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乌鲁木齐,准噶尔蒙语的意思为"优美的牧场",草原资源丰富,天然草原面积98.7万hm2,占土地总面积的68%。乌鲁木齐市既是新疆维吾尔自治区的首府,全疆政治、经济、文化、信息、交通的中心,也是我国向西开放的桥头堡,丰富的草原资源不仅为畜牧业发展提供了物质保障,而且是最主要  相似文献   

5月27日农业部以农牧发[2004]30号文件的形式下发了关于禁止开垦和非法征占用草原的紧急通知,现予以刊发,以飨读者。  相似文献   

草原属生态环境重要组成部分,强化草原管理是维持生态平衡,改善民生问题和促进经济发展的关键举措,但是在实际工作开展中,草原管理仍存在多种问题,需结合实际情况进行有效处理,切实促进我国生态文明建设工作顺利开展。基于上述背景,本文简要概述了现阶段草原管理存在的问题,并探讨了具体解决措施,以期能为具体工作提供有效借鉴。  相似文献   

草原是生态环境的重要组成部分,对维持生态环境具有重要的影响。加强草原管理,其实就是维护生态安全、改善民生,同时也有效的促进畜牧业的持续性发展。事实上,在经济效益持续上涨的过程中,在草原管理这方面存在着较大的问题。针对此种情况,本文简单分析加强草原管理应当采取的措施。  相似文献   

正7月24日,农业部印发《农业部办公厅关于依法加强草原征占用审核审批管理的通知》(农办牧[2017]28号,以下简称《通知》),要求各地进一步加强草原征占用审核审批管理工作,保护草原资源和生态环境,维护农牧民合法权益。一是认真履行职能,依法加强服务管理。《中华人民共和国草原法》第三十八条规定,进行矿藏开采和工程建设,应当不占或者少占草原;确需征收、征用或者使用草原的,必须经省级以上人民政府草原行政主管部门审  相似文献   

正(2016年5月)随着青海经济建设的快速发展,草原牧区工业化、城镇化快速推进,因矿藏开采和工程建设、光伏发电等项目占用草原现象日益增多。近年来,我省以《中华人民共和国草原法》和农业部《草原征占用审核审批管理办法》为依据,明确各级草原监理机构的管理权限,分级开展草原征占用审核审批工作,取得了新进展。现将有关情况总结如下:  相似文献   

牧区丰富的生态资源,不仅是牧民赖以生存和发展的基础和生命线,也是整个草原牧区赖以生存和永续发展的命脉。  相似文献   

加强草原监理依法保护草原   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
《草原法》对建立草原监理机构和加强草原监理工作做出了明确规定。  相似文献   

作者通过分析中国生鲜乳质量安全现状,对奶牛养殖、生鲜乳运输和收购等环节中影响生鲜乳质量安全的主要因素进行研究,提出应对生鲜乳质量安全问题的防范措施。  相似文献   

Historically, tallgrass prairie burns occurred at many seasons and frequencies. Currently, tallgrass prescribed burns often occur annually in the spring, usually for cattle forage production. Altering burning season and frequency is known to affect plant composition and biomass production, but researchers are still uncertain how burning season and frequency interact. We present the long-term effects of a factorial combination of different burn seasons (spring, summer, autumn, or variable [rotated through seasons]) and frequencies (annual or quadrennial) on the plant composition and biomass production of an ungrazed, restored tallgrass prairie in eastern Nebraska, United States. The experimental plots were established in 1978 and visually surveyed for baseline data in 1979 and 1981. Experimental burn treatments were begun in 1982. Plots were visually surveyed until 2011 with the following results: 1) annual spring and summer burns increased C4 graminoid abundance; 2) annual autumn burns increased forb abundance; 3) burn season had little effect on plant composition for quadrennial burns; and 4) variable season burns generally led to plant composition that was intermediate between annual spring/summer and annual autumn burns. We also clipped biomass to estimate aboveground annual net primary production (ANPP) in 2015, a year in which both annual and quadrennial burns occurred. Total ANPP did not differ significantly between burn frequencies nor between spring and autumn burns (772 g m? 2 average) but was lower in summer burns (541 g m? 2). ANPP results were similar to visual surveys, with significantly higher C4 graminoid ANPP in spring than autumn burns and significantly lower forb and C3 graminoid ANPP in spring than autumn burns. Overall, these results suggest autumn burns can increase forb and C3 graminoid abundance, without strongly affecting total ANPP relative to spring burns. Future studies should compare plant and livestock production between spring and autumn burns in grazed fields.  相似文献   

