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遗传多样性作为生物多样性的重要组成部分,是生态系统多样性和物种多样性的基础。随着仙茅属野生资源的减少及其药用价值和经济价值的体现,研究其遗传多样性具有重要的理论和实践意义。文章从形态学水平、细胞学水平、生化水平,尤其是分子水平对仙茅属种质资源遗传多样性的研究进行了综述,提出了仙茅属种质资源研究中存在的问题,以期为进一步研究仙茅属资源提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

中国树莓属植物多样性及品种选育研究进展   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
 综合有关文献, 介绍了已报道的中国树莓属植物种质资源201种98变种的地理分布和野生种与栽培种群的分类, 列表比较了可作为树莓类果树选育种的优良野生种质中35个种和4个变种的主要特性, 重点论述了用孢粉学、细胞遗传学和分子生物学等方法对树莓属植物遗传多样性的研究概况、国外对树莓资源的利用与我国对树莓资源的引种和品种选育进展, 并结合存在的问题对今后研究的重点提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

悬钩子属植物种质资源开发利用研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
总结了近年来国内外悬钩子属植物开发利用的研究状况,分别从种质资源、营养成分、化学成分、药理活性等四个方面对悬钩子属植物的研究结果进行了分析和综述,并进行了展望。  相似文献   

树莓的营养保健价值与市场前景浅析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
树莓(Raspberries)又名覆盆子、托盘、刺莓、马林等.是蔷薇科(Rosacea)悬钩子属(Rubus.L)半灌木果树.该属果树野生种很多,栽培种主要有树莓(空心莓亚属)和黑莓(实心莓亚属).树莓与黑莓的主要区别在于果实成熟时与花托是否分离.树莓果实成熟时与花托分离,形成外形似帽状的复合果;黑莓成熟时果实与花托不分离,成为复合假果(花托可食).1993年联合国粮农组织(FAO)推荐树莓为国际上"第三代水果",我国政府亦将树莓发展列入国家"948"计划.  相似文献   

悬钩子属植物中含有丰富的抗氧化类成分,同时因其消炎和抗肿瘤等作用受到越来越多的关注,其果实口味酸甜,营养丰富,日益受到市场青睐。为解决悬钩子属植物资源的快速繁育及进一步开发利用悬钩子属植物提供理论基础,对悬钩子属植物的组织培养方面的研究进行了总结和展望,并对悬钩子属植物比较有价值的研究方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

九峰山为方山支脉,位于黄岩区东城办事处境内,海拔近500m,山上林木葱郁,植物种类较为丰富。自2002年开始,对九峰山悬钩子属植物资源进行了调查。悬钩子属(Rubus Linn)植物属蔷薇科(Rosaceae),多为落叶或常绿灌木、半灌木,少数为半灌木状草本,具直立或攀援茎[1]。这是一类台州丘陵山地极为常见的野生水果,黄岩一带俗称为葛公、摘摘公、小麦苗、大麦苗等。  相似文献   

萱草属种质资源多样性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界14种萱草属植物有11种原产于中国,自然分布范围集中于东亚。萱草属资源分类学及群体分析,在形态学、细胞学、分子学、同工酶、孢粉学等方面体现了萱草属种质资源的多样性。结果表明:萱草属的遗传变异与地理位置、环境及居群间的遗传变化相关,萱草属可能起源于不同的家系,并且夜间开花的黄花菜被认为是进化类群。目前萱草属存在命名和分类混乱,种与变种区别不清,同一种在不同地域群体存在变异,存在天然杂交群体等分类和居群演化关系的问题,因此应在起源地中国进行全面而系统的种群调查研究。  相似文献   

该文综合了丁香属植物相关文献,从化学成分方面对丁香属植物研究进展进行了概述,以期为更好地开发丁香属植物的药用价值和植物资源提供理论参考。  相似文献   

沙棘属植物的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沙棘(H ippophae R ham noides L.)为胡颓子科(Elaeagnaceae)植物,分布于欧亚大陆的温带、寒温带及亚热带高山区,我国的东北、华北、西北和西南等地区是沙棘属植物的主要分布区。四川大学张泽荣教授将我国沙棘属植物分为4个种5个变种[1]。由于沙棘属植物具有极强的生态适应性并  相似文献   

我国山核桃属植物资源   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了湖南山核桃、云南山核桃、贵州山核桃、浙江山核桃、大别山山核桃和美国山核桃等的分布、生境、植物学特征、果实性状和利用价值,并进行了综合评价,提出了开发利用山核桃属植物资源的建议。  相似文献   

