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黄河泥沙充填复垦中土工布排水拦沙效果的模拟试验 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
为验证土工布用于加速引黄河泥沙充填采煤沉陷地的后期侧向排水及降低排水中泥沙含量的效果,在室内进行了基于土工布的泥沙充填排水模拟试验。该试验在玻璃槽内完成,设计3个试验处理,分别为ZT-250(整个断面开口+铁丝网+ZW-250土工布)、ZT-300(整个断面开口+铁丝网+ZW-300土工布)以及CK(断面中间部分开口+可调节高度的塑料板)。测定了3个处理的排水含沙量及泥沙粒径、玻璃槽内表层泥沙粒径以及充填表层和底层泥沙含水率随时间的变化。结果表明:1)3种处理排水含沙量整体差异较小,但使用土工布处理的排水含沙量随时间的延长逐渐降低,而对照处理排水含沙量随时间的延长逐渐增大;2)排水初期和中期,对照CK的排水中泥沙的黏粒含量均高于使用土工布的2个处理。排水后期CK的黏粒含量介于处理ZT-250和ZT-300之间。随着试验的进行,使用土工布的2个处理排水中泥沙的黏粒含量逐渐升高,粉粒含量逐渐降低,而对照处理呈现相反的变化趋势。使用土工布的2个处理拦沙效果较为稳定。3)3种处理充填表层泥沙粒径级配无明显差异,但使用土工布处理充填的表层泥沙的极细砂粒含量较高。4)3种处理充填泥沙表层和底层含水率变化存在差异,使用土工布可以加速泥沙中过饱和水的排除,其中处理ZT-250排水效果最好。该研究可为中国东部高潜水位平原矿区采煤沉陷地引黄河泥沙充填复垦的快速排水工艺革新提供依据。 相似文献
Erik Meers Diederik P. L. Rousseau Nathalie Blomme Els Lesage Gijs Du Laing Filip M. G. Tack Marc G. Verloo 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2005,160(1-4):15-26
Since 2003, the pig industry in Flanders (Belgium) is obliged to process a portion of the nutrient overproduction. In general, pig manure processing occurs as follows: i) separation into liquid and solid fractions, ii) conversion of the solid fraction to an exportable product (e.g. composting) and iii) reduction of nutrient contents in the liquid fraction before discharge into surface water or spreading on arable land. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of constructed wetlands (CWs) planted with Phragmites australis to reduce nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the liquid fraction to levels below discharge criteria. In addition, the removal efficiency of heavy metals (Cu, Zn) present at elevated levels in the liquid fraction was evaluated. A greenhouse experiment was conducted with subsurface flow (SSF) reed beds (2 × 0.125 × 0.11 m) filled with sand, loam, clayey sand or expanded clay (argex). The liquid manure load was set at 1 mm per day. Removal efficiencies varied between 64–75% for COD, 73–83% for N and 71–92% for P, depending on the matrix material used. However, effluent levels still remained significantly above the Flemish legal discharge criteria of 2 mgl?1, 15 mgl?1 and 125 mgl?1 for P, N and COD respectively. 相似文献
以闽江河口鳝鱼滩湿地为研究区域,选取芦苇和互花米草为研究对象,对其根际土壤有机碳质量分数和储量的垂直分布特征及其影响因子进行测定分析。结果表明:芦苇和互花米草0~60cm根际土壤有机碳平均质量分数分别为15.54和17.16 g/kg,表层(0~10 cm)有机碳质量分数最大,分别为19.69和22.02g/kg;芦苇和互花米草0~60 cm根际土壤有机碳储量总和分别为6 794.20和8 231.48 t/km2,芦苇根际土壤有机碳储量在30~40cm达到最大,而互花米草为010cm有机碳储量最大;互花米草的入侵增加了芦苇湿地根际土壤碳质量分数和储量;2种植物根际土壤有机碳质量分数与含水量和盐度之间均呈显著正相关。从闽江河口互花米草入侵的角度提出了管理该湿地的一些建议。 相似文献
