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Generic or default values to account for biomass and carbon accumulation in tropical forest ecosystems are generally recognized
as a major source of errors, making site and species specific data the best way to achieve precise and reliable estimates.
The objective of our study was to determine carbon in various components (leaves, branches, stems, structural roots and soil)
of single-species plantations of Vochysia guatemalensis and Hieronyma alchorneoides from 0 to 16 years of age. Carbon fraction in the biomass, mean (±standard deviation), for the different pools varied between
38.5 and 49.7% (±3 and 3.8). Accumulated carbon in the biomass increased with the plantation age, with mean annual increments
of 7.1 and 5.3 Mg ha −1 year −1 for forest plantations of V. guatemalensis and H. alchorneoides, respectively. At all ages, 66.3% (±10.6) of total biomass was found within the aboveground tree components, while 18.6%
(±20.9) was found in structural roots. The soil (0–30 cm) contained 62.2 (±13) and 71.5% (±17.1) of the total carbon (biomass
plus soil) under V. guatemalensis and H. alchorneoides, respectively. Mean annual increment for carbon in the soil was 1.7 and 1.3 Mg ha −1 year −1 in V. guatemalensis and H. alchorneoides. Allometric equations were constructed to estimate total biomass and carbon in the biomass which had an R
2aj (adjusted R square) greater than 94.5%. Finally, we compare our results to those that could have resulted from the use
of default values, showing how site and species specific data contribute to the overall goal of improving carbon estimates
and providing a more reliable account of the mitigation potential of forestry activities on climate change. 相似文献
Management scenarios with rotation lengths of 20 and 30 years were developed for different site qualities (high, medium and low) under two different management options (high individual tree growth versus high stand growth) for teak ( Tectona grandis L.f.) in Costa Rica. The scenarios are based on data collected in different regions in Costa Rica, representing different site conditions, offering a variety of possible management options for high-quality teak yield. Three competition indices were used for modeling the competition and for the definition of intensities and the plantation age at thinning. The maximum site occupation (MSO) and the Reineke density index (RDI) provide conservative stand density management limits, resulting in the need to execute several thinning frequently. The competition factor (CF) matches the field observations and seems to be more appropriate for the growth characteristics of the species. Final stand densities varied between 120 and 447 trees ha−1, with mean diameter at breast height (dbh) of 24.9–47.8 cm, and mean total heights between 23.0 and 32.4 m, depending on rotation length and site quality. The mean annual increment of total volume (MAIVol) at the end of the rotation varied from 11.3 to 24.9 m3 ha−1 year−1, accumulating a total volume over rotation of 268–524 m3 ha−1. The most suitable scenario for teak plantations for high-quality sites is the 30-year-rotation scenario with five thinnings of intensities between 20 and 50% (of the standing trees) at the ages of 4, 8, 12, 18 and 24 years. After the sectioning of the merchantable stem in 4-m length logs, the merchantable volume varied between 145 and 386 m3 ha−1, with an estimated heartwood volume of 45–195 m3 ha−1, both depending on rotation length and site quality. 相似文献
The temporary association of annual crops in juvenile tree plantations (Taungya system) can reduce or offset the initial costs of reforestation and hence provide incentives for tree planting on private farms. A replicated systematic spacing design, derived from a Nelder-fan design, was used to study the effects of tree-crop distance on growth and development of the timber species salmwood ( Cordia alliodora) or eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus deglupta), associated with maize ( Zea mays) or cassava ( Manihot esculenta), during the first year after transplanting the trees on two sites on alluvial soils in the humid lowlands of Costa Rica. Association with maize did not affect mean tree growth. However, mean eucalyptus and salmwood heights of 7–8 m and 3–4 m, respectively, after one year in pure plantation or associated with maize, were only 4.7 m and 1.4 m, respectively, when associated with cassava. Wider tree – crop spacings were more important for initial salmwood growth than for eucalyptus. It was concluded that the shoot growth characteristics (continuous or episodical growth) of the timber species is a very important consideration when selecting associated agricultural crop species and tree-crop distances. 相似文献
The Costa Rican government has provided incentives for reforestation programs since 1986 and initiated a Payment for Environmental
Services program in 1996. These incentives yielded native species reforestation programs throughout the country. This research
aims to provide information about growth, carbon sequestration, and management of seven native tree species ( Vochysia guatemalensis, Vochysia ferruginea, Hyeronima alchorneoides, Calophyllum brasiliense, Terminalia amazonia, Virola
koschnyi, and Dipteryx panamensis) growing in small and medium-sized plantations in the Caribbean and Northern lowlands of Costa Rica. A total of 179 plots
