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Low altitude humid tropical mountains in Central America have experienced a process of livestock expansion during recent decades. However, the use of sloping areas for cattle grazing may lead to significant soil degradation and therefore we examined the influence of the slope gradient on soil degradation in pastures in a humid tropical mountainous area in northern Honduras. Understanding this relationship permits estimates of the physical carrying capacity of the soil, which in turn may help to improve livestock use within the study area. Variables examined included soil bulk density, texture, organic matter content and consistency as well as visual indicators of soil and vegetation degradation. There is a significant positive correlation between the bulk density as a proxy for soil degradation and slope gradient. Furthermore, it was found that when soils are water-saturated grazing leads to severe degradation. Together with visual indicators, these data show that paddocks with slopes less than 30% have a carrying capacity between 900 and 1900 Animal Units (AU) ha− 1 year− 1 and many are currently underutilized. Paddocks with slopes between 30 and 50% have a carrying capacity between 400 and 600 AU ha− 1 year− 1. Paddocks with slopes over 50% have the lowest carrying capacity: less than 200 AU ha− 1 year− 1. The latter are frequently over-used; most of them show clear signs of soil and vegetation degradation. Land use in these areas needs to change or their grazing management needs to be reorganized to adjust actual stocking rate to physical carrying capacity of the soils to prevent further degradation.  相似文献   


In the humid Caribbean region characterized by high-intensity tropical rainfall, soil aggregate breakdown and pore blocking due to slaking pressures are major land degradation mechanisms. In this research, we investigated the susceptibility of soils to slaking pressures under rapid wetting as influenced by soil properties and the depositional origin from which the soil is formed using water-stable aggregates (WSAr) and percolation stability (PSc) as indices of the strength of aggregate inter-particle cohesion.

Materials and methods

Wet sieving and percolation stability analyses were employed to investigate WSAr and pore blocking, respectively. The combined effect of soil properties of clay, organic matter (OM), cation exchange capacity (CEC), and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) was used to determine the slaking sensitivity score (SSc) of 14 physiogeographically important soils in Trinidad, comprising of nine alluvial and five residual soils.

Results and discussion

Results showed that irrespective of alluvial or residual depositional nature of the parent material, samples had high SSc with an average WSAr of 37.8% and PSc of 6.0 mm/10 min. The linear relationships between SSc with WSAr (r2?=???0.12) and SSc with PSc (r2?=???0.012) of all the 14 soils although negative were weak. Clay content accounted for 94.0% of the variation in CEC in alluvial soils and had strong negative relationships with WSAr (r2?=???0.74) and PSc (r2?=???0.79) in residual soils. Additionally, OM with WSAr (r2?=?0.52) and PSc (r2?=?0.24), and CEC with WSAr (r2?=?0.46) and PSc (r2?=?0.39) showed significant positive linear relationships in residual soil.


The predominantly micaceous and kaolinitic clay mineralogy of these soils, coupled with the low OM contents, increases the proneness of the soils to slaking. This suggests that clay mineralogy is responsible for the high slaking sensitivity rather than clay content or just the depositional origin of the soils. As CEC increases, an accompanying increase in OM is required to increase inter-particle cohesion and to impart partial hydrophobicity, which in turn decreases mineralogically induced susceptibility of individual aggregates to slaking.


T.Z. Dawes 《Pedobiologia》2010,53(4):241-246
This study examines changes in the abundance and diversity of soil macroinvertebrate taxa and soil water storage across different disturbance treatments in a tropical savanna woodland in northern Australia. Nine plots representing three habitat disturbance treatments (uncleared savanna woodland; 25-year-old regrowth following past clearing; cleared areas) were sampled for macrofauna using soil pits in April 2003. Sub-surface soil moisture (0-0.4 m) was measured at 0.1 m intervals over the 2002/2003 wet season. Termites represented 55% of total individuals sampled. Abundance of soil macrofauna was greatest in uncleared plots and lowest in cleared plots, with the latter treatment also having the lowest taxon diversity. Mean abundances of termites, earthworms and ants were greatest in uncleared treatment plots. Five termite species from four genera were present, with Microcerotermes nervosus constituting 47% of termite species identified. Of the wood-, grass- and polyphagous-feeding termites present, wood-feeding species were restricted to uncleared treatment plots and grass-feeders to regrowth treatment plots. A shift in termite nesting habits from epigeal to hypogeal was observed from uncleared to cleared treatments. Soil water storage was lowest in the dry season and highest during the monsoon, and varied significantly across habitat disturbance treatments at the start and end of the wet season. Cleared plots were least effective in the capture of the first wet season rains, and uncleared treatment plots showed the greatest capacity to retain soil water during the transition from wet to dry season. The negative effects of habitat disturbance on soil water storage may have been partially mediated by the observed changes in soil macrofauna, especially termites.  相似文献   

