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为了进一步明确大豆抗感品种对根腐尖镰孢的抗病机制,通过透射电镜和形态观察分析了尖镰孢(M38)侵染及产生的毒素对抗感大豆品种的影响。研究表明大豆幼苗胚根经粗毒素处理后,抗病品种‘东农56’幼苗胚根生长没有显著差别,但显著抑制了感病品种‘黑农53’胚根的伸长和侧根的生长;尖镰孢毒素高浓度和低浓度(V粗毒素∶V无菌水=1∶0和1∶15)对抗感品种的致萎能力无显著差异,高浓度处理平均萎蔫指数为100,低浓度处理为17.9~18.1左右;但中等浓度(V粗毒素∶V无菌水=1∶1,1∶5,1∶10)对于感病品种的致萎作用更大;同时,发现尖镰孢侵染感病大豆品种根内侵染量要明显多于抗病品种,且感病品种组织中菌丝的直径明显大于抗病品种,都出现很明显的质壁分离和细胞壁加厚的现象。  相似文献   

Chen C  Wang J  Luo Q  Yuan S  Zhou M 《Pest management science》2007,63(12):1201-1207
BACKGROUND: Carbendazim (MBC) has failed to control wheat scab, caused by Fusarium graminearum Schwabe, on the eastern coast of China in recent years after about 30 years of application. RESULTS: MBC resistance was found to be common in pathogen populations on the eastern coast and along areas of the Yangtze River. EC(50) and minimum inhibitive concentration (MIC) values of MBC inhibiting mycelium growth of wild-type isolates were less than 0.9 and 1.4 microg mL(-1) respectively, while EC(50) values of resistant collections averaged 7.02 +/- 11.86 microg mL(-1). The slope of the MBC dosage-response curve (DRC) for resistant isolates of F. graminearum was flat: 1 < b < 2.8 for resistant isolates and 3.5 < b < 11 for sensitive isolates). Both field resistant and sensitive MBC strains shared similar temperature sensitivity, fitness and virulence on ears. Field resistant strains and UV-induced mutants showed positive cross-resistance to other benzimidazole derivatives and were mainly at intermediate MBC resistance level. Highly resistant field MBC strains rarely appeared, but only some of the highly resistant MBC UV mutants were insensitive to N-phenylaminecarbamates. No mutation in beta-tubulin was found in F. graminearum, in contrast to mutation in this tubulin which has led to MBC resistance in other plant pathogens. CONCLUSION: MBC(R) isolates have high fitness and competition in field, conferred by a novel molecular mechanism.  相似文献   

A Petri-dish assay was used to determine the phytotoxicities of the dinitroaniline herbicides pendimethalin, trifluralin, benfluralin and ethalfluralin, and the methyl-substituted analogues of the last three herbicides, on susceptible (Rothamsted) and multiple-herbicide resistant (Peldon) populations of blackgrass Alopecurus myosuroides Huds. The Peldon population showed a high degree of resistance to pendimethalin, which possesses a 3,4-dimethyl substitution. The two populations were equally sensitive to trifluralin, benfluralin and ethalfluralin which do not possess ring-methyl groups but contain a 4-trifluoromethyl group. Substitution of the 4-trifluoromethyl with a methyl group, as demonstrated by the analogues, reduced phytotoxicity, but to a much greater degree in Peldon than in the Rothamsted population. The study indicates that resistance to pendimethalin in the Peldon population is attributable to an oxidative degradation of the 4-methyl group, analogous to that which occurs with resistance to chlorotoluron. The lack of cross-resistance to the other dinitroaniline herbicides appears to be due to the absence of ring-methyl or other groups which are vulnerable to oxidative degradation, trifluoromethyl groups being particularly resistant to this form of reaction.  相似文献   

