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Molecular epidemiology of classical swine fever in Italy   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
To gain an insight into the molecular epidemiology of classical swine fever (CSF) in Italy, virus isolates originating from outbreaks that occurred between 1985 and 2000 in wild boar or in domestic pigs in mainland Italy and in Sardinia were analysed by genetic typing. For this, a fragment (190 nucleotides) of the E2 glycoprotein gene was sequenced and phylogenetic analyses were performed, including older Italian isolates and isolates from recent outbreaks in Europe for comparison. The results show that in mainland Italy, several independent epidemiological events occurred in the last decade. In the north of the country, viruses of genotype 2.2 have persisted in wild boar, causing sporadic outbreaks in domestic pigs. In contrast, viruses of subgroups 2.1 and 2.3 appeared only intermittently in different regions of the mainland. In 1997, classical swine fever virus (CSFV) isolates belonging to the subgroup 2.1 and genetically and epidemiologically related to the Dutch isolate in Venhorst, affected domestic pigs exclusively. The isolates of subgroup 2.3, derived from wild boar as well as from domestic pigs were closely related to isolates from Germany and Poland. In Sardinia, CSF is an endemic in wild boar and affects domestic pigs also. Genetic typing showed that viruses of subgroups 1.1 and 2.3 have been present, the last ones being unrelated to the mainland viruses of the same subgroup. Due to the large quantities of pig and wild boar meat imported in some parts of Italy, it cannot be established if these viruses were always present in either the mainland or Sardinia, or if they represent recent introductions.  相似文献   

本研究参考公开发表的Alfort株基因组全序列,用计算机软件Dnsstar的PrimerSelect程序设计了两对SCFVE2基因高变区的特异性引物,对黑龙江东部地区分离的5株猪瘟野毒(HL、JN、MSNDD、NSPD)和MSHT株)进行RT-PCR扩增、克隆和序列测定,并将这5株野毒的高变区基因序列与国内外公开发表的参考毒株的相应部分进行了比较。结果表明,5株分离毒均为基因Ⅱ群,且形成两个独立的分支,HL、JN株与HCLV株氨基酸差异在60%以上,而MS株与HQJV株氨基酸差异在30%左右。  相似文献   

A big epidemic of classical swine fever (CSF) occurred in the European Community in 1997. The first case was reported at the beginning of January 1997 from Germany. The disease presumably spread to the Netherlands, and from there to Italy, Spain and eventually to Belgium. About 30 isolates from these outbreaks were analysed by comparison of the nucleotide sequence data generated from fragments of both the E2 glycoprotein gene (190 nucleotides) and from the 5'-nontranslated region (5'-NTR; 150 nucleotides). By combining epidemiological data with genetic typing, it was found that the outbreaks were related and caused by a virus belonging to the genetic subgroup 2.1. As this type of virus had been reported infrequently in Europe and not at all since 1993, we postulate that it was newly introduced into the European Union (EU).  相似文献   

African swine fever is one of the most important viral diseases of pigs and which caused significant economic damage on the pig production worldwide. Nowadays, it is still present on the African continent, in Transcaucasus countries (TCC), on Island of Sardinia and in Russia. Outbreaks of the disease have been reported in Russia for the last four years, affected especially the Southern Federal District of the country. Since 2010, a new outbreak area has been observed in the Northwestern Federal District. In order to study the evolution of African swine fever virus (ASFV) isolates, strains were collected in the Russian Federation from 2007 to 2011 and investigated by means of partial sequencing and fragment length polymorphism. In detail, 7 variable regions, namely B646L, E183L, I196L, B602L, I73R/I329R, I78R/I215L and KP86R were investigated. Phylogenetic analyses revealed 100% nucleotide identity of B646L and E183L gene sequences of all examined isolates. All isolates formed one genetic cluster within genotype II. Moreover, no amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was observed for B602L, I196L, I73R/I329R, and I78R/I215L genes. The flanking primers used to amplify the KP86R gene failed to amplify a product in all the isolates. The obtained data strongly suggests that only one ASFV virus variant caused the outbreaks from 2007 to 2011 in the territory of the Russian Federation.  相似文献   

非典型猪瘟   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
猪瘟是一种致死率高、危害严重的急性传染病 ,受到各养猪国家的关注。我国对猪瘟的防制工作十分重视 ,并提出当前应采取以免疫接种为重点的综合性防制措施。近年来典型猪瘟显然不多见了 ,但在一些地区和猪场却出现了一种非典型猪瘟。由于其缺乏猪瘟的典型症状和病变 ,易被人们误诊 ,以至滥用药物 ,盲目治疗 ,既增加了药费的支出 ,又贻误了防制时机 ,给猪场带来更大的经济损失。本文就非典型猪瘟的临床诊断、病因分析和防制措施等问题 ,作简要的介绍和探讨。1 非典型猪瘟的表现形式1 1 繁殖障碍型猪瘟主要发生于生产母猪 ,其本身呈隐性感染…  相似文献   

