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The purpose of this study was to provide a detailed computed tomographic (CT) anatomic reference for the dromedary camel tarsus. Six cadaver pelvic limbs, obtained from three clinically and radiographically sound dromedary camels, were scanned in both soft tissue and bone windows starting from the calcaneal tuber towards the proximal metatarsus. Limbs were frozen at ?20°C and sectioned transversely via an electric bone saw. The CT images were evaluated and correlated with their corresponding cryosections. The resulting images provided detailed anatomic features for bones, joints and soft tissue components of the tarsus and are intended to serve as a basic reference for the CT scanning of the dromedary camel tarsal pathology.  相似文献   

A gross anatomic and radiological examination of the paranasal sinuses of the camel is described. Radiological examination was enhanced through the use of a barium sulphate paste.  相似文献   

This study was conducted on nine heads of normal adult one-humped camels. The specimens were collected from Cairo slaughterhouse. The nasal cavity in the freshly collected samples were dissected and photographed. The specimens for microscopic studies were fixed in different fixatives and prepared to examine by light and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The nasal cavity of the camel was studied grossly and by using of light and scanning electron microscope. Specimens from different regions of this cavity were subjected to different histological stains and also demonstrated by the acid and alkaline phosphatases. Gross morphological examination of this cavity showed its three parts: rostral part (the nasal vestibule) covered with skin of usual structure then it lined with smooth mucosa. The middle part (respiratory) had dorsal, middle and ventral nasal conchae, but the caudal part (olfactory) contained the ethmoidal concha. The lining mucosa of the camel nasal cavity was similar to that of other mammals, but there were some differences: the respiratory epithelium showed a small number of goblet cells and there were a mixture of acidic and neutral mucins inside the epithelial and glandular mucous cells. Strong acid and alkaline phosphatase reaction was observed in the lining epithelium of the nasal cavity. By SEM, it showed the surface epithelial layer of the nasal cavity mucosa in three regions (vestibule, respiratory and olfactory) and resulted that it was stratified cuboidal to columnar epithelium, ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium with few goblet cells or olfactory mucosa containing neurosensory olfactory cells. This study aimed to investigate the anatomical features, the histological and histochemical structures of the nasal cavity in one humped camel. The findings of this study were discussed with the previous works in this field with the other domestic animals.  相似文献   

Apoptosis is a highly regulated mode of cell death that occurs in the absence of inflammation. Light microscopic (LM) examination of the myocardium of apparently healthy camel did not reveal evidence of apoptosis in any samples; however, evidence of apoptosis was apparent by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The most common apoptotic features observed by TEM included (1) an intact sarcolemma with some bleb formation; (2) nuclear chromatin condensation and margination with nucleolar disruption; (3) mitochondrial swelling and disorganization, accompanied by degeneration or hypercondensation of cristae; and (4) an intercalated disc region with a higher-than-normal mitochondrion/myofibril ratio, or surrounded from both sides by asymmetrically contracted sarcomeres. Apoptotic alterations were also noted among the endothelial cells lining the microvasculature of the myocardium. These alterations included (1) marked nuclear chromatin condensation and margination; (2) villous blebs on the adluminal plasmalemma, which projected into the lumen; (3) cytoplasmic vacuolation; (4) presence of intraluminal membrane-bounded vesicles; and (5) occasional pericapillary edema and accumulations of cellular debris. The results of this study indicate that myocardial apoptosis can occur in apparently healthy camels, in the absence of a clear-cut etiology.  相似文献   

The Coronary Arteries of the Dromedary Camel (Camelus dromedarius)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pattern of distribution of the coronary arteries of the camel was studied by combining dissection and vinyl acetate casts. The results showed that in the camel the right coronary artery supplies the interventricular subsinuosal artery, characteristic of a right coronary pattern. The septal branch that supplied the interventricular septum originated from the paraconal interventricular artery. A muscular bridge was observed crossing each of the paraconal and subsinuosal interventricular arteries in the middle third of the longitudinal grooves.  相似文献   

The morphology of the terminal segment of the common carotid artery of the camel was studied. It was found that this artery terminated by giving off a patent internal carotid artery and continuing as the external carotid artery. A presumptive carotid sinus was present at the region of origin of the internal carotid. Similar to that of other mammals, the carotid sinus of the camel was characterized by a comparatively thin vascular wall rich in elastic fibres. With the electron microscope, free (non-encapsulated) afferent endings, efferent endings, encapsulated axons and bundles of unmyelinated and myelinated nerve fibres were found in the wall of the presumptive carotid sinus. The free afferent endings closely resembled baroreceptor endings of the carotid sinus of other mammalian species in their mitochondrial content and the presence of abnormal organelles such as lamellar bodies, vesicular mitochondria and dense bodies. They were regarded as slowly adapting baroreceptors. The presumptive efferent endings were considered adrenergic whereas the encapsulated axons were thought to be the proximal parts of encapsulated sensory nerve endings.  相似文献   

