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Our objective was to study the effects of dietary energy source (fat or starch) on periestrus hormone profiles and embryonal survival in primiparous sows. During lactation, 48 primiparous sows were fed either a starch-rich or a fat-rich diet, at either a high (44 MJ NE/d) or a low (33 MJ NE/d) feeding level. After weaning, all sows received the same amount of feed (31 MJ NE/d from weaning to estrus and 17.5 MJ NE/d from breeding to slaughter) of the same dietary energy source fed during lactation. Around estrus, blood samples were taken to analyze the preovulatory LH surge, estradiol (E2), and progesterone (P4). Sows were inseminated on each day of standing estrus. On d 35 after last insemination, all 35 pregnant sows were slaughtered and their reproductive tracts were removed. The number, weight, and length of the embryos and placentas were determined as well as the weight and length of the uterus. The LH, E2, and P4 profiles were similar for the treatment groups, except for the E2 levels at 16, 12, and 8 h before the LH surge, which were lower in the sows fed the fat-rich diet at a low level. Ovulation rate tended to be higher in sows fed the high compared to the low feeding level during lactation (18.0 vs. 16.2; P = .09), but the number of total and viable embryos as well as embryonal survival rate were not influenced by the treatments. Neither uterine length and weight nor length and weight of the embryos and placentas were affected by treatments. However, after removal of the embryo-placental units, uterine weight was greater in sows fed the high than in those fed the low feeding level during lactation (1.8 vs. 1.6 kg; P = .03). Plasma insulin concentration during lactation was not related to any of the uterine, placental, or embryo traits. Mean progesterone concentration between 24 and 250 h after the LH surge was positively correlated with embryonal survival. Differences in progesterone concentration between sows with high and low embryonal survival were evident from 172 h after the LH surge. From the present study, we conclude that altering feeding level during lactation or dietary energy source from farrowing until d 35 of subsequent pregnancy did not affect embryonic development and embryonal survival.  相似文献   

Twelve pregnant gilts were assigned to a completely randomized block design with two treatments in two blocks (2 farrowing groups). The treatments were a feeding amount of 6 kg or 2 kg/day provided during lactation. The lactation diet contained 18.6% crude protein, 1.0% lysine, and 3.27 Mcal/kg metabolizable energy (as-fed basis). Litters were weaned at 2100 on day 21 after farrowing. Blood samples for luteinizing hormone (LH) measurements were taken at 15-min intervals for 8 hr on day 12 of lactation, and samples for glucose and insulin were collected at 1-hr intervals for 3 hr on day 12. The effects of feed intake treatments on LH pulse frequencies (2.9 vs 0.7) and insulin concentrations (15.0 vs 8.9 IU/mL) were found (P < 0.05) on day 12 of lactation. In regression analysis, greater cumulative feed intake from 1 to 12 days was associated with higher insulin concentrations (P = 0.04), greater LH pulse frequencies (P = 0.01) on day 12 of lactation, and shorter weaning-to-estrus intervals (WEI) (P = 0.03). Furthermore, an association between insulin concentrations and LH pulse frequencies was found on day 12 of lactation (P = 0.01). Using regression models for weaning-to-estrus interval, when each cumulative feed intake from 4 to 21 days was used as an independent variable, the R2 values increased from 0.24 to 0.37. These results suggest that feed intake during early and mid-lactation influences LH secretion as early as day 12 after farrowing, and is associated with shorter WEI. This research also indicates that feed intake from 4 to 12 days of lactation is more important than that during the first few days after farrowing.  相似文献   

