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The construction of large dams has changed natural hydrology of many rivers in South America. Considering that little is known about the reorganisation of nonmigratory fish assemblages following an impoundment, we investigated changes caused by the construction of Lajeado Dam on the spatial distribution of nonmigratory fish along the Tocantins River, a large Amazonian river. In particular, we investigated changes in distance decay of community similarity (initial similarity and halving distance) in periods that preceded and followed the construction of the dam. For this study, we analysed data collected over a four‐year period, including seven sites distributed along the Tocantins River (~270 km). Initial similarity showed high values and little variation over the years. Halving distance, on the other hand, changed considerably after impoundment, showing progressive smaller values. In the first 2 years after impoundment, halving distance decreased by more than half of the initial value, indicating changes in distance decay relationships. An ordination analysis nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) indicated substantial changes in assemblage structure between pre‐ and postimpoundment periods, especially in sites close to the dam. In addition, after river regulation, we recorded shifts in species abundance across sites, while numerical dominance increased and local richness decreased in sites near the dam. Our results indicate that the dam changed diversity gradients along the river corridor, increasing the distance decay of assemblage similarity. All these findings evidence that nonmigratory fish assemblages are particularly vulnerable to river regulation.  相似文献   

Abstract– In this study we asked whether the fish populations of residual pools in a seasonally fluctuating African river varied between years. We used a series of data on the fish of the permanent floodplain pools of the River Sokoto, Nigeria compiled by M. J. Holden (1963) to address this objective. Holden provided estimates for the size and biomass of fish populations in 12 permanent dry season pools over a period of 2 to 3 years. On average, only 22% of the species present in a pool were absent from that pool in the following sampling period. Despite low interannual variability in the species composition of the pools, rank correlation analysis indlcated significant variation in the relative numbers and biomass of the 10 most numerically abundant species in most pools. Altering the spatial scale of analysis to include all possible combinations of 2 and 6 pools did not affect the results. Indices of similarity also indicated relatively high annual variability in the relative abundance of species in the pool communities. We suggest that habitat selection may contribute to the continued occurrence of fish species in pools from year to year, and such factors as changes in the overall abundance of fish species in the system and haphazard trapping during flood decline may contribute to annual variation in their relative abundance.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Many floodplain lake fish communities have been influenced by large-scale shifts in processes of water-level stability that degrade habitat quantity and quality. Efforts to restore rivers and their floodplains have recently taken a priority yet many restoration approaches are in their developmental stages and potentially controversial. We measured fish community changes in response to a water stabilisation technique in an Illinois River floodplain lake, achieved by levee renovations in 1997, using data collected prior to (1991–1993) and after (2000–2002) stabilisation. Our results indicate fish community composition (presence/absence) showed little variability and did not differ ( R  = 0.037; P  = 0.60) between the two time periods; whereas, fish community structure (abundance) differed ( R  > 0.50; P  ≤ 0.10). Increased abundances of desirable species like gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum (Lesueur), white crappie Pomoxis annularis (Rafinesque), black crappie Pomoxis nigromaculatus (Lesueur) and largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides (Lacepede), coupled with declines of less desirable species like common carp Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus) contributed to community changes. These changes suggest positive responses to water stabilisation practices that may act as an intermediate step in restoring river–floodplain function in certain situations.  相似文献   

