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  • ? In Mediterranean forestry, it is important to improve knowledge about mixed stands dynamics, including their productivity. Previous studies have focused on the interactions between different species (competition, reduction of competition and facilitation) depending on site, species composition and structure.
  • ? At the centre of this research are the possible differences between pure and mixed stands of Pinus sylvestris and Quercus pyrenaica in terms of density-growth relationships and volume growth per species.
  • ? Using data from the second and third Spanish National Forest Inventory (606 plots), volume increment models for these species were fitted. Both species displayed a similar density-growth pattern for pure and mixed stands, with a maximum volume growth at maximum density. Volume increment per occupied area was also found to be greater in mixed stands as opposed to pure stands, suggesting a species interaction with reduced levels of competition in the former. However, the total volume growth was generally lower in mixed stands since the growth rate of oak is much lower.
  • ? The results highlight the expedience of favouring P. sylvestris-Q. pyrenaica mixed stands with higher proportions of pine trees in order to gain the benefits of a more complex forest whilst retaining an acceptable level of wood production.
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    Spatial and temporal variation of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, B and Al concentrations in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) bark and stemwood was studied in three stands at different stages of development. Concentrations of the mobile nutrients N, P and K increased in stemwood and inner bark towards the youngest tissues vertically towards the top of the stem, and horizontally from the pith to the youngest annual rings. The concentrations of Ca, Mg, Mn and Zn were greatest in the oldest tissues and decreased horizontally towards the youngest annual rings. There was a slight increase of most nutrients near the divide between sapwood and heartwood. Seasonal nutrient variation was greatest in the inner bark. The highest nutrient concentrations occurred in winter and spring. Concentrations also varied with stand age, especially in the inner bark, being lowest in the oldest stand.  相似文献   

    Pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings were lifted on several occasions during autumn 1997 to determine the relationships between storability and frost hardiness. On each lifting date their physiological status was determined by assessment of shoot and root electrolyte leakage and frost hardiness, assessed as freeze-induced electrolyte leakage. Additional seedlings were simultaneously cold-stored for field planting and assessment of preplanting root growth potential in April 1998. First year field performance was determined the following winter. Storability and cold acclimation patterns differed between the two species. Both were negatively affected by early lifting, but oak was less sensitive with respect to survival, and pine attained tolerance to cold storage more rapidly and earlier with respect to growth increment. The correlations between shoot frost hardiness and performance suggest that freeze-induced shoot electrolyte leakage (SELdiff?20) below a threshold of 5% is a good storability predictor for Scots pine in Denmark. A completely reliable criterion for pedunculate oak could not be established.  相似文献   

    Temporal variation in nutrient concentrations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles was studied during a three‐year period in three stands of differing stages of development. Concentrations of N, P and K varied significantly between years; this variation was related to differences in needle dry weight. Concentrations of all measured nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu, Zn, Fe, B) and Al varied between seasons; this variation was related to nutrient mobility and the annual physiological cycle. Concentrations of the mobile nutrients N, P and K decreased in spring and early summer during shoot and needle elongation and increased in late summer and autumn during needle senescence and litterfall. Concentrations of Mg, Cu, Zn and B followed somewhat similar patterns. The poorly mobile nutrients Ca, Mn and Fe accumulated gradually in needles during each growing season. Needle nutrient concentrations were stable during the nonactive period.  相似文献   

    We evaluated how the variability of nutrient concentrations affects their suitability as quality attributes. Foliar elements of four batches of three-year-old bareroot Scots pine seedlings, 150 seedlings from each batch, were analyzed. The variability in the concentrations of N, P, and K was small (coefficient of variation in a batch was 11–12), that of Ca and Zn intermediate (CV 19–21), and that of Mg, Mn, Fe, Al, Cu and Na was large (CV 26–35), being close to the variability in morphological attributes. Micronutrients varied more than macronutrients and a larger sample would be needed to estimate these concentrations with the same precision. Correlations between seedling size and nutrient concentrations in needles were small. Positive and negative correlations were found among nutrient concentrations, but not large enough to allow us to predict concentrations with each other. For concentrations of some nutrients the variance within batches was smaller than was found for morphological attributes in both relative and absolute terms, which provides support for batch culling.  相似文献   

    Mortality of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) advance growth seedlings following overstorey removal was studied in nine stands in north Sweden. In each stand, one 40 × 40 m plot was established for each of four different intensities of overstorey removal: 0% (control), 60%, 85% and 100%. Seedlings were monitored on one 18 × 18 m sub‐plot at the centre of each plot for two or three growing seasons following overstorey removal. For seedlings taller than 100 mm, mortality and number of injured seedlings after two growing seasons increased significantly with increasing basal area removal. Seedlings ≤ 100 mm showed the same trend, though not statistically significant. For the height interval > 100 ≤ 500 mm, mortality was not significantly influenced by seedling height. Most of the mortality and the injuries to seedlings were caused by Hylobius abietis (L.) and Pissodes spp. It is concluded that insect damage to released Scots pine advance growth in northern Sweden is a common problem.  相似文献   


