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Khasa  P.D.  Sigler  L.  Chakravarty  P.  Dancik  B.P.  Erickson  L.  Mc Curdy  D. 《New Forests》2001,22(3):179-197
The effect of three levels of fertilizer on thegrowth of three species of containerized-grownconifer seedlings (Pinus contorta, Picea glauca, and Picea mariana) and twospecies of bare-root conifer seedlings (Pinus sylvestris and Larix sibirica),and on the colonization of these seedlings bysix species of ectomycorrhizal fungi (Hebeloma longicaudum, Laccaria bicolor,Paxillus involutus, Pisolithustinctorius, Rhizopogon vinicolor andSuillus tomentosus), was studied. Thegrowth of the seedlings in both container-grownand bare-root nurseries increased as the levelsof fertilizer increased. For better seedlinggrowth and environmental quality it may be possible to reduce the level of fertilizers in commercial nurseries upto 33% by using selected mycorrhizal fungi.Ectomycorrhizal colonization in all seedlingswas not affected by fertilizer levels. Hebeloma longicaudum, L. bicolor, P.involutus, and P. tinctorius formedwell-developed ectomycorrhizae, whereasectomycorrhizal development by R.vinicolor and S. tomentosus was poor.Native mycorrhizal fungi colonizednon-inoculated control seedlings; however,their colonization was always lower than withinoculated fungi.  相似文献   

Inoculation of nursery beds with vegetative mycelia of P. tinctorius (Pt) significantly increased the number of salable 1–0 red oak seedlings produced in two of three years and the average stem height and diameter each year. The percentage of Pt mycorrhizal primary lateral roots on seedlings in the inoculated plots was significantly correlated with stem diameter and weight of lateral roots. The high rates of colonization of short roots by Pt in inoculated plots suggested the test fungus could successfully compete with indigenous fungi in forming mycorrhizae.  相似文献   

Damping-off caused by Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht in Pinus banksiana Lamb, was reduced significantly when inoculated with an ectomycorrhizal fungus, Laccaria laccata (Scop. ex Fr.) Berk. and Br. In paired culture, growth of F. oxysporum was significantly reduced by L. laccata. The number of colony forming units of F. oxysporum was reduced significantly in the rhizosphere of P. banksiana seedlings when inoculated with L. laccata. Spore germination and germ tube length of F. oxysporum was inhibited strongly by culture filtrate of L. laccata and root exudate of P. banksiana inoculated with L. laccata. Mycorrhizal seedlings had significantly higher amount of total soluble phenols than nonmycorrhizal ones.  相似文献   

林木容器育苗研究综述   总被引:26,自引:6,他引:26  
从容器苗的育苗容器、基质、培育技术、根系畸形及矫正方法、病虫害防治和苗木质量评价等方面综述了国内外有关林木容器育苗研究现状 ,并提出了应加强育苗容器和基质、工厂化和机械化育苗技术、苗木质量调控技术、质量标准和评价体系的研究  相似文献   


This study examined the impact of increased irrigation efficiency on the hardening and frost tolerance of 2-year-old containerized white spruce seedlings in the context of groundwater protection, irrigation management and the maintenance of seedling quality in northern climates. The seedlings were grown under three different irrigation regimes (IR =30%, 40% and 55% v/v; cm3 H2O/cm3 substrate) and were hardened under conditions of natural photoperiod and temperature. After being subjected to artificial frost tests on four sampling dates during autumn, the seedlings were compared for bud development and frost tolerance. IR had no influence on frost tolerance as determined by measurements of physiological (electrolyte leakage, root water loss) and morphological (shoot damage, root initiation) variables. At the end of the second growing season, there was no significant difference between IRs in seedling height, root collar diameter, shoot dry mass and root dry mass. The results indicate that the amount of water applied to large-dimension 2-year-old white spruce seedlings during the growing season can be significantly decreased without prematurely impeding their growth or hindering their acquisition of frost tolerance.  相似文献   

