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The effects of tillage system and fertilization regimes on weed flora in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) were evaluated by means of two field experiments in 2011 and 2012. The experiments were laid out in a split-plot design with two main plots (conventional and minimum tillage) and four sub-plots (fertilization regimes). The results indicated that weed biomass and density in quinoa were influenced by the different fertilization and tillage treatments. Moreover, seed yield in conventional was 5%–13% higher than that of minimum tillage, probably due to the lower weed density and biomass. Concerning fertilization treatments, total weed density and biomass increased under manure application and inorganic fertilization. Tillage effects on weeds were species specific. The density of perennial weeds such as purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) and the density of small-seeded weeds such as redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) and common purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) were significantly lower under the conventional tillage than under the minimum tillage system.  相似文献   

A dematiaceous fungus forming a network of hyphopodiate hyphae over foliage of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana cuttings dying under mist propagation has been identified as Clasterosporium flexum (T. Matsush.) comb. nov. The concept of the genus Clasterosporium in relation to the genera Sporidesmium and Ceratophorum is discussed.  相似文献   

Journal of General Plant Pathology - Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) is an important crop that is used as a model host for studying plant viruses. Genome sequences of five partitiviruses (two novel...  相似文献   


Worldwide population is in permanent growth, leading to an over-presser on the food resources. This demand leads to an over-exploitation of land and water resources. Recently, the quinoa plant has attracted attention as alternative crop with high nutritive value and high tolerance to the marginal conditions. In this study, a field experiment was conducted during two successive seasons to investigate the effect of deficit irrigation on the agronomic performance. Four treatments of deficit irrigation (100%, 50%, 33% ETc and rainfed) were applied to one variety in the first season and to four genotypes (two varieties and two lines). The results were evaluated by measuring biomass and seed quinoa yield, water-use efficiency, harvest index, seed size and 1000 seeds weight. Results show that the implementation of deficit irrigation is an appropriate strategy to reduce the use of agricultural water and maintain relatively high yields. On the other hand, the results of the economic quality reflected by the size and weight of seed yield, indicates that quinoa can be considered a well-adapted to the conditions of water scarcity culture. According to agronomic parameters, L143 line followed by the line L11 showed a high potential of adaptation under the different treatments of stress, while the “Puno” variety presented the best performance under the favorable conditions of irrigation (100% ETc).


A new bacterial disease of strawberry is described. This disease, called bacterial leaf blight of strawberry, is characterized by dry, brown necrotic leaf spots and large brown V-shaped lesions along the leaf margin, midrib and major veins. Symptoms are different from angular leaf spot of strawberry caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas fragariae . Strains of the bacterial leaf blight pathogen were characterized in a polyphasic approach by biochemical tests, fatty acid analysis, protein electrophoresis, serology, PCR, pigment analysis, ice-nucleation activity, AFLP analysis, DNA:DNA hybridization, pathogenicity and host range tests, and compared with a number of reference strains of X. fragariae and other Xanthomonas species. Bacterial leaf blight strains formed a homogeneous group in all tests, completely different from X. fragariae . They were the only strains causing leaf blight of strawberry upon artificial inoculation into strawberry. Fatty acid and protein electrophoretic analysis showed that the strains belong to the phenon X. campestris ( sensu latu , including pathovars now classified as belonging to X. arboricola ). AFLP analysis and DNA:DNA hybridization further clarified their taxonomic position as belonging to X. arboricola. The name X. arboricola pv. fragariae is proposed for the bacterium causing leaf blight of strawberry with strain PD2780 (LMG 19145) as pathovar type strain. Criteria for routine identification are given and the taxonomic status is discussed.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - In single-spore isolates of the apple powdery mildew fungus Podosphaera leucotricha collected at various sites in Germany, Great Britain and India, we...  相似文献   

