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1 元月行情回顾 2009年1月份CBOT大豆期价先扬后抑.期价延续了2008年12中旬以来的反弹行情.但反弹高度受限.呈现冲高回落的态势。南美阿根廷大豆产区天气干旱是支持美豆期价反弹的主要动力.但外部市场因素尤其是全球经济衰退的阴影抑制了美豆的反弹空间。同时.美元走强以及大宗商品一原油期价疲弱也给美豆市场增添利空气氛.使得美豆期价难以扩大反弹空间.呈现高位振荡走势。CBOT大豆主力0903合约和0905合约期价波动区间介于960~1060美分/蒲式耳。  相似文献   

1市场概述 2月份南美大豆产区的干旱天气导致巴西南部产区及阿根廷等地大豆受损严重,多家机构纷纷下调南美产区的大豆产量及出口预估,加之美国大豆需求旺盛及原油期价大涨带动,CBOT大豆期价涨至2012年9月以来的新高. CBOT大豆期价大幅攀升拉动国内进口大豆成本持续上涨,最高已经涨至近5300元/t.油厂压榨亏损而取消部...  相似文献   

1 市场概述 南美巴西南部、阿根廷及巴拉圭等重要产区遭受不同程度干旱,影响了大豆的播种进度及生长.美豆收割上市后,国内迎来美豆到港期,但美国国内压榨需求旺盛导致美豆出口不及预期,限制了因南美天气炒作拉升CBOT大豆期价上涨的幅度.  相似文献   

2012年,国际大豆市场及国内豆粕现货市场行情可谓波澜壮阔,在天气行情市场之下,美国农业部(USDA)数次大幅调整预估美豆产量对国内外豆类市场影响重大.豆类市场从2012年初开始活跃,国内外期现货资金迅速堆积,期价、持仓和成交量均超越历史走势而渐近高位.随着市场对美国干旱影响的过度预期,豆类涨幅过多透支了天气利多的升水,在第四季度USDA又逐步上调大豆单产的利空打压下,资金开始撤离,价格见顶迅速回落.  相似文献   

须丽华 《饲料广角》2006,(17):23-26
1美国大豆市场情况尽管美国农业部在8月11日公布了一份出乎意料的利多报告,但CBOT大豆价格还是维持了近期的下跌走势,报告公布当天期价下跌了6美分/蒲式耳,从上月报告公布到目前的565美分/蒲式耳,新豆11月合约的价格已经累计下跌了60美分/蒲式耳,即10%。供应前景看好是大豆市场维持弱势格局的主要原因。下面笔者将8月份影响价格走势的各种因素进行逐一分析:1.1美国大豆产区天气正常,新豆产量前景看好,将继续成为大豆市场维持弱市格局的主要因素虽然美国农业部本月公布的单产只有39.6蒲式耳/英亩,远远低于市场的预期水平,对大豆市场来说是…  相似文献   

张莉 《饲料广角》2013,(2):14-17
12012年行情回顾2012年连豆期价重心较2011年上移,从年初至9月中旬,连豆期价持续上涨,并创出2009年以来的新高,随后连豆期价持续在高位窄幅波动,期价整体走势依然强劲。具体来看:1-4月底:自2011年12月中旬以来,在拉尼娜天气的影响下,处于大豆生长期的南美地区遭遇高温干旱天气,导致南美大豆产量大幅减少,大豆供给量骤然下降,国内外大豆期价受此带动  相似文献   

<正>2月份豆粕现货市场行情,除了第1周维持平稳外,后3周连续下跌。国内连柏期货跟随美豆期价走势,年后1周期价跟随美豆上涨,之后2周连粕跟随美豆期价持续下跌。后期需要谨防养殖淡季及外围丰产压力下,豆粕现货阶段性供应短缺及行情上涨风险。1市场概述2017年2月国内豆粕现货行情继续下跌。尽管因巴西雷亚尔不断升值,种植户出售大豆信心受挫,美豆出口因此受到追捧,期价在春节长假后连续一周上涨,但总体上美月度供需报告中性利空、南美天气良好、大豆  相似文献   

正1美豆与国内豆粕行情回顾2018年年初国内豆粕跟随美豆调整,呈现偏强震荡反弹行情。春节长假过后国内豆粕随着美豆走势强劲上涨,期价快速突破3000整数关口,并优先站稳。3月份美国农业部月度供需报告中下调美豆出口数据,美豆结转库存高于市场预期,报告数据利空,导致美豆期价在报告公布后快速下跌,回吐前期天气炒作涨幅。但在3月底美国农业部公布的新年度种植意向报告和季度库存报告使得美豆期价再度恢复上  相似文献   

招泳勤 《饲料广角》2013,(20):20-23
1 外盘豆类市场分析 1.1美国大豆并不悲观,市场修复过度炒作 走势上,美豆主产区在8月初一9月中旬经历了为时一个月的干旱,美豆主力11月合约强势上行。9月12日凌晨USDA报告出炉后更是将期价一路推至新高;直至9月中旬,气象机构NOAA公布降雨预估,美豆主产区接下来有望迎来充沛降雨,美豆期价创新高后一路回调,并于季度库存报告公布之后强势跌穿了1300美分,蒲式耳的强弱分界线,目前价格出现低位反弹,重新挑战1300美分/蒲式耳。  相似文献   