植物种质资源保存研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物多样性的保护是人类生存和可持续发展的基础。虽然我们在全球物种多样性的保护方面已经做了大量工作,然而今天我们仍然面临着生态环境的恶化和物种灭绝速度加快的严峻局面。许多物种甚至在我们认识它们以前就消失了。为此我们必须加快研究步伐,建立更为科学和完善的种质资源搜集、保存和利用体系。本文简述了当前全球范围内植物种质资源的保存和利用现状,以及离体培养和超低温技术在植物种质资源保存上的应用,探讨了植物种质资源保存中存在的问题以及相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

西瓜种质资源的遗传多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对88份来源不同的西瓜种质资源,采用37个表型性状和22对SSR分子标记进行遗传多样性分析。结果表明:表型性状变异主要体现在果实形状、品质和叶片等性状上,第1、第2、第3主成分的方差贡献率分别为13.6%、11.8%和9.0%,前3个主成分的累计为34.4%,依据表型性状进行聚类分析,在欧氏距离15.0时,可将材料分成2类,在欧氏距离13.5时,可将材料分为3类;SSR分子标记共扩增出的55个多态性位点,平均多态性信息含量为0.41,利用UPGMA法进行聚类分析,88份西瓜种质可以被分为4个组。第1、第2、第3主坐标的方差贡献率分别为22.8%、10.8%和9.1%,前3个主坐标累计为42.7%。  相似文献   

寒地梨种质资源表型多样性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对寒地梨种质资源表型性状的Simpson和Shannon多样性指数、标准差、变异系数和聚类分析等研究表明幼叶颜色、叶面状态、果实形状、抗寒性、抗梨黑星病、单果质量、可溶性固形物等性状多样性指数较高,变异度大,可为梨育种提供良好变异的群体;尤其是保存了多份极抗寒资源,抗寒性中等资源较少,无抗寒性弱和极弱的资源;果实形状多样性较高,而且性状间分布也较为均匀,可溶性固形物变异系数较大;大果型、抗梨黑星病类型资源分布较少,尚需收集、增加果个大、高抗病资源。  相似文献   

我国梨品种改良研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国梨种质资源丰富,梨品种改良已取得显著成果,通过杂交、芽变和实生等选种途径共获得160多个优良新品种(品系)。围绕抗寒、抗病、不同成熟期、红皮、紧凑型和多倍体这6个主要育种目标,概括其种质创新研究迚展和获得的重要梨新品种。从品种审定登记制度、梨种质资源利用、种质创新途径和种质创新目标4个方面着眼,对我国梨品种改良研究的方向提出了展望。  相似文献   

菠萝蜜遗传多样性的ISSR分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用ISSR标记方法对76份菠萝蜜(Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.)种质资源DNA的遗传多样性进行了检测,24个引物共检测到477条带,其中427条具多态性(占89.52%),平均PIC为0.23,24个引物能把76份种质完全区分开来。遗传距离分析结果显示供试种质的遗传多样性较低,在DNA水平上的遗传相似系数为0.626~0.945,平均为0.775。聚类分析表明,76份菠萝蜜材料在遗传距离系数为0.752处可分为4大类,其中热带植物园的种质WJ2和GSYWJ1与其他种质的遗传距离相对较大,干胞和湿类型不能独立聚类。另外各地区的种质与雷州半岛种质明显分开聚类,而雷州半岛各地区的种质混杂聚类在一起,不能按地区单独聚类。  相似文献   

广东果梅种质资源遗传多样性的AFLP分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了从DNA分子水平上探讨广东境内果梅种质资源遗传多样性状况,利用荧光标记AFLP技术,对采自广东境内的57份果梅种质进行研究,筛选出适于果梅AFLP分析的8对Mse Ⅰ和EcoR Ⅰ引物组合,这些引物可以将供试材料完全分开.利用8对引物组合对57份果梅种质进行总基因组DNA水平上的多态性检测,得到了清晰的多态性指纹图...  相似文献   

