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OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical signs, diagnostic evaluation and surgical management of an alpaca with splenic torsion. ANIMALS: Six-year-old female alpaca. RESULTS: Splenic torsion and uterine torsion were the inciting cause for persistent abdominal discomfort in this alpaca. Rectal examination, abdominocentesis, and transabdominal ultrasonographic findings were suggestive of a splenic lesion. Surgical management involved splenectomy of a necrotized spleen. CONCLUSIONS: Although rare in occurrence, splenic torsion should be considered as a potential cause of abdominal discomfort in alpacas. Splenectomy is a reasonable and successful method of treatment for a devitalized spleen secondary to splenic torsion in alpacas. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Splenic torsion causes persistent abdominal discomfort in camelids and may be associated with uterine torsion. Rectal examination, transabdominal ultrasound and abdominocentesis are useful diagnostic tools to differentiate splenic torsion from other causes of abdominal discomfort. Splenectomy is an uncomplicated procedure in camelids and has a favorable prognosis.  相似文献   

A 1-month-old alpaca cria presented with a 13 degree valgus deformity of the left metacarpophalangeal joint. The angular limb deformity was centered on the distal metacarpal physes. Transphyseal bridging of the physes was recommended. Two 2.7 mm cortical bone screws were placed either side of the distal metacarpal physes and a figure of eight wire was placed medially around the screw heads. The screws extended through the medial metacarpus into the axial cortex of the lateral metacarpus. Seven weeks after surgery the limb was straight and the screws and wire were removed. Transphyseal bridging of the distal metacarpal physes can be effectively used for the treatment of metacarpophalangeal valgus in crias with open physes.  相似文献   

A 12-week-old female alpaca cria weighing 10 kg presented with a 2-month history of left hindlimb lameness associated with osteomyelitis and sequestration of the shaft and wing of the left ilium. The affected segment of the ilium was surgically removed. Bacteriological culture revealed a small number of mixed aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. The cria recovered well, was discharged from the hospital 8 days after surgery and was paddock sound without complications 8 months later. Osteomyelitis and sequestration of long bones has been reported in alpacas, but further investigation is necessary to define the prevalence and pathogenesis and to develop specific recommendations for prevention and treatment.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: A 15-year-old female huacaya alpaca (Vicugna pacos) was referred because of a non-weight-bearing lameness (4/4) in the left pelvic limb caused by a grade three open metatarsal fracture. The referring veterinarian treated the fracture with conservative management using bandages, but it progressively evolved to a non-union.

CLINICAL FINDINGS AND DIAGNOSIS: Clinical examination revealed external wounds on the medial and lateral surfaces of the metatarsus. Radiographs confirmed an open, nonarticular, displaced, diaphyseal fracture of the left metatarsus.

TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: Cancellous bone was sourced from bovine proximal and distal femur epiphyses, followed by a thermal shock procedure to achieve decellularisation, to produce a xenograft. Open reduction and internal fixation of the fracture using locking plates was performed. Alignment of the fracture fragments was corrected and the xenograft was placed at the debrided fracture site to stimulate and harness osteogenesis in situ. Clinical and radiographic follow-up was performed up to 40 weeks postoperatively. Clinical evaluations revealed that the alpaca gradually increased weight bearing following bandage removal 10 days after surgery. Serial radiographs showed correct alignment of the left metatarsus, progressive bone modelling and, complete bone union at 12 weeks. Ten months postoperatively the alpaca showed no signs of lameness and resumed normal activity.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: For management of a metatarsal non-union, a combination of bovine xenograft application and angular stable internal fixation progressed toward an excellent long-term recovery.  相似文献   