董杰  张金良  杨建国  张昊  冯洁 《植物保护》2016,42(6):116-121
本文分析了北京市与河北省小麦赤霉病菌群体遗传结构以及基础生物学特性。结果表明所有菌株均为禾谷镰刀菌(Fusarium graminearum),属于一个大的单一群体,群体内具有较高的遗传多样性。毒素化学型测定表明,北京与河北地区小麦真菌毒素污染的主要风险为DON与15ADON毒素。表型测定显示,与F.asiaticum群体相比,F.graminearum具有较高的产孢能力,而生长速率和产毒能力较低。该群体对主要杀菌剂多菌灵、戊唑醇和氰烯菌酯均无抗药性。  相似文献   

This study examines the CO2‐mediated influence of plant resistance on crown rot dynamics under continuous cropping of partially resistant wheat line 249 and the susceptible cultivar Tamaroi. Disease incidence, severity, deoxynivalenol and Fusarium biomass were assessed after each cycle in microcosms established at ambient and 700 mg kg?1 CO2 using soil and stubble of these wheat lines from a field experiment with free to air CO2 enrichment. Monoconidial isolates from wheat stubble were collected initially, and after five cropping cycles, to compare the frequency and aggressiveness of Fusarium species in the two populations. Aggressiveness was measured using a high‐throughput seedling bioassay. At elevated CO2, the higher initial incidence in Tamaroi increased with cropping cycles, but incidence in 249 remained unchanged. Incidence at ambient CO2 did not change for either line. Elevated CO2 induced partial resistance in Tamaroi, but not in 249. Increased Fusarium biomass in wheat tissue at elevated CO2 matched raised deoxynivalenol of the stem base in both lines. After five cycles of continuous wheat cropping, aggressiveness increased in pathogenic F. culmorum and F. pseudograminearum by 110%, but decreased in weakly pathogenic F. equiseti and F. oxysporum by 50%. CO2 and host resistance interactively influenced species frequency, and the highly aggressive F. pseudograminearum became dominant on Tamaroi irrespective of CO2 concentration, while its frequency declined on 249. This study shows that induced resistance at elevated CO2 will not reduce crown rot severity, or impede the selection and enrichment of Fusarium populations with increased aggressiveness.  相似文献   

 本文报道了禾谷镰孢菌(Fusarium graminearum)对氰烯菌酯(2-氰基-3-氨基-3-苯基丙烯酸乙酯,JS399-19)的敏感性基线及其抗药性风险。离体条件下氰烯菌酯对51个禾谷镰孢菌菌株的平均EC50和MIC值分别为(0.153±0.050)μg/mL和小于4.0μg/mL;通过紫外线照射和药剂驯化的方法获得了14个禾谷镰孢菌对氰烯菌酯的抗药性突变体,紫外光诱变抗药性突变频率为1.67×10-7。这些突变体的抗性水平可分为低、中、高3种类型,其EC50分别为1.5~15.0μg/mL、15.1~75.0μg/mL和75.0μg/mL以上。与亲本菌株2021相比,抗药突变体间的菌丝生长量和产生子囊壳能力发生不同程度的增加或下降,而分生孢子繁殖量则显著下降。在无药培养基上菌丝体转代培养8次后,抗药水平保持不变,且与亲本菌株有相同的致病性。所测定的突变体在含1%葡萄糖的PDA上菌丝生长除UV-2021-4显著下降外,其余都表现生长速率比亲本显著增加。在含3%和4%葡萄糖的PDA上2021生长优于亲本菌株。氰烯菌酯与苯并咪唑类、麦角甾醇生物合成抑制剂类、甲氧基丙烯酸酯类、二硫代氨基甲酸盐类和取代芳烃类杀菌剂没有交互抗性。  相似文献   

为获得抗赤霉病且农艺性状较好的小麦种质资源, 加快小麦抗赤霉病育种进程, 采用人工接种鉴定和田间试验的方法, 于2019年-2021年, 对54个小麦品种(系)进行了赤霉病抗性鉴定与农艺性状调查。结果表明, 供试小麦品种(系)存在赤霉病抗性差异, 筛选出‘华皖麦24’‘宛1204’和‘皖垦麦1708’等9个两年表现稳定的中抗品种(系), 占总数的16.67%; 农艺性状调查结果显示, 不同小麦品种(系)的农艺性状间存在显著性差异, 抗病组品种(系)的平均变异系数小于感病组品种(系)。其中, ‘宛1204’和‘徐麦17252’中抗赤霉病, 且综合农艺性状较好, 可以作为抗赤霉病育种的抗源。  相似文献   