To get more insight in how insulin secretion patterns and corresponding insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) levels are related to luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion, follicle development and ovulation, 32 multiparous sows were fed either a dextrose plus lactose-containing diet at 4 h intervals (DL; each 150 g/day) or an isocaloric control diet at 12 h intervals (CTRL; containing soybean oil) during the weaning-to-ovulation interval (WOI). Insulin parameters (basal, peak levels and mean insulin) and IGF-1 levels during the WOI were similar for both treatments, but the insulin secretion pattern differed (related with feeding frequency and meal sizes). Oestrus and ovulation characteristics were not influenced by treatment. The LH surge was higher in CTRL compared with DL sows (3.73 vs 3.00 ng/ml; p = 0.03). Average diameter (6.5 vs 6.1 mm; p = 0.08) and uniformity (CV: 11 vs 15%, p = 0.02) of follicles ≥3 mm at day 4 after weaning was higher in CTRL compared with DL sows. Basal insulin levels were positively related with follicle diameter at ovulation (β = 0.05 mm/(μU/ml); p = 0.04) and negatively related with LH surge level (β = -0.07 (ng/ml)/(μU/ml); p = 0.01). Insulin area under the curve (AUC) (β = 0.037 (ng/ml)/1000 μU; p = 0.02) and IGF-1 levels (β = 0.002 (ng/ml)/(ng/ml); p < 0.01) were positively related to basal LH level around the LH surge. From these data, we conclude that insulin and IGF-1 levels during the WOI are related to LH secretion and follicle development. Not only the absolute level of insulin seems important, but also the pattern within a day in which insulin is secreted seems to affect LH secretion and development of pre-ovulatory follicles.  相似文献   

The impact of the dietary amino acid regimen of primiparous sows on LH secretion and weaning-to-estrus interval was evaluated. Thirty-six sows, nursing litters of 13 pigs, were allocated daily 6 kg of a corn-soybean meal diet containing a high (HP, 1.20% lysine) or low (LP, .34% lysine) protein content during a 23-d lactation. Dietary lysine concentration was achieved by altering the ratio of corn and soybean meal in the diet. Plasma LH, ACTH, and estradiol-17beta were evaluated at 15 min, hourly, and at 6-h intervals, respectively, during 6-h periods on d 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 of lactation. Sows were checked daily for estrus from weaning to 45 d postweaning. Sows fed the LP and HP diets consumed 4.41 and 4.98 kg of feed daily during lactation. The LP sows weighed less (P < .05), had lighter (P < .05) litters at weaning, and had (P < .05) extended weaning-to-estrus intervals. Mean and baseline LH concentrations and LH pulses/6 h were lower (P < .01) in LP sows, and the differences between LP and HP sows were established by d 10 of lactation. Plasma estradiol and ACTH concentrations were not altered by diet. Mean LH concentrations on d 5 and 10 of lactation were correlated (r = -.54 and -.56, respectively, P < .01) with weaning-to-estrus interval. Also, mean LH concentrations on d 10 were correlated (P < .05) with the magnitude of dietary lysine deficiencies relative to demand for milk synthesis on d 0 to 5 and d 5 to 10 (r = -.39 and -.49, respectively). Inadequate dietary amino acid intake in sows during early lactation results in lower LH secretion by d 10 postpartum and is associated with increased weaning-to-estrus interval.  相似文献   

