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Many owners of companion animals with cancer are overwhelmed by having to choose the “right course of action.” With the aim of reducing the burden on owners who are forced to act as surrogates for their animals, this work discusses principles that apply to ethical treatment decision‐making for animal patients with cancer. Four principles frequently used for ethical decision‐making in human medicine will be considered for their potential applicability in veterinary medicine. As a result of these considerations, preliminary guidelines are presented, along which a decision‐making discussion can be held. The deliberate integration of the non‐maleficence and beneficence principles into the purely empirical facts of what is medically possible helps to maintain a moral perspective in specialized veterinary medicine. At the same time, such guidelines may contribute to individual decision‐making in a way that animal patients neither have to endure unnecessarily severe side effects, nor that they are euthanized prematurely.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo review monitors currently available for the assessment of nociception-antinociception in veterinary medicine.Databases usedPubMed, Web of Science and Google Scholar. The results were initially filtered manually based on the title and the abstract.ConclusionsThe provision of adequate antinociception is difficult to achieve in veterinary anaesthesia. Currently, heart rate and arterial blood pressure are used to monitor the response to a noxious stimulus during anaesthesia, with minimum alveolar concentration-sparing effect and stress-related hormones used for this purpose in research studies. However, since none of these variables truly assess intraoperative nociception, several alternative monitoring devices have been developed for use in humans. These nociceptive-antinociceptive monitoring systems derive information from variables, such as electroencephalography, parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) response, sympathetic nervous system response and electromyography. Several of these monitoring systems have been investigated in veterinary medicine, although few have been used to assess intraoperative nociception in animals. There is controversy regarding their effectiveness and clinical use in animals. A nociceptive-antinociceptive monitoring system based on the PNS response has been developed for use in cats, dogs and horses. It uses the parasympathetic tone activity index, which is believed to detect inadequate intraoperative nociception-antinociception balance in veterinary anaesthesia. Nonetheless, there are limited published studies to date, and cardiovascular variables remain the gold standard. Consequently, further studies in this area are warranted.  相似文献   

量子点具有独特的光学性质,近年已在材料科学、分析化学、生命科学、医学检验等学科领域得到广泛研究和应用.作为一种新型的荧光标记材料,量子点在兽医领域越来越受到重视.作者就量子点的特性、种类及其在兽医领域的研究做一综述,并提出了未来研究方向,为拓展量子点在动物疫病诊断、兽药研发、致病机制等方面的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

样品采集是兽医科学研究中必不可少的环节。以中华人民共和国农业行业标准《动物疫病实验室检验采样方法》为基础,结合临床实践和研究经历,介绍了基于不同研究目的和内容的样品采集种类、数量和操作,以及样品收装、保存和处理方法,重点概述了国内外关于采样方法的最新进展,从而为今后的兽医科学研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The veterinary profession, from acceptance to veterinary college to retirement, has experienced extensive organizational change in the past 3 decades. This paper is an attempt to understand the context and complexity of national workforce planning in veterinary medicine in Canada. It identifies the obvious practical and ethical considerations, exposing inherent problems in guiding the future of the profession. The discourse concludes there is a structural deficiency in veterinary education program capacity in Canada (practical fact) and Canadian youth may have increasingly difficult access to tertiary education (ethical concern). Adaptation, rather than planning, characterizes current practices in which migration of foreign-trained veterinarians mitigates the structural deficiency in training capacity. Due to the pervasive adoption of neo-liberal marketing principles in tertiary education, a nationally self-sufficient Canadian veterinary college infrastructure is an unlikely future possibility. Our current system, reliant on migration of internationally trained professionals, raises questions of global justice and individual rights. Strategic solutions require reflection on veterinary professional identity, broad discussion, and a commitment to a rigorous concept of professional responsibilities, global citizenship, and the public good.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the role of lectures from the perspective of staff and students involved in the veterinary course at The University of Queensland. METHODS: The Nominal Group Technique of Delbecq et al, which provides the maximum opportunity for group members to put forward points, was used to help develop a questionnaire which was completed by 351 students (a response rate of 84%) and 35 staff (76%) from the five years of the veterinary course, and was analysed using the SAS System for Windows. RESULTS: Almost all the staff and students agreed that lectures should fulfil many roles including stimulating and motivating students and encouraging them to think, as well as presenting ideas and concepts and an indication of the structure and relevance of the material. They should provide a guide for effective deep learning, but not encourage rote (or superficial) learning. A smaller percentage of staff and even fewer students agreed that lectures did fulfil these roles, especially those directed at encouraging students to look beyond simple memorisation of facts. The perceived disparity between reality and the ideal was greater amongst the older, clinical students than amongst their more junior colleagues. CONCLUSIONS: The focus of attention in lectures needs to change from the superficial, rote learning of information to deep, active learning directed at using information to solve problems that are perceived by the students to be relevant. If done in a stimulating and interesting way, this should develop skills in reasoning and critical analysis as well as providing a framework for storage and recall. It should also increase the motivation towards learning both during the veterinary course, and over the professional lifetime. Furthermore, the place of the lecture in veterinary education needs to be reassessed regularly in the face of newly-emerging educational technology.  相似文献   