Beech woodland can be restored by direct planting of beech (Fagussylvatica L.) seedlings in abandoned areas, but this methodis generally avoided in forestry because of the growth difficultiesof beech in full-light conditions. This study tested a methodthat consists of planting beech seedlings in full-light conditionswith silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) or Scots pine (Pinussylvestris L.) as nurse trees. A total of 65 two-year-old beechseedlings surrounded by either 3, 4, 5 or 6 pine or birch seedlingsor without competitors were planted in bare-soil open-fieldconditions in Central France. Tree growth and light availabilitywere monitored at the end of each of the following 3 years,and soil moisture was also measured the last year. At the endof the experiment, aerial biomass measurements were made onthe beeches. Results showed that relative beech growth in termsof diameter was significantly reduced by the local neighbouringtrees and that this reduction was particularly noticeable inthe pine treatments where there was extensive pine seedlingdevelopment. In contrast, relative beech height did not exhibitany significant variations among the treatments. Light availabilitywas decreased by the neighbouring trees, especially in the pinetreatments. Light reduction was more pronounced in the last2 years and in the middle or lower parts of the canopy of thesubject beech. Soil water content was lower under the pine canopiesthan under the birch canopies, and was positively correlatedto beech relative diameter growth. Specific leaf area, height-to-diameterratio and crown length-to-crown width ratio weakly but significantlyincreased with competition from the neighbours. Beech biomasspartitioning was only weakly affected by the treatments. Thisstudy showed that nurse trees tend to reduce beech growth butimprove form although effects remained weak due to the insufficientlength of the experiment. Further studies are also needed toquantify the effects of the neighbourhood on the growth of competitiveherbaceous vegetation and on changes in the microclimatic conditions.  相似文献   

Drought stress is one of the most important environmental factors affecting plant growth and survival. To date, most studies aim at understanding of post-stress physiological and anatomical adaptation to drought stress; however only few studies focus on plant recovery. In the present study, transpiration, shoot water potential, and anatomical and morphological measurements were performed on 4-year-old European beech seedlings with fully developed leaves. The seedlings were exposed to three levels of soil water potential (well-watered, moderate drought stress and severe drought stress) and followed by rewatering under greenhouse conditions. Reduced transpiration rates were observed in the stressed seedlings as a response to drought stress, whereas anatomical and morphological variables remained unchanged. Three days after rewatering, transpiration rates in both moderately and severely stressed seedlings recovered to the levels of those of well-watered seedlings. Drought stress promoted leaf budding, resulting in higher shoot dry mass of stressed seedlings. Our findings indicate that anatomical and morphological adaptations of European beech seedlings to drought stress are visibly limited during late-season growth stages. These results will help us to further understand factors involved in drought adaptation potential of European beech seedlings faced with expected climate-related environmental changes. To complete our findings, further experiments on plant recovery from drought stress should be focused on different periods of growing season.  相似文献   

This research investigates the mechanism of increased salinity tolerance of ectomycorrhizal fungiinoculated P. sylvestris var. mongolica to provide a theoretical basis for the application of the fungus in saline soils.Growth effects due to inoculation of seedlings with Suillus luteus(a symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungus), were determined in four kinds of saline–alkali soils. Growth and physiological indicators, including photosynthetic characteristics, plant height, biomass, photosynthetic pigments,catalase(CAT) and superoxide dismutase(SOD) enzyme levels, and malondialdehyde(MDA), an organic marker for oxidative stress, and soluble protein levels were determined. Mycorrhizal colonization rate decreased with increasing saline–alkalinity and growth of inoculated seedlings was significantly enhanced. Biomass and chlorophyll contents also increased significantly. SOD and CAT activities were higher than in non-inoculated seedlings. However, MDA content decreased in inoculatedseedlings. Soluble protein content did not increase significantly. Inoculation with a symbiotic ectomycorrhizal fungus could enhance the saline–alkali tolerance of P. sylvestris var. mongolica. Growth and physiological performance of inoculated seedlings were significantly better than that of uninoculated seedlings. The results indicate that inoculated P. sylvestris var. mongolica seedlings may be useful in the improvement of saline–alkali lands.  相似文献   

