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塞罕坝主要森林类型林下植被多样性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以塞罕坝地区主要森林类型为研究对象,运用α多样性指数和β多样性指数对其林下灌木层和草本层生物多样性进行研究。结果表明,各林分类型草本层丰富度指数均大于灌木层丰富度指数。在多样性方面,灌木层的Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数最大的林分分别为樟子松林、山杨林,最小的是华北落叶松;草本层Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数最大的林分分别为华北落叶松林、白桦林,最小的为山杨林。在均匀度上,灌木层Jsw和Jsi均匀度指数最大的林分均为樟子松,华北落叶松林最小。草本层均匀度指数Jsw最大为樟子松林,Jsi最大的为华北落叶松林,白桦和山杨都相对较小。对β多样性的研究则表明各林分类型之间灌木层和草本层的相异系数都较大,不同林分之间共有种较少。  相似文献   

以位于长江三峡库区的重庆缙云山针阔混交林为研究对象,利用美国LI-COR公司生产的LI-8100开路式土壤碳通量测量系统对林地有凋落物和无凋落物两种土壤呼吸速率进行了观测。结果表明:(1)有无凋落物对土壤温度、土壤含水量均无影响;(2)有凋落物和无凋落物土壤呼吸的昼夜变化都呈现为单峰曲线,下午14:00左右达到峰值,并且无凋落物土壤呼吸速率小于有凋落物土壤呼吸速率;(3)有凋落物和无凋落物土壤呼吸季节变化趋势都表现为双峰型,峰值分别出现在7月和9月;(4)针阔混交林通过土壤呼吸释放的CO2量达到24.05 t/hm2,其中由凋落物释放的CO2达到5.09 t/hm2,占总CO2释放量的21.16%,说明凋落物对土壤呼吸影响显著。  相似文献   

A preliminary study of the hydrological effects of forest litter and soils in the Simianshan Mountains was carried out. Results indicate that the annual accumulation of different forest litters is about 6.80–20.21 t/hm2 and the maximum water carrying capacity ranges from 1.8 to 4.6 mm. Among them the water carrying abilities of the litter of Lithocarpus glabra and natural deciduous forests are larger than that of Pinus massoniana. A power function relationship exists between the accumulated water-carrying volume and time. An investigation of the physical properties shows that forest soils, to a depth of 1 m, have a powerful water-carrying ability, varying from 7.84 to 18.87 mm. Non-linear regression analysis shows that the soil infiltration rate is significantly correlated with time. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2005, 27(1): 33–37 [译自: 北京林业大学学报]  相似文献   

为了提高长白落叶松-红松林的生产力和生物多样性,2005年秋对长白落叶松人工林进行疏伐,伐后林冠下栽植4年生红松。2012年秋又对上层长白落叶松进行生长伐,设计轻度、中度和强度3种间伐强度和1组未间伐林分(对照),分析5年后不同间伐强度对林下植物多样性和土壤理化性质的影响。结果表明:①抚育间伐能提高林下植物多样性,林下灌木层植物丰富度随着间伐强度的增加而增加,轻度、中度和强度间伐差异显著(p<0.05)。林下灌木层植物多样性指数随着间伐强度的增加而增加,对照与中度间伐、强度间伐差异显著(p<0.05),但中度间伐和强度间伐差异不显著。林下草本层植物的丰富度和多样性指数随着间伐强度的增加而增加,各间伐强度均与对照差异显著(p<0.05),但轻度间伐和中度间伐差异不显著。②适度抚育间伐能改善土壤的理化性质,随着间伐强度的增加,土壤容重有所降低,土壤孔隙度和持水量有所提高;土壤pH值呈现先升高后略有降低的趋势,全K、速效K、全P、速效P、全N、速效N含量先升高后略有降低,其中中度间伐效果最好。综合考虑,对长白落叶松林分进行中度间伐较为适宜。  相似文献   

In many second-rotation Pinus radiata forest planta-tions, there has been a steady trend towards wider tree spacing and an increased rate of application of P fertiliser. Under these regimes, the potential for understory growth is expected to in-crease through increased light and greater nutrient resources. Therefore, understory vegetation could become a more signifi-cant component of P cycling in P. radiata forests than under closely-spaced stands. Studies have shown that growth rates and survival of trees is reduced in the presence of understory vegeta-tion due to the competition of understory vegetation with trees. Other studies have suggested that understory vegetation might have beneficial effects on nutrient cycling and conservation within forest stands. This review discusses the significance of understory vegetation in radiata pine forest stands, especially their role in enhancing or reducing P availability to forest trees.  相似文献   