were evaluated in 32 farms. Overall, I found that V. guatemalensis, V. ferruginea, H. alchorneoides, and T. amazonia were the species with the fastest diameter, total height, and volume growth; and T. amazonia and D. panamensis sequestered more carbon . Moreover, I found that the plantations that had been thinned before this assessment had the best growth. The results of the
present research enhance the criteria elaborated in previous research findings to improve species choices for reforestation
and silvicultural management in Costa Rica and in other regions with similar ecological features. Furthermore, they support
the concept that tropical plantations can serve diverse economic, social, and ecological functions that may ultimately help
reduce atmospheric CO 2 accumulation. 相似文献
Research for developing silvopastoral systems includes tree species selection and management, and interactions of trees with
pastures. In the Caribbean humid lowlands of Costa Rica, total height, diameters at breast height (DBH), survival, basal area
and bole volume were compared among three plantations with four species each, in pure stands as well as in the mixture of
the four species. In Plantation 1, at 86 months old the pure plantations of Jacaranda copaia and Vochysia guatemalensis, and the mixed plantations ( Jacaranda copaia + Vochysia guatemalensis + Calophyllum brasiliense + Stryphnodendron microstachyum) had the largest DBH. Vochysia guatemalensis is one of the most preferred species in the region for reforestation of degraded pastures, while Jacaranda copaia is not preferred because it has low local economic value. In Plantation 2, at 81 months, the greatest DBH was found in Virola koschnyi, Terminalia amazonia and the mixed plantations ( Virola koschnyi + Terminalia amazonia + Dipteryx panamensis + Pseudosamanea guachapele). Dipteryx panamensis has good economic value and has a relatively open canopy that produces moderate shade. Virola koschnyi and Terminalia amazonia have denser canopies, are preferred by farmers, and they could be planted in low density in silvopastoral systems. In Plantation
3, at 70 months, the greatest DBH was found in Vochysia ferruginea, Hieronyma alchorneoides and the mixed plantation ( Vochysia ferruginea + Hieronyma alchorneoides + Genipa americana + Balizia elegans). Most of these species are currently used in silvopastoral systems in the region. Mixed plantations may combine beneficial
effects of the different species' characteristics, with the additional advantage of product diversification.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Leguminous trees are widely used to support climbers such as black pepper ( Piper nigrum L.) and vanilla ( Vanilla planifolia Andr.), to provide shade to crops and to maintain soil fertility. Pruning or pollarding provides the means to maximize benefits from the trees, particularly through the production of biomass as a soil amendment. At the same time, excessive shading is reduced. In order to quantify the degree of shading of black pepper by the support trees during a six-month pollarding cycle, this study monitored crown development (part I) and light transmission (part II) of three widely used species, Erythrina berteroana Urban, E. fusca Loureiro and Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Steud.The two sites were in the humid Atlantic Lowlands of Talamanca, southern Costa Rica (mean annual rainfall 2460 mm, no distinct dry season), on alluvial soils (typic Tropofluvents) with low levels of K, P, Mn and Zn. Two-year-old trees, that had been established from cuttings as live supports for black pepper, were used for the study. They were pollarded twice per year. The variables measured/estimated monthly were: stem diameter at breast height (dbh); height, foliated height, depth, diameter, leaf area and leaf biomass of crowns; length, diameter, number and inclination of branches. Leaf nutrient contents were also determined.Following pollarding, G. sepium was the first to resprout, followed by E. berteroana and E. fusca. G. sepium with its few but erect and long branches had slender, columnar crowns. while those of E. berteroana and E. fusca were more spherical. Four months after pollarding, G. sepium started shedding leaves at the base of its branches. Average crown diameter after six months were 2.2 m for E. berteroana, 1.9 m for E. fusca and 1.5 m for G. sepium; average crown depths after six months were 2.8 m, 2.1 m, and 2.7 m, respectively, for the three species. For 1600 trees ha –1 and two prunings per year, foliar biomass production from prunings alone (i.e., without litter fall), calculated from regressions with length and basal diameter of branches as independent variables, was 3.8 t, 3.4 t and 2.3 t dry matter ha –1 a –1 for E. berteroana, E. fusca and G. sepium, respectively; these estimates agreed well with measured values. The corresponding N contents were 146 kg, 124 kg and 90 kg, respectively. While N contributions from the prunings exceeded 50% of the fertilizer recommendations for black pepper, the contributions were <10% for P and <40% for K. Linear regressions between leaf area and branch dimensions, and quadratic regressions between foliar biomass and crown diameter showed high coefficients of determination (0.83> R
2>0.99). Correlations between foliar biomass, dbh, and dbh increments were generally weak. Conclusions from the study appear to be valid also for other agroforestry systems where the same species are planted under similar ecological conditions for reasons other than as live supports.
