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A five-year-old Yorkshire Terrier with a history of polyuria, polydipsia and glycosuria was referred for investigation and treatment of suspected diabetes mellitus. Despite persistent glycosuria, blood glucose levels remained within the normal range. The dog's condition deteriorated rapidly and euthanasia was carried out. A diagnosis of the Fanconi syndrome was made.  相似文献   

A male 8-year-old Yorkshire Terrier dog with unilateral cryptorchism was presented for investigation of reduced appetite and multifocal alopecia. Abdominal sonography and radiography demonstrated abnormal enlargement of left testicle in abdominal cavity. Both of the retroperitoneal cryptorchid testicle and the other contralateral testicle were removed surgically. The concentrations of testosterone and estradiol in blood collected from the jugular vein and the two spermatic veins were evaluated and the results revealed high estradiol concentration. The retroperitoneal cryptorchid testicle was enlarged, firm, bulging sphere mass. The cut surface revealed homogeneous white color and lobulation by septa. The contralateral testicle in scrotum showed atrophic testicle and enlarged epididymis. Histopathologically, the retroperitoneal cryptorchid testicle was diagnosed as seminoma. We thought that hyperesterogenemia and alopecia in this case was probably related with his seminoma, although high correlations between Sertoli cell tumor and alopecia have been reported. To our knowledge, this report may be a rare case of seminoma with hyperesterogenemia and alopecia.  相似文献   

A retrobulbar abscess/cellulitis occurred in a Yorkshire Terrier dog. The clinical signs were exophthalmos, prolapsed nictitating membrane and purulent ocular discharge. Ultrasonography showed a marked soft tissue swelling of the retrobulbar tissues as well as echogenic parallel lines between the globe and the medial orbital rim. Surgical exploration of the orbit was performed and no foreign body was found. The pterygopalatine fossa was incised and therapeutic retrobulbar drainage attempted. A drain was placed to encourage ventral drainage of the abscess. Anaerobic cultures revealed heavy growth of gram negative rods (prevotella bivia and prevotella buccae were isolated). Recovery was successful but subsequent treatment for keratoconjunctivitis sicca was necessary. A full recovery of tear production occurred after several weeks.  相似文献   

A four-year-old cocker spaniel presented with cardiac tamponade due to a pericardial effusion, in addition to pyrexia and peripheral neutrophilia and a recent history of chest trauma. Cytological examination of the pericardial effusion revealed a predominant neutrophilia. The echocardiographic findings were of numerous hyperechoic densities in the pericardial space, due to fibrin, with concurrent thickening and distortion of the pericardium. Postmortem examination, including microbiology, revealed the presence of organising septic fibrinous pericarditis associated with a mixed infection of Streptococcus canis, Citrobacter species, Pseudomonas species and alpha-haemolytic streptococci.  相似文献   

Pericardial effusion is a potentially life-threatening problem leading to a rise in the intrapericardial pressure resulting in varying degrees of hemodynamic compromise. Cardiac tamponade occurs when the intrapericardial pressure equals or exceeds right ventricular diastolic filling pressures leading to a decreased cardiac output. In dogs, the most common causes of pericardial effusion that require pericardiocentesis are cardiac neoplasia and idiopathic pericardial effusion (IPE). The incidence of cardiac neoplasia in dogs is low, and it is rare in cats. In dogs, hemangiosarcoma and chemodectoma are the two most common types of cardiac neoplasia. In cats, lymphosarcoma is the most common form of cardiac neoplasia, but they are more likely to develop pericardial effusion secondary to congestive heart failure or feline infectious peritonitis. Common histories include lethargy, dyspnea, anorexia, collapse, and abdominal distension. Pericardiocentesis is used to stabilize animals with life-threatening cardiac tamponade, relieve the pressure leading to right-sided heart failure, and obtain fluid samples for diagnostic evaluation. The fluid should be quantified and characterized. Serious complications associated with pericardiocentesis are rare. Complications include cardiac puncture, arrhythmias, and laceration of a tumor or coronary artery resulting in intrapericardial hemorrhage or sudden death.  相似文献   