Direct seeding and planting of European beech (Fagus sylvaticaL.) are two common techniques for the conversion of pure Norwayspruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) stands into mixed stands. Thisstudy tested whether the growth of sown beech seedlings differsfrom that of planted seedlings of two stock types. Thereforeat two experimental sites repeated measurements were made ofheight, stem and first order branch diameter on sown and plantedseedlings over a period of nine years. The results showed thatthe growth responses of planted and sown seedlings to the environmentalconditions below the canopy of overstorey Norway spruce wererather similar. No differences between planted and sown seedlingswere found in their diameter and their estimated abovegrounddry weight. For all three batches the ratio between the estimatedbranch dry weight and the estimated main stem dry weight (branch-shoot-ratio(BSR)) was increased with age. Due to intraspecific competitionBSR was lowest for the sown seedlings irrespective of theirage. Differences in growth dynamics between planted and sownseedlings were found. For example, differences in the heightor the estimated aboveground woody dry weight between sown andplanted seedlings at a given age were not constant. Height,diameter and estimated dry mass of the seedlings in relationto age could be modelled precisely by a second-order polynomialfunction in the hitherto studied period.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature on growth and wood anatomy were studied in young European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) grown in 7-l pots for 2.5 years in field-phytotron chambers supplied with an ambient (approximately 400 micromol mol-1) or elevated (approximately 700 micromol mol-1) carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]). Temperatures in the chambers ranged in increments of 2 degrees C from -4 degrees C to +4 degrees C relative to the long-term mean monthly (day and night) air temperature in Berlin-Dahlem. Soil was not fertilized and soil water and air humidity were kept constant. Data were evaluated by regression analysis. At final harvest, stem diameter was significantly greater at increased temperature (Delta1 degrees C: 2.4%), stems were taller (Delta1 degrees C: 8.5%) and stem mass tree-1 (Delta1 degrees C: 10.9%) and leaf area tree-1(Delta1 degrees C: 6.5%) were greater. Allocation pattern was slightly influenced by temperature: leaf mass ratio and leaf area ratio decreased with increasing temperature (Delta1 degrees C: 2.3% and 2.2% respectively), whereas stem mass/total mass increased (Delta1 degrees C: 2.1%). Elevated [CO2] enhanced height growth by 8.8% and decreased coarse root mass/total mass by 10.3% and root/shoot ratio by 11.7%. Additional carbon was mainly invested in aboveground growth. At final harvest a synergistic interaction between elevated [CO2] and temperature yielded trees that were 3.2% taller at -4 degrees C and 12.7% taller at +4 degrees C than trees in ambient [CO2]. After 2.5 seasons, cross-sectional area of the oldest stem part was approximately 32% greater in the +4 degrees C treatment than in the -4 degrees C treatment, and in the last year approximately 67% more leaf area/unit tree ring area was produced in the highest temperature regime compared with the lowest. Elevated [CO2] decreased mean vessel area of the 120 largest vessels per mm2 by 5.8%, causing a decrease in water conducting capacity. There was a positive interaction between temperature and elevated [CO2] for relative vessel area, which was approximately 38% higher at +4 degrees C than at -4 degrees C in elevated [CO2] compared with ambient [CO2]. Overall, temperature had a greater effect on growth than [CO2], but elevated [CO2] caused quantitative changes in wood anatomy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report molecular investigation of an ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) community of European larch (Larix decidua Mill.) seedlings grown in a bare-root nursery. In total, we surveyed 32 nurseries that were each active in supplying planting stocks to restock forests and for afforestation of post-agricultural land. Sequence-based approach was used to identify EMF taxa, quantify EMF richness, and document differences in the relative abundance of individual taxa. We identified seven fungal species that might contribute to the mycorrhizal community structure of 1 to 3-year-old L. decidua seedlings. The species richness in the examined larches varied between one and four fungal taxa, depending on both the nursery stock samples (NSS) and age class of the seedlings. The average was 1.4 for 1-year-old seedlings and 2.3 for 2- and 3-year-old plants. The dominance of Ascomycota over Basidiomycota and the prevalence of two species, Wilcoxina mikolae and Suillus grevillei, as EMF partners were characteristic features of nursery-grown L. decidua seedlings. S. grevillei was the only one basidiomycetes colonized roots of tested seedlings. The rest of the mycorrhizal pool from forest nurseries was typically dominated by pioneer fungal ascomycetes. W. mikolae was the most common mycorrhizal ascomycete present at a high frequency on NSS from both age classes and with very high abundance (average 90%) on 1-year-old seedlings. Some other ascomycetes (Pezizales 1, Pezizales 2 and Pezizales 3) appeared on tested larches at a low frequency, but sometimes in high abundance. Tuber spp. appeared at a low frequency and low abundance. The relative abundance of S. grevillei was positively correlated with the age of seedlings, while W. mikolae was negatively correlated with age. Tuber sp. 1 and 2, Pezizales 2, and W. mikolae were positively associated with the basic soil pH values. However, forward selection of the environmental variables showed that only the age of the larch seedlings contributed significantly (F = 11.45, P = 0.02) to the variance in the ECF community.  相似文献   