<正>市场成因分析美豆库存趋紧继续对美豆期价提供支撑,下跌空间有限2009年5月22日美豆期价延续走高,仍主要受2008年度美豆库存趋紧的支撑。2008年5月份美豆供需报告预测2008年度美豆期末库存353万吨,创下了5年内新低。2009年5月份预测的2007—2008年度美豆期末库存为395万吨,是导致2009年5—6月份美豆期价飙升的重要原因  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a point-of-care coagulation analyzer (PCCA) in dogs with coagulopathies and healthy dogs. ANIMALS: 27 healthy and 32 diseased dogs with and without evidence of bleeding. PROCEDURE: Prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), and activated clotting time (ACT) were determined, using a PCCA and standard methods. RESULTS: Using the PCCA, mean (+/- SD) PT of citrated whole blood (CWB) from healthy dogs was 14.5+/-1.2 seconds, whereas PT of nonanticoagulated whole blood (NAWB) was 10.4+/-0.5 seconds. Activated partial thromboplastin time using CWB was 86.4+/-6.9 seconds, whereas aPTT was 71.2+/-6.7 seconds using NAWB. Reference ranges for PT and aPTT using CWB were 12.2 to 16.8 seconds and 72.5 to 100.3 seconds, respectively. Activated clotting time in NAWB was 71+/-11.8 seconds. Agreement with standard PT and aPTT methods using citrated plasma was good (overall agreement was 93% for PT and 87.5% for aPTT in CWB). Comparing CWB by the PCCA and conventional coagulation methods using citrated plasma, sensitivity and specificity were 85.7 and 95.5% for PT and 100 and 82.9% for aPTT, respectively. Overall agreement between the PCCA using NAWB and the clinical laboratory was 73% for PT and 88% for aPTT. Using NAWB for the PCCA and citrated plasma for conventional methods, sensitivity and specificity was 85.7 and 68.4% for PT and 86.7 and 88.9% for aPTT, respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The PCCA detected intrinsic, extrinsic, and common pathway abnormalities in a similar fashion to clinical laboratory tests.  相似文献   

王恩慧  栗柱 《饲料广角》2006,(24):16-19
1 国内大豆市场情况 国庆节后,国产大豆市场逐渐走出了相对低迷的行情。价格在短暂的下跌后迅速上扬,而且较为持续,总体走势先抑后扬(图1),截至11月29日.国内大豆均价为2640元/t,较节前上涨了约246元/t.地区最高涨幅达到300元/t。10月中旬后黑龙江产区大豆收割基本完毕,由于压榨国产豆利润相对较高(外盘连续上涨,进口成本不断攀升),有较强的竞争力,吸引了较多外地油厂进入产区收购大豆,其中南方油厂,期货大豆商也在观望后开始收购,众多收购主体的人市抬高了收购价格,也一度形成了收购积极和农户惜售对峙的局面。11月下旬,国产大豆与进口大豆价差已明显缩减,国内大豆价格以稳为主,局部出现回落。截至11月30日,黑龙江地区油厂大豆入厂价在2440~2500元/t。  相似文献   

Reason for performing study: For legitimate medications, veterinarians must advise the owners or trainers of horses on appropriate withholding times after a treatment, to avoid the risk of incurring a positive drug test. Objective: To explore the safety span to select that a veterinarian may extrapolate a tailored withdrawal time (WT) from a generic detection time (DT) as published by the European Horserace Scientific Liaison Committee (EHSLC). Methods: Using Monte Carlo simulations, it was shown that for a low variability of pharmacokinetic parameters (CV = 20%), an uncertainty span of about 40% may be selected to transform a mean DT into a WT (i.e. WT = 1.4 DT), which covers 90% of the horse population. In contrast for a highly variable drug (CV = 40%), an uncertainty factor of about 2.1–2.2 needs to be selected, i.e. a WT that is twice the DT. Results: The relative impact of the different factors of variability on the final WT was documented by a so‐called sensitivity analysis. It was shown that the parameters that have the greatest influence on the value of a DT are those that control the terminal half‐life of the drug disposition. In contrast, parameters controlling the level of urine (or plasma) concentrations (i.e. the actual administered dose, the urine‐to‐plasma ratio and the bioavailability) collectively have a minimal influence on the DT. Conclusions and potential relevance: In practice, this means that the main sources of uncertainty are of biological origin and cannot be reduced by any managerial options. The influence of the number of experimental horses that are used by EHSLC to establish a DT was shown that with the standard EHLSC protocol of 6 horses, half of the trials lead to a proposed DT that is equal to or higher than the population 90th percentile. Increasing the number of investigated horses to 8 and 10 would increase this last probability to 85 and 90%, respectively.  相似文献   

休药期系指畜禽停止给药到许可屠宰或它们的产品(乳、蛋)许可上市的间隔时间.休药期包括:宰前停药期和产品(乳、蛋)上市前停药期.凡供食品动物应用的药物或其他化