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Alpha-amylase inhibitor changes during processing ofsweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) and taro (Colocasia esculenta)indicated that varietal differences profoundly influence the thermalinactivation profile. The -amylase inhibitors of taro were almosttotally inactivated during oven drying of the chips at 90 °C and100 °C for 24h, while 0.8–10% activity was retained in sweetpotato chips under the same conditions. Relatively better thermal stabilitywas exhibited by the sweet potato amylase inhibitors at lower temperatures(70 and 80 deg;C) as well. Cooking by boiling the tuber pieces inwater resulted in retention of 29–59% amylase inhibitor in sweet potatoand 11–16% in taro. Microwave baking was a better method forinactivation of amylase inhibitors in these tubers. Flour prepared from thetubers retained only trivial amounts of the inhibitor.  相似文献   

Full-fat African breadfruit flour was used to replace 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70% of sweet potato flour. The chemical composition and functional properties of composite flours showed that they contains more protein, fat, and ash and less carbohydrate than sweet potato flour. With increasing level of supplementation of breadfruit, ash, protein and fat contents increased while carbohydrate decreased. The composite flours possessed higher water absorption than sweet potato flour. The water absorption capacity increased from 20% for sweet potato flour to the range of 85–120% for composite flours. The oil absorption capacities for some composite flours were higher than that for sweet potato but less than that of breadfruit. Composite flours had good foaming capacity but lacked foaming stability. The bulk density of the composite flours was found to be low which will be an advantage in the preparation of weaning food formulations.  相似文献   

Changes in trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) seeds on soaking in distilled water, different salt solutions and mixed salt solution were investigated. A greater reduction in proteinase inhibitory activity was observed on soaking in salt solution than on soaking in distilled water. Maximum loss of trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity was observed on soaking seeds in mixed salt solution.  相似文献   

The chemical, sensory and rheological properties of porridges made from blends of sprouted sorghum, bambara groundnuts and fermented sweet potatoes were examined. Sorghum and bambara groundnuts were sprouted for 48 h while sweet potatoes were fermented for the same period. Blends were formulated from the processed ingredients in the ratio of 60:40:0, 57:42:1, 55:44:1 and 52:46:2 (protein basis) of sorghum, bambara groundnuts and sweet potatoes. Porridges were prepared from the composite flours and the traditional sorghum complementary food. Standard assay methods were used to evaluate the flours for nutrient composition. The porridges were also tested for sensory properties and viscosity. Processing increased the levels of most of the nutrients evaluated. Relative to the sorghum traditional complementary food, thecomposite flours had higher levels of lipids, protein, ash, crude fiber and minerals (p<0.05). The porridges from the composite flours were generally liked slightly by the panelists and were about seven times less viscous than the porridge from the traditional sorghum complementary food. Use of the composite flours, particularly the 52:46:2 blend, as a traditional complementary food should be encouraged in Nigeria especially with the increasing cost of commercial complementary foods.  相似文献   