通过分析黄河流域水沙运动过程和水沙分布特点,给出了流域泥沙配置单元,指出流域泥沙配置单元的配置量随着流域治理工程实施、径流条件等不断变化;1950—1999年,流域水土保持滞沙、水库拦沙、河道滞沙、两岸引沙用沙、河口淤积与入海泥沙等配置单元年均配置沙量占流域产沙量(17.63亿t)的14.24%、14.05%、12.19%、10.56%和50.77%;阐述了水库拦沙多、河道淤积严重是黄河流域泥沙配置现状不合理的主要原因,指出流域水沙资源优化配置和泥沙资源化是维护黄河健康的重要途径;结合黄河下游长期泥沙处理与利用的经验和教训,总结了黄河下游泥沙资源化的主要途径,包括淤临淤背、河道治理与河槽维护、引洪淤灌与土壤改良、灌区堆沙高地农田化、建筑材料转化、河口泥沙造地和疏浚泥沙利用、湿地塑造等。 相似文献
Raeid M. M. Abed Samiha Al-Kharusi Panagiotis Gkorezis Stephane Prigent Tom Headley 《Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science》2018,64(3):360-370
Although Phragmites australis is commonly planted in constructed wetlands, very little is known about its roots-associated bacterial communities, especially in wetlands used for the remediation of oil produced waters. Here, we describe the bacterial diversity, using molecular (illumina MiSeq sequencing) and cultivation techniques, in the rhizosphere soils of P. australis from an oil-polluted wetland in Oman. The obtained isolates were tested for their plant-growth promoting properties. Most sequences belonged to Proteobacteria, Bacteriodetes and Firmicutes. Sequences of potential hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria (e.g. Ochrobactrum, and Pseudomonas) were frequently encountered. All soils contained sequences of known sulfur-oxidizing (e.g. Thiobacillus, Thiofaba, Rhodobacter and Sulfurovum) and sulfate-reducing bacteria, although the latter group made up only 0.1% to 3% of total sequences. The obtained isolates from the rhizosphere soils were phylogenetically affiliated to Serratia, Acinetobacter, Xenorhabdus, Escherichia and Salmonella. All strains were able to solubilize phosphate and about half were capable of producing organic acids and 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase. Around 42% of the strains had the ability to produce indole acetic acid and siderophores. We conclude that the rhizosphere soils of P. australis in oil polluted wetlands harbor diverse bacterial communities that could enhance the wetland performance through hydrocarbon degradation, nutrient cycling and supporting plant growth. 相似文献
引黄河泥沙充填复垦采煤沉陷地技术的试验研究 总被引:5,自引:7,他引:5
为探寻适合中国东部高潜水位平原矿区的土地复垦新技术,该文选取济宁市北部试验场为研究对象,介绍了引黄河泥沙充填复垦采煤沉陷地的新技术,包括技术工艺流程、复垦后地貌景观、复垦土壤剖面状况、复垦土壤理化性状以及复垦农田生产力。结果表明:1)短距离引黄河泥沙充填复垦技术在济宁市北部试验场得到了成功应用,土地复垦率为100%,耕地面积恢复率达95%,证明了引黄河泥沙充填复垦技术的可行性;2)黄河泥沙充填复垦土壤剖面的保水保肥性能存在一定的不足,复垦农田的表层(0~20 cm)、中层(20~50 cm)和底层(50~80 cm)土壤的含水量、全氮、速效钾、有机质含量以及表层(0~20 cm)土壤的有效磷含量均小于对照农田相应层的含量,且复垦农田土壤全氮和有机质较为缺乏,限制了农作物的生长;3)实地测产发现充填复垦农田的产量只有对照农田的一半左右,说明需要对充填复垦工艺进行革新和复垦土壤进行改良。论文在分析引黄充填技术可行性的基础上,提出了未来需要革新的4个方面:复垦土壤剖面重构的革新、水沙快速分离的充填排水工艺革新、动水条件下高效取沙设备的优选与革新以及远距离管道输沙技术参数优选。引黄河泥沙充填复垦技术对滨黄河流域的河南、山东等省很多矿区的采煤沉陷地都具有推广应用价值。 相似文献
