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Ganglioneuromas are complex tumors that arise in peripheral ganglia and are composed of well-differentiated neurons, nerve processes, Schwann cells, and enteric glial cells. The term ganglioneuromatosis (GN) denotes a regional or segmental proliferation of ganglioneuromatous tissue. This report describes an 8-year-old mixed breed horse with GN in a 25-cm segment of small colon. Grossly, the lesion consisted of numerous sessile to pedunculated nodules extending from the serosal surface. Histologic examination revealed the nodules to consist of fascicles of spindle-shaped cells consistent with Schwann cells, clusters of neurons, supporting enteric glial cells, and thick bands of perineurial collagen. Most of the nodules coincided with the location of the myenteric plexus and extended through the outer layer of the tunica muscularis to the serosal surface. Neuronal processes were demonstrated within the lesion with electron microscopy. With immunohistochemistry neurons were positive for neuron specific enolase (NSE) and S-100 and the Schwann cells and enteric glial cells were positive for S-100 and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). The pathogenesis of GN is poorly understood. GN, although rare, should be included in the differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal tumors in the horse.  相似文献   

Bone scintigraphy was used to diagnose osseous metastasis of prostatic adenocarcinoma in a 10-year-old dog with neck pain and ataxia and a large, sensitive prostate gland. Although radiography revealed a normal spine, prostatic fluid cytologic and ultrasonographic findings were compatible with prostatitis or neoplasia. Scintigraphic hot spots were seen in the axial skeleton, ribs, pelvis, humerus, and femur and corresponded to sites of metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

A case of renal tubular carcinoma with bone metaplasia is reported in a 20-year-old male, mixed breed horse having a history of weight loss and hematuria. This report includes the clinical signs, macroscopic and microscopic lesions, and the immunohistochemical findings of this neoplasm.  相似文献   

Small intestinal adenocarcinoma in a horse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 21-year-old mare was evaluated for intermittent episodes of apparent abdominal pain of 6 month's duration. Abdominal palpation per rectum revealed distended small intestine in the caudal portion of the abdomen. Ventral midline celiotomy revealed a mass in the midjejunal region. The mass was resected, and a side-to-side anastomosis performed. The histologic diagnosis was tubular adenocarcinoma of the small intestine. The mare was still alive 13 months after surgery.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old Knabstrupper stallion was euthanatized because of severe dyspnea and exercise intolerance. Postmortem examination revealed diffuse severe alveolar emphysema and chronic fibrosing pleuritis of the caudal lung. Parts of both caudal lung lobes were covered with multiple raised firm gray to yellow plaques. Histologically, these areas consisted of circumscribed pleural fibroses and cysts of metaplastic keratinizing squamous epithelium. Immunohistochemistry revealed intense labeling for cytokeratins 5/6 and 10. In addition, caudal lung lobes were severely affected by a chronic partially obliterative bronchiolitis and peribronchiolitis with multifocal pleural involvement.  相似文献   

A 7-year-old spayed female Lurcher was evaluated for a chronic history of increased upper respiratory noise. Advanced imaging including digital radiography and pre- and post-contrast computed tomography (CT) scan confirmed the presence of an ill-defined soft tissue mineralized mass of the ventral larynx. Histopathology demonstrated pleocellular myositis and fasciitis with osseous metaplasia.  相似文献   

A 13‐year‐old Thoroughbred gelding presented with a 6 month history of recurrent conjunctivitis, dacryocystitis and corneal ulceration affecting the left eye (OS). Treatment had included multiple topical antibiotic and anti‐inflammatory preparations, nasolacrimal system flushing and an injection of methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) (Depomedrone) 1 administered subconjunctivally into the left lower eyelid. No mechanical cause for the ulcerative keratitis could be visualised but digital palpation revealed a firm linear structure in the central palpebral conjunctiva of the lower eyelid. An excisional biopsy was performed and histopathological examination revealed the lesion to be a region of osseous metaplasia. Following excision of the lesion, the corneal ulcer resolved and the eye remained disease free over a 4 year follow‐up period. A causal link between the osseous metaplasia and the recurrent ulcerative keratitis was therefore suspected. This report describes the management of this case and discusses the pathogenesis of osseous metaplasia and the use of subconjunctival corticosteroids.  相似文献   

A four-year-old shire mare with haematuria, colic, terminal weight loss and an abdominal mass had a large unilateral renal adenocarcinoma. Clinical signs were monitored for 11 months. Increased serum copper concentrations were measured on two occasions. Hypercupraemia is discussed as a possible paraneoplastic change.  相似文献   

