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Serological evidence of bovine leptospirosis in Malawi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two hundred and seventy-five serum samples from cattle in Malawi were tested as a pilot survey for Leptospira antibody titres. Fifty-nine (21.4%) of the animals were positive for leptospirosis, while 35 (12.7%) animals reacted inconclusively. Titres to L. hardjo and L. pomona serovars were the most prevalent. Results are also discussed with reference to the areas where samples were collected.  相似文献   

Summary A serological survey of cattle in Mali was carried out to determine the prevalence of antibody activity toBabesia bovis andB. bigemina. It was found that the level ofB. bovis infection as indicated by antibody activities was too low to be of immediate concern. However, the serological prevalence ofB. bigemina was high and this may indicate a potential disease problem. It was also found that when zebu and N'Dama cattle grazed together the N'Dama were twice as likely to have positive titres toBabesia as were the zebus.
Prevalencia Serologica De Babesiosis Bovina En Mali
Resumen Se llevó a cabo un análisis serológico en Malí, para detectar la prevalencia deBabesia bovis yBabesia bigemina. Se encontró, que la prevalencia serológica deB. bovis es baja para considerar la enfermedad una amenaza inmediata. Sinembargo, la prevalencia deB. bigemina fué alta, un problema potencial. Tambien se encontró, que cuando el ganado Cebu y N'Dama pastorea junto, el N'Dama presenta el doble de títulos serológicos deB. bigemina.

Frequence Serologique De La Babesiose Bovine Au Mali
Résumé Une enquête sérologique sur le bétail au Mali a été effectuée pour déterminer la fréquence de l'activité des anticorps àBabesia bovis etB. bigemina. On a trouvé que le degré d'infection àB. bovis tel qu'indiqué par les réactions anticorps était trop faible pour constituer un souci immédiat. Cependant la fréquence sérologique deB. bigemina était élevée, ce qui peut indiquer un problème pathologique potentiel. On a aussi noté que lorsque les zébus et les N'Dama broûtaient ensemble, les N'Dama avaient deux fois plus de chance d'avoir des titres positifs àBabesia que ne l'avaient les zébus.

Summary The serological prevalence of bovine babesiosis in Guyana was determined utilising the indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) and the complement fixation (CF) tests.Babesia bigemina IFA and CF antibody activity was detected in 80%and 40% respectively of the sera from native cattle while IFA and CF antibody activity toBabesia bovis was observed in 61% and 16% of the seraThe prevalence of antibody was compared between calves less than 6 months of age and mature cattle. There was little difference between the CF and IFA tests forB. bigemina in the calves but the prevalence of IFA antibody activity toB. bovis in calves and toB. bovis andB. bigemina was greater in adult cattle.Examination of sequential serum samples from imported calves revealed that CF antibody activity appeared earlier but by day 51 following exposure to natural infection the prevalence of antibody as determined by both tests was the same.
Prevalencia Serologica De Babesiosis Bovina En Guyana
Resumen Se determinó la prevalencia serológica de babesiosis bovina en Guyana, mediante la prueba indirecta de anticuerpos fluorescentes (AFI) y la fijación de complemento (FC). Anticuerpos AFI y FC contraBabesia bigemina se detectaron en el suero de un 80% y 40% respectivamente de ganado nativo, mientras que la actividad de anticuerpos AFI y FC contraBabesia bovis se observó en 61% y 16% de los sueros colectados.Se comparó la prevalencia de anticuerpos entre terneros menores de 6 meses de edad y ganado adulto. Hubo una pequeña diferencia entre las pruebas de FC y AFI paraBabesia bigemina en terneros, pero la prevalencia de anticuerpos IFA contraBabesia bovis en terneros y contraB. bovis y B. bigemina fué mayor en ganado adulto.El examen posterior de muestras de suero de ganado importado, revelaron que la actividad de anticuerpos FC aparece temprano, pero despues de 51 dias y despues de la exposición natural, la prevalencia de anticuerpos determinada por ambas pruebas fué igual. El examen de las muestras de suero fué seriado.