Resumen Los árboles leguminosos se usan frecuentamente como soportes vivos para plantas trepadoras como pimienta negra (Piper nigrum L.) y vainilla (Vanilla planifolia Andr.), para dar sombra y para reducir el desgaste de los suelos. La poda de los árboles reduce la cantidad mantener la fertilidad de sombra y produce biomasa que sirve como enmiendas. Con el objectivo de cuantificar el grado del sombreado de pimienta negra por los árboles durante un cíclo de poda de seis meses, se monitoreó en este estudio el desarrollo de la copa (parte I) y la transmisión de luz (parte II) de tres especies usados como soportes vivos:Erythrina berteroana Urban,E. fusca Loureiro yGliricidia sepium (Jacq) Steud.Los dos sitios estan en la zona tropical húmeda de Talamanca Baja, en el sureste de Costa Rica (precipitación promedia 2460 mm, sin estación seca) en suelos aluviales (Typic Tropofluvents) y pobres en K, P, Mn y Zn. Los árboles fueron establecidos de estacas. Cuando este estudio empezó, los árboles tenían dos años de edad y fueron podados dos veces por año. Los parámetros medidos ó estimados mensualmente fueron: diámetro del tronco a la altura del pecho (DAP); altura, altura foliada, profundidad, diámetro, área foliar y biomasa foliar de las copas; largo, diámetro, número y inclinación de las ramas. Además se determinó el contenido de nutrientes de las hojas.Despues de la poda,G. sepium fue el primero en rebrotar, seguido porE. berteroana yE. fusca. G. sepium con sus ramas escasas pero largas y erectas, formó una copa delgada y columnar, mientras que las copas deE. berteroana yE. fusca fueron más esféricas. Cuatro meses después de la poda,G. sepium empezó a perder las hojas en la base de sus ramas. El promedio del diámetro de la copa después de seis meses fue de 2.2 m paraE. berteroana, 1.9 m paraE. fusca y 1.5 m paraG. sepium; el promedio de la profundidad de la copa después de seis meses fú de 2.8 m, 2.1 m y 2.7 m, respectivamente para las tres especies. Para 1600 árboles ha–1 y dos podas por año, la producción estimada de biomasa foliar de la poda (sin tomar en cuenta la hojarasca caída antes), calculada de regresiónes con el largo y el diámetro basal de las ramas como variables independientes, fue de 3.8 t, 3.4 t y 2.3 t de matéria seca ha–1 a–1 paraE. berteroana, E. fusca yG. sepium, respectivamente; estos valores calculados concordaron bien con valores medidos. El contenido de N correspondiente fué de 146 kg, 124 kg, y 90 kg, respectivamente. Mientras que la contribución de N procedente de las podas excedió 50% de una recomendación de fertilización común para pimienta negra, la contribución de P fue inferior al 10%, y menos del 40% para K. Regresiones lineales entre área foliar y las dimensiones de la ramas, y regresiones cuadraticas entre biomasa foliar y el diámetro de la copa mostraron altos coeficientes de determinación (0.83>R
2>0,99). Las correlaciones entre biomasa foliar, el DAP y incrementos del DAP fueron generalmente débiles. Las conclusiones de éste estudio parecen válidas tambien para sistemas agroforestales donde las especies estudiadas son plantadas bajo condiciones ecológicas similares para propósitos diferentes de como soportes vivos. 相似文献
The objective of the investigation was to study the site variables controlling teak yield ( Tectona grandis Linn.fil.) and to establish guidelines for the selection of high productivity sites in Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Liberia, Nigeria and Togo. Depending on stand age, soil and region, between 70 and 90% of the variation in tree growth (site index, SI) could be explained by the supply of nitrogen, the root-available soil depth and precipitation. Diagnostic foliar analysis for a broad range of elements was carried out in all plantations with the exception of Nigeria. This showed that in 20% of the stands, various deficiency symptoms occur, and in an additional 40%, hidden demand of at least one nutrient is apparent. According to the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS), the most deficient nutrients besides N are Ca and P, while in 45% of all stands there is a relative Al excess. Recommendations for the evaluation and classification of site quality and the number of trees sampled for foliar analysis are given. 相似文献