为了解雷州湾及其附近海域渔业生物的群落结构及其物理影响因素,于2016—2017年开展了4个季度的底拖网渔业资源与生态环境调查。运用聚类分析、相似性百分比分析以及冗余分析研究了该海域鱼类群落结构及其与环境因子之间的关系。结果表明,雷州湾附近海域共捕获鱼类256种,以底层鱼类和暖水性鱼类为主;各季节均可划分为两个亚群落(Anosim test:R=0.28~0.77, P<0.01),群落Ⅰ的平均相似性为38.48%~47.44%,相似性的主要贡献种为斑头舌鳎(Cynoglossus puncticeps)、中华海鲇(Tachysurus sinensis)和线纹鳗鲇(Plotosus lineatus)等;群落Ⅱ的平均相似性为41.38%~52.59%,主要贡献种为多齿蛇鲻(Saurida tumbil)、斑头舌鳎和花斑蛇鲻(Saurida undosquamis)等。两个亚群落的平均相异性为57.74%~76.25%;水深是4个季度显著影响鱼类分布的重要生态因子,溶解氧是3个季度显著影响鱼类分布的重要环境因子。综上所述,雷州湾及其附近海域鱼类种类数丰富,高于海州湾、大亚湾等海域;本研究揭示了该海域鱼类群落结构特征及其与环境因子的关系,为该海域鱼类资源的养护及利用提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Miyazono S, Aycock JN, Miranda LE, Tietjen TE. Assemblage patterns of fish functional groups relative to habitat connectivity and conditions in floodplain lakes.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 578–585. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – We evaluated the influences of habitat connectivity and local environmental factors on the distribution and abundance patterns of fish functional groups in 17 floodplain lakes in the Yazoo River Basin, USA. The results of univariate and multivariate analyses showed that species–environmental relationships varied with the functional groups. Species richness and assemblage structure of periodic strategists showed strong and positive correlations with habitat connectivity. Densities of most equilibrium and opportunistic strategists decreased with habitat connectivity. Densities of certain equilibrium and opportunistic strategists increased with turbidity. Forested wetlands around the lakes were positively related to the densities of periodic and equilibrium strategists. These results suggest that decreases in habitat connectivity, forested wetland buffers and water quality resulting from environmental manipulations may cause local extinction of certain fish taxa and accelerate the dominance of tolerant fishes in floodplain lakes.  相似文献   

Small, adventitious tributaries (<3 orders of magnitude smaller than the stream it flows into) are a conspicuous feature of many river–floodplain systems, but their value as fish reproduction and nursery habitat is not well understood compared to oxbow lakes and the main river channel (MRC). Moreover, connectivity of tributaries to the MRC is often less impacted by anthropogenic modifications (e.g., dams and levees) compared to oxbow lakes. From April to July 2012, larval and juvenile fish were collected in the Fourche LaFave River (Arkansas, USA) system to better understand fish nursery habitat function of tributaries relative to oxbow lakes and the MRC. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination of juvenile and larval fish genera revealed distinct fish assemblages in MRC and floodplain habitats. Ordination of juvenile fish at the species level resulted in distinct fish assemblages in tributary versus oxbow lake habitats. Tributaries had more unique species and higher abundance of shared species than oxbow lakes and MRC. Additionally, of the 46 species identified, all but six were collected in lower tributary reaches. Connectivity was strongly associated with both ordinations and was important in describing patterns of fish variation among habitats and between tributaries. Of the tributaries sampled, the least fragmented stream had the most similar fish assemblages between upper and lower sections. Findings of this study revealed tributaries are an important, yet overlooked, feature in the river–floodplain model. Especially in years of drought, channel–floodplain connectivity can be limited, but tributaries can be used by fishes for reproduction and nursery habitat.  相似文献   

根据2014年11月(秋季)和2015年5月(春季)在三门湾进行渔业资源调查以及同步调查的6个主要环境因子数据(水温、盐度、悬浮物、p H、溶解氧及化学需氧量等),对三门湾鱼类群落结构及其与6个主要环境因子的关系进行了研究。结果显示,共捕获鱼类33种,其中以季节性洄游种类和暖水性种类为主。春、秋季优势种各有5种,其中棘头梅童鱼、龙头鱼和孔虾虎鱼为共同优势种。应用非度量多维测度分析(NMDS)和单因子相似性分析(ANOSIM)可得,春、秋鱼类群落均可划分为2组,其中1组主要分布在湾内,而另1组主要分布在湾口,在不同站位组间均存在极显著差异。长度谱分析结果显示,鱼类群落长度谱的斜率和截距有明显的季节性差异。RDA分析结果表明,鱼类群落主要受温度、溶解氧、悬浮物和p H等环境因子影响。  相似文献   

