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森林遗传资源保护现状及技术问题   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文从国际性组织的活动、几个较发达国家和我国3个方面介绍了森林遗传资源保护的现状.叙述了遗传资源保护中的技术问题.我国应加强统筹规划, 研建森林遗传资源管理系统, 编制遗传资源区划图, 开展有利于遗传资源保存的天然林施业.  相似文献   

根据森林遗传资源保存的对象,把森林遗传资源分为当前生产和研究利用频度较高的材料、濒危珍稀材料和具有潜在应用价值的材料。根据在林遗传资源保存林与其繁殖的后继林,在基因及基因型频率方面的稳定程度,将森林遗传资源保存方法分为四类,以此对各保存对象拟定了相应的保存对策。  相似文献   

森林是陆地生态系统的主体和人类赖以生存的主要自然资源 ,是地球上功能最完善、结构最复杂、产量最大的生物库、基因库、碳储存库和绿色水库 ,是维持陆地生态平衡的重要因素。森林所包容的丰富多样的生物 ,是地球上经历 4 0亿年的自然演化、自然选择、自然资源优化配置的人类最珍贵的资源。林木遗传资源是地球上保存最完整、最重要的复合生态系统的基础资源 ,是物种多样性和遗传多样性的基础。因此 ,开展林木遗传资源保存对策研究是保存和利用林木遗传资源 ,促进林业的可持续发展 ,发挥森林多功能效益的重要课题 ,保存林木遗传资源 ,对于为…  相似文献   

本文从五个方面论述了森林遗传资源常用的两种保存方法原境保存和原境外保存的结合途径,并就各结合途径保存的对象、目的、范围和优点进行了详细论述  相似文献   

由于物种灭绝过程加快,引起了人们对生物多样性的关注,森林遗传资源工作也受到了重视.遗传资源与育种资源的涵义既相关,又有区别.森林遗传育种资源不仅对保存物种和种内生物多样性,对持续利用有重要意义,又与当前的育种活动和林业生产密切相关.20世纪60年代已有一些国际机构开展了森林遗传资源工作.近20年来我国加强了遗传资源的保护.自然选择与人工选择是生物进化与创造新种质的基本作用因素,遗传育种资源离不开选择.考虑林木遗传资源的特点、技术可行性、投入与产出等因素,原地保存是森林遗传资源保存的主要方法.结合已营建的及正在建设中的试验林、良种基地、自然保护区、天然林保护工程和森林公园等工作,分别讨论了外来树种、主要乡土造林树种、珍稀濒危树种以及尚待开发的乡土树种等资源的收集和保存策略.  相似文献   

陈剑英 《云南林业》2003,24(5):17-17
林木种质资源是陆地上最完整、最重要的复合生态系统的基础资源,也是容易被破坏或灭绝的活资源。随着森林的消减和衰退,林木种质资源以物种为单位及种下的群体、个体的遗传丢失日趋严重,部分物种灭绝或濒危灭绝。许多树种的生物多样性在等级上虽未濒危,但表现出较多的渐危群体与濒危群体。因此,保护和保存林木种质资源,提高森林质量,保护生物多样性已经成为当今世界人们普遍关注的重要课题。种质资源的保存方法依据林木繁殖方式不同、种子类型不同而异。对多年生林木种质资源可采用就地保存和迁地保存。对就地保存、迁地保存有一定困难或有…  相似文献   

云南森林树种种质资源保存策略初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
结合云南自然地理和森林树种植物区系特点,就制订其森林树种种质资源保存策略提出如下建议:开展3种保存方式及建立在分子标记基础之上的样本技术研究;分别气候带和地域实施有侧重的原地和迁地保存,分期建立9个迁地保存中心;配合重大林业生态工程,营造迁地保存林及提供优良种质;在云南“中华生物谷”项目中建立专门的种质低温保存率。  相似文献   

森林基因资源收集保存的要点和方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文根据联合国有关文件的规定和精神, 对森林基因资源收集保存问题的由来、保存的目的、对象、方式、种类、材料和方法等作了全面、系统的综述。森林基因资源保存是从本世纪70年代兴起的事; 今天已成为全球关切的问题之一。对森林基因资源保存加以研究和付诸行动, 是时代赋予我们这一代林学家的责任。  相似文献   