Agroforestry options as a means of promoting reforestation were testedby establishing with 10 farmers simple comparisons between pure plantations andtimber trees with annual or perennial intercrops. Two year-old intercroppedtrees on-farm had 22–48% greater height and 24–38% greater diameterthan trees in pure plantations. The exception was Cordiaalliodora that did not respond significantly to intercropping withcassava ( Manihot esculenta). Only intercrops with the mostvaluable crops on agricultural soils produced a return to labour above thedailywage rate. On non-agricultural soils, farmers only intercrop a small area oftheir plantations with subsistence crops to meet home consumption needs. In thecontext of Costa Rica intercropping appeared to have a limited potential tofinance the reforestation costs of farmers. 相似文献
Efforts are needed in order to increase confidence for carbon accounts in the land use sector, especially in tropical forest ecosystems that often need to turn to default values given the lack of precise and reliable site specific data to quantify their carbon sequestration and storage capacity. The aim of this study was then to estimate biomass and carbon accumulation in young secondary forests, from 4 and up to 20 years of age, as well as its distribution among the different pools (tree including roots, herbaceous understory, dead wood, litter and soil), in humid tropical forests of Costa Rica. Carbon fraction for the different pools and tree components (stem, branches, leaves and roots) was estimated and varies between 37.3% (±3.3) and 50.3% (±2.9). Average carbon content in the soil was 4.1% (±2.1). Average forest plant biomass was 82.2 (±47.9) Mg ha −1 and the mean annual increment for carbon in the biomass was 4.2 Mg ha −1 yr −1. Approximately 65.2% of total biomass was found in the aboveground tree components, while 14.2% was found in structural roots and the rest in the herbaceous vegetation and necromass. Carbon in the soil increased by 1.1 Mg ha −1 yr −1. Total stored carbon in the forest was 180.4 Mg ha −1 at the age of 20 years. In these forests, most of the carbon (51-83%) was stored in the soil. Models selected to estimate biomass and carbon in trees as predicted by basal area had R2 adjustments above 95%. Results from this study were then compared with those obtained for a variety of secondary and primary forests in different Latin-American tropical ecosystems and in tree plantations in the same study area. 相似文献
In this study soil samples were taken from the O/A and B horizons of undisturbed forest, active pasture, and 8- to 12-year-old teak and mixed native plantations. Samples were analyzed for K, Ca, Mg, soil organic carbon, pH, exchangeable acidity, bulk density, and compared with a fertility equation. Bulk density was significantly lower in the undisturbed forest than other land uses, suggesting that after approximately 10 years of growth neither plantation lowered bulk density significantly from that of the active pasture. Teak plantations had significantly higher Mg and K (B horizon) and Ca (O/A horizon) concentrations than the undisturbed forest. This trend suggests that exchangeable base concentrations increase when land use changes from undisturbed forest to pasture, then pasture to plantation, with the most pronounced effect of this in teak plantations exhibiting more high fertility plots than other land uses. Soil organic carbon concentration was similar for all land uses except for a significantly lower concentration in teak plantations than in active pasture (O/A horizons). These results suggest that teak plantations may be advantageous for increasing soil fertility but, with respect to restoration of undisturbed forest conditions, present significant deviations in soil chemistry. Options for improved plantations soil management are discussed. 相似文献
Aboveground biomass and nutrients and soil chemical characteristics were examined in young plantations of four indigenous tree species: Hieronyma alchorneoides, Vochysia ferruginea, Pithecellobium elegans, and Genipa americana, growing in mixed and pure stands at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Total tree biomass production rates ranged from about 5.2 Mg ha −1 year −1 for G. americana to 10.3 Mg ha −1 year −1 for H. alchorneoides pure stands, and for the species mixture it was about 8.9 Mg ha −1 year −1. Branches and foliage formed 25–35% of total tree biomass but they represented about 50% of total tree nutrients. H. alchorneoides, the four species mixture, and P. elegans had the greatest accumulations of total aboveground nutrients per hectare. The importance of the plantation floor as a nutrient compartment varied temporally. When forest floor litter biomass was at its peak, plantation floor litter N, Ca, and Mg were roughly equal to, or greater than stem nutrients for all species except for P. elegans. For P. elegans, the plantation floor consistently represented a very low proportion of total aboveground nutrients. G. americana and V. ferruginea trees showed 55–60% less biomass accumulation in mixed than in pure stands while H. alchorneoides and P. elegans trees grew 40–50% more rapidly in mixture. P. elegans foliage had 60% lower Ca but higher P concentrations in mixed than in pure stands, and G. americana had higher foliar Mg in mixed than in pure stands. V. ferruginea stands had the highest concentrations of soil Ca, Mg, and organic matter, particularly in the top layers. Relative to pure plantations, soil nutrient concentrations in mixed plantations were intermediate for N, P, and K, but lower for Ca and Mg. The results of this study can be used in the selection of tree species and harvest designs to favor productivity and nutrient conservation. 相似文献