黄海南部近岸海域鱼类群落结构与区系划分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牟秀霞  徐宾铎  薛莹  任一平  张崇良 《水产学报》2017,41(11):1734-1743
黄海南部海域具有复杂的水团结构和海流环境,使该海域鱼类群落产生较为复杂的空间结构。为研究黄海南部近岸海域鱼类群落结构特征,实验根据2014—2015年对该海域进行4个季度的底拖网调查数据,利用多元统计方法分析了该海域鱼类群落的分布格局并比较了各群落的相对生物量、生物多样性、优势种等结构特征。应用聚类分析(cluster)和多维标度排序(MDS)分析将黄海南部近岸海域划分为海州湾群落与江苏近岸群落;海州湾群落的平均相对资源量和生物多样性均高于江苏近岸群落,而暖温性与暖水性鱼类所占比重相对较低;海州湾群落的优势种主要为方氏云鳚、大泷六线鱼和日本鳀等,季节变化显著;江苏近岸群落的优势种为短吻红舌鳎、途、棘头梅童鱼和黑鳃梅童鱼等,季节变化不明显。研究表明,黄海南部近岸海域可划分为海州湾区系与江苏近岸区系,其鱼类群落结构特征具有显著差异。海流、水团、底质类型及水深等环境因子是形成鱼类群落结构差异的主要因素。  相似文献   

Freshwater river mouths in large lakes are centres of biological activity, yet little is understood about the spatial and temporal dynamics of fish communities in these systems. In the Laurentian Great Lakes, we sampled littoral fishes over 3 years in six drowned (i.e., protected) river mouths to: (i) quantify spatial (among river mouths) and temporal (among years) variation, (ii) evaluate associations with environmental conditions and (iii) assess spatial patterns of community similarity. We sampled 6787 fish representing 43 species over the course of the study. Multivariate analyses indicated that variation in fish species composition was more strongly partitioned among river mouths than among years. Fish communities across the six river mouths were partitioned into three groups, a pattern we attribute to variability in anthropogenic disturbance and environmental conditions. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that fish species composition was associated with specific conductivity, vegetation cover, turbidity and pH, suggesting species–environment relationships are similar to those shown for Great Lakes coastal wetlands. Finally, we found a negative relationship between geographic distance and community similarity, suggesting that dispersal and/or environmental gradients play a role in shaping these river mouth fish assemblages. We conclude that Great Lakes drowned river mouths can harbour diverse and spatially variable fish assemblages that are driven by a combination of local and regional factors.  相似文献   

方冬冬  杨海乐  张辉  吴金明  危起伟 《水产学报》2023,47(2):029311-029311
为了解长江中游鱼类群落结构、多样性及其与环境因子的关系,2021年6月和11月在长江中游5个江段(宜昌、石首、嘉鱼、武汉、湖口)开展了鱼类和环境调查。定量分析了鱼类群落结构特征、时空分布格局及其与环境因子的关系。研究期间共采集到鱼类16 335尾,隶属6目13科50属76种,其中鲤形目鱼类最多(52种),占总种数的70%。在3种生活习性类型中,定居性鱼类物种数最多(80%);在3种摄食类型中,肉食性鱼类物种数最多(46%);在3种产卵类型中,产黏性卵鱼类的物种数最多(50%)。相对重要性指数(IRI)显示,瓦氏黄颡鱼、银鲴、三角鲂、铜鱼等中小型鱼类为优势种。平均Margalef丰富度指数为5.11、平均Pielou均匀度指数为0.63、平均Shannon-Wiener多样性指数为3.23、平均Simpson优势度指数为0.26。丰度/生物量比较曲线表明,宜昌和湖口江段鱼类群落受人类活动干扰严重,石首、嘉鱼和武汉江段鱼类群落相对稳定。Cluster和NMDS分析结果表明,长江中游的鱼类群落可划分为3个类群,宜昌为一类群;石首、嘉鱼和武汉为一类群;湖口为一类群。RDA分析结果显示,NH  相似文献   