We used a litterbag method to investigate litter decomposition and related soil degradative enzyme activities across four seasons in a broad-leaved forest and a coniferous forest on Zijin Mountain in s...  相似文献   

Human-induced forest edges are common in many forest landscapes throughout the world. Forest management requires an understanding of their ecological consequences. This study addressed the responses of three ecological groups (non-forest species, secondary forest species and primary forest species) in edge soil seed banks and edge understory vegetation, and explored the relationship between the invasion of non-forest species in edge understory vegetation and the accumulation of their seeds in edge soil seed banks. The soil seed banks and understory vegetation were sampled along transects established at the edges of a continuous subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest tract (Lithocarpus xylocarpus forest) bordering anthropogenic grasslands and three tropical seasonal rain forest fragments (Shorea wantianshuea forest) bordering fallows. Species composition in both soil seed banks and understory vegetation showed great difference among edge sites. In soil seed banks, the dominance (relative abundance and relative richness) of each ecological group did not change significantly along the edge to interior gradient. In understory vegetation, the invasion of non-forest species concentrated on the first several meters along the edge to interior gradient. The dominance of secondary forest species decreased with distance from the edge, while the dominance of primary forest species increased with distance from the edge. In forest edge zones, the invasion of a majority of non-forest species in understory vegetation lags behind the accumulation of their seeds in soil seed banks. Forest edges do not act as a good barrier for the penetration of non-forest species seeds. The lack of non-forest species in understory vegetation must then be due to conditions that are not appropriate for their establishment. Therefore, to prevent germination and survival of non-forest species further into the forest, management should focus on maintaining interior forest conditions.  相似文献   

小秦岭自然保护区森林群落分类及林下植物多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在河南省小秦岭自然保护区设立72块标准样地,通过对植物多样性的调查,采用双向指示种分析方法将其森林群落划分为7个类型,分析了不同群落类型中林下植物的多样性,探索了不同群落类型中林下植物多样性的差异,结果表明:阔叶林中植物物种多样性最大,物种丰富度、多度、Simpson多样性指数和ShannonWiener多样性指数均较高,只有物种均匀度指数较小;针阔混交林中林下植物物种多样性较高;3种针叶林中,油松和华山松植物多样性总体上比较相似,而秦岭冷杉中植物多样性则相对较小;灌丛矮曲林与针叶林相当;竹林中物种多样性普遍较低。  相似文献   

采取种群空间分布格局进行研究与分析,运用扩散系数,丛生指数,扩散指数,聚块性指数,Cassie R.M.指数等聚集度指标对塞罕坝大唤起林场华北落叶松林下植被的水平空间结构进行分析研究,发现多数草本在华北落叶松林下呈聚集分布,极少种类如景天三七、柳兰、柳叶沙参和狭叶荨麻等呈随机分布。结果表明,该地区华北落叶松林生物群落稳定,林下草本生物多样性高。  相似文献   

辽东山区不同森林植被类型枯落物层截留降雨行为研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对辽宁东部山区具有代表性的油松林、落叶松林、红松林、柞木林及杂木林5种森林植被类型枯落物层截留降雨行为进行了比较研究。结果表明,枯落物截留量随林内雨量的增加而增加,呈显的线性关系;枯落物截留率在低的林内雨量级时下降梯度较大,以后随林内雨量增大而逐渐减少,最后趋于某一定值,枯落物截留达到饱和。曲线估计的饱和截留率为:杂木林30%,柞木林23%,落叶松林20%,油松林15%,红松林10%。林冠层与枯落物层截留量依林外雨变化呈显的线性关系,总截留率在低雨量级时保持在较高的水平,随后急剧下降,并逐渐趋于某一稳定性,达到最大截留能力。由曲线推算的最大总截留率,杂木林和 柞木林为45%,落叶松林为40%,红松林和油松林约为30%。枯落物生长季相对于林内雨的截留率为14.31%-43.15%,平均值为31.15%,相对于林外雨量的截留量为11.15%-32.30%,平均值为24.05%。  相似文献   