Overgrazing is one of the main causes of desertification in the semiarid Horqin sandy grassland of northern China. Excluding grazing livestock is considered as an alternative to restore vegetation in degraded sandy grassland in this region. However, few data are available concerning the impacts of continuous grazing and livestock exclusion on soil properties. In this paper, characteristics of vegetation and soil properties under continuous grazing and exclusion of livestock for 5 and 10 years were examined in representative degraded sandy grassland. Continuous grazing resulted in a considerable decrease in ground cover, which accelerates soil erosion by wind, leading to a further coarseness in surface soil, loss of soil organic C and N, and a decrease in soil biological properties. The grassland under continuous grazing is in the stage of very strong degradation. Excluding livestock grazing enhances vegetation recovery, litter accumulation, and development of annual and perennial grasses. Soil organic C and total N concentrations, soil biological properties including some enzyme activities and basal soil respiration improved following 10-year exclusion of livestock, suggesting that degradation of the grassland is being reversed. The results suggest that excluding grazing livestock on the desertified sandy grassland in the erosion-prone Horqin region has a great potential to restore soil fertility, sequester soil organic carbon and improve biological activity. Soil restoration is a slow process although the vegetation can recover rapidly after removal of livestock. A viable option for sandy grassland management should be to adopt proper exclosure in a rotation grazing system in the initial stage of grassland degradation.  相似文献   

In the highly weathered soils of humid tropical forests, iron (Fe) plays a key role in ecosystem biogeochemical cycling through its interactions with carbon (C) and phosphorus (P). We used a laboratory study to explore the role of C quantity and quality in Fe reduction and associated P mobilization in tropical forest soils. Soils were incubated under an ambient atmosphere headspace (room air) with multiple levels of leaf litter leachate or acetate additions. Net Fe reduction occurred in all the treatments and at every time point. The more complex mixture of organic compounds in leaf litter leachate stimulated Fe reduction as much acetate, an easily fermentable C source. At the end of the experiment, Fe reduction was generally greater with higher C additions than in the low C additions and controls. The microbial biomass P had increased significantly suggesting rapid microbial uptake of P liberated from Fe. This occurred without increases in the available (NaHCO3) P pool. The immobilization of P by microbes during the incubation provides a P conservation mechanism in these soils with fluctuating redox potential, and may ultimately stimulate more C cycling in these highly productive ecosystems. Iron cycling appears to be an important source of P for the biota and can contribute significantly to C oxidation in upland tropical forest soils.  相似文献   

Eight samples from a soil derived from greenschist were chosen to represent the weathering transformation of chlorite and were subjected to chemical and mineralogical analyses by X-ray, D.T.A., selective and acid dissolution techniques. Regularly interstratified chlorite-vermiculite is the major weathering product in the sand and silt fractions, whereas nontronite predominates in the clay fraction. Kaolinite and a “chlorite-like” mineral progressively appear in the clay fraction as the soil surface is approached. The results show that the genetic link suspected between the clay chloritic component and the kaolinite does not withstand a detailed examination. The clay chloritic mineral is a disordered remnant of the regularly interstratified chlorite-vermiculite and it appears in the clay fraction of the solum concommitantly with the argillitization of the silt fraction. Kaolinite occurs in close association with nontronite and would perhaps form with this mineral a true mixed-layer phase. The unequal distribution of aluminium, iron and magnesium amongst the available sites in the parent chlorite appears to be a factor that strengthens the divergent behaviour of these elements during the weathering.  相似文献   

Northern Australian tropical savannas are subjected to pressures from both grazing and planned and unplanned burning. We know little about the effects of these processes on the below-ground environment. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of fire, grazing and season on environmental and biological properties of the soil at the base of grass tussocks in a semi-arid savanna rangeland of north Australia. A long-term fire and grazing exclusion experiment was used to test the effects of season, fire and grazing on soil physicochemical factors (soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, ammonium, nitrate levels and bulk density) and soil mite abundance and diversity. Grazed plots were associated with small but significant reductions in total soil nitrogen and organic carbon when compared to 30 year old plots where grazing and fire had been excluded. This suggests slow, long-term losses of nitrogen and soil carbon from an ecosystem with limited available nutrients. Fire had a limited impact on soil properties, but this may reflect the modest experimental fire intensity resulting from fuel reduction due to grazing. Treatment effects on soil bulk density were also negligible. Season had a significant impact on total soil mite abundance and diversity, whereas burning and grazing treatments had no impact on soil mites. Only two morpho-species, one each from the families Cunaxidae and Stigmaeidae, decreased in abundance as a result of grazing. Increased moisture levels in the wet season were associated with increased total nitrogen and the highly mobile nitrate. Changes in mite abundance and diversity reflected these changes in levels of nitrogen and it is possible that increasing total nitrogen availability and soil moisture, is a determinant of mite abundance.  相似文献   