温州南部沿岸海域鱼类群落特征及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
根据2015年春季(5月)和秋季(9月)温州南部沿岸海域渔业资源调查数据,利用物种多样性指数、多元分析及其典范对应分析等方法,对该海域鱼类种类组成、多样性和群落与环境因子间的关系进行了分析。结果表明:温州南部沿岸海域共鉴定鱼类47种,隶属于9目27科41属,主要以暖水性和暖温性为主,鲈形目(Perciformes)种类最多,共26种;其次为鲱形目(Clupeiformes),共6种;再次为形目(Tetraodontiformes),共4种。春季,优势种依次为日本鳀(Engraulis japonicas)、镰鲳(Pampus echinogaster)、六丝矛尾虾虎鱼(Amblychaeturichthys hexanema)和棘头梅童鱼(Collichthys lucidus),其渔获量占总渔获量的49.3%;秋季,优势种为龙头鱼(Harpodon nehereus)、棘头梅童鱼和六指马鲅(Polynemus sextarius),占总渔获量的50.8%。日本鳀、蓝圆鲹(Decapterus maruadsi)、刺鲳(Psenopsis anomala)、龙头鱼、鳓(Ilisha elongata)和六指马鲅等是各季节各站位组的典型种及造成不同站位组间群落差异的主要分歧种。此外,组内的典型种一定程度上是组间的分歧种和群落的优势种。经Pearson分析,Margalef种类丰富度指数(D)和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H')与溶解氧呈极显著正相关,而与盐度和温度均呈显著正相关。通过典范对应分析(CCA)得出,影响鱼类群落的主要环境因子为酸碱度p H、水深和盐度。  相似文献   

Abstract –  We examined patterns in fish species assemblages structure and function along environmental gradients in rivers of Gabon. Species presence–absence data from 52 sites were first analysed by canonical correspondence analysis. Results showed that the position of sites along the upstream–downstream gradient, together with elevation and water conductance were the most important predictors of local fish assemblage composition. Assemblage richness and trophic structure were further investigated using regression tree analysis. Results revealed a general increase in species richness from upstream to downstream areas and a transition from insectivorous to omnivorous, herbivorous and piscivorous species along this longitudinal gradient. There were several similarities between these previous patterns and those observed in other temperate streams suggesting a potential convergence in fish assemblage along environmental gradients in tropical and temperate riverine systems. From a conservation standpoint, these results highlight the need to evaluate all habitat types along rivers longitudinal gradient to integrate the full spectrum of species assemblages within conservation plans.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Spatial and temporal variation of species–environment relationships were evaluated for shallow-margin and deep-water fish assemblages in the Brazos River, a large floodplain river in Texas, USA. Total variation among the deep-water assemblages (11 species, 86% turnover across gill net samples) was greater than for shallow-margins (38 species, 64% turnover across seine samples). For both shallow-margin and deep-water assemblages, variation was greater among sites than between winter and summer seasons. Shallow-margin assemblage structure was related to depth, velocity and substrate, whereas for deep-water assemblages river discharge, temperature and velocity were important. Season itself accounted for little of the variation among either shallow (6.7%) or deep-water (2.3%) assemblages. Overall temporal patterns of shallow-margin samples appeared to show responses to juvenile recruitment, spates and migration of coastal fishes, whereas for deep-water samples, patterns related to use of reproductive habitats, juvenile recruitment and seasonal activity levels. Brazos River assemblages were less variable overall in comparison with studies along similar length of reach in headwater streams and wadeable rivers. The residual variation in species distribution (54% for shallow-margin and 67% for deepwater) that was not explained by instream variables and season suggests a greater influence of biotic interactions in rivers, particularly those across the spatially dynamic interface of main channel habitats and shallow river margins.  相似文献   