黄河泥沙充填复垦耕地表层土壤垂直入渗特性研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用单圈入渗法,以当地原有长期耕种的耕地为对照,对引黄河泥沙充填复垦第2年的耕地表层土壤水分垂直入渗过程进行了现场测定,探讨复垦耕地耕种第2年的入渗特性,分析比较不同复垦时间的土壤入渗结果,并选用5种入渗模型对入渗特征曲线进行了拟合。结果表明:充填复垦第2年对照耕地的初始入渗率、稳定入渗率平均值分别是充填耕地的1.12倍和2.19倍,充填耕地呈上层表土入渗能力差、下层泥沙保水性能差的特性,有待改良;充填耕地各试验点间入渗率差别较小,入渗能力稳定;充填复垦第2年充填耕地初始入渗率、稳定入渗率平均值分别是第1年的1.51倍和1.43倍,充填耕地入渗率显著提高(P0.05),耕种措施有改善充填耕地入渗能力的作用。Mezencev模型对充填耕地土壤入渗特征拟合效果最佳,Kostiakov模型对对照耕地土壤入渗特征拟合效果最佳;综合充填耕地和对照耕地而言,Mezencev模型具有最佳的拟合效果,其次为Kostiakov模型、NRCS模型、Horton模型和Philip模型;各模型的RMSE、R2、SSE和Ajust-R2指标显示,模型评价具有较好的一致性。 相似文献
黄河中游河道生态环境需水量研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
河流生态环境需水量作为维持河流生态系统功能的重要因素已成为当前研究的热点问题之一.本文在探讨河流系统生态环境需水量内涵的基础上,系统阐述了生态环境需水各分项的计算方法,并以黄河中游为例,针对该区的实际情况,采用蒙大拿法、最小月平均流量法、最大月平均含沙量法等计算研究区主要支流的生态环境需水量.计算结果表明,黄河中游生态环境需水量为47.356亿m3,输沙需水量为40.666亿m3,水面蒸发需水量为10.314亿m3.窟野河、无定河、汾河、泾河、北洛河、渭河、伊洛河和沁河的河道生态环境需水总量分别为2.071亿m3、3.393亿m3、10.143亿m3、8.699亿m3、3.575亿m3、34.601亿m3、6.481亿m3和2.505亿m3.由于黄河中游并非一个独立的河流系统,与上、下游有着密切的水利联系,难以确定黄河中游河道生态环境需水总量,有待进一步探讨和研究. 相似文献
水土保持对黄河输沙量的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
李敏 《中国水土保持科学》2014,(6):23-29
采用回归分析方法,研究水土保持对1954—2005年黄河年输沙量的影响。结果表明:1)从24个备选自变量因子中筛选出的由"河口镇到吴堡区间7—8月降雨量""水土流失治理度"和"ln‘河口镇到龙门区间年降雨量’"3个自变量组成的多元非线性回归方程,相关系数达到0.883,在α=0.001的水平上高度显著,该回归方程"解释"了1954—2005年黄河年输沙量76.5%的变化;2)水土流失治理度能够很好地"解释"20世纪80年代以来黄河年输沙量减少的趋势;3)当河口镇到吴堡区间7—8月降雨量处于最大观测值时,水土流失治理度由0增加到50%,计算年输沙量减少幅度超过20亿t/a;4)治理程度相同时,水土保持对黄河年输沙量的影响是降雨量大的大于降雨量较小的。 相似文献
黄河生态系统特征及生态保护目标识别 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
根据黄河流域生态和环境状况,对黄河流域进行了生态分区,并阐述了各生态区的特征。在黄河河道湿地研究和黄河水体内顶级物种(鱼类)的调查分析基础上,确定了黄河不同类型生态保护区的生态保护目标:从流域角度而言,黄河上游的主要生态保护目标是植被和水源涵养林;中游应以水土保持为主,主要是恢复和保护植被;下游以保护湿地类型和维持湿地面积为重点,保护生物多样性和重要鸟类资源。黄河水生态系统中的主要保护物种应是珍贵经济鱼类北方铜鱼、河口洄游鱼类刀鱼、鲤鱼等,主要保护的生态区包括库区湿地、河口湿地、河道湿地以及景观娱乐水域等。 相似文献
长江口典型湿地植被储碳、固碳功能研究——以崇明东滩芦苇带为例 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
湿地生态系统具有很强的储碳、固碳能力,在全球碳循环中占有重要地位.为了解长江口典型湿地芦苇(Phragmites australis)的储碳、固碳情况,通过实地调研与实验室测定相结合的方法,研究了崇明东滩芦苇带湿地植被的生物量和初级生产力,并测算了其碳储量和固碳能力.结果表明:长江口典型芦苇带湿地植被的碳储量较大,为2.66~5.74 kg·m-2,平均4.02 kg·m-2,且地下部分的生物现存量大于地上部分,地下/地上生物量比率为2.33~3.64,平均2.96,碳储量是地上部分的近3倍;长江口典型芦苇带湿地具有很强的固碳能力,达1.11~2.41 kg·m-2·a-1,是全国陆地植被平均固碳能力的2.3~4.9倍,全球植被平均固碳能力的2.7~5.9倍. 相似文献
基于黄河泥沙充填复垦采煤沉陷地覆土材料的优选 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
黄河泥沙充填复垦采煤沉陷地需要覆盖足够厚度的土壤以保证农作物生长,针对济宁市部分采煤沉陷地可取土量不足问题,该文提出利用当地表土、心土和黄河泥沙组配作为覆土材料研究,以达到增加覆盖土壤厚度和改良当地土壤质地的目的。研究表明,覆土材料有利于玉米生长发育,表土、心土和黄河泥沙组配(质量比)为1:1:1.33~1:1:2的覆土材料玉米苗期生物量显著高于对照土壤;组配为1:1:0.86~1:1:2的覆土材料质地为壤土,是较为理想的土壤类型;组配为1:1:0.86~1:1:2的覆土材料容重为1.38~1.41g/cm3,密度为2.64~2.68g/cm3,较为适宜农作物生长。覆土材料可以显著降低当地土壤p H值和电导率,对农作物不产生盐害作用;其入渗性能提升,增加了土壤储水能力,组配为1:1:0.86~1:1:2的覆土材料入渗能力接近多年耕种农田;其水分特征曲线左移,毛管孔隙度、有效水孔隙度和水分常数基本呈现下降趋势,持水和供水能力下降。根据尽量增加黄河泥沙充填层上覆土材料厚度原则,优选出表土、心土和黄河泥沙组配为1:1:2的覆土材料作为黄河泥沙充填复垦采煤沉陷地的覆土材料,可在大田试验中进行进一步的验证。 相似文献