Duroc sows farrowed second litters in March and lactated 35 +/- 2 days. At 36 hr before weaning, electrocautery of follicles greater than or equal to 3 mm in diameter (n = 8) or sham surgery (n = 5) was performed to test the hypothesis that ablation of medium-sized follicles would prolong the duration of postweaning anestrus. Number of follicles and diameters at surgery were: 1.3 +/- .6 (greater than 5 mm diameter), 26 +/- 1 (3 to 5 mm) and greater than 20 (less than 3 mm). Blood samples were collected at 15 min intervals for 3 hr beginning at -12, 0, 12, 60 and 96 hr from weaning. Interval to estrus was 3.4 +/- .2 days in seven of eight cauterized sows and 3.6 +/- .6 days for sham-surgery sows. The remaining cauterized sow was anestrus at slaughter, 40 days after weaning. Number of corpora lutea and pregnancy rate were 15.8 +/- .6 and 92%, respectively, and were similar between sham-surgery and cauterized sows. Concentration of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) at 12 hr before weaning was greater in sows subjected to electrocautery than for sham-surgery sows, but FSH values were similar at other sampling times. Concentrations of estradiol were similar at all times for both treatment groups. Luteinizing hormone (LH) was higher (P less than .05) at 60 hr in cauterized sows because of the onset of the preovulatory LH surge in one sow. We conclude that destruction of medium-sized ovarian follicles before weaning did not influence postweaning reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Ovarian and gonadotropin responses to insulin and energy restriction were investigated in a 2 X 2 factorial experiment using 2-yr-old Brangus heifers. Thirty heifers were paired by weight and body condition, then assigned to treatment groups receiving 75 (LE) or 180% (HE) of NRC recommendations for dietary energy for maintenance. Diets were adjusted weekly to maintain daily .25 to .5 kg weight loss or 0 to .25 kg weight gain, respectively. On d 10 of the first estrous cycle subsequent to the initial 45 d of feeding, heifers within each dietary group were allocated to receive twice daily infusions of either 40 U insulin (I) or saline (C). Infusions began at 5 and 10 h postprandial and were given in six boluses, 20 min apart. Infusions continued daily until d 20 or estrus, whichever occurred first. On d 11, blood samples were collected at 15-min intervals for 12 h to determine luteinizing hormone (LH) and insulin concentrations. On d 16 to 20, twice daily im injections of 1 mg follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) were administered. Heifers were ovariectomized on d 11 after estrus. Number of corpora lutea (CL) in LE-I heifers was greater (P less than .05) in LE-C, HE-C or HE-I. Total CL weight (g) per heifer was greater (P less than .05) in HE-C and LE-I heifers than in LE-C. Individual CL wt was heavier in HE than in LE heifers (P less than .05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of energy and protein intakes by 32 primiparous sows during a 28-d lactation on sow and litter performance and sow body composition and bone properties were examined. Dietary treatments were energy intakes of 8 (LE) and 16 (HE) Mcal of ME/d and protein intakes of 380 (LP) and 760 (HP) g of CP/d in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. Sows fed diets that were inadequate in either energy or protein lost more weight than did sows fed the HE-HP diet, but backfat losses were greater when energy intake was deficient than when protein was deficient. Carcass measurements were influenced in a similar manner, with energy intake affecting (P less than .001) backfat thickness and protein intake affecting (P less than .05) longissimus muscle area. Heart, kidneys and liver of sows fed LP diets weighed less (P less than .01) and contained less water and protein (P less than .05) than those of sows fed HP. Sows fed LE had heart, liver and viscera that weighed less (P less than .05) than those of sows fed HE. There was less fat (P less than .05) in the heart, lung, liver and viscera of sows fed LE than in those of sows fed HE. Carcass components of the supraspinatus muscle and standardized sections through the longissimus muscle and right shoulder weighed less (P less than .05) from sows fed LP rather than HP, and these components contained less water and protein. Sows fed the LE diets had less fat in the loin soft tissue section, right shoulder section and supraspinatus muscle than sows fed HE. Bone composition and strength were not influenced by dietary treatment. The composition of weight lost during lactation was diet-dependent. Sows fed diets that were deficient in protein but adequate in energy lost large amounts of protein from muscles and internal organs. Energy deficiency resulted primarily in fat loss.  相似文献   