The Mn, Zn and Cu contents of litter, soil fauna and soil in Pinus koraiensis and mixed broad-leaved forest in Liangshui Nature Reserve of Xiaoxing’an Mountains were analyzed in this paper, results showed that the tested microelement contents in the litter, soil fauna and soil followed the order: Mn>Zn>Cu, but varied with environmental components, for Mn the order is soil>litter>soil fauna, for Zn is soil fauna>litter and soil, and for Cu is soil fauna>soil>litter. The change range of the tested microelement contents in litter was larger in broad-leaved forest than those in coniferous forest. Different soil fauna differed in their microelementenrichment capability, the highest content of Mn, Zn and Cu existed in earthworm, centipede and diplopod, respectively. The contents of the tested microelements in soil fauna had significant correlations with their environmental background values, litter decomposition rate, food habit of soil fauna, and its absorbing selectively and enrichment to microelements. The microelements contained in 5–20 cm soil horizon were more than those in 0–5 cm humus layer, and their dynamics differed in various horizons. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2007, 18(2): 277–282 [译自: 应用生态学报]  相似文献   

在中山市长江库区水源林市级保护区内选择4种不同的林分类型,进行每木检尺和冠层影像拍摄,处理得到林下光照因子和辐射消减因子,分析不同林型对林下光照和辐射消减的影响。结果表明:不同林型对林冠结构和林下光照影响显著,针叶林与针阔混交林的林下光照接近,林冠较差,沟谷季雨林与常绿阔叶林接近,林冠较好;辐射消减在不同林型间差异显著,针叶林和针阔混交林辐射消减较差,常绿阔叶林和沟谷季雨林辐射消减较好;林下光照与辐射消减相关性强,特别是两个林冠结构因子与辐射消减关系密切。在进行林分改造时,建议选择叶片较大较厚,冠幅大而优美的常绿阔叶树种进行更新,天然起源的林分与常绿阔叶林的林冠结构较好,有效维持了森林生态系统稳定。  相似文献   

We studied the impact of stand density and forest floor humus removal on regeneration of Pinus densiflora in a mixed conifer and broad-leaved forest on the Daimonji-Yama Mountain,Kyoto,Japan.Three levels of stand density were set,i.e.,a clear-cut site,a heavily thinned site and a lightly thinned site.In each density treatment,comparisons were carried out between humus removal (A 0 -free)and humus intact(A 0 -intact)subplots.We counted the emergence of sown pine seeds and measured survival and growth of pine seedlings over the next four years.In addition,light conditions and the recovery of understory were monitored.Results show that thinning intensity and humus removal promoted the establishment and growth of seedlings.One exception,however,was that seedling growth was minimal in the heavily thinned A 0 -intact subplots.This was due to a strong response of understory vegetation growth on the treatment combination,which hindered the pine seedling growth.Furthermore,we found that the canopy openness measured at 1.3-m height remained at least 35%for the heavily thinned site in 2008.The results suggest that the removal of the A 0 layer after heavy thinning is the most effective and labor-saving operation for P.densiflora regeneration.  相似文献   

We experimentally investigated interacting effects of canopy gaps, understory vegetation and leaf litter on recruitment and mortality of tree seedlings at the community level in a 20-year-old lowland forest in Costa Rica, and tested several predictions based on results of previous studies. We predicted that experimental canopy gaps would greatly enhance tree seedling recruitment, and that leaf litter removal would further enhance recruitment of small-seeded, shade-intolerant seedlings in gaps. We created a large (320–540 m2) gap in the center of 5 out of 10 40 m × 40 m experimental plots, and applied the following treatments bimonthly over a 14-month-period in a factorial, split–split plot design: clipping of understory vegetation (cut, uncut), and leaf litter manipulations (removal, addition, control). As expected, experimental gaps dramatically increased tree seedling recruitment, but gap effects varied among litter treatments. Litter addition reduced recruitment in gaps, but enhanced recruitment under intact canopy. Species composition of recruits also differed markedly between gap treatments: several small-seeded pioneer and long-lived pioneer species recruited almost exclusively in gaps. In contrast, a few medium-to-large-seeded shade-tolerant species recruited predominantly under intact canopy. Leaf litter represents a major barrier for seedling emergence and establishment of small-seeded, shade-intolerant species, but enhances emergence and establishment of large-seeded, shade-tolerant species, possibly through increased humidity and reduced detection by predators. Periodic clipping of the understory vegetation marginally reduced tree seedling mortality, but only in experimental gaps, where understory vegetation cover was greatly enhanced compared to intact canopy conditions. Successful regeneration of commercially valuable long-lived pioneer trees that dominate the forest canopy may require clear-cutting, as well as weeding and site preparation (litter removal) treatments in felling clearings. Management systems that mimic natural canopy gaps (reduced-impact selective logging) could favor the regeneration of shade-tolerant tree species, potentially accelerating convergence to old-growth forest composition. In contrast, systems that produce large canopy openings (clear-cutting) may re-initiate succession, potentially leading to less diverse but perhaps more easily managed “natural plantations” of long-lived pioneer tree species.  相似文献   

