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Large‐scale dieback of Dalbergia sissoo trees in India and neighbouring countries is causing concern to the state forest departments and farmers as trees of all age group are dying. Fusarium solani f.sp. dalbergiae, isolated from the roots of dying trees and from the oozing pitch on stems, was tested for pathogenicity. Seeds were collected from 107 mature healthy trees, from 21 heavily infected localities in the country. As many seed failed to germinate, resistance testing was carried out on a limited number of provenances. Seedlings were tested for disease resistance by soil drenching and root‐dip methods using spore suspensions of F. solani f.sp. dalbergiae. On the basis of seedling survival, provenances were classified into four susceptibility classes; seedlings from Amritsar (Punjab) showed maximum survival and were considered very resistant, whereas Dehra (Kangra), Himachal Pradesh, were the most susceptible. F. solani f.sp. dalbergiae from Nihal Gate (Haldwani), Uttarakhand, was the most virulent isolate amongst the three tested.  相似文献   

Wilt disease caused by Fusarium solani is a serious constraint to Dalbergia sissoo (shisham) plantations in northern India. In this study, the antagonistic potential of 40 bacterial isolates recovered from rhizophere soil of healthy shisham trees, and a well‐characterized Trichoderma species (Trichoderma virens) were tested for their possibility as biocontrol agents for F. solani. Two promising isolates (S1 and S15) were identified which inhibited pathogen growth, caused chitin degradation, produced siderophores and solubilized phosphate in vitro. Isolate S15 scored highest for hydrogen cyanide (HCN) production while isolate S1 was a non‐HCN producer. These two isolates were identified as Serratia marcescens (S1) and Pseudomonas azotoformans (S15) following sequence analysis of 16S rDNA. In dual culture assays, T. virens caused 80% inhibition of mycelial growth of the test fungus. The three selected antagonists when tested in planta in the glasshouse completely suppressed production of wilt symptoms on 12‐month‐old shisham plants. Further work is needed to ascertain the potential of these isolates to be used as biocontrol agents to manage shisham wilt under field conditions.  相似文献   

The wood analysis for different parameters was carried out in a clonal seed orchard of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. established during 1997 at Hoshiarpur, Punjab, India. Twelve clones with higher index value were subjected to Euclidean Cluster Analysis based on wood and growth parameters to group into seven clusters. Cluster I and II contained four and three clones, respectively, and remaining clusters had just one clone each. Clone originated from Barielly, Uttar Pradesh of cluster VII was found to be the most divergent clone. Cluster II with three clones maintained greater inter-cluster distance with other clusters. The divergence analysis has confirmed that the clones planted in the clonal seed orchard are sufficiently divergent and seed harvested from the orchard would maintain high diversity.  相似文献   

The variations in seed and pod traits, genetic superiority and genetic divergence were evaluated for a Clonal Seed Orchard (CSO) of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. at Bithmera, India consisting of 20 clones from different agro-climatic conditions of four northern states (Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana and Rajasthan). The seeds and pods of various clones in the orchard exhibited significant variability in size, weight and other characters. Significant positive correlations were observed between seed length and seed width (p<0.05), seed length and seed thickness (p<0.01), seed length and seed weight (p<0.01), seed thickness and seed weight (p<0.01), seed length and germination value (p<0.05). The genetic parameters for seed and pod traits also showed a wide range of variations in the orchard. Heritability values were found to be over 50 percent for most of the seed and pod traits. Seed weight, seed length and seed thickness showed high heritability values coupled with maximum genetic gain for these characters. Ward’s minimum variance dendrogram of clones of D. sissoo showed three distinct clusters; cluster 1 was the largest with 12 better clones whereas cluster 2 and 3 consisting of seven moderate clones and one poor clone, respectively. Mean cluster values showed sufficient variation among the clusters for seed weight, germination value and seed length. The possible hybridization between best clones of cluster 1 to the disease resistant clone of cluster 2 (resistant against deadly Gandoderma lucidum root rot disease of D. sissoo) is also suggested for further breeding programmes of the species. The deployment of clone 194 (better performed and disease resistant) is also recommended in future plantation programmes of D. sissoo in northern India.  相似文献   

对元江地区幼龄印度黄檀木材各生长轮间的解剖各参数和结晶度的径向变异趋势及它们的相关性做了全面的测定和分析,结果表明:纤维长度和宽度、导管分子长度和弦径、纤维比量总体径向变化趋势是从髓心往外呈增加趋势;纤维壁厚和生长轮的径向变异趋势是先增加后减小;导管比量、胞壁率和微纤丝角的变化趋势是沿髓心向外呈递减趋势;结晶度的径向变异趋势是先增加后减小.方差分析表明:各生长轮间的解剖参数和结晶度差异均明显.相关分析表明:生长轮年龄与各解剖参数和结晶度相关性显著,据此建立了木材解剖性质和结晶度预测模型,相关系数大都达到0.88以上.  相似文献   