A 5 year-old, intact female Yorkshire terrier was referred for dysuria and dyschezia. The radiographic and ultrasound examination showed a round shaped mass caudal to the urinary bladder that contained anechoic fluid within the thin walls. During surgery, the cyst was noted to be attached to the outer wall of the vagina, not connected to the vaginal lumen. Cystic fluid was removed and the cystic wall was resected. Then the remaining cystic wall was omentalized to prevent a recurrence.Histological examination confirmed that the cyst was of Wolffian duct origin. In this case, a large Gartner duct cyst causing urological problems was diagnosed and removed by surgical resection.  相似文献   

A 7-year-old, female spayed rottweiler was referred with a history of an acute onset of collapse attributable to cardiac tamponade. Thoracic radiographs revealed an enlarged cardiac silhouette compatible with pericardial effusion, sternal osteomyelitis, and an unusual mineralized lesion determined later to be within the aortic wall. The pericardial effusion was a septic exudate secondary to infection with Staphylococcus species and hemorrhage into the pericardium through a mineralized aortic lesion. The case demonstrates the importance of complete evaluation of thoracic radiographs in a patient with cardiac disease and the potential value of cytopathological evaluation of pericardial fluid.  相似文献   

Objective: To describe the clinical parameters, treatment, and prognosis of dogs with left atrial rupture secondary to chronic mitral valve insufficiency. Design: Retrospective study. Setting: University referral hospital. Animals: 14 dogs with left atrial rupture. Interventions: None. Measurements and main results: Mixed breed dogs (n=6, 43%) and Shetland Sheepdogs (n=3, 21%) were most commonly affected. The median age was 12 years (range 5.8–18 y). The median weight was 11 kg (range 4–30 kg). Eight dogs had been previously diagnosed with chronic valvular disease. The most common presenting complaints included collapse (13/14), cough (9/14), and dyspnea (8/14). Four dogs were presented in either respiratory or cardiac arrest. Pericardial effusion was present in 13 dogs. The median left atrium:aortic outflow ratio was 2.66 (range 1.66:1–5.52:1). Pericardiocentesis was performed to alleviate tamponade in 3 dogs. Five dogs were discharged from the hospital, 3 of which were euthanized within 35 days of initial diagnosis for recurrence of clinical signs (n=2) and for hematochezia and lethargy (n=1). Five dogs were euthanized while in the hospital for a variety of reasons including DIC, progressive azotemia, collapse and recurrence of pericardial effusion, or possible seizure episode. Conclusions: Although rare, left atrial rupture resulting in pericardial effusion should be considered in older small‐ to medium‐sized dogs presenting with collapse, cough, and dyspnea. The overall prognosis appears poor.  相似文献   

A case of juvenile onset myasthenia gravis is described in a Yorkshire Terrier x Jack Russell bitch in which there were serum autoantibodies to acetylcholine receptors and reduction in the muscle's content of acetylcholine receptors. Approximately 25% of the receptors remaining were complexed with antibody. After 8 months of treatment with the anticholinesterase pyridostigmin, the animal made a complete recovery and the serum level of antibody decreased. The condition of this dog in many respects resembled acquired myasthenia gravis of adult onset and is contrasted with the seven cases of congenital myasthenia gravis which we have studied in the Jack Russell Terrier. In the congenital form of myasthenia gravis, reduction of acetylcholine receptors in muscle is found without any demonstrable autoantibodies to acetylcholine receptors, either in serum or muscle.  相似文献   



To describe an ultrasound-guided approach for venous and arterial vascular access and catheterization in anesthetized adult Yorkshire cross-bred pigs.

Study design

Prospective experimental study.


Ten adult female Yorkshire cross-bred pigs, weighing 78.4 ± 5.6 kg (mean ± standard deviation).


Using ultrasound guidance and the Seldinger technique, a 7 Fr, 20 cm triple-lumen central venous catheter was placed in the external jugular vein and an 18 gauge, 16 cm catheter was placed in the femoral artery. The success rate of catheterization and the incidence of catheter patency over 24 hours of general anesthesia were recorded.


