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蔬菜农药残留超标原因及控制对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,防治蔬菜病虫害的方法主要采取化学防治,由于农民不能科学合理使用农药,乱用、滥用农药十分突出,常导致上市的蔬菜农药残留严重超标,甚至引发蔬菜农药中毒事件.蔬菜农药残留已成为威胁人们健康的"隐性杀手",日益引起人们的关注.如何让人们买上"放心菜",吃时安心、吃后开心是农业部门及农业技术人员值得思考的问题.  相似文献   

蔬菜农药残留原因及其控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蓝妮春 《广西植保》2006,19(2):34-36
俗话说,民以食为天,蔬菜半边天。蔬菜是人们日常饮食结构中的重要组成部分,蔬菜的农药残留超标问题,直接影响人民身体健康和社会的安定,也直接影响到我国蔬菜产品在国际市场的竞争力,已经引起政府和市民的关注。1蔬菜农药残留的危害现状1·1农药残留对人体健康的危害农药残留对人体的危害也引起了人们的重视。据有关统计资料表明,我国每年因蔬菜农药残留超标中毒上千人,死亡数十人。在广西,“毒菜”事件也时有发生,如2002年1月13日,贵港市师范学校128名学生因食用残留有“杀虫双”的青菜发生集体中毒;2002年10月22日,南宁市发生污染高毒农药…  相似文献   

芹菜农药残留超标原因分析及其对策的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从山西芹菜农药残留监测数据,总结了芹菜的超标规律,研究了芹菜农药残留超标的原因,根据其超标特点和原因,提出了防治措施,对治理芹菜农药超标具有重要意义。  相似文献   

日本对蔬菜农药残留问题非常重视,要进行经常性的抽检。抽检工作由政府指定的卫检部门负责。日本的瓜果蔬菜批发市场也设有专门的卫生检测部门,对市场上的瓜果蔬菜进行检测。日本蔬菜农残超标问题能得到很好的控制,与日本蔬菜生产经营方式有密切的关系。日本也是分户生产蔬菜,但每个农户的蔬菜生产规模较大,  相似文献   

唐山市蔬菜农药残留现状及管理对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着种植业结构的调整优化,随着人们生活水平的不断提高和消费观念的更新,面对我国加入WTO后新形势的需要,面对逐步实施的农产品安全准入制度,我市农产品特别是蔬菜中农药残留问题日益成为各级政府和群众关注的焦点。本文概述了我市蔬菜农药残留现状并提出相应的控制措施。1唐山市蔬菜产销概况及农药残留现状唐山市是蔬菜生产大市,2001年播种面积270多万亩,总产1200万吨,其中设施菜播种面积77万亩,裸地菜118万亩,地膜菜75万亩,主要品种有黄瓜、西红柿、豆角、青椒、茄子、白菜、韭菜等,外销率达80%以上…  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,农产品质量安全已成为社会的热点。蔬菜作为人们生活中不可缺少的食物,其产品质量直接影响人们的身体健康和生命安全,农药残留问题引起了社会的广泛关注。为了解崇左市蔬菜农药残留的演变情况,通过统计分析了7a的有关资料,摸清了其变化的原因。  相似文献   

安徽采取有力措施控制蔬菜农药残留   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安徽省自2000年6月~9月对合肥市10个主要菜市场常规蔬菜进行检测 ,共检样品500个 ,合格率为85%。2001年5月~10月 ,对本省合肥、六安、蚌埠、芜湖、安庆、巢湖六个市进行蔬菜农药残毒速测 ,合肥地区采样500个 ,其它5个城市各采样100个 ,共计1000个样品进行检测 ,平均超标率为8% ,滁州市连续数月检测蔬菜样品4105个 ,合格率为78% ,比2000年提高了13个百分点。这些数据表明蔬菜上农药残留问题依然值得警惕。针对问题 ,安徽省采取了一些积极有效措施 ,使农药残留在一定范围内得到了有效控制 ,放…  相似文献   

论述农产品农药残留现状及其危害,分析造成农产品农药残留的主要原因,提出治理农药残留的对策,以提高农产品质量安全.  相似文献   

蔬菜农药残留问题是世界农产品安全中备受关注的问题之一,农药在保护农作物的同时对人体健康、生态环境和经济发展带来了隐患。为此,从蔬菜农药残留现状出发,分析其原因及危害,进而提出相关对策,以期为蔬菜质量安全提供参考。  相似文献   

