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Fruit weight is strongly correlated to ovary weight in olive as big-fruited cultivars have larger ovaries and flowers at bloom. We tested the hypothesis that larger ovaries imply stronger sinks and therefore reduce fruit set, expressed as number of fruits. Flower/fruit load per centimeter of shoot was assessed every month from flowering to harvest, on sample shoots of many different olive cultivars differing in fruit size. Data were taken for two years: 2007 and 2008. Additionally, in 2008, a fruit thinning experiment was carried out by leaving a single fruit per shoot, to assess the maximum potential fruit weight achievable by each cultivar. Results indicated that fruit size was mostly genetically determined as thinned fruits of small-fruited cultivars, although bigger than control fruits, never got as big as fruits from large-fruited cultivars, confirming that large ovaries are a prerequisite for large fruits. Among all cultivars, the number of flowers per inflorescence, the number of inflorescences, and the number of flowers per centimeter of shoot were not correlated to average flower weight while total flower mass per centimeter of shoot was positively correlated to average flower weight (i.e. large flowered/fruited cultivars had greater total flower mass). However, one month after bloom and thereafter, all parameters were negatively and exponentially correlated with fruit average weight across cultivars, except fruit mass per centimeter of shoot which was generally not correlated to fruit average weight, except in one year, at harvest, when fruit mass per centimeter of shoot was positively correlated to fruit average weight. These results suggest that fruit set is a consequence of, and inversely proportional to flower/fruit size in olive.  相似文献   

Pistil abortion is considered to be an evolutionary adaptation to save resources in andromonoecious species, balancing the number of pistils with the resources available. It follows that large-fruited species/cultivars should have greater levels of pistil abortion. Working in olive, we found that pistil abortion, expressed as percentage of staminate flowers, was positively correlated to the average ovary mass at bloom, across cultivars with different ovary/fruit mass. Since ovary mass correlated with fruit mass, pistil abortion also correlated with fruit mass. The absolute number of perfect flowers per inflorescence was negatively correlated with both ovary mass and pistil abortion, while the number of staminate flowers per inflorescence increased with both parameters. The total number of flowers (i.e. staminate + perfect) was not correlated to ovary mass or pistil abortion, suggesting that male function was not affected. The results support the hypothesis that pistil abortion is related to competition for resources among ovaries, and suggest that genetic differences in pistil abortion among olive cultivars may be explained by their different pistil mass and sink strength.  相似文献   

The data presented report on trials conducted during 24 months using the Portuguese olive cultivar ‘Galega vulgar’. The effectiveness of coconut water, BAP, or kinetin, as possible zeatin substitutes in olive micropropagation protocols, was investigated. In all stages of the micropropagation process, the mineral and vitamin formulation of olive medium (OM) was used. Regarding culture establishment the best results were achieved when 50 ml l−1 coconut water and 2.22 μM BAP were used as medium supplements. For the in vitro multiplication stage, the highest proliferation rates with an average of 3.4 new explants on each 30 days were achieved maintaining the coconut water concentration at 50 ml l−1 and increasing BAP up to 8.87 μM. The effects of IBA and activated charcoal on the in vitro root induction were also studied. Rooting rates of over 85% were obtained by basal immersion of the explants in IBA solution at 3 g l−1 for 10 s, followed by inoculation in the OM culture medium, added with 2 g l−1 of activated charcoal and without growth regulators. All in vitro rooted plants were transferred into Jiffy-Pots filled with vermiculite–perlite 3:1 (v/v) substrate. Those were subsequently wetted with the OM mineral solution, placed into polystyrene plates each one with 100 Jiffy-Pots capacity, which were transferred to traditional rooting mist benches, on a water-cooling equipped greenhouse. Such a simple acclimatization procedure allowed for 95% of plants survival.  相似文献   