Litterfall, forest-floor litter biomass and nutrients, short-term litter decomposition and the effects of leaf mulches on initial growth of maize were studied for four indigenous tree species with agroforestry potential: Stryphnodendron microstachyum Poepp. et Endl. (S. excelsum), Vochysia ferruginea Mart, Vochysia guatemalensis Donn. Sm. ( V. hondurensis) and Hyeronima alchorneoides (O), growing in a young experimental plantation in the Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica. Total annual leaf litterfall was higher in V. ferruginea plots, followed by S. microstachyum, V. guatemalensis and H. alchorneoides; all with values comparable to those reported for other tree species grown in agroforestry combinations in humid tropical regions. Forest-floor litter accumulation was highest under V. ferruginea and V. guatemalensis. Both litterfall and forest-floor litter material had similar patterns in nutrient concentrations: N was higher in S. microstachyum, Ca was higher in V. guatemalensis, K was higher in H. alchorneoides; Mg was higher in V. guatemalensis and H. alchorneoides; H. alchorneoides and V. guatemalensis had the highest P. V. ferruginea litter decomposed more slowly, while S. microstachyum apparently decomposed faster than the other species. The two Vochysia species showed increases in N and P concentration in decomposing litter after seven weeks in the field, H. alchorneoides showed an increase in litter N and a decrease in litter P, and S. microstachyum showed a net decrease in both N and P over the same time period. The patterns found in the litter bag study were confirmed by results obtained in a tethered-leaves experiment. S. microstachyum and V. ferruginea litters lost more weight when mixed in a 11 proportion than either of them alone. Maize seedlings growing in plots mulched with S. microstachyum and H. alchorneoides leaves showed greatest initial growth, confirming patterns found in decomposition and nutrient release studies. The results show that these species could be used in agroforestry combinations with different advantages according to the specific objectives desired, whether these are soil protection, nutrient recycling, or enhancement of the growth of associated crops. 相似文献
The growth of Grevillea robusta A. Cunn. ex R.Br. in plantations and on farms was assessed on 67 sites selected at random in the major ecological zones of Rwanda. The following parameters were assessed: diameter at breast height, tree height, altitude above sea level, annual rainfall and temperature, soil pH, soil type, soil fertility, soil depth, spacing and forest type (plantation or farm). Analyses of variance demonstrated that fertile soil, intercropping and cultivation between trees considerably improved growth performance. However, growth was negatively correlated with altitude, with stands above 2300 m above sea level showing poor growth. In Rwanda with proper management, the species can be grown in plantations and on farms for firewood, poles and sawlogs. 相似文献
In Costa Rica, most reforestation trials with native species were established in the tropical humid regions. In the dry tropics, research on the performance of native species in forest plantations is incipient and trials comparing pure and mixed designs are limited. This paper presents the results of two experimental plantations with native trees in pure and mixed plots in the dry tropics of Costa Rica. The growth and productivity of 13 native species in pure and mixed plantations was compared with Tectona grandis (L.f.) Lam., an exotic species broadly used in the region. In a plantation of relatively slower growing species, measurements taken at 68 months of age resulted in Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merril. and Dalbergia retusa Hemsl. demonstrating the best growth, followed by Astronium graveolens Jacq. and Swietenia macrophylla King. Measurements in a plantation of relatively faster growing species, at 68 months of