The effect of pre-inoculation with VA mycorrhizae on Fusarium wilt of Albizia procera and Dalbergia sissoo was done in a green house trial. Inoculation with Fusarium spp. decreased plant growth compared to noninoculated controls. Mycorrhizal plants were significantly higher than nonmycorrhizal ones. In addition to plant growth, the disease severity caused by Fusarium spp. reduced significantly when inoculated with VA mycorrhizae. The lowest percentage of Fusarium spp. were found on plants when treated with VA mycorrhizae. The population of Fusarium spp. were higher in the rhizosphere of nonmycorrhizal roots. The P concentration in the leaves of mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plants were higher in the absence of Fusarium spp.  相似文献   

本文探测了无机肥(磷和钾)对苗圃内培养的印度黄檀生长和结瘤的影响。播种前,磷和钾肥以不同比例混合后与营养匮乏的自然林土壤混合,然后混合土再补以粪肥(混合土:粪肥=3:1)。出苗后60天时记录植株结瘤状况(结瘤数、形状、鲜重、干重和颜色)和植株生长参数(枝条和根长及鲜重和干重、直径)。与对照相比,补充肥料的土壤显著地改变了植株生长和结瘤状况(P<0.05)。植株结瘤的数目、鲜重和干重均在磷钾施肥量为 160kg/hm2时达到最大值,分别为62, 0.05g和0.07g。不同比例的补肥处理改变了结瘤形状和颜色,同时显著地影响了枝条和根长、直径、鲜重和干重等生长参数。研究揭示:苗圃内生长的黄檀,在贫瘠的自然林土壤中施以160kg/hm2磷钾肥并混以粪肥(混合土:粪肥=3:1)可使植株生长和结瘤的形成达最佳。  相似文献   

Decline of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) in Sicily and Calabria (Italy) was observed to be associated with the ascomycete Biscogniauxia nummularia. This fungus is naturally present in beech stands and to date has not been considered a primary pathogenic agent. Artificial inoculations were performed to assess its pathogenicity on beech and to determine if Sicilian and Calabrian isolates differ in virulence. Biscogniauxia nummularia played an evident primary pathogenic role under the environmental conditions studied. Virulence of the isolates was variable and did not depend neither on the geographic origin nor the environmental conditions at the sites where pathogenicity testing was performed.  相似文献   

Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo) is an important multipurpose tree with great economic importance, but this tree has been devastated by dieback disease. Seedlings and asexually propagated (cuttings) plants were artificially inoculated with four fungi (Fusarium solani, Botryodiplodia theobromae, Curvularia lunata and Ganoderma lucidum) to evaluate the potential role of these fungi in shisham dieback disease. Results at 2 years revealed that highest disease was caused by inoculation of F. solani (31.39%), followed by B. theobromae (19.042%) and C. lunata (12.22%), but no dieback disease was caused by G. lucidum. During both years, seedlings exhibited greater susceptibility to disease (17.24%) compared to cuttings (7.83%). In particular, F. solani caused more disease in seedlings (46.18%) compared to cuttings (16.61%). With the F. solani inoculations, maximum disease rate was observed at 8 weeks post‐inoculation both in seedlings (77%) and in cuttings (31%), but the maximum disease increase was observed at 4–5 weeks post‐inoculation. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among the different fungi and also between seedlings and cuttings. F. solani can be considered as a major fungal pathogen contributing to dieback disease of shisham, and asexual propagation can reduce the severity of dieback.  相似文献   

Fusarium circinatum is a serious pathogen of Pinus spp. worldwide, causing pitch canker disease. F. circinatum can contaminate seeds both internally and externally and is readily disseminated via contaminated seed. Many countries require screening of pine seeds for F. circinatum before they can be imported. The currently accepted screening method is based on culturing the pathogen on a semi‐selective medium and identifying it using morphological traits. This method is time‐consuming and does not allow for accurate identification of the pathogen to the species level. A bulk DNA extraction and real‐time PCR procedure to screen seeds for the presence of F. circinatum were developed in this study. The real‐time PCR method resulted in the detection of F. circinatum in 5 of 6 commercial seed lots tested and has a lower detection limit of 1 × 10?5 ng of F. circinatum DNA per PCR. The culture‐based method detected Fusarium spp. in four of six of the same seed lots. The real‐time PCR method can be used to screen multiple seed lots in 2 days, whereas the culture‐based method requires a minimum of 1–2 weeks. This new real‐time PCR seed screening method allows for fast, sensitive and accurate screening and can be adapted to handle larger volumes of seeds.  相似文献   