To study the genetic variation in Iranian olive collections and some foreign olive cultivars, 47 accessions of 18 local cultivars from 6 olive collections of Iran (Roudbar, Zanjan, Ahvaz, Dezful, Kazeroon and Shiraz), were analyzed along with 30 imported cultivars using 16 microsatellite primer pairs. All the used microsatellite loci revealed polymorphism in the studied genotypes, except GAPU14 and GAPU113 markers. Fourteen microsatellite primers amplified 126 polymorphic alleles in the 87 selected olive accessions. The average number of alleles per locus was 9, ranging from 3 to 14. Polymorphic information content (PIC) was 0.85. The genetic similarity based on Jaccard coefficient ranged from 0.15 to 1. The genetic relationships among accessions were investigated using cluster analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). Most of the accessions with the same name were grouped together; some exceptions were also observed. As expected, close relationship was observed among accessions within same cultivar. Most of the Iranian olive accessions were clustered to a main distinct group. Two-dimensional scatter plot of principal component analysis revealed a clear separation of most of the Iranian olives from Syrian and other introduced cultivars. These suggest that Iranian cultivars have different origin related to West Mediterranean basin cultivars and have evolved independently from the others. Between and within Iranian and foreign cultivars (cultivars including three or more accessions) genetic diversity was analyzed using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). AMOVA revealed higher within cultivar genetic variation (62.76%) as compare to that between cultivar variations (37.24%). The intra- and inter-cultivar variance tested by permutation test showed significant genetic variation at both levels. The high level within cultivar genetic variance could be due to mislabeling and presence of homonyms in cultivars produced by vegetative propagation from original plants.  相似文献   

Olive (Olea europaea L.) is the major fruit tree in the Mediterranean region, often grown in locations where plants are exposed to increased salinity. To determine the effect of NaCl on shoot and root growth, dry matter allocation, leaf Na+ and K+ concentration, electrolyte (EL) and K+ leakage (KL), seven olive cultivars of different origins were grown in nutrient solution containing 0, 33, 66, 100 or 166 mM NaCl for three months. The general effect of salinity was linear and quadratic decrease of observed plant growth parameters. Different responses of tested cultivars to applied levels of salinity were found for stem dry weight, shoot length and number of leaves. As salinity increased, growth of ‘Manzanillo’ declined sharply, whereas ‘Frantoio’ was the most tolerant to growth reduction in most of the observed growth parameters. Allometric analysis showed that biomass allocation under salinity stress was similar in all cultivars, but the slope between shoot weight and total plant weight decreased as salinity increased. Since the higher allocation in roots was not found, it seems that salinity only slowed the above ground plant canopy growth. Sodium concentration in leaves of all cultivars increased as salinity increased with the highest increment reached when the salinity of nutrient solution was raised from 100 to 166 mM NaCl. Significant differences among genotypes were found in leaf Na+ and K+ concentration and K+:Na+ ratio, but they were not related to the growth rate. Generally, ‘Frantoio’ and ‘Oblica’ accumulated less Na+ and were able to maintain higher K+:Na+ ratios as compared to other genotypes. Electrolyte leakage and KL linearly increased with increasing salinity and the magnitude of the response depended upon the olive cultivar.  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out in a young high-density olive grove (556 plants ha−1Olea europaea L., cv Coratina) located in Southern Italy to evaluate the effect of different soil water availability on the vegetative and productive performances of olive trees also looking into the quality of the resulting oils. Trials were carried out over a 3-year period on trees subjected to irrigation and grown under rainfed conditions. Vegetative tree response, as shoot elongation and trunk diameter, was evaluated. Yield per plant, fruit characteristics, oil quality indices (free fatty acid content, peroxide value, UV adsorption at 232 and 270 nm, total phenols, α-tocopherol content) were determined for both irrigated and non-irrigated treatments in the ‘on’ years 1997 and 1999 (6th and 8th year after planting, respectively).  相似文献   

The canopy of a mature ‘Kerman’ pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) tree is composed of two types of shoots: short-shoots composed entirely of preformed nodes, and long-shoots composed of both preformed and neoformed nodes. Since the production of these two types of shoots is known to be related to rootstock and rootstock influences yield of pistachio the relationship of these two types of shoots to yield was investigated during two cropping years. Individual short-shoots produced significantly less yield and had fewer fruit clusters per shoot compared with long-shoots, but collectively produced 55–60% of the total yield. Long-shoots positively affected yield components in one year, but had no effect in the other year. Whether the differences in the one year were due to canopy position and light interception or differences in the carbohydrate allocation within the two types of shoots could not be determined from the current data. Long-shoots initiated more inflorescence buds, although inflorescence bud formation was restricted to the preformed growth and only the 3–4 earliest neoformed nodes. However, when expressed as a percentage, long-shoots retained a lower percentage of initiated inflorescence buds, compared with short-shoots. Regardless of shoot type, less than half of the retained inflorescence buds produced mature fruit clusters. Thus, inflorescence bud retention, a previously hypothesized mechanism of pistachio alternate bearing, may not be the primary limiting factor to yield in pistachio.  相似文献   