Catheterization of the external jugular vein was successful in 10 out of 10 pigs and catheterization of the femoral artery was successful in eight out of 10 pigs. A surgical dissection technique on the femoral artery was performed in two pigs. Venous and arterial catheter patency was maintained in all pigs over the 24 hour study period.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

Ultrasound guidance resulted in success rates of 100% for catheterization of the external jugular vein and 80% for catheterization of the femoral artery in anesthetized adult Yorkshire cross-bred pigs. This technique is a noninvasive, easily performed alternative to surgical exposure of the vessels in large pigs undergoing surgical instrumentation for biomedical device testing.  相似文献   

Septic pericarditis and myocardial abscess are rare conditions in dogs. They are usually caused by foreign bodies, penetrating wounds, systemic infections or extension of local infections such as endocarditis, pleuritis or pulmonary infections to the myocardial tissue. Here we report a septic pericardial effusion and myocardial abscess in a young English Springer spaniel presenting with a long history of pyrexia and lethargy. No cause could clearly be identified although a penetrating injury or dissolving foreign body was highly suspected. The patient was successfully treated with a surgical approach in combination with broad spectrum antibacterials resulting in resolution of clinical signs without recurrence of the infection.  相似文献   

Percutaneous balloon pericardiotomy (PBP) has been performed in people and in a small number of dogs as a treatment for recurrent pericardial effusion with tamponade (PET). We performed this technique on 6 dogs with recurrent PET (5 with heart base tumors and 1 with no identifiable mass). Under general anesthesia and fluoroscopic guidance, a balloon-dilating catheter (diameters 14-20 mm) was introduced percutaneously at the 5th intercostal space through a sheath-introducing catheter, positioned across the parietal pericardium, and inflated 3 times. No dog experienced serious complications. The procedure was considered successful in 4 of 6 dogs. One dog is still alive without recurrence of PET 1 year after the procedure. Three dogs died of unrelated disease without recurrence of PET 5. 19, and 32 months after the procedure. The procedure was not beneficial in 1 dog that was euthanized 9 weeks later because of recurrence of pleural and abdominal effusion thought to be secondary to PET. One dog may have temporarily benefited but developed symptomatic PET 6 months after PBP. PBP appears to be a safe, economical, and potentially effective palliative treatment for recurrent PET and is a reasonable, less invasive alternative to surgery for dogs with recurrent PET, especially effusions caused by heart base tumors and possibly idiopathic pericardial effusion. Premature closure of the stoma is a potential cause for long-term failure and was thought to have been responsible for the recurrence of clinical signs in 2 dogs.  相似文献   

Objective – To quantify the frequency of adverse events occurring during or post pericardiocentesis and to determine if adverse events are related to the cause of the pericardial effusion or frequency of pericardiocentesis.
Design – Retrospective study.
Setting – Referral hospital.
Animals, Intervention and Measurements – Medical records of 85 dogs that underwent 112 episodes of pericardiocentesis were reviewed. Any adverse events during pericardiocentesis and in the 48 hours post pericardiocentesis were noted. The frequency of adverse events was compared between dogs with a suspected neoplastic cause and a suspected nonneoplastic cause of their pericardial effusion and also between the first and subsequent pericardiocenteses.
Main Results – The incidence of adverse events was 10.7% within 1 hour of pericardiocentesis and 15.2% within 48 hours. There was no significant difference in the frequency of adverse events between the groups. Most adverse events identified were dysrhythmias. Forty-one percent of those dogs with adverse events were euthanized or died within 48 hours.
Conclusion – The incidence of adverse events seen within 48 hours of pericardiocentesis was 15.2%.  相似文献   

The accuracy of bioptome placement for endomyocardial biopsy was evaluated using standard fluoroscopic guidance and compared simultaneously with two-dimensional echocardiography in six healthy subadult grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis). Despite perceived adequate positioning of the bioptome toward the septum when judged using fluoroscopy, only one out of the six placements were actually positioned in the right ventricular apex toward the septum when evaluated using two-dimensional echocardiography. The bioptome was readily relocated to the right ventricular apex/septal location by echocardiography. The forceps were easily visualized at all times and the open cups were readily directed into the desired location for biopsy. Based on a subjective score for tissue quantity from 1 to 4 (poor to excellent), biopsies collected by echocardiographic-guided technique had a mean score of 3.4, while biopsies collected by fluoroscopic-guided technique had a mean score of 1.8. In summary, this study suggests that endomyocardial biopsy locations can be accurately positioned using two-dimensional echocardiography with the advantages of less radiation, lower procedural costs, and direct visualization of the sampling site. Clear definition of endocardial surface as afforded by echocardiography may enhance tissue sample quality and lower potential complications from this procedure.  相似文献   

