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The mobility of major cations (H+, ammonium, Al, Ca, Na, Mg, K, Fe), heavy metals (Mn, Zn, Ni, Cd) and anions (chloride, sulphate and nitrate) was studied in the laboratory in an acidified brown soil from a Norway spruce forest. Lysimeters containing undisturbed soil columns of the A-horizon and the A- plus B-horizon were watered with 540 mm of throughfall precipitation collected in situ, either directly (pH 3.6) or adjusted to pH 3.3 or 2.8. The pH 3.3 treatment increased leaching of Mn and Cd from the B-horizon. The pH 2.8 treatment increased leaching of ammonium, Na, Ca, Mg, K, Mn, Zn and Cd from the A-horizon and ammonium, Al, Na, Ca, Mg, K, Mn, Zn and Cd from the B-horizon. Fe leaching from the A-horizon was decreased by both acidic treatments, and the pH of the leachates was not significantly affected. Sulphate retention was 138-161 meq m?2 yr?1 by all treatments. Due to experimental conditions nitrate leaching was observed in all lysimeters.  相似文献   

Simulation of calcium leaching and desorption in an acid forest soil   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The aim of the study was to evaluate effects of mobile and immobile water and diffusion‐limited transport on the binding and release of ions in soils. The desorption and leaching of calcium in a humic layer of a densely rooted acid forest soil under a beech stand was studied in laboratory experiments by leaching soil columns with a desorption solution and recycling the leachate through the columns. Radioactive tracers were added and monitored in the leachate to evaluate desorption and leaching characteristics of the soil. Parallel experiments were conducted with chloride and calcium to determine transport and desorption parameters independently. The experimental data were then analysed with a transport model, taking into account effects of mobile and immobile soil water fractions, and in the case of calcium assuming an equilibrium Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The transport was highly dependent on the mobility of the soil water, and in particular the fraction of the soil water to which the chemical was confined as a result of ionic properties. For chloride an excluded soil water phase had to be taken into account to explain the experimental findings. Immobile or mobile water and solute transfer and transport properties were not sufficient to explain non‐equilibrium effects in the adsorption reactions. Desorption curves agreed with results from batch experiments, provided the leaching experiments were done in such a way that equilibration between the soil solution and the solid matrix adsorption sites was reached, otherwise desorption was delayed and the calculated isotherms do not represent actual equilibrium adsorption–desorption conditions.  相似文献   

The potential risk of phosphorus (P) loss in surface run‐off can be decreased using sparingly soluble forms of P fertilizer (e.g. reactive phosphate rock (RPR)). However, it is unclear whether RPR can decrease P loss in leachate, especially when applied to soils with a small anion storage capacity (viz. P sorption capacity) and pH. Our hypothesis was that at low soil pH, the solubility of RPR would increase and result in P losses in leachate similar to those receiving single superphosphate (SSP), but at higher pH, less P would be lost from soils receiving RPR than SSP. Lysimeters containing a crushed, sieved acid mesic Organic (viz. peat) subsoil (30–60 cm) were limed to pH 4.5, 5.5 or 6.5 and treated with SSP or RPR at rates of 0, 50, 100 or 200 kg P/ha. Lysimeters were sown with ryegrass and watered over 12 months under controlled conditions and the leachate collected. Losses of filtered (< 0.45 μm) reactive inorganic P (FRP) and unreactive or organic P (FUP) in leachate were greatest for pH 4.5 treatments and least for the pH 6.5 treatments. The difference in FRP and FUP leachate losses in RPR‐ and SSP‐treated soils was smaller at pH 4.5 and 5.5, and increased at pH 6.5 as losses from soils receiving RPR decreased compared to those receiving SSP. The results suggest that RPR can be used as a strategy to decrease P losses in leachate from an acid Organic soil with small P sorption capacity when limed to > pH 5.5.  相似文献   

