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应用扫描电子显微镜对牦牛皮蝇三期幼虫的形态学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用扫描电子显微镜对寄生于牦牛体的牛皮蝇、纹皮蝇和中华皮蝇(Hypoderma bovis,H.lineatum.H.sinense)三期幼虫进行了形态学观察。3种三期幼虫头部的形态结构差别不大。牛皮蝇三期幼虫气门板呈漏斗状,气门孔周围有粗壮的突棘,纹皮蝇三期幼虫气门板扁平,气门孔周围无棘;中华皮蝇三期幼虫气门板稍有凹陷,气门孔周围有少量小的突棘。牛皮蝇三期幼虫第十节的前缘和后缘上面无棘;纹皮蝇三期幼虫第十节的后缘上面有刺,前缘无棘;中华皮蝇三期幼虫第十节的前缘和后缘上面均有棘。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片及微血管铸型技术,观察了成年大鼠睾丸微血管的分布与构筑形式.光镜下每个生精小管与六个生精小管相临,微血管则明显得排列在相临生精小管形成的六角形的角缘处.扫描电镜下观察到睾丸表面的微动脉吻合为网格状;这种形式为睾丸表面的生精小管提供了丰富的营养和必要的激素水平;睾丸动脉主支发出走行迂曲的睾丸小动脉,进入睾丸小隔后,再发出管间微动脉,并与管间微动脉相互连接为绳梯状的毛细血管网.睾丸实质内绳梯状的毛细血管网,使每个生精小管都能得到充分的营养和激素供应;睾丸内的动脉迂曲走行,对于维持睾丸低于体内3~5℃的适宜温度,使精子正常产生,具有重要意义.  相似文献   

An investigation by scanning electron microscope was performed on colonic specimens from 4 conventionally reared pigs, 2 of which were suffering from swine dysentery (SD) after inoculation with Treponema hyodysenteriae in pure culture. In pigs with SD dilated cryptal openings surrounded by uneven mucosa with furrows and ridgeformations were found in areas with scattered pseudomembranes. The treponemes were numerous on the mucosal surface but seemed only to penetrate damaged epithelial cells. Freeze-fractured sections from the same pigs revealed dilated crypts where the microvilli were short, irregular and markedly reduced in number possibly due to change in cell kinetics. The present study seems to indicate that epithelial attachment and penetration of treponemes are of minor importance in SD pathogenesis.  相似文献   

家鸡蛋壳组织结构的扫描电镜观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
用扫描电子显微技术对家鸡蛋壳结构进行研究的结果,进一步直观形象地丰富了我们在这个领域的知识。  相似文献   

The study of lingual surfaces and the surface of interface epithelium-connective tissue of the tongue of Bradypus torquatus was performed by employing the light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. The results revealed that the rostral part of the tongue presents a round apex and covered by filiform and fungiform lingual papillae and a ventral smooth surface. It was observed that the epithelial layer of the dorsal surface possesses the basal, spinosum, granular and cornified epithelial cells. The lamina propria is characterized by a dense connective tissue forming the long, short and round papillae. Numerous typical filiform papillae are located especially in the rostral part intermingled for few fungiform papillae, which were revealed in three-dimensional SEM images. Usually, the fungiform papillae are located in the border of rostral apex of the tongue exhibiting the rounded form. They are covered by keratinized epithelial cells. In the fungiform papillae, several taste pores were observed on the surface. The vallate papillae presented numerous taste buds in the wall of epithelial cells, being that the major number of taste buds is located on the superior half of vallate papilla. The taste pores are surrounded by several laminae of keratinized epithelial cells. The samples treated with NaOH solution and examined by SEM revealed, after removal of the epithelial layer, the dense connective core in original disposition, presenting different sizes and shapes. The specimens stained with Picrosirius and examined by polarized light microscopy revealed the connective tissue, indicating the collagen fibres type I and type III.  相似文献   