Preuve Serologique De La Babesiose Bovine En Guyana
Résumé L'existence de la babesiose bovine en Guyana a été mise en évidence par deux tests: immunofluorescence indirecte (IFA) et fixation du complément (CF).Avec l'antigèneBabesia bigemina, les deux tests ont donné des résultats positifs dans des proportions respectives de 80 et 40 p. 100 chez le bétail autochtone, tandis qu'avecB. bovis ces taux étaient de 61 et 16 p. 100.Les titres d'anticorps furent comparés chez deux catégories d'animaux: veaux de moins de six mois et bétail adulte.PourB. bigemina, il y avait chez les veaux peu de différence entre les résultats des deux tests: mais avecB. bovis, l'immunofluorescence fournissait des titres supérieurs. Chez les adultes, aussi bien avecbigemina qu'avecbovis, l'immunofluorescence détectait le maximum de positifs.L'examen de sérums prélevés en série chez des veaux importés a montré que les anticorps fixant le complément apparaissaient les premiers, mais qu'à partir du 51 e jour après la contamination naturelle les deux tests donnaient des résultats identiques.

The prevalence of Leptospira interrogans serovars in dairy cattle was determined by analyzing 464 serum samples from cows on 15 properties in Garanhuns municipal district, Pernambuco State, Brazil. A microscopic seroagglutination test including 12 serovars of Leptospira interrogans as antigens was used. Samples with titres 100 were considered positive. Two hundred and twenty-one (47.63%) of the samples were positive to one or more serovars. The prevalence of the serovars was hardjo (21.98%), bratislava (15.73%), castellonis (11.64%), tarassovi (10.56%), pyrogenes (1.72%), icterohaemorrhagiae (1.08%), pomona (0.86%), wolffi (0.86%), grippotyphosa (0.86%), djasiman (0.43%), canicola (0.21 %), and copenhageni (0.21%).  相似文献   

Prevalence of bovine tuberculosis in Jigawa State,northwestern Nigeria   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We determined the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis in Jigawa State, northwestern Nigeria using the comparative intradermal tuberculin test in 22 herds consisting of 922 cattle with overall and individual prevalence of 1.08% (10/922) and 45.45% (10/22) obtained, respectively.  相似文献   

The frequent appearance of patent infestations of Strongyloides papillosus in lambs under one week is observed, and it is suggested that either the short generation interval or pre-natal infection is the cause. Pathogenic effects associated with heavy infestations in young lambs consisted of anorexia, loss of weight, diarrhoea and a moderate anaemia. The lambs were usually very weak, unable to stand and laying prostrate. Death usually followed at this stage and three such lambs examined showed severe enteritis. There was also severe dermatitis noticed around the flanks and abdomen. The epidemiology studies which were based on worm egg counts taken at monthly intervals for a twelve-month period showed high counts in October and November, intermediate counts in May to August and low counts from February to April. The egg counts per g of faeces ranged from 100 to 18,000.  相似文献   

This study assessed the prevalence of trypanosomes in cattle at the Kachia Grazing Reserve (KGR) in March and June 2004 and in February 2005. A total of 1293 cattle blood samples were collected at random. The samples were analysed using the buffy coat technique and Giemsa thin blood films for parasite detection and identification. The effects of herd pen location to watering and grazing point's distances (using the global positioning system (GPS)) were determined and mean Packed cell volume (PCV) assessed. Overall, the detected prevalence of trypanosomosis was 8.4%, much higher than the previous prevalence of 5.3% before the present study was conducted. The prevalences in the months of March, June (2004) and February (2005) were 2.3%, 11.6% and 15.4%, respectively. Increased prevalence was associated with proximity of herd pens to watering point's distances (χ2 for linear trend = 4.447, P < 0.05), but no association of herd pens to grazing point distances (χ2 = 2.186, P > 0.05); suggesting that hydrological network played an important part in trypanosomosis transmission. The mean PCV of parasitaemic and apparasitaemic cattle were respectively 25.99 ± 1.82% and 29.31 ± 1.70%. The drop in mean PCV was most in 0–1-year age group, 23.47 ± 3.10% and was statistically significant (P < 0.05), suggesting that anaemia was most pronounced in this age group. Factors that may have contributed to the increased prevalence obtained were collapse of control measures and breed susceptibility. Since, Zebu cattle were the predominant breeds in the reserve, the study advocates effective use of insecticide impregnated screens (traps and targets) with community participation in mind for sustainability. If government intervenes through PATTEC ground spraying of insecticides in the reserve is recommended. In addition, chemotherapeutic and chemoprophylaxis should be systematically used to fight the problem of trypanosomosis in the KGR towards improved livestock production.  相似文献   