为了解引起山羊皮下脓肿的主要病原,本研究从四川乐至县、金堂县和蓬溪县3个山羊养殖场无菌采集患皮下脓肿病羊脓液样本19份,通过细菌分离培养、生化试验及特异性PCR方法对其病原进行检测和鉴定,并通过药敏试验测定分离病原的药物敏感性。结果显示,PCR扩增法共检测出病原菌19株,其中伪结核棒状杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌及化脓隐秘杆菌分离率分别为57.9%(11/19)、26.3%(5/19)及15.8%(3/19);采用细菌分离培养法分离到3种形态不同的病原菌共计17株,其中革兰氏阳性短杆菌经鉴定为伪结核棒状杆菌,分离率57.9%(11/19),革兰氏阳性球菌经鉴定为金黄色葡萄球菌,分离率为21.1%(4/19),革兰氏阳性杆菌经鉴定为化脓隐秘杆菌,分离率为10.5%(2/19),PCR鉴定较细菌分离培养法灵敏度更高。3种病原菌对丁胺卡那、氟苯尼考等多种药物敏感。结果表明,伪结核棒状杆菌是引起该地区山羊皮下脓肿的主要病原,金黄色葡萄球菌和化脓隐秘杆菌同样可引起山羊皮下脓肿,特异性PCR方法较细菌分离培养更为高效、准确。本研究结果可为后续进一步分析其生物学特性,以及四川地区山羊皮下脓肿的综合性防制提供依据。  相似文献   

A captive Malayan tapir was observed to have inappetence, weight loss, signs of depression, mild dehydration and diar rhoea. Haematological and serum biochemical tests showed anaemia, hypoproteinaemia, hyperfibrinogenaemia and neu-trophilia with a left shift. Ultrasonic examination of the abdomen under anaesthesia revealed a well-encapsulated abscess. The abscess was marsupialised to the ventral body wall. Culture of the pus produced a mixed bacterial growth. Antimicrobial therapy was based on bacterial sensitivity results. Follow-up ultrasonic examinations showed resolution of the abscess. Ninety-one days after surgery the tapir began regurgitating food and water. An abscess originating from the stomach and occluding the lumen of the duodenum was identified at surgery. The abscess ruptured during surgical manipulations and the tapir was euthanased.  相似文献   

Reports of alimentary tract foreign bodies have been rarely reported in the equine literature. This Case Report concerns a mare who presented persistent fever and mild signs of colic. A metallic foreign body was found near to the diaphragm on radiographic and ultrasonographic examinations. A thoracotomy was subsequently performed by means of a 7th rib resection and a diaphragmatic incision made in order to remove the intra‐abdominal abscess containing a metallic foreign body. Peritonitis was the major complication and was managed during hospitalisation by multiple lavage‐drainage procedure of the abdominal cavity. Long‐term outcome (3 years) was good.  相似文献   

从天津地区某猪场病猪肺脏脓肿中分离到一株具有β溶血特性的细菌,经形态学与生化特性分析,初步确定为化脓隐秘杆菌(Arcanobacterium pyogenes),并命名为TJjh1913.利用PCR扩增16S rRNA基因,经Blast序列分析,其序列与GenBank数据库中猪源化脓隐秘杆菌的核苷酸序列同源性高达99....  相似文献   

This case report describes the investigation and treatment of an adult horse with purulent, malodorous exudate originating from a large intermandibular mass. Microbial culture of fluid aspirated from a draining tract yielded Peptostreptococcus and Prevotella species which are usually considered to originate from the oral cavity. Computed tomography (CT) was used to aid in the diagnosis and to allow careful presurgical planning, and the horse underwent successful debridement of the abscess cavity under general anaesthesia. Post-operatively, the horse developed trismus (reduced opening of the jaws) but repeat CT identified that the surgery site was healing appropriately. It was recommended to continue feeding the horse hay to act as physiotherapy and the masticatory action of the horse subsequently returned to normal.  相似文献   

A 1-year-old domestic shorthair cat was evaluated for a chronic history of back pain, dysuria, and paraplegia. Radiographic and computed tomographic examinations showed circumferential widening of the vertebral canal at T13 and T14. A spinal epidural abscess (SEA) compressing the spinal cord from the level of T11 to L1 was suspected following intravenous contrast administration, and was confirmed by surgical exploration and histopathological analysis. The cat recovered its motor and bladder functions following surgical decompression and antibiotic therapy. SEA is a neurological emergency requiring prompt treatment. However, the present case had a prolonged disease course and pressure atrophy of the vertebrae was strongly suspected. To our knowledge, this imaging finding has not been reported in dogs or cats with SEA.  相似文献   