age, showed that growth of Schizolobium parahyba (Vell.) Blake was greatest in the pure and mixed plots, followed by Terminalia oblonga (Ruiz & Pav.) Steud., Anarcadium excelsum (Bert. & Balb. ex Kunth) Skeels and Pseudosamanea guachapele (Kunth) Harms. The native species grew better in the mixed plots. The pure plots of T. grandis (L.f.) Lam. were the most productive, compared to all species and the mixture of species. Plantations of T. grandis (L.f.) Lam. seem to be well adapted to the region and are certainly a commercially interesting alternative. Nevertheless, mixed plantations with native species would contribute more to sustainable management, because while single-species plantations do not provide a great range of goods and services when compared to the natural forest, mixed plantations are likely to increase this range of benefits. 相似文献
The long-term nature of forest crop rotations makes it difficult to determine impacts of forestry on soil nutrients that might be depleted by forest growth. We used small scale, highly stocked plots to compress the length of the rotation and rapidly induce nutrient depletion. In the study, two species ( Pinus radiata D. Don and Cupressus lusitanica Miller) are compared under two disturbance regimes (soil undisturbed and compacted), and two fertiliser treatments (nil and plus fertiliser), applied in factorial combination at 33 sites, covering the range of climatic and edaphic variation found in plantation forests across New Zealand. To assess our ability to rapidly highlight important soil properties, foliar nutrient concentrations were determined 20 months after planting. It was hypothesised that the densely planted plots, even at a young age, would create sufficient pressure on nutrient resources to allow development of relationships between properties used as indicies of soil nutrient availability and foliar nutrient concentrations. For both species significant relationships between foliar nutrients and 0–10 cm layer soil properties from unfertilised plots were evident for N (total and mineralisable N) and P (total, acid extractable, organic, Bray-2 and Olsen P). With the exception of Ca in C. lusitanica, foliar K, Ca and Mg were correlated with their respective soil exchangeable cation measures. The results thus confirm the utility of the experimental approach and the relevance of the measured soil properties for forest productivity. In unfertilised plots foliar N and P concentrations in P. radiata exceeded those in C. lusitanica, the differences being eliminated by fertiliser application. Foliar N/P ratios in P. radiata also exceeded those in C. lusitanica. In contrast to N and P, foliar K, Ca and Mg concentrations were all higher in C. lusitanica, the difference being particularly marked for Ca and Mg. P. radiata contained substantially higher concentrations of the metals Zn, Mn and Al than C. lusitanica, whereas the latter contained higher B concentrations. Possible reasons for differences between species in foliar nutrient concentrations are discussed. 相似文献
We studied the distribution of soil nutrients, the number of soil microorganisms, soil enzyme activities, and their relationships
in pure and mixed plantations. Soil enzyme activities, the number of soil microorganisms, and soil nutrients were measured
in plantations of Chinese pine ( Pinustabulaeformis), larch ( Larix kaempferi), sharp tooth oak ( Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata), Manchurian catalpa ( Catalpa fargesii), and mixed plantations in the Qinling Mountains, China. Compared with pure plantations, the conifer-broad-leaved broadleaf
mixed plantations increased total N, available N, total P, available K, and organic matter in the forest soil; promoted the
activities of invertase and urease by 16.7% and 53.8%; and increased the total amount of soil microorganisms by 95.9% and
the number of bacteria by 104.5% ( p<0.05). The correlations between soil enzymes, number of microorganisms, and soil nutrients were significant ( p<0.05), and the correlations between the number of soil bacteria and basic nutrient prosperities (total N, available N, available
K, and organic matter (OM)) were significant or highly significant. The correlations between the number of soil actinomycetes,
and soil total N, available N, OM, and pH were also significant or highly significant. A suitable mixture of planted conifers
and broad-leaved species improves the quality and amount of soil nutrients, increases the number of soil microorganisms and
changes their redistribution. The change of soil enzymes and the number of soil microorganisms are indications of the change
tendency of soil nutrients.