    The Gremmeniella abietina outbreak in Sweden in 2001-2003 forced forest owners to sanitary clear-cut large areas of middle-aged Pinus sylvestris stands. There is, however, little knowledge of effective reforestation of P. sylvestris on G. abietina-infected sites. Gremmeniella abietina disease incidence on P. sylvestris seedlings planted in 2003 was studied with and without (control) removal of infected P. sylvestris slash. Removed slash was piled in stacks around the regeneration plots. The seedlings were planted within 1 year after sanitation felling on three sites in northern Sweden. One year after planting, G. abietina pycnidia were found on 32% of the control seedlings and total infection, including stem cankers, reached 44%. Total and G. abietina-induced mortality was 15 and 10%, respectively. The method of removing and piling the infected slash reduced the number of infected seedlings by 50% and seedling mortality by 27% 1 year after planting, compared with control. Consequently, even if there is a clear sanitation effect of removing infected slash to the sides of the regeneration area, it does not eradicate the infection source from the stands. Postponed planting, slash burning or complete removal of the infected slash is needed to minimize the infection risk. The positive correlation found between slash coverage and infection rate indicates that clear-cuts with large amounts of infected slash should be given priority for slash treatment.  相似文献   

    Dassot  Mathieu  Collet  Catherine 《New Forests》2021,52(1):17-30
    New Forests - Mechanical site preparation (MSP) is often performed prior to planting to improve the growth and survival of planted seedlings. In this study, we compared root development of...  相似文献   

    调查了毛乌素沙地沙漠研究中心樟子松、油松人工林的生长状况,选取可能影响其生长的气候因子并运用双重筛选逐步回归的方法,对樟子松和油松高生长与气候因子间的关系进行了逐步判别分析.结果表明:影响樟子松树高生长量的主导气候因子依次是前一年的降雨量、≥10℃积温、年蒸发量;影响油松生长的气候因子主要是前一年降雨量与当年降雨量;该区樟子松的生长表现明显好于油松,并且在干旱年份表现出更强的抗旱特性,所以该地区的气候条件更适合樟子松的生长.  相似文献   

    The effects of a birch admixture on the height and diameter growth and maximum branch diameter in planted Scots pine stands was studied using models constructed with a data set from 13 stands of 9–16 yrs of age and 2–8 m dominant height on average sites on mineral soils in southern Finland. The density and height of the birch varied highly between and within stands. Simulated results indicated that the pines were capable of keeping up in height growth with birches that had originated from seed. Even a very high number of birches (10?000 stems ha?1) had virtually no effect on the height growth of the pines. The number of birches had a pronounced effect on the diameter growth and the maximum branch diameter in pine. Retention of a temporary birch component in young pine stands seems a feasible way of mitigating the adverse effects of low planting densities on the external quality of pine.  相似文献   

    Monitoring cambial phenology and intra-annual growth dynamics is a useful approach for characterizing the tree growth response to climate change. However, there have been few reports concerning intra-annual wood formation in lowland temperate forests with high time resolution, especially for the comparison between deciduous and coniferous species. The main objective of this study was to determine how the timing, duration and rate of radial growth change between species as related to leaf phenology and the dynamics of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) under the same climatic conditions. We studied two deciduous species, Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl., and an evergreen conifer, Pinus sylvestris L. During the 2009 growing season, we weekly monitored (i) the stem radial increment using dendrometers, (ii) the xylem growth using microcoring and (iii) the leaf phenology from direct observations of the tree crowns. The NSC content was also measured in the eight last rings of the stem cores in April, June and August 2009. The leaf phenology, NSC storage and intra-annual growth were clearly different between species, highlighting their contrasting carbon allocation. Beech growth began just after budburst, with a maximal growth rate when the leaves were mature and variations in the NSC content were low. Thus, beech radial growth seemed highly dependent on leaf photosynthesis. For oak, earlywood quickly developed before budburst, which probably led to the starch decrease quantified in the stem from April to June. For pine, growth began before the needles unfolding and the lack of NSC decrease during the growing season suggested that the substrates for radial growth were new assimilates of the needles from the previous year. Only for oak, the pattern determined from the intra-annual growth measured using microcoring differed from the pattern determined from dendrometer data. For all species, the ring width was significantly influenced by growth duration and not by growth rate, which differs from previous studies. The observed between-species difference at the intra-annual scale is key information for anticipating suitability of future species in temperate forests.  相似文献   

