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非洲猪瘟病毒常规PCR及Real-time PCR检测方法的建立   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据非洲猪瘟病毒(African swine fever virus,ASFV)P72基因的核苷酸序列,设计并合成引物以及荧光标记的TaqMan探针,以含P72基因的重组质粒作为阳性模板,用于常规PCR和Real-time PCR方法的建立,结果表明常规PCR的检测灵敏度是600个拷贝的病毒核酸分子,Real-time PCR的检测灵敏度是20个拷贝的病毒核酸分子,两种PCR检测方法均具有特异性强、简单快速的优点。可以用于出入境检验检疫部门对非洲猪瘟病毒的快速检测。  相似文献   

Since 2003, two communities in eastern Arizona have experienced a sustained outbreak of Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF), caused by Rickettsia rickettsii, associated with transmission by Rhipicephalus sanguineus, the brown dog tick; 70 human cases, including eight deaths, were reported from these communities during 2003 through 2008. In both of the affected communities, antibodies to spotted fever group rickettsiae (SFGR) were present in dogs before the notice of the first human cases, suggesting that dogs may serve as useful sentinels for human risk of RMSF in this region. During 2005 and 2006, an exploratory serosurvey was conducted among stray and relinquished dogs presenting to animal control facilities in eastern Arizona located outside the area where human cases had been reported. Antibodies to SFGR were detected in 5.7% (14 of 247) dogs assessed outside the RMSF outbreak area. Animal shelters located in counties that either included or shared large borders with the outbreak area were significantly more likely to have seropositive dogs than facilities in more geographically separated counties (P = 0.01). In addition, stray dogs were significantly more likely to be antibody‐positive than relinquished animals (P = 0.01), suggesting that control of stray dog populations should be considered as a means of limiting SFGR transmission in this region. The findings from this study may be extrapolated to suggest that the current risk for human RMSF infection may extend beyond the noted outbreak area. Heightened surveillance for human disease is needed in the region.  相似文献   

A new quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) assay based on Taqman® technology and minor groove binding (MGB) probe was developed for the diagnosis of leishmaniosis and quantification of Leishmania infantum DNA in infected dogs. This method was based on the amplification of a 122 bp fragment of the highly conserved kDNA minicircles of L. infantum. The reaction was performed using the StepOnePlus™ system with StepOne software™. This assay was able to detect the presence of protozoan parasite DNA in amounts as low as 0.03 parasites per reaction. The standard curve designed for the quantification of parasites showed linearity over seven log DNA concentration range with a correlation coefficient >0.999 and both intra- and inter-assay variability demonstrated the high efficiency and reproducibility of the assay. The qPCR also proved to be successfully applicable to different clinical samples including blood, bone marrow, lymph node aspirates and conjunctival swabs.  相似文献   

一种用于非洲猪瘟病毒检测的PCR方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于非洲猪瘟病毒(ASFV)VP72基因设计引物,建立一种检测非洲猪瘟病毒的PCR方法。应用本研究所建立的方法与OIE参考的方法进行比较,并对参考实验室提供的非洲猪瘟病毒17个分离株的基因组以及本实验室收集的野外样品进行检测。结果显示:本研究设计的引物具有良好的特异性,与猪的其他病原没有交叉反应;其敏感性与OIE参考的方法相当;所建立的PCR方法能够成功扩增非洲猪瘟病毒17个分离株的基因组,野外样品检测均为阴性。根据上述研究结果,本研究所建立的方法具有很好的应用性,能够用于非洲猪瘟疫病的诊断以及防控。  相似文献   