A method was developed by which the presence of broomrape (Orobanche spp.) seeds in vetch seeds was determined quantitatively. The broomrape seeds are washed out of the vetch seeds by a combination of two sieves. The vetch seeds remain on the top sieve and the broomrape seeds are collected on the lower sieve with square openings of 100 μm, which do not permit passage of the broomrape seeds. An appropriate statistical method for estimating the true mean number of broomrape seeds per sample in a large vetch seeds lot is presented and discussed. Détermination quantitative des graines d' orobanche dans des graines de vesce. Une méthode permettant de dénombrer la présence de graines d'orobanche dans un lot de graines de vesce a été mise au point. Les graines d'orobanche sont séparées de celles de vesce par une succession de deux tamis. Les graines de vesce sont maintenues sur le tamis supérieur et les graines d'orobanche sont collectées sur le tamis le plus bas avec une maille de 100 μm qui ne permet pas le passage des graines d'orobanche. Une méthode statistique appropriée pour estimer la quantité réelle d'orobanches dans un grand lot de semences de vesce est présentée puis discutée. Quantitative Bestimmung von Orobanche-Samen in Wicken-Saatgut Es wurde eine Methode entwickelt, mit der Orobanche-Samen in Wicken-Saatgut quantitativ erfasst werden können. Zum Trennen der Samen wurden 2 Siebe verwendet, wobei die Wicken-Samen im oberen, die Orobanche-Samen im unteren mit einer Maschenweite von 100 μm gesammelt wurden. Eine statistische Methode für die Schätzung der Orobanche-Samenmenge in grossen Wicken-Saatgutpartien wurde vorgestellt und diskutiert.  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection - Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) has become a food of great importance in the last decade, and it is considered by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)...  相似文献   

Samenvatting In 1982 is in Nederland op twee plaatsen in Noord-Brabant bij schorseneer een bladvlekkenziekte geconstateerd die werd veroorzaakt door een schimmel die te boek staat alsSporidesmium scorzonerae Aderhold (syn.Macrosporium tau-saghyzianum Zerova). Het betreft een zeldzaam optredende ziekte, die niet eerder buiten Oost-Europa bij de produktieteelt van schorseneren is aangetroffen. Onderzoek naar de morfologie van de schimmel wees uit dat deze behoort tot Alternaria sect. Noncatenatae. Derhalve werd voor het pathogeen de nieuwe combinatieAlternaria scorzonerae (Aderhold) Loerakker geïntroduceerd.  相似文献   

Interference of Sinapis arvensis L. (wild mustard) and Chenopodium album L. (lamb's-quarters) in spring rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) was studied under field conditions in 1983 and 1984. Both weed species interfered with rapeseed early in the growing season, causing significant reductions in rapeseed dry weight by June of each year. Sinapis arvensis caused greater rapeseed grain yield reductions than did C. album. With weed densities of 20–80 plants m?2, rapeseed grain yield reductions ranged from 19 to 77% with S. arvensis but only 20 to 25% with C. album. Rapeseed yield reductions caused by mixtures of both weed species ranged from being less than to being equal to the sum of reductions caused by each weed alone, depending on the weed density and year of study. Both weed species were prolific seed producers capable of returning large quantities of seed to the soil. With weed densities ranging from 10–80 plants m?2, S. arvensis produced 5700–30 100 seeds m?2 while C. album produced 3100–63 600 seeds m?2.  相似文献   

