was greater than environmental and dominance variance and ranged from 0.038 to 0.224. Narrow-sense heritabilities were dependent upon the cross and inoculate and ranged from 86 to 92%. The results of this study indicate that selection with more aggressive isolates of the pathogen will be useful for enhancing resistance in pepper.  相似文献   

Molecular markers have been successfully used in rice breeding however available markers based on Oryza sativa sequences are not efficient to monitor alien introgression from distant genomes of Oryza. We developed O. minuta (2n = 48, BBCC)-specific clones comprising of 105 clones (266–715 bp) from the initial library composed of 1,920 clones against O. sativa by representational difference analysis (RDA), a subtractive cloning method and validated through Southern blot hybridization. Chromosomal location of O. minuta-specific clones was identified by hybridization with the genomic DNA of eight monosomic alien additional lines (MAALs). The 37 clones were located either on chromosomes 6, 7, or 12. Different hybridization patterns between O. minuta-specific clones and wild species such as O. punctata, O. officinalis, O. rhizomatis, O. australiensis, and O. ridleyi were observed indicating conservation of the O. minuta fragments across Oryza spp. A highly repetitive clone, OmSC45 hybridized with O. minuta and O. australiensis (EE), and was found in 6,500 and 9,000 copies, respectively, suggesting an independent and exponential amplification of the fragment in both species during the evolution of Oryza. Hybridization of 105 O. minuta specific clones with BB- and CC-genome wild Oryza species resulted in the identification of 4 BB-genome-specific and 14 CC-genome-specific clones. OmSC45 was identified as a fragment of RIRE1, an LTR-retrotransposon. Furthermore this clone was introgressed from O. minuta into the advanced breeding lines of O. sativa.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation was performed using embryonic axes explants of pigeon pea. Both legume pod borer resistant gene (cry1Ac) and plant selectable marker neomycine phosphor transferase (nptII) genes under the constitutive expression of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter (CaMV35S) assembled in pPZP211 binary vector were used for the experiments. An optimum average of 44.61% successfully hardened dot blot Southern hybridization positive plants were obtained on co-cultivation media supplemented with 200 μM acetosyringone without L-cysteine. The increased transformation efficiency from a baseline of 11.53% without acetosyringone to 44.61% with acetosyringone was further declined with the addition of different concentrations of L-cysteine to co-cultivation media. Transgenic shoots were selected on 50 and 75 mg L−1 kanamycin. Rooting efficiency was 100% on half-strength Murashige and Skoog medium with 20 g L−1 sucrose and 0.5 mg L−1 indole butyric acid in the absence of kanamycin. Furthermore, 100% seed setting was found among all the transgenic events. The plants obtained were subjected to multi- and nochoice tests to determine the behavioral responses and mortality through Helicoverpa armigera bioassays on the leaf and relate their relationship with the expression of cry1Ac protein which was found to be less in leaf as compared to the floral buds, anther, pod, and seed.  相似文献   

The non-transgenic manipulation of starch properties in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) generally implies combining mutant alleles of the particular gene copies in all three subgenomes (A, B and D). The redundancy of the hexaploid wheat chromosome set substantially complicates the identification of recessive mutations and breeding. Nevertheless, naturally occurring or induced genetic polymorphism has already been successfully exploited for the production of waxy (GBSSI-deficient) and elevated amylose (SSIIa-deficient) wheats. However, in order to achieve the amylose content above 50% of wheat endosperm starch, it may be necessary to inactivate the starch branching enzyme (SBEIIa) isoforms, as the RNAi repression results and gene expression data strongly suggest. The identification of null SBEIIa alleles and their combination in a single genotype is therefore a promising approach to the production of non-transgenic high-amylose wheat; however, wheat SBEIIa polymorphism has not been characterized as of yet. In order to develop an approach to SBEIIa mutation screening, we sequenced the SBEIIa central region (exons 9–12) from the three subgenomes of common wheat cv. Chinese Spring and the A genome of diploid einkorn T. monococcum. The genome-specific primers were developed that amplify the exons downstream from intron 11 selectively from each homeologous gene. Using a single-stranded DNA conformation polymorphism (SSCP) approach, we screened 60 wheat cultivars, landraces, and rare species for naturally occurring SNPs in exons 12, 13 and 14 of the three SBEIIa homeologs. In total, 13 SNPs were discovered in the A and B wheat genomes. Two of these SNPs affect the amino acid sequences of SBEIIa isoforms and may change the enzyme functional properties. The presence of restriction site polymorphism at SNP positions enables their easy genotyping with CAPS assays. Our results indicate that the mining for naturally occurring sequence polymorphism in starch biosynthesis genes of wheat can be successfully performed at the DNA level, providing the starting point for a search for SBEIIa mutants at a larger scale.  相似文献   