森林是陆地生态系统的主体,生物多样性的最大储存库、人类社会可持续发展的基础,保存森林遗传(种质)资源,既是保存森林多样性的主要途径,也是保护生物多样性的基础工程。  相似文献   

一、林木种质基因资源保存的由来   森林基因资源保存 (它比林木种质基因保存的含义广 ),是当代全球性关切的问题之一,主要因为全球性过度采伐森林,使森林资源锐减,生态环境恶化和物种消失,水、旱、风沙等自然灾害极为严重,人类赖以生存的主要森林生态环境有毁灭的危险,因此引起了联合国的重视。联合国有 8个组织敦促各国政府开展森林基因资源保存,并颁布了《森林基因保存方法学》一文,作为全球性的指导纲要。第一次提出原境保存和异境保存,作为森林基因资源保存的基本方式。   为了进一步开展工作,国际林联还专门成立了种源…  相似文献   

Major challenges exist for applied gene conservation of forest genetic resources in native habitats of the Mexican and Central American Pines, Pinus radiata and the Southern US pines. They include population decline and population structure changes, due to forest removal, conversion of forest land to other uses, fires, climate change, diseases and pests. However, tree breeders continue to struggle with methods that would meaningfully integrate tree breeding and conservation populations. In this review, I will start by outlining the importance of gene conservation in tree breeding programs, then highlight some challenges and opportunities for applied gene conservation programs; and lastly, I share results of a large body of applied research and other activities aimed at genetically characterising the base population of P. radiata in Australia and New Zealand, for the purposes of effective ex situ gene conservation. Main threats for species grown in exotic environments also include introduced diseases and pests, and more recently, climate change. Consequently, movement of genetic material is often restricted and genetic resources of pine species are not readily expanded by further importations from overseas. Therefore, conservation of genetic material currently in these countries is likely to be important for the long-term viability of plantation forestry using pine species. In addition to understanding the largely unpredictable or speculative biological and economic worth of rare alleles, the greatest challenge that we have in ex situ gene conservation is to develop practical approaches for infusing genes from base populations of unimproved material into more advanced-generation breeding programs without greatly affecting productivity gains. Other notable challenges include perceived costs and benefits of gene conservation in the face of increasing privatisation of forest estate. While financial resources for domestication of alternative species are declining, a vast number of existing species and provenance/progeny trials of P. radiata, the Mexican and Central American pines and the Southern US pines provide an excellent gene resource for the future.  相似文献   

澳大利亚与新西兰林木种质资源保存研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者在赴澳大利亚和新西兰实地考察林木种质资源及翻译了大量一手资料的基础上,对两国林木种质资源原地保存、异地保存和设施保存以及种质信息管理与共享等分别进行了归纳阐述,并结合我国国情提出了我国林木种质资源的保存建议。  相似文献   

The species Pinus chiapensis is under severe pressure from forest conversion to agriculture and fuelwood cutting. These trends are certain to continue and methods for conservation and wise use of the genetic resource must be implemented soon in Mexico and Guatemala as well as in those countries where the species can be grown on a commercial basis. A total of 101 open-pollinated families from nine provenances of Pinus chiapensis have been established in trials and gene conservation banks by Smurfit Carton de Colombia since 1981. The best provenances for growth rate have been Cotzal, La Trinidad and Pohlo. A tree improvement program with grafted seed orchards is underway.  相似文献   

基于28个20mx90m样地的调查数据,利用Lotka-Volterra模型,本文分析了长白山北坡阔叶红松(Pinuskoraiensis)林和云冷杉林(也叫暗针叶林)群落交错区优势树种之间的竞争及动态。结果显示:在自然条件下,群落将向两个方向分化,一是以云杉(PiceajezoensisandP.koraiensis)和冷杉(Abiesnephrolepis)为优势的群落,并在达到平衡时冷杉占绝对优势(相对优势度的77.1%):另一种是以红松或云冷杉和阔叶树占绝对优势的针阔混交林,并在达到平衡时,阔叶树在阔叶红松林中占相对优势度的50%,在云冷杉一阔叶林类型中占66%。同时,本研究说明:(1)阔叶红松林和云冷杉林都是长白山气候顶极群落:(2)交错区具有过渡性质:(3)森林群落的分化结果说明演替的方向受局部生境的影响。图1表3参24。  相似文献   

