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A 10-year-old show jumper was evaluated for an acute severe lameness (grade 4 of 5) of the right foreleg. During weight bearing, the toe of the affected limb rotated dorsally suggesting rupture of the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT). Upon radiographic examination of the hoof, a severe erosion at the flexor surface and a parasagittal fracture of the distal sesamoid bone were found. Ultrasonographic examination confirmed rupture of the DDFT. These findings were confirmed on post-mortem examination. Prior to the acute lameness, the horse was treated with corticosteroid injections into the podotrochlear bursa. Repeated intra-bursal injections of corticosteroids as a possible cause for DDFT rupture are discussed as well as the possible association between a degenerative distal sesamoid bone, a distal sesamoid bone fracture and a DDFT rupture.  相似文献   

Injury to the distal aspects of the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT) is an important cause of lameness in horses. The purpose of this study was to review the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of 18 horses affected by DDFT injuries in the foot. The MRI was performed with the horses standing using an open low-field (0.21 T) MRI scanner. The results were compared with those previously reported for horses using high-field MRI. Eighteen of 84 horses (21%) with undiagnosed forefoot pain were found to have lesions affecting the DDFT. The history, clinical findings and results of radiography, diagnostic ultrasonography and nuclear scintigraphy of these horses were reviewed. The duration of lameness ranged from 1 to 12 months, and the severity varied from 1/10 to 6/10. Fifteen horses had unilateral lameness (right fore in nine, left fore in six), whereas three horses were bilaterally foreleg lame. Radiological changes, considered of equivocal significance, were found in six of 18 horses. Ultrasonographic changes involving the DDFT were identified in only one of nine horses. DDFT lesions were detected in both T1- and T2-weighted MRI sequences. Four different types of lesions were identified: core lesions, sagittal splits, dorsal border lesions, and insertional lesions. Combinations of different lesion types within the same horse were common. The types and locations of the DDFT lesions were similar to those previously reported using high-field MRI. The use of low-field standing MRI avoids the necessity for general anesthesia and access to conventional high-field MRI scanners. However, studies comparing the results of standing low-field MRI with high-field MRI (and other imaging procedures) are required before the sensitivity and specificity of the technique can be assessed.  相似文献   

Ten normal equine isolated limbs were imaged using a knee coil in a 1.5 Tesla magnetic field, with short echo time sequences (TE < 15 ms). Magnetic resonance imaging was performed on each isolated limb in different positions, with and without extension of the metacarpophalangeal joint. Deep digital flexor tendon orientation ranged from 20 to 60 degrees in relation to the static magnetic field. Increased intratendinous signal intensity was observed when the angle between the deep digital flexor tendon and the constant magnetic field approached 55 degrees ("magic angle"). The increased signal intensity was independent from extension of the metacarpophalangeal joint. Recognition of the magic angle phenomenon is essential for proper evaluation of magnetic resonance imaging studies of the equine foot.  相似文献   

Three isolated equine limbs were imaged with a low-field magnetic resonance system with a vertical magnetic field. Each limb was scanned in multiple positions with mild variation of the angle between the magnetic field and the long axis of the limb. When the long axis of the limb was not perpendicular to the magnetic field, a linear hyperintense signal was present at the palmar aspect of one of the deep digital flexor tendon lobes, at the level of the navicular bone and collateral sesamoidean ligaments, in proton density and T1-weighted pulse sequences. With increased angulation of the limb, the palmar hyperintense signal extended farther distally and proximally and additional signal hyperintensity was present at the dorsal aspect of the distal part of the other lobe of the deep digital flexor tendon. Increased signal intensity was also present in the collateral ligament of the distal interphalangeal joint on the same side as the palmar hyperintense signal in the tendon. The changes in the deep digital flexor tendon are due to the specific orientation of fibers at the palmar and dorsal aspect of the tendon, which is responsible for focal manifestation of the magic angle effect. Careful positioning of the limb perpendicular to the magnetic field can prevent this phenomenon. The association of palmar increased signal intensity in the deep digital flexor tendon with increased signal in the collateral ligament of the distal interphalangeal joint on the same side should be recognized as manifestations of the magic angle effect.  相似文献   

