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Ten cecal tumors were identified during the postmortem examination of seven horse carcasses at slaughter (one horse had three tumors). The multinodular and hemorrhagic tumors ranged from 1 to 10 cm in diameter and consisted of spindle cells arranged in thin, interconnected trabeculae that were often separated by sinuses filled with mucinous fluid, erythrocytes, and siderophages. Spindle cells of all tumors were immunopositive for vimentin, neuron-specific enolase, and c-kit protein but lacked reactivity with antibodies to glial fibrillary acidic protein, S100 protein, and desmin. In one tumor, spindle cells diffusely bound antibodies to synaptophysin. Most tumors contained focal reactivity to smooth muscle actin antibodies; one tumor reacted diffusely. Ultrastructurally, tumor cells were connected by desmosome-like structures and exhibited extended cell processes; some contained dense core neurosecretory granules. These equine stromal tumors appeared to share some characteristics with human gastrointestinal stromal tumors.  相似文献   

Oxibendazole: critical anthelmintic trials in equids.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The efficacy of oxibendazole against gastrointestinal parasites of horses was evaluated by the critical test method. Naturally infected ponies of various ages were given single oral doses of 5, 10, or 15 mg-kg of bodyweight. The drug was highly effective against adult large strongylids (Strongylus vulgaris, S edentatus, S equins), adult small strongylids (especially species of the genera Cylicostephanus, Cylicocyclus, Cyaathostomum, and Triodontophorus), and adult and larval stages of the large pinworm, Oxyuris equi. There was no apparent dose-related differences in efficacy. Oxibendazole was less effective against fourth-stage small strongylid larvae than it was against adults. The drug was inactive against stomach bots (Gasterophilus spp), tapeworms (Anoplocephala magna and A perfoliata), lungworms (Dictyocaulus arnfieldi), abdominal worms )Setaria equina), and mature or immature nematodes in locations other than the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Objective To review the breed, age, gender, clinical and laboratory findings, treatment and outcome of horses with caecal disease presented to a referral centre. Design Retrospective study of 96 cases. Procedure The breed, age, and gender of the study population were compared with the corresponding hospital population for the same period. The means (± SD) for clinical and laboratory findings were recorded for each caecal disorder. Treatment was categorised as medical or surgical, and outcome was recorded. Results Caecal diseases included impaction (40% of total cases), rupture associated with concurrent unrelated disease (13%), rupture with parturition (9%), rupture with no associated disease (5%), infarction (11%), torsion (9%), abscess or adhesion (7%), tumour (3%), and miscellaneous conditions (3%). The breed or gender of affected horses did not differ from the hospital population, although horses > 15 years were more frequently represented (P < 0.05). This age group was specifically more predisposed to caecal impaction (P < 0.05), as were Arabian, Morgan, and Appaloosa breeds (P < 0.05). In horses with caecal impaction transrectal examination was the most useful diagnostic procedure; 90% of affected horses treated medically were discharged while horses treated by typhlotomy alone, or typhlotomy and blind end ileocolostomy, had survival rates to discharge of 71% and 86%, respectively. Horses with caecal rupture associated with concurrent un-related disease showed no signs of impending rupture; all were receiving phenylbutazone, all were euthanased, and 50% had caecal ulceration at necropsy. Of horses with caecal rupture with parturition 56% had prior dystocia; in two-thirds the site of rupture was the ileocaecal junction and all were euthanased. Horses with caecal rupture with no associated disease died or were euthanased; rupture was idiopathic. Horses with caecal infarction usually had signs of abdominal pain and abdominal fluid changes consistent with peritonitis; transrectal examination was nonspecific, and typhlectomy was successful in seven of eight horses. Horses with caecal torsion had signs of severe, acute abdominal pain and typhlectomy was successful in three of five horses. Diagnosis of caecal adhesion or abscess was assisted by transrectal palpation in two of seven horses and surgical treatment was successful in two of five horses. A caecal tumour was diagnosed in three horses aged 20 years or older that presented with chronic weight loss. Other caecal diseases were uncommon. Conclusion Caecal disease is uncommon in equids but some specific features of the history and physical findings can alert the veterinarian to the possibility of caecal involvement in horses with gastrointestinal dysfunction. Medical or surgical therapy can be effective in horses where caecal rupture has not occurred.  相似文献   