Soil and soil solution nutrient concentrations were evaluated over a 30-mo period to determine the impact of simulated acidic precipitation (70:30 equivalent basis H2SO4: HNO3) at pH values of 5.7, 4.5, 4.0, and 3.5 on forest. microcosms. Soil nutrient analysis indicated significantly lower concentrations of exchangeable Ca and Mg in the top 3.5 cm of the mineral soil after 30 mo of pH 3.5 treatment. Leachate collected from the pH 4.5, 4.0, and 3.5 treatments at the 25 cm depth (below the Å.: horizon) exhibited significant increases in Cl, NH4, PO4, K, and SO4 concentrations compared to the pH 5.7 treatment. At the 50 cm depth (mid-profile) all leachate element concentrations except NH4 increased significantly in response to treatment. At the 100 cm depth (profile bottom), no significant effects of treatment on leachate chemistry were observed. The elevated base cation concentration values found in the 50 cm soil solution samples support at least partially the described reduction in Ca and Mg in the surface soil horizon. The 100 cm concentration data indicate that cations mobilized out of the Å.: and upper B horizon in response to treatment were immobilized before reaching the bottom of the soil profile. Evaluation of nutrient flux out of the microcosm at the 100 cm depth did not indicate any statistically significant response to the treatment. Nitrate rather than SO4 was found to be the dominant anion leaving the microcosm by an average factor of ~7 to 1.  相似文献   

施肥对菜园土壤养分淋溶流失浓度的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用盆栽种植空心菜和菜心并收集测定土壤渗漏水氮磷钾养分浓度,研究了不同施肥水平对土壤氮磷钾淋溶流失浓度的影响。试验表明,在较大施肥量或化肥当季损失量范围内,土壤渗漏水硝态氮、总磷和钾浓度与氮、磷、钾施肥量或损失量之间呈非线性关系,但在中低施肥量时则表现为线性关系。化肥当季损失量与土壤渗漏水养分浓度呈显著水平的线性正相关,由此提出“双速率转折点”概念用以评价土壤养分流失潜力。当施肥量或化肥当季损失量超过双速率转折点X0后,土壤淋溶排水养分浓度将以非线性形式急剧增加。因此,从环保角度看,施肥量不应超过X0。盆栽试验表明,以化肥当季损失量为基础的灰泥土、灰黄泥土和黄泥土的氮肥X0分别为每盆N 0.35、0.32和0.34 g,磷肥X0分别为每盆P 0.06、0.06和0.09 g,灰泥土和灰黄泥土的钾肥X0则分别为K 0.17和0.18 g;与土壤渗漏水养分浓度为基础所确定的氮、磷、钾X0有显著水平的线性正相关。以环保为目标的氮磷钾用量X0大多数低于以产量为目标的经济施肥量。化肥当季损失量参数较易获得,可作为环保施肥的依据。  相似文献   

黑土是我国重要的土壤资源,承载了全国50%以上的玉米产量。但过量的化肥施入和不合理的农业管理造成黑土土壤氮磷大量残留,氮磷淋溶风险增强。相关研究表明,尽管黑土区旱地农田氮磷淋溶损失相对较低,肥料残留效应仍致使其潜在淋溶风险增强。因此,本研究综合分析了环境因子和农业管理措施对黑土区农田氮磷淋溶特征的影响规律,明确了黑土氮磷淋溶消减措施,并针对玉米农田和蔬菜地提出消减策略。具体结果如下:施肥和降水是影响黑土农田氮磷淋溶的重要因素,灌溉是影响蔬菜地氮磷淋溶的关键农田管理措施;按需施肥、有机无机配施、避免雨热同期追肥、节水灌溉、免耕秸秆覆盖、不同作物轮作和添加生物炭等均是适合于当地气候和土壤条件的氮磷淋溶阻控措施。建议玉米农田采用一次性基肥施入,有机肥占比50%~70%,采用免耕秸秆覆盖技术;蔬菜地在常规施肥和灌溉频次下分别降低20%的施肥量和灌溉量,推荐蔬菜秋季收获后秸秆粉碎深埋等管理措施。本研究明确了黑土区农田氮磷淋溶消减策略,有助于实现黑土区农业绿色可持续发展和绿色生态环境的构建。  相似文献   