The response of cv. Muhasan trees and its fruit characteristics to a 50% regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) was studied. The general response to the reduced irrigation was relatively small. However, the schedule of water application was very significant for various fruit characteristics. In the best schedule the 50% reduction in annual irrigation water reduced the oil yield over 4 years by only 12.2% and that of the fruit yield by 18.5%. The most efficient schedule was based on applying all the irrigation water after stone hardening. In lighter soils however, with lower water holding capacity or in regions with a lower rainfall diverting some of the water to the pre-bloom and fruit set period might be needed. The fruit mesocarp/endocarp (flesh/pit) ratio was dependent on the water availability during the stone hardening period. This ratio was significantly improved when water availability during the stone hardening period was reduced. The rate of oil accumulation was also affected by the irrigation schedule but was about the same in ‘on’ and ‘off’ years. Fruit growth was less affected by the irrigation schedule but most significantly by the yield load. All the affects of the irrigation schedules were more expressed in the ‘on’ years than in the ‘off’ years. No clear cut differences or consistent effects of the irrigation schedule were found on the degree of alternant bearing and mineral content of the leaves.  相似文献   

Fruit weight is related to ovary weight in olive (Olea europaea L.)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Fruit size is an important parameter both for scientific understanding and for commercial purposes. In many species, mature fruit size is often related to floral ovary size, but no literature exists in olive that demonstrates such a relationship. Previous work suggests that olive cultivars with different fruit sizes have similar cell number and size in the ovary transectional area, but ovary and fruit dry weight was not measured. In the present study, ovary dry weight and fruit dry weight during the whole fruit development season until harvest were measured in olive cultivars with different fruit size, over three years. Flower dry weight was also measured. Fruit weight at harvest was strongly correlated to ovary weight at bloom, both in single-year data and when data from three years were pooled. Flower dry weight, excluding the ovary, was also correlated to ovary dry weight. Ovary dry weight was strongly correlated not only to the fruit dry weight at maturity, but also at any date during fruit development. The mature fruit/ovary dry weight ratio ranged between 1000 and 4000 among cultivars, but was not correlated to the fruit dry weight at maturity. These results suggest that, in olive, fruit weight is genetically controlled through the ovary weight at bloom. This knowledge may have implications in the understanding of fruit set and source-sink relationships in olive.  相似文献   

Three apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) cultivars were subjected to different degrees of fruit thinning during pit hardening. At harvest fruit quality characteristics were assessed, along with phytochemicals’ concentration, such as carbohydrates, phenolic compounds and organic acids. Antioxidant capacity of the pulp was estimated by diphenyl picryl hydrazyl and ferric reducing antioxidant power assays. Thinning improved fruit weight in two of the three cultivars with a subsequent decrease in fruit firmness, without significant effect on total soluble solid content and titratable acidity. The skin color was not influenced by thinning, but carbohydrate concentration and sweetness index increased. Total phenol concentration increased with thinning, without any similar increase of the major individual phenolic compounds detected (neo-chlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acid, rutin, catechin, epicatechin, ferulic acid, p-coumaric acid and caffeic acid). The antioxidant capacity of the pulp was not influenced by thinning. In overall, thinning enhanced the pomological traits of apricot fruits as well as their phytochemical content.  相似文献   

