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In 1999, the USDA-Food Safety and Inspection Service introduced an inspection system called the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point-Based Inspection Models Project (HIMP). The HIMP varies from standard inspection in that the emphasis of Food Safety and Inspection Service inspection program personnel is shifted. Each carcass is still visually inspected according to the Poultry Products Inspection Act, but some responsibility for food safety and identification and removal of defects is shifted from the regulatory agency to the processor, freeing up inspectors to more effectively verify the process and food safety system of the establishment. This survey was conducted in 2 stages: first to examine carcasses collected in HIMP and non-HIMP plants and then to test carcasses from all 20 volunteer plants currently operating under HIMP inspection. Carcasses were collected at rehang and postchill being careful to follow the same flock through processing. Postchill carcasses from HIMP plants were found to have equal bacterial contamination (numbers of Campylobacter and Escherichia coli and presence of Salmonella) as carcasses from standard HACCP plants. Overall, HIMP inspection, which places additional responsibility on the plant for process control, does not affect the microbiological quality of fully processed broiler carcasses.  相似文献   

HACCP作为控制食品安全的预防体系,与动物防疫“预防为主”的方针相得益彰,将HACCP应用于动物疫病的预防中,不仅能有效预防和控制动物疫病,而且能充分保证动物源食品的安全,使两者有机结合,良性互动。  相似文献   

[目的]对优质肉牛分割加工,为生产提供科学的理论依据和实践经验.[方法]根据客户的用肉标准进行分割.[结果]将牛胴体分为高档牛肉、普通牛肉、肥牛产品以及低档产品四部分,并建立了活牛收购、宰前检疫、开膛去脏及胴体检验、速冻、出库五个关键控制点.[结论]优质肉牛分割是一项综合性的工作,需要做好各方面的工作,抓好细节,抓好产品的每道工序,降低碎肉率,最大限度地提高产品的附加值.  相似文献   

为了探讨火鸡腔上囊的组织形态结构及其发育规律,为火鸡的免疫接种和疾病研究提供理论基础。分别取不同日龄火鸡的腔上囊,常规石蜡组织制片,显微镜下进行对比观察,比较不同日龄火鸡腔上囊的组织形态结构。研究结果表明,火鸡腔上囊的基本组织结构与其它禽类基本相似,从内至外依次由黏膜、黏膜下层、肌肉和浆膜4层组成。与其它禽类腔上囊相比,火鸡腔上囊的黏膜和黏膜下层所形成的纵行皱襞和小皱襞要发达得多;黏膜上皮全部为假复层柱状上皮,黏膜的固有膜内腔上囊小结也相对发达。火鸡腔上囊随着日龄的增加而逐渐发育,母火鸡至208日龄时达最大,公火鸡则迟于母火鸡几周,以后又逐渐退化。  相似文献   

Six trials of 4 treatments (pale, pale + 1.5% collagen, normal, and normal + 1.5% collagen) were utilized to test the effects of raw material and turkey collagen inclusion on the quality of deli turkey breast. The raw material was chunked and formed to increase surface area for collagen interactions and to allow for thorough mixing of pale and normal raw material into the product. Inclusion of collagen improved product texture through increasing the protein's ability to bind with each other in pale meat and was effective in decreasing cook and purge loss in both pale and normal treatments. Furthermore, purge loss was similar for the pale treatment with collagen and the normal treatment without collagen. Collagen inclusion did not affect color, but normal treatments were both darker and redder than pale treatments. Turkey collagen is effective in increasing water-holding capacity and improving texture when either pale or normal raw material is incorporated into the product. Therefore, turkey collagen demonstrates the potential to add value to turkey breast deli products.  相似文献   

Two 28-d experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of grinding corn or soybean meal (SBM) to various particle sizes on P utilization in turkey poults. Dietary Ca was formulated to be 1.20% in the corn-SBM-based diets of both studies and nonphytate P (NPP) was calculated to be 0.40% in experiment 1 and 0.48% in experiment 2. In experiment 1, corn that had been processed through a roller mill was used or was ground through 3 different screen sizes in a hammer mill to yield 4 corn particle sizes ranging from about 600 to 1,100 μm. Initial (7 d) growth was reduced when the coarsest corn was fed due to lower feed intake. Phosphorus utilization was improved the first 2 wk as corn particle size increased as measured by incidence of rickets, tibia ash, and total P retention. Gizzard weight and phytate P retention were increased at 28 d as corn particle size increased. In experiment 2, corn was ground to approximately 850 μm and commercial SBM (856 μm) was used or ground to 2 finer particle sizes in a hammer mill. Gizzard weight and phytate P retention were increased at 28 d as SBM particle size increased. Other parameters were not affected at least partially due to the higher dietary NPP level fed to prevent severe rickets observed in the first trial. These studies show that young poults can utilize P better from coarser corn and soybean meal, especially when dietary P is low.  相似文献   