The responses of Chenopodium album L. and Senecio vulgaris L. to inter- and intra-specific competition were investigated in both additive and replacement series experiments under glasshouse conditions. When grown with tomato the two weed species had similar effects on shoot dry weight at low densities but 5. vulgaris showed more competitive effect at higher densities. Weed density did not affect the concentrations of N, P, K, Ca or Mg in tomato shoots but dry matter and total amounts of nutrients were reduced increasingly with the increase in density of both weeds. The concentration of nutrients in the shoots of the weeds was not affected by density but dry matter yield and total nutrient accumulation per plant fell as the density increased. The concentrations of N, P, K and Mg in the shoots were higher in C. album than S. vulgaris but that of Ca was lower. In a replacement series experiment the two weed species behaved differently. With C. album, both dry matter yield and total nutrient per plant were reduced as its proportion in the mixture increased but, with S. vulgaris, dry matter per plant increased with its proportion in the mixture. One plant of C. album grown with five S. vulgaris gave a higher shoot dry weight than when present in higher proportions or in a pure stand. In a pure stand of six plants the shoot dry weight per plant of C. album was 26% of that of one plant grown with five S. vulgaris. In comparison, the shoot dry weight of one S. vulgaris in pure stand was 120% of that of one plant grown with five C. album. The reduction in growth of C. album was associated with a greater reduction in its ability to accumulate K than other elements. The competition index (CI) of C. album in terms of dry weight decreased with its proportion in the mixture but the reverse was true for S. vulgaris. The relative competitive ability index (RCAI) of C. album was almost 3–5 times that of S. vulgaris. The results showed that differences between the weeds in inter- and intraspecific competition were closely related to the growth of their root systems. Compétition inter- et intraspécifique du chénopode (Chenopodium album L.) et du senecon (Senecio vulgaris L.) Les réponses du chénopode (Chenopodium album L.) et du sénecon (Senecio vulgaris L.) à la compétition inter- et intra-spécifique ont étéétudiées en serre lors d'expériences à séries additives ainsi qu'à séries de remplacement. Quand elles étaient cultivées avec des tomates, les deux mauvaises herbes avaient des effets similaires sur la matière sèche des parties aériennes à faibles densités, mais S. vulgaris se montrait plus compétitif à fortes densités. La densité des mauvaises herbes n'affectait pas les concentrations en N, P, K, Ca et Mg dans les parties aériennes de la to-mate. Par contre, la matière séche et les quantités totales de nutriments étaient d'autant plus réduites que la densité des deux mauvaises herbes était élevée. La concentration en nutriments dans les parties aeriennes des mauvaises herbes n'était pas affectée par leur densité mais le rendement en matière sèche et l'accumulation totale de nutriments par plante décroissaient lorsque la densité augmentait. Les concentrations en N, P, K et Mg dans les parties aériennes étaient plus élevées chez C. album que chez S. vulgaris mais celle de Ca était plus basse. Dans une expérience à séries de remplacement, les deux espèces de mauvaises herbes se comportaient différemment. Chez C. album, le rendement en matière sèche ainsi que la quantité totale de nutriments par plante diminuaient lorsque sa proportion dans le mélange augmentait mais, chez S. vulgaris, la matière sèche par plante augmentait avec sa proportion dans le mélange. Un pied de C. album cultivé avec 5 pieds de S. vulgaris produisait davantage de matière sèche aérienne que lorsqu'il était présent en proportions plus importantes ou en culture pure. Dans une culture pure de 6 plantes, la matière sèche aérienne par pied de C. album représentait 26% de celle d'une plante cultivée avec 5 pieds de S. vulgaris. En comparaison, la matière sèche aérienne par pied de S. vulgaris en culture pure représentait 120% de celle d'une plante cultivée avec 5 pieds de C. album. La réduction de croissance de C. albumétait associée à une réduction de sa capacitéà accumuler K, qui était plus marquée que pour les autres éléments. L'Indice de Compétition de C. album en terme de matière sèche diminuait avec sa proportion dans le mélange, mais l'inverse était vrai pour S. vulgaris. L'Indice Relatif d'Aptitude à la Compétion de C albumétait presque 3,5 fois plus élevé que celui de S. vulgaris. Les résultats montraient que les différences entre les mauvaises herbes en ce qui concerne la compétition inter- et intra-spécifique étaient étroitement liées à la croissance de leur système racinaire. Inter- und intraspezifische Konkurrenz des Weißen Gänsefußes (Chenopodium album L.) und des Gemeinen Greiskrauls (Senecio vulgaris L.) Die inter- und intraspezifische Konkurrenz von Chenopodium album und Senecio vulgaris wurde sowohl in additivem als auch substitutivem Versuchsansatz im Gewächshaus untersucht. In Mischbeständen mit Tomate hatten beide Unkrautarten bei geringer Pflanzendichte eine ähnliche Wirkung auf die Sproß-Trockenmasse, doch Senecio vulgaris war bei hohen Dichten konkurrenzstärker. Die Unkrautdichte hatte keinen Einfluß auf den N-, P-, K-, Ca- oder Mg-Gehalt der Tomatensprosse, aber die Trockenmasse und der gesamte Nährstoffgehalt nahm mit zunehmender Dichte der beiden Unkräuter ab. Der Nährstoffgehalt in den Sprossen der Unkräuter wurde durch die Pflanzendichte nicht beeinflußt, aber die Trockenmasse und der gesamte Nährstoffgehalt nahm mit zunehmender Dichte der beiden Unkräuter ab. Der N-, P-, K-und Mg-Gehalt war bei Chenopodium album höher als bei Senecio vulgaris, doch der Ca-Gehalt war niedriger. In einem substitutiven Versuchsansatz verhielten sich die beiden Unkrautarten verschieden. Bei Chenopodium album wurden sowohl die Trockenmasse als auch der gesamte Nährstoffgehalt pro Pflanze im selben Maße reduziert, wie sein Verhältnis im Mischbestand zunahm; bei Senecio vulgaris stieg die Trockenmasse pro Pflanze mit seinem Anteil im Mischbestand an. Chenopodium album entwickelte bei einem Mischungsverhältnis von l Pflanze zu 5 Senecio-vulgaris-Pflanzen eine höhere Sproß-Trockenmasse als bei höheren Verhältnissen oder im Reinbestand. In einem Reinbestand von 6 Pflanzen war bei Chenopodium album die Sproß-Trockenmasse pro Pflanze 26 % der Masse einer Pflanze, die mit 5 Senecio-vulgaris-Pflanzen wuchs. Bei Senecio vulgaris dagegen war die Sproß-Trockenmasse pro Pflanze im Reinbestand 120 % der Masse einer Pflanze, die mit 5 Chenopodium-album-Pflanzen wuchs. Mit der Wuchshemmung ging bei Chenopodium album eine Abnahme seiner Fähigkeit, K und andere Nährstoffe aufzunehmen, einher. Der Konkurrenzindex von Chenopodium album, bezogen auf die Trocken-masse, nahm mit seinem Anteil in den Mischbeständen ab, während bei Senecio vulgaris das Gegenteil der Fall war. Die relative Konkurrenzfähigkeit von Chenopodium album war fast 3.5mal so groß wie die von Senecio vulgaris. Die Unterschiede der inter- und intraspezifischen Konkurrenz der beiden Unkrautarten stand in enger Beziehung zur Entwicklung ihres Wurzelsystems.  相似文献   