Differences in mature fruit size among olive cultivars are related to differences in ovary size at bloom, but it is not known whether cell number or size determines the variation in ovary size. In this study we measured cell size and number in equatorial cross-sectional areas of the principal ovary tissues (mesocarp and endocarp) in eight cultivars with very different fruit and ovary size. The results showed that cell number explained most of the differences in ovary size, while cell size was not related to ovary size, except for a weak (R2 = 0.33) correlation in the endocarp. Since sink strength is thought to be related to cell number, this finding supports the hypothesis that larger ovaries represent stronger sinks. The implications of greater sink strength with bigger ovaries are discussed. Within cultivars, while the cross-sectional areas of mesocarp and endocarp were similar, cell number was higher in the mesocarp but cell size was smaller compared to the endocarp.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to study the effects of boron (B) on growth, nutrient status, B distribution and gas exchange parameters of olive plants (Olea europaea L.). One-year-old own-rooted olive plants of the Greek cultivars Megaritiki, Chondrolia Chalkidikis, Amfissis and Kalamon were grown in a sand–perlite medium and irrigated with nutrient solutions containing: 0.27, 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5 and 10 mg L−1 B (0.27 and 10 mg L−1 were considered as control and excess B treatment, respectively). After culturing for 185 days, leaves and stems (from basal and apical part of the shoots) and roots were separately sampled. Our results showed that the final number of leaves per plant was negatively correlated with B concentration in the nutrient solution. Furthermore, in B10.0 treatment, ‘Megaritiki’ had decreased length and number of lateral stems, ‘Chondrolia Chalkidikis’ and ‘Amfissis’ showed decreased length of lateral stems and ‘Kalamon’ decreased length of lateral stems and plant height. In general, dry weight of stems and leaves was not significantly correlated with B concentration in the nutrient solution. B concentration in leaves and stems was linearly correlated with B supply. A linear correlation existed between B concentration of the nutrient solution and that of leaves and stems. At the end of the experiment, B levels in the leaves and stems of B0.27 and B0.5 treatments did not differ significantly. In general, the increase of B concentration in the nutrient solution, negatively affected the nitrogen (N) concentration of leaves and stems while phosphorus (P) and iron (Fe) concentrations were not affected. Furthermore, potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) concentration in stems of plants supplied with 10 mg L−1 B was decreased. In addition, high B supply resulted in increased magnesium (Mg) and manganese (Mn) concentrations in ‘Chondrolia Chalkidikis’ and ‘Amfissis’ and in the decrease of zinc (Zn) concentrations, in all plants. A significant decline in photosynthetic rate at the end of the experiment was observed in the B5.0 treatment regardless of cultivar.  相似文献   

Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) fruits exhibit three growth stages associated with distinct biological processes. During these periods, water and carbon accumulate in the fruit, determining quality traits such as fruit size and sugar concentration. We adapted the Fishman-Génard model to blueberry and used it to analyse the effect of fruit load on fruit fresh mass and water dynamics, based on empirical observations of dry mass and sugar content performed throughout the fruit growth period. Different fruit load treatments were imposed during two seasons on ‘Brigitta’ blueberry plants growing under different culture systems. Increasing fruit load significantly reduced the fresh mass of the fruits at harvest, but did not affect sugar concentration, which was simulated and validated with a mean error of 7% for fresh mass and 15% for sugar concentration for the tested conditions. The most sensitive model parameters were those related to cell wall extensibility and sugar uptake. The simulations indicated that larger fresh mass of the fruit was mainly caused by increases in water fluxes rather than pressure differences. The model implementation provides the first estimates of a set of parameters which govern blueberry fruit water dynamics from fruit set to harvest.  相似文献   

Three olive cultivars (Oliva Nera di Colletorto, Noccioluta, and a probably a new local genotype) from two strictly related areas of Molise region (south-centre of Italy) were characterized by combining molecular data (eight SSRs analyzed on leaves) and morphological features (thirty-one parameters from leaves, drupes and pits). Both molecular and morphological analyses have shown a very good separation of the three endemic cultivars. A high correlation between morphological and molecular data was found using Mantel's test. The morphological traits of pits were less influenced by environmental pressure than the leaves and drupes; therefore, the pits are more affected by genetic control and might be considered a helpful tool for cultivar characterization and identification. Potential and limitations of three statistical models computed to perform cultivar identification by morphological measures is also discussed. We demonstrated that molecular and morphological analyses are useful for distinguishing new accessions and studying local varieties to preserve genetic diversity, even at small geographical scale in such an unequivocal way; hence the methodology could be proposed as a tool to discriminate widespread cultivars, with long genetic distances.  相似文献   

