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Ultrasonography of the proximal third interosseus muscle (PTIOM, suspensory ligament) is routinely performed for the diagnosis of the cause of proximal metacarpal/tarsal pain. As a result of the complex architecture and deep localisation of this ligament, performing and interpreting ultrasonographic images of this structure can be difficult. This paper describes an ultrasonographic procedure that allows complete imaging of the PTIOM in the forelimbs using a combination of approaches including sagittal and palmarocollateral approaches on the weightbearing limb with linear and convex probes. Moreover, the procedure includes images made on the flexed limb, thereby allowing a better contact and a more complete representation of the PTIOM and palmar aspect of the metacarpal bones.  相似文献   

Suspensory ligaments (SL) from 32 Thoroughbreds and 32 Standardbreds were collected to evaluate the variation in muscle content with respect to age, breed, sex, limb, and use. Six transverse sections, each 3 to 5 mm thick, were obtained from each SL. Four sections were taken from the body of the SL and 1 from the midportion of each branch. Sections were stained with van Gieson picric acid-fuchsin solution, then photographed, and black-and-white slides were made from the processed negatives. The transverse-sectional area of the SL and the contained muscle were determined by use of a computer with a color monitor and a digitizing device with its associated software. The percentage of muscle was then calculated for each section, for the entire ligament, and for each horse. Results were analyzed by multiple-regression analysis and Duncan multiple-range test, using the General Linear Model of SAS. Standardbreds had 40% more muscle in their SL than did Thoroughbreds. There was no significant difference in the percentage of SL muscle among sex, age, use, individual limb, or forelimb vs hind limb. For Standardbred horses, females had significantly greater muscle area content than intact males. Also, hind limb muscle area content was significantly greater than forelimb muscle content. Thoroughbred horses between 2 and 10 years of age not in training had significantly more muscle content than horses of the same age not in training. The reasons for these differences remain unclear.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Clinical association between the branches of insertion of the suspensory ligament (SL) and metacarpophalangeal (MCP) and metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints has been reported. However, there has been no assessment of the lengths of the SL branches which are subsynovial with respect to the joints or reports of involvement of the MCP/MTP joints in injuries of the SL branches. OBJECTIVES: To establish proportions of SL branches subsynovial with respect to the MCP/MTP joints and report clinical and arthroscopic findings in horses with desmitis of SL branches identified as having an articular component to the lesion. HYPOTHESIS: Arthroscopic surgery enables identification and potential treatment of intra-articular injuries of SL branches. METHODS: Twelve forelimbs and 13 hindlimbs were dissected and the total and subsynovial lengths of the SL branches recorded. Case records of horses with intra-articular injuries of the SL branches were reviewed and 18 animals identified. Diagnostic information and arthroscopic findings were recorded and results of treatment determined by telephone follow-up. RESULTS: Of SL branches, 28.45% in the forelimb and 29.56% in the hindlimb were subsynovial to the MCP and MTP joints. All animals with intra-articular lesions of the SL branch were lame and had distension of the affected MCP/MTP joint. In 16 horses (17/22 branches), there was palpable thickening of the affected SL branch. Disrupted infrastructure was evident ultrasonographically in 15/17 branches and involvement of the dorsal articular surface of the ligament was predicted in 12/17 branches. Following arthroscopic intervention, 13 horses returned to work at a level equal to or greater than that achieved prior to injury and 2 returned to work at a lower level. Three horses incurred separate injuries and were retired or subjected to euthanasia. CONCLUSIONS: Articular involvement should be considered in animals with injuries of an SL branch and concurrent distension of the MCP/MTP joint. Arthroscopy is necessary to identify such lesions confidently and to direct case management. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Arthroscopy of the MCP/MTP joints can make a positive contribution to the assessment and management of some SL branch injuries.  相似文献   