Distal border fragments of the navicular bone are increasingly being detected due to the improved capabilities of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), but their clinical significance remains unclear. The purpose of this retrospective study was to describe the location, size, and frequency of fragments in a cohort of horses presented for MRI of the foot and to compare MRI findings with severity of lameness. Archived MRI studies and medical records were searched from March 2006 to June 2008. Horses were included if a distal border fragment of the navicular bone was visible in MRI scans. Confidence interval comparisons and linear regression analyses were used to test hypotheses that fragments were associated with lameness and lameness severity was positively correlated with fragment volume and biaxial location. A total of 453 horses (874 limbs) were included. Fragments were identified in 60 horses (13.25%) and 90 limbs (10.3%). Fifty percent of the horses had unilateral fragments and 50% had bilateral fragments. Fragments were located at the lateral (62.2%), medial (8.89%), or medial and lateral (28.9%) angles of the distal border of the navicular bone. There was no increased probability of being categorized as lame if a fragment was present. There was no significant difference in fragment volume across lameness severity categorizations. Confidence intervals indicated a slightly increased probability of being classified as lame if both medial and lateral fragments were present. Findings indicated that distal border fragments of the navicular bone in equine MRI studies are unlikely to be related to existing lameness.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the ability of magnetic resonance imaging to depict abnormalities of the equine foot. MRI was performed on isolated limbs which had lesions of the foot. These images were made in 3 perpendicular planes (sagittal, transverse and frontal) using a T1 weighted sequence and were 5mm thick. Images accurately depicted normal and pathologic structures in the foot and proved to be very precise for documenting degenerative joint disease, navicular disease and laminitis lesions. This preliminary study demonstrates the considerable potential of MRI in the diagnosis of locomotor problems in the horse.  相似文献   

The distal row of carpal bones (C2, C3, and C4) from eight left intercarpal joints--four from Standardbred Trotters and four from Swedish Warmblood horses--were used to assess the potential of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to detect cartilage and bone lesions. The joints used in the study were classified by macroscopic and radiographic examinations as having normal, mild, moderate, or severe articular cartilage lesions and bone sclerosis. Those classifications correlated well with the appearance of the MR images. Bone sclerosis in the MR images was observed as regions of decreased signal intensity. Upon quantitative analysis of the MR images there was a significant difference (p < 0.0001) in the MR signal intensity from areas where radiographic bone sclerosis was observed compared to areas of radiographic nonsclerotic bone. In addition, the MR images were used to pilot the location of histology slices through areas of interest that were then examined microscopically; hence, the lesions found from the MR imaging examination were verified microscopically. It was concluded that cartilage lesions and cartilage loss are related to the sclerotic state of the underlying bone. The MR protocols developed in this study were applied on five intact cadaveric carpal joints, and it was concluded that MR imaging could successfully be used in the intact joint to detect minor cartilage and bone lesions not visualized by either radiography or macroscopic examination. Hence, MR imaging can be used to delineate interactions between articular cartilage and subchondral bone over time and in vivo.  相似文献   

Seventy-two horses with recent onset of navicular syndrome and normal radiographs were assessed. Horses underwent magnetic resonance (MR) imaging of both front feet. All abnormalities were characterized and the most severe abnormality identified, if possible. Abnormal signal intensity in the navicular bone was the most severe abnormality in 24 (33%) horses. Pathologic change in the deep digital flexor tendon was the most severe abnormality in 13 (18%) horses. Pathologic change in the collateral sesamoidean ligament was the most severe abnormality in 11 (15%) horses. Pathologic change in the distal sesamoidean impar ligament was the most severe abnormality in seven (10%) horses. Multiple abnormalities were observed in 13 (18%) horses in which an abnormality that was more severe than the others could not be determined. Abnormalities were not observed in the navicular bone or its supporting soft tissues in four (5%) horses. Fifty-six horses had abnormalities that were most severe in one limb; in 52 (93%) horses, the most severe abnormalities were in the foot of the most lame limb. In 7% (4/56) of horses, the most severe findings were in the opposite limb, and in 16 horses, the findings on both limbs were similar. MR imaging is a useful technique for evaluating horses with navicular syndrome and can differentiate between multiple abnormalities. This provides a more specific diagnosis which affects further treatment of the horse. Pathologic changes in different locations in the foot can cause similar clinical signs that, before MR imaging, were categorized as one syndrome.  相似文献   

