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The effects of heat-induced denaturation and subsequent aggregation of whey protein isolate (WPI) solutions on the rate of enzymatic hydrolysis was investigated. Both heated (60 °C, 15 min; 65 °C, 5 and 15 min; 70 °C, 5 and 15 min, 75 °C, 5 and 15 min; 80 °C, 10 min) and unheated WPI solutions (100 g L(-1) protein) were incubated with a commercial proteolytic enzyme preparation, Corolase PP, until they reached a target degree of hydrolysis (DH) of 5%. WPI solutions on heating were characterized by large aggregate formation, higher viscosity, and surface hydrophobicity and hydrolyzed more rapidly (P < 0.001) than the unheated. The whey proteins exhibited differences in their susceptibility to hydrolysis. Both viscosity and surface hydrophobicity along with insolubility declined as hydrolysis progressed. However, microstructural changes observed by light and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) provided insights to suggest that aggregate size and porosity may be complementary to denaturation in promoting faster enzymatic hydrolysis. This could be clearly observed in the course of aggregate disintegration, gel network breakdown, and improved solution clarification.  相似文献   

Cold gelation of whey proteins is a two-step process. First, protein aggregates are prepared by a heat treatment of a solution of native proteins in the absence of salt. Second, after cooling of the solution, gelation is induced by lowering the pH at ambient temperature. To demonstrate the additional formation of disulfide bonds during this second step, gelation of whey protein aggregates with and without a thiol-blocking treatment was studied. Modification of reactive thiols on the surface of the aggregates was carried out after the heat-treatment step. To exclude specific effects of the agent itself, different thiol-blocking agents were used. Dynamic light scattering and SDS-agarose gel electrophoresis were used to show that the size of the aggregates was not changed by this modification. The kinetics of gelation as determined by the development of pH and turbidity within the first 8 h of acidification were not affected by blocking thiol groups. During gelation, formation of large, covalently linked, aggregates occurred only in the case of unblocked WPI aggregates, which demonstrates that additional disulfide bonds were formed. Results of permeability and confocal scanning laser microscope measurements did not reveal any differences in the microstructure of networks prepared from treated or untreated whey protein aggregates. However, gel hardness was decreased 10-fold in gels prepared from blocked aggregates. Mixing different amounts of blocked and unblocked aggregates allowed gel hardness to be controlled. It is proposed that the initial microstructure of the gels is primarily determined by the acid-induced noncovalent interactions. The additional covalent disulfide bonds formed during gelation are involved in stabilizing the network and increase gel strength.  相似文献   

The interactions of proteins during the heat treatment of whey-protein-isolate (WPI)-based oil-in-water emulsions with and without added hydroxylated lecithin were studied by examining the changes in droplet size distribution and the quantity and type of adsorbed and unadsorbed proteins. Heat treatment at 90 degrees C of WPI emulsions resulted in an increase in total adsorbed protein; unadsorbed beta-lactoglobulin (beta-lg) was the main protein interacting with the adsorbed proteins during the first 10 min of heating, but after this time, unadsorbed alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-la) also associated with the adsorbed protein. In emulsions containing hydroxylated lecithin, the increase in total adsorbed protein during heat treatment was much lower and the unadsorbed beta-lg did not appear to interact with the adsorbed proteins during heating. However, the behavior of alpha-la during heat treatment of these emulsions was similar to that observed in the emulsions containing no hydroxylated lecithin. In the presence of NaCl, the particle size of the emulsion droplets and the quantities of adsorbed protein increased markedly during heating. Emulsions containing hydroxylated lecithin were less sensitive to the addition of NaCl. These results suggest that the binding of hydroxylated lecithin to unfolded monomers or intermediate products of beta-lg reduces the extent of heat-induced aggregation of beta-lg and consequently decreases the interactions between unadsorbed beta-lg and adsorbed protein. This was confirmed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of heated whey protein and hydroxylated lecithin solutions.  相似文献   

