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连续覆膜旱作稻氮、磷、钾养分分布特征探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过长期田间定位试验对自2001年起连续覆膜旱作稻N、P、K养分吸收分布特征及秸秆还田对其影响作了研究。结果表明,水稻各器官中籽粒氮磷浓度最高,而钾在茎部最高;氮磷含量主要分布在籽粒,钾主要分布在叶和茎部;秸秆还田提高了植株体内总氮和钾吸收量,而磷稍有降低,具有降低籽粒中氮磷钾的浓度趋势,且它们在籽粒中分配率都有所下降。随着氮肥用量增加,覆膜旱作稻籽粒氮浓度和氮吸收量、以及磷钾吸收量均有所增加,而磷和钾浓度则稍有下降趋势;氮、磷和钾在籽粒中的分配率降低。与常规水作和裸地旱作相比,覆膜旱作一定程度提高了水稻各器官氮浓度以及根茎叶中磷浓度,但籽粒中磷浓度以及各器官中钾浓度差异甚微。覆膜旱作提高了植株总氮、磷和钾含量,籽粒中氮占植株总氮含量比率稍有提高,磷和钾在籽粒中的分配率则稍低于常规水作。  相似文献   

覆膜旱作稻田土壤有效N、P、K及盐分分层变化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘铭  吴良欢 《土壤通报》2004,35(5):570-573
以常规水作和裸地旱作作对照,对覆膜旱作栽培条件下稻田各土层(0~60cm)土壤有效N、P、K和盐分含量变化作了比较研究。结果表明:与常规水作相比,覆膜旱作稻田10~15cm土层的碱解氮与有效磷含量显著增加,其余差异不大。与裸地旱作相比,覆膜旱作稻田5~15cm土层的碱解氮含量及5~20cm土层的有效磷含量显著增加,其余差异不大。与常规水作和裸地旱作相比,覆膜旱作稻田土壤速效钾含量在20cm以上土层增加明显。当地下水位较高时,覆膜旱作稻田0~5cm表层土壤表现积盐,地下水位较低时表层表现脱盐。  相似文献   

旱作与覆盖方式对水稻吸收利用氮的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
水稻是一种喜水或嗜水植物,具有半水生或湿生的习性,淹水栽培使水稻种植不仅耗水量巨大而且水资源浪费严重.因降雨量在地区间、季节间、年际间分配不均,加之受水源多少、引水灌溉难易等的影响,使不少稻田由于水资源短缺以及水分供需矛盾的原因往往造成水稻产量低而不稳甚至改种其它作物.水稻旱作是克服水分不足的高效节水稻作技术,作为一种抗旱手段,水稻旱作为水资源不足的地区、高亢地及低洼易涝旱作区、干旱所致的缺水地区扩种水稻、减少灌溉用水,加快种植业结构调整、提高农民收入有着重要意义[1,2].  相似文献   

改进CERES-Rice模型模拟覆膜旱作水稻生长   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
覆膜旱作是节水稻作生产体系的重要措施之一,采用CERES-Rice模型模拟覆膜旱作水稻生长需另外考虑覆膜的增温效应和根系层土壤水分布差异及由此所带来的影响。该文借鉴部分旱地作物的相关研究成果,对原CERES-Rice模型中的积温和土壤温度、蒸发和土壤水分胁迫等模拟计算过程进行了改进,并进一步通过2个水稻生长季的田间试验予以验证。试验于2013、2014年在湖北房县进行,共涉及淹水(对照)、覆膜湿润栽培和覆膜旱作共3个水分处理,采用原模型和改进模型分别对2个生长季、2个覆膜处理的生育期、叶面积指数与地上部干物质质量的变化过程及产量进行模拟。结果表明:原CERES-Rice模型难以准确刻画覆膜旱作水稻的生长发育过程,经改进后,模拟效果大大改善,可有效反映环境变化(水分、温度)对覆膜水稻生育进程的影响和产量形成,维持生育期与产量模拟的相对误差在15%以内;覆膜水稻叶面积指数的动态模拟基本满足要求,其均方根差≤1.54 m~2/m~2、相对均方根差≤27%、建模效率≥0.85;对覆膜水稻地上部干物质质量变化过程的模拟也呈现出较好的效果,均方根差和相对均方根差分别小于1 490 kg/hm~2、16%,建模效率则高于0.95。总体而言,经改进后的CERES-Rice模型基本可满足要求,较好地用于模拟覆膜旱作水稻的生长发育规律。  相似文献   