 稻曲病菌分生孢子悬浮液对抽穗期水稻进行接种,观察分生孢子及其侵染途径.结果发现,分生孢子在颖壳表面可萌发形成菌丝,在颖口内侧可以见到菌丝伸向谷颖内部,可能为分生孢子直接侵染稻穗提供了一定证据.对抗、感品种谷粒的组织化学研究结果表明:抗病品种的颖壳中含有大量的木质素,感病品种中的木质素较少;在抗病品种谷粒的颖壳中的红色荧光物质远远多于感病品种;在抗病品种谷粒表皮的胚乳细胞中也含有多酚类物质,这层细胞较正常细胞大,在感病品种中没有发现.稻曲球切片的紫外光观察可发现每一个稻曲球中存在6个"蝴蝶"型荧光结构,染色剂染色后观察证明该结构不含过氧化物酶、单宁类物质、木栓质和木质素.  相似文献   

The relationship between lettuce (Lactuca sativa) andMyzus persicae is influenced by internal and external factors. For the improvement of screening methods and the evaluation of the resistances found, a better knowledge of these factors is wanted.In five experiments the influence of plant age on resistance level was investigated for a partially resistant and a susceptible cultivar. Criteria for resistance were: remaining percentage of aphids (RPA), aphid developmental rate, insect biomass, and larvae production.It appeared that the aphids developed faster and grew better on older plants compared with younger plants, resulting in a decrease of overall level of resistance. The absolute differences between the susceptible and the resistant genotype for parameters such as biomass increased if plants were older and aphids were allowed to utilize all parts of the plant. It is concluded that with older plants (plant age e.g. 30–40 days) a better discriminative selection can be carried out.Samenvatting De relatie tussen sla enMyzus persicae wordt door zowel interne als externe factoren beïnvloed. Voor de verbetering van toetsmethoden en voor de evaluatie van gevonden resistenties, is meer kennis omtrent deze factoren noodzakelijk.In vijf proeven (I–V) werd de invloed van leeftijd van de plant op het resistentieniveau onderzocht bij een partiëel resistent en een vatbaar ras. Criteria voor resistentie waren: overblijvend percentage luizen 7 dagen na inoculatie, ontwikkelingssnelheid van de luizen, de insekt-biomassa en de larvenproduktie.Het bleek dat de groei en de ontwikkeling van de luizen op oudere planten beter was dan op jongere. Dit resulteerde in een afname van het resistentieniveau bij zowel het partiëel resistente als het vatbare genotype. De absolute verschillen tussen het vatbare en het resistente genotype voor bepaalde eigenschappen zoals biomassa namen echter toe naarmate planten ouder waren in de experimenten IV en V waarbij de luizen toegestaan was zich op alle delen (bladeren en stengel) van de planten te vestigen. Op basis van deze toegenomen absolute verschillen tussen resistente en vatbare planten is het dus beter om bij oudere planten (bijv. 30–40 dagen oud) op resistentie te selecteren.  相似文献   

This study investigates the infection process of Phoma koolunga on field pea (Pisum sativum) stems and leaves using different susceptible and resistant pea genotypes for each tissue, viz. 05P778‐BSR‐701 (resistant) and 06P830‐(F5)‐BSR‐5 (susceptible) for stems and ATC 866 (resistant) and ATC 5347 (susceptible) for leaves. On both resistant and susceptible genotypes, light and scanning electron microscopy showed P. koolunga conidia infect stem and leaf tissues directly via appressoria or stomatal penetration, but with more infections involving formation of appressoria on stems than on leaves. On leaves of the resistant genotype, at 72 h post‐inoculation, P. koolunga penetrated more frequently via stomata (5.2 conidia per 36 893 μm2) than by formation of appressoria (1.8 conidia); yet no such difference was observed on stems of the resistant genotype. In contrast, at the same time point, the number of conidia infecting the susceptible genotype by formation of appressoria on either stems (135 conidia) or leaves (11.3 conidia) was significantly greater than via stomata (8 and 7.3 conidia, stems and leaves, respectively). Mean germ tube length of germinating P. koolunga conidia on both stems (29.8 μm) and leaves (32.9 μm) of the resistant genotype was less than on the susceptible genotype (40.5 and 63.7 μm, stem and leaves, respectively). In addition, there were differences in the number of germ tubes emerging from conidia on resistant and susceptible genotypes. These are the first insights into the nature of leaf and stem resistance mechanisms operating in field pea against P. koolunga.  相似文献   