为了明确青海省天峻地区青海血蜱传斑点热群立克次体带菌率及遗传进化特点,笔者根据已发表的斑点热群立克次体外膜蛋白Omp A基因序列设计特异性引物,采用PCR方法对青海省天峻地区青海血蜱进行斑点热群立克次体检测并对测定序列进行遗传进化分析。结果在316个青海血蜱标本样品池中共检测到31个阳性样品,SFGR带菌率为9.8%。遗传进化分析显示,TJ013与立克次体福建分离株FUJ98(AF169629),黑龙江立克次体HL-93(AF179364),HL-054(AF179362)及日本立克次体YM(U43795)处于同一分支;SFGR Omp A基因序列同源性分析结果显示,TJ013与立克次体福建分离株FUJ98(AF169629)同源性最高,为95.49%;与黑龙江立克次体绥芬分离株HLJ-054和虎林分离株HL-93的同源性均为91.44%;与日本立克次体YM同源性为90.24%。说明青海省天峻地区青海血蜱传斑点热群立克次体感染较为严重,应尽快制定防治措施,以免对动物及人类健康造成威胁。  相似文献   

为寻求一种快速、有效的马泰勒虫PCR检测方法,用Bec-UF2、Equi-R;EMA-1F、EMA-1R两对引物对56份马血液样本中马泰勒虫的核蛋白体基因和表面蛋白基因进行了常规PCR方法检测,用EMA-5、EMA-6;EMA-7、EMA-8两对引物对56份马血液样本中马泰勒虫的表面蛋白基因进行了PCR和套式PCR方法检测。结果显示,以Bec-UF2、Equi-R为引物的PCR方法的阳性检出率为57.1%(32/56),以EMA-5、EMA-6;EMA-7、EMA-8为引物的套式PCR方法的阳性检出率为51.8%(29/56),以EMA-1F、EMA-1R为引物的PCR方法的阳性检出率为17.9%(10/56)。结果表明,以Bec-UF2、Equi-R为引物的常规PCR方法为检测马泰勒虫的最佳方法。  相似文献   

Classical swine fever is one of the most important infectious diseases for the pig industry worldwide due to its economic impact. Vaccination is an effective means to control disease, however within the EU its regular use is banned owing to the inability to differentiate infected and vaccinated animals, the so called DIVA principle. This inability complicates monitoring of disease and stops international trade thereby limiting use of the vaccine in many regions. The C-strain vaccine is safe to use and gives good protection. It is licensed for emergency vaccination in the EU in event of an outbreak. Two genetic assays that can distinguish between wild type virus and C-strain vaccines have recently been developed. Here the results from a comparison of these two real-time RT-PCR assays in an interlaboratory exercise are presented. Both assays showed similar performance.  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟给全球养猪业造成了严重危害,需要建立更加敏感的PCR检测方法.根据非洲猪瘟病毒(ASFV)的VP72基因序列,设计PCR引物,建立了 ASFV PCR检测方法.以合成的VP72基因片段为阳性对照,进行敏感性试验和特异性试验.同时与世界动物卫生组织(OIE)推荐的PCR引物进行对比试验.结果显示,建立的方法可用于...  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟病毒实时荧光定量PCR检测方法的建立及应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本研究为了建立一套检测非洲猪瘟病毒(African swine fever virus,ASFV)的实时荧光定量PCR检测方法,根据GenBank公布的23株编码ASFV结构蛋白p72的基因序列,设计引物和探针,优化退火温度、Mg2+浓度和引物、探针浓度,生成标准曲线,进行重复性、敏感性、特异性试验,并检测样品。结果显示,优化的退火温度为60 ℃,Mg2+终浓度为4 mmol/L,引物、探针终浓度分别为0.8、0.3 μmol/L。重复性试验变异系数均小于1.3%,敏感性试验最低能够检测到10拷贝/μL的质粒,以其他5种猪病病毒和ASFV质粒为模板进行特异性试验,只有ASFV质粒出现扩增曲线。结果表明,建立的实时荧光定量PCR方法是快速、灵敏、特异的检测ASFV的方法。  相似文献   

