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醒来朦胧市廛声,车流隆隆如天风.疑似当年野地居,长风夹雨洒帐篷.——2009年5月8日,因急性膀胱炎,入住301医院.晨昏恍惚中,忽忽已住院整整20天.听院外车声隆隆不绝,恍如当年草原野宿,风雨交加吹洒帐篷之声.沉寂多日的思绪油然萌动.枕上吟诗一首,以孤寂自娱.  相似文献   

任继周 《草业科学》2013,30(8):1188-1188

早起开灯看鸡群早起开灯后看鸡群精神,健康鸡群开灯后见到饲养员,发出“嘎嘎”的唱声,表现出急待吃食的样子。如开灯后除大部分健康鸡出现上述情况外,笼内仍有少数鸡只出现懒惰卧笼不动,闭眼打瞌,头卷曲到翅膀下或站立发呆,两翅下垂,羽毛蓬松,饲养员拍笼驱赶才跑动,这说明鸡已发病。观察采食快与慢健康鸡在喂料时表现活泼好动,食欲旺盛,整个鸡舍一片“嘎嘎”的食料叫声,两个小时左右吃完所喂饲料。如鸡发病时,精神发呆,食欲降低,吃料减少,食槽内剩料不断。早晚观察鸡粪便早起晚察鸡粪便,是养鸡者和技术人员长期来诊断鸡病的好方法,健康鸡排…  相似文献   

正1)听叫声。家畜生病后,叫声往往出现异常,或声音嘶哑而低微,或叫声平起而后延长,或叫声怪猛而音短促,或叫声如破锣音等。在病情严重及异常痛苦时,常发出低微的呻吟声,且呻吟声常与磨牙声同时出现。2)听呼吸音。家畜一旦出现呼吸气粗多,或呼吸气息微弱,或呼吸伴有痰声作响,或呼吸时伴有鼻  相似文献   

1听声音鸡的许多疫病会呈呼吸症状,可从听其声音上加以识别。可在静夜时分倾听鸡的呼吸,判断是否正常。新城疫呈喘,发出咯咯声;败血霉形体呈呼吸罗音;疫病不同其呼吸状况也不一样,须认真加以辨别。如鸡群中只有一二只异常,可捉出单独治疗,如大群发病就应立即确诊投药治疗。2看外貌一般来说,健康鸡的外貌特征是这样的:鸡冠、肉髯大而红润,富有弹力,手触之有温暖感。若是高产鸡则有的鸡冠倒向一侧;羽毛较干燥、粗糙、换毛迟,有的高产鸡边换毛边产蛋;健康鸡的肛门宽大而湿润,趾骨之间可放下三个手指;其皮肤退色较快,从肛门、眼睑、耳朵、喙、脚…  相似文献   

正听叫声。家畜生病后,叫声往往出现异常,或声音嘶哑而低微,或叫声平起而后延长,或叫声怪猛而音短促,或叫声如破锣音,等等。在病情严重及异常痛苦时,常发出低微的呻吟声,且呻吟声常与磨牙声同时出现。听呼吸。家畜一旦出现呼吸气息微弱,或呼吸伴有痰声作响,或呼吸时伴有鼻塞音,或呼吸鼻出哽气,或呼吸时气如拉锯等现象,均属病态。用耳朵或听诊器贴在羊的胸部听其肺脏的呼吸音。如果听到呼吸音持续时间较长,发出"夫夫"的音响,证明羊是健康的。如果听到呼吸粗,形似拉锯、赫赫有声或呼吸声音微弱而浅薄,  相似文献   