The suspensory ligament is difficult to image accurately, partly because it contains ligamentous fibers, as well as noncollagenous adipose and muscle tissue in the normal horse. Our hypothesis was that magnetic resonance (MR) imaging would be more accurate than ultrasonography in identifying the size of the suspensory ligament and the presence and size of noncollagenous tissues within the ligament. Eleven horses were used for ultrasonographic and MR imaging and histologic evaluation of the rear suspensory ligament. The origin and body of the normal suspensory ligament had a heterogenous appearance on MR images with two separate islands of mixed signal intensity evident throughout its otherwise hypointense cross-sectional area. Histologically, there were isolated islands of muscle, adipose, loose connective tissue and dense collagenous partitions, organized in two separate bundles that extended through the full length of the suspensory ligament origin and body to the level of its bifurcation. Comparison of MR images with corresponding histologic sections confirmed that islands of heterogenous signal intensity in normal suspensory ligaments correlated well with these bundles. Using ultrasonography, it was impossible to distinguish these islands from surrounding dense collagenous tissue consistently. MR imaging determined the cross-sectional area of the suspensory ligament more accurately than ultrasonography. Based upon these results, MR imaging is superior to ultrasonography for assessment of the suspensory ligament. The appearance associated with normal ligament anatomy needs to be understood before MR signal variation can be considered as indicative of disease in the suspensory ligament.  相似文献   

The accessory ligament of the hindlimb suspensory ligament arises from the plantar aspect of the calcaneus and fourth tarsal bones and blends with the suspensory ligament in the proximal aspect of the metatarsus. The accessory ligament of the suspensory ligament of both hindlimbs of 12 mature horses, with no history of hindlimb lameness, was assessed ultrasonographically. The ligament comprised linear parallel echoes which were consistently shorter than those of the lateral digital flexor tendon; the dorsal and plantar borders were parallel. Lameness associated with injury of the accessory ligament of the suspensory ligament was identified in 6 of 8 lame hindlimbs of 5 horses, unilaterally in 4 horses and bilaterally in one horse. In all horses there was concurrent proximal suspensory desmopathy. There was localised oedematous swelling on the distal medial aspect of the chestnut extending distally in 2 horses. Lameness was best identified when the horses were ridden. Perineural analgesia of the deep branch of the lateral plantar nerve abolished lameness in 3 horses but perineural analgesia of the tibial nerve was required to abolish lameness in the hindlimb with injury of the accessory ligament of the suspensory ligament in 2 horses. Injury of the accessory ligament of the suspensory ligament was characterised by marked decrease in echogenicity of the ligament and loss of parallel alignment of the linear echoes, which were shorter than normal in longitudinal images.  相似文献   

Ultrasonography is routinely used to achieve the diagnosis of equine suspensory ligament desmopathy. In human medicine, power Doppler ultrasonography has also been found to be useful for the diagnosis of tendon/ligament injuries. The aim of this prospective, pilot study was to assess the presence or absence of power Doppler signal in suspensory ligament branches and compare B‐mode findings with power Doppler findings in suspensory ligament branches of lame and non‐lame limbs. Thirteen horses were used (eight lame horses, with lameness related to pain in the suspensory ligament branches, and five non‐lame horses). Ten lame limbs and 24 sound limbs were assessed by B‐mode and power Doppler ultrasonography. The severity of power Doppler signal was scored by two independent readers. The B‐mode ultrasonographic examination revealed abnormalities in branches of lame limbs and in branches of sound limbs. Suspensory ligament branches that were considered normal in B‐mode showed no power Doppler signal. However, power Doppler signal was detected in suspensory ligament branches that were abnormal in B‐mode, both in lame and sound limbs. Power Doppler scores were subjectively higher in suspensory ligament branches of lame limbs and in branches with more severe B‐mode changes. Findings supported the use of power Doppler as an adjunctive diagnostic test for lame horses with suspected suspensory desmopathy.  相似文献   

This report outlines the diagnosis, surgical treatment and successful outcome following treatment of second metacarpal bone exostosis with concurrent suspensory ligament desmitis, and lameness in a horse. Magnetic resonance imaging was useful in determining the extent of pathology within the suspensory ligament and site of proposed surgical resection. MRI was also utilised as a post-operative tool in determining the timescale for satisfactory healing to enable the horse to return to athletic work.  相似文献   