Studies of ocular development in the dromedary camel (Camelus dromedarius) have not been reported previously. The aim of the present investigation was therefore to document the major landmarks and the time course in the prenatal development of the eye tunics in dromedary camel and its accommodation with the surrounding hard environment of the desert. Serial histological sections of dromedary camel embryos and foetuses were used. Age estimation was made on the basis of gestational size, crown vertebral‐rump length (CVRL), which ranged 1.2–110 cm. The eye of the dromedary camel developed in a similar manner to that of the human and domestic animals eyes; the principal differences were in the time of occurrence of certain developmental events, pigmented peripheral cornea near the limbus, a remarkably thickened Descemet's membrane and pigmentation in the corneo‐scleral junction, which represent an adaptive modification in relation to a severe environment.  相似文献   

采用7.5MHz的线扫探头对4个奶牛尸体跗关节和6头活体奶牛的8个跗关节的正常结 构进行了超声检查。一般骨骼的回声为光环或光线,关节囊呈明显的液怀暗区,腱质呈实性强回声。跗关节背侧的腓骨第三肌、趾长伸肌和趾内侧伸肌腱均可风到,下方为宽大的胫距关节囊,外侧为腓骨长肌和趾外侧伸肌腱,该腱周围有液性暗区的腱鞘。趾关节内侧超声影像图不清楚,后方是片状的趾浅屈肌和发达的趾深肌腱。  相似文献   

In this study, the morphology of the vallate papillae of camel was investigated using gross, light and scanning electron microscopy as well as immunohistochemistry. Vallate papillae were arranged along an identical line on each side of the lingual torus and revealed remarkable individual differences. However, each papilla – round or flat, small or large, single or paired – was surrounded by a prominent groove and an annular pad. Based on our findings, postnatal development and formation of new papillae occur in camel. Microscopically, taste buds were constantly observed along the medial wall epithelium, and in the papillary wall epithelium on both sides of the secondary groove apparently separating the vallate papillae. In addition, an aggregation of taste buds was occasionally observed at the bottom of the lateral wall epithelium. Using SEM, we observed several pits and microplicae on the surface of papillae as well as distinct taste pores on the peripheral parts of the dorsal surface. We demonstrated immunoreactivity of α‐gustducin only in mature taste buds. We conclude that the morphological features and microstructure of vallate papillae are a characteristic feature in camel compared to other ruminants. These features might have evolved to assist the camel in the manipulation and tasting of thin organic stiff plants that grow in its environment and therefore might have related to the feeding habits of the animal.  相似文献   

The foramen magnum (FM) has been an integral component of studies on the ontogeny and evolutionary transformation of the skull. While its shape is variable in different species and breeds, the morphological variations and metrical indices of the foramen have scarcely been studied in camels. A total of 30 adult camel heads with equal sex disparity from three different locations of Northern Nigeria were used in this study for determining the morphological characteristics and osteometry of their foramen magnum. The study reported a mean foramen magnum height and width of 4.04 ± 0.15 and 3.70 ± 0.16 cm, and 3.65 ± 0.27 and 3.45 ± 0.21 cm in the overall males and females, respectively, and a foramen magnum index (FMI) in adult camels, which was over 100. We propose a classification for the morphology of foramen magnum in camels demarcating them into three types. The dorsal border of the foramen presented either a smoothly curved bony margin (Type I), a small, ventrally directed, median bony protrusion (Type II) or a dorsal notch (Type III). No significant osteometric differences were found in any of the variables of the foramen magnum measured in the adult camels (FMH, FMW and FMI) of the various geographical locations, nor between animals of either gender except for the FMH that had a significantly higher mean value in overall males.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to provide a detailed multiplanar computed tomographic (CT) anatomic reference for the bovine tarsus. The tarsal regions from twelve healthy adult cow cadavers were scanned in both soft and bone windows via a 16‐slice multidetector CT scanner. Tarsi were frozen at ?20o C and sectioned to 10‐mm‐thick slices in transverse, dorsal and sagittal planes respecting the imaging protocol. The frozen sections were cleaned and then photographed. Anatomic structures were identified, labelled and compared with the corresponding CT images. The sagittal plane was indispensable for evaluation of bone contours, the dorsal plane was valuable in examination of the collateral ligaments, and both were beneficial for assessment of the tarsal joint articulations. CT images allowed excellent delineation between the cortex and medulla of bones, and the trabecular structure was clearly depicted. The tarsal soft tissues showed variable shades of grey, and the synovial fluid was the lowest attenuated structure. This study provided full assessment of the clinically relevant anatomic structures of the bovine tarsal joint. This technique may be of value when results from other diagnostic imaging techniques are indecisive. Images presented in this study should serve as a basic CT reference and assist in the interpretation of various bovine tarsal pathology.  相似文献   