鲤吉陶单极虫体被结构的扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用扫描电镜,对鲤鱼肠道内的吉陶单极虫体被进行了形态学观察。吉陶单极虫的孢子呈瓜子形,后端钝圆,向前一端逐渐尖细。从孢子的后端向前端方向常常包裹着一个无色透明的薄膜。孢子可分为背面和腹面,背面光滑无皱褶,并可见一长卵圆形的极囊,极囊一般较大,约为孢子长度的一半。孢子的腹面褶皱不平,形成形态各异、大小和数量不等的迷宫状沟回,沟回主要分布在孢子的中后端。偶见放出极丝的孢子,极丝较长,常为孢子长度的1倍以上。  相似文献   

Morphology of the surface of apical membranes of ependymal cells has been studied in the whole ventricular system of the brain in goat and sheep fetuses using a scanning electron microscope. The surface structure of the ependymal lining surface in fetuses of small ruminants is very similar to that in adult animals. Supraependymal cells were found only in the lower part of the third cerebral ventricle in goat fetuses, but not in sheep fetuses. In small ruminants the ependymal surface is already regionally differentiated within the end of the first half of prenatal development. Fetal ependyma of goats and sheep, unlike the adult ependyma, is characterized by a high secretory activity, which is independent of sex or age of fetuses.  相似文献   

对牛腹腔唇乳突丝虫雌性成虫及其感染蚴扫描电镜观察结果表明,成雌虫头端的口孔、角质围口环、侧唇、背腹唇、亚中乳突和头感器均清晰可见,体表为环行皮纹和纵行皱褶,尾部可见侧附肢、肛孔及尾端刺状突起物,仅极少数成雌虫尾端呈纯圆光滑样,没有突起物.感染蚴的头部基本具备了成虫头部的构造,但发育较原始,其乳交数量较成虫少,尾部可见肛孔、肛唇及一个侧乳突.  相似文献   

12只临床表现头颈歪斜、昏睡、震颤、局部或全身轻瘫的可疑为兔脑炎原虫病的獭兔 ,对其肾脏皮髓交界和尿沉渣分别进行了扫描电镜和负染电镜观察 ,看到了大小为 1~ 1 .5× 1 .4~ 2 .5μm,形态呈卵圆形和杆状的兔脑炎原虫。阳性检出率为 1 0 0 %。说明扫描及负染电镜术是诊断兔脑炎原虫病的一种较为可靠的技术。  相似文献   

A new light microscopy classification of spermatogenesis in the bull and the boar was formulated to be used in conjunction with electron microscopy. It uses information available from all cell types and allows for very small portions of testicular epithelium at any orientation to be evaluated. The classification devised, being simple in outline, allows for the natural overlap of cell types. Furthermore, it emphasises the direct comparability of the morphological events occurring during spermatogenesis in the bull and the boar.  相似文献   

观察了5只健康成年母鸡腺胃粘膜上皮及其固有层腺体的亚显微结构。结果,粘膜表面散布许多隆起的乳头,其上皮为单层柱状上皮,上皮细胞顶端呈球状冠,表面布满球形微突;浅层单管腺上皮细胞形态与粘膜上皮细胞相似;深层复管腺的分泌导管开口于乳头顶端。复管腺由许多圆形或多形性小叶组成,每个腺小叶包括1个集合窦和许多围绕集合窦呈辐射状排列的腺小管。腺小管上皮细胞游离端呈椭球状冠。  相似文献   