Livestock provide a wide variety of goods and services that generate income and support the livelihoods of millions of poor people in the developing world. Natural and human selections have shaped existing livestock genotypes throughout the estimated 12,000 year history since the first animal domestication. The result, in many production systems in the developing world, is a livestock genotype adapted to its environment and capable of meeting the needs of smallholder farmers. However, this adaptation is unlikely to be optimal and the rapid changes currently affecting the livestock sector, including policy and market changes, movements of germplasm frequently involving the importation of exotic breeds, and the increasing impacts of climate change are affecting the livestock genotype-environment optimum. This is challenging livestock production systems of smallholder farmers. Current challenges include: high rates of loss of the diversity in livestock populations, rapid transformation in smallholder production systems requiring significant changes in genotypes and their management; increased demand for quality and safe foods; increased market competition in a globalizing economy; increased need for complex partnership arrangements in the ever-changing livestock commodity chain; and lack of adaptive capacity to respond to the rapid system changes. Underlying all these is the general lack of strategies for genetic improvement of livestock in smallholder systems and poor livestock infrastructure in developing countries. Opportunities include increased demand for livestock products — and hence potential market opportunities, and new technologies with potential to leap-frog breeding progress in developing countries. This paper analyses options for pro-poor livestock improvement in developing countries, with particular emphasis on the potential role that science – both old and new – will have, from understanding the social underpinnings to innovative technical solutions. It concludes that one of the highest priority interventions for the smallholder systems is the development of innovative approaches for the strategic use of appropriate genotypes from the available range of global breed resources. The analysis strongly suggests that the highest priority ‘breeding intervention’ should be the provision of appropriate genotypes in a sustainable manner, underpinned by a good understanding of what breed resources exist that have demonstrated potential, where else they could be used, and how they would be delivered to smallholders. Efforts to improve/refine breeding skills of smallholders should proceed in parallel. Institutional arrangements and enabling policies are critical for the success in identifying and applying appropriate genetic technologies, improving access to input services and facilitating access to markets in order to translate productivity gains into incomes.  相似文献   

在养鸡生产中,对鸡病的及早 诊治十分重要(尤其是产蛋期)。而 科学的观察在及时发现疫病苗头并 及早防治上又有着举足轻重的作用。笔者经十余年的养殖实践,总 结出观察鸡群的“三看一听”法,在 此予以介绍,供参考:    (一)看外貌  一般来说,健康 鸡的外貌特征是这样的:鸡冠、肉 髯大而红润,富有弹力,手触之有 温暖感。若是高产鸡则有的鸡冠倒 向一侧;羽毛较干燥、粗糙、换毛 迟,有的高产鸡边换毛边产蛋;健 康鸡的肛门宽大而湿润,趾骨之间 可放下三个手指;其皮肤退色较 快,从肛门、眼睑、耳朵、喙、…  相似文献   

在养鸡生产中,对鸡病的及早诊治十分重要(尤其是产蛋期).而科学的观察在及时发现疫病苗头并及早防治上有着举足轻重的作用.现将观察鸡病的"三看一听"法介绍如下,供参考.  相似文献   

“三看一听”诊断鸡病方法好采用「三看一听」诊断鸡病方法,可以准确地判断和预测鸡病的发生,以便及早地采取有效措施加以防治。一、看鸡群精神的好坏。每天早晨放鸡时,健康鸡总是抢着向外跑;弱鸡常常落在后边;病鸡则表现精神不振,冠子发紫,翅展下垂,不愿离舍或仍...  相似文献   

1伤风感冒用一枝黄花、紫花地丁、金银花各5g,煎汁喂服,连用2剂. 2胃肠炎晒干的大蒜茎放于干净的器皿中,用火点燃烧成炭,然后碾细备用.幼兔1次服1.5~2g,成年兔3~4g,每天3次,连用2~3d可治愈.  相似文献   

介绍预防和治疗美洲幼虫腐臭病的措施  相似文献   

野×杜杂交仔猪附红细胞体病的诊治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乳腺炎在奶牛疾病中占居首位,该病可使奶牛泌乳量明显下降,乳汁变质,严重者可使乳腺发生硬结、萎缩、化脓、坏疽,甚至完全丧失泌乳能力而被淘汰,在奶牛业上可造成很大的经济损失,而且许多病菌可通过病乳传染给人。由于抗生素大量用于治疗临床乳腺炎而残留在牛奶中,使人体产生抗药性,给人们的身体健康带来了严重影响。经临床实践,用纯中药制剂“奶牛乳腺消炎散”治疗236例患牛,有效率达80%,证明中药制剂在治疗该病方面也取得了满意的效果。1病因由多种病原微生物的感染引起,以及由于挤奶方式不正确,或饲养管理环境卫生不清洁,或机械损伤等原…  相似文献   

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