Abstract A Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier with an ichthyosiform dermatosis is described. Patches of thick, scaly skin were apparent from birth and progressed in extent as the dog aged. At 3 months of age, the scaling was generalized and was accompanied by a greasy exudation which matted the haircoat. The skin was greasy and there was generalized scaling, but the skin of the head and pinnae of the ears was most affected. There was minimal involvement of the foot-pads. Microscopically, the skin had patchy áreas of ortho-and parakeratotic hyperkeratosis, follicular keratosis, superficial perivascular dermatitis, and variable hypergranulosis. Electron microscopical findings were consistent with proliferative hyperkeratosis. The dog did not respond to treatment with benzoyl peroxide shampoos, humectant sprays, and isotretinoin. Comparative features of skin diseases similar to this canine ichthyosiform dermatosis are discussed. Résumé— Une dermatose ichtyosiforme est observée sur un Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier. Des zones cutanées squameuses et épaissies apparues dès la naissance s'étendent avec l'âge. A l'âge de 3 mois, l'état squameux est généralisé et associé avec une séborrhée grasse qui collent les poils entre eux. Les lésions sont généralisées avec toutefois un prédilection pour la face et les pavilions auriculaires. Les lésions podales sont peu importantes. Les lésions histopathologiques sont caractérisées par une hyperkératose orthokératosique et parakératosique, une kératose folliculaire, une dermite périvasculaire superficielle et une hypergranulose variable. La microscopic électronique montre une hyperkératose proliférative. Le chien n'a pas répondu aux shampooings au peroxyde de benzoyle, aux sprays hydratants et à risotrétinoi'ne. Les aspects comparés de cette dermatose ichtyosiforme sont discutées. [Helman, R. G., Rames, D. S., Chester, D. K. Ichtyosiform dermatosis in a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier. (Dermatose ichtyosiforme sur un Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 53–58.] Resumen Se describe una dermatosis ictiosiforme en un Soft Wheaten Terrier. Desde el nacimiento presentaba áreas de piel descamativa y engrosada que se extendieron con la edad. A los tres meses, la descamación era generalizada y se acompañaba de un exhudado oleoso que enmarañaba el pelo. La piel se encontraba oleosa y habia descamación generalizada, siendo la piel de la cabeza y pabellones auriculares la más afectada. Los cojinetes se encontraban poco afectados. Microscopicamente la piel presentaba áreas dispersas de hiperqueratosis orto-y paraqueratótica, queratosis folicular, dermatitis perivascular superficial e hipergranulosis variable. Los hallazgos ultraestructurales fueron compatibles con una hiperqueratosis proliferativa. El perro no respondió a un tratamiento con champú de peróxido de benzoilo, esprais humectantes e isotretinoina. Se discuten aspectos comparativos de enferemedades cutáneas similares a esta dermatosis ictiosiforme canina. [Helman, R. G., Rames, D. S., Chester, D. K. Ichthyosiform dermatosis in a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier. (Dermatosis ictiosiforme en un Soft Wheaten Terrier.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 53–58.] Zusammenfassung— Es wird eine ichthyosiforme Dermatose bei einem Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier beschrieben. Von Geburt an waren Bezirke mit dicker, schuppiger Haut sichtbar, die sich in der Ausdehnung mit zunehmendem Alter der Hundes vergrößerten. Im Alter von drei Monaten war die Schuppenbildung generalisiert und wurde von einer schmierigen Exsudation begleitet, die das Haarkleid verklebte. Die Haut war schmierig und das Schuppen generalisiert, jedoch war die Haut am Kopf und den Ohren am stärksten betroffen. Die Pfotenballen waren nur minimal miteinbezogen. Bei der mikroskopischen Untersuchung zeigte die Haut herdförmige Bezirke von ortho-und parakeratotischer Hyperkeratose, follikulärer Keratose, oberflächlicher perivaskulärer Dermatitis und variabler Hypergranulose. Die elektronenmikroskopischen Befunde gingen mit der proliferativen Hyperkeratose konform. Der Hund sprach auf die Behandlung mit Benzoylperoxid-Schampoos, feuchigkeitsspendenden Sprays und Isotretinoin nicht an. Vergleichbare Erscheinungen von Hauterkrankungen, die dieser caninen ichthyosiformen Dermatose ähneln, werden diskutiert. [Helman, R. G., Rames, D. S., Chester, D. K. Ichthyosiform dermatosis in a Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier. (Ichthyosiforme Dermatose bei einem Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 53–58.]  相似文献   

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