A total of 146 primiparous sows was used in four replications of an experiment to investigate the effect of energy intake during a 28-d lactation on sow and litter performance. Dietary treatments consisted of three energy intakes; 10, 12 or 14 Mcal of metabolizable energy (ME) X sow-1 X d-1. All sows were fed equal amounts of crude protein, vitamins and minerals daily, which met or exceeded standard recommendations. The experiment was initiated at parturition. Sow weight and backfat loss during lactation decreased linearly (P less than .001) as energy intake increased. There were no differences in litter size at either 14 d of lactation or weaning. Pig weights on d 14 increased linearly (P less than .05) and litter weights tended to increase linearly (P = .13) as energy intake increased. At weaning, pig weights and litter weights increased (P less than .05) as sow energy intake increased. There were no significant differences in the percentages of sows in estrus by 7, 14, 21 and 70 d postweaning, but sows fed 10 Mcal ME/d had a slightly longer interval from weaning to first estrus than sows fed higher energy intakes. Serum urea concentrations of sows were inversely related to energy intake during lactation. Serum creatinine concentrations were not affected by energy intake. An intake of 10 Mcal ME/d by primiparous sows during a 28-d lactation resulted in reduced sow and litter performance; there was little difference between sows fed 12 and 14 Mcal ME/d.  相似文献   

Seventeen Landrace X Large White primiparous sows that farrowed in August 1982 were fed ad libitum (AL, n = 8) or their intakes were restricted (R, n = 9) during lactation. Litter sizes were equalized after farrowing and pigs were not allowed creep feed. Pigs were weaned 23.8 +/- .4 d postpartum. On d 6, 12 and 20 postpartum, all sows were fasted for 16 h and blood samples were collected prior to feeding for analysis of plasma glucose (GLU), urea nitrogen (UN), free fatty acids (FFA), prolactin (PRL) and serum insulin (INS). On d -2, 2 and 4 from weaning, sows were fasted for 16 h and then blood samples were collected hourly from 0 to 6 postprandial for analysis of GLU, UN, FFA, PRL and INS. Serum for analysis of luteinizing hormone (LH), progesterone and estradiol was collected every 6 h from 1 d before until 12 d after weaning. Samples for LH were also collected at 15-min intervals for 3 h at -18, -6, 6, 18, 78, 102, 126, 150, 240 and 480 h from weaning. After weaning all sows were fed 1.8 kg X d-1, and were checked for estrus twice daily. Daily intakes of metabolizable energy (ME) during lactation were greater in AL (12,194 +/- 465 kcal) than in R sows (8,144 +/- 90 kcal). Compared with AL sows, R sows lost more weight and backfat during lactation and had higher postprandial UN levels 2 d before and 4 d after weaning. Reproductive performance and reproductive hormones were not affected by restriction of energy, but frequency of episodic release of LH prior to weaning was greater in sows that exhibited estrus after weaning (n = 12) than in anestrous sows (n = 5). After weaning, LH and estradiol concentrations were similar between estrous and anestrous sows until onset of the preovulatory increase in estradiol in the sows that exhibited estrus. Energy intake, body condition and productivity were similar between anestrous sows and sows that exhibited estrus. On d 12 and 20 of lactation, preprandial levels of GLU were greater and FFA were lower in anestrous than estrous sows. We conclude that restriction of feed intake during lactation affected body condition and metabolism of primiparous sows, but reproductive performance and productivity were not affected. Aberrations in partitioning of energy during lactation may predispose primiparous sows to postweaning anestrus, but the mechanisms by which this occurs have yet to be defined.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of substituting 1 kg of a standard lactation diet with 1 kg of a sugar‐rich (15.75 DE MJ/kg) or fat‐rich (23.85 DE MJ/kg) diet during late lactation on blood glucose and insulin changes in primiparous sows. During a 4‐week lactation period, 21 primiparous sows were fed to appetite with a standard lactation diet (14.10 DE MJ/kg). At 9 days before weaning, sows were assigned to a control (C, n = 7), fat (F, n = 6) or sugar (S, n = 8) treatment. During the treatment period (from 8 days before weaning until weaning), 1 kg of the lactation diet was substituted with 1 kg of a sugar‐rich or fat‐rich diet for S and F sows. At 3 days before weaning, serial blood samples were collected for a total of 228 min around feeding to establish pre‐ and postprandial plasma glucose and insulin concentrations. Preprandial plasma glucose and insulin concentrations did not differ between treatments (p > 0.05); however, mean plasma glucose and insulin concentrations were higher for S compared to F (p < 0.05) and intermediate for the C sows. Postprandial plasma concentrations of glucose and insulin were higher for the S sows than for C and F sows (p < 0.05). Sow body weight loss during late lactation did not differ between treatments (p > 0.05). The results from our study suggest that a sugar‐enriched diet during the last week of lactation elevates circulating glucose and insulin concentrations and may potentially improve post‐weaning fertility in primiparous sows.  相似文献   