黄河三角洲地区多为近代黄河泥沙淤积形成的粉细砂土,其质地均一、结构松散,在农田排水明沟建设中边坡不稳定的问题突出。近年来该地区大力开展了暗管排水系统建设,但当地砂滤料来源不足,因此,迫切需要筛选出适合当地土壤特点的土工布外包滤料。该文在对研究区土壤特性分析的基础上,利用自制水力渗透仪,通过理论计算和渗透试验观测,研究了所选择土工布的反滤、透水以及防淤堵性能。结果发现,在满足测试条件的2种型号土工布中,Typar 3201G能够满足防淤堵与透水要求,但是有一定的淤堵风险;另一型号土工布(Typar SF20)则能较好的满足研究区暗管排水外包滤料的反滤、透水与防淤堵要求。研究结果表明,满足研究区特殊土壤类型的土工布外包滤料厚度不宜过大,土工布的开孔直径应符合选择标准。研究成果可为黄河三角洲地区暗管排水土工布外包滤料的选择提供技术支撑。 相似文献
1986-2013年黄河宁蒙河段风蚀模数与风沙入河量估算 总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1
为缓解宁(宁夏)蒙(内蒙古)河段的淤积问题,需要对该河段风蚀灾害和风沙入黄量的时空变化进行研究。该文选取综合风蚀模拟系统(integrated wind-erosion modeling system,IWEMS)和修订版风蚀方程(revised wind erosion equation,RWEQ)对1986-2013年黄河宁蒙河段风蚀模数进行了估算,并结合风沙输移方程,对不同河段的风沙入黄量进行了计算。发现宁蒙河段的风蚀灾害主要发生在乌兰布和沙漠、库布奇沙漠和河东沙地等沙漠区域。自1986年以来河东沙地的风蚀模数逐渐降低,而乌兰布和沙漠的风蚀模数则逐渐凸显,成为宁蒙河段风蚀最严重的区域。1986-2013年间,整个宁蒙河段受风蚀灾害的面积逐渐减小,平均风蚀模数迅速下降,线性拟合函数斜率高达-182.81。风沙入黄量结果显示,石嘴山—巴彦高勒段的年均风沙入黄量最大,高达9.31×106 t/a;下河沿—青铜峡段最小,其值仅为7.6×105 t/a。另外,除石嘴山—巴彦高勒段之外,其余河段风沙入黄量并未呈现出明显的减小趋势。通过对宁蒙河段气象和土地利用数据的分析,发现宁蒙河段的风蚀模数的变化主要受气候条件的影响。该研究结果可为解决黄河淤积问题、完善黄河沿岸风沙防护体系提供参考。 相似文献
David L. Correll Joseph J. Miklas Anson H. Hines James J. Schafer 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1987,35(1-2):63-86
The Rhode River estuarine/watershed system is a tributary of Chesapeake Bay located on the inner Atlantic Coastal Plain. Its soils are fine sandy loams. Bulk precipitation pH in the spring season declined from 4.95 in 1974 to 3.82 in 1981 and was 4.03 in 1985. The changes in pH of a forested primary stream were more related to changes in bulk precipitation pH than were the changes in pH of agricultural streams, reflecting the importance of other major terrestrial sources of acidity on agricultural systems. Surges in acidity and dissolved total Al concentration in primary (first order) streams reached extremes of pH 3.2 and 300 μg Al L?1. Higher order streams were observed to have surges in acidity with pH minima below 5.0. Surges in acidity ocurred during accelerated groundwater percolation following storm events and did not coincide with surface runoff or snowmelt. One of the reasons why groundwater is more acidic than surface runoff is that the vegetation exchanges H30 + for alkaline cations in the soil and translocates these ions to the vegetational canopy. When it rains, subsequently, H30+ in the precipitation displace some of these alkaline cations from the canopy. The end result is that overland flow during storms is enriched in alkaline cations, while groundwater is enriched in H30+. Although the source of dissolved Al is dissolution of clay minerals with atomic ratios of Al to silicate of 1:l, 1:2, or 1:3, this ratio in stream water rapidly declined to 1:1200 due to loss of Al. On average, forest drainage was the most acidic, the highest in dissolved Al, and the lowest in Ca. Surges in acidity were