1998—2003年,在辽阳县中心苗圃、寒岭镇苗圃、河栏苗圃、甜水苗圃,利用保湿法和分离法两种方法,对落叶松幼苗立枯病病原菌进行了研究,结果表明,其病菌是立枯丝核菌(Rhizoctonia solani kuhn.)、尖孢镰刀菌(Fusaricum solanicmart App.ct woilertv)和德巴利腐霉菌(Phytiurm debaryanum Hesse.)。用室内药剂防治、田间药剂防治2种方式和土壤消毒、苗期喷药、土壤消毒与苗期喷药相结合3种方法进行防治试验,选用的药剂有多菌灵、甲基托布津、乙磷铝、敌克松、五氯硝基苯 代森锌,结果显示,采用前3种内吸杀菌剂,利用土壤消毒与苗期喷药相结合的方法进行防治,防治效果在81.6%~90.3%。  相似文献   

Two-year-old Fagus sylvatica L. seedlings were subjected to natural winter chilling or were overwintered in a heated greenhouse. Plants were then grown in controlled environment chambers with photoperiods of 9 or 13 h. Renewal of bud growth was found to be mainly determined by winter chilling. There was a slight interaction between chilling and photoperiod. Sprouting of apical buds took two to three times as long in unchilled plants as in chilled plants. Shoot elongation was influenced by chilling and was also greater in the 13-h photoperiod than in the 9-h photoperiod, but this may have been due at least in part to the higher irradiance. Chilling resulted in rapid dormancy loss and changed the growth pattern from basitonal to acrotonal.  相似文献   

不同基质对油松容器苗生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选香菇渣、牛粪等原料复配,进行油松容器育苗试验,结果表明不同基质对油松1年生和2年生容器苗的生长有显著影响.在田园土中掺入一定比例的香菇渣和牛粪可以降低基质的容重,改善基质的物理性质,更有利于油松容器苗的生长.其中以54%田园土(体积分数,下同)+23%香菇渣+23%牛粪基质配方最佳,其次为77%田园土+23%香菇渣、65%田园土+35%香菇渣、65%田园土+35%牛粪,其容重为0.79~0.88 g/cm3,比普通育苗土容重降低20%~28%.  相似文献   