将狂犬病固定毒CTN株(中国济南株)、CVS株(国际标准攻击毒株)、ERA株(兽用疫苗弱毒株),分别在小鼠脑组织增殖及ERA毒株在BHK21传代细胞增殖,通过超薄切片和负染色制备样品,电镜观察。结果发现,在相同鼠脑组织中,CTN株病毒粒子比较难查找,而CVS株和ERA株较易被发现。另外,在不同毒株的脑组织和细胞培养物另还发现了大量的非典型粒子,诸如削了顶的粒子以及锥形、柱形等形态,同时还发现了胞浆包涵体。通过试验,我们认为:⑴典型病毒数量与免疫原性呈正相关。⑵在观察鼠脑细胞中的病毒时,发现有神经髓鞘部位是难以找到病毒粒子的。⑶狂犬病病毒粒子存在于宿主细胞浆内,核内未发现。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to study the effects of cryopreservation on the binding and penetration of dog spermatozoa to the zona pellucida (ZP) by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The sperm-rich fraction of six ejaculates from five dogs was divided into two aliquots and washed by centrifugation. One aliquot was processed as fresh control sample and the other aliquot frozen in Tris-fructose extender. Gamete interaction was assessed using in vitro matured bitch oocytes, which were co-incubated for up to 3 h. At hourly intervals after the start of co-incubation, in vitro fertilized (IVF) oocytes were processed by SEM. The results were analysed statistically using the anova test. Differences in binding and penetration of the spermatozoa to the ZP occurred; a lower proportion of oocytes with spermatozoa bound to ZP was observed using frozen sperm (p < 0.05) than with fresh sperm (61%, 57% and 53% vs 42%, 40% and 44% at 1, 2 and 3 h, respectively). The percentage of ZP penetration by fresh sperm was directly proportional to the time of co-incubation (9%, 25% and 34%; p < 0.05); in contrast, no differences were observed in the penetration rate with frozen-thawed sperm (21%, 17% and 21%). More acrosome reacted sperm were observed in frozen sperm than in fresh sperm on the surface of the ZP. The differences in the percentage of binding and penetration between fresh and frozen sperm during the co-culture could indicate that the time course of penetration is faster in frozen-thawed dog spermatozoa than in fresh sperm, but that fresh spermatozoa can penetrate more oocytes over a given period of time, which may be related to their reacted or non-reacted initial status.  相似文献   

牛肝片吸虫的成虫体表有环行排列的、呈“牛舌状”的棘,其顶部有?数个齿;迷走幼虫体表无体棘,仅有环状排列的、粗细不一的皱纹,其头锥较长,约为虫体的1/2,口腹吸盘是圆形,上有细皱纹和数个乳突。受损职管的大部分功能消失殆尽。而增生小胆管则功能旺盛。浸润的嗜酸粒细胞、淋巴细胞功能较活跃。浸润的细胞中未见巨噬细胞。探讨了虫体与胆管损伤的关系。  相似文献   

PILAR LAFUENTE  DVM  PhD    JORDI FRANCH  DVM  PhD    IGNACIO DURALL  DVM  PhD    CRISTINA MANZANARES  MD  PhD 《Veterinary surgery : VS》2009,38(3):388-397
Objective— To describe the morphology of calcified tissues involved in distraction osteogenesis (DO) by means of backscattered scanning electron microscopy (BS-SEM).
Study Design— Experimental study.
Animals— Adult female Beagle dogs (n=12).
Methods— Nonsimultaneous and bilateral transverse mid-diaphyseal osteotomies performed in tibiae were stabilized and distracted by a Type Ia external skeletal fixation device. After a latency period of 5 days, distraction was applied at a rate of 0.5 mm every 12 hours for 10 days. Then, the external fixator was maintained in a static mode during the consolidation period until bone healing or euthanasia at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 18 weeks after operations, whichever came first. Distracted regions were isolated and their structure was examined by BS-SEM.
Results— Calcified chondroid tissue was prominent during distraction and calcified cartilaginous tissue during consolidation; both tissues were successively replaced by woven, lamellar, and osteonal bone.
Conclusions— In osteotomized tibia, chondroid tissue is the main component of the mineralization front during distraction, calcified cartilaginous tissue during consolidation, and then both tissues are replaced by woven, lamellar, and osteonal bone. The ossification mechanism of distraction callus is transchondroidal.
Clinical Relevance— BS-SEM is an effective technique for studying progression of bone healing during DO. The presence of chondroid tissue during DO explains why callus mineralization occurs more rapidly during distraction than during static stabilization.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the Harderian gland of Atlantic bottlenose dolphin ( Tursiops truncatus ) was examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). We found the following surface features: the typical round appearance of the ascinar glandular unit with a finely granular surface, a thin cortex and immediately below two types of cells: type I cells (characterized by small lipid vacuoles) and type II cells (characterized by large lipid vacuoles). It has been suggested that different cells forms represent a single cell type in varying activity states. Additionally, a coalescent tubular complex, a small balloon-like structures and large globular structures were observed. These structures may be reservoirs of secretion products.  相似文献   