Because of the clinical and pathologic similarity to common endemic diseases, introduction of CSFV or ASFV strains of moderate to low virulence represents the greatest risk to North American swine herds. Producers, veterinarians, and diagnosticians should increase their awareness of these devastating diseases and request specific diagnostic testing whenever they are suspected. Production practices that improve biosecurity will reduce the risk of introduction of CSF and ASF and limit the spread if an incursion occurs. Additional resources. The following Web sites contain excellent color photographs that will assist producers and practitioners in identifying clinical signs and gross lesions associated with CSFV and ASFV: http://www.vet.uga.edu/vpp/gray_book/FAD and http://www.pighealth.com. The latter Web site and the OIE Web site (http://www.oie.int) offer updated information on current worldwide epizootics of ASF and CSF and other swine diseases. Details of biosecurity procedures can be found at http://www.agebb.missouri.edu; see publication G2340.  相似文献   

This paper describes the epidemiological characteristics of the 1997 Classical Swine Fever (CSF) outbreak that occurred in the Limburg Province of Belgium, where there is a policy of non-vaccination, intensive surveillance and eradication. Between 30 June and 17 July 1997, eight herds, located in three different areas, were confirmed to be CSF-positive. CSF virus was transmitted from the primary infected herd of one area to another five herds in the same area and to one herd in a different area. The mode of virus introduction for this primary infected herd and for the one herd that was not infected by this primary herd could not be determined. Clinical, serological, and virological findings indicated that the CSF-infected herds were detected in an early stage of the infection. The early detection of the infection together with a preventive stamping out procedure resulted in a rapid elimination of the CSF virus. A total of 46,561 pigs were slaughtered to control the spread of the infection. Another 27,579 pigs were slaughtered in the framework of the market support. The total direct costs of the episode were estimated at [symbol: see text] 10,893,337.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to describe the severe epidemic of classical swine fever (CSF) in The Netherlands in 1997–1998 under a policy of non-vaccination, intensive surveillance, pre-emptive slaughter and stamping out in an area which has one of the highest pig and herd densities in Europe.

The primary outbreak was detected on 4 February 1997 on a mixed sow and finishing pig herd. A total of 429 outbreaks was observed during the epidemic, and approximately 700 000 pigs from these herds were slaughtered. Among these outbreaks were two artificial insemination centres, which resulted in a CSF-suspect declaration of 1680 pig herds (mainly located in the southern part of The Netherlands). The time between introduction of CSF virus (CSFV) into the country and diagnosis of CSF in the primary outbreak was estimated to be approximately 6 weeks. It is presumed that CSFV was spread from The Netherlands to Italy and Spain via shipment of infected piglets in the beginning of February 1997, before the establishment of a total stand-still of transportation. In June 1997, CSFV is presumed to be introduced into Belgium from The Netherlands.

Pre-emptive slaughter of herds that had been in contact with infected herds or were located in close vicinity of infected herds, was carried out around the first two outbreaks. However, this policy was not further exercised till mid-April 1997, when pre-emptive slaughter became a standard operational procedure for the rest of the epidemic. In total, 1286 pig herds were pre-emptively slaughtered. (approximately 1.1 million pigs). A total of 44 outbreaks (10%) was detected via pre-emptive slaughter.

When there were clinical signs, the observed symptoms in infected herds were mainly atypical: fever, apathy, ataxia or a combination of these signs. In 322 out of 429 outbreaks (75%), detection was bases on clinical signs observed: 32% was detected by the farmer, 25% by the veterinary practitioner, 10% of the outbreaks by tracing teams and 8% by screening teams of the veterinary authorities. In 76% of the outbreaks detected by clinical signs, the farmer reported to have seen clinical symptoms for less than 1 week before diagnosis, in 22% for 1–4 weeks before diagnosis, and in 4 herds (1%) the farmer reported to have seen clinical symptoms for more than 4 weeks before diagnosis.

Transportation lorries played a major role in the transmission of CSFV before the primary outbreak was diagnosed. It is estimated that approximately 39 herds were already infected before the first measures of the eradication campaign came into force.

After the first measures to stop the spread of CSFV had been implemented, the distribution of the most likely routes of transmission markedly changed. In most outbreaks, a neighbourhood infection was indicated.