农业部2006年4次例检武汉,100个蔬菜样品中8个样品超标:值得注意的是——近日,在对武汉市市场销售的蔬菜农药残留进行了2006年第4次例行监测后,国家农业部食品监督检验测试中心近日公布了相关结果:抽取的100个蔬菜样品中有8个样品超标。其中,从集贸市场和生产基地抽检的菜最不令人放心。结果表明,在抽检的样品中,除在超市采集的样品蔬菜农药残留全部达标外,蔬菜生产基地、批发市场、集贸市场的样品均出现了超标现象。其中,8个农药超标样品中,集贸市场就有4个,占了一半;来自蔬菜生产基地的有个样品。这8个样品的超标蔬菜中,有6个产自武汉本地…  相似文献   

果蔬中农药残留检测技术研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对目前水果、蔬菜中农药残留分析检测方法及其前处理过程以及快速检测技术作了综述。固相萃取(SPE)、超临界流体萃取(SFE)等新的萃取方法已逐渐代替了液-液萃取(LLE)等传统提取方法。色谱技术是农药残留分析中的重要手段。气相色谱(GC)、高效液相色谱(HPLC)及其联用技术是现阶段农药残留分析中的主要检测方法。指出了今后该领域的研究方向。  相似文献   

水果、蔬菜中农药残留的清洗去除研究是进一步提升食品安全的保证。臭氧处理技术是去除农药残留的常用方法之一。本文主要介绍了用于去除水果蔬菜上农药残留的臭氧处理技术,包括:臭氧产生方式、应用形式以及臭氧与其他方法联合处理技术的应用,综述了影响农药残留去除效果的因素,也介绍了臭氧去除农药残留的同时对果蔬外观、营养等影响,进一步探究了臭氧去除农药残留的作用机制和应用价值,旨在为臭氧清洗技术用于去除果蔬农药残留的研究提供理论和应用参考。  相似文献   

农产品质量安全问题,尤其是蔬菜农药残留的超标问题,是目前广大城乡居民普遍关注的热点问题。根据江苏省农林厅2002年3月提出的“启动实施农产品质量安全保障工程”总体要求,结合泰州市实际情况,市植保站在市农业局的领导下,与土肥站、质量标准处、蔬菜办公室等单位密切配合,从5月份开始对全市9个农贸(批发)市场(主城区5个,所辖4个县市各1个),开展了蔬菜质量安全市场准入试点工作。通过宣传引导,无公害蔬菜生产技术指导,在市场设立蔬菜农药残留速测点,采取分区销售、挂牌销售等措施,确保上市蔬菜的农药残留不超标,为市民吃上“放心菜”取得…  相似文献   

吴吉鑫  易晓俊 《江西植保》2004,27(3):143-143,125
近年来,在农药市场监管中,我们发现农药外包装及标签上标有“总经销”(总代理)字样的产品越来越多,且总经销商名称字体较大,而农药生产企业名称字体较小,甚至小到难以看清的程度,这一现象有愈演愈烈之趋势!2004年4月15日中央电视台《焦点访谈》就“假农药真坑农”进行了曝光,其中一家丰达化工有限公司的业务经理翟景胜告诉  相似文献   

Solid Phase Micro‐Extraction (SPME) is a new analytical technique, based on capturing the analytes by adsorption onto an organic phase coating a glass fibre, and subsequent direct desorption into the injector of a gas chromatograph. This technique has been successfully applied in the analysis of organic contaminants in water, giving linear responses and, in some cases, high sensitivities. The present paper reports data about the application of SPME to the analysis of pesticide residues in a vegetable matrix, testing over nearly one hundred active compounds, with two types of adsorbent phase (polydimethylsiloxane and Carbowax/divinylbenzene). A vegetable matrix spiked with pesticides was analyzed by SPME and by a traditional multi‐residue method; recoveries were determined and compared for the two cases. The behaviour of the analytical response by SPME was studied in the range 0.01–1 mg kg−1 by adding increasing amounts of given pesticide mixtures to the vegetable matrix. The procedure was further tested by analyzing real samples, and gave some difficulties in recovering the whole amount of some of the residues present (in comparison with the traditional method). The SPME method was then improved by pre‐extracting with acetone and sonicating before the extraction/adsorption step. The results obtained were satisfactory (some certified matrices were also tested) with good accordance between the two methods. Nevertheless some active compounds showed very low responses or remained undetectable by SPME in our experimental conditions. © 2000 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The results of 89 new field trials and 11 supervised trials were considered, together with 91 sets of residue data evaluated earlier. The datasets consisted of 22,643 valid residue data. As all variability factors calculated from individual sample sets are affected by the uncertainties of sampling and analysis, the average of the P(0.975)/R(ave) (97.5th percentile of the residue population divided by the average residues in the lot) values gives the best estimate for the variability factor. The Harrell-Davis (H-D) method gave an average value of 2.89 for the variability factor for all samples, while the average variability factors obtained from samples derived from the new field and supervised trials were 2.8 and 2.7 with the IUPAC and H-D methods respectively. The number of residue values below the LOQ in a sample set significantly affects the observed variability factors. It was found that datasets containing over 20% non-quantifiable residues might not reflect the true variability of the residues. Mixing of treated and non-treated commodities may significantly increase the apparent variability. Consequently, only datasets of known origin and consisting of well-quantifiable residues should be used for estimation of the variability factor. Samples taken from marketed lots may not represent a single lot, and thus they have limited value in estimating the variability factor. The large number of residue data confirms the applicability of the default variability factor of 3 adopted by the FAO/WHO for deterministic estimation of the acute intake of pesticide residues.  相似文献   