模拟酸雨对亚热带阔叶树苗土壤呼吸的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过利用pH2.5、4.0和5.6的模拟酸雨喷淋乐东拟单性木兰(Paramecia latungensis)、青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glauca)和秃瓣杜英(Elaeocarpus glabripetalus)3种浙江典型地带性阔叶植物幼苗-土壤系统(编号分别为PL、CG和EG),研究了模拟酸雨短期胁迫对土壤呼吸的影响。结果表明:(1)不同生长季,重度酸雨(pH2.5)对PL和CG植物下土壤呼吸E值影响显著,PL均低于对照(pH5.6),CG冬季低于对照而春夏较对照高,EG仅冬季变化显著。中度酸雨(pH4.0)对PL的E值作用显著,除2007年8月较对照高25.3%外,均低于对照。CG的E值于2006年12月和2007年8月分别受中度酸雨的显著影响,12月低于对照,而8月升高至1.96μmol m-2s-1。中度酸雨仅在2007年11月使EG的E值显著降低了18.0%。(2)在生长周期内,PL和EG的土壤呼吸对模拟酸雨无显著响应,CG虽分别升高了87.8%(重度酸雨组)和11.1%(中度酸雨组),但是仅重度酸雨作用显著。(3)影响PL及CG土壤呼吸的主要因素是土壤温度和模拟酸雨,EG以土壤温度为主因子。模拟酸雨对CG土壤呼吸的作用强于PL,CG土壤呼吸E值与酸雨pH负相关。  相似文献   

不同轮作模式对太湖地区大棚菜地土壤氮淋失的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
为控制太湖地区设施菜地氮素淋失,减小地下水污染风险,本研究选取2种轮作模式,即芹菜-番茄-莴苣(模式1)和金花菜-番茄-莴苣(模式2),2种轮作模式下分别设置2个施氮量水平,即习惯施氮(N1)和减量施氮(N2),研究不同轮作模式和施氮水平对设施菜地全年氮素淋洗的影响,并观测了不同轮作模式下土壤硝态氮含量、 电导率和pH的变化。结果表明,与模式1 相比,模式2可分别使N1和N2处理的淋洗液中的 NO-3-N 平均浓度降低了36%和38%,进而使全年总氮淋洗量减少了41% 和38%,但淋洗液体积不变。模式2 结合减量施氮(N2)对设施菜地氮素淋失阻控效果最佳,全年总氮淋失量为63.0 kg/hm2,而年经济效益最高,可达 51.9104 Yuan/hm2,最大经济效益提高29%。一年三季蔬菜收获后,N1处理下模式2的土壤硝态氮含量(020 cm)为189.2 mg/kg,而模式1的高达269.3 mg/kg。因此模式2可分别使N1和N2水平下的土壤硝态氮含量减少30% 和 26%,同时也显著降低了土壤pH和电导率(P<0.05)。在太湖地区,选择需氮量较少的作物进行合理优化轮作(如金花菜-番茄-莴苣轮作模式),是减少设施菜地氮素流失的有效手段,且具有较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

Soil amended with 1% glucose was treated with H2SO4, fuming H2SO4, HCl, H3PO4, HNO3, fuming HNO3 or with combinations of fuming and non-fuming H2SO4 and HNO3 to lower the bulk soil pH to values ranging from 5.0 to 2.0. There was a difference in the amount of toxicity caused by the different acids at the same bulk pH of soils. Acidification to pH 2.8 or 2.9 prolonged the lag phase of glucose degradation; fuming HNO3 had the greatest effect, and fuming H2SO4 was only slightly more toxic than non-fuming H2SO4. At pH 2.3–2.4, fuming HNO3, alone or in combination with H2SO4, inhibited CO2 evolution. Both fuming and non-fuming HNO3 also reduced the amount of C mineralized to a greater extent than did fuming and non-fuming H2SO4. The amounts of C mineralized from soils treated with combinations of H2SO4 and HNO3 were intermediate between those from soils treated with each of these acids alone. HCl and H3PO4 had a similar effect on prolonging the lag as did non-fuming H2SO4. H3PO4 was less toxic than the other acids and sometimes increased the total amount of C mineralized. The “anionic effect” of acid rain must, therefore, be considered in addition to the effect of the proton. When the soil was inoculated with a suspension of microbiologically-active soil, more C was mineralized, in general, and the inhibitory effects of acidification on C mineralization were less pronounced than in soil that had not been inoculated. The addition of montmorillonite, but not of kaolinite, enhanced the growth of Aspergillus niger in soils amended with 2:1 combinations of H2SO4 and fuming HNO3 however, growth was inhibited completely at pH 3.4.  相似文献   