A 10-year-old golden retriever dog was presented for chronic right forelimb lameness associated with a painful swelling at the lateral aspect of the proximal ulna. Proximal ulnar ostectomy and stabilization resulted in a good clinical outcome. The proposed diagnosis is chronic desmitis and enthesiophytosis of the radio-ulnar interosseous ligament.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine outcome of percutaneous ultrasound-guided desmoplasty with simultaneous fasciotomy for proximal suspensory desmitis (ie, desmitis of the origin of the suspensory ligament) in horses that have not responded to stall rest. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. ANIMALS: 27 horses. PROCEDURES: Medical records of horses with proximal suspensory desmitis treated by means of desmoplasty with fasciotomy were reviewed. Follow-up information was obtained through telephone conversations with owners and trainers of the horses or by examination of horses at the hospital. RESULTS: 23 of the 27 (85%) horses, including 3 of 4 horses with forelimb lesions and 20 of 23 horses with hind limb lesions, were able to return to full work after surgery and rehabilitation. All horses had ultrasonographic evidence of healing of suspensory ligament lesions. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that desmoplasty with fasciotomy is a viable treatment option in horses with proximal suspensory desmitis that have not responded to stall rest.  相似文献   

Rupture of the suspensory ligament at the insertions on the proximal sesamoid bones, and of the superficial flexor tendon of the left fore limb, occurred in an adult Angus bull as a result of fighting. There was severe hyperextension of the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint with the dewclaws almost touching the ground. Radiographs revealed severe hyper-extension of the MCP joint with the sesamoid bones aligned directly distal to the metacarpus. Initially, a full length fiberglass cast was applied with the limb partially flexed within the cast and the heels elevated. The cast was replaced twice. The cast was removed after 136 days and the bull was bearing full weight on the limb. Prolonged immobilisation of the limb produced new bone in the area (a normal response in cattle) to cause ankylosis of the traumatized MCP joint and partial ankylosis of the carpus. The bull was being used for pasture breeding one year after the injury.  相似文献   

Four horses were examined because of chronic forelimb lameness. In all horses, the cause of the lameness was localized to the metacarpus by means of physical examination and diagnostic anesthesia, and radiography of the affected limb revealed a small exostosis of the second metacarpal bone. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed suspensory desmitis in the region of this exostosis in all 4 horses. In addition, an abnormal area of low signal intensity, suggestive of an adhesion, was seen between the exostosis and the suspensory ligament. In all horses, an adhesion between the suspensory ligament and the exostosis on the second metacarpal bone was identified and transected at surgery, and the exostosis and distal portion of the second metacarpal bone were removed. All horses were able to return to their previous athletic use following a 6-month rest and rehabilitation program for treatment of the suspensory desmitis. Findings in these horses suggest that adhesions between the suspensory ligament and an exostosis of the second metacarpal bone may be a cause of chronic or recurrent forelimb lameness in horses.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Desmopathies of the suspensory ligament are relatively frequent and vary in prevalence over different anatomical regions. This variation may be because of regional differences in tissue characteristics. Objective: To characterise different regions of healthy forelimb suspensory ligaments (SLs) by means of biochemical, biomechanical and histomorphological techniques. Hypothesis: There is substantial topographical heterogeneity in the SL with respect to structural, compositional and functional characteristics. Methods: SLs were harvested from 38 limbs and used for biochemical (n = 20), biomechanical (n = 14) and histomorphological (n = 4) evaluation. Sulphated glycosaminoglycan (S‐GAG), DNA and collagen content, degree of lysyl hydroxylation and numbers of enzymatic and nonenzymatic cross‐links were determined in 7 regions of the SL: lateral and medial part of the origin (OM, OL), mid‐body (MB), axial and abaxial parts of the lateral and medial branches (ILAX, ILAB, IMAX and IMAB, respectively). Passive resistance to tensile loading was measured in 5 regions of the SL (all except OL and OM). Results: DNA content was lower in OL and OM than in all other parts. GAG content was also lower in OL and OM and highest in ILAB and IMAB. Collagen content was lower in OL/OM and highest in ILAX/IMAX. Pentosidine levels were highest in OL and significantly lower in the lateral insertion (ILAX/ILAB). There were no differences in hydroxylysylpyridinoline (HP) cross‐links or lysyl hydroxylation. Stiffness (P<0.01) and modulus of elasticity (P<0.01) were substantially higher in the MB region than in all other regions except for IMAB. Strain at failure was lower in the MB region (P<0.0001), resulting in a comparable force at rupture as in the other regions. Conclusions: Matrix composition differs to a relatively limited extent between different regions of the SL. The mid‐body of the ligament is stiffer than the branches, which have similar properties and relevance and mechanical differences between mid‐body and branches/origin may explain some use‐related differences in the prevalence of lesions.  相似文献   