Primiparous sows (n = 36) were used to evaluate the effects of dietary lysine intake in lactation on follicular development and oocyte maturation after weaning. Sows were assigned randomly to one of three diets containing .4% (low lysine, LL), 1.0% (medium lysine, ML), or 1.6% (high lysine, HL) total lysine. All diets contained 2.1 Mcal NE/kg and exceeded NRC (1988) requirements for all other nutrients. Actual lysine intakes over an 18-d lactation were 16, 36, and 56 g/d for sows consuming LL, ML, and HL, respectively. Ovarian data were analyzed for sows determined to have been slaughtered during the first proestrus period after weaning, using previously established criteria. Compared with sows fed ML and HL, sows fed LL tended to have lower uterine weight, follicular fluid volume, and follicular fluid (FF) estradiol (E2) content (P < .15), but similar ovarian weight and follicular fluid IGF-I concentration. Within the largest 15 preovulatory follicles, sows fed LL had a lower percentage of large (> or = 7.0 mm) follicles (33 vs 50 and 58%; P < .01) and a higher percentage of medium (5.5 to 7.0 mm) follicles (62 vs 44 and 39%; P < .01) but a similar percentage of small (< or = 5.5 mm) follicles (4.4 vs 5.9 and 3.7%; P > .15), respectively, compared with sows fed ML or HL. Standardized pools of oocytes aspirated from follicles of prepubertal gilts were incubated for 44 h with pooled FF recovered from the largest 15 follicles of each experimental sow. Fewer oocyte nuclei matured to metaphase II of meiosis when cultured with FF recovered from sows fed LL, than from sows fed ML or HL (47.1 vs 59.8 and 63.8%, respectively; P < .01). Our results suggest that low lysine (protein) intake in primiparous lactating sows impaired follicular development and reduced the ability of follicles to support oocyte maturation. However, high compared with medium lysine (protein) intake had no further positive effects on ovarian function.  相似文献   

Effects of three dietary lysine (protein) concentrations during lactation on metabolic state, protein metabolism, reproductive hormones, and performance were investigated in 36 primiparous sows. Sows were assigned randomly to one of three diets containing .4% (low lysine, LL), 1.0% (medium lysine, ML), or 1.6% (high lysine, HL) total lysine from intact protein sources. All diets contained 2.1 Mcal NE/kg and exceeded the recommended requirements for all other nutrients. Actual lysine intakes over an 18-d lactation were 16, 36, and 56 g/d for sows fed LL, ML, and HL, respectively. Fractional breakdown rate of muscle was determined on d 4 and 15 of lactation by using a three-compartment kinetic model of 3-methylhistidine metabolism. Increasing lysine intake during lactation did not affect fractional breakdown rate of muscle on d 4 of lactation but decreased it on d 15 (P < .05). Sows fed LL had a reduced number of LH pulses on d 12 and 18 (P < .05) and reduced serum estradiol (E2) concentration on d 18 of lactation compared with sows fed ML and HL treatments. However, LH pulses and E2 concentrations were similar between ML and HL treatments (P > .35). Increasing lysine intake increased serum urea nitrogen (SUN) and postprandial insulin concentrations (P < .05) during lactation but had no effect on plasma glucose concentrations (P > .20). Sows fed HL had greater serum IGF-I on d 6 and 18 than sows fed ML (P < .05). Number of LH peaks was correlated with serum insulin concentration 25 min after feeding on d 6 and 18 (r = .31 to .41; P < .1) and pre- (r = .33 to .46) and postprandial (r = .30 to .58) SUN concentrations (P < .05) during different stages of lactation. Results indicate that, compared with medium lysine intake, low lysine intake increased muscle protein degradation and decreased concentrations of insulin, SUN, and estradiol and LH pulsatility. In contrast, high lysine (protein) intake increased SUN, insulin, and IGF-I, but did not increase secretion of estradiol and LH compared with medium lysine intake. Furthermore, nutritional impacts on reproduction may be mediated in part through associated effects on circulating insulin concentration.  相似文献   

