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湟中县是青海省的农业大县、人口大县,也是生态环境形势非常严峻的县份,干旱、洪水、水土流失等自然灾害都同森林植被少有关。虽然森林覆盖率由1978年的9%增加到现在的30%,但干旱地区覆盖率仍在10%以下。分析其根源,主要是造林成活率低,这也是湟中县林业建设最为突出的一个问题。近几年来,湟中县连续春旱严重,造林成活率逐年下降,面对这种状况,如何调整思路, 相似文献
大田播种不易管理,往往因种子还未发芽,苗田就长满杂草并与种子争水、争阳光,造成种子不易发芽,种子甚至发霉、变质、腐烂。而采取砂床播种,便于管理,发芽率高,出土整齐。 相似文献
苗木换床和造林成活率及生长量受自然条件与人为因素的影响 ,各年波动很大 ,影响投资效益。加格达奇林业局古里苗圃每年换床 50hm2 ,更新造林面积 1 0 0 0 0hm2 ,为提高苗木等级和造林成活率 ,我们进行了HRC保苗剂应用试验。苗根浸沾HRC后 ,使根系表面蒙上一层含有养 相似文献
以1年生木荷容器苗为研究材料,在相同管理措施、环境因子下,测量经过3组不同移苗时间及2组不同缓释肥浓度处理的木荷容器苗基径及高生长情况。研究结果表明,在3 kg/m3和4 kg/m3两个不同缓释肥浓度下,6组共计360株试验苗木高生长差异显著。在3 kg/m3和4 kg/m3两个不同缓释肥浓度下,基径生长与移苗时间相关,移苗时间提前,苗木基径生长差异性不显著;移苗时间延迟,苗木基径生长差异显著。提前苗木播种时间,在苗木3~5片真叶时移栽,加大缓释肥浓度,可提高苗木移栽成活率和苗木生长速度。 相似文献
The aim of this study was to describe the dynamics of seedling establishment and development in spruce-dominated uneven-aged boreal forests. The study was based on empirical data from 15 stands with permanent plots, which had been intensively monitored for 10 years in southern Finland. All trees (height > 1.3 m) were measured every fifth year. Regeneration was measured on 64 permanent sample plots (4 m2) in each stand. The establishment of first-year seedlings was analysed on a yearly basis. The survival and development of older Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) seedlings were analysed based on observations made every five years. The establishment of spruce seedlings was closely correlated with the abundance of seed crops. Seedling cohorts originating from abundant seed crops were clearly detectable in the development of seedling height distributions over time. It took about 15 years for spruce seedlings to reach a height level of 15-30 cm. Local basal area had hardly any effect on the emergence or survival of small spruce seedlings, while the number of higher spruce seedlings decreased with increasing local basal area. 相似文献
Amaia Mena-Petite Alberto Muñoz-Rueda Maite Lacuesta 《European Journal of Forest Research》2005,124(2):73-82
The capacity of radiata pine seedlings to overcome planting shock in wet and dry conditions and their dependence on previous history was analysed by studying post-planting resumption of gas exchange and photochemical reactions, and survival 2 months later. Even under well-irrigated soil conditions, seedlings showed the effects of stress: gas exchange was reduced, but a clear difference between soil-plugged (PR) seedlings and bare-root (BR) seedlings was observed. Drought enhanced the severity of photosynthesis deprivation. Photochemical reactions, analysed by chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters, were not affected by planting shock in conditions of available soil water, but altered dramatically when drought stress was raised, suggesting structural damage of photosynthetic machinery. Despite the dramatic sensitivity of radiata pine to water availability, rewatering produced remarkable recovery, indicating good photosynthetic components repair capacity, which depended, however, on stock quality at the moment of planting. The ability of radiata pine to cope with drought in terms of post-planting performance depended on both storage conditions and water availability at the planting site. These findings provide information for tree physiologists and foresters as to how the management of radiata pine seedlings before planting can affect post-planting performance potential under wet or dry environmental conditions. 相似文献
In tests under aseptic conditions, the herbicides hexazinone (PrononeTM5G® and Velpar L.R.®), glyphosate, and triclopyr reduced seedling growth and mycorrhizal development of Pinus contorta var. Litifolia and Picea glanca. Triclopyr was most toxic of the tour herbicide formulations. Under greenhouse condition, only 2 formulations of hexazinone (Pronone TM5G® and Velpar L.®) were tested. At high concentrations (2 and 4 kg/ha) it reduced growth and mycorrhizal infections significantly but showed recovery with time. No adverse effects were observed at low concentration (1 kg/ha). In general, seedlings inoculated with mycorrhizal fungus (Suillus tomentosus), were more sensitive to herbicide than the ones without mycorrhizal inoculation. Under field conditions overall effects of herbicide application were less intense. Only 4 kg/ha rates of hexazinone resulted in reductions in seedling growth and mycorrhizal infections. The nonmycorrhizal seedings planted in the field developed mycorrhizae in over 40% of short roots within 2 months after planting in all herbicide treatments. 相似文献