Although the Mekong River is one of the world's 35 biodiversity hot spots, the large‐scale patterns of fish diversity and assemblage structure remain poorly addressed. This study aimed to investigate the fish distribution patterns in the Lower Mekong River (LMR) and to identify their environmental determinants. Daily fish catch data (i.e. from December 2000 to November 2001) at 38 sites distributed along the LMR were related to 15 physicochemical and 19 climatic variables. As a result, four different clusters were defined according to the similarity in assemblage composition and 80 indicator species were identified. While fish species richness was highest in the Mekong delta and lowest in the upper part of the LMR, the diversity index was highest in the middle part of the LMR and lowest in the delta. We found that fish assemblages changed along the environmental gradients and that the main drivers affecting the fish assemblage structure were the seasonal variation of temperature, precipitation, dissolved oxygen, pH and total phosphorus. Specifically, upstream assemblages were characterised by cyprinids and Pangasius catfish, well suited to low temperature, high dissolved oxygen and high pH. Fish assemblages in the delta were dominated by perch‐like fish and clupeids, more tolerant to high temperatures, and high levels of nutrients (nitrates and total phosphorus) and salinity. Overall, the patterns were consistent between seasons. Our study contributes to establishing the first holistic fish community study in the LMR.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Population structure of the African bonytongue, Heterotis niloticus , was examined in southern Benin within Lake Hlan and a region of the Sô River floodplain located approximately 60 km downstream from the lake. Both locations support important fisheries in which Heterotis is the principal target species during the flood period. Ripe adults comprised over 40% of the population in Lake Hlan, whereas only 3.5% of individuals captured from river sites were adults. Monthly averages for the gonadosomatic index and percentages of individuals with mature gonads peaked as water levels increased during the wet season then declined during the peak flood period. Oocyte size frequency distributions from ovaries suggested a potential to produce an additional cohort in the event of nesting disruption. During the peak spawning period (May to August), between 37 and 51 active nests per hectare per month were observed in Lake Hlan. The number of larvae per nest ranged from 3953 to 6125. Lake Hlan bonytongues appear to constitute an important source subpopulation that exports new recruits to river/floodplain areas downstream where intense fisheries harvest mostly juveniles and subadults. Consequently, restriction of harvest of adult bonytongues in Lake Hlan may be essential for sustenance of commercial fishing in downstream reaches of the Sô River.  相似文献   

根据2016年5月份、8月份、11月份和2017年2月份在乐清湾海域的渔业资源调查数据,利用聚类分析、多元统计分析和冗余分析等方法,对该海域甲壳类的种类组成、生物多样性、群落结构特征及其与环境因子的关系进行了分析。结果显示,该海域共鉴定出甲壳类43种,隶属于2个目、18个科、28个属,全年优势种为三疣梭子蟹、日本蟳和哈氏仿对虾。甲壳类群落结构季节间变化差异显著,夏季甲壳类种类数最多,冬季最少,优势种种类季节变化较小。对不同水深带的甲壳类群落结构分析发现,5~10 m种类数最多,小于5 m和大于10 m种类数较少。单因素方差分析显示,不同水深甲壳类群落的丰富度指数(D)存在显著差异,均匀度指数(J')和多样性指数(H')均无显著差异。冗余分析结果显示,温度、水深和浑浊度是影响乐清湾甲壳类群落结构季节变化的重要环境因子,其中水深对甲壳类分布的影响较大。  相似文献   

胶州湾中部海域秋、冬季鱼类群落结构及其多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
根据2008年9月2009年2月在胶州湾中部海域进行的逐月定点底拖网调查数据,分析了该海域秋、冬季鱼类群落结构特征和多样性变化。结果表明,该海域秋、冬季共捕获鱼类50种,隶属8目,28科,42属;秋、冬季鱼类的相对资源量存在明显的月间变化,平均网获质量为每网865.29~5173.71g,平均网获尾数为每网111~717ind。秋、冬季优势种组成有明显的季节更替现象,主要由暖温性和暖水性的季节洄游种变为地域性的暖温性和冷温性种,仅六丝钝尾虎鱼(Amblychaeturichthys hexanema)为秋、冬季的共有优势种。种类丰富度指数(R)变化范围为2.08~3.25,多样性指数(H′)变化范围为1.50~2.44,均匀度指数J′为0.52~0.76;秋、冬两季间鱼类群落物种多样性指数差异均不显著(P0.05)。聚类分析和多维标度法(MDS)分析表明,6个月的样本可分为秋季组(9~11月)和冬季组(12~2月)2个组分;单因子相似性分析(ANOSIM)表明,秋、冬季组分间鱼类群落结构无显著性差异(P0.05)。  相似文献   