为了探究三聚磷酸钠(sodium tripolyphosphate,STPP)及热改性条件对乳清分离蛋白(whey protein isolate,WPI)聚合物性质的影响,该研究通过单因素和Box-Behnken优化试验进行工艺优化;利用荧光分光光度计、旋转流变仪、激光粒度分析仪和电子扫描显微镜对乳清分离蛋白聚合物性质进行研究。结果表明:在质量分数为10%WPI、0.09%STPP、90℃和p H值8.40条件下,热聚合反应42 min,WPI-STPP热聚合物黏度高达5 083 m Pa·s。对WPI-STPP热聚合物性质分析发现:与空白、WPI热聚合体相比,WPI-STPP热聚合物的持水性显著提高(P0.05);表面疏水性有显著增加(P0.05)。WPI-STPP热聚合物粒径((292.09±2.17)μm)显著增大(P0.05),且表现出较高的弹性模量。WPI-STPP热聚合物具有较大片状微观结构且呈不规则性,这有利于黏度的增大。研究结果为改性乳清蛋白及其在酸奶方面的应用提供理论依据与技术参考。  相似文献   

Proteins can be used to produce cationic oil-in-water emulsion droplets at pH 3.0 that have high oxidative stability. This research investigated differences in the physical properties and oxidative stability of corn oil-in-water emulsions stabilized by casein, whey protein isolate (WPI), or soy protein isolate (SPI) at pH 3.0. Emulsions were prepared with 5% corn oil and 0.2-1.5% protein. Physically stable, monomodal emulsions were prepared with 1.5% casein, 1.0 or 1.5% SPI, and > or =0.5% WPI. The oxidative stability of the different protein-stabilized emulsions was in the order of casein > WPI > SPI as determined by monitoring both lipid hydroperoxide and headspace hexanal formation. The degree of positive charge on the protein-stabilized emulsion droplets was not the only factor involved in the inhibition of lipid oxidation because the charge of the emulsion droplets (WPI > casein > or = SPI) did not parallel oxidative stability. Other potential reasons for differences in oxidative stability of the protein-stabilized emulsions include differences in interfacial film thickness, protein chelating properties, and differences in free radical scavenging amino acids. This research shows that differences can be seen in the oxidative stability of protein-stabilized emulsions; however, further research is needed to determine the mechanisms for these differences.  相似文献   

The contribution of thermal and radiative treatments as well as the presence of some excipients, namely glycerol, carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), pectin, and agar, on the formation of protein-protein interactions as well as the formation and loss of protein-water interactions was investigated by means of differential scanning calorimetry in an isothermal mode. Protein-water interactions were assessed through measurement of the heat of the wetting parameter. Isothermal calorimetry measurements pointed out that gamma-irradiation does not favor protein-water interactions, as reflected by its endothermic contribution (P < or = 0.05) to the heat of wetting values. Although significant (P < or = 0.05), the effect of the thermal treatment on endothermic responses using isothermal calorimetry was found to be somewhat lower. Among excipients added to biofilm formulations, glycerol generated the most important losses of protein-water interactions, as inferred by its significant (P < or = 0.05) endothermic impact on the heat of wetting values.  相似文献   

In this paper we present surface dynamic properties (interfacial tension and surface dilational properties) of a whey protein isolate with a high content of beta-lactoglobulin (WPI) adsorbed on the oil-water interface as a function of adsorption time. The experiments were performed at constant temperature (20 degrees C), pH (5), and ionic strength (0.05 M). The surface rheological parameters and the interfacial tension were measured as a function of WPI concentration (ranging from 1 x 10(-)(1) to 1 x 10(-)(5)% w/w) and different processing factors (effect of convection and heat treatment). We found that the interfacial pressure, pi, and surface dilational modulus, E, increase and the phase angle, phi, decreases with time, theta, which should be associated with WPI adsorption. These phenomena have been related to diffusion of the protein toward the interface (at short adsorption time) and to the protein unfolding and/or protein-protein interactions (at long-term adsorption) as a function of protein concentration in solution and processing conditions.  相似文献   