Degenerative myelopathy was diagnosed in a donkey Equus asinus and a Welsh pony Equus caballus. Both equids were presented for gradually progressive incoordination. Neurologic examination revealed symmetrical weakness and ataxia which was much more prominent in the rear limbs than in the front limbs. Laboratory tests including a complete blood count, serum biochemistry, cerebrospinal fluid analysis and lateral cervical radiographs were performed in both equids and were unremarkable. Both equids were euthanized and microscopic examination of the spinal cords revealed diffuse neuronal degeneration, demyelination and neuraxonal dystrophy.  相似文献   

Fifty canine gastrointestinal (GI) mesenchymal tumors were examined to determine the occurrence of leiomyomas (LM) and GI stromal tumors and to compare their clinicopathologic features. Twenty-one tumors (42%) were histologically reclassified as gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) and 29 tumors (58%) as LMs on the basis of their histologic similarity with homologous human tumors. The GISTs occurred equally in males and females, with a mean age of 11 years (range 5-14 years). Five GISTs (24%) were associated with clinical signs and six (29%) had metastasis in liver or abdominal cavity. The GISTs occurred in large intestine (10, 48%), small bowel (six, 29%), stomach (four, 19%), and mesentery of small intestine (one, 5%). Histologically, they were highly cellular spindle, or less commonly epithelioid tumors with mitotic rates ranging from 0 to 19 per 10 HPF. Eleven tumors (52%) were positive for CD117 (KIT); seven (33%) were positive for smooth muscle actin but none for desmin and S-100 protein. Sequences of KIT exon 11, often mutated in human GISTs, were evaluated from four GISTs. Deletion of Try556-Lys557 coexisting with duplication of Gln555 in one case of GIST and T to C transition resulting in substitution of Pro for Leu575 in another were identified. The LMs occurred predominantly in males (82%) with a mean age of 11 years (range 8-17 years). Nine tumors (31%) had associated clinical signs. They occurred in the stomach (22, 76%), esophagus (four, 14%), and intestines (three, 10%); all were paucicellular, had no mitoses, and were composed of mature smooth muscle cells. Twenty-eight (97%) were positive for smooth muscle actin and 18 (62%) for desmin but none for CD117 and S-100. Both GISTs and true LMs occur in the GI tract of dogs. Both tumors have distinctive pathologic features.  相似文献   

A bioterrorism attack can affect the health of many different populations, even those that were not intended as targets. Whether the aim of an attack is humans, animals or crops, the result can be manifested in many species, including equids. Equids comprise a multibillion-dollar industry in the United States, and any disease that affects this trade can have a devastating impact on the economy. In addition, equids could potentially serve as sentinels of an attack against humans, or as amplifying hosts for certain diseases. Knowledge of what diseases have the greatest potential as bioterrorist or agroterrorist agents, how they may present, and what preventive measures are needed to stop their spread is the first step in preparedness. Surveillance for disease outbreaks in equids should be ongoing, with immediate reporting of any unusual findings to the appropriate veterinary and public health authorities.  相似文献   

Radioimmunoassay for parathyroid hormone in equids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Radioimmunoassay for parathyroid hormone (PTH) in equids was performed on blood samples from healthy equids and equids with hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia. The assay was validated for equine carboxy-terminal PTH. Manipulation of serum ionized Ca in healthy equids by infusing Na2 EDTA and CaCl2 produced an expected increase and decrease, respectively, in measurable immunoreactive PTH. Intra-assay and interassay coefficients of variation were 2.6% and 11.7%, respectively. The range of PTH valves for healthy mature horse mares and geldings maintained on pasture was less than 0.27 ng/ml to 0.92 ng/ml and for horse colts fed grain was 0.61 to 1.25 ng/ml. Serum PTH values were measured on 2 equine patients with hypercalcemia, 1 pony with primary hyperparathyroidism and 1 horse with pseudohyperparathyroidism. Both patients had increased serum PTH values.  相似文献   

Clinical and pathological changes following neurectomy were studied experimentally in 46 male and female equids. Sixty-three operations were performed using either the traditional or the Fackelman and Clodius methods of neurectomy. The effect of arteriovenous ligation was studied in 12 animals and 20 angiograms were performed post mortem to study the arterial pattern of the extremities of the operated limb. Neuroma formation (31 cases) and sloughing of the hoof (five cases) were the two main untoward sequelae. Neurectomy by the technique of Fackelman and Clodius proved superior to the traditional method. No essential changes were observed after ligation of the blood vessels, except in one case where collateral circulation was established.  相似文献   



Neoplasia may cause hypoglycemia in different species including the horse, but hypoglycemia has not previously been reported in the horse associated with gastrointestinal stromal tumours.