Montaña CG, Winemiller KO. Local‐scale habitat influences morphological diversity of species assemblages of cichlid fishes in a tropical floodplain river.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 216–227. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – We examined the taxonomic and morphological diversity of cichlid fish assemblages in a floodplain river in Venezuela during the dry season at two spatial scales: macrohabitats (lagoons, main channels and creeks) and mesohabitats (leaf litter, sand banks, rocky shoals and woody debris). Nonmetric multidimensional scaling did not reveal differences for species assemblages among macro and mesohabitats. The first two axes from canonical correspondence analysis based on 19 species and six physical variables modelled >61% of the taxonomic variation in assemblages from rock shoals and woody debris, and 55% of variation in assemblages from sand banks and leaf litter. Principal components analysis based on 22 morphological variables yielded two dominant axes that explained >86% of variation in the cichlid assemblages. Morphological diversity was analysed to test the idea that assemblage structure is nonrandom, with structurally complex habitats supporting more species with more functional morphological diversity than simple habitats. Average and standard deviation (SD) of the morphological Euclidean distances of local assemblages among mesohabitats tended to decrease or be constant as the number of species increased. Regressions of the average nearest neighbour distance (NND) and SD of NND with species richness resulted in low and negative slopes of species assemblages among mesohabitats. These relationships suggest that when more species are added to a habitat patch, assemblage morphospace remains approximately constant, species average similarity increases and species dispersion in morphological space becomes more uniform. Results support that cichlids partition habitat at the local scale but not at the macrohabitat scale.  相似文献   

  1. Environmental water management seeks to balance competing demands between the water needed to sustain human populations and their economic activities and that required to sustain functioning freshwater ecosystems and the species they support. It must be predicated on an understanding of the environmental, hydrological, and biological factors that determine the distribution and abundance of aquatic species.
  2. The Daly River of the wet–dry tropics of northern Australia consists of a perennially flowing main stem and large tributaries, as well as many small to large naturally intermittent tributaries, and associated off‐channel wetlands. Increased groundwater abstraction to support irrigated agriculture during the dry season threatens to reduce dry‐season flows that maintain perenniality and persistence of freshwater fishes.
  3. Fish assemblages were surveyed at 55 locations during the dry season over a 2‐year period with the goal of establishing the key landscape‐scale and local‐scale (i.e. habitat) drivers of fish species distribution.
  4. Longitudinal (upstream/downstream) and lateral (river/floodplain) gradients in assemblage structure were observed with the latter dependent on the position in the river landscape. Underlying these gradients, stream flow intermittency influenced assemblage composition, species richness, and body size distributions. Natural constraints to dispersal were identified and their influence on assemblage structure was also dependent on position within the catchment.
  5. Eight distinct assemblage types were identified, defined by differences in the abundance of species within five groups differing in functional traits describing body size, spawning requirements, and dispersal capacity. These functional groups largely comprised species widely distributed in northern Australia.
  6. The results of the study are discussed with reference to the environmental flow needs of the Daly River and other rivers of northern Australia. The findings may also be applied to environmental flow management in savannah rivers elsewhere.

Abstract  A fish-based index applicable at the pan-European scale should encompass the relative importance of regional and local factors influencing the distribution of riverine fish. An effective way of using information available from fish assemblages to establish such a multimetric index is through the use of the reference condition approach that involves testing a fish assemblage exposed to a potential stressor against a reference condition. In this study, a variety of metrics based on count and abundance data and reflecting different aspects of the fish assemblage structure and function were selected from the literature for their potential to indicate degradation. Logistic and multiple linear regression procedures were applied, using an initial data set of 1000 reference sites fairly evenly distributed across European rivers (11 countries) and defined by some easily measured regional and local characteristics, to elaborate the simplest possible response model that adequately explains the observed patterns of each metric for a given site. A final list of 10 metrics was retained and the European Fish Index was tested using new independent datasets. The advantage of the resulting index to serve as a practical technical reference for cost-effective biological assessments of lotic systems in Europe is related to its ability to encompass basins and river size, and its sensitivity to physical and chemical alteration of the river ecosystem.  相似文献   

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