Pregelatinized starch is employed in many food applications due to the instantaneous nature of thickening and stability imparted by modification. Proteins, however, have been excluded as a viscosifying agent due to requisite thermal treatments required to create structure. Whey protein isolate gels were produced while manipulating heating time, pH, and mineral type/content, producing a variety of gel types/networks. Gels were frozen, freeze-dried, and ground into a powder. Once reconstituted in deionized water, gel powders were evaluated based on solubility studies, rotational viscometry, and electrophoresis. The protein powder exhibiting the largest apparent viscosity, highest degree of hydrolysis, and greatest solubility was selected for pH and temperature stability analyses and small amplitude oscillatory rheology. This processing technique manipulates WPI into a product capable of forming cold-set weak gel structures suitable for thickening over a wide range of temperature and pH food systems.  相似文献   

Dynamic and steady shear rheology is used to examine the synthesis of low-pH (approximately 4) whey protein gels obtained through a two-step process. The first step involves cross-linking of whey proteins at pH 8 and 50 degrees C using transglutaminase enzyme, while the second step entails cold-set acidification of the resulting solution using glucono-delta-lactone (GDL) acid. During the first step, the sample undergoes enzyme-catalyzed epsilon-(gamma-glutamyl)lysine bond formation with a substantial increase in viscosity. Acidification in the second step using GDL acid leads to a rapid decrease in pH with a concomitant increase in the elastic (G') and viscous (G' ') moduli and formation of a gelled network. We examine the large strain behavior of the gel samples using a relatively new approach that entails plotting the product of elastic modulus and strain (G'gamma) as a function of increasing dynamic strain and looking for a maximum, which corresponds to the yield or fracture point. We find the enzyme-catalyzed gels to have significantly higher yield/fracture stress and strain compared to cold-set gels prepared without enzyme or conventional heat-set gels. In addition, the elastic modulus of the enzyme-catalyzed gel is also higher than its non-enzyme-treated counterpart. These results are discussed in terms of the gel microstructure and the role played by the enzyme-induced cross-links.  相似文献   

Bixin is the major coloring component of annatto used in manufacturing colored cheeses, but its presence in liquid whey causes undesirable quality of the recovered whey protein ingredients. The objective of this work was to study molecular binding between bixin and three major whey proteins (β-lactoglobulin, α-lactalbumin, and bovine serum albumin) at pH 7.4 using UV-vis absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, isothermal titration calorimetry, and circular dichroism. These complementary techniques illustrated that the binding is a spontaneous complexation process mainly driven by hydrophobic interactions. The complexation is favored at a lower temperature and a higher ionic strength. At a lower temperature, the binding is entropy-driven, while it changes to an enthalpy-driven process at higher temperatures. The binding also increases the percentage of unordered secondary structures of proteins. Findings from this work can be used to develop whey protein recovery processes for minimizing residual annatto content in whey protein ingredients.  相似文献   

The dissolution of heat-induced beta-lactoglobulin (betaLg) gels in alkaline solution plays an important role in the cleaning-in-place of fouled dairy and other food plants. The dissolution behavior is strongly influenced by the conditions under which the gel is formed. At low alkaline pH values (<13), the dissolution rate constant kg' decreases with longer gelation time and higher temperature. An inverse relationship is observed between the kg' value and the amount of covalently cross-linked proteins in the gel, which is mainly due to disulfide bonds. beta-Elimination kinetics of intramolecular cystines in betaLg have been used to estimate the amount of intermolecular disulfide bonds that are cleaved during dissolution. The results call into question current dissolution models for these systems based on external mass transfer through the fluid next to the swollen gel. At low temperatures, the amount of disulfide cleavage is estimated to be small, indicating that dissolution is likely to involve the (slow) disengagement of large protein clusters, analogous to the dissolution of synthetic polymers.  相似文献   