Lameness in horses due to pain originating from the proximal metacarpal/metatarsal region remains a diagnostic challenge. In cases of obvious lameness the pain can be localised to this region by diagnostic anaesthesia. Because a variety of disorders can cause lameness in this region different imaging modalities including radiography, ultrasonography and scintigraphy should be used to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. Even though a precise anatomic-pathologic diagnosis can still be an enigma, because not only bone and joints, but also soft tissue structures including the proximal suspensory ligament, its origin at the proximal metacarpus/ metatarsus, its fascia, the superficial fascia, as well as the intermetacarpal/metatarsal ligaments, the accessory ligament of the deep digital flexor tendon and both digital flexor tendons may be involved. Magnet resonance tomography (MRT) shows a high diagnostic sensitivity in imaging soft tissue structures and bone. In horses MRT is still at the beginning. The MRT appearance of the proximal metacarpal/metatarsal region has not yet been evaluated in detail and there are only few anatomic studies of the origin of the suspensory ligament in horses. The first experiences showed, that more gross and histologic examinations are necessary to fully interpret MRT-images and to differentiate pathologic alterations from clinically not relevant variations.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: The diagnosis of lameness caused by proximal metacarpal and metatarsal pain can be challenging. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) offers the possibility for further diagnosis but there have been no studies on the normal MRI appearance of the origin of the suspensory ligament (OSL) in conjunction with ultrasonography and histology. OBJECTIVES: To describe the MRI appearance of the OSL in fore- and hindlimbs of sound horses and compare it to the ultrasonographic and histological appearance. The findings can be used as reference values to recognise pathology in the OSL. METHODS: The OSL in the fore- and hindlimbs of 6 sound horses was examined by ultrasonography prior to death, and MRI and histology post mortem. Qualitative evaluation and morphometry of the OSL were performed and results of all modalities compared. RESULTS: Muscular tissue, artefacts, variable SL size and shape complicated ultrasonographic interpretation. In MRI and histology the forelimb OSL consisted of 2 portions, the lateral being significantly thicker than medial. The hindlimb SL had a single large area of origin. In fore- and hindlimbs, the amount of muscular tissue was significantly larger laterally than medially. Overall SL measurements using MRI were significantly higher than using histology and ultrasonography and histological higher than ultrasonographic measurements. Morphologically, there was a good correlation between MRI and histology. CONCLUSIONS: MRI provides more detailed information than ultrasonography regarding muscle fibre detection and OSL dimension and correlates morphologically well with histology. Therefore, ultrasonographic results should be regarded with caution. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: MRI may be a diagnostic aid when other modalities fail to identify clearly the cause of proximal metacarpal and metatarsal pain; and may improve selection of adequate therapy and prognosis for injuries in this region.  相似文献   

Objective: To report a tenoscopic technique using monopolar electrosurgery to transect the accessory ligament of superficial digital flexor muscle (AL‐SDFM) and outcome in 33 horses. Study Design: Case series. Animals: Horses (n=33). Methods: Medical files and surgery video recordings of horses that had AL‐SDFM desmotomy performed by tenoscopy with monopolar electrosurgical electrodes were reviewed. Results: Of 33 horses, 24 were Standardbred racehorses with surgery performed bilaterally for superficial digital flexor tendonitis and 9 horses had flexural deformity. Severe (n=6) and mild (6) intrathecal hemorrhage was the most common intraoperative complication. Large intrathecal vessels including the nutrient artery were successfully electrocoagulated and AL‐SDFM transection was completed. Clear/serosanguinous drainage from skin incisions was observed for 4.3±3.3 days (mean, SD). Protracted wound drainage for >4 days occurred in 10 horses, principally in the group treated for flexural deformities (P=.01). Conclusions: Sixty‐four AL‐SDFM were transected under tenoscopic observation using monopolar electrodes. Electrocoagulation of large intrathecal vessels, including the nutrient artery, was possible in all cases and allowed completion of desmotomy. Postoperative wound care was similar to routine tenoscopy in most (70%) horses. Aseptic protracted wound drainage was observed in 30% of horses (principally those with flexural deformity), and led to a prolonged hospitalization.  相似文献   

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