G. Singh  Bilas Singh 《林业研究》2009,20(4):307-313
1998年7月,利用非称重式蒸渗池种植单一种源的一年生黄檀种苗,研究在印度沙漠地区培养黄檀种苗的合理灌水技术参数。当各处理(W1、W2、W3、W4)的土壤水分含量分别降低到7.56%、5.79%、4.44%和3.23%时,通过灌溉使苗木生长保持在一定的土壤的水分状况,如36.2mm(W1)、26.5mm(W2)、20.2mm(W3)和18.1mm(W4)。结果表明,在36.2mm(W1)水平时,种苗的株高、冠径、叶数和叶面积达到最大值(p〈0.01)。在W1和W2处理中,虽然上述参数没有明显差异,但在W2处理中,种苗的每升水分利用率的生物量最大。在W3、W4和W5灌溉水平下,不利于提高种苗的株高、生物量和营养积累。在W2水平以下(5.79%),土壤水分有效率能提高根系生物量占总生物量的百分比。但在W3和W4处理中,叶干生物量百分比下降,同时在W5处理中,茎干生物量百分比下降。在W5处理中,土壤水势达到-196Mpa,种苗才可以成活。在W3和W4处理中,土壤水分有效率的限额影响黄檀种苗的生长和生物量。在W2处理中,土壤水分有效利用率最高,种苗的生长和生物量达到最高值。因此,在壤砂土条件下,通过灌溉维持幼苗土壤水分含量在5.79%以上时,可获得较好的黄檀种苗的生长和生物量产量。  相似文献   

Inter-clonal, intra-clonal and within tree variations in specific gravity and wood anatomical properties of 8-year-old grown ramets of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. have been investigated. Radial and location-wise intra-clonal variations were non-significant for anatomical properties and specific gravity for all six clones at all three sites. However, inter-clonal variations in wood anatomical properties and specific gravity were significantly different. Inter-clonal variations in anatomical properties and specific gravity were also significant due to sites, which indicated that site-characteristics overshadowed the genetic priority of different clones for wood anatomical properties. Average fiber-characteristics of all clones showed the best performance at Lalkuan, Haldwani (site III), while average specific gravity performed well at Brandis Road, Dehradun (site I) followed by site III (Lalkuan, Haldwani) and site II (Lachchiwala, Dehradun). Within tree variations in anatomical properties like fiber length, fiber diameter, wall thickness, vessel member length and vessel member diameter due to vertical or radial direction and location (pith to periphery) are non-significant. Radial direction, location and height showed no impact on wood element variation. It indicated that there is no impact of juvenile wood, sapwood and heartwood ratio, and reaction wood on wood anatomical properties of 8-year-old ramet of D. sissoo. It further indicated that clone raised ramet of 8-year-old D. sissoo showed the characteristics of mature wood. Within tree variations in specific gravity were significant due to height, which may be related to differential sapwood and heartwood ratio in the vertical direction. Different wood elements viz. fiber length, fiber diameter, wall thickness, vessel member length and vessel member diameter showed significant correlations with each other and with specific gravity.  相似文献   

The effect of auxins (IAA or IBA at 100,200,500 mg L 1) on rooting and sprouting parameters differed significantly (p < 0.05).Rooting and sprouting percentages were higher in some treatments while other parameters were significantly higher in other treatments.The results of the present study revealed that rooting was significantly (p < 0.05) affected by the length of cuttings,as well as the position of shoots and type of cuttings.On average,86.0 per cent rooting was observed in the 30-cm long cuttings compared to the other two lengths of cuttings,i.e.,20 and 25 cm,irrespective of any auxin treatment.In a control set,without any auxin treatment,a maximum of 60.0% rooting was recorded in the 30-cm long cuttings and a minimum of 40.0% of the cuttings rooted in the 20-cm long cuttings.Similarly,cuttings collected from the lower and upper portions of shoots resulted in 72.5 and 52.5 per cent rooting respectively,irrespective of auxin treatments.Maximum rooting was observed in the lower portion (40.0%) of cutting compared to the upper portion (30.0%) in the control set without auxin treatment.Leafless branches produced maximum (72.0%) rooting compared to the leafy cuttings (35.0%),irrespective of the auxin treatment.The leafy cuttings produces a minimum of 15.0% sprouting and rooting in the control set.  相似文献   

Summary A necrosis of leaves of Quercus pubescens caused by the fungus Ulocladium chartarum is reported. This fungus causes leaf spots both under natural conditions and following artificial inoculation of unwounded attached leaves. A high incidence of leaf spotting by U. chartarum seems to be associated with wet summers.  相似文献   