This study developed a real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay to detect L. infantum kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) in canine saliva. The qPCR showed an efficiency of 93.8%, a coefficient of correlation of 0.996 and a detection limit of 0.5 fg/reaction (0.005 parasites), although it detected until 0.25 fg/reaction (0.0025 parasites). When samples from 12 dogs experimentally infected with L. infantum were collected, L. infantum kDNA was detected at 16-weeks post-infection (wpi) in 41.7% and 91.7% of saliva and bone marrow samples, respectively, and at 47-wpi in 75% of both samples. L. infantum kDNA can be detected by qPCR in canine saliva, with lower sensitivity in the early stages of infection and a lower parasite load estimation compared to bone marrow. However, saliva had similar sensitivities to bone marrow in the later stages of the infection and could be used to detect L. infantum kDNA being aware of its limitations.  相似文献   

Real-time PCR和常规PCR方法快速鉴定肉骨粉中的牛源性成份   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
疯牛病是一种严重危害动物和人类健康的疾病,其病原朊病毒可以通过食物链进行传播,因此建立准确的检测牛源性成份的方法非常重要.我们采用常规PCR和Real-time PCR中的TaqMan技术建立了快速鉴定牛源性成份的方法,使用Chelex-100提取肉骨粉中的DNA,过程简单可靠仅需要20min左右.对不同含量的牛肉骨粉进行检测,常规PCR能够检测到的最低含量是0.001%,而Real-time PCR对相同的样品进行检测所得到的灵敏度更高,最高可达到0.0001%,两种PCR方法的鉴定过程都非常简单快速,各需要2 h左右.这两种方法可以根据各实验室的不同条件作为肉骨粉鉴别的常规检测方法.  相似文献   

为了进一步做好非洲猪瘟疫情防控工作,研究用实时荧光PCR法对武威市某养殖场病死野猪的猪耳朵和猪鼻拭子样品进行了非洲猪瘟病毒检测。结果显示该养殖场病死猪耳样品和猪鼻拭子样品均无Ct值,线形为直线,表明所有被检测样品均为ASFV抗原阴性。研究为严防非洲猪瘟进入威武市奠定了坚实的技术储备,也为威武市非洲猪瘟疫情防控提供了一定参考。  相似文献   

根据GenBank公布的非洲猪瘟病毒(ASFV)P72基因序列,设计了一对特异性引物和探针,使用含有选定检测序列的重组质粒标准品绘制标准曲线,建立了非洲猪瘟病毒实时荧光定量PCR检测方法。结果表明:该方法的敏感性可达100个拷贝值,具有良好的敏感性和重复性。  相似文献   

With the aim to improve current molecular diagnostic techniques of Hepatozoon sp. in carnivore mammals, we developed a quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay with SYBR Green I®. The method, consisting of amplification of a 235 bp fragment of the 18S rRNA gene, is able to detect at least 0.1 fg of parasite DNA. Reproducible quantitative results were obtained over a range of 0.1 ng–0.1 fg of Hepatozoon sp. DNA. To assess the performance of the qPCR assay, DNA samples from dogs (140) and cats (50) were tested with either standard PCR or qPCR. Positive samples were always confirmed by partial sequencing of the 18S rRNA gene. Quantitative PCR was 15.8% more sensitive than standard PCR to detect H. canis in dogs. In cats, no infections were detected by standard PCR, compared to two positives by qPCR (which were infected by H. canis as shown by sequencing).  相似文献   

为建立猪瘟病毒微滴式数字PCR方法,实现猪瘟病毒定量检测.本研究根据猪瘟病毒5'UTR基因的保守序列设计了引物探针,对反应条件进行了优化,同时对该方法的灵敏性、特异性、重复性进行了评估,并对临床样品进行了检测.结果 显示:本方法的最低检测下限为3.2 copies/μL,未发现与其他病毒有交叉反应,样本重复的变异系数为...  相似文献   