This report describes a 4‐month‐old Quarter Horse filly with an ectopic ureter. The filly presented with signs of urinary incontinence, which had been present since birth. Computed tomography (CT) examination and cystoscopy confirmed a diagnosis of a unilateral ectopic ureter. A nephrectomy of the left kidney was performed and renal function was closely monitored post operatively. The filly was treated for abdominal chylous effusion as a post operative complication. The filly survived to discharge from the hospital, and maintained normal urinary function at 12 months post operatively.  相似文献   

A 4‐year‐old Border collie was presented with one episode of collapse, altered mentation, and a suspected pharyngeal stick injury. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography showed a linear foreign body penetrating the right oropharynx, through the foramen ovale and the brain parenchyma. The foreign body was surgically removed and medical treatment initiated. Complete resolution of clinical signs was noted at recheck 8 weeks later. Repeat MRI showed chronic secondary changes in the brain parenchyma. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of the advanced imaging findings and successful treatment of a penetrating oropharyngeal intracranial foreign body in a dog.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS: A 3.3-year-old male alpaca, weighing 60?kg was referred for investigation of a severe left forelimb lameness of 4 weeks duration. A scapulohumeral subluxation had been diagnosed radiographically by the referring veterinarian.

CLINICAL FINDINGS AND DIAGNOSIS: Based on clinical, ultrasonographic and radiographic findings the diagnosis of cranio-lateral subluxation of the left humeral head was confirmed. In addition, a full thickness lesion (approximately 1?×?1?cm) of the articular cartilage on the caudomedial aspect of the humeral head was diagnosed by arthroscopy.

TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: Treatment included open reduction with internal fixation. Severe muscle contraction and local tissue fibrosis around the scapulohumeral joint (SHJ) required osteotomy of the acromion 3?cm proximal to the distal acromial edge, to allow adequate access. Internal stabilisation was achieved by placing tension band sutures between one cortical screw in the scapular neck and two cortical screws, with washers, craniolaterally on the greater tubercle of the humerus. Post-surgery, a carpal flexion sling was applied with the carpus maintained in 70° flexion for 4 weeks to avoid postoperative weight-bearing. An exercise programme was started 8 days after surgery and continued for 12 weeks. The alpaca had an uneventful postsurgical recovery and showed no lameness after 8 weeks. The long-term outcome was excellent; 21 months after surgery the alpaca was sound and the range of movement of the left SHJ was equal to the right SHJ.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Even in this chronic case of subluxation of the SHJ of 4 weeks duration, surgical treatment using osteotomy of the acromion, open reduction and internal fixation with extracapsular scapulohumeral tension sutures resulted in an excellent long-term outcome in this alpaca, despite the presence of a cartilage lesion.  相似文献   

A 4-month-old Thoroughbred filly presented with pyrexia, inappetence and diarrhoea. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a multilobulated abdominal mass that was determined to be associated with the caecum using computed tomography. Computed tomography also identified mesenteric lymphadenopathy and a pulmonary mass in the left caudal lung lobe. Percutaneous aspiration of the abdominal mass yielded pure growth of Rhodococcus equi. The filly responded in a positive fashion to the administration of clarithromycin, rifampin and gallium maltolate. Follow-up computed tomography revealed complete resolution of the abdominal mass and lymphadenopathy. Extrapulmonary disorders associated with R. equi should be considered even when thoracic ultrasonography reveals no evidence of pulmonary pathology. Although intra-abdominal abscesses have a grave prognosis, successful treatment is possible. Gallium maltolate can be safely administered to foals and may improve patient outcomes.  相似文献   

A one‐month‐old Quarter Horse colt presented with progressive gait abnormalities and weakness. The foal was ataxic at presentation. Radiography identified focal endplate irregularities and lysis at C6–7. Radiographic diagnosis was discospondylitis. Computed tomographic myelography was performed immediately following euthanasia and identified an extradural compressive spinal cord lesion corresponding to the site of discospondylitis. Post mortem examination findings included abscess formation at the C6–7 intervertebral space with osteomyelitis extending into the adjacent physes and subchondral bone of caudal C6 and cranial C7. The vertebral abscess extended into the ventral spinal canal at C6–7 and was identified as the cause of extradural spinal cord compression. Salmonella sp. was cultured and isolated from purulent exudate at the intervertebral space. Computed tomographic myelography has not been previously reported for assessment of discospondylitis in horses and was successful at accurately characterising spinal cord compression in addition to osteolytic changes associated with discospondylitis.  相似文献   