迷迭香为唇形科植物,喜温,原产地中海沿岸,广泛用于医药、油炸食品及各类油脂的保鲜。研究表明,迷迭香具有抗炎、抗氧化、抗菌、抗癌、护肝等药效作用,在兽医临床可能有广泛的应用前景。通过查阅国内外有关文献资料,综述了迷迭香药效和兽医临床应用的进展,为迷迭香的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

加强兽药GSP后续监管工作的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对兽药经营企业在执行兽药GSP管理要求时存在的问题进行归纳梳理,分析了问题产生的原因,总结了宁夏开展后续监管工作的一些探索,并提出了做好兽药GSP 后续监管工作的建议,以期为全国同行提供参考。  相似文献   

生物等效性试验作为兽药获批上市的关键试验,其研究过程和技术评审都要遵循特定的法规和指导原则。以药动学参数为终点的血药浓度法生物等效性试验是目前普遍采用的研究方法,适用于药物活性成分吸收进入体循环具有全身作用的剂型(大多数内服剂型和特殊注射剂)。本文根据生物等效性定义、相关法规和指导原则,结合近年来兽药注册资料,对血药浓度法生物等效性试验的技术评审要点及常见问题进行梳理,旨在为新兽药的研发和注册提供参考。  相似文献   

Like the rest of the world, Australia is in the throes of a dire shortage of veterinarians, while the demand for veterinary professional services grows. This combination has a very real impact on veterinarians' workload and stress, with significant mental health impacts. Times have changed in our profession and it is time for a change in our practice. We need to look at a different way of managing veterinary workloads and demands and, in particular, better utilise our paraprofessional staff. It is the solution right under our noses embracing our veterinary technologists and nurses.  相似文献   

中兽医起源于中国古代,是具有独特理论体系和丰富诊疗手段的传统兽医学,历史悠久。西方兽医传入我国后,因诊疗便捷且收益较高,基层兽医从业者大多采用西兽医技术防治动物疾病,严重冲击中兽医的在基层的应用。本文通过分析中兽医现状与调查基层中兽医从业及发展情况,剖析其存在的问题和发展机遇,初步探讨提出解决思路,使中兽医得以更好的传承与发展。  相似文献   

全面概述了加拿大的兽药管理体系,包括加拿大的兽药定义、主要管理机构及其职责和任务、兽药管理的法律法规和主要内容等,进而对加拿大在兽药管理制度及体系方面的改革和完善进程做一简要介绍,为我国兽药法制化管理的进一步发展提供了可借鉴的信息。  相似文献   

Development of effective and safe treatments for companion animals with cancer requires the collaboration of numerous animal health professionals and the full engagement of animal owners. Establishing ‘Best Practice Recommendations’ for clinical trials in veterinary oncology represents an important step toward meeting the goal of rigorous clinical trial design and conduct that is required to establish valid evidence. Likewise, optimizing patient welfare and owner education and advocacy is crucial to meet the unique ethical obligations to both owners and animals enrolled in these clinical trials and to ensure trust in the team conducting the research. To date, ‘Best Practice Recommendations’ for clinical trial conduct have not been reported for veterinary oncology. This document summarizes the consensus of a workshop held in November, 2014 to identify relevant ethical principles and to ensure responsible conduct of clinical research in companion animals with cancer. It is intended as a working document that will be updated as advances in science and ethical considerations require. To the extent possible, existing guidelines for the conduct and oversight of clinical trials in humans have been adapted for veterinary trials to avoid duplicative effort and to facilitate integration of clinical trials such that translational research with benefits for both companion animals and humans are encouraged.  相似文献   

实验教学是兽医学科教学体系中的核心环节,而实验报告是学生掌握实验原理、分析实验现象和撰写实验结果的重要载体,是实验教学中不可或缺的组成部分。目前,兽医学科实验教学过程中纸质版实验报告作为实验课程的主要考核模式,存在对动态试验过程无法再现、文字无法客观真实描述实验现象等问题,传统的纸质版实验报告已经无法满足当下高校培养学生的教学需要。在兽医学科实验教学过程中,多数动物实验现象用文字无法进行恰当的描述,以图片、视频、动画等数字化方式可以更加直观的展现动物疾病发病前后器官病理变化,利于学生通过撰写实验报告加深实验技能与专业知识。在此基础上提出了数字化实验报告的教学模式并在实际教学实践中进行推广应用。通过实行数字化实验报告,学生实验教学课堂反应效果好,教学质量提升明显,特总结此文,以期为改善实验教学手段,提升教学质量提供参考。  相似文献   