生物炭对紫色土中腐植酸淋溶的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为了减少紫色土腐植酸的流失,提高龙川江流域紫色土肥力,采用土柱室内模拟方法,通过模拟降雨淋溶,研究了不同生物炭处理下(CK、1%、3%、5%和10%)对紫色土淋溶液p H值、电导率、体积以及胡敏酸和富里酸的影响。结果表明:在29 d试验过程中,淋溶液的p H值和电导率随着生物炭比例增加而增加;与CK相比,在1%、3%、5%和10%的生物炭处理条件下紫色土水分损失分别减少了6.33%、10.13%、16.46%和25.32%;胡敏酸浓度和累积淋失量随着生物炭比例增加而减小;除了1%和3%之外,富里酸浓度和累积淋失量也随着生物炭比例增加而减小;生物炭比例为10%的处理条件下对紫色土淋溶液中胡敏酸和富里酸浓度及累积淋失量最小,胡敏酸浓度和累积淋失量分别为1.46 mg/L、0.12 mg,富里酸浓度和累积淋失量分别为149.64 mg/L、29.60 mg,该处理有利于更大程度吸附胡敏酸和富里酸,减少其流失。  相似文献   

紫色土坡耕地氮素淋失通量的实测与模拟   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
氮淋失是氮素循环研究中最重要的环节之一,获得准确的氮淋失通量是当今农田氮循环研究中必不可少而又较为困难的工作之一。紫色土土层薄,土壤氮素难以蓄存,加之降水丰富,下伏透水性较弱的母岩,淋溶水达到母岩后难以垂直下渗而沿土壤岩石界面出流、汇流形成壤中流,紫色土氮素淋失主要表现为氮素随壤中流迁移流失。DNDC模型是基于过程的一种土壤碳氮循环模型,常用于农田温室气体排放模拟,但其应用于氮素淋溶的验证与测试不足。本文利用大型坡地排水采集器(lysimeter),测定紫色土坡耕地淋溶水量(壤中流流量)和氮素淋失通量,并利用观测数据对DNDC模型进行验证。结果表明,紫色土坡耕地小麦玉米季累积淋溶水通量为323.6 mm,径流系数33.3%,氮素淋失量为36.93 kg.hm 2,占全年氮素施用量的13.2%。壤中流流量与氮素淋失量实测值和模拟值的Pearson相关系数分别为0.944(P<0.05)和0.972(P<0.05),Theil不等系数分别为0.07和0.1,降雨量、土壤孔隙率和施氮水平是氮流失模拟的高敏感性参数。DNDC模型应用于紫色土坡耕地氮素淋失通量的模拟具有较高的可靠性,同时DNDC基于过程模型的优势可以描述持续降雨条件下的氮淋失过程,未来可通过进一步的验证,测试DNDC模型应用于氮淋失过程及区域氮淋失评估的可行性。  相似文献   

全国第四次水土保持工作会议表彰的治理典型——陕西省的淳化县和长武县以及河南省的(艹渀)河流域,近几年的侵蚀模数都增加了,这应引起高度重视,必须弄清情况,深入到问题的实质中去。有增无减的原因,除了坝库塘堰等工程措施淤死失效和溃决外,就是失策的经营管理和对治理措施的作用机制的认识问题。必须强调,治理措施要建立在防治水土流失的基础上,否则只能是掠夺式的经营,最终自我毁灭。  相似文献   

南方红壤丘陵区马尾松林下水土流失现状、成因及防治   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
马尾松林下水土流失已经成为南方红壤丘陵区水土流失治理一个亟待解决的问题。在分析南方红壤丘陵区马尾松林下水土流失现状及特点的基础上,从马尾松林下植被状况、人为干扰、地形、降雨侵蚀力、土壤性状等方面综合探讨了马尾松林下水土流失的成因。认为:林下植被匮乏是造成马尾松林下水土流失最主要和最直接的原因;掠夺性人为干扰是造成马尾松林下水土流失的根本原因;破碎的地形、较高的降雨侵蚀力和土壤可蚀性则为林下水土流失的发生提供了有利条件。同时总结了诸如微地形改造、林下补植、封禁保护等马尾松林下水土流失治理的成功经验,以期为今后马尾松林下水土流失治理提供参考。  相似文献   