Nine foals, aged 4–7 months, suffering from contracted deep digital flexor tendon were radiographed for changes in the distal phalanx. Varying degrees of osteolysis in the distal part of the distal phalanx were observed. The foals with the most pronounced clinical signs also displayed the most prominent radiologic changes. Tenotomy of the check ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon was performed. In severely affected foals, a shoe with a long toepart was used after surgery. Programmed exercise on hard ground was started 1 week after surgery. Control radiography was performed on three of the foals 1–1½ years after treatment. At that time, the colts had normal distal phalanges and their function and mobility were normal. Of the remaining six animals, three had been sold as being healthy and were not available for examination. The remaining three had been examined for the first time within the last 3 months, and long-term evaluation was not possible.  相似文献   

William R.  Widmer  DVM  MS  Kenneth A.  Buckwalter  MD  MS  John F.  Fessler  DVM  MS  Michael A.  Hill  B Vet  Med  MS  PhD  MRCVS  David C.  Vansickle  DVM  PhD  Susan  Ivancevich  MD 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》2000,41(2):108-116
Radiographic evaluation of navicular syndrome is problematic because of its inconsistent correlation with clinical signs. Scintigraphy often yields false positive and false negative results and diagnostic ultrasound is of limited value. Therefore, we assessed the use of computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in a horse with clinical and radiographic signs of navicular syndrome. Cadaver specimens were examined with spiral computed tomographic and high-field magnetic resonance scanners and images were correlated with pathologic findings. Radiographic changes consisted of bony remodeling, which included altered synovial fossae, increased medullary opacity, cyst formation and shape change. These osseous changes were more striking and more numerous on computed tomographic and magnetic resonance images. They were most clearly defined with computed tomography. Many osseous changes seen with computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were not radiographically evident. Histologically confirmed soft tissue alterations of the deep digital flexor tendon, impar ligament and marrow were identified with magnetic resonance imaging, but not with conventional radiography. Because of their multiplanar capability and tomographic nature, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging surpass conventional radiography for navicular imaging, facilitating earlier, more accurate diagnosis. Current advances in imaging technology should make these imaging modalities available to equine practitioners in the future.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is increasingly used in the diagnosis of equine foot pain, but improved understanding of how MR images represent tissue-level changes in the equine foot is required. We hypothesized that alterations in signal intensity and tissue contour would represent changes in tissue structure detected using histologic evaluation. The study objectives were to determine the significance of MR signal alterations in feet from horses with and without lameness, by comparison with histopathologic changes. Fifty-one cadaver feet from horses with a history of lameness improved by palmar digital analgesia (n = 32) or age-matched control horses with no history of lameness (n = 19) were stored frozen before undergoing MR imaging and subsequent histopathological examination at standard sites (deep digital flexor tendon, navicular bone, distal sesamoidean impar ligament, collateral sesamoidean ligament, and navicular bursa). Using MR images, signal intensity and homogeneity, size, definition of anatomic margins, and relationships with other structures were described. Alterations were graded as mild, moderate, or severe for each structure. For each anatomic site examined histologically the structures were described and scored as no changes, mild, moderate, or severe abnormalities, also taking into account adhesion formation within the navicular bursa detected on macroscopic examination. Alterations in MR signal intensity were related to changes at the tissue level detected by histologic examination. A sensitivity and specificity comparison of MR imaging with histologic examination was used to evaluate the significance of MR signal alterations for detection of moderate-to-severe lesions of the deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT), navicular bone, distal sesamoidean impar ligament (DSIL), collateral sesamoidean ligament (CSL) and navicular bursa. Agreement between the MR and histologic grading was assessed for each structure using a weighted kappa agreement. Direct comparison between histology and MR imaging for individual limbs revealed that signal alterations on MR imaging did represent tissue-level changes. These included structural damage, fibroplasia, fibrocartilaginous metaplasia, and hemosiderosis in ligaments and tendons; trabecular damage, osteonecrosis, fibroplasia, cortical defects, and increased vascularity in bone; and fibrocartilage defects. MR imaging had a high sensitivity and specificity for most structures. MR imaging had high specificity for lesions of the DDFT, CSL and navicular bursa, quite high specificity for lesions of the medulla of the navicular bone and its proximal aspect, with moderate specificity for the DSIL, and distal, dorsal and palmar aspects of the navicular bone, and was sensitive for detection of abnormalities in all structures except the dorsal aspect of the navicular bone. When MR and histologic grades alone were compared, there was good agreement between MR and histologic grades for the navicular bursa, DDFT, navicular bone medulla and CSL; moderate-to-good agreement in grades of the distal and palmar aspects of the navicular bone; fair to moderate in grades of the DSIL, and poor agreement for the dorsal and proximal aspects of the navicular bone. The results of this study support our hypothesis and indicate the potential use and limitations of MR imaging for visualization of structural changes within osseous and soft tissue structures of the equine foot.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging abnormalities in horses with lameness localized to the proximal metacarpal or metatarsal region have not been described. To accomplish that, the medical records of 45 horses evaluated with MR imaging that had lameness localized to either the proximal metacarpal or metatarsal region were reviewed. Abnormalities observed in the proximal suspensory ligament or the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon included abnormal high signal, enlargement, or alteration in shape. Twenty-three horses had proximal suspensory ligament desmitis (13 hindlimb, 10 forelimb). Sixteen horses had desmitis of the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon. One horse had desmitis of the proximal suspensory ligament and the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon on the same limb and one horse had desmitis of the proximal suspensory ligament on one forelimb and desmitis of the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon on the other forelimb. Four horses did not have abnormalities in the proximal suspensory ligament or accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon. Eighty percent of horses with forelimb proximal suspensory ligament desmitis and 69% of horses with hindlimb proximal suspensory ligament desmitis returned to their intended use. Sixty-three percent of horses with desmitis of the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon were able to return to their intended use. MR imaging is a valuable diagnostic modality that allows diagnosis of injury in horses with lameness localized to the proximal metacarpal and metatarsal regions. The ability to accurately diagnose the source of lameness is important in selecting treatment that will maximize the chance to return to performance.  相似文献   