Case presentation

A case of a gastrointestinal stromal tumour in a Fjord pony with severe recurrent hypoglycemia is presented. The mechanism causing the hypoglycemia was not established.


This case indicates that a gastrointestinal stromal tumour may cause hypoglycemia also in the horse.  相似文献   

Borreliosis in equids in northeastern United States   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
During 1982 and 1985, blood samples from 705 equids were examined for antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi. By indirect immunofluorescence staining, IgM and total immunoglobulin (IgM and IgG) antibodies were detected in 37 (5.3%) and 90 (12.8%) serum specimens, respectively. The geometric mean titer for IgM antibody (140.4) was highest during July, whereas total immunoglobulin ranged from 94.1 in October to 338 in May. Eighty-six equids with total immunoglobulin to B burgdorferi lived in areas of Connecticut where the primary tick vector, Ixodes dammini, was present. Of the 86 equids, 9 from Lyme, Connecticut and Westchester County, New York had antibodies to B burgdorferi and developed limb or joint disorders that resulted in single or recurrent episodes of lameness.  相似文献   

Osteochondrosis and juvenile spavin in equids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirty-six of 50 young equids examined at necropsy for gross pathologic and histopathologic evidence of osteochondrosis were determined to have lesions characteristic of this disorder in the distal joints of the tarsus. Abnormalities ranged from retained endochondral cores underlying undisturbed articular cartilage surfaces to clefts, subchondral osseous cyst-like lesions, and cartilage ulceration. Our findings supported the conclusion that osteochondrosis may cause spavin in the juvenile equid.  相似文献   

Behavior problems of equids in zoos   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Behavior problems in zoo equids commonly result from a failure to provide for needs basic to equine nature. Equids are gregarious, and failure to provide companions may result in pacing. Wild equids spend 60 to 70 per cent of their time grazing, and failure to provide ad libitum roughage contributes to the problems of pacing, cribbing, wood chewing, and coprophagia. Mimicking the normal processes of juvenile dispersal, bachelor-herd formation, and mate acquisition reduces the likelihood of agonistic and reproductive behavior problems. Infanticide can be avoided by introducing new stallions to herds containing only nonpregnant mares and older foals.  相似文献   

A sampling of equids from the state of Oklahoma produced an estimate of seroprevalence of antibody to Sarcocystis neurona to be about 89.2%. This figure represents the highest currently reported regional seroprevalence of antibody to this organism. Regional differences in seroprevalence were found in the western quadrants of the state relative to the eastern quadrants of the state, with a significantly higher seroprevalence in the eastern regions. Thoroughbreds were found to exhibit a statistically significant lower seroprevalence as a breed group when compared with other breeds sampled.  相似文献   

Prevalence of Cryptosporidium sp in equids in Louisiana   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In 1985, 22 pony foals reared in a helminth-free environment were tested daily for oocysts of Cryptosporidium sp by use of fecal flotation. Oocysts were found in all foals. Oocysts were first observed in feces collected from foals 9 to 28 days after birth. The mean period of oocyst shedding was 10 days and ranged from 2 to 18 days in individual foals. Diarrhea was observed in 14 of 22 (64%) foals and began before the period of oocyst shedding. Fecal samples also were examined for other infective agents. Salmonella poona was isolated from 1 foal that did not have diarrhea, and coronavirus particles were observed in the feces of 2 foals with diarrhea. Cryptosporidium sp oocysts also were observed in feces of 2 of 17 Thoroughbred foals, 3 of 14 Quarter Horse foals, and 3 of 26 pony foals reared on pastures with their dams. Samples from pasture-reared foals were collected at irregular intervals. Of the 11 Cryptosporidium-positive fecal samples collected from pastured foals, 2 were from foals with diarrhea. A similar survey was conducted during the 1986 foaling season, using the same procedures. Examination of 300 samples from 58 Quarter Horse, Arabian, and pony foals did not detect oocysts. Daily examination of feces from 10 pony foals reared under helminth-free conditions for 30 days also failed to detect Cryptosporidium oocysts.  相似文献   

A physical mechanism is proposed for the evolution of equids from plantigrade to digitigrade. The evolution begins with increasing weight causing a more plantigrade position of the digit. This leads to atrophy of the muscular components of the interosseus and the superficial digital flexor muscles. The conversion of the interosseus to virtually ligamentous function and the conversion of the superficial flexor and deep flexor to ligamentous function because of accessory ligaments provides an automatic, passive equilibrating system determining digital orientation. Increasing weight now operates on this automatic system to cause increasing digitigrady, hence monodactyly, as the abaxial digits lose weight bearing function.  相似文献   

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