Arenosols cover extensive areas in coffee producing, humid tropical countries of Sub‐Sahara Africa (Angola, DR Congo) and Southern America (Brazil). A laboratory experiment was undertaken to examine the potential of using coffee waste to improve the physico‐chemical properties of an Arenosol from DR Congo. The amendment was applied at three rates to the topsoil and incubated in soil columns at field moisture capacity for 24 months. A control without any amendment was integral to the completely randomized experimental design involving three replicates. The soil columns were watered weekly with an amount of distilled water approximating to 87% of the average rainfall. Every 3 months, the soil chemical properties and the fraction of leached water and cations were measured. All application rates raised soil pH above 5.5 within 3 months. Exchangeable Ca, Mg and K showed respectively, 5 to 7‐, 2 to 3‐ and 7 to 14‐fold increases with increasing application rates. Organic C and total N significantly increased within 6 months to ca. 1.5 and 0.12% respectively, inducing a decrease in the C/N ratio from 17 to 13. The combined action of increasing soil pH and organic C contributed to a significant increase in cation exchange capacity. Increases in available P were significant, but temporary, with maximum values attained at 9 months. Coffee waste application significantly increased the fraction of retained soil water from 53% to 60%. It promoted the retention of basic cations, immobilized Mn, but increased the mobility of Fe. Coffee waste has the potential to be used as a liming material, an NPK fertilizer and has the benefits also of increasing water and nutrient retention.  相似文献   

Widespread degradation of Mongolian grasslands by overgrazing is of global concern. The objective of this study was to reveal the effects of grazing on pollination as an example of interaction biodiversity in Mongolian grasslands. We established three plots according to grazing intensity on the eastern steppe of Mongolia. In each plot, we recorded the numbers of insect-pollinated plants and observed the foraging behavior of pollinators in June and August. The richness of insect-pollinated species was high and these species were most abundant in lightly grazed plots, and formed complex relations with diverse pollinators. But, frequency of flower visitation and pollination index were greater in heavily grazed plots. All pollination properties were poorest in intermediately grazed plots. These results suggest that the forb-biased foraging of sheep and goats reduces the floral diversity of insect-pollinated species, and consequently reduces pollinators in the intermediately grazed plots. In the heavily grazed plots, only limited ruderal species could survive under heavy cattle grazing, and such simple vegetation formed unbalanced but strong bonds with pollinators. Removal simulation showed that the mutual network was more fragile with respect to the extinction of certain species.  相似文献   

Remnants of native vegetation in regions dominated by agriculture are subject to degradation, especially by livestock grazing and weed invasion. Ground-foraging birds are amongst the most threatened bird groups in Australia, and these agents of degradation might be contributing to their decline by causing a reduction in food availability. We studied the foraging behaviour and microhabitat use of seven species of ground-foraging insectivores in south-eastern Australian buloke woodland remnants with native, grazed and weedy ground-layers. If birds must resort to using more energetically expensive prey-attack manoeuvres, or selectively use substrates and microhabitats that are less available in degraded habitats, then such degradation is likely to be negatively impacting on these species. We found evidence of a negative impact of one or both of these types of degradation on five of the seven bird species. Three species that employ a range of foraging manoeuvres to attack prey used potentially more energetically expensive aerial manoeuvres significantly more frequently in weedy remnants than in remnants with a native or grazed ground layer. Red-capped robins Petroica goodenovii and brown treecreepers Climacteris picumnus both selectively foraged near trees in grazed sites, and hooded robins Melanodryas cucullata, red-capped robins and willie wagtails Rhipidura leucophrys avoided foraging in microhabitats with a high percentage cover of exotic grasses in weedy sites. Brown treecreepers were also less likely to be present in weedy sites that had been protected from grazing than in either grazed or native sites. These results suggest that although grazing appears to have a detrimental impact on foraging habitat of ground-foraging birds, the exclusion of livestock grazing from previously disturbed buloke remnants alone is not adequate to restore habitat values for ground-foraging birds. A conservation strategy for this habitat type should consider the exclusion of heavy grazing from sites with an intact cryptogamic crust and the management of weeds in disturbed remnants, potentially through the use of carefully controlled light grazing.  相似文献   