most severe from pastureland, and next most severe from cropland. Total fluoride concentrations were high relative to Al from all three land uses. Rhode River spawning runs of Perca flavescens declined drastically from the early 1970s to essentially zero since 1981. Larval bioassays of acidity indicate negligible toxicity to Hyla crucifer, significant toxicity to Perca flavescens and drastic effects on Morone saxatilis at pH 5.0. 相似文献
The Yellow River is famous for sediment-related disasters in history. The bank-breaching frequency of the lower Yellow River has been adopted as a proxy index to study the historical sediment-related disasters, and then it has been related to various indices describing the natural and human factors of the Yellow River basin. Consequently, some correlations have been established.Climate has profound influences on the bank-breaching frequency of the lower Yellow River. Before the Sui and Tang Dynasties (681–907 AD), natural vegetation in the middle Yellow basin was not yet significantly affected by man. With the increase in the humid index, growth of vegetation became greater and the bank-breaching frequency of lower Yellow River declined. After the 8th Century, however, the relation between bank-breaching frequency and the humid index became inverse, i.e., with the increase in the humid index, bank-breaching frequency also increased. This is because, to a great degree, the natural vegetation had been destroyed since the 10th Century.The bank-breaching frequency can be positively correlated to the frequencies of both large flood and drought disasters. The positive correlation between bank-breaching frequency and frequency of large droughts is because the Yellow River channel decreased in size during dry periods; when large floods came, bank-breaching was more likely to occur.Human activities are the major factor influencing sediment-related disasters in the lower Yellow River. Historically, the increase in population led to a higher bank-breaching frequency, and the periods of low population corresponded to the periods with low frequency of bank-breaching. The increase in the bank-breaching frequency of the lower Yellow River occurred in association with the northward shift of the agriculture–animal husbandry transitional zone, and when the agriculture–animal husbandry transitional zone shifted southward, the bank-breaching frequency declined. 相似文献
黏土夹层位置对黄河泥沙充填复垦土壤水分入渗的影响 总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1