The floral biology of ‘Koroneiki’, ‘Kalamata’ and ‘Mastoidis’ was studied for three consecutive years to elucidate the potential physiological and genetic controls of inflorescence architecture and phenology and to identify potential genotype-distinguishing characters that could be employed for morphological cultivar discrimination. The first open flowers were mainly observed at position I for ‘Koroneiki’ (83%) while they were mainly located at position II for ‘Mastoidis’ (40%) and ‘Kalamata’ (63%). The last open flowers were principally located at the apical position for ‘Koroneiki’ (46%) and ‘Kalamata’ (68%) and at position II for ‘Mastoidis’ (75%). Most of the first open flowers were perfect for ‘Koroneiki’ (89%) and ‘Mastoidis’ (97%) while lower percentages were observed in the last open flowers (67% and 80%, respectively). Higher percentages of perfect flowers were observed in ‘Mastoidis’ compared to ‘Koroneiki’ in both cases. The average flowering shoots of ‘Kalamata’ produced significantly more flowers (1523/m) compared to ‘Koroneiki’ (1139/m) and ‘Mastoidis’ (1044/m). The half of the flowers in ‘Mastoidis’ were located at position I while the 38% was located at position II and only the 12% at the apex. By contrast, approximately the 80% of flowers in ‘Koroneiki’ and ‘Kalamata’ panicles was equally distributed at positions I and II, while the 18% and 19%, respectively, was located at the apex. A marked relationship was also observed between flower position in the panicle and flower gender.  相似文献   

To evaluate the most appropriate rootstocks for mandarin production in Egypt, vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of ‘Marisol’ clementine (as newly introduced cultivar in Egypt) grafted on Sour orange (the common rootstock), Cleopatra mandarin, Carrizo citrange and ‘Swingle’ citrumelo were evaluated under the Egyptian conditions during 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 seasons. Trees were grown in a private farm at ‘Wady El-Mullak’ region, Ismailia Governorate (Latitude, 30°36′ N; longitude, 32°14′ E; Altitude, 10 m above sea level).  相似文献   

Blueberry fruit growth commonly exhibits a double-sigmoid pattern. The goal of this work was to characterize and compare fruit growth of cultivars differing in ripening time using exponential non-linear mixed models. Mixed-effects five-parameter exponential (Gompertz I and II; logistic; monomolecular) models were fitted to fruit diameter data from 2 years and three cultivars grown in the field in a cool temperate environment. Gompertz II mixed model provided the best fit to fruit growth data and was used for further analysis. In later ripening cultivars ‘Cape Fear’ and ‘Herbert’, clear-cut double-sigmoid patterns were observed, absolute growth rate models exhibited two marked peaks, and relative growth rate showed an initial decreasing trend, and a subsequent peak. The earlier cv. ‘O’Neal’ did not exhibit a defined double-sigmoid pattern. The time between relative extremes of absolute growth acceleration is proposed as an objective criterion for fixing stage boundaries within growth curves. Exponential mixed models accurately fitted blueberry growth patterns. These equations highlighted differences in fruit growth patterns between early and late ripening highbush blueberry cultivars.  相似文献   

Leaf structural adaptations for the reduction of water loss were examined in two olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars (Chemlali and Chétoui) growing under water stress conditions. Leaf measurements included leaf tissue thickness, stomatal density, trichome density, specific leaf area, leaf density, water relations, and gas exchange. We found considerable genotypic differences between the two cultivars. Chemlali exhibited more tolerance to water stress, with a thicker palisade parenchyma, and a higher stomatal and trichome density. Chemlali leaves also revealed lower specific leaf area and had higher density of foliar tissue and lower reduction in net CO2 assimilation rate. The mechanisms employed by these two cultivars to cope with water deficit are discussed at the morpho-structural level. The morphological and structural characteristics of the leaves are in accordance with physiological observations and contribute to the interpretation of why the olive cv. Chemlali is more drought-tolerant than cv. Chetoui. Furthermore, from the behaviour of Chemlali plants we consider this cultivar very promising for cultivation in semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

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