During spring and summer of 2016, dieback symptoms including blights of leaves, twigs, and acorns were observed on current year shoots of Quercus infectoria in the Zagros oak forests of Iran. The fungus isolated from damaged tissues was identified as Discula quercina based on both morphological characteristics and ITS sequencing. To fulfil the Koch's postulates, a representative isolate was inoculated onto shoots of Q. infectoria and Quercus libani in both laboratory and forest conditions. Responses of the two oak species to inoculation with D. quercina were examined under laboratory and forest conditions in a completely randomized experiment. Discula quercina was clearly involved in oak dieback, and Q. infectoria was more susceptible than Q. libani to damage by the pathogen. This is the first record of the occurrence and pathogenicity of the fungus Discula quercina on Quercus infectoria. The fungus is considered as an emerging pathogen on oak trees in Zagros forests in Iran. Furthermore, the pathogenicity of the Discula quercina on Q. libani under laboratory and forest conditions increases the potential importance of this pathogen in Zagros forests.  相似文献   

We assessed interactive effects of varying levels of applied phosphorus fertilizer and water stress on growth, productivity, and mineral accumulation in container-grown Dalbergia sissoo L. seedlings. Height, collar diameter, leaf size and area, root volume and total biomass were reduced, and dry matter allocation to root was increased with increasing levels of soil water stress. The reduction was >32% in growth, >50% in leaf, and >77% in biomass when seedlings were grown with <50% of soil field capacity. Phosphorus application at the level of 10 mg kg?1 soil enhanced stems and leaf biomass and nutrient accumulation at all irrigation levels, and thus tolerance to drought. Phosphorus responses to growth and biomass production increased with irrigation levels. Thus, 20 mg P kg?1 soil is beneficial at sufficient soil water availability and a lower dose (i.e., 10 mg P kg?1) is recommended under high soil water stress conditions to benefit growth and productivity of D. sissoo.  相似文献   

In order to confirm the pathogenicity ofCistella japonica, inoculation experiments were conducted onto several coniferous trees. Resinous lesions similar to those of the resinous stem canker developed by the inoculation withCi. japonica only onChamaecyparis obtusa. Chamaecyparis trees were heavily affected when inoculated with the fungus in November, but slightly in May and August. Resin flows occurred when inocula ofCi. japonica were put into the holes made on stem barks and on pruning scars. Isolates ofCi. japonica varied greatly in the pathogenicity. On the lesions caused by the fungus, resinous and necrotic areas expanded in fusiform or oblong shape, and resin cysts were formed in inner barks. Beneath some necrotic inner barks, sapwood was suppressed in growth for the damages in cambial cells and stained.Ci. japonica was reisolated from the inoculated lesion tissues, though isolation frequency of the fungus became lower in some lesions two or more years after the inoculation. The results of these inoculations proved thatCi. japonica was the causal agent of the resinous stem canker ofCh. obtusa.  相似文献   

The invasive fungal pathogen Cronartium ribicola causes white pine blister rust which is considered one of the most destructive diseases of five-needle (white) pines in North America. The disease has a life cycle that requires two hosts: white pines and Ribes spp., although other non-Ribes species, including Castilleja and Pedicularis, have been demonstrated as alternate hosts as well. Detection of this disease can be difficult because of the ephemeral nature of sporulation on pine hosts with ambiguity in other symptoms, and the alternate hosts for C. ribicola can also be an alternate host for other pine rust species. We used the previously published C. ribicola genome and species-specific real-time PCR assay to develop a field-ready loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) specific colorimetric assay for this pathogen. Specificity results across regionally identified pine rust pathogens showed the assay is highly specific to C. ribicola and can detect as little as 40 pg of pathogen DNA. We also developed a simple DNA extraction method that works with several tissue types (bark/phloem, aeciospores, and urediniospores/telia) to prepare the DNA samples for the LAMP assay. The DNA extraction and LAMP assay take ~70 min to complete and require a relatively small investment in equipment. This tool enables quick and efficient detection of white pine blister rust.  相似文献   

Rhizoctonia solani was frequently isolated in the Italian Alps from nursery-grown European beech (Fagus sylvatica) seedlings displaying symptoms of cotyledon rot. Koch's postulates were verified and mode of infection of the associated isolates was investigated with light and scanning electron microscopy. Population structure of the pathogen was investigated by scoring the anastomosis reaction type in pairings between different isolates from the same seedbed. One pathogen genotype showed a large distribution area within the seedbed, this implying that the inoculum had been building up in the seedbed over a longer time period. Hyphal anastomosis tests and sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of ribosomal DNA indicated that the pathogen belongs to AG 2-1 of R. solani. ITS sequence analysis indicates that the isolates from beech are closely related to R. solani isolates causing a disease on tulip. The striking similarities between the two diseases are discussed.  相似文献   

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