直播旱作和水作水稻的氮素吸收利用特征研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
淡水资源的不足和大量耗竭将严重影响农业的可持续发展,因此,人们对消耗我国农业用水80%左右的传统水稻栽培提出了挑战,水稻旱作也就越来越多地受到关注。其中,地膜覆盖旱作和利用半腐解秸秆替代地膜的覆盖旱作都受到了广泛的重视。目前,旱作水稻的研究往往是以移栽后旱种的方式为主,  相似文献   

水稻覆膜旱作技术具有显著的节水、增温、防污和减排效应,是节水稻作技术体系的重要措施之一,将CERES-Rice模型用于覆膜旱作条件时,必须首先解决覆膜增温效应的准确模拟问题。该文拟应用热量传输理论及目前旱地作物生产系统中采用的覆膜增温效应模拟方法,来模拟水稻覆膜旱作生产体系中的增温效应,从而为完善CERES-Rice模型并使其能用于覆膜旱作水稻的生长模拟奠定基础。参数调校与模型检验验证通过2013、2014年在湖北房县开展的2 a水稻覆膜旱作田间试验来进行,共涉及淹水(对照)、覆膜湿润栽培和覆膜旱作共3个水分处理,分别对2个生长季、2个覆膜处理地表5 cm及地下10、20 cm处温度的变化过程进行了模拟,结果表明:经过参数调校后,所建立的覆膜增温模型可较好地模拟覆膜稻田地表和剖面上土壤温度的变化规律,地表5 cm处土壤温度模拟值与实测值的均方根差、相对均方根差分别低于1.8℃和10%,相关系数在0.89以上(P0.01);尽管地下10、20 cm处的模拟误差稍大,也基本可满足要求,相应的均方根误差3.2℃,相对均方根差15%,相关系数0.65(P0.01)。  相似文献   

根系吸水模型模拟覆膜旱作水稻气孔导度   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为构建覆膜旱作水稻根系吸水模型,进一步改进气孔导度模型,该文在湖北十堰开展包含3个水分处理(淹水、覆膜湿润和覆膜旱作栽培)的田间试验,分析覆膜旱作水稻蒸腾(根系吸水)与根长之间的关系,在此基础上建立覆膜旱作水稻根系吸水模型,并将其代替彭曼(Penman-Monteith,PM)方程来估算蒸腾强度,进而与脱落酸(abscisic acid,ABA)参与调控的气孔导度模型耦合,模拟覆膜旱作条件下水稻气孔导度的日变化过程。结果表明,水稻蒸腾与根长呈线性正比关系(R~2=0.96,P0.05),据此建立的根系吸水模型可以较好地模拟覆膜旱作水稻的蒸腾(根系吸水)规律,使蒸腾强度模拟值和实测值间的相对误差基本控制在15%以内;经改进后的Tardieu-Davies气孔导度模型(TD模型)可有效描述不同土层根系吸水流中的ABA浓度及不同根系层ABA的合成对木质部蒸腾流中总ABA含量的贡献,可较好地模拟气孔导度的日变化过程。改进TD模型大大提高了模拟精度,使相对误差不超过7.0%。该研究可为覆膜旱作水稻生理节水机理和水分利用效率评估提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

水稻旱作覆膜的增温保墒效果及其对生育性状影响研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
通过对水稻旱作覆膜增温保墒效果的系统研究,表明水稻旱作覆膜具有显著的增温效果和较好的保墒作用。由于覆膜的增温保墒作用,旱作覆膜后的前期生长比不覆膜旱作、水作旺盛,分蘖盛期来得早,使水稻旱作覆膜比不覆膜有显著的增产效果  相似文献   

不同肥料和N减量施用对旱作玉米生产的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过在山西寿阳旱农试验区进行玉米地不同肥料和N减量处理试验,得出:普通肥、增效肥以及增效肥减量施用后对玉米出苗率、株高生长以及产量的影响效果不同;其增产、增效作用的排序为:增效复合肥〉普通复合肥〉增效尿素〉普通尿素,施用增效复合肥对植株生长、植株N和K含量状况有所改善;增效复合肥和增效尿素的N利用率为13.1%~27.3%和0.9%~14.2%,优于普通肥料;N减量15%施用后,玉米产量不但没有显著减少,而且增效肥的N利用效率最高,尿素的N利用效率与N100%施用差异不大。N减量30%和45%施用的产量之间没有显著差异,减量越大,N的利用效率反而越高。通过氮肥合理减量施用,可以达到提高氮肥利用率、节本增效和减少养分向环境流失的目的。  相似文献   

