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采用正交试验方法,对动物蹄甲超声水解制取复合氮基酸工艺条件进行了优选。结果表明,与采用动物蹄甲常规酸水解法相比,采用动物蹄甲超声水解法制取复合氨基酸,能缩短水解时间3~7 h,降低能耗近 40%,减少硫酸用量1/3。生产成本降低,而且产品质量稳定可靠。  相似文献   

An unusual homocysteine-containing compound, 5-amino-4-imidazolecarboxamide-5'-S-homocysteinylriboside, was isolated from the urine of a child with homocystinuria and detected in the urines of six homocystinurics. Its metabolic origin is not clear, and the data suggest the existence in man of now unknown alternate pathways for the metabolism of methionine and of purines.  相似文献   

Toward a systems approach to understanding plant cell walls   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One of the defining features of plants is a body plan based on the physical properties of cell walls. Structural analyses of the polysaccharide components, combined with high-resolution imaging, have provided the basis for much of the current understanding of cell walls. The application of genetic methods has begun to provide new insights into how walls are made, how they are controlled, and how they function. However, progress in integrating biophysical, developmental, and genetic information into a useful model will require a system-based approach.  相似文献   

A biochemical screening procedure was developed to identify mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana in which the polysaccharide composition of the cell wall was altered. Over 5000 ethyl methanesulfonate-mutagenized plants were analyzed by this method, leading to the identification of 38 mutant lines. One complementation group of mutants was completely deficient in l-fucose, a constituent of pectic and hemicellulosic polysaccharides. These mutant plants were dwarfed in growth habit, and their cell walls were considerably more fragile than normal.  相似文献   

在选择的思想下,建立了蛋白质氨基酸序列的进化动力学方程,提出了一个新的蛋白质氨基酸序列的进化距离———选择进化距离,该距离统一了前人提出的各种氨基酸序列的进化距离;将该动力学方程转换为线性模型后,利用最小二乘法可实现模型中参数b的估计;最后,通过17个物种的细胞色素b的氨基酸序列说明了该选择进化距离的计算方法,并根据自展法比较了不同进化距离得到的物种进化树。结果表明,利用选择进化距离构建的进化树与其他几种进化距离得到的进化树的拓扑结构一致。选择进化距离为估计蛋白质氨基酸序列的进化距离提供了新方法。  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation, apparently by bacterial endosymbionts, is associated with intertwining chains of two species of the diatom Rhizosolenia. In situ fixation rates were enhanced by incubation in the dark, whereas concurrent shipboard experiments either underestimated or did not detect nitrogen fixation. This is the first example of nitrogen fixation associated with a bacteria-diatom symbiosis in the pelagic zone, and it indicates that these systems may contribute a significant amount of "new" nitrogen to oligotrophic waters.  相似文献   

Protoplast membranes from Streptococcus pyogenes incorporated rhamnose into a preexisting polysaccharide when incubated with thymidine diphosphate rhamnose-C(14). This polysaccharide, when extracted from the membranes, did not give a precipitin reaction with group A antisera, but could be coprecipitated with added group A polysaccharide by acetone. It is presumed to be a precursor to group specific polysaccharide of the streptococcal cell wall.  相似文献   

以S-缬氨酸和对-二甲苯为原料,经卤代、Friedel-Crafts酰基化和非对映选择还原,制备了新的手性配体(1R,2S)-3-甲基-1-(2,5-二甲基)苯基-2-氨基-1-丁醇,总收率为43.7%。  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin structure: partial amino acid sequence of a Bence Jones protein   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Sequence analysis and ordering of the soluble tryptic peptides of one Bence Jones protein and comparison with partial sequence data for another have revealed many structural differences in the half of the molecule with the terminal amino group, but only one structural difference in the half of the molecule having the terminal carboxyl group. Somatic chromosomal rearrangements may effect such changes and account for variability in antibody structure.  相似文献   

Electrostatics affect virtually all aspects of protein structure and activity and are particularly important in proteins whose primary function is to stabilize charge. Here we introduce a fluorescent amino acid, Aladan, which can probe the electrostatic character of a protein at multiple sites. Aladan is exceptionally sensitive to the polarity of its surroundings and can be incorporated site-selectively at buried and exposed sites, in both soluble and membrane proteins. Steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence measurements of Aladan residues at different buried and exposed sites in the B1 domain of protein G suggest that its interior is polar and heterogeneous.  相似文献   