A case of primary parotid salivary gland adenocarcinoma is described in a three-year-old entire female great dane. The presenting complaint was sudden onset blindness concomitant with the development of bilateral hyphaema and anterior uveitis. A soft-tissue swelling of the left subaural region and right forelimb lameness were also present. A definitive diagnosis of primary parotid salivary gland adenocarcinoma with bilateral ocular metastases was made on post mortem examination. Metastases were also present in the right proximal humerus, left and right prescapular lymph nodes, left axillary lymph node, left retropharyngeal lymph node, bronchial lymph nodes and all lung lobes.  相似文献   

A 10‐year‐old German Warmblood gelding was referred to the Equine Department of the Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich, Switzerland, for an iris mass OD, lethargy, intermittent fever, and coughing. Ophthalmic examination revealed a 7 × 9 mm raised, fleshy, whitish to pinkish, vascularized iris mass at the 2 o`clock position OD. Fundic examination showed multifocal round, brown to black, slightly raised lesions with indistinct margins and a surrounding hyperreflective zone OU. Physical examination revealed a temperature of 39.2 °C, sinus tachycardia, preputial and ventral edema, and an enlarged right mandibular lymph node. Results of a complete blood count and plasma biochemical profile showed mild anemia, leukocytosis, and thrombocytopenia. Severe splenopathy, moderate splenomegaly, and severe pulmonary pathology with nodules and large areas of consolidated lung parenchyma were observed on abdominal ultrasound and thoracic radiographs, respectively. Fine needle aspirates of the enlarged mandibular lymph node showed malignant epithelial neoplastic cells. The horse was euthanized because of the poor prognosis and subsequently underwent postmortem examination. Macroscopic necropsy and histopathology revealed an adenocarcinoma of suspected pulmonary origin with involvement of eyes, heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, diaphragm, skeletal muscles, mandibular, pulmonary, and internal iliac lymph nodes. Metastatic adenocarcinoma should be considered as a differential diagnosis in horses with iris masses, multifocal chorioretinal infiltrates, and clinical signs that conform to a paraneoplastic syndrome.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate stomachs of 2-year-old Syrian hamsters that were naturally colonized by multiple Helicobacter species including Helicobacter aurati. A previous report on 7- to 12-month-old Syrian hamsters described chronic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia, a putative preneoplastic lesion in the stomach, without cancer. This report describes an invasive adenocarcinoma at the pyloric-duodenal junction in one of nine hamsters at a site of helicobacter-associated inflammation and marked intestinal metaplasia. Ceca of nine of nine animals were culture positive and polymerase chain reaction positive for Helicobacter spp. Furthermore, immunohistochemical analysis of the stomach using a H. pylori polyclonal antibody detected positive-staining bacteria within the pyloric region of three of nine hamsters including the neoplastic glands. However, argyrophilic bacteria were demonstrated only within the stomach of the hamster with gastric adenocarcinoma. This is a first report of gastric adenocarcinoma in helicobacter-infected hamsters. Syrian hamsters appear suitable as potential model for studying development of helicobacter-associated gastric adenocarcinomas.  相似文献   

We describe a fibrosarcoma in a 12-year-old Quarterhorse × Arabian gelding as a sequela to equine influenza vaccination. Shortly after the second vaccination, swelling at the site was noticed by the owner and it continued to increase in size over the following 6 months. Biopsy of the mass indicated a fibrosarcoma had developed at the vaccination site. It was approximately 20 cm in diameter and elevated well above the level of the skin. There was no clinical evidence of metastases to the lungs or local lymph nodes. Surgical resection of the mass was performed and the wound healed by first and second intention. Histopathological examination and immunohistochemical staining confirmed a myofibroblastic fibrosarcoma with multifocal osseous metaplasia. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first equine case of a vaccine-associated fibrosarcoma.  相似文献   

We present a case of aggressive metastatic carcinoma in a horse that was initially presented for shoulder lameness. Although radiography and scintigraphy were useful for localising a lesion in the proximal humerus, subsequent development of non-specific signs of systemic disease prompted further evaluation. Haematology and blood biochemistry, urinalysis and ultrasonography were all instrumental in identifying renal involvement. A diagnosis of a peri-renal mass causing secondary renal failure prompted euthanasia of the horse because of the poor prognosis. Antemortem findings were supported by necropsy, with secondary lesions also identified in the spleen, liver, 8th left rib and proximal humerus. Histological examination yielded a diagnosis of undifferentiated metastatic carcinoma.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old Andalusian stallion developed marked signs of colic associated with an acute small intestine obstruction. Exploratory laparotomy revealed a distal jejunum full-thickness wall induration and multiple small adherent intraluminal masses. Fifteen centimeters of jejunum, including the induration, and several intraluminal masses were resected. Histologic examination revealed an adenocarcinoma and multiple polypoid adenomas. The horse was discharged, and no complications were reported 12 months postoperatively. Colic was considered secondary to partial jejunal lumen obstruction by the adenocarcinoma. Adenocarcinoma recurrence or transformation from remaining adenomas into an adenocarcinoma is still a major risk.  相似文献   

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