Translated from Journal of Northwest A&F University (Nat. Sci. Ed.), 2008, 36(10): 88–94 [译自: 西北农林科技大学学报] 相似文献
In 1987–89 the CATIE-GTZ Agroforestry Project set up experiments with five timber tree species planted in single lines on twelve farm boundaries in cooperation with local farmers. When the trees were five years old, their height, diameter and total stem volume were: Acacia mangium 17 m, 19 cm and 67 m 3 km –1, Cordia alliodora 14 m, 20 cm and 46 m 3 km –1, Eucalyptus deglupta 22 m, 24 cm and 85 m 3 km –1, Tectona grandis 17 m, 20 m and 64 m 3 km –1, Terminalia ivorensis 18 m, 23 cm and 104 m 3 km –1. Considering these excellent growth rates, planting of Cordia alliodora, Eucalyptus deglupta and Tectona grandis in lines on farm boundaries should be promoted. T. ivorensis and A. mangium are not recommendable for sites with impeded drainage because of mortality caused by root rot, mostly due to Rosellinia sp. 相似文献
Plant and bird diversity in the Indonesian jungle rubber agroforestry system was compared to that in primary forest and rubber
plantations by integrating new and existing data from a lowland rain forest area in Sumatra. Jungle rubber gardens are low-input
rubber ( Hevea brasiliensis) agroforests that structurally resemble secondary forest and in which wild species are tolerated by the farmer. As primary
forests have almost completely disappeared from the lowlands of the Sumatra peneplain, our aim was to assess the contribution
of jungle rubber as a land use type to the conservation of plant and bird species, especially those that are associated with
the forest interior of primary and old secondary forest. Species-accumulation curves were compiled for terrestrial and epiphytic
pteridophytes, trees and birds, and for subsets of ‘forest species’ of terrestrial pteridophytes and birds. Comparing jungle
rubber and primary forest, groups differed in relative species richness patterns. Species richness in jungle rubber was slightly
higher (terrestrial pteridophytes), similar (birds) or lower (epiphytic pteridophytes, trees, vascular plants as a whole)
than in primary forest. For subsets of ‘forest species’ of terrestrial pteridophytes and birds, species richness in jungle
rubber was lower than in primary forest. For all groups, species richness in jungle rubber was generally higher than in rubber
plantations. Although species conservation in jungle rubber is limited by management practices and by a slash-and-burn cycle
for replanting of about 40 years, this forest-like land use does support species diversity in an impoverished landscape increasingly
dominated by monoculture plantations. 相似文献
Nutrient loss due to export of wood and bark of 4.5-year-old Eucalyptus urograndis was studied in the Jari project, eastern Amazonia, Brazil. Results are based on estimates of biomass, above-ground nutrient store, and nutrient stores in the soil. Thirteen stands varying in site conditions and the number of previous rotations (up to three), were studied. Average nutrient losses due to export of wood and bark, as a percentage of the element store in the above-ground tree biomass, were: N, 65%, P, 54%; Ca, 76%; K, 57%; Mg, 61%. A comparison of export losses with the present soil stores of Ca, K and Mg cations shows that export is equal to or surpasses the remaining soil store to a depth of 100 cm. As a result of the last narvest, about 200–250 kg Ca and about 100 kg K ha −1 were removed. In spite of uncertainties about other unknown inputs and outputs, one has to conclude that the next rotation may be endangered by acute deficiency of mineral nutrients, especially of Ca. 相似文献
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the initial effects of the application of mixed wood-bark ash (MWBA) on growth and nutritional status of a Pinus radiata plantation, and on the dynamics of some of the nutrients. A field experiment, which included four treatments and four replicates in a completely random design, was established on an acidic, mineral soil rich in organic matter. The treatments were two different doses of ash (5 and 10 t ha −1), a soluble NPK fertilizer 8:24:16 (N:P 2O 5:K 2O, 200 g per plant) and an unfertilized control. The MWBA was incorporated into the soil after cutting and chopping the existing shrub vegetation and before planting. Application of the ash produced an increase in soil pH, and in the availability of P, Ca, Mg and K. The effects on soil pH and available Ca and Mg persisted for five growing seasons. The prolonged response in this study may be attributable to the effect of ash incorporation, which may have enhanced the solubility of wood ash compounds, despite the partly combusted material present in the ash. The ash improved the nutritional status, mainly in terms of Ca and Mg, and the vector analysis indicated that these elements were limiting forest production. The soluble NPK fertilizer did not produce any improvement in growth relative to the control. The concentrations of heavy metals in both soil and plant tissue were always low and did not increase significantly after application of the wood-bark ash. The positive effect of ash application on height and diameter growth was significant after 5 years, with similar results for both doses of ash. The improvement was attributed to the increases in Ca and Mg in soil.The differences between the treatments with ash and the control were much greater when the values of biomass per unit area were considered, due to the accumulative effect of a lower mortality and the enhanced growth in basal diameter and height. 相似文献