It is possible that current tree domestication practices undertaken by farmers reduce the genetic base of tree resources on farms, raising concerns regarding the productivity, sustainability and conservation value of agroforestry ecosystems. Here, we assessed possible changes in genetic variation during domestication in the important and heavily utilised timber species, Vitex fischeri Gürke (syn. Vitex keniensis), by comparing geographically proximate forest and farm material in central Kenya. Employing RAPD analysis, a total of 104 polymorphic markers revealed by five arbitrary primers were scored in a total of 65 individuals, 32 from forest and 33 from farmland. Despite concerns of possible genetic erosion, forest and farm stands did not differ significantly in levels of genetic variation, with H values of 0.278 and 0.269, respectively. However, Mantel tests did reveal greater geographically related associative genetic structure among individuals in farm rather than forest material, with r M values of 0.217 and 0.114, respectively. A more detailed analysis of structure suggested this could be due to local variation in origin of some on-farm trees. Implications of data for the genetic management of V. fischeri stands during farmer-led tree domestication activities are discussed. At present, there appears little reason to reject on-farm V. fischeri as a source of germplasm for future on-farm planting or for conservation purposes, although this situation may change and will require monitoring.  相似文献   

我国木麻黄种质资源引种与保存   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
木麻黄科有4个属96个种,天然分布于澳大利亚、东南亚和太平洋群岛,垂直分布于海平面潮线开始至海拔3000m以上的高山。目前,我国引种木麻黄已有:107a的历史,但加世纪80年代中期,我国才开始系统地从事木麻黄种质资源引种工作,开展了木麻黄种质资源收集、保存,优良种源、家系筛选,无性繁殖、共生菌等研究。到目前为止,在我国海南、广东、福建、浙江和广西等省区,引进了2个属(Gasuarina,Allocasuarina)、23个木麻黄种、200多个种源和260多个家系,通过试验筛选出了一些适合不同立地的优良树种、种源或家系,其中短枝木麻黄和山地木麻黄为全分布区种源。加世纪90年代以来,对异木麻黄属树种,进行了重点引进,共引进了10余种异木麻黄属植物,增加了我国木麻黄遗传资源,并对主要木麻黄种质资源进行了保存和利用。引进的木麻黄树种包括田野木麻黄、迪尔斯木麻黄、双针木麻黄、费雷泽木麻黄、休格尔木麻黄、矮木麻黄、滨海木麻黄、利曼氏木麻黄、纳纳木麻黄、沼泽木麻黄、小松木麻黄、多纹木麻黄、森林木麻黄、轮生木麻黄、山神木麻黄、鸡冠木麻黄、细枝木麻黄、短枝木麻黄、粗枝木麻黄、大木麻黄、山地木麻黄、肥木木麻黄、小齿木麻黄。论文着重介绍了我国木麻黄种质资源的引种驯化历史、研究、保存现状等。  相似文献   

When pine trees are invaded by pine wilt diseases, the severely infected pine trees will die and fall down, or they will be removed when found to be damaged by the disease. It gives rise to the invasion of other species in these empty niches originally occupied by pine trees, i.e., competing surrounding trees or understory shrubs will invade the empty niches during the following years. As a result, the spatial distribution and pattern of the main tree species in a pine forest will change, and a niche variety in the main population will occur. In the end, the direction of the succession and restoration of the pine forest ecosystem will be affected. In our study, a Pinus massoniana forest with the dominant shrub, Pleioblastus amarus, was invaded by pine wood nematode and was clear cut. Selecting this community as our research object, we studied the effect of the invasion of the pine wood nematode on the growth of the dominant shrub, P. amarus, in this Pinus massoniana forest. Our results show that, after the attacked pine trees were removed, the niche was occupied by Pleioblastus amarus and other shrubs, which benefited the growth of P. amarus to its climax. Growth of P. amarus at the climax stage was greater compared with the unhealthy pine forest and the control group.  相似文献   

论中国林木引种驯化策略   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
王豁然  江泽平 《林业科学》1995,31(4):367-372
林木引种驯化已经成为现代林业的重要组成部分。从现代林木引种驯化概念出发,对林木引种驯化策略进行了探讨分析,对于中国林业的持续发展,在理论和实践上都是十分必要的。  相似文献   

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