The root-knot nematode (RKN), Meloidogyne incognita, attacks cotton root system. This study aimed to compare the induction of phenolic compounds over time in two cotton genotypes, resistant (TX-25) and susceptible (FM966), by RKN. Chemical profiles of cotton roots were obtained by HPLC, NMR, and colorimetric methods at four different time intervals. The Principal Response Curves analysis, a time-dependent, multivariate method, showed consistent variability over time in the profile of phenolic compounds between treatments for both genotypes. The variables that most contributed to the divergence between damaged and undamaged cotton roots were dimethoxylated and non-methoxylated gossypols, total flavonoids, and total phenols.  相似文献   

Herbicide‐resistant populations of Alopecurus myosuroides (black grass) have become widespread throughout the UK since the early 1980s. Previous observations in this laboratory have demonstrated that natural climatic fluctuations caused increases in endogenous glutathione S‐transferase (GST) enzyme activity in A. myosuroides plants as they mature, which is thought to be linked to herbicide resistance in this species. The present study has investigated the effects of plant growth at 10°C and 25°C, and reports GST specific activity and glutathione (GSH) pool size in resistant and susceptible A. myosuroides biotypes. Findings demonstrate differences in GST activity between resistant and susceptible populations, which are transient at lower growth temperatures. The GSH pool size was elevated at lower growth temperature in both biotypes. We speculate that these endogenous responses are part of a natural mechanism of acclimation to environmental change in this species and suggest that resistant plants are more able to adapt to environmental stress, as indicated in this instance by temperature change. These observations imply that the control of resistant A. myosuroides by graminicides may be more effective when applied at lower temperatures and at earlier growth stages.  相似文献   

The differential expression of 13 defence‐related genes during Phoma koolunga infection of stems and leaves of susceptible versus resistant field pea (Pisum sativum) was determined using qRT‐PCR. Expression, in terms of relative mRNA level ratios, of genes encoding ferredoxin NADP oxidoreductase, 6a‐hydroxymaackiain methyltransferase (hmm6), chalcone synthase (PSCHS3) and ascorbate peroxidase in leaves and stems differed during 6–72 hours post‐inoculation (hpi) and reflected known host resistance levels in leaves versus stems. In comparison to the susceptible genotype, at 24, 48 and 72 hpi, two genes, hmm6 (122.43‐, 206.99‐ and 32.25‐fold, respectively) and PSCHS3 (175.00‐, 250.13‐ and 216.24‐fold, respectively), were strongly up‐regulated in leaves of the resistant genotype, highlighting that resistance against P. koolunga in field pea is governed by the early synthesis of pisatin. At 24 hpi, leaves infected by P. koolunga showed clear differences in expression of target genes. For example, the gene encoding a precursor of the defensin ‘disease resistance response protein 39’ was substantially down‐regulated in leaves of both the susceptible and the resistant genotypes inoculated with P. koolunga. This contrasts with other studies on another pea black spot pathogen, Didymella pinodes, where this same gene is strongly up‐regulated in leaves of resistant and susceptible genotypes. The current study provides the first understanding of defence‐related genes involved in the resistance against P. koolunga, opening novel avenues to engineer new field pea cultivars with improved leaf and stem black spot disease resistance as the basis for developing more effective and sustainable management strategies.  相似文献   