Porcine oocytes and pre-implantation embryos from the same, as well as from different animals, have an extremely heterogeneous morphology of the zona pellucida (ZP) surface, as shown by scanning electron microscopy. For years, it has been believed that this heterogeneous morphology plays an important role in the sperm-oocyte interaction. The aim of this study was to analyse the zona morphology and sperm-binding patterns on the porcine ZP. Oocytes were divided into four categories: immature, matured in vivo, or matured in vitro over a time period of 24 or 48 h. The zona morphology of early embryos grown in vivo or in vitro was also investigated. Four different types of zona morphology were detectable. They ranged from a porous, net-like structure to a nearly smooth and compact surface. No correlation could be established between the different kinds of maturation in terms of these zona types. All oocytes exhibited extremely heterogeneous zona morphologies, with no clear trend. During subsequent in vivo embryo development, the zona surface changes from a porous structure to one with a compact surface, while the morphology of in vitro embryos remained compact at all stages of development. The analysis of the number and distribution patterns of spermatozoa trapped in the ZP revealed extremely variable patterns, regardless of the zona morphology. Differences were only present if sorted or unsorted spermatozoa were used for insemination. Regardless of the number of inseminated spermatozoa after sorting, only a few (1-2) could be detected on the ZP. Whether oocytes were matured in vivo or in vitro was not a relevant factor. Unsorted spermatozoa bound in higher numbers than sorted ones. The number was directly dependent on the number of spermatozoa used for insemination.  相似文献   

透射电镜下,犬传染性肝炎急性坏死型病例肝细胞线粒体高度肿胀,嵴断裂。病变严重的,肝细胞胞浆固有结构崩解、碎裂。核内包涵体由基质和ICHV粒子构成;在不含包涵体的核内也见到ICHV粒子。核内的ICHV粒子通过溶解的核膜或由于核崩解而释入胞浆;当细胞膜局部破裂或整个细胞崩解时,细胞内的ICHV粒子释放于细胞外。在嗜酸性小体的胞浆内观察到ICHV粒子。窦状隙内皮细胞和星状细胞呈现与肝细胞类似的变化。扫描电镜下,组织学呈凝固性坏死的胆囊粘膜袁面平坦无结构;亦见胆囊粘膜有局部灶坏死,与周围界限明显,坏死灶外围的上皮细胞结结构不整,上皮顶部凸出的颗粒大小不一或脱落。透射电镜下,呈坏死的胆囊粘膜上皮细胞固有结构消失,呈均质状;其余部位的上皮细胞微绒毛断裂、脱落;线粒体肿胀,嵴溶解,上皮顶部堆集大量的致密小体,细胞间连接复合体结构消失;亦见血管均质坏死,血管内皮的坏死与粘膜上皮的坏死同步或先于其发生。  相似文献   

无毛同类系小鼠皮肤形态及扫描电镜观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对3种无毛同类系小鼠的皮肤形态及超微结构进行了观察。结果发现,3种无毛同类系小鼠约在12日龄开始从眶周脱毛,3~4周龄后除触须外全部脱净,并终生保持无毛状态;1月龄时,无毛小鼠内脏可视,随年龄的增长,皮肤逐渐变松、变厚,并形成特别的皱纹和褶痕,似犀牛状,指甲过度生长,呈螺旋状弯曲;BALB/c无毛小鼠无色素沉着,表型类似于豫医无毛小鼠,DBA/2、C57BL/6无毛同类系小鼠皮肤有黑色素沉着,嘴角、眶周、耳和尾部颜色较重。随年龄增长,皮肤及尾部表面出现一些类似人粉刺样的丘疹,数量逐渐增多,触须也随着年龄增长变得异常而稀疏。电镜扫描观察,脱毛前毛囊上部的毛管先变大,然后再脱毛。无毛同类系小鼠表面有较厚的一层鳞片状角化物,毛囊腔宽大,部分毛囊内含有一些能脱落到表面的角化样碎片。35日龄无毛同类系小鼠可见明显的包囊结构,4月龄包囊增多、变大。  相似文献   

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