The teleomorph of Ascochyta fabae has been recorded for the first time on overwintering bean straw of Viciafaba in Cambridge. Single ascospores gave rise to typical cultures of A. fabae, the conidia of which infected faba bean plants to give ascochyta blight. Comparison with similar fungi described from Vicia spp. indicated that this is an undescribed species. The name Didymella fabae Jellis & Punith. is introduced for this teleomorph and its significance in the epidemiology of the disease is discussed.  相似文献   

为了明确青海高原干旱地区最近几年引种的藜麦Chenopodium quinoa Willd.上的害虫种类、发生规律、为害程度以及天敌资源种类,2014年—2017年我们对本地区藜麦田内的害虫及其天敌进行了系统的调查统计,分别将它们整理成害虫、天敌名录。截至目前,发现为害藜麦的昆虫36种,分属于5目15科,并未发现检疫性害虫,在藜麦田调查到天敌21种,分属于2纲7目12科,其中昆虫纲18种,蛛形纲3种。本文弄清了藜麦上的主要及次要害虫种类,研究了它们的为害特点及发生规律,明确了萹蓄齿胫叶甲Gastrophysa polygoni Linnaeus、黄曲条跳甲Phyllotreta vittuta Fabricius、横纹菜蝽Eurydema gebleri Kolenati、菠菜潜叶蝇Pegomya exilis Meigen及宽胫夜蛾Melicleptria scutosa Schiffermüller等害虫的生物学特性与为害规律,分析了它们的可能重要来源途径。鉴于本地区高寒、高海拔、盐碱、干旱的特殊生境,结合生产实际提出了针对藜麦害虫的绿色安全防控措施。  相似文献   

河西走廊藜麦C、N、P生态化学计量学特征对物候期的响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
藜麦(Chenopodium quinoa)是南美洲传统作物,具有极高的营养价值和较强的环境适应能力,但其在我国西北干旱区的适应性还有待深入研究。生态化学计量学是对有机体的元素组成(主要是C、N、P)及其关系进行研究的科学,能一定程度地反映有机体的特征及其与环境的关系。在河西走廊大田栽培条件下,本试验研究了藜麦主要物候期的碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量及其生态化学计量比的变化。结果表明:随物候期的变化,藜麦的有机碳(organic carbon,OC)含量变化不显著,而全氮(total nitrogen,TN)和全磷(total phosphorus,TP)含量则显著降低;各器官间的OC含量较稳定,而TN和TP含量差异显著且叶和穗较高。藜麦的C∶N、C∶P随物候期的变化呈升高趋势,N∶P则呈先降低后显著升高趋势;根和茎C∶N、C∶P较高而叶N∶P较高。物候期和器官显著影响藜麦的C、N、P含量和计量比,后者与藜麦的生长和物质积累速度显著相关。  相似文献   

The causal agent of tea anthracnose, Gloeosporium theae-sinensis, was transferred to Discula based on morphological and molecular reidentification using living cultures.  相似文献   

Populations of lamb's-quarters (Chenopodium album L.) susceptible and resistant to atrazine exhibited a differential response in regard to the concentration of individual and total amino acids (soluble and protein) in the leaf tissue following atrazine treatment of young plants. The two northern- and two southern-susceptible populations from southern Ontario showed a consistent increase in amino acid levels 1 week after treatment with atrazine at 0.5 kg/ha whereas this did not occur with the corresponding resistant populations. Leaf dry weight was decreased by atrazine in the susceptible populations only but the parallel enhancement of amino acid levels in these populations resulted in no significant decrease in the leaf amino acids per plant except for one southern population. Ammonia increased in concentration in the treated susceptible populations, but not in the resistant. Under the experimental conditions examined a degree of inhibition of photosynthesis by atrazine in lamb's-quarters appeared necessary to bring about the “nitrogen effect” resulting in increases in nitrogen compounds.  相似文献   

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