The induction of an immune response in mammals is initiated by specifically reactive T lymphocytes. The specificity of the reaction is mediated by a complex receptor, part of which is highly variable in sequence and analogous to immunoglobulin heavy- and light-chain variable domains. The functional specificity of the T cell antigen receptor is, however, markedly different from immunoglobulins in that it mediates cell-cell interactions via the simultaneous recognition of foreign antigens and major histocompatibility complex-encoded molecules expressed on the surface of various lymphoid and nonlymphoid cells. The relation between the structure of the receptor and its functional specificity was investigated by analyzing the primary sequences of the receptors expressed by a series of T lymphocyte clones specific for a model antigen, pigeon cytochrome c. Within this set of T lymphocyte clones there was a striking selection for amino acid sequences in the receptor beta-chain in the region analogous to the third complementarity-determining region of immunoglobulins. Thus, despite the functional differences between T cell antigen receptors and immunoglobulin molecules, analogous regions appear to be important in determining ligand specificity.  相似文献   

Hexagonal pattern in cell walls of Escherichia coli B   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Cell walls, isolated from Escherichia coli B, as examined by electron microscopy and optical diffraction contain a hexagonal lattice structure, the (1,0) planes of which are separated by 140 +/- 8 angstroms. Unless the walls are briefly heated (10 minutes, 90 degrees C) early in the isolation, the hexagonal array cannot always be observed. Enzymatic digestion with pancreatin and amylase improves visualization of the lattice; subsequent treatment with pepsin and sodium dodecylsulfate removes the hexagonal pattern. Protein or lipoprotein globular units within the wall may thus be arranged in a hexagonal array uponthe mucopeptide layer.  相似文献   

Treatment of rats with L-thyroxine increases the incorporation in vivo of radioactive amino acids into protein of liver, kidney, and heart, but not of spleen, testis, or brain. The distribution of the effect among the organs is the same as that observed in thyroxine stimulation of oxidative metabolism. Thus, stimulation of protein synthesis seems to be a physiological action of the thyroid hormone.  相似文献   

Structural characterization of a new variant of human hemoglobin (adult), designated hemoglobin Freiburg, indicates the deletion of the valyl residue No. 23 from an otherwise normal beta-chain. The formula may be written (alpha2)beta(2)(23val-0). The abnormal hemoglobin is present with hemoglobin A in the proposita and in two of her three living children, but is not detectable in her parents. We postulate that this variant represents a triplet base deletion which most likely resulted from an unequal crossing-over between two normal betachain loci during meiosis in one of the parents of the proposita.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet irradiation of an aqueous solution of ammonium thiocyanate produces the sulfur-containing amino acid methionine. Synthesis of this class of biocompound fills another important gap in development of an overall picture of how prebiological chemistry may have evolved on primitive Earth.  相似文献   

An amino acid sequence encodes a message that determines the shape and function of a protein. This message is highly degenerate in that many different sequences can code for proteins with essentially the same structure and activity. Comparison of different sequences with similar messages can reveal key features of the code and improve understanding of how a protein folds and how it performs its function.  相似文献   

饲料中可利用氨基酸研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
综述了可利用氨基酸在饲料中的研究进展,对部分研究成果进行了评述。认为氨基酸可利用率的测定方法应从生产现场进行选择,畜禽可利用氨基酸需要量研究应成为研究重点,并对可利用氨基酸在日粮中的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Hydrophobicity of amino acid residues in globular proteins   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
During biosynthesis, a globular protein folds into a tight particle with an interior core that is shielded from the surrounding solvent. The hydrophobic effect is thought to play a key role in mediating this process: nonpolar residues expelled from water engender a molecular interior where they can be buried. Paradoxically, results of earlier quantitative analyses have suggested that the tendency for nonpolar residues to be buried within proteins is weak. However, such analyses merely classify residues as either "exposed" or "buried." In the experiment reported in this article proteins of known structure were used to measure the average area that each residue buries upon folding. This characteristic quantity, the average area buried, is correlated with residue hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

运用 Waters公司的 Pico- Tag分析方法 ,采用仓光公司的 ODS- AM柱 (4 .6× 2 5 0 m m)进行 17种氨基酸分离 ,通过对流动相 A、B液梯度洗脱的反复调整实验 ,最终在 2 5 m in内使 17种氨基酸得到较好的分离 ,该法用于测定饲料样品中氨基酸的含量 ,结果较为理想  相似文献   

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