Schoenoplectus juncoides is one of the most harmful weeds found in East Asian paddy fields. Recent emergence of biotypes that are resistant to the herbicide sulfonylurea (SU) has made weed control difficult. To examine the effect of the evolution of this herbicide resistance on genetic diversity within local populations, we investigated microsatellite variability within and among paddy field populations of S. juncoides in Kinki, Japan. In vivo assay of acetolactate synthase activity and root elongation assay in the presence of SU revealed that of 21 populations, five were sulfonylurea‐susceptible (SU‐S) and eight were completely sulfonylurea‐resistant (SU‐R). The remaining eight populations were a mixture of SU‐S and SU‐R individuals. The average gene diversity for SU‐R populations (HS = 0.168) was lower than those for SU‐S (HS = 0.256) and mixed (HS = 0.209) populations, but the difference was not significant. This indicates that positive selection for SU‐R phenotype did not cause a genome‐wide reduction in genetic diversity. Genetic differentiation among S. juncoides populations was higher than that observed for most weed species studied previously. Although populations in neighbouring paddy fields showed a high level of differentiation, Bayesian clustering analyses suggested that some level of gene flow occurs among them and that the genetic exchange or colonisation between neighbouring populations could contribute to the geographical expansion of the resistant allele.  相似文献   

Pratylenchus thornei densities were monitored in field plots of two winter wheat cultivars in a dry farming area of southern Spain. Samples were taken fortnightly during the wheat-growing season and from the following dry fallow. Under bread wheat cv. ‘Yecora’, densities ofP. thornei increased for 5 to 6 months and then were maintained or slightly decreased thereafter, surviving the summer dry fallow in an anhydrobiotic state (78.2% and 85.3% survival in soil and roots, respectively). Under durum wheat cv. ‘Donpedro’, nematode densities decreased over the growing season, although densities within the roots increased during the first 2 months of the wheat-growing period, indicating that nematodes could penetrate the roots of this cultivar but were unable to reproduce. These observations suggest resistance of wheat cv. Donpedro toP. thornei.  相似文献   

Screening of 51 promising safflower germplasm lines in Fusarium wilt-infested plots resulted in identification of highly wilt-resistant selections viz., 86-93-36A, 237550, VI-92-4-2 and II-13-2A, with some moderate resistance in HUS-305. Progenies from crosses made using these resistant lines were tested for their reaction to wilt. F1 progenies from 86-93-36A × 237550 and 86-93-36A × II-13-2A recorded zero wilt incidence, while 237550 × 86-93-36A was highly resistant to the Rajendranagar geographical isolate. The reaction for the three progenies showed stability for wilt resistance with no segregation until the F7 generation. Geographical isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. carthami (Foc) were collected from different safflower growing regions and tested for their pathogenic variability on six host differentials under glasshouse conditions. Based on the reaction of the differentials, the Foc isolates were grouped into four biotypes. The three resistant progenies were tested for their reaction to the four biotypes. The progeny of cross 86-93-36A × 237550 showed an immune reaction to all the biotypes, except for a highly resistant reaction to biotype 3. The progenies of the two other crosses (86-93-36A × II-13-2A and 237550 × 86-93-36A) exhibited immune reactions to biotypes 2,3 and 1,3, respectively, and were highly to moderately resistant to biotypes 1,4 and 2,4, respectively.  相似文献   

Strains of sheep louse Bovicola ovis (Schrank) with various levels of resistance to pyrethroid and one strain with high degree of resistance to organophosphate (OP) insecticides were used to investigate the biochemical mechanisms of insecticide resistance, i.e., enhanced levels of general esterases, specific acetylcholinesterases (AChE), glutathione S-transferase (GST), and mixed function oxidases. Native gel electrophoresis combined with quantitative enzyme assays showed analogous expression profiles of several esterase isozymes in all the strains tested. The determination of the sensitivity of each esterase isozyme to five inhibitors (acetylthiocholine iodide, butyrylthiocholine iodide, paraoxon eserine sulfate, and pCMB) led to the identification of nine esterases in the B. ovis strain. Gel electrophoresis results are supported by enzyme assay studies where, except for the OP resistant strain, no differences in esterase activities were detected in all the pyrethroid resistant and susceptible strains assayed. Statistical analyses demonstrated that some strains have elevated GST activities compared to the susceptible reference strain.  相似文献   

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