Abstract. Simple predictions of deep drainage in the soil profile are often required for preliminary planning of land management where the cost of direct measurement is not warranted. Soil hydraulic conductivity and drainage of water below the root zone can be related to the salt content at the bottom of the root zone, assuming steady-state balances of water and salt. A physically based empirical model uses readily measured soil properties to predict the quantity of drainage below the root zone under varying regimes of water management and shows a good relationship with ponded infiltration rate.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of converting native savanna to Eucalyptus grandis forest on soil microbial biomass in tropics. Soil samples were collected from three sites: undisturbed native savanna (savanna), the site of a 1‐year‐old E. grandis forest (1 y), and the site of a 2‐year‐old E. grandis forest (2 y). Soil microbial biomass C (MBC), basal respiration, substrate induced respiration (SIR), soil organic carbon (SOC), microbial, and respiratory quotients were evaluated in soil samples collected from 0–20 cm depth. One year converted forest caused a significant reduction in MBC, SIR, and microbial quotient (about 70, 65 and 75 per cent, respectively). However, after 2 years of E. grandis forest growth, there was recovery of these variables. Soil basal respiration and respiratory quotient were significantly higher in 1 y forest (about 4 and 14 times, respectively) than in savanna. The results showed a significant decrease, after 2 years, in soil respiration and respiratory quotient, suggesting a recovery of soil microorganisms as time passes. In the short term, our results showed negative changes in soil microbial biomass following the conversion of native savanna to E. grandis. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The forest–savanna transition zone is widely distributed on nutrient-poor oxisols in Central Africa. To reveal and compare the nutrient cycle in relation to soil microbes for forest and savanna vegetation in this area, we evaluated seasonal fluctuations in microbial biomass carbon (MBC), nitrogen (MBN), and phosphorus (MBP) for 13 months as well as soil moisture, temperature, soil pH levels, and nutrients for both vegetation types in eastern Cameroon. Soil pH was significantly lower in forest (4.3) than in savanna (5.6), and soil N availability was greater in forest (87.1 mg N kg−1 soil) than in savanna (32.9 mg N kg−1 soil). We found a significant positive correlation between soil moisture and MBP in forest, indicating the importance of organic P mineralization for MBP, whereas in savanna, we found a significant positive correlation between soil N availability and MBP, indicating N limitation for MBP. These results suggest that for soil microbes, forest is an N-saturated and P-limited ecosystem, whereas savanna is an N-limited ecosystem. Additionally, we observed a significantly lower MBN and larger MB C:N ratio in forest (50.7 mg N kg−1 soil and 8.6, respectively) than in savanna (60.0 mg N kg−1 soil and 6.5, respectively) during the experimental period, despite the rich soil N condition in forest. This may be due to the significantly lower soil pH in forest, which influences the different soil microbial communities (fungi-to-bacteria ratio) in forest versus savanna, and therefore, our results indicate that, in terms of microbial N dynamics, soil pH rather than soil substrate conditions controls the soil microbial communities in this area. Further studies should be focused on soil microbial community, such as PLFA, which was not evaluated in the present study.  相似文献   

Improper cropping and overgrazing have led to land degradation in semi-arid regions, resulting in desertification. During desertification, vegetation changes have been widely observed, and are likely controlled to some extent by soil water. The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in soil physical properties, organic C, and vegetation induced by land-use changes, with special reference to the dynamics of available soil water. We selected four study sites in a typical Mongolian steppe grassland: grassland protected from grazing, grazed grassland, abandoned cropland, and cultivated cropland. Grazing exclusion increased the cover of perennial grass, with little increase in the root weight. Since there was no difference in available water between the grasslands with and without grazing, there appears to be no serious soil compaction due to overgrazing. On the other hand, vegetation cover and the number of species were poor in both abandoned cropland and cultivated cropland. However, the root weight was greater in abandoned cropland. Although the abandonment of cultivation appeared to increase organic C, available water did not differ significantly in comparison with cultivated cropland. The silt contents were significantly lower in abandoned and cultivated cropland than in both grasslands, suggesting the effects of wind erosion. In addition, the silt contents were positively correlated with the volume fraction of storage pores for available water. Therefore, the lower silt contents may constrain the volume of available water in abandoned cropland. Moreover, the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity results indicated that the diameters of storage pores for available water at the present study sites were smaller than those suggested by previous studies. Although the differences in vegetation cover by different land-use types were observed at every site, differences in the volume of available water were observed at between abandoned cropland and cultivated cropland. The reason why the no differences in available water between grazed grassland and grasslands protected from grazing may be short time of grazing exclusion for 2 years for evaluating the effects of exclusion on soil properties.  相似文献   