南宁市蔬菜农药残留监测分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对南宁市各宾馆、饭店的蔬菜和蔬菜生产基地的即将采收上市的蔬菜进行农药残留监测 ,4 a共检测蔬菜样品17342个 ,超标样品 931个 ,超标率 5 .37%。各类蔬菜超标程度的高低依次为 :茄科类 >豆类 >叶菜类 >瓜果类 >根茎类。通过对检测数据进行统计 ,分析蔬菜农药残留与蔬菜品种 ,蔬菜种类 ,种植季节的关系和对宾馆、饭店和蔬菜生产基地的蔬菜农药残留进行比较 ,提出提高蔬菜质量安全的有关措施。  相似文献   

The reduction in residue levels of endosulfan with time after treatment of tomatoes, green beans, peppers and cucumbers grown in different types of commercial greenhouses (flat- and asymmetric-roof greenhouses) in Almería (Spain) was investigated. A study of the major and minor degradation products of endosulfan in peppers and cucumbers (endosulfan-sulfate, -ether and -lactone) was carried out using gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). To establish the influence of environmental conditions on the degradation of endosulfan, several field trials have been carried out in which crops were sprayed at different rates (full, half- and quarter- of those rates recommended) during two seasons (spring and winter). For statistical purposes, the disappearance of endosulfan with time was considered to follow a pseudo-first-order reaction. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) has been applied to the results obtained. Half-lives of residue disappearance were 4.03-4.68 days in green beans, 4.03-4.20 days in tomatoes, 8.22 days in peppers and 7.97 days in cucumbers. Half-lives in spring were shorter than in the winter season. The application rate and the type of greenhouse did not influence the half-lives.  相似文献   

Laboratory bioassays were carried out to determine the toxicity to Folsomia candida Willem (Collembola: Isotomidae) of residues of a pyrethroid insecticide, deltamethrin, and an organophosphorus insecticide, dimethoate, on different leaf surfaces. The test leaves included a range of species and leaves of different ages. Dose-response relationships were estimated for F candida walking over the various treated leaf substrates. Probit analysis was used to estimate the means and standard deviations of the associated tolerance distributions expressed as gAIha-1. Parallelism tests were undertaken to compare the susceptibilities of F candida to the two compounds applied to the different leaf surfaces. On deltamethrin-treated leaf surfaces, the LD50 values for F candida varied from 6.36 to 77.14 gAIha-1. F candida was least susceptible to deltamethrin residues when applied to leaves of dwarf bean (Phaseolus vulgarus L) and the highest susceptibility was observed following application to leaves of seedlings of barley (Hordeum vulgare L). In contrast, the LD50 values observed for dimethoate treatments did not differ significantly between leaf types, ranging from 1.35 to 8.69 gAIha-1. The laboratory data on susceptibility of F candida on different leaf types for different pesticides can be used to investigate the role of leaf surface properties in modifying the toxicity of applied pesticides to exposed invertebrates.  相似文献   

王冬伟  刘畅  周志强  王鹏 《农药学学报》2019,21(5-6):852-864
农药残留检测关乎食品安全和人类健康问题。传统农药残留检测通常选择色谱法或色谱-质谱联用法等,具有准确、稳定等优势,但通常需要昂贵而复杂的大型仪器,样品前处理过程费时费力,对操作人员要求高。为了克服这些缺陷,一系列农药快速检测技术相继被开发出来。文章介绍了可用于农药残留快速检测的主要技术,包括生物传感器 (酶传感器、免疫传感器、适配体传感器、细胞传感器)、光谱技术 (近红外光谱、太赫兹时域光谱、拉曼光谱等) 与微流控技术,重点介绍了这些技术的原理、特点与最新研究进展,分析了目前农药快速检测技术存在的问题与未来的发展前景。  相似文献   

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