艾应伟 《土壤通报》2006,37(4):688-690
通过田间小区试验,研究了盖秸、盖膜、秸秆和地膜双覆盖、裸地4种旱作覆盖方式与常规灌溉方式对水稻生长期间农田N素平衡的影响。结果表明:除旱作盖膜处理的农田N素平衡为负增长外,其余处理均为正增长,农田N素的增加量达22.62~53.30kg hm-2,不同处理间的差异表现为旱作盖秸>旱作盖秸膜>常规灌溉>旱作裸地。  相似文献   

Rice is important crop for world population, including Brazil. Nitrogen (N) is one of the most yield limiting nutrients in rice production under all agro-ecological conditions. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate N responses to 12 lowland rice genotypes. Soil used in the experiment was a Gley humic according to Brazilian soil classification system and Inceptisol according to USA soil taxonomy classification. The N rates used were 0 mg kg?1 (low) and 300 mg kg?1 (high) of soil. Plant height, straw yield, grain yield, panicle density, 1000 grain weight, and root dry weight were significantly increased with the addition of N fertilization. These growth, yield, and yield components were also significantly influenced by genotype treatment. Grain yield had significant linear or quadratic association with shoot dry weight, panicle number and 1000 grain weight Based on grain efficiency index genotypes were classified as efficient, moderately efficient and inefficient in N use. The N efficient genotypes were ‘BRS Tropical’, ‘BRS Jaçanã’, ‘BRA 02654’, ‘BRA 051077’, ‘BRA 051083’, ‘BRA 051108’, ‘BRA 051130’ and ‘BRA 051250’. Remaining genotypes fall into moderately efficient group. None of the genotypes were grouped as inefficient in N use efficiency.  相似文献   


Nitrogen is one of the most yield–limiting nutrients in lowland rice in Brazil. A field experiment was conducted for two consecutive years to evaluate nitrogen (N) uptake by five lowland rice genotypes and its association with grain yield. The nitrogen rate used was 0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg ha?1. The genotypes evaluated were CNAi 8886, CNAi 8569, BRSGO Guará, BRS Jaburu, and BRS Biguá. Grain yield and dry matter yield of shoot were significantly influenced by N rate. However, response varied from genotypes to genotypes. Genotype BRSGO Guará, BRS Bigua, and BRS Jaburu were having linear response, whereas genotypes CNAi 8886 and CNAi 8569 were having quadratic response with the N application rate in the range of 0 to 200 kg ha?1. Overall, genotypes BRSGO Guará and CNAi 8886 were the best because they produced higher yield at low as well as at higher N rates. Nitrogen uptake in shoot was having quadratic relationship with grain yield, whereas nitrogen uptake in the grain was linearly associated with grain yield.  相似文献   

Upland rice is an important crop in South America, including Brazil. Nitrogen (N) is one of the most yield-limiting nutrients in upland rice production in Brazil. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate N uptake and use efficiency as influenced by N sources. The soil used in the experiment was an Oxisol. The N sources were ammonium sulfate and urea, and N rates were 0, 50, 100, 150, 300, and 400 mg kg?1 of soil. Nitrogen concentrations in the root, shoot, and grain were significantly influenced by N sources. The N rate and N source significantly influenced the N uptake in root, shoot, and grain. Similarly, nitrogen rate by N source interaction was also significant for N uptake in the root, shoot, and grain, indicating N source has a significant influence on uptake of N. Overall, concentration (content per unit dry weight) of N was greater in the grain, followed by root and shoot. Agronomical efficiency, apparent recovery efficiency, and utilization efficiency of N were significantly influenced by N rate and varied with N sources. However, physiological and agrophysiological efficiencies were only influenced significantly by N sources. Overall, N recovery efficiency was 33% for ammonium sulfate and 37% for urea. Hence, the large amount of N lost from soil–plant system may be by denitrification or voltilization.  相似文献   