Rabies isolates (genotype 1 lyssaviruses) from vaccinated dogs that died of rabies infection in the Plateau area of Nigeria were characterized using monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). The isolates were examined for rabies (genotype 1) and rabies-related (genotypes 2, 3 and 4) viruses by the indirect fluorescent antibody test carried out with MAb 502-2, which recognizes the nucleocapsid protein of all known lyssaviruses, and with MAb 422-5, which identifies only rabies-related viruses. All three isolates showed positive immunofluorescence with MAb 502-2 and were negative with MAb 422-5, indicating that they were all rabies (genotype 1) viruses.Characterization with a panel of 36 anti-nucleocapsid monoclonal antibodies showed that all three isolates reacted positively with 35 of the anti-nucleocapsid MAbs, including MAb 102-27 and MAb 377-7. Characterization using a panel of 44 anti-glycoprotein MAbs differentiated the isolates sharply from LEP Flury and PM vaccine viruses. The pattern of anti-glycoprotein reactivity of the isolates showed them to belong to one distinct viral subtype, except for a minor variation in one isolate that was not neutralized by MAb 1101-3. None of the three isolates was identified as the Flury low egg passage (LEP) vaccine strain used for vaccinating dogs in Nigeria. In fact, all the three isolates had the typical pattern of reactivity of isolates from unvaccinated dogs, including MASS 83, a rabies virus isolated in Nigeria and characterized at the Wister Institute before this study.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to demonstrate the occurrence of equine piroplasmosis (EP) in horses of Lara State, Venezuela, and to correlate it with the factors host's sex and age in order to know the epidemiology of this disease at the Venezuelan Centroccidental Region. Antibody levels to Babesia caballi and Theileria equi were assessed in 360 equine serum samples, collected from 9 municipalities of Lara State, using an ELISA technique with recombinant antigens and monoclonal antibodies (Mabs). Antibodies to B. caballi were found in 254 horses (70.6%), whereas 181 animals (50.3%) were detected as seropositives to T. equi. In addition, 128 samples (35.56%) were seropositives to both hemoparasites. There were no significant differences between the seropositivity to B. caballi and T. equi with the factors sex and age of the horses. These results show that Lara State is an enzootic area for equine piroplasmosis, and are a contribution to a partial knowledge of the dynamic of this disease in Venezuela.  相似文献   

The indicative prevalence of respiratory Mycoplasma species in small ruminants (SR) was determined in North-central Nigeria. Nasal swabs from 172 sheep and 336 goats from the Northeast, Northwest and South Senatorial Districts of Benue State were examined. Initial Mycoplasma isolation used Mycoplasma culture techniques followed by digitonin sensitivity testing. Species identification was done using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Overall, Mycoplasma organisms were isolated from 131 (25.8 %) of the 508 SR examined. Prevalence rates of 18.1 and 29.8 % were recorded for sheep and goats, respectively. A total of 135 isolates of Mycoplasma belonging to three different species were identified: Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae (127), Mycoplasma arginini (7) and Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies capri (1). More than one Mycoplasma species were detected in four (3.1 %) of the 131 confirmed Mycoplasma positive cultures. Mycoplasma was isolated from 16.2 and 29.1 % of animals with and without respiratory signs, respectively. The high isolation rate of mycoplasmas in apparently healthy and clinically sick sheep and goats in this study indicates a carrier status in these SR which may constitute a serious problem in disease control.  相似文献   

The development and survival of the eggs of Haemonchus contortus on pasture at Vom were studied by depositing faecal pellets on grass plots over a period of 12 months. Development and survival to the infective larvae occurred throughout the study except during the dry season months of December to April. More infective larvae were recovered from the herbage in June, July and August than in other months. The survival time of the infective larvae ranged from 2 weeks in October to 10 weeks in June, July and August. Rainfall was the most important epizootiological factor influencing the development and survival of the infective larvae. Temperature was not a limiting factor.  相似文献   

A case of eye infection in a heifer was reported with bilateral blindness, cornea opacity, excessive lachrymation and nasal discharge. Treatment with 6-10 drops of a 10% solution of levamisole resulted in a complete recovery, a total of 127 adult Thelazia rhodesii being recovered from the eyes.  相似文献   

Fourteen dogs which had died from acute leptospirosis, three dogs which survived an acute attack of leptospirosis and seven healthy dogs living in close contact with the animals which died were examined for the presence of lepto-spiral antibodies by the microscopic agglutination test. Twelve dogs had titres of 1:3200 or greater. The predominant titre was directed against serovar bratislava in seven cases, serovar grippothyphosa in two cases and both these serovars in two cases. In one case the predominant titre was directed against serovars bratislava, grippothyphosa, copenhageni (serogroup icterohaemorrhagiae) and pomona. The present study and other recent reports suggest that the epidemiology of canine leptospirosis is changing with the emergence of serovars differing from those typically infecting dogs, namely canicola and icterohaemorrhagiae.  相似文献   

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