在中国东部地区,土地复垦的一项重要任务是将采煤沉陷地复垦为耕地,复垦后的耕地生产力水平应接近损毁前的水平。然而,采用传统的黄河泥沙一次性充填后覆盖一定厚度土壤层的复垦方式,复垦后土壤持水性差,生产力水平低。夹层式充填复垦能够有效改善传统充填复垦土壤的水分特性,该文研究夹层位置对黄河泥沙填复垦土壤水分入渗过程的影响,共设计当地普通农田土壤剖面(CK1),传统"上土下沙"土壤剖面构型(CK2)及5个夹层式土壤剖面构型处理T1~T5:在60 cm厚的黄河泥沙充填层中的不同位置夹20 cm厚心土层(黏土层),夹层距离表土距离分别为50 cm(T1),55 cm(T2),60 cm(T3),65 cm(T4)及70 cm(T5)。通过室内入渗试验,分析不同位置设置夹层后土壤水分入渗特性及含水率分布情况,优选适应于该地区的夹层式土壤剖面构型。结果表明:入渗率随着夹层深度的增加呈先增加后减小的趋势,即夹层位置距离土表55cm为一临界深度,此时重构土壤的入渗率最低、湿润锋的运移速度最慢、阻水效果最强,但考虑到研究区强降雨天气,易形成地表径流。当心土夹层位置距离土表60cm时,更接近普通农田土壤水分入渗特性,是黄河泥沙夹层式充填复垦的理想选择。该研究对深入探讨黄河泥沙夹层式充填复垦内部作用机理和指导滨黄河地区采煤沉陷地的土地复垦具有重要意义。 相似文献
We studied nutrient removal by Phragmites australis in the Albujón rambla, the main drainage system that discharges into the Mar Menor, a Mediterranean coastal lagoon of high conservation interest, but highly threatened by point and nonpoint pollution derived from tourism and agricultural activities. We measured aerial biomass and N and P concentrations in both aboveground and belowground tissues of common reed during an annual cycle that included two cutting events and two periods of reed growth (one at the end of summer after cutting and another at the beginning of spring, following their natural cycle). The temporal variation of N and P concentrations was related to the phenology of the plant and cutting events. The maximum nutrient concentrations were recorded in young stems in the initial stages of the autumn growing season (35.86 mg N g?1 and 2.38 mg P g?1). The phosphorus dynamics showed evidence of translocation processes related with growth activity, although no evidence of N translocation was found. In November and in summer, when aerial growth ceases because of the hard conditions, the P concentration in rhizomes was higher than in stems, while in spring and in September, the period of maximal growth, the reverse relation was found. The highest total amounts of the two elements in the aboveground biomass (0.54 Tm N ha?1 and 0.25 Tm P ha?1) were reached in July, coinciding with the highest biomass (3.72 kg DW m?2), which then decreased to approximately half in August. Nutrient content in the aboveground tissues was highly dependent on the ammonium and nitrate water concentrations. In addition, the N content was inversely related to the Corg/N of sediments, while the P content was influenced positively by the phosphorous concentration of the water. Common reed of the Albujón rambla corresponds to the assimilation type, adapted to nutrient-rich habitats, which is characterized by a pronounced external N cycle and P internal reserves. Based on the results obtained, we propose a management plan for common reed to help control eutrophication of the Mar Menor lagoon. This would bring forward reed cutting to the beginning of summer, instead of August, coinciding with the time of maximum aerial biomass, greater nutrient retention, and lower risk of strong precipitation. 相似文献