Whey protein isolate was modified by ethylene diamine in order to shift its isoelectric point to an alkaline pH. The extent of the modification was studied using SDS-PAGE and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. The modified whey proteins were used as an emulsifier to stabilize oil-in-water emulsions at acidic and neutral pH ranges, and their emulsifying properties were compared with that of the unmodified whey proteins and with the previously studied ethylene diamine modified sodium caseinate. The emulsifying activity of the modified whey proteins was similar to that of the unmodified ones, but the stability of an emulsion at pH 5 was significantly improved after the modification. Charge and coverage of droplet surface and the displacement of the interfacial proteins by surfactant Tween 20 were further studied as a function of pH. As compared with the unmodified whey proteins, the modified ones were proven to cover the interface more efficiently with extensive surface charge at pH 5, although the interfacial layer was less resistant to the surfactant displacement.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy was used to elucidate structural changes of beta-lactoglobulin (BLG), whey protein isolate (WPI), and bovine serum albumin (BSA), at 15% concentration, as a function of pH (5.0, 7.0, and 9.0), heating (80 degrees C, 30 min), and presence of 0.24% kappa-carrageenan. Three data-processing techniques were used to assist in identifying significant changes in Raman spectral data. Analysis of variance showed that of 12 characteristics examined in the Raman spectra, only a few were significantly affected by pH, heating, kappa-carrageenan, and their interactions. These included amide I (1658 cm(-1)) for WPI and BLG, alpha-helix for BLG and BSA, beta-sheet for BSA, CH stretching (2880 cm(-1)) for BLG and BSA, and CH stretching (2930 cm(-1)) for BSA. Principal component analysis reduced dimensionality of the characteristics. Heating and its interaction with kappa-carrageenan were identified as the most influential in overall structure of the whey proteins, using principal component similarity analysis.  相似文献   

The interactions of whey protein isolate (WPI) and flavor compounds (2-nonanone, 1-nonanal, and trans-2-nonenal) were investigated, and the influence of flavor compound structure and heat and high pressure denaturation on the interactions were determined by using headspace solid-phase microextraction (SPME) and gas chromatography (GC). The binding of WPI and the flavor compounds decreased in the order trans-2-nonenal > 1-nonanal > 2-nonanone. The differences in binding can be explained with hydrophobic interactions only in the case of 2-nonanone, whereas the aldehydes, in particular trans-2-nonenal, can also react covalently. Heat and high pressure treatment affected protein-flavor interactions depending on the structure of the flavor compound. Upon both heat and high pressure denaturation, the binding of 2-nonanone to WPI decreased, while the binding of 1-nonanal remained unchanged, and the affinity for trans-2-nonenal increased rapidly. The results suggest that hydrophobic interactions are weakened upon heat or high pressure denaturation, whereas covalent interactions are enhanced.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to identify the peptides responsible for aggregate formation during hydrolysis of beta-lactoglobulin by BLP at neutral pH. Hydrolysates taken at various stages of aggregate formation were separated into a precipitate and a soluble phase and each was analyzed by CE and mass spectrometry. The aggregates consisted of six to seven major peptides of which four were tentatively identified. The peptides were positively charged at neutral pH and had a high charge-to-mass ratio at low pH. The fragment f135-158 seemed to be the initiator of aggregation, since it was present at high concentration in the aggregates at all stages, and the concentration of this peptide remained low in the supernatant. F135-158 contains several basic and acid amino acids alternating with hydrophobic amino acids, which is in accordance with formation of noncovalently linked aggregates, as previously shown.  相似文献   

To identify the parameters that affect enzymatic hydrolysis at high substrate concentrations, whey protein isolate (1-30% w/v) was hydrolyzed by Alcalase and Neutrase at constant enzyme-to-substrate ratio. No changes were observed in the solubility and the aggregation state of the proteins. With increasing concentration, both the hydrolysis rate and the final DH decreased, from 0.14 to 0.015 s(-1) and from 24 to 15%, respectively. The presence of 0.5 M NaCl decreased the rate of hydrolysis for low concentrations (to 0.018 s(-1) for 1% WPI), resulting in similar rates of hydrolysis for all substrate concentrations. The conductivity increase (by increasing the protein concentration, or by addition of NaCl) has significant effects on the hydrolysis kinetics, but the reason for this is not yet well understood. The results show the importance of conductivity as a factor that influences the kinetics of the hydrolysis, as well as the composition of the hydrolysates.  相似文献   