We report the use of a low-field magnetic resonance (MR) imaging system for the detection of desmopathy of the collateral ligament of the distal interphalangeal joint and the long-term outcome. Twenty horses were studied and their medical records and MR images were reviewed retrospectively. Long-term follow-up information was obtained by telephonic questionnaires of owners, trainers, or referring veterinarians. Desmopathy of the medial collateral ligament (80%) and enthesopathy of the affected collateral ligament (80%) were common MR imaging features. Treatment consisted of stall rest followed by a rehabilitation period. Additional treatments included shoeing, extracorporeal shock wave therapy, application of a half limb or foot cast, and medication of the distal interphalangeal joint. Twelve (60%) horses returned to their previous level of exercise and maintained their previous level, whereas eight horses had a poor outcome. Low-field MR imaging in the standing patient can be used to detect collateral ligament desmopathy of the distal interphalangeal joint without a need for general anesthesia.  相似文献   

Injury to the oblique and straight distal sesamoidean ligaments is becoming recognized as a more common cause of lameness in horses than was previously thought. The purpose of this study was to review the magnetic resonance (MR) imaging findings of 27 horses affected with desmitis of the oblique and/or straight distal sesamoidean ligament and determine long-term prognosis for horses with this diagnosis. Imaging was performed with horses in right lateral recumbency in a high-field 1 T magnet. All horses had lameness localized to the digit or metacarpophalangeal/metatarsophalangeal joint region with diagnostic local anesthetic blocks. Ten horses had forelimb lameness and 17 horses had hind limb lameness. MR imaging revealed abnormalities in the oblique distal sesamoidean ligaments in 18 horses, in the straight distal sesamoidean ligament in three horses, and in both the oblique and straight distal sesamoidean ligament in six horses. Treatment consisted of a 6-month rest and rehabilitation program in all horses. The digital flexor tendon sheath was injected with methylprednisolone acetate and hyaluronic acid in 22 horses to decrease inflammation in the injured ligaments before starting the rest and rehabilitation program. Two horses had ligament splitting performed, one in the oblique distal sesamoidean ligament and one in the straight distal sesamoidean ligament. MR imaging is an effective method for diagnosing injury to the oblique and straight distal sesamoidean ligaments in horses. Treatment, primarily a 6-month rest and rehabilitation program, allowed 76% of the horses to successfully resume performance.  相似文献   