An unusual case of entropion, corneal ulcer and corneal haemorrhages in a one‐humped camel (Camelus dromedaries) is described. The most prominent clinical findings were entropion of both eyelids, severe blephrospasm, epiphora, conjunctivitis, conjunctival oedema, mucopurulent conjunctival discharges, hyperaemia, lacrimation and photophobia. Corneal ulcers and corneal haemorrhages were also observed.  相似文献   

双峰驼水代谢与血液中无机离子浓度的动态关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
对双峰驼禁水15d,于禁水前、后及暴饮后采血,测定其血液中多种无机离子的浓度变化。结果表明,全血碳酸氢盐含量在禁水期变化极显著,与禁水前相比,冬季试验升高28.09%,夏季试验升高26.59%;暴饮后快速下降,冬、夏季试验分别比禁水前低9.5%和7.8%,4d后恢复正常。血清中K+和Fe2+含量未见统计学差异。血清中Na+、Cl-、Ca2+、Mg2+、和P3+的含量于禁水期逐渐上升,暴饮后快速下降,其变化均有显著差异,其中Na+的正常值显著高于其他反刍动物。结果表明,双峰驼在禁水期具有较高的血液渗透压和碱储量,其对保证缺水时血液酸碱平衡的调节,维持血容量,保证机体正常水代谢功能具有重要作用,是骆驼耐干渴的重要原因之一。  相似文献   

Histological examination of the peripheral circulation of the ovary of 18 females of the one‐humped camel revealed a series of blood vessels with special structures. Throttle or occlusive artery was recorded in the ovarian zona vasculosa and in the cortex, and it showed an intimal cushion‐like thickening made up of intimal bolsters that formed of smooth muscle fibres and glomus cells. The smooth muscle cells of the tunica media and the tunica adventitia of throttle artery pursued a circumferential pattern. Anastomosis arteriovenosa included simple bridge‐like anastomotic vessels between arteria and venae, and glomus vessels of typical structure were demonstrated. Glomus organs were recorded in the ovary and were comprised of the tortuous glomus vessels and the related afferent and efferent vessels. Glomus cell complexes also were commonly occur at the cortex ovarii that possessed an extremely convoluted course with a hyperplastic wall and a narrow lumen. Atypical glomus vessels were demonstrated within the ovarian zona vasculosa, and the wall of these vessels was relatively thick and consisted of double tunica media with an intimal bolster. Some vessels contained an intimal bolster device of exclusively glomus cell structure (glomus bolster) with a tunica elastic interna demarcated it from the glomus cell media. Some venae represented several layers of longitudinally arranged smooth muscle fibres in the tunica media. Other venae showed wall with variable thickness. Venae with double muscular tunica media were recorded in the medulla. Some venae showed double internal elastic lamina. Also, venae with thick adventitia contained dispersed smooth muscle fibres were determined. Spirally oriented arteriole and venule were demonstrated within the cortex and medulla ovarii. Gestation sclerosis was demonstrated in ovarian zona vasculosa of pregnant females.  相似文献   

The anatomical and clinical studies of computed tomography (CT) in Camelidae are scarce. The use of CT in large animal medicine is currently limited by the logistic problems of acquiring computed tomographic images. Several CT studies exist on adult llamas, but not in camels. Accurate interpretation of the planimetric CT normal anatomy is necessary for the study and evaluation of pathological tissues. The purpose of our work was to evaluate the thorax of the newborn camel and related structures by means of CT images and macroscopic sections. One newborn camel of one week was used. It was euthanized for medical reasons unrelated to disease of the thorax. CT images were obtained and detailed anatomy of the thorax was acquired. Different CT windows, soft‐tissue and pulmonary windows, were applied in order to obtain detailed attenuation shades of the thoracic structures. The camel was frozen and sectioned using an electric saw, and we obtained high quality images of the thorax compared with CT images. Clinically relevant anatomic structures of the thorax cavity were identified and labelled in the corresponding CT and gross‐section photographs. The information presented in this paper should serve as an initial reference to evaluate CT images of the newborn camel thorax.  相似文献   