研究喀斯特森林土壤呼吸对探索陆地生态系统碳循环有重要意义。对喀斯特原生乔木林和次生林土壤呼吸速率的非生长季动态变化及对温度变化的响应和不同凋落物处理下土壤呼吸的变化进行了研究,结果表明:喀斯特次生林和原生乔木林土壤呼吸速率非生长季动态变化与土壤温度、林内温度变化总体一致;两演替群落土壤温度能解释95.1%~96.8%,91.3%~92.8%的土壤呼吸变化。去除、添加凋落物处理对土壤呼吸影响有显著差异(P<0.05),分别使土壤呼吸降低了21.29%~54.03%和增加了13.79%~98.41%。不同土壤深度土壤呼吸的Q10值次生林为4.62~4.71、原生林为4.01~4.31。随着土壤深度的增加而增加,去除和添加凋落物处理引起土壤呼吸的Q10值不同,从大到小均表现为去除、对照、添加。两演替群落比较,土壤呼吸因小生境、森林植被不同而存在差异,次生林土壤呼吸速率高于原生乔木林,次生林呼吸速率与土壤温度的相关程度略高于原生乔木林,次生林土壤呼吸对温度的敏感性更强。  相似文献   

【目的】探究不同植被恢复阶段林地凋落物层现存量及其碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)化学计量的差异,为亚热带地区退化林地的植被恢复和管理提供科学依据。【方法】采用空间代替时间的方法,在位于亚热带丘陵区的湖南省长沙县选取地域相邻、环境条件基本一致的4种处于不同植被恢复阶段林地:檵木-南烛-杜鹃灌草丛(LVR)、檵木-杉木-白栎灌木林(LCQ)、马尾松-柯(又名石栎)-檵木针阔混交林(PLL)、柯-红淡比-青冈常绿阔叶林(LAG)作为一个恢复序列,设置固定样地,按未分解层、半分解层和已分解层采集凋落物层分析样品,测定凋落物层现存量以及不同分解层凋落物C、N、P含量及其化学计量比。【结果】1)凋落物层及其各分解层凋落物的现存量总体上随着植被恢复而增加,同一林地不同分解层表现为:已分解层>半分解层>未分解层,不同分解层之间的差异随着植被恢复而增大。2)凋落物层C含量以PLL最高,LCQ最低,而N、P含量总体上随着植被恢复而增高;C、N、P含量随着凋落物的分解而下降。3)无论是整个凋落物层C储量还是各分解层凋落物C储量,均以PLL最高,其次是LAG,LVR最低,而N、P储量随着植被恢复而增高。4)整个凋落物层以及各分解层凋落物的C/N比值均表现为:PLL>LVR>LCQ>LAG,而C/P、N/P比值总体上随着植被恢复呈下降趋势;C/N、C/P、N/P比值基本上随着凋落物的分解而下降。【结论】随着植被恢复,凋落物层现存量及其N、P含量增加,C/N、C/P、N/P比值下降,体现了生态系统物质循环随着植被恢复逐渐优化。  相似文献   