动物产品进入流通、加工环节检疫问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前各地动物卫生监督机构对进入流通、加工环节动物产品采取检疫做法不同,法律法规依据的不统一致使基层官方兽医责任不清,经营和运输动物产品的持证率急剧下降。作者梳理了有关流通、加工环节动物产品监管的法律依据,分析了问题发生原因,提出了相应的监管建议。  相似文献   

畜牧业作为凉州区的支柱产业,在发展过程中饲草料需用量大。苜蓿营养价值高、维生素和矿物质含量丰富,被誉为“牧草之王”,在凉州区种植历史悠久,但是在规范种植和科学加工利用上还存在着诸多盲区,影响着其经济生态效益的有效发挥。为此,本文就全区苜蓿种植加工现状进行分析,并就存在的问题进行探讨,提出了规范推进苜蓿产业发展的对策建议,为大力发展饲草产业、促进农民增收、实现贫困群众脱贫致富提供一定参考。  相似文献   

本文从产业生产、市场需求、屠宰加工等3方面综合阐述了贵州省牛羊产业屠宰加工环节现状,旨在为贵州省牛羊屠宰加工业的发展提供技术支撑。调查研究表明,贵州省牛羊产业屠宰加工环节中存在市场需求大、养殖规模小,家庭作坊多、认证企业少,标准化建设滞后、自动化水平较低,产品多样化不足、同质化严重,品牌辐射局限、盈利空间较小等问题,由此提出在养殖规模化上求突破,保障原料供给;在产业集聚化上求突破,盘活加工资源;在生产标准化上求突破,提升产品质量;在价值最大化上求突破,增加产业附加值;在营销品牌化上求突破,推动牛羊出山等对策建议。  相似文献   

Objectives of the study were to measure water hardness in Burdur, and to establish its possible association with urolithiasis in cattle. Water samples were obtained from different stables (n = 15). Water hardness and the concentrations of potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, manganese and copper ions were calculated from these water samples. Total hardness of the samples (mean 285 ppm) exceeded the standards and the water was characterized by high content of magnesium ions. Kidneys (n = 500) were collected randomly from slaughterhouses and examined for urolithiasis. Urolithiasis was observed in 102 kidneys (20.4%). The weights of the stones were between 0.02 and 237.44 g and the colour varied from white to brown. The calculi collected had various shapes and composed of calcium apatite (42.45%), struvite (20.15%), magnesium carbonate (15.15%), calcium carbonate (12.12%), and calcium phosphate cystine (10.13%). It was concluded that high water hardness with high magnesium ion concentrations in water may contribute to urolithiasis and needs to be investigated further in future studies.  相似文献   

[目的]玉米是一种重要的能量饲料,探讨和研究不同玉米加工贮藏方法对奶公牛育肥性能的影响,以提高其利用效率,降低在奶公牛育肥中养殖应用成本.[方法]将30头奶公犊牛(平均为5月龄)随机分为3组,每组10头,分别饲喂普通粉碎玉米、蒸汽压片玉米和湿贮发酵玉米,育肥试验期为50 d.[结果]饲喂蒸汽压片玉米和湿贮发酵玉米后,日增重和日利润可达1.29kg、13.87元/d和1.24kg、13.48元/d,均高于对照组.[结论]在肉牛育肥中,对于蒸汽压片玉米和玉米籽实湿贮的加工和贮藏方法都是肉牛养殖业中值得推广的实用技术.  相似文献   