Whey protein isolate (WPI) was chemically modified by vanillic acid in order to enhance its cross-linkability by laccase enzyme. Incorporation of methoxyphenol groups created reactive sites for laccase on the surface of the protein and improved the efficiency of cross-linking. The vanillic acid modified WPI (Van-WPI) was characterized using MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry, and the laccase-catalyzed cross-linking of Van-WPI was studied. Furthermore, the vanillic acid modification was compared with the conventional approach to improve laccase-catalyzed cross-linking by adding free phenolic compounds. A small extent of the vanillic acid modification significantly improved the cross-linkability of the protein and made it possible to avoid color formation in a system that is free of small phenolic compounds. Moreover, the potential application of Van-WPI as emulsifier and the effect of cross-linking on the stability of Van-WPI emulsion were investigated. The post-emulsification cross-linking by laccase was proven to enhance the storage stability of Van-WPI emulsion.  相似文献   

Beta-lactoglobulin (beta-Lg) was glycated with maltopentaose and subsequently phosphorylated by dry-heating in the presence of pyrophosphate to investigate the structural and functional properties of phosphorylated beta-Lg. The circular dichroism spectra showed that the change of the secondary structure in the beta-Lg molecule by glycation and subsequent phosphorylation was small. The differential scanning calorimetry thermograms of beta-Lg showed that the denaturation temperature of the most stable domain was only slightly affected, whereas the retinol-binding activity of beta-Lg was somewhat reduced by glycation and subsequent phosphorylation. These results indicated that the conformational changes of the beta-Lg molecule by glycation and subsequent phosphorylation were mild. The anti-beta-Lg antibody response was somewhat reduced by glycation, but significant changes were not observed by phosphorylation. Although the stability of beta-Lg against heat-induced insolubility was improved by glycation alone, it was further enhanced by phosphorylation. The calcium phosphate solubilizing ability of beta-Lg was enhanced by phosphorylation following glycation.  相似文献   

Five whey protein gels, with different gel hardnesses and waterholding capacities, were flavored with ethylbutyrate or diacetyl and evaluated by a 10-person panel to study the relation between the gel structure and the sensory perception, as well as the nosespace flavor concentration during eating. The sensory perception of the flavor compounds was measured by the time-intensity method, while simultaneously the nosespace flavor concentration was monitored by the MS-Nose. The nosespace flavor concentration was found to be independent of the gel hardness or waterholding capacity. However, significant changes in flavor intensity between the gels were perceived by the majority of the panelists, despite the fact that the panelists were instructed to focus only on flavor perception and to not take texture into account. From these observations it is concluded that the texture of gels determines perception of flavor intensity rather than the in-nose flavor concentration.  相似文献   

Brookfield viscosimetry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and measurements of the texture strength of gels formed with CaCl2 and the mechanical and barrier properties of the film were applied in studies of gel formation and structural and mechanical properties of gels and films prepared using calcium caseinate (CC)-whey protein isolate (WPI)-glycerol (1:1:1), control, and irradiated with 60Co gamma rays using a 32 kGy dose. The irradiated gels have appeared to be more "fine-stranded" as compared to the more "particulate" control gels and lead to the formation of more rigid films with improved mechanical strength and barrier properties. This results from cross-linking and the modification of protein conformations were induced by irradiation, in particular the increase in the beta-sheet and beta-strand contents. Structural modifications taking place in CC-WPI composition are related to modifications taking place separately in CC and WPI. Improvement of the properties of the films after irradiation corresponds to the increased density of the cross-linked material because no change in the porosity of the films was observed by TEM.  相似文献   

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