A 9‐year‐old intact male Bluetick Coonhound presented for progressive subcutaneous emphysema of 5 days’ duration due to a suspected tracheal tear. Cervical computed tomography (CT) and thoracic CT were performed after failure to identify the tracheal tear with tracheoscopy. A longitudinal tracheal tear was identified starting 4.3 cm cranial to the tracheal bifurcation and extending caudally over a distance of 3.6 cm. Severe pneumomediastinum, subcutaneous emphysema, and retroperitoneal gas were also present. A follow‐up CT 7 days postoperatively confirmed the successful repair of the tear with partial resolution of the presurgical secondary pathology and the patient recovered uneventfully.  相似文献   

Objective – To describe the successful surgical management of a brain abscess in a dog secondary to bite wound. Case Summary – A 10‐year‐old neutered female Welsh Corgi/Chihuahua, weighing 5.3 kg, was presented for evaluation of seizures, ataxia, and falling to the left 8 days after a presumptive fight with another dog. On examination at presentation, the dog was alert, responsive, and ambulatory with tetra‐ataxia, falling to the left, left‐sided postural deficits, and absent left menace response. Within 24 hours, the dog progressed to nonambulatory tetraparesis with minimal motor, absent postural reactions of all limbs, left nasal hypalgesia, reduced gag reflex, and depressed mentation. Computed tomographic images of the brain were suggestive of a bite wound fracture of the right parietal bone with secondary meningoencephalitis, right parietal lobe abscessation, and white matter edema adjacent to the bone fracture. A modified right rostrotentorial craniectomy was performed, the abscess was identified, contents of the abscess were removed, and the surgical site was flushed extensively before closing. Corynebacterium spp. was cultured from within the abscess. Within hours of surgery, the dog was quiet but alert, responsive, and sitting up in her cage. In addition to surgical intervention, intensive care, broad‐spectrum IV antimicrobials, and supportive therapy led to significant neurologic improvement with only occasional seizures and mild postural reaction deficits of the left hindlimb remaining. New or Unique Information Provided – Abscess formation within the CNS is uncommon in dogs and cats and is associated with a high mortality rate. In veterinary medicine the management of brain abscesses is controversial with limited information available regarding treatment. This is the first case report that demonstrates surgical intervention in combination with antimicrobial therapy can be used successfully in the treatment of a canine brain abscess.  相似文献   

The orexins A (OxA) and B (OxB) are two hypothalamic peptides involved in many physiological functions of the mammalian body. They act through the binding of two G‐coupled receptors named receptor 1 (OX1) and receptor 2 (OX2) for orexins. The first receptor is specific for OxA, while the second binds both the substances with equal affinity. The orexins and the relative receptors have been traced by means of different techniques also at the periphery of the body and particularly in the adrenals, and in gastrointestinal and genital organs. Aim of this work was to investigate the presence of OxB and OX2 by means of immunohistochemistry and Western blotting analysis in the testis of the South American camelid alpaca, a species primarily breed in Chile and Ecuador and recently diffused in Europe where the quality of its wool is particularly appreciated. OxB immunoreactivity (IR) was found in the tubular compartment of the testis where spermatogonia (resting), zygotene and pachytene spermatocytes, and spermatids clearly showed differently sized and shaped cytoplasmic positive structures. OX2‐IR was found both in the interstitial and tubular compartments of the testis and particularly in Leydig cells and round and elongated spermatids. Western blotting analysis of testis lysates showed the presence of a protein band whose molecular weight corresponded to that currently assigned to OX2. Such findings easily translate the hypothesis that OxB and its receptor 2 play a functional role both in the interstitial and tubular compartments of the alpaca testis.  相似文献   

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