Tallgrass prairie may respond differently to prescribed burning and subsequent preferential grazing, termed pyric herbivory, under variable climate conditions. This 6-yr study (2011−2016) compared tallgrass prairie pastures that were subjected to burned and unburned conditions while exposed to grazing under differing climate conditions in the Southern Great Plains of the United States. The study area consisted of six pastures, three burned and three unburned. Each burned pasture was further divided into three patches and subjected to a 3-yr rotational burning cycle. The Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) derived from Landsat 7/8 (EVILS) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS, EVIMOD) was used to indicate vegetation production depending on size of pastures. On the basis of EVILS, most burned patches (11 of 18) had lesser production (overall difference of 3%) than unburned patches within the same pasture. The differences were larger (13%) in a drought yr (2011) compared with normal (3% in 2013) and wet (<1% in 2015) yrs. The distribution of precipitation controlled EVILS for periods during and after grazing. The burned patches tended to have lower EVILS during grazing periods than the unburned patches within the same pasture, probably because of selective grazing of newly grown grass in recently burned patches. In contrast, the differences in EVILS between during and after grazing periods were mostly (78%) smaller in burned than unburned patches. However, more variations in EVILS existed among pasture comparisons due to landscape heterogeneity. Similar results were observed with EVIMOD. Overall, results demonstrated that pyric herbivory management and climate determine the impacts of grazing on tallgrass prairie systems. The contrasting seasonal forage availabilities in burned and unburned patches, indicated by different seasonality of EVI, also suggests that patch burning might better balance the quantity and quality of the grass available for cattle grazing.  相似文献   

Acquired dental disease and the formation of elodontomas are often diagnosed in sciurids. The formation of the elodontoma may be preceded by a traumatic tooth injury or other initiating factors. The degree of disease severity varies based on individual presentation and the time of detection. Maxillary elodontomas in sciurid species cause airway obstruction that can prove fatal for these obligate nasal-breathing animals. A thorough understanding of rodent dental anatomy and a complete diagnostic workup are required for diagnosis, prognosis, and surgical planning of elodontoma presentations. This article highlights 2 successful surgical techniques for the removal of the maxillary incisors in sciurid patients with almost total occlusion of the nasal passage.  相似文献   

为满足我国人民对牛肉的需要,牛的繁殖能力是一个至关重要的影响因素。繁殖性能的高低关系着养殖场的生产水平,与经济效益密切相关。本文针对母牛繁殖障碍疾病的防治工作做出了重点阐述,以期为提高牛的繁殖性能和生产效益提供一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

It was considered that mounting surroundings played a important role in affecting the quality and yield of silk through mounting comparison test. In view of the lack of good ventilation in rural area,authors pointed out that mounting management should be emphasized for a great increase in raw silk rate.  相似文献   

Black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) have high dietary overlap with livestock, which can cause forage-centric conflicts between agriculture and conservation. Research suggests prairie dogs can enhance forage quality, but trade-offs between quality and quantity throughout the growing season remain unclear, as well as the degree to which increased forage quality is caused by altered species composition versus altered plant physiology. To assess the effects of prairie dog herbivory on forage in a northern mixed-grass prairie, we collected samples on prairie dog colonies and at sites without prairie dogs during June, July, and August 2016 - 2017 for forage quality, and August 2015 - 2017 for herbaceous biomass. To isolate mechanisms affecting forage quality, we collected both composite samples of all herbaceous species and samples of western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii [Rydb.] Á. Löve). Across years and plant sample types, crude protein, phosphorus, and fat were 12-44% greater and neutral detergent fiber was 6-10% lower on prairie dog colonies than at sites without prairie dogs. The effects of prairie dogs on forage quality persisted throughout the season for western wheatgrass samples (all treatment*time p-values ≥ 0.4). Across years, aboveground herbaceous biomass did not differ significantly between prairie dog colonies and sites without prairie dogs (on-colony: 933 ± 156 kg/ha, off-colony: 982 ± 117 kg/ha). The effects of prairie dogs on herbaceous biomass were significantly influenced by spring precipitation. In years with dry springs, herbaceous biomass was lower on colonies than sites without prairie dogs and this pattern was reversed in years with wet springs. Our results demonstrate season-long enhanced forage quality on prairie dog colonies, indicating that multiple mechanisms are shaping forage quality in this system, including altered species composition, phenological growth stage, and soil condition. Across years, enhanced forage quality may help to offset reductions in forage quantity for agricultural producers.  相似文献   

在数据统计的基础上,分析了我国兽药生产领域人力资源现状,阐述了兽药职业技能鉴定的基本概念和体系建设情况,探讨了兽药职业技能鉴定的发展模式及其对行业发展和在人力资源管理中的功能作用。  相似文献   

西门塔尔牛饲养管理应采取的几项措施   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文分别从西门塔尔牛不同阶段的饲养管理出发,重点论述了饲养管理过程中应注意的10个问题,以供同行相互探讨.  相似文献   

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