Diversity and genetic relationship in 100 cashew germplasm accessions were analyzed by using RAPD and ISSR markers. Using 10 selected RAPD primers 60 bands were generated, of which 51 bands were polymorphic (85%), and with 10 selected ISSR primers 67 amplified bands were observed with 58 polymorphic bands (86.6%). Though both kinds of markers discriminated the accessions effectively, analysis of combined data of markers (RAPD + ISSR) resulted in better distinction of accessions. By combining markers, a total of 127 bands were detected, of which 109 bands (85.8%) were polymorphic and produced on an average of 5.45 polymorphic bands per primer. Primers with high polymorphic information content and marker index were identified for discriminating accessions. High percentage of polymorphism (>85%) observed with different markers indicated high level of genetic variation existing among the accessions. Genetic relationship estimated using similarity co-efficient (Jaccard’s) values between different pair of accessions varied from 0.43 to 0.94 in RAPD, 0.38 to 0.89 in ISSR and 0.43 to 0.87 with combined markers suggested a diversity (dissimilarity) ranging from 6 to 57%, 11 to 62% and 13 to 57% respectively and the diversity skewed around 50% indicated moderate diversity. The cluster analysis with UPGMA method separated the accessions broadly into 13 clusters and in that three into smaller clusters. Some correspondence between the molecular groupings and the morphological clusters were observed. Among the accessions, NRC-142 and NRC-12 were highly divergent and NRC-231 and NRC-232 were genetically similar.  相似文献   

Eighty-one accessions representing apricot germplasm in Tunisia were collected from different areas of cultivation and fingerprinted using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellites (SSR) markers. A total of 339 polymorphic markers were revealed using 5 AFLP primers combinations and 24 SSR loci. AFLP and SSR markers expressed a high level of polymorphism allowing the distinction of the accessions with an efficiency coefficient of discrimination of 100% for AFLP and 97% for SSR markers. Genetic diversity structure was assessed with AFLPs and SSRs markers separately then with combined matrix data by the help of hierarchical clustering elaborated using Wards method based on Nei and Li (1979) distances. Comparison of the obtained dendrograms revealed a phylogeographic structure into two major groups with significant conservation between the observed subgroups in relation with the geographic origin of the accessions. The relative efficiency of the markers in determining the genetic relationships among apricot accessions has been assessed and a combination of AFLPs and SSRs markers was the most effective. In addition, Mantel test based on genetic distances indicated highly significant correlation between AFLP-SSR data and each of the AFLP and SSR ones, with Pearson correlation values of r = 0.873 and r = 0.692, respectively, revealing the higher efficiency of the combination of both molecular techniques (AFLP and SSR) to estimate the levels of genetic variability among apricot germplasm.  相似文献   

Cucurbita moschata is an important vegetable crop. Although a total of 1032 landraces of C. moschata are maintained in China, little is known about their genetic diversity. Molecular characterization is needed to facilitate the use of this C. moschata germplasm collection in breeding. Seventy-four Chinese accessions and 15 accessions from other countries were selected for evaluation based upon variation in fruit traits and geographical origin of molecular diversity with AFLP analysis. Nine pairs of EcoRI/MseI primers produced 500 fragments, of which 75.57% were polymorphic, indicating a high degree of diversity. The accessions from China were classified into two clusters, which were clearly differentiated from the accessions originating from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Ecuador. Chinese group genetically more closely related to other Asian countries group (India and Japan). In general, the accessions from the Americas had a greater number of unique loci than those from China. The differences are probably due to a limited number of introductions and genetic drift. The Americas are the center of origin of C. moschata and therefore more diverse. With AFLP analysis, the accessions did not clearly group according to fruit shape; however, sub-clusters exist in acorn- and dumbbell-shaped accessions. The assessment of genetic distance, along with some unique traits among the different genotypes, could be useful in further genetic studies and the selection of the most adequate accessions for use in breeding programs.  相似文献   

The present study was to assess informativeness and efficiency of three different molecular markers for genetic diversity among 24 Citrus and its relative species. Sixty one SSR, 33 SRAP and 24 CAPS-SNP markers were used to evaluate the level of polymorphism and discriminating capacity. A total of 596, 656 and 135 polymorphic amplicons were observed in SSR, SRAP and CAPS-SNP markers with average polymorphism information content (PIC) of 0.97, 0.98 and 0.89, respectively. High levels of polymorphism were recorded for SSR and SRAP compared with CAPS-SNP markers. The highest correlations (r = 0.930) were obtained between SSR and SRAP markers, whereas SSR and CAPS-SNP were poorly correlated (r = 0.833). Cluster analysis was performed to construct dendrograms using UPGMA. And the dendrogram from SSR data was most congruent with the general dendrogram. These findings provide basis for future efficient use of these molecular markers in the genetic analysis of Citrus and its relatives.  相似文献   

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