文章评估了哺乳期间母猪的饲喂频率(2或3次/d)对母猪体况、繁殖性能及仔猪生长性能的影响。试验选择68头母猪,随机分为8组(每组8~10头母猪),哺乳期间其中4组母猪每天饲喂2次,另外4组每天饲喂3次,母猪分为青年母猪(<2胎次)和老龄母猪(≥3胎次),试验结束后记录母猪体况评分、肩部组织病变、发情率、母猪生产及仔猪生长性能。结果显示:每天饲喂3次的母猪比饲喂2次的母猪采食量高(P<0.05),肩部组织病变低(P<0.05)。在每天饲喂3次的母猪中,青年母猪返情率为0%,老龄母猪返情率为29%,而在每天饲喂2次的母猪中,青年母猪发情率为20%,老龄母猪为5%。综上所述,在哺乳期,母猪每天饲喂3次较每天饲喂2次提高了采食量,对母猪体况评分和肩部组织病变有改善作用,同时也降低了年轻母猪的返情率。  相似文献   

The effects of protein and energy intakes by primiparous sows during a 28-d lactation on thyroxine (T4) and urea concentrations in blood serum of sows, and sow and litter performance were examined in two experiments. Dietary treatments were protein intakes of 380 (LP) and 760 (HP) g of crude protein X sow-1 X d-1 and energy intakes of 8 (LE) and 16 (HE) Mcal of metabolizable energy (ME) X sow-1 X d-1 in a 2 X 2 factorial arrangement. In Exp. 1 (34 sows), neither protein nor energy intake affected serum T4 concentrations. In both experiments, serum urea concentrations during lactation were influenced by both protein (P less than .001) and energy (P less than .001) intakes. In Exp. 2 (221 sows), sows fed LP or LE lost more weight (P less than .001) during lactation than sows fed either HP or HE. Backfat loss was greater (P less than .001) in sows fed diets of LE than HE, whereas sows fed HP lost more backfat (P = .016) than sows fed LP. Pig weights on d 28 were influenced by both protein (P less than .001) and energy (P = .038), with sows that were provided high intakes of either protein or energy having heavier pigs. Litter weight at weaning was heavier (P less than .005) for sows consuming HP. Sows fed LP had larger litters at d 14 (P = .051) and 28 (P = .046) than sows fed HP. Sow energy intake had no effect on litter size or weight. Percentages of sows in estrus by 7, 14 and 35 d postweaning were higher (P less than .004, P less than .030 and P less than .060, respectively) for sows fed HP than LP, whereas sow energy intakes had no effect on the interval from weaning to first estrus.  相似文献   