水氮互作对河套灌区膜下滴灌玉米产量与水氮利用的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
为探讨不同滴灌施氮策略对玉米生长、产量、水肥利用效率的影响,于2015年在河套灌区开展了玉米膜下滴灌田间试验。试验设置3个灌水水平(采用张力计指导灌溉,分别控制滴头正下方20cm深度处土壤基质势下限高于-20,-30,-40kPa),6个施氮水平(0,180,225,262.5,300,345kg/hm2),研究水氮互作对玉米株高、LAI、产量、水氮利用率的影响。结果表明,在玉米生育期前期,高氮对玉米株高与叶面积指数(LAI)具有明显的促进作用,在灌浆期,受水氮互作以及施氮量的影响,随施氮量的增大表现出先升高后降低的趋势,当施氮水平为N3(262.5kg/hm2)时为最大。完熟期玉米干物质积累对灌水的响应表现为:W1(-20kPa)W2(-30kPa)W3(-40kPa),施氮对玉米籽粒吸氮量的变化表现为:N3(262.5kg/hm2)N4(225kg/hm2)N2(300kg/hm2)N5(345kg/hm2)N0(0kg/hm2),N3比N1和N2分别升高15.71%和11.13%,比N4仅提高1.51%。灌水与施氮均可显著增加玉米籽粒产量、百粒重、穗行数以及行粒数,二者有显著的交互作用,且以氮为主效应。在施氮0~262.5kg/hm2范围内,氮肥利用率随施氮量的增加而升高,此后反而降低;在该范围内水分利用效率以及灌溉水利用效率均随施氮量升高而增加,随基质势控制水平的升高而明显下降,以灌水水平W3(-40kPa)为最大。在试验中,以W3N3处理的水氮利用率最高,其水分利用效率与氮肥回收率比产量最高的W2N4要分别高出1.93%和76.60%,但产量比W2N4要下降约8.58%。在河套灌区玉米膜下滴灌施氮条件下,灌水量-30kPa和施氮量225kg/hm2时,可获得最高的籽粒产量。在灌水量-40kPa和施氮量262.5kg/hm2条件下,可以获得低于最高籽粒产量约8%的籽粒产量与最高的水氮利用率。从节水和生态可持续发展角度来看,灌水水平W3(-40kPa)、施氮水平N3(262.5kg/hm2)为当地最佳的滴灌施氮策略。  相似文献   

Potassium (K) plays an important role in many physiological and biochemical processes in plants and its adequate use is an important issue for sustainable economic crop production. Soil test–based K fertilizer recommendations are very limited for lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown on Inceptisols. The objective of this study was to calibrate K soil testing for the response of lowland rice (cv. Ipagri 109) to added K. A field experiment was conducted in the farmers' field in the municipality of Lagoa da Confusão, State of Tocantins, central Brazil. The K rates used were 0, 125, 250, 375, 500, and 625 kg K ha?1 applied as broadcast and incorporated during sowing of the first rice crop. Rice responded significantly to K fertilization during 2 years of experimentation. Maximum grain yield of about 6,000 kg ha?1 was obtained with 57 mg K kg?1 soil in the first year and with 30 mg K kg?1 in the second year. This indicated that at low levels of K in the soil, nonexchangeable K was available for plant growth. Potassium use efficiency designated as agronomic efficiency (kg grain produced/kg K applied) decreased significantly in a quadratic fashion with increasing K level in the soil. Agronomic efficiency had a significantly linear association with grain yield. Hence, improving agronomic efficiency with management practices can improve rice yield.  相似文献   

缓释氮比例对一次性施肥单季晚稻生长和氮素利用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探明单季晚稻缓释氮肥一次性施用模式中缓释氮占总施氮量的适宜比例,为单季晚稻高效施肥提供理论指导。2019—2020年在浙江省长兴县和平镇开展田间试验。试验共设6个处理:(1)不施氮肥(N0);(2)常规施肥(U1,基肥:分蘖肥:穗肥为4:3:3);(3)常规施肥减氮12.5%(U2,比例同U1);(4)57%缓释氮一次性施用(SRU1);(5)45%缓释氮一次性施用(SRU2);(6)34%缓释氮一次性施用(SRU3)。U1的施氮量为240 kg/hm2,U2和SRU的施氮量均为210 kg/hm2。测定水稻产量、养分吸收量、养分利用率、田面水铵态氮含量和氨挥发量等指标。结果表明:N0处理的单季晚稻产量为U处理的73.55%。与U相比,缓释氮肥一次性施用可以维持水稻产量。单季晚稻产量随着缓释氮施用比例升高而增加。SRU处理与U处理之间地上部氮含量及氮素吸收量均无显著差异。2019年SRU2处理和2020年SRU1处理氮肥利用率分别比U处理提高10.49%和8.84%,达到显著差异水平,其他处理与U1、U2处理间差异均不显著。与U相比,SRU处理显著降低了田面水铵态氮含量和稻田累积氨挥发量,但各缓释肥处理间无显著差异。综合相关产量及氮素损失的结果,34%缓释氮施用比例可满足单季晚稻一次性施肥要求,能保证水稻稳产,同时降低氮素径流和挥发损失。  相似文献   