Selected legume seeds (dry and soaked) including faba beans, peas, chickpeas, soybeans, lentils and common beans containing 8 and 25% moisture, respectively, were subjected to microwave heating, and to a conventional cooking method to determine the heating effect on toxic compounds and protein quality. Trypsin inhibitors, hemagglutinins and available lysine were analyzed, and laboratory rats were used to determine digestibility and protein efficiency ratio (PER). Results indicated that microwaving destroyed trypsin inhibitors to a similar degree to that observed in beans cooked using the conventional method without affecting PER for raw seeds with low antinutrients content (faba beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils). Microwave-heated soaked soybeans had a higher amount of destroyed trypsin inhibitors, along with a higher PER, compared with microwave-heated dry soybeans. Microwave heating of common beans failed to destroy hemagglutinins and trypsin inhibitors, and consequently their digestibility and PER values were poor. Finally it was concluded that microwave heating constitutes an adequate method for destroying hemagglutinins and trypsin inhibitors without affecting protein quality of most legume seeds, except for common beans that despite of this process retained the antinutritional substances.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted at the U.S. Vegetable Laboratory, Charleston, SC, U.S.A in 2000, 2001, and 2004 to assess the effect of different durations of weed interference on two sweet potato cultivars with different shoot growth habits. The cultivars were Beauregard, which has a spreading growth habit that is typical of U.S. sweet potato cultivars and Carolina Bunch, with an erect growth habit. Weed interference treatments included control plots that were maintained weed free throughout the growing season and plots that were maintained weed free for 0, 10, 20, and 30 days after transplanting. In general, Carolina Bunch was more tolerant of weed interference than was Beauregard. In two of three years Carolina Bunch storage root yields were higher than Beauregard yields in plots that received no weeding; whereas, yields of the two cultivars in weed free plots were not different. Weed interference affected shoot growth to a greater extent than it affected storage root production. At the end of the growing season, Carolina Bunch shoot biomass was greater than Beauregard shoot biomass in plots receiving no weeding and in plots that were maintained weed free for 10 days in all three years. Shoot biomasses of the two cultivars were not different in weed-free plots. Weed shoot biomasses were greater in Beauregard plots than in Carolina Bunch plots in several instances. These results demonstrate that sweet potato cultivars with a vigorous, erect shoot growth habit (with shorter stems, greater branching, and a denser and taller canopy early in the growing season) may be less susceptible to weed interference than cultivars with spreading shoot growth. This study also confirmed previous observations that sweet potato productivity is not greatly affected by moderate weed interference; thus, it may not require intense weed management to produce high yields.  相似文献   

Changes in trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity of redgram seeds on soaking in distilled water, different salt solutions and mixed salt solution were investigated. Reduction in trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity was observed on soaking in salt solutions in comparison to soaking in distilled water. Maximum loss of trypsin and chymotrypsin inibitory activity was observed on soaking the seeds in mixed salt solution.  相似文献   

Full-fat soy and sweet potato were extruded at 0:100, 25:75, 50:50, 75:25 and 100:0 ratios in an Insta-Pro 600 single screw extruder operated at 180, 200, 220 rpm respectively. Functional properties: bulk density, expansion ratio, water absorption and solubility indices and trypsin inhibitor were assayed. Results showed that addition of soybeans to sweet potatoes considerably increased the protein, fat, ash and trypsin inhibitor levels of the raw material mixtures. It also led to decreases in viscosities of raw mixtures, with corresponding increases in pasting temperatures. Addition of soybean significantly (p<0.05) affected expansion ratio, water absorption and solubility indices and trypsin inhibitor but not bulk density. Variation in screw rotation speed (rpm) significantly (p<0.05) affected only water solubility index at increasing speed. Extrudates generally received severe heat treatment, rendering them applicable only in soup bases, flour mixes and breakfast foods.  相似文献   

Summary Significant differences were found in sugar content and invertase activity of tubers of 8 Indian cultivars stored at 3–5°C. Freshly harvested tubers of all the cultivars had low amounts of sugars, which increased during storage, and little or no basal invertase activity but both basal and total invertase activities in all the cultivars increased during storage. There were significant correlations between the reducing sugar content and basal and total invertase activities. Publication no. 116, Central Potato Research Institute, Shimla.  相似文献   

In the western Sahel and many other regions of sub-Saharan Africa,wild edible plants contribute significantly to human diets, notonly during periods when cereal staples are scarce, but also whenthey are readily available. Although there have been publishedreports regarding the nutrient contents of these plant foods,little attention has been devoted to their content of antinutrientssuch as calcium chelators and inhibitors of the pancreas-derivedproteases, trypsin and chymotrypsin, which are required for theefficient digestion and absorption of dietary proteins. In thisstudy, aqueous extracts of 61 different leaves, seeds, fruits andflowers of edible plants gathered in the Republic of Niger wereanalyzed for their content of trypsin inhibitory substances using-N-benzoyl-DL-arginine-p-nitroanilide as the substrate andbovine trypsin as the enzyme source. Twelve of these plant foodscontained more antitrypsin activity than soybeans (1.34–8.18 vs.1.32 g trypsin inhibited/mg dry weight). Boiling for 3 mindid not inactivate the antitrypsin activity in most of the plantextracts. These data confirm that more than half of the wildedible plant foods widely consumed by various populations whoinhabit the western Sahel contain significant quantities of heat-stable trypsin inhibitor that could possibly compromise thebioavailability of proteins present in the diets of these populations.  相似文献   