Insulin‐stimulating sow diets before mating improve piglet uniformity. We studied effects of nutritionally induced differences in insulin levels during the weaning‐to‐ovulation interval (WOI) on luteal development, progesterone secretion and pre‐implantation conceptus development and uniformity (d10). To create insulin contrasts, 32 multiparous sows were fed either a dextrose plus lactose containing diet (each 150 g/day) at 4 h intervals (DL treatment) or an isocalorically control diet (containing soybean oil) at 12 h intervals (CTRL treatment) during the WOI. After ovulation, all sows received a standard gestation diet at 12 h intervals. Ovulation rate, plasma progesterone levels, pregnancy rate and embryo survival did not differ between treatments. CTRL sows had a higher total luteal weight (11.2 vs 9.7 g; p = 0.03) than DL sows. Conceptus diameter at d10 of pregnancy tended to be larger in CTRL sows (diameter: 7.1 vs 6.4 mm; p = 0.07). Conceptus uniformity was not influenced by treatment. Insulin area under the curve (AUC) and mean insulin during the WOI were positively related with mean progesterone (β values were 0.78 (ng/ml)/1000 μU and 0.14 (ng/ml)/(μU/ml) for AUC and mean, respectively; p < 0.05) and maximal progesterone (β values were 1.46 (ng/ml)/1000 μU and 0.27 (ng/ml)/(μU/ml) for AUC and mean, respectively; p < 0.05) levels during the first 10 days of pregnancy, but not with conceptus development and uniformity. In conclusion, high insulin levels during the WOI seem to be beneficial for progesterone secretion in sows, probably mediated through beneficial effects of insulin on follicle development.  相似文献   

Effects of different carbohydrate sources on plasma glucose, insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) levels were compared to subsequently be able to study effects of insulin-stimulating diets on follicle development in sows. The following feed components were tested in 12 sows during six consecutive test periods of 9.5 days: dextrose (DEX), sucrose (SUC), lactose (LAC), dextrose plus lactose (DL), sucrose plus lactose (SL), dextrose plus sugarbeet pulp (DSBP) and control (CON). On day 2, 5 and 9 of each test period, plasma glucose (only at day 9), insulin and IGF-I profiles were determined. Despite similar glucose profiles for all diets, the postprandial insulin response was higher for DL and SL compared with CON and LAC; the other diets were intermediate. Plasma IGF-I levels were higher in CON, LAC and SL compared with DSBP, but differences were only marginal. It was concluded that dextrose and sucrose have the potential to stimulate fast and high insulin peaks, especially when combined with additional lactose. Despite the high dextrose in the DSBP diet, the insulin response was flattened, probably due to the viscosity of sugarbeet pulp. The results show that modulation of plasma insulin levels by dietary carbohydrates seems possible in anabolic sows, but IGF-I levels are less easily modified.  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted to determine the effect of compensatory growth on plasma glucose and serum growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL) and insulin concentrations in lambs. The trials consisted of a normal growth (NG) period (4 to 7 mo of age), a restricted feed/weight loss period and a compensatory growth (CG) period. The lambs in Trial 1 were 13 mo of age and in Trial 2, 11 mo of age at the start of the respective CG periods. Compensatory growth rate was 61 to 67% greater than NG rate in Trial 1 and 2, respectively. Twenty-four hour blood collections were performed during NG and CG in each trial. Normal growth blood collection for Trial 1 was performed in April (ram, n = 7; ewe, n = 6) and the CG blood collection in November (ram, n = 6; ewe, n = 6) while for Trial 2 blood collection dates were November (ram, n = 6; ewe n = 6) and March (ram, n = 4; ewe, n = 5). Trial 1 ram lambs had lower plasma glucose concentrations during CG than during NG while plasma glucose concentration was not altered in ewe lambs. Type of growth had no effect on plasma glucose in Trial 2. There was a type of growth by sex interaction for insulin in both Trial 1 and Trial 2. Insulin concentration decreased during CG in ram lambs but remained unchanged (Trial 1) or increased in ewe lambs (Trial 2) during CG. The effect of CG on PRL concentration in Trial 1 was confounded by photoperiod and the only effect in Trial 2 was a small decrease in the amplitude of PRL peaks during CG. The overall mean GH concentration (GHmn) was increased (P less than 0.01) two fold during CG in Trial 1. This effect was also seen in Trial 2 but the increase was sex dependent (P less than 0.005) with the effect of CG on GHmn in ram lambs being six times that seen in ewe lambs. The GH profile characteristics responsible for the increase in GHmn during CG differed between sexes and trials.  相似文献   