在宁夏南部旱区5°坡地上,于2007年5月-2008年10月连续2年研究6个不同粮草间作(谷子(Setariaitalica(L.) Beauv.)或糜子(Panicum miliaceum L.)间作苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.))模式与粮食单作(对照处理)模式下的作物产量、土壤水分及水土流失特征,以探讨最佳的种植模式。结果表明,同粮食单作相比,02:04、04:08、06:06A、04:02、08:04、06:06B等6个粮(谷子或糜子)草(苜蓿)间作种植模式土壤水分含量明显增加,粮食作物水分利用效率提高0.41-2.15kg/m3,产量增加2.13%-23.88%,地表径流减少18.58%-74.90%,泥沙径流减少30.14%-100%。不同粮草间作种植模式比较,坡顶以苜蓿条带开头的02:04间作条带种植模式的综合增产效果最佳。  相似文献   

回顾了国内关于具有优良水土保持性能的草本植物的系列研究,认为当前筛选出的水土保持型草种主要集中于禾本科,也包括豆科、桑科的少数种;其应用范围多见于公路边坡和坡耕地,缺乏对其水土保持效果持久性的评价。今后应针对各类受损生态系统的立地条件,加强优良野生草种的筛选与利用,探讨并建立多草种组合及草灌间植的模式,提高水土保持效益。  相似文献   

灌水和施肥是调控作物生长和产量形成的两大重要技术措施,研究水氮互作对燕麦耗水特性及产量的影响,对于优化燕麦高产高效栽培理论和技术具有重要意义。2014-2015年连续两个生长季,在甘肃河西绿洲灌区,田间试验设置3个定额灌溉和3个施氮(纯N)水平,研究水氮耦合对陇燕3号农田0~150 cm土层耗水量、棵间蒸发、产量及水分利用效率的影响。3个灌溉处理的灌水量分别为270.0 mm (I1)、337.5 mm (I2)和405.0 mm (I3),3个施N水平分别为90 kg/hm2 (N1)、120 kg/hm2 (N2)和150 kg/hm2 (N3)。在全生育期内,棵间蒸发量(E)及E/ET(总蒸散量)的比例表现先降后升趋势,且相同施氮量下,拔节至灌浆期随灌水量的增大而增大,而灌浆至成熟期则随灌水量的增大而减小。相同施氮量下,燕麦耗水量与籽粒产量随着灌水量的增加而显著增加,水分利用效率却随着灌水量的增加而降低。所有处理中,N3I3产量最高(5466.0~5727.5 kg/hm2),N3I2次之(5428.5~5678.5 kg/hm2),N1I1最小(4504.5~4804.3 kg/hm2),而N3I2的水分利用效率最大[12.11~12.82 kg/(mm·hm2)],N3I1次之[12.04~12.63 kg/(mm·hm2)],N1I3最小[9.79~10.58 kg/(mm·hm2)]。由此表明,水氮耦合对燕麦水分利用及产量具有显著互作效应,施氮量150 kg/hm2、灌溉定额337.5 mm是西北绿洲灌区燕麦种植较佳的节水、高产水氮管理模式。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of drinking water supplementation with graded increases of Na and K salts on the performance and gut contents of broilers before processing. Birds had no water, tap water, or water supplemented with sodium bicarbonate or potassium chloride in the concentrations of 0.15, 0.30, and 0.45% in the last 12 and 24 h before processing. The last 12 h coincided with preslaughter feed withdrawal. Cobb × Cobb 500 male broilers (46 d old) were set in a completely randomized experimental design with 8 treatments and 9 replications of 9 birds each. Birds were individually processed within a period of 12 h of feed withdrawal every 2 h. Individual weighing was followed with electrical stunning and removal of intestinal contents of the upper (crop through the gizzard) and lower segment (duodenum through cloaca). Water intake increased linearly with greater salt concentrations in the water (P < 0.05). Body weight loss increased linearly through the feed withdrawal; however, it was greater with birds without water access (P < 0.0001). There were no effects of treatments on the yields of carcass and cuts as well as on the intestinal contents at all evaluated times. Intestinal contents from upper and lower segments were decreased with time, but responses to the water treatments were not observed (P > 0.05). It is concluded that increasing water intake through the use of Na and K salts did not affect the rate of gut emptying before processing.  相似文献   