李海防 《林业研究》2010,21(3):301-310
CH4是重要的温室气体之一,其主要排放源是森林土壤。本研究采用静态箱法对华南地区尾叶桉林(Eucalyptusurophylla)(B1),厚荚相思林(Acacia crassicarpa)(B2),10个树种的混交林(B3)和30个树种的混交林(B4)4种林型土壤CH4通量进行了原位测定,研究剔除林下灌草和添加翅荚决明(Cassia alata)对土壤CH4通量的影响。4个处理包括:(1)剔除林下灌草并添加翅荚决明(UR+CA);(2)仅剔除林下灌草(UR);(3)仅添加翅荚决明(CA);(4)对照(CK)。研究结果表明:林型变化对土壤CH4通量有重要影响,B1和B2表现为CH4的汇,而B3和B4为CH4的源,剔除林下灌草能改善土壤微生物活性,加快土壤矿化速度,促进CH4的吸收;而林下添加翅荚决明,由于翅荚决明根系的固氮作用,能加快土壤CH4的排放,表层土壤温度和湿度与土壤CH4通量具有强相关性;土壤有机碳(SOC)和可溶性N也是影响CH4通量的重要因子。本研究对探寻人工林管理措施对土壤CH4捧放影响机制具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Understory vegetation controls, in a significant way, the regeneration of overstory trees, carbon sequestration and nutrient retention in tropical forests. Development and organization of understory vegetation depend 3n climate, edaphic and biotic factors which are not well correlated with plant community structures. This study aimed to ~xplore the relationships between understory vegetation and abiotic factors in natural and planted forest ecosystems. A non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordination technique was applied to represent forest understory vegetation among five forest communities, i.e., a dry miscellaneous forest (DMF), a sal mixed forest (SMF), a teak plantation (TP), a low-land miscellaneous forest (LMF) and a savanna area (SAV) of the Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, located in northern India. Microclimatic variables, such as photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), air temperature (AT), soil Lemperature (ST), ambient atmospheric CO2 concentration, absolute air humidity (AH), physical and chemical soil ~roperties as well as biological properties were measured. Understory species were assessed via 100 random quadrats (5 m x 5 m) in each of the five forests in which a total of 75 species were recorded encompassing 67 genera from 37 families, consisting of 32 shrubs and 43 plant saplings. DMF was the most dense forest with 34,068 understory individuals per ha of different species, whereas the lowest understory population (13,900 per ha) was observed in the savanna. Ordination and correlation revealed that microclimate factors are most important in their effect compared to ~daphic factors, on the development of understory vegetation in the various forest communities in the north of India.  相似文献   

In seasonal climates the timing of logging operations can be adjusted to avoid the major growing periods of understory plants and seedlings. We evaluated the understory vegetation at five pairs of hardwood-dominated sites in northern Wisconsin, U.S.A. where one site in each pair was logged during winter and the other during summer. All sites were dominated by sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and basswood (Tilia americana), with varying amounts of other native tree species. Most (84%) of the 247 vascular plant species recorded during the study are indigenous to the region. Winter-logged sites supported significantly higher numbers and percent cover of ecologically vulnerable native plant species as defined by independently established coefficients of conservatism. These differences between winter-logged and summer-logged sites suggest that winter logging may have fewer negative impacts than summer logging on vulnerable plant species and, in the long run, may help maintain plant biodiversity in managed forests of this region. In both types of sites, understory plant richness and diversity were significantly higher near logging roads, due largely to higher numbers of alien species and early successional native plants. Away from roads, neither species richness nor diversity differed between winter-logged and summer-logged sites. Studies that fail to account for differences in species composition and studies that fail to include samples of access roads or skid trails are likely to ignore important impacts of logging activities.  相似文献   

The effects of clear-cutting on the decomposition rate of leaf litter and on nitrogen (N) and lignin dynamics were investigated in a temperate secondary forest. Decomposition processes were examined over an 18-month period by the litterbag method and compared between a clear-cut site and an adjacent uncut control site using leaf litter from five dominant tree species (Clethra barvinervis, Quercus serrata, Camellia japonica, Ilex pedunculosa and Pinus densiflora). The decomposition rate for litter from C. barvinervis, Q. serrata and I. pedunculosa was significantly greater in the clear-cut plot than in the control plot, and there was no significant difference between plots for C. japonica and P. densiflora. Water content of litter was consistently lower in the clear-cut plot than in the control plot. Nitrogen mass increased after 6 months in the control plot, whereas no net increase of N was observed in the clear-cut plot. Nitrogen concentration increased with respect to accumulated mass loss of litter and was consistently lower in the clear-cut plot for all five species. The mass of lignin remaining in decomposing litter was generally lower in the clear-cut plot, but lignin concentration in decomposing litter was not significantly different between the clear-cut and control plots.  相似文献   

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