Microscopical aspects of garnet weathering in a humid tropical environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A sequence of different weathering stages of garnet under humid tropical conditions (Yaounde area, Cameroon) is described micromorphologically and mineralogically. The fissures, already observed in ‘fresh’ garnet in the rock, increase in number and size in the saprolite, and tend to get filled with well crystallized goethite. In this way a boxwork structure is formed. The isolated garnet fragments undergo a congruent dissolution, and the created space may be filled by gibbsite and/or globular Fe-oxihydrates. In the A and B horizons a further dissolution of garnet and gibbsite takes place and all available space is filled with microcrystalline Fe-oxihydrates. In this way a nodule, pseudomorph after garnet and with still recognizable boxwork-structure, is formed. Near the soil surface these nodules may be transformed to haematite and/or undergo physical decay. Fresh garnets entering directly into the soil environment mainly undergo a physical decay and transformation to amorphous or microcrystalline Fe-oxihydrates, without formation of a pseudomorph.  相似文献   

Rainfall simulations were conducted on a loess derived silt loam soil (Henan province, P.R. China) under conventional tillage. This tillage practice is widespread and involves the turning of the plough layer and the wheat stubble in July (primary tillage), followed by a secondary tillage operation in October. Soil samples were collected and in situ measurements were done before each rainfall simulation in order to analyse soil physical properties after successive simulated rainfall events. The purpose of this study was to determine rainfall induced changes in saturated hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, penetration resistance, water retention and soil erodibility. The results only showed significant differences in soil bulk density and erodibility when applying successive rainfall events. Penetration resistance and water retention (at matric potentials ≤ − 3 kPa) were not significantly affected and soil surface sealing was not observed. This was also confirmed by the infiltration measurements, where no significant differences in saturated hydraulic conductivity were found. From a soil conservation point of view, this study indicated that the primary tillage operation (i.e. ploughing at the beginning of July) is rather disadvantageous: the saturated hydraulic conductivity is not significantly affected, but the soil erodibility is considerably higher in comparison to a consolidated soil. Furthermore, the beneficial effects of the wheat stubble on soil and water conservation are lost by the tillage operation.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) consists of various classes of organic substances that can be pooled as labile and non-labile fractions. Previous studies have suggested that plant invasion increases SOC content, but whether invasion consistently alters SOC fractions remains unclear. Consequently, the present study was conducted to observe the effects of Praxelis clematidea invasion on SOC fractions in a tropical savanna of southern China. Soil samples were collected in two surface soil layers (0–10 and 10–20 cm) from non-, slightly and severely invaded plots to analyse the total SOC, readily oxidizable SOC (ROC), and non-readily oxidizable SOC (NROC) content. The results showed that severe P. clematidea invasion significantly increased the SOC content by 47% in the surface soil (p < 0.001). The increase in SOC content largely originated from the accumulation of NROC (the non-labile fraction), rather than ROC which typically is regarded as the labile OC fraction. This change may be beneficial to long-term soil C stabilization because chemical recalcitrance is an important pathway to prevent SOC from decomposition. Although the mechanisms for NROC accumulation have not been thoroughly elucidated to date, our results suggest that P. clematidea invasion may facilitate soil C sequestration in this tropical savanna.  相似文献   

Abstract. To study the influence of different vegetation species and plant properties on the generation of surface runoff and soil erosion in south east Spain, a series of rainfall simulation experiments was conducted on small ( c . 1.5 m2) plots. These were carried out in October 1993 and May 1994 on two sites close to Murcia. Six vegetation types were studied, with some at different stages of maturity, giving a total of nine vegetation treatments and two bare soil treatments. Four replicates of each treatment were exposed to a rainstorm of 120 mm/h for 15 minutes. The results of the experiments show that there are few significant differences in the ability of the vegetation types studied to control runoff or soil erosion. Of the plant properties considered, only plant canopy cover showed a significant relationship with soil loss and runoff with the greatest reduction in soil loss taking place at canopy covers greater than 30%. The implications of this research are that future efforts should be directed at developing ecological successions and revegetation methods which promote a substantial and sustainable canopy cover.  相似文献   

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