对驴驴蒿草原三个草地型(驴驴蒿型,驴驴蒿—红砂型,驴驴蒿+珍珠型)的土壤水盐动态及其与牧草产量的关系进行了研究。结果表明:土壤水分变化受雨量的影响具有阶段性。随着土壤深度的增加,土壤含水量随时间的变化而变小。土壤各层内,春季含水量相近,并呈下降趋势,夏季变化大,秋冬则随土壤深度增加而增加,趋向稳定。盐分随水分而移动,其含量基本上随土壤深度的增加而增加。牧草产量的变化与土壤水分的变化具有“一致性”。在驴驴蒿型和驴驴蒿—红砂型中,驴驴蒿的绝对生长量与0~40cm内各土层的含水量呈显著的正相关,并建立了产量预测模型。  相似文献   

In seminomadic farming practice, dry and lactating ewes are exposed to different degrees of water deprivation, leading to stress followed by various disease outbreaks. This study compares quantitatively the immunosuppression to Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) fimbriae (14 and 21 kDa) and other major polypeptides (28.9, 37.7, 42.9, 68.0, 92.6 and 96.8 kDa) in water-deprived dry and lactating ewes. Sixteen dry and lactating multiparous Awassi ewes were divided into four treatment groups (A, A', B and B'). Ewes in groups A and B were lactating, whereas ewes in groups A' and B' were dry. All ewes were administered a killed SE vaccine, subcutaneously in the neck, at the initiation of the experiment. The water availability for ewes in groups B (lactating) and B' (dry) was ad libitum, while that for ewes in groups A (lactating) and A' (dry) was once every 4 days. A serum sample was collected from the jugular vein of each ewe at zero time (initiation of the experiment, when SE bacterin was delivered) and at 2, 9, 12, 15 and 18 days post SE vaccination. The percentage reduction in the level of humoral antibody response to polypeptides of > or = 21 kDa was more apparent in water-deprived lactating ewes of group A between 9 and 18 days post initiation of thirst. In this period, immunosuppression to polypeptides > or = 21 kDa was present in 14 out of 16 observations in group A (water-deprived lactating), with significant immunosuppression in 9 observations in relation to the respective control (p<0.05), while it was present in only 4 out of 16 observations in group A' (water-deprived dry), with significant immunosuppression in 2 observations (p <0.05). In conclusion, immunosuppression to polypeptides of > or =21 kDa is more significant in lactating water-deprived ewes in the period 9-18 days post initiation of thirst, a result that will influence our future sheep welfare awareness programmes targeting an elimination of the practice of water deprivation in seminomadic sheep farming.  相似文献   

水肥耦合对紫花苜蓿叶绿素含量和硝酸还原酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在温室盆栽条件下,以氮、磷、水用量和配比作为变量,以叶绿素含量和硝酸还原酶活性为目标函数建立方程,研究水肥耦合对敖汉苜蓿叶绿素含量和硝酸还原酶活性的影响.结果表明:(1)叶绿素含量和硝酸还原酶活性与氮、磷、水密切相关,呈二次幂函数关系.(2)叶绿素回归方程中,各因素的作用为氮>磷>水,且氮为正值,磷、水为负值,磷-水交...  相似文献   

针对义桥煤矿复杂水文地质条件下深厚表土层立井壁破裂、井筒涌水严重,采用单液及双液水泥、水玻璃多次封堵无效的技术难题,结合井壁破裂理论中的施工质量说和竖直附加应力说,分析了义桥煤矿主副立井井壁涌水特征及变形破坏机理,在此基础上,研究了高分子化学材料马丽散N注浆封堵涌水、加固围岩机理,并制定了主副井筒表土段壁间注浆、基岩段壁后注浆的钻孔布置与施工工艺,并对注浆量、注浆压力等进行了过程监控,对井筒涌水量进行了长期监测,实测涌水量已小于0.05m^3/h,达到了防治井壁破裂、封堵涌水、稳定含水层水压的目的,缓释和抑制了井壁附加压力。  相似文献   

在家庭牧场尺度上,对禁牧、休牧等放牧方式下内蒙古短花针茅荒漠草原主要植物种群地上现存量、土壤含水量及其相关性进行研究,结果表明:禁牧区地上现存量为134.56g/m2,与休牧区(129.73g/m2)差异不明显,但均显著高于自由放牧区(84.80g/m2)(P0.05);禁牧、休牧有利于土壤含水量的增加;主要种群的地上现存量受10~30cm土壤含水量影响较大,群落地上现存量与0~40cm土壤含水量有显著回归关系(P0.05),回归方程为Y=2.7245X1+0.0556X2×X3×X4。  相似文献   

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