    通过盆栽试验,研究了不同污泥使用量对樟子松幼苗叶片生长的影响。研究结果表明,污泥对樟子松叶长、叶宽及叶面积均有明显影响,且T3处理效果最好,其叶长、叶宽和叶面积分别是对照的1.14倍、2.17倍和2.35倍。    相似文献   


    The dynamics of six different needle parameters of Pinus sylvestris L. and Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex P. & C. Laws. were examined retrospectively for a 112-year-old mixed stand in Brandenburg, Germany, using the needle trace method. Similarities were found in needle production, needle loss and needle density. However, needle age, needle retention and total number of needles revealed significant differences between the tree species, with higher values for P. ponderosa. Pinus ponderosa yielded approximately twice as much mean whole-crown needle dry mass as P. sylvestris. Furthermore, different branching systems could be detected between the species, with both pines following “Corner's rule”. The results suggest that under identical growing conditions, P. ponderosa exhibits more efficient water use and can therefore maintain a bigger crown (as the basis for increased growth) than P. sylvestris.  相似文献   

    The relationship between radial growth and assimilate movement was determined in one-year-old Pinus sylvestris (L.) cuttings collected during the dormant period and reactivated for 1-27 days under environmental conditions favorable for growth. The cuttings were either left with buds intact, defoliated along the distal 8 cm, or debudded and treated apically with 0 or 1 mg g(-1) indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in lanolin. Radial growth was measured as tracheid production and bark radial width. The distribution of (14)C-photosynthate 1 or 5 days after exposure to (14)CO(2) was used to indicate assimilate movement. Debudding inhibited tracheid production and decreased acropetal (14)C-photosynthate transport, whereas applying IAA to debudded cuttings promoted both these processes and, in addition, induced vigorous callus growth within the bark immediately below the application point. Distal defoliation markedly increased the amount of (14)C-photosynthate transported toward the apex without altering how debudding and exogenous IAA affected tracheid production and the distribution of (14)C-photosynthate. The production of tracheids induced by apically applied IAA in debudded and distally defoliated cuttings increased progressively in material collected on September 9, October 14 and November 24, whereas bark radial width and acropetal (14)C-photosynthate movement increased only between the first two collection dates. Ringing midway between the IAA source and the bottom of the distally defoliated region with a lanolin mixture of 10 mg g(-1)N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA), 1 mg g(-1) methyl-2-chloro-9-hydroxy-fluorene-9-carboxylic acid (CF) or 10 mg g(-1) phenylacetic acid (PAA) reduced radial growth and [1-(14)C]IAA transport below the ring and locally promoted radial growth and accumulated radioactivity above. (14)C-Photosynthate transport into the region above the ring either was not altered (CF, PAA) or was increased (NPA). The results indicate that apically applied IAA induces the acropetal movement of (14)C-photosynthate in debudded P. sylvestris shoots by locally promoting activity correlated with tracheid and callus production rather than by affecting radial growth or phloem transport processes, or both, at a distance below the IAA source.  相似文献   

    褐环乳牛肝菌对轻基质营养包樟子松和油松苗的促生效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    为提高轻基质营养包樟子松和油松幼苗的出棚成活率以及对恶劣环境的适应能力,有效的增强其抗逆性,人工接种外生菌根真菌技术可以有效解决以上难题.用实验室生产的褐环乳牛肝菌优良菌株Suillus luteus SP4,SP7,SP8以及SP4、SP7、SP8的混合液体菌液,应用蘸根的方法对1年生轻基质营养包樟子松幼苗和1年生轻基质营养包油松幼苗进行接种,试验结果表明,SP4、SP7、SP8的混合液体菌剂接种两种幼苗的菌根侵染效果好于单独使用一种菌剂侵染,且接种油松幼苗的效果好于樟子松幼苗;相应的用SP4、SP7、SP8的混合液体菌剂接种的樟子松幼苗和油松幼苗的生长指标提高幅度最大.  相似文献   


    A study of 33 provenances in Danish field trials with Quercus robur and Q. petraea was made between 1993 and 1998. The trials include Danish, Dutch, German, Norwegian and Swedish provenances, and were established between 1900 and 1988. Growth, flushing, stem form and epicormic shoot formation were studied. There were strong geographical clines for growth; however, the variation within regions was considerable. Time of flushing followed a more complex clinal pattern and was related to both latitude and distance from the ocean. Stem form was highly variable within different geographical regions and it is suggested that this could be caused by different management regimes in the past. Oaks from some locations in Sweden and Norway seemed especially straight. Stem form is one of the most important parameters for commercial oak management and could be seriously improved through breeding, as it was under considerable genetic control. Epicormic shoot production was in part under genetic control, but no geographical patterns were found. Danish provenances of Q. petraea were growing more rapidly than similar Q. robur on sandy locations. Quercus petraea produced fewer epicormic branches and stem form was equal to or better than Q. robur. Quercus petraea should be recommended for landscape use on windy locations in Denmark.  相似文献   