The present work was conducted to examine (1) the morphology of dromedary cumulus‐oocytes complexes (COCs), (2) to study the incidence of spontaneous development of oocytes in vivo and (3) to assess the ability of in vitro matured dromedary oocytes to chemical parthenogenetic activation compared with in vitro fertilized (IVF) oocytes. COCs were recovered from dromedary ovaries classified according to their morphology into six categories. Oocyte diameter was measured using eye piece micrometer. For chemical activation, COCs with at least three layers of cumulus‐cells were in vitro matured (IVM) in TCM 199 + 10 μg/ml FSH + 10 IU hCG/ml + 10% FCS + 50 μg/ml gentamycin. COCs were incubated for 40 h at 38.5°C under 5% CO2 in humidified air. After IVM, matured oocytes with first polar body (first Pb) were divided into two groups. Group 1: activated in 7% ethanol (E) for 5 min followed by culture in 2 mM 6‐dimethylaminopurin (6‐DMAP, E D, subgroup 1) or 10 μg/ml cycloheximide (CHX, E CHX, subgroup 2) for 3.5 h at 38.5°C under 5% CO2. In group 2, oocytes were activated using 50 μM Ca A23187 (Ca A) for 5 min followed by culture in 2 mM 6‐DMAP (Ca D, subgroup 3) or 10 μg/ml CHX(Ca CHX, subgroup 4) for 3.5 h at 38.5°C under 5% CO2. For control group, IVM oocytes were fertilized using frozen‐thawed camel spermatozoa separated by swim‐up method then suspended in Fert‐TALP medium supplemented with 6 mg/ml BSA (FAF) + 10 μg/ml heparin. In all groups, oocytes were in vitro cultured in SOFaa medium + 5% FCS and 5 μg/ml insulin + 50 μg/ml gentamycin. Cleavage rate and embryo development were checked on Days 2, 5 and 8. An average of 11.3 ± 0.3 COCs were recovered/dromedary ovary. Categories 1 and 2 represented 33.1% and 34.8%, respectively, and were significantly higher (p < 0.01) than the other categories (19.1, 9.2 and 2.6% for categories 3–5, respectively). Category 6 (embryo‐like structures) represented 1.2% of the recovered oocytes, staining of these embryo‐like structures with orcien dye indicated the presence of divided cells with condensed nuclei. Dromedary oocytes averaged 166.2 ± 2.6 μm in diameter with black cytoplasm. Chemical activation of IVM dromedary oocyte with first Pb in 7% ethanol or 50 μM Ca A followed by culture in 2 mM 6‐DMAP showed significantly higher (p < 0.01) cleavage and developmental rates to the morula stage than oocytes activated using 7% ethanol or 50 μM Ca A followed by 10 μg/ml CHX or in vitro fertilized control group. Higher (p < 0.01) proportion of oocytes sequentially cultured in 10 μg/ml CHX or that in vitro fertilized were arrested at the 2–4‐cell stage compared with that cultured in 6‐DMAP.  相似文献   

在众多的奶牛场中 ,关节疾病占有相当大的比例 ,因其对产乳量有一定的影响而受到重视。关节疾病的发生必然会引起滑液的物理性状和细胞成分的改变。因此 ,研究正常关节滑液的物理性状及细胞成分 ,对了解病理性关节滑液的变化规律 ,以及判断关节疾病的病性和早期诊疗有一定的临床实践意义。关于某些动物关节滑液性质的研究 ,国外有许多报道 ;国内只见有马的关节滑液中朊的电泳、健康蒙古马的关节滑液中细胞成分的研究和滑液计数法及其正常值等方面的研究。牛的有中国荷斯坦乳牛腕关节滑液某些成分的研究和以关节滑液的动态变化评价特定电磁波…  相似文献   

Seven goats of the West African dwarf breeds, three females and four males, from the same farm were studied by serial radiography from the first week of life and at 3, 6, 9, 16, 23, 28, 37 and 46 weeks of age. The radiological appearance of the developing tarsus as Avaluated from radiographs is described. During the first week postnatally, eight loci were observed to be partially ossified. The talus, tarsi centrale (Tc), first (T1), second (T2), third (T3) and fourth (T4) tarsal bones had each a single loci. The calcaneus bone had two loci, one for the tuber calcanei and another for the calcaneus himself. Fusion of the locus for T2 and T3 was evident in radiographs taken at three weeks. The fused T2 + T3 also appeared fused with die Tc in one of the goats at 23 weeks. The Tc and T4 were observed to fuse in only three of the goats at 23 weeks while in others the bones remained separate throughout the study period. In those goats where the Tc and T4 tarsal bones were not fused, the three tarsal joints were linked by a radiolucent line between these bones. While in the goat where Tc and T2 + T3 bone fusion has occurred the distal intertarsal joint was blocked and the proximal intertarsal was communicating with the tarso metatarsal joint between the separate Tc and T4. The tarsus of the goat is variable and differs from that of sheep and cattle.  相似文献   

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