Flexor enthesopathy is a recently recognized elbow disorder in dogs and considered to be an important differential diagnosis for elbow lameness. Primary and concomitant forms of the disease have been previously described and treatments differ for the two forms. The goal of this prospective study was to compare magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings for dogs with primary flexor enthesopathy (n = 17), concomitant flexor enthesopathy (n = 23), elbow dysplasia alone (n = 13), and normal elbows (n = 7). Each elbow joint underwent MRI using the same low‐field scanner. Sequences included transverse and sagittal T1‐weighted (before and after IV contrast), transverse and sagittal T2‐weighted, and dorsal STIR. For each elbow, MRI lesions were recorded based on a consensus of two observers unaware of group status. Magnetic resonance imaging lesions involving flexor tendons were found in 100% of clinically affected joints with primary flexor enthesopathy and 96% of clinically affected joints with concomitant flexor enthesopathy. Thickened flexor muscles were the most common lesions, followed by hyperintense tendon signal and contrast enhancement. Irregular, thickened medial humeral epicondyle, edema, and calcified body lesions were less frequently observed. Magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of flexor enthesopathy were not found in normal joints or those affected by elbow dysplasia alone. No significant differences in frequencies and details of individual MRI characteristics were found between primary and concomitant flexor enthesopathy groups. Findings indicated that MRI is a sensitive technique for detection of flexor enthesopathy lesions in dogs, however, MRI characteristics do not allow differentiation of primary versus concomitant forms of the disease.  相似文献   

An anatomic study of the equine digit using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed. Seventeen isolated forelimbs and one hindleg of nine warmblood horses were imaged in transverse, sagittal, and dorsal planes with a 1.5 Tesla magnet using T1-, T2- proton density-weighted spin echo sequences as well as T2 gradient echo sequences. One scan plane in each horse was compared with corresponding anatomic and histologic sections. The best imaging planes to visualize various anatomic structures were determined. Fibrocartilage was visualized in the insertion of the deep digital flexor tendon and the suspensory ligament as well as in the distal sesamoidean ligaments. The correlation of MRI images with anatomic and histologic sections confirmed that all of the anatomic structures in the equine digit could be evaluated in PD and T2 studies.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) images were made in sagittal and transverse planes through the metacarpophalangeal joint and digit of a horse. The images accurately depicted gross anatomic structures in the leg. Soft tissue structures were defined as separate entities on the images. Histologic varlation in tissues correlated with signal intensity differences on the MR images. Magnetic resonance imaging appears to be a promising imaging modality for evaluating musculoskeletal structures in equine limbs.  相似文献   

Deep digital flexor (DDF) tendinopathy is one of the most frequent causes of foot lameness and the prognosis is guarded. The progress of lesion healing may be followed by magnetic resonance (MR) imaging to formulate a prognosis and to adapt the rehabilitation program. We assessed the correlation of outcome with total tendon damage and temporal resolution of MR abnormalities. Images from 34 horses with DDF tendinopathy that had undergone at least two low‐field standing MR examinations of the foot (mean 2.5 ± 1.3 times) were reviewed. No horse having a T1‐GRE hyperintense lesion over 30 mm in length or over 10% tendon cross‐sectional area returned to its previous activity level. Horses with concomitant lesions had worse outcome than horses with DDF tendinopathy only (P = 0.005). In all horses including those with excellent outcome, the lesion persisted, even mildly, in T1‐GRE and PD images. Horses with tendon lesion resolution on STIR‐FSE and T2‐FSE images on recheck examination had a better outcome (P = 0.0004 and P = 0.002, respectively), and all horses that returned to their previous level of performance had complete resolution of signal hyperintensity on the STIR‐FSE sequence. Although rehabilitation remains multifactorial, characteristics of DDF tendinopathy and concomitant lesions on first and recheck MR examinations allow refining the prognosis.  相似文献   

Long digital extensor tendon avulsion is reported in a 5 month old Great Dane. Clinically the dog presented with a unilateral weight-bearing pelvic limb lameness. Joint effusion was present and there was pain and crepitance associated with flexion of the stifle. Orthopedic evaluation and radiographs were suggestive of a long digital extensor tendon injury which was confirmed by computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.The injury was surgically repaired with screw and spiked washer fixation.  相似文献   

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