尿素与复合氮肥增效剂配施对水稻氮素利用的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用^15N-尿素进行盆栽和田间试验,研究了复合氮肥增效剂用量、尿素与复合氮肥增效剂配施对水稻生长、籽粒产量和氮素吸收利用的影响。结果表明,适宜用量(施氮量的20%)的复合氮肥增效剂能显著促进水稻幼苗生长发育;尿素全量配施复合氮肥增效剂不影响水稻生长,能显著提高水稻植株Ndff%、氮吸收总量,氮素利用率和^15N的吸收量,尿素减量5%~15%(即减少施氮7.8~23.7kg/hm^2)配施复合氮肥增效剂基本上不影响水稻生长、籽粒产量和吸氮总量,能显著提高氮素的农学效率、生理效率和氮素利用率;植株吸氮总量、净吸收氮量和^15N总吸收量与不施增效剂的处理相当或有所提高。尿素减量达30%以上配施复合氮肥增效剂,对水稻植株生长和氮素吸收利用产生明显不利影响。尿素与施氮量20%的复合氮肥增效剂配施,不影响大田水稻植株生长和单季产量,能提高氮素利用率,节省氮肥投入达15%。  相似文献   


Two rice varieties, ‘Piaui’ (a landrace) and ‘IAC-47’ (an improved variety), were grown in nutrient solution containing 20 mg nitrate (NO3 ?)-nitrogen (N) L? 1 up to 32 days after germination (DAG). After this, a group of plants received 200 mg NO3 ?NL? 1, while the other was kept at 20 mg NO3 ?NL? 1 up to 42 DAG. From 42 until 56 DAG, all plants received 5 mg NO3 ?NL? 1. Plants were collected at 42 and 56 DAG, soluble fractions, nitrate reductase (NR) and GS enzymatic activities were determined. The nutritional history of the plants affected significantly the uptake and use of nitrogen (N), and should be taken into consideration in the studies of N-use efficiency. The variety ‘Piaui’ was more efficient than ‘IAC-47’ in N-uptake use, accumulating more NO3 ? in its tissues at the initial phases of its cycle for subsequent utilization.  相似文献   


A pot experiment was conducted to study the influence of four nitrogen (N) fertilizer forms [Urea; calcium nitrate, Ca(NO3)2; ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4; and organic N] on growth, photosynthesis, and yield of rice under two cadmium (Cd) levels (0 and 100 mg Cd kg?1 soil). Cadmium addition significantly reduced photosynthetic rate, and the reduction varied with N fertilizer form, with ammonium (NH4 +)-N and urea treated plants having more reduction. Nitrogen form had a distinct effect on SPAD value, and the effect was also dependent on Cd level and growth stage. Cadmium-stress significantly reduced flag leaf area, but for the second leaf, only the plants supplied with organic N showed the reduction. There was a significant difference in plant height among four N forms, with NH4 +- and nitrate (NO3 ?)-treated plants having the highest and lowest height, respectively. Cadmium stress caused significant reduction in grains per panicle and total plant weight, and the reduction varied with N form, with organic N treatment showing more reduction. There were significant differences among N forms in N and Cd concentrations of the plants subjected to Cd stress, with NH4 +-N treated plants having highest N and lowest Cd concentrations and NO3 ?-treated plants having lowest N and highest Cd uptake. The results showed that the inhibition of Cd stress on growth and yield formation of rice is closely related to N fertilizer form.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(12):2489-2501

In recent years, plastic film mulched cultivation has been widely used in China as a strategy to reduce irrigation water consumption and increase water use efficiency (WUE). Experiments were conducted to study nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) accumulation and utilization in flooded rice comparing plastic film mulched (PFM) and conventionally flooded cultivation (CFC) in two successive years. In comparison with the plants under CFC, the plants under PFM had significantly higher N concentration at booting stage and lower K and P concentrations at heading and maturity stages and N concentrations after booting stage. More N accumulation was found in PMC‐treated plants than in CFC‐treated plants before booting, while thereafter CFC showed a significant increase in nutrient accumulation. N, P, and K accumulation ratios were significantly larger for PFM than for CFC at early stage (before booting), but the trend was just opposite after booting. The PFM‐treated plants substantially showed smaller nutrient accumulation rate through the whole growing process relative to the CFC‐treated plants. Although PFM‐treated plants had significantly higher physiological efficiency (PE) of all three nutrients than the CFC‐treated plants, its fertilizer recovery efficiency (RE) and agronomic nutrient utilization efficiency (AE) was markedly lower due to lower biomass and grain yield. In addition, the PFM‐treated plants had lower P/N and K/N in terms of nutrient accumulation, suggesting the importance to improve the P and K availability in rice film‐mulched cultivation.  相似文献   

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