Grain yield under post-anthesis drought stress is one of the most complex traits, which is inherited quantitatively. The present study was conducted to identify genes determining post-anthesis drought stress tolerance in bread wheat through Quantitative Trait Loci (QTLs) analysis. Two cultivated bread wheat accessions were selected as parental lines. Population phenotyping was carried out on 133 F2:3 families. Two field experiments and two experiments in the greenhouse were conducted at IPK-Gatersleben, Germany with control and post-anthesis stress conditions in each experiment. Thousand-grain weight was recorded as the main wheat yield component, which is reduced by post-anthesis drought stress. Chemical desiccation was applied in three experiments as simulator of post-anthesis drought stress whereas water stress was applied in one greenhouse experiment. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among the F2:3 families. The molecular genetic linkage map including 293 marker loci associated to 19 wheat chromosomes was applied for QTL analysis. The present study revealed four and six QTLs for thousand-grain weight under control and stress conditions, respectively. Only one QTL on chromosome 4BL was common for both conditions. Five QTLs on chromosomes 1AL, 4AL, 7AS, and 7DS were found to be specific to the stress condition. Both parents contributed alleles for drought tolerance. Taking the known reciprocal translocation of chromosomes 4AL/7BS into account, the importance of the short arms of homoeologous group 7 is confirmed for drought stress.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop diallel population hybrids by crossing selected germplasm and to determine the gene effects and genetic control of yield and yield components using diallel analysis. A complete diallel including reciprocals was made during 2003 and 2004 between five alfalfa cultivars of different geographic origin. For each pairwise cross, five plants were chosen at random from each of the two cultivars (~100 florets per plant) to obtain the F1 generation. A spaced plant field was established in 2006 which included the five alfalfa cultivars (parents) and their 20 diallel hybrids (F1). The results of the diallel analysis suggest that the genetic control of major agronomic traits is determined by both additive gene action (accumulation of frequency of desirable alleles represented by significant GCA effects) and nonadditive gene action (complementary gene interactions represented by significant SCA effects). This type of gene action expression in alfalfa also determines the way in which breeding is carried out and brings about changes in the methods used and has given rise to the idea of the semi-hybrid breeding of this crop. The concept involves: breeding alfalfas within the population, identification of heterotic germplasm, and the production of seed of the population hybrid (PH).  相似文献   

A system for the production of transgenic faba bean by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was developed. This system is based upon direct shoot organogenesis after transformation of meristematic cells derived from embryo axes. Explants were co-cultivated with A. tumefaciens strain EHA105/pGlsfa, which harbored a binary vector containing a gene encoding a sulphur rich sunflower albumin (SFA8) linked to the bar gene. Strain EHA 101/pAN109 carrying the binary plasmid containing the coding sequence of a mutant aspartate kinase gene (lysC) from E. coli in combination with neomycinphosphotransferase II gene (nptII) was used as well. The coding sequences of SFA8 and LysC genes were fused to seed specific promoters, either Vicia faba legumin B4 promoter (LeB4) or phaseolin promoter, respectively. Seven phosphinothricin (PPT) resistant clones from Mythos and Albatross cultivars were recovered. Integration, inheritance and expression of the transgenes were confirmed by Southern blot, PCR, enzyme activity assay and Western blot.  相似文献   

Field, pots and mini-rhizotrons experiments revealed the existence of useful levels of avoidance and resistance to Orobanche crenata Forsk. within Lathyrus cicera L. accessions, in addition to escape due to precocity or to reduced root biomass. This resistance was characterized by several phenotypic mechanisms of defence which acted alone or in combination, including low stimulation of parasitic seed germination, prevention of the radicle penetration inside the root and prevention of a correct connection by the parasite with the host vascular tissue being visible by reduced development of established parasitic tubercles or abortion of the parasitic tubercles formed.  相似文献   

Peach powdery mildew is one of the major diseases of the peach. Various sources of resistance to PPM have thus been identified, including the single dominant locus Vr2 carried by the peach rootstock ‘Pamirskij 5’. To map Vr2, a linkage map based on microsatellite markers was constructed from the F2 progeny (WP2) derived from the cross ‘Weeping Flower Peach’ × ‘Pamirskij 5’. Self-pollinations of the parents were also performed. Under greenhouse conditions, all progenies were scored after artificial inoculations in two classes of reactions to PPM (resistant/susceptible). In addition to Vr2, WP2 segregated for three other traits from ‘Weeping Flower Peach’: Rm1 for green peach aphid resistance, Di2 for double-flower and pl for weeping-growth habit. With their genomic locations unknown or underdocumented, all were phenotyped as Mendelian characters and mapped: Vr2 mapped at the top of LG8, at 3.3 cM, close to the CPSCT018 marker; Rm1 mapped at the bottom of LG1, at a position of 116.5 cM, cosegregating with the UDAp-467 marker and in the same region as Rm2 from ‘Rubira’®; Di2 mapped at 28.8 cM on LG6, close to the MA027a marker; and pl mapped at 44.1 cM on LG3 between the MA039a and SSRLG3_16m46 markers. Furthermore, this study revealed, for the first time, a pseudo-linkage between two traits of the peach: Vr2 and the Gr locus, which controls the red/green color of foliage. The present work therefore constitutes a significant preliminary step for implementing marker-assisted selection for the four major traits targeted in this study.  相似文献   

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