施肥对设施番茄-黄瓜养分利用与土壤氮素淋失的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
以宁夏引黄灌区设施番茄-黄瓜为研究对象,利用田间定位试验,研究了不同施肥措施对蔬菜产量、养分吸收利用及淋溶水产生和氮素淋失动态的影响,并对氮素淋失量及淋失率进行了分析。结果表明,常规施肥和优化施肥间番茄和黄瓜果实产量差异都不显著,养分吸收量顺序为:K>N>P。两季蔬菜的N、P肥利用率都不到7%,而K肥利用率最高仅12.3%。氮素淋失量与施肥灌水和蔬菜生育时期密切相关。同一施肥处理下,黄瓜季氮素淋失量高于番茄季;氮素淋失以硝态氮为主,占总氮比例70%以上。番茄季总氮、硝态氮淋失率分别为2.95%~6.65%和2.50%~5.56%;黄瓜分别为3.40%~6.96%和2.89%~5.70%。两季蔬菜铵态氮淋失率都低于1%。通过优化化肥用量和施用高C/N比有机肥或秸秆调节土壤C/N,有利于降低氮素的淋失量,从而减少氮素的损失。  相似文献   

Using both field and laboratory measurements of CO2 evolution as an index of decomposer activity, forest microcosms were used to evaluate the impact of simulated acidic precipitation on decomposition. The following pH treatments: 5.7, 4.5, 4.0, and 3.5 annual average were applied for a 30 mo period. No statistically significant effect of treatment on decomposition could be found in the field measurements. When the microcosm was partitioned into 01 and 02 litter, mineral soil (A and B horizons), and roots within the mineral soil horizons for laboratory determination of CO2 efflux, only the 02 litter exhibited a statistically significant decrease as a function of treatment. The data collected do not allow a complete evaluation of the potential impact of this decrease. However, efflux of CO2 from the 02 layer was small compared to the other layers, and this may account for the failure to detect a significant response in the field measurements. Although the field data did not exhibit a significant response, there is sufficient question concerning the 02 response to warrant additional investigation, especially since many plants derive a major portion of their nutritional requirements directly from the 02 litter layer.  相似文献   

中国洞庭湖区稻田土壤氮素淋溶损失的系统研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A two-year lysimeter study was conducted to study the effects of different fertilizers and soils on nitrogen leaching loss in a double rice cropping system by considering three major types of paddy soils from the Dongting Lake area. The results showed that N concentration in the leachate did not differ significantly among the treatments of urea, controlled release N fertilizer and pig manure and that all these fertilizers produced higher total nitrogen (TN) concentrations in the leachate compared to the case where no fertilizer was applied. The TN leaching loss following urea treatment accounted for 2.28%, 0.66%, and 1.50% of the amount of N applied in the alluvial sandy loamy paddy soil (ASL), purple calcareous clayey paddy soil (PCC), and reddish-yellow loamy paddy soil (RYL), respectively. Higher TN loss was found to be correlated with the increased leachate volume in ASL compared with RYL, and the lowest TN loss was observed in the PCC, in which the lowest leachate volume and TN concentration were observed. Organic N and NH4+ -N were the major forms of N depleted through leachate, accounting for 56.8% and 39.7% of TN losses, respectively. Accordingly, soil-specific fertilization regimens are recommended; in particular, the maximum amount of fertilizer should be optimized for sandy soils with a high infiltration rate. To avoid a high N leaching loss from rice fields, organic N fertilizers such as urea or coated urea should primarily be used for surface topdressing or shallow-layer application and not for deep-layer application.  相似文献   