Basically, there were two reasons for this catastrophe. Firstly, there was the extent of the period between introduction of the virus in the region and detection of the first outbreak. As a result, CSFV had opportunities to spread from one herd to another during this period. Secondly, the measures initially taken did not prove sufficient in the swine- and herd-dense region involved.  相似文献   

This paper describes major pathogenetic mechanisms of African and Classical Swine Fever virus infections. The interactions between both viruses and the monocyte-macrophage-system result in the release of mediator molecules, which are important for the further progression of the diseases. The causes of the thrombocytopenia and the mechanisms of the haemorrhages, which are characteristic in both infections, are described. Apoptotic cell death is regarded as the predominant cause of lymphopenia in both virus infections.  相似文献   

猪瘟临床病征的一些新知识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虽然人们对猪瘟的认识已有几十年 ,但目前对其的认识仍在深化之中。看来临床诊断仍然是个问题 ,原因主要是由于必须进行范围广泛的鉴别诊断 ;同时 ,一些新的疾病 ,如猪繁殖和呼吸综合征(PRRS)以及猪皮炎和肾病综合征 (PDNS)等的出现 ,而使诊断进一步复杂化 ;另外是还必须在不同病型 (急性、慢性和先天性 )之间正确鉴别。急性型田间病例的感染途径主要是与病猪或污染 (如泔脚 )经口、鼻直接或间接接触。在饲养密集的区域病毒很容易在邻近的猪舍之间传播 ;疾病也可经公猪的精液传播。潜伏期为 7~ 1 0天。在田间 ,当病毒引进后经 2~ 4周…  相似文献   

Although classical swine fever (CSF) has been well known for decades and epidemics still occur, clinical diagnosis continues to cause problems for veterinary practitioners. This is due to the extensive differential diagnosis, further complicated by the emergence of new diseases such as porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) and porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome (PDNS). In addition, acute, chronic and prenatal courses of CSF have to be distinguished. As a cause of considerable economical losses within the EU, control of CSF requires knowledge of the primary outbreaks and spread of the disease. Genetic typing of CSF virus isolates has proved to be a potent method of supporting epidemiological investigations. Phylogenetic analysis of CSF virus strains and isolates originating from different continents has allowed three genetic groups and several subgroups within these groups to be distinguished. Whereas isolates belonging to group 3 seem to occur solely in Asia, all CSF virus isolates of the 1990s isolated in the EU belonged to one of the subgroups within group 2 (2.1, 2.2, or 2.3) and were clearly distinct from former CSF reference viruses, which belong to group 1. Within the EU, different strategies are followed for the eradication of CSF in domestic pigs and in wild boar. While a strict non-vaccination policy is followed for domestic pigs, eradication of the disease in wild boar is more complex, and oral immunisation together with special hunting strategies have been applied. Recently, marker vaccines with a companion discriminatory test designed to allow differentiation between vaccinated animals and animals having recovered from field virus infection have been developed. Preliminary studies indicated that the discriminatory tests had a reduced sensitivity and specificity. Further improvements are therefore necessary before marker vaccines can be considered for emergency use in EU Member States. Prevention of CSF remains the main objective within the EU.  相似文献   

猪瘟(Hog cholera or Classical Swinefever,CSF)是由猪瘟病毒(Hog cholera virusor Classical Swine fever Virus,CSFV)引起猪的一种高度接触性传染病。其流行广泛,发病率高,死亡率高[1-4]。1984年世界动物卫生组织(OIE)将其列为A类传染病,我国也将此病列为一类动物疫病[4-5]。1历史的回顾 1833年,美国在俄亥俄洲发现CSF[2-4]。1903年,Deschweinitz和Dorset证明CSF的病原体是一种滤过性病毒,而霍乱沙门氏菌只是一种继发感染的细菌,从而最终确定了CSF的病原体。1908年,匈牙利学者HutyraKoves研制出CSF高免血清,证明此时欧洲已有CSF流行。1909年,日本有CSF发生的  相似文献   

Spain suffered an outbreak of classical swine fever between June 14, 2001 and May 7, 2002, which affected 49 herds; this paper describes the epidemiological characteristics of the 39 herds that were affected in Catalonia, an area of high pig density in the north east of Spain. The outbreak took place in two waves, which affected first the province of Lleida and then Barcelona. A total of 291,058 animals were slaughtered, 59,595 belonging to infected herds; 22 of the infected herds were detected on the basis of clinical suspicion on the part of the farmer or farm veterinarian, and the other 17 were detected by surveillance methods. The transmission of the virus between herds was attributed to the movement of people in 23 per cent of the cases, to animals in 13 per cent, vehicles in 10 per cent, proximity 18 per cent, the pick-up service of the rendering plant in 8 per cent and slurry in 5 per cent; in the other nine herds (23 per cent) the route of entry of the disease could not be established. The viruses isolated in the two waves of the outbreak were 100 per cent homologous and belonged to subgroup 2.3. The origin of the outbreak remains unknown.  相似文献   