Four experiments utilizing 49 primiparous and 34 multiparous sows were conducted to evaluate the effect of feeding either starch, soybean oil or medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) during late gestation (d 100 to parturition) on neonatal fasting blood glucose homeostasis (Exp. 1 and 2), d-100 maternal circulating insulin, glucagon and glucose concentrations (Exp. 3 and 4), neonatal energy stores (Exp. 3 and 4) and colostrum composition (Exp. 1, 2, 3 and 4). In all cases, sows were fed 7.2 Mcal/d of a diet that supplied 279 g of protein daily. During fasting, pigs from MCT-fed dams had higher blood glucose concentrations (P less than .05) than pigs from starch-fed dams. No differences between treatments were observed for total carcass fat, liver glycogen or carcass glycogen of pigs killed prior to suckling. In general, colostrum fatty acid profiles were influenced by diet; however, the shifts in fatty acids differed for experiments. Starch-fed sows had higher blood insulin and lower blood glucagon (P less than .05) than lipid-supplemented sows; however, sow blood glucose remained constant across treatments. This study indicates that any positive effects of feeding soybean oil to sows during late gestation are most likely mediated by a change in fatty acid composition of colostrum; any beneficial properties of MCT feeding most likely are mediated through improved blood glucose maintenance of the neonate when it is subjected to fasting conditions.  相似文献   

Seventy-three crossbred steers (initial BW = 170.5 +/- 5.5 kg) from The Ohio State University (Exp. 1) and 216 crossbred steers (initial BW 135.4 +/- 4.4 kg) from the University of Illinois (Exp. 2) were used to determine the effect of source of energy and rate of growth on performance, carcass characteristics, and glucose and insulin profiles on early-weaned steers. Effects of the diets used in Exp. 1 and 2 on ruminal pH and VFA concentrations were quantified using ruminally fistulated steers (Exp. 3). Cattle were weaned at an average age of 119 d in all experiments and were allotted by age, BW, and breed to one of four diets: high-concentrate, fed ad libitum (ALCONC), high-concentrate fed to achieve a gain of either 1.2 kg/d (1.2CONC) or 0.8 kg/d (0.8CONC), or high-fiber, fed ad libitum (ALFIBER). At 218 d of age, all steers were placed on the ALCONC diet until slaughter. Steers were implanted with Compudose at the initiation of all experiments and with Revalor-S when they were estimated to be 100 d from slaughter. When steers in Exp. 1 averaged 181 and 279 d of age, serum samples were collected to determine glucose and insulin concentrations. Steers were slaughtered when a fat thickness of 1.27 cm was reached (Exp. 1) or after 273 d on feed (Exp. 2). In Exp. 1, days in the feedlot (P < 0.01) and age at slaughter (P < 0.01) were lowest for ALCONC and ALFIBER steers, and greatest for 0.8CONC steers. Overall, ADG was greatest for ALCONC and lowest for 0.8CONC steers; feed efficiency was lowest (P < 0.01) for ALFIBER steers. Final BW did not differ (P > 0.57) among treatments. At 181 and 218 d of age, serum insulin was increased (P < 0.10) and intramuscular fat percentage was greatest (P < 0.07), respectively, for ALCONC steers. In Exp. 2, overall ADG (P < 0.06) and final BW (P < 0.04) were greatest for ALCONC and lowest for 1.2CONC and 0.8CONC steers. Overall feed efficiency was greatest for 0.8CONC and lowest for ALFIBER (P < 0.01). Growing phase diet did not affect marbling score at 218 d of age or at slaughter (P > 0.81). In Exp. 3, differences in ruminal pH after feeding may have been a consequence of increasing acetate (ALFIBER), propionate (ALCONC), or a combination of VFA (0.8CONC and 1.2CONC), respectively (diet x time after feeding, P < 0.10). Controlling growth by limit-feeding a high-concentrate diet for only 100 d does not extend the growth curve of early-weaned steers or enhance intramuscular fat deposition at slaughter compared to ad libitum intake of a high-concentrate or high-fiber diet.  相似文献   

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