华北平原潮土区是我国重要的粮食主产区,改革开放40多年来该区农业经历了以高水肥投入为主要特征的集约化进程,相应的氮淋失导致的面源污染自20世纪90年代以来不断加剧。本研究针对华北平原潮土为主要类型的粮田,对过去40多年间主要研究文献进行全面分析,梳理氮肥和水分投入与氮淋失之间的定量关系,比较主要农田管理措施对氮淋失的阻控效果及其机理,以期为我国农业面源污染提供决策支持。研究发现,氮肥和灌溉是影响华北平原潮土区粮田氮淋失的主要因素,其中氮淋失与氮盈余量之间呈指数关系,比与施氮量的指数关系更显著。基于机器学习的随机森林回归模型能够考虑包括施肥、灌溉、土壤条件和气象等多因素对氮淋失的影响,未来在定量预测中有较好前景。同等氮肥投入条件下,由于氮供应与作物吸收契合度高,有机无机配施能显著降低氮淋失。以缓控释肥、尿酶和硝化抑制剂为代表的肥料增效剂可以降低约1/3的氮淋失,值得重点推广应用。秸秆还田可以实现包括提高土壤有机物和微生物氮库、增加无机氮缓冲容量等综合效益,有利于降低氮淋失风险(降低比例达10%),但免耕的阻控效应较低且呈现较大不确定性。调整种植制度、休耕、间作套种和种植填闲作物等措施会影响粮食产量,推广过程中应慎重。氮淋失的阻控效果更多受到社会、经济和政策等因素的影响,今后应采取包括生态补偿等手段发挥农民主动性,从政策和法律法规层面创造实施氮淋失阻控措施的社会环境。  相似文献   


Two lysimeter experiments were conducted on annual leaching losses of calcium (Ca), potassium (K), sodium (Na), chloride (Cl), sulphate‐sulphur (SO4‐S), and magnesium (Mg) (one experiment only) from a sandy soil in central England during 1988–1995 to provide information on typical nutrient losses under arable agriculture below 1.2 m (Experiment 1) or 1.5 m (Experiment 2). Total annual losses, in the absence of manure additions, were highly dependent on the amount of drainage; flow‐weighted average concentrations were similar between years within experiments. Concentrations, averaged over the duration of the experiments were 74 and 78 mg L‐1 Ca, 17 and 27 mg L‐1 Na, 11 and 8 mg L‐1 K, 74 and 77 mg L‐1 Cl, and 57 and 38 mg L‐1 SO4‐S for the two experiments respectively; Mg concentration was 17 mg L‐1. Applications of chicken litter were made to some of the lysimeters in the last three years, and all nutrients showed increased leaching as a result. Application rates akin to disposal (rather than for crop fertilization) produced the largest losses. Following a total application of 125 t ha‐1 over three years, average concentrations in water draining below 1.5 m in the final year were 57 and 277 mg L‐1 Ca, 22 and 75 mg L‐1 Cl, 7 and 14 mg L‐1 K, 22 and 57 mg L‐1 Na, 27, and 125 mg L‐1 SO4‐S for the untreated and manured soils, respectively.  相似文献   

Wang  Qiong  Wang  Wenjie  He  Xingyuan  Zhou  Wei  Zhai  Chang  Wang  Peijiang  Tang  Ze  Wei  Chenhui  Zhang  Bo  Xiao  Lu  Wang  Hongyuan 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(5):2433-2444
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP), produced by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, plays crucial roles in the global carbon cycle and improves soil quality. However,...  相似文献   

The effects of simulated acid rain and low soil pH on the growth of Ammophila breviligulata (Cape Strain), American beach grass, were studied in greenhouse experiments. Plants treated with acid rain were shorter, but shoot density, live shoot biomass, and rhizome biomass were not adversely affected by the acid rain treatments. Root biomass was greatest in the acid rain treatments. A manipulated soil pH of 4.0, typical of that found in field sites of dying beach grass, resulted in significantly reduced plant height, shoot density, shoot biomass, and rhizome biomass. Root biomass was greater in the low pH treatment and was six times greater than rhizome biomass in that treatment while the root to rhizome ratio was approximately 1∶1 in the control — likely a reflection of the plant's response to decreased nutrient availability in the low pH soil. Acid rain treatment of dune sand resulted in the leaching of Al, a potentially phytotoxic element.  相似文献   

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