猪瘟病毒FJFQ-39株的毒力鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索一种相对客观、稳定的方法鉴定猪瘟病毒(CSFV)FJFQ-39株的毒力.本研究采用2×103TCID50的FJFQ-39株分别肌肉接种6头敏感猪,通过RT-nPCR 检测扁桃体和血液监测动物感染情况,对动物临床症状和病理变化进行系统评分,结合体温分析,判定病毒毒力.同时用相同剂量的石门株接种4头敏感猪作对照.FJFQ-39和石门接种猪的扁桃体和血液均检测到CSFV核酸;FJFQ-39接种猪的最大临床症状评分(CS)平均值为3.53.5±1.0、病理评分(PS)平均值为3.3±0.9(低于5),平均最高体温为39.3±0.2℃(低于40℃);石门接种猪的最大CS平均值为25.5±2.1、PS平均值为29.5±2.4(大于15),平均最高体温为41.8±0.2℃(高于41.0℃).实验结果表明:猪瘟病毒FJFQ-39株和石门株均成功感染了动物;评分系统结合体温测定评价CSFV毒力是可行的;FJFQ-39 属于低毒力株,而石门属于强毒株.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to report on the lesions occurring in the central nervous system (CNS) during experimental classical swine fever (CSF) to clarify the spatial and chronologic distribution of the lesions and virus antigen in the CNS. To learn more about the pathogenetic mechanisms of the lesions during CSF in the CNS and to investigate the role of the virus in these mechanisms, cellular infiltrates and infected cells have been characterized. Twenty-eight pigs were inoculated with the virulent CSF virus isolate Alfort 187 and slaughtered from 2 to 15 postinoculation days; 4 animals of similar background served as a control group. Immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, and the transferase-mediated deoxyuridine triphosphate nick-end labeling method were used to detect viral antigens and apoptosis. The results showed the presence of nonpurulent meningoencephalitis, occasional microhemorrhages, and apoptosis of the lymphocytes forming the perivascular and interstitital infiltrate in swine with CSF. Macrophages appeared to display little involvement in CNS lesions. The infected cells observed at the early stage of disease were lymphocytes and microglial cells in the rostral portion of the telencephalon, with infection of these cells in other areas in the next stages. The relationship between these lesions and the presence of viral antigen varied according to the type of lesion: hemorrhages were not associated with the presence of antigen in endothelial cells, but infiltrate-cell apoptosis was temporally and spacially associated to viral infection. However, the link between viral infection and the presence of cell infiltrate was far from clear.  相似文献   

Genetic typing of classical swine fever virus   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Three regions of the classical swine fever virus (CSFV) genome that have been widely sequenced were compared with respect to their ability to discriminate between isolates and to segregate viruses into genetic groups. Sequence data-sets were assembled for 55 CSFVs comprising 150 nucleotides of the 5' non-translated region, 190 nucleotides of the E2 envelope glycoprotein gene and 409 nucleotides of the NS5B polymerase gene. Phylogenetic analysis of each data-set revealed similar groups and subgroups. For closely related viruses, the more variable or larger data-sets gave better discrimination, and the most reliable classification was obtained with sequence data from the NS5B region. No evidence was found for intertypic recombination between CSFVs. A larger data-set was also analysed comprising 190 nucleotides of E2 sequence from 100 CSFVs from different parts of the world, in order to assess the extent and global distribution of CSFV diversity. Additional groups of CSFV are evident from Asia and the nomenclature of Lowings et al. (1996) [Lowings, P., Ibata, G., Needham, J., Paton, D., 1996. J. Gen. Virol. 77, 1311-1321] needs to be updated to accommodate these. A tentative assignment, adapting rather than overturning the previous nomenclature divides CSF viruses into three groups with three or four subgroups: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3; 2.1, 2.2, 2.3; 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4. The expanding data-base of CSFV sequences should improve the prospects of disease tracing in the future, and provide a basis for a standardised approach to ensure that results from different laboratories are comparable.  相似文献   

猪瘟的流行现状及防制   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
近年来 ,猪瘟的发生率呈上升趋势 ,病猪临床表现多样化 ,主要以非典型猪瘟为主。本文根据对四川部分种猪场的流行病学调查及血清学监测情况 ,参照有关资料 ,对当前的猪瘟现状进行分析 ,并提出防制建议。1 流行病学特点1 .1 以零星散发为主 ,常发生在规模化猪场。1 .2 免疫猪群常有发生。且常发生在具有明确免疫程序的规模化猪场。涂长春等报道 [1] ,在发病猪场中 ,接种疫苗 7天内发病的有 8/48个 ,7天后发病的有 2 1 /48个 ,潜伏期一般 2~ 2 1天。1 .3  1 0日龄内和断奶前后仔猪 (1 5~ 6 0日龄 )发病率较高 ;育肥猪和种猪很少发病。1 …  相似文献   

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