通过序列比对和Blast分析,选定犬细小病毒(Canine parvovirus,CPV)VP2蛋白保守区基因为检测的目的基因,引物采用Primer Premier 5.0软件设计。利用灵敏度较高的TaqMan探针法建立CPV核酸检测方法。通过对标准品的扩增、测序及对标准扩增曲线的绘制,建立CPV核酸检测方法。同时对建立的检测方法进行了检测特异性、灵敏度和重复性分析。将阳性对照标准品进行10倍梯度稀释后可检测到102拷贝/μL样品,表明该检测体系具有较高的检测灵敏度。通过分析表明,本检测方法在用空白对照及类似的猪细小病毒、猪圆环病毒作为扩增对照时,没有发现非特异性产物的产生,表明该体系对于CPV的检测是特异的。通过6次批间重复检测,体系的变异系数小于3%,表明该检测体系具有良好的重复性。  相似文献   

为建立一种快速有效的检测猪劳森氏胞内菌(LI)的方法,本研究根据该菌的天冬氨酸氨裂解酶基因保守序列设计合成一对特异性引物和一条TaqMan探针,建立了定量检测LI的荧光定量PCR方法,并对其进行敏感性、特异性、稳定性试验以及与套氏PCR方法的比较试验.结果表明,标准曲线的循环阈值与模板浓度呈现良好的线性关系,相关系数为0.998507;该方法对其他病原体的检测无特异性荧光信号;而且该方法灵敏度高于套式PCR方法.本研究为猪LI的检测提供了一种特异、敏感、快速的定量检测方法.  相似文献   

为了解四川省石渠县羊蜱蝇巴尔通体和斑点热群立克次体感染情况,采集藏绵羊体表羊蜱蝇,经形态学鉴定后,提取羊蜱蝇总DNA,PCR扩增巴尔通体gltA和rpoB基因、斑点热群立克次体OmpA和OmpB基因,对阳性产物测序、比对及构建进化树,从而确定羊蜱蝇感染巴尔通体和斑点热群立克次体的种类及感染率.在石渠县的4个乡镇总计采集...  相似文献   

根据布鲁菌BCSP31基因序列设计布鲁菌通用检测引物和探针,建立了布鲁菌Cycling探针荧光定量PCR检测方法。以构建的含BCSP31基因的质粒标准品10倍递进稀释为模板检测其敏感性,结果显示,本方法能检测约10个拷贝的阳性质粒,且标准曲线的线性关系良好。用本方法检测5株不同种的布鲁菌以及猪大肠杆菌K99、巴氏杆菌C48-1、猪链球菌ST171、绿脓杆菌等4株对照菌。结果显示,5株不同种的布鲁菌均出现典型的"S"型扩增曲线,4株对照菌40个循环内均无CT值出现。用本方法和B4/B5-PCR方法对来自布鲁菌病流行地区3个不同牛场的40份血样、奶样和血清样进行平行检测。结果显示,本方法和B4/B5-PCR方法的结果符合率为80.0%。B4/B5-PCR检测为阳性的27份样品经本方法检测均为阳性;B4/B5-PCR检测为阴性的13份样本,经本方法检测,其中8份呈阳性,5份为阴性。本方法的敏感性明显高于B4/B5-PCR方法。试验表明,所建立的Cycling探针荧光定量PCR方法具有敏感、特异、稳定等特点,可用于布鲁菌感染的快速检测。  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to assess the occurrence of Rickettsia in the inner‐alpine valleys of the Eastern Alps and to determine the amount of seroreaction among the local human population. Ticks were investigated by PCR and the percentage of seropositives was determined among local blood donors by an in‐house immunofluorescence assay. The local cut‐off titre for screening of IgG was set at 1 : 128 with a well‐characterised low‐risk collective according to WHO‐guidelines. Positive sera were confirmed by independent re‐testing. Rickettsia is present in ticks north and south of the continental divide. Of 259 ticks investigated, 12.4% are positive for Rickettsia. Of over 1200 blood donors tested so far, 7.7% bear IgG at a titre of 1 : 128 or higher against R. helvetica. R. helvetica is present in the study area, causes immunoreaction among local residents and is associated with anamnestic erythema. Furthermore, screening with a second Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia indicates that significant parts of the Tyrolean population are exposed to a Rickettsia other than R. helvetica.  相似文献   

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