    Nutrient content [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg)] in needles, branches and stems before (P0, not thinned) and after thinning (P20 and P30, 20% and 30% of basal area removed, respectively) was studied in 37- and 32-year-old Pinus sylvestris L. forests in the western Pyrenees: Garde and Aspurz. Thinning significantly decreased all nutrient pools in P20 and P30 relative to P0 on both sites, but no significant differences were found between P20 and P30 owing to low statistical power. Thinning increased the differences between the two forests for total above-ground content of P and Mg, and for the content of N, P and K in the 1999 needles cohort. The former result was due in part to the higher concentration of P (needles and branches) and Mg (needles) in Garde. Therefore, the importance of needles relative to the other nutrient pools increased for N and P after thinning. This may have resulted from the fact that the removal of dead trees with low needle biomass was greater in Garde than in Aspurz. Based on the percentage of basal area removed, nutrient removal in Garde for P30 was higher than expected, apparently owing to an increase in branch removal relative to P20. These results indicate that effects of thinning on nutrient pools were influenced by differences in stand structure and nutrient tissue concentrations between sites.  相似文献   

    Standing biomass, net primary production (NPP) and soil carbon (C) pools were studied in a 67-year-old pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) stand and a neighboring 74-year- old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stand in the Belgian Campine region. Despite a 14% lower tree density and a lower tree height in the oak stand, standing biomass was slightly higher than in the pine stand (177 and 169 Mg ha(-1) in oaks and pines, respectively), indicating that individual oak trees contained more biomass than pine trees of similar diameter. Moreover, NPP in the oak stand was more than double that in the pine stand (17.7 and 8.1 Mg ha(-1) year(-1), respectively). Several observations indicated that soil organic matter accumulated at higher rates under pines than under oaks. We therefore hypothesized that the pines were exhibiting an age-related decline in productivity due to nutrient limitation. The poor decomposability of pine litter resulted in the observed accumulation of organic matter. The subsequent immobilization of nutrients in the organic matter, combined with the already nutrient-poor soil conditions, resulted in a decrease in total NPP over time, as well as in a substantial shift in the allocation of NPP toward fine roots. In the oak stand, litter is less recalcitrant to decay and soil acidity is less severe; hence, organic matter does not accumulate and nutrients are recycled. This probably explains why NPP was much higher in the oaks than in the pines and why only a small proportion of NPP was allocated to oak fine roots.  相似文献   


    Seed predation by granivorous rodents constitutes a major problem during reforestation using direct seeding. Acorns or beech nuts were sown at 14 different sites in Denmark and southern Sweden, and seedling establishment was inventoried during the first three growing seasons. Around the time of sowing, rodents were either snap-trapped or live-trapped. At some sites, perches for raptors were installed, and at other sites, signs of predation were investigated or predation was monitored by camera surveillance. Granivorous rodents had a profound negative influence on sowings, and the removal of beech nuts occurred rapidly following sowing. Establishment of oak was better when surroundings consisted of mixed forests rather than broadleaved forests. Fewer rodents were caught, and establishment was better, in large reforestation areas. Rodent captures indicated that forest edges, slash piles and stone wall remains were suitable rodent microhabitats. Snap-trapping or raptor perches did not result in increased oak establishment. Neither sowing in summer nor increased seeding depth decreased predation by rodents on beech nuts. In conclusion, seeds need protection from rodents immediately at the time of sowing. Choosing large regeneration areas combined with removal of suitable rodent habitats seems to be a practical alternative for the development of successful strategies for direct seeding.  相似文献   

    Effects of temperature on shoot growth in northern provenances of Pinus sylvestris L. were studied under natural long-day conditions (Lat. 69 degrees 39' N) at controlled temperatures. The optimum constant temperature for formation of stem unit primordia in the terminal resting bud was 18 to 21 degrees C. Stem unit number decreased linearly with temperature between 15 and 9 degrees C. Temperature during bud formation had a significant effect on final stem unit length achieved in the following year. Final shoot length was significantly affected by temperature during shoot elongation. The optimum constant temperature for elongation growth was 18 to 21 degrees C. The rate of shoot elongation was positively correlated with the number of stem units.  相似文献   

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