Weanling male Wistar rats were fed 20% protein diets based on casein or either of two combinations of soy protein isolate and ground raw soy providing three levels of soybean trypsin inhibitors (SBTI; 0,448 and 808 mg of trypsin inhibited per 100g of diet respectively). DL-ethionine was included at three levels (0,0.05% and 0.10%) with each level of SBTI. After 4, 8 and 12 weeks ofad libitum feeding, diets containing SBTI without DL-ethionine were associated with decreases in weight gain, feed efficiency, serum cholesterol and serum urea nitrogen. Higher levels of triglycerides, glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) and altered serum free amino acid levels were also found. Increased dietary levels of DL-ethionine also resulted in deficits in growth and feed efficiency, decreased serum cholesterol, increased SGPT and similar alterations in serum free amino acids. Combination of dietary SBTI with DL-ethionine resulted in even greater growth deficits and serum cholesterol decreases as well as increases in SGPT and serum triglycerides and changes in serum free amino acid levels. Methionine deficiency in the young rats fed SBTI and DL-ethionine was indicated by the changes in serum amino acids and growth deficits. Moderation of some effects over the 12 week test period suggested decreased methionine requirements in the older rats.  相似文献   

Summary The accumulation of reducing sugars, sucrose and hexose phosphates in cv. Bintje and genotype KW77-2916 during storage at 2, 4, or 8°C was studied in relation to several catalytic activities. Bintje tubers accumulated sugars during storage at 2 or 4°C, whereas KW77-2916 showed reduced cold-sweetening at 2°C. The increase in glucose 6-phosphate and sucrose occurred concurrently and preceded the increase in reducing sugar concentration. Phosphorylase activity showed a strong interaction with temperature, storage duration and sugar accumulation in both genotypes. Invertase activity increased in Bintje concomitantly with the increase in reducing sugars, but this effect was less obvious in KW77-2916. The activities of other glycolytic and Krebs cycle enzymes showed no obvious correlation with sugar accumulation. It is suggested that the increase in phosphorylase activity acts as a triggering event in the sweetening of potato tubers during cold storage.  相似文献   

A disease survey was conducted on sweet potato in the major production areas of South Africa in 2006-2008 to determine the importance of wilt disease (WD) and Alternaria blight (AB) caused by Alternaria bataticola. The disease prevalence, incidence and severity were assessed for both WD and AB in 58 sweet potato fields in seven provinces, and included both commercial and resource-poor growers. The prevalence of WD in commercial fields was significantly higher than in resource-poor fields; while disease incidence and severity were very low in both commercial and resource-poor fields. Soil pH showed a moderate negative linear correlation to WD severity. WD is at present considered a minor disease of sweet potato in South Africa, although local outbreaks can be damaging. AB had very low disease prevalence, incidence and severity levels in both commercial and resource-poor fields countrywide. However, one of the fields had moderately high disease incidence and severity levels, showing that the disease can be destructive if not controlled. AB should be considered a potentially destructive disease of sweet potato in South Africa. Fusarium oxysporum was consistently isolated from WD plants, with F. oxysporum f. sp. batatas identified, but other formae speciales were also associated with the disease.  相似文献   

The application of dry heat to the seeds and meal was not effective in inactivating the trypsin inhibitory activity (TIA) and chymotrypsin inhibitory activity (CIA). Soaking for 24 hours followed by cooking for 20 min was effective in destroying the TIA and CIA.  相似文献   

White kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), cv Processor, contain a relatively high content of phaseolin (storage protein), lectins and a special group of glycoproteins as well as a considerable amount of protein-type trypsin inhibitors. Protein digestion of raw Processor beans in monogastrics, for example pigs, is disturbed by poorly digested, phaseolin lectins, which can bind to carbohydrates in brush border membranes of the small intestinal epithelium, and trypsin inhibitors. The effect of the germination of white kidney beans on lectins, phaseolin and trypsin inhibitors was studied in order to achieve a degradation of lectins, phaseolin and trypsin inhibitors and an increase ofin vitro enzymatic hydrolysis of the protein of bean flour. Therefore, whole bean extracts were examined throughout a germination period of up to seven days for their lectin and phaseolin pattern, lectin content, binding capacities of functional lectins towards brush border membranes and trypsin inhibitor content. In addition thein vitro enzymatic hydrolysis by pepsin and pancreatin of the protein from flours of (un)germinated white kidney beans was studied. SDS-PAGE demonstrated a degradation of E-lectins and a disappearance of L-lectins and phaseolin during germination. Results indicated a decrease of the lectin content by 85%, a loss of binding capacities of functional lectins towards brush border membranes by 91%, and a decrease of trypsin inhibitors by 76%, in bean flour after germination for seven days. A maximum inin vitro enzymatic hydrolysis of protein from bean flour was already established after germination for half a day.  相似文献   

Proximate composition, energy, mineral and vitamin contentsand the effect of blanching methods and times on the trypsinand chymotrypsin inhibitor activities were studied usingcabbage, collard, turnip, peanut, and sweet potato leaves.Results of this study indicated that, crude protein, crudefat, carbohydrate and ash contents were in the range of 15.5–25.6%, 1.4–6.5%, 60.4–73.1% and 6.8–7.5%,respectively. Total dietary fiber was lowest in cabbage (28.2 g/100 g) and highest in the collard leaves (43.1%)while energy content per 100 g of vegetables was highestin sweet potato leaves (402 kcal) and lowest in cabbage(379 kcal). The mineral content per 100 g of vegetableswere in the range of 33.4–249.8 mg, 241.2–471.2 mg,12.1–75.1 mg, 14.9–98.9 mg, 0.5–3.5 mg and 0.9–3.1 mgfor Ca, K, Na, Mg, Fe and Zn, respectively. For ascorbicacid, riboflavin, thiamin and total carotenoids, concentrations in 100 g of vegetables were in the range of45.1–112.7 mg, 0.2–0.3 mg, 0.3–0.8 mg and 2.0–7.3 mg,respectively. The trypsin inhibitory activity per gram ofthe vegetables was highest in collard (60.1 TIU/g) andlowest in peanut leaves (41.0 TIU/g). Chymotrypsin inhibitoractivity was highest in the peanut (69.6 CIU/g) but lowestin the collard leaves (48.0 CIU/g). Both trypsin and chymotrypsin inhibitor activities were significantly (p<0.05) reduced by most of the treatments in eitherthe conventional or microwave blanching methods. In the conventional blanching method, trypsin inhibitor activitywas reduced by 0.5, 6.8, 11.9, 9.0 and 19.3 percent in cabbage, collard, turnip, sweet potato and peanut leaves,respectively, when the vegetables were blanched for 2.5 minutes but after blanching for 10 minutes, the trypsininhibitor activity was reduced by 29.7, 34.9, 54.3, 52.3and 65.6 percent in cabbage, collard, turnip, sweet potatoand peanut greens, respectively. For the microwave ovenblanching, trypsin inhibitor activity was reduced by 3.8,3.3, 32.7, 5.0 and 9.5 percent in cabbage, collard, turnip,sweet potato and peanut leaves, respectively when thevegetables were blanched for 30 seconds. When blanched for60 seconds, trypsin inhibitor activity was reduced by 16.2,45.8, 46.2, 51.0 and 42.4 percent in cabbage, collard, turnip, sweet potato and peanut greens, respectively.Similar trends in the reduction of chymotrypsin inhibitoractivity were observed when the vegetables were conventionally blanched for 2.5, 5 and 10 minutes andwhen blanched by microwave oven for 30, 45 and 60 seconds.Based on the results of this study, the vegetables weregood dietary sources of minerals, vitamins, carbohydrateand proteins. Also, blanching was an effective method forreducing the trypsin and chymotripsin inhibitor activitiesin the leafy vegetables, however, further investigation onthe heating times for both conventional and microwaveblanching methods is suggested.  相似文献   

Summary Total losses during storage and reconditioning of several Polish varieties and strains in comparison with the American varietyKennebec are discussed. Several varieties or strains show such high losses that they are not acceptable for processing after storage. Susceptibility to loss is an attribute which must be taken into account when assessing varieties.  相似文献   

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