由美国金融危机引发的全球经济危机已经影响到我国的实体经济领域,兽药企业也未能幸免.如何在危机中求生存求发展,成为众多兽药企业急需解决的问题.本文从我国兽药企业的发展现状出发,分析了目前兽药企业发展所存在的问题,并提出了解决这些问题的对策和建议.  相似文献   

Objective To examine the attitudes and opinions on veterinary education at the beginning and end of the veterinary course, and after graduation.
Design Longitudinal study.
Population Students – 154 in all – who began studying veterinary science at The University of Queensland in 1985 and 1986.
Procedure Questionnaires were completed in the first and fifth year of the course and in the second year after graduation. The data were analysed using the SAS System for Windows.
Results When they entered the course, the students were looking forward more to learning about animals than about basic sciences. At fifth year and after graduation most believed that more emphasis should have been placed on all facets of their education except the basic sciences. It may be difficult to increase this emphasis without placing undue pressure on the students, although more than half of the fifth year students and graduates agreed that there is much in the curriculum that is not needed by a practising veterinarian. Only one-third or less agreed that veterinarians are well equipped to practise veterinary science immediately they graduate. There was no relationship between the level of agreement with this statement, and the academic grades obtained.
Conclusions A majority of veterinary graduates do not believe that they are well equipped to practice immediately they graduate. They believe that more emphasis should have been placed on most facets of their education, but, conversely, that there is much in the curriculum that is not needed by a practising veterinarian.  相似文献   

宠物用抗肿瘤药正在成为研发热点,美国FDA于2009年发布了伴侣动物用抗肿瘤药指导原则,EMA发布了犬猫用抗肿瘤药指导原则并于2022年1月28日开始实施。本文采用EMA的框架维度对两个指导原则安全性和有效性评价的关键技术要点进行分析,为研发者提供参考。  相似文献   

This thematic review examines the literature regarding the relationship between domestic violence (DV) and pet abuse (PA) particularly in the veterinary clinical and educational contexts. It examines the significance of this relationship for the veterinary profession including the veterinarian’s role and associated legal and ethical obligations, and relevant current veterinary education standards, to identify future clinical and educational directions. Articles were sourced from online databases by searching the keywords without date restrictions. Overall, 70 articles were retrieved and reviewed.

Pet abuse has been identified as a potential risk factor for DV, and DV perpetrators may harm or kill a pet to exert physical, psychological or emotional control over an intimate partner. Given that victims of DV often seek veterinary aid for their pets, veterinarians may act as frontline professionals in the recognition of the link between PA and DV. Veterinarians must assess individual cases for diagnostic indicators of non-accidental injury and consider demographic factors to identify suspected PA and DV. Despite existing legal and ethical obligations of the veterinarian relating to suspected PA and victims of DV, veterinarians have uncertainty and unpreparedness in addressing PA and DV in a clinical context. Many factors may contribute to the lack of veterinary intervention in suspected cases of PA and DV including concern for animal welfare, confusion about the reporting process and uncertainty in differentiating accidental versus non-accidental injuries in pets. Specific published guidelines regarding the recognition and reporting of PA and DV in the veterinary clinical context are required. Limited published evidence exists examining the implementation and success of veterinary training regarding the relationship between DV and PA. Ultimately, veterinary student education is needed to prepare veterinarians for their response to PA and DV in practice. Further research is required to examine the effects of the delivery of content regarding the link between PA and DV in the veterinary curriculum on veterinary student knowledge and attitudes.  相似文献   

The process of obtaining a veterinary medical education creates a number of potential cognitive, emotional, physical, interpersonal, and developmental stressors for veterinary students. Although most universities offer stress management interventions for their students, these programs are often directed toward undergraduate students or non-veterinary graduate students, whose educational programs differ significantly from those of veterinary students. There is a need for specific stress management programs tailored to the needs of veterinary students. This article summarizes research drawn from the psychology, medical, and veterinary medical literature about the causes of stress that veterinary students experience. Interventions are discussed, and several Oregon State University (OSU) programs and liaisons are described. Stress management resources are suggested.  相似文献   

脂质体作为一种优良的药物载体,具有载药范围广、高效、低毒等特点,能增加包载药物的稳定性和溶解度,赋予药物靶向和缓释的递药特性,并能有效提高药物的生物利用度,是近年来多领域研究和应用的热点。作者从脂质体的结构、粒径设计及制备方法筛选层面总结脂质体的构建思路,结合兽药应用特点和用药需求归纳脂质体递药系统在兽药领域的研究进展,以期为新型递药系统在兽药领域的研发应用提供参考。  相似文献   

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