We studied the species diversity of the herb layer and ecological factors in harvest-created gaps in beech stands under a single-tree selection system in Northern Iran. To determine diversity, the number of beech seedlings, and other ecological factors, 16 gaps were selected and subplots of 5 m2 were positioned at the centre and at the cardinal points of each gap. Species richness and Simpson diversity index increased with increasing gap area as did numbers of seedlings. With increasing humus layer thickness, species richness declined but the Hill evenness index increased. Species richness increased with increasing light availability. There was no relationship between crown radii of beech trees and diversity indices. Correlations between environmental factors and numbers ofindividuals of some species in the herb layer were not significant except in a few cases. The results help explain the effects of man-made gaps on the dynamics of managed beech stands and this benefits evaluation of silvicultural operating plans.  相似文献   

The north-eastern distribution range of European beech a review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Today, European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seems to be a markedlysuccessful tree species in the north-east of its distributionrange. The distribution area may be larger than originally assumed;past forest management is probably the main cause of the contractionin the postglacial European beech range. Numerous attempts consistentlyhave failed to locate a distinct distribution edge for Europeanbeech. Therefore, we define northern and eastern Poland andthe southern regions of the Baltic States as margins of Europeanbeech distribution. Ecophysiological approaches have identifiedthe drought constraints for European beech in terms of (1) thecritical limit for xylem cavitation and loss of hydraulic conductivity,reached at a shoot water potential of –1.9 MPa, and (2)a reduction in gross primary production and total ecosystemrespiration when relative extractable soil water reaches 40and 20 per cent, respectively. However, it is difficult to correlateEuropean beech distribution margins with single macro-climaticfactors. Moreover, the adaptation of European beech populationsand provenances to drought and frost varies. The phenotypicplasticity and evolutionary adaptability of European beech appearto be underestimated. These characteristics may counteract afurther contraction of the European beech range arising fromclimate change in the future.  相似文献   

珊瑚朴一年生播种苗生长规律及育苗技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对珊瑚朴的播种育苗试验,利用生长曲线方程拟合珊瑚朴高径生长,阐明珊瑚朴一年生播种苗的年生长发育规律及育苗技术要点。不同播种量和不同底肥的试验表明,珊瑚朴播种量以15kg/亩为好,底肥以钙镁磷肥为好。  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of Colletotrichum dematium was evaluated as the agent causing post-emergence damping-off of current-year beech (Fagus crenata) seedlings. Current-year beech seedlings inoculated with C. dematium died within 20 days after both wound and non-wound inoculation, indicating that this fungus is pathogenic to current-year seedlings. C. dematium was frequently isolated from hypocotyls exhibiting damping-off at five different sites. The incidence of isolation was high and little variation occurred between sites and years. C. dematium was also detected in all litter samples examined although the incidence of detection differed depending on sites and/or detection methods. These results strongly indicate that C. dematium plays an important role in rapid seedling death during the early stages of beech regeneration.  相似文献   

温室条件下,向盆栽山毛榉幼苗中施加192g.m·^-2^15N示踪物,研究连续两个生长季沉积氮在森林土壤(含森林地被物)、沥出物、以及地上和地下部分生物量的分配。模拟了四种处理(栽培和非栽培)下的NH4^+和NO3^-沉积情况,每种处理各自标记为^15N-NH4^+或者^15N-NO3^-。在整个体系中施加15N的总回收率分别是,盆栽处理的^15N-NH4^+为67.3%~74.9%,非盆栽处理的^15N-NO3^-为85.3%~88.1%。两种^15N示踪物主要沉积在森林土壤(包括森林地被物)中,其中盆栽处理的森里土壤中^15N-NH4^+为34.6%~33.7%,^15N-NO3^-为13.1%~9.0%,说明异养微生物有很强的固氮作用。森林土壤微生物对^15N-NH4^+的固定能力比^15N-NO3^-的固定能力强三倍。^15N-NH4^+的优先异养利用造成土壤中^15N-NH4^+的沉积量是植物体保存量的两倍 而土壤中^15N-NO3^-的沉积量却低于植物体的。总之,植被-土壤系统中15N-NH4+的沉积量比^15N-NO3^-的沉积高了60%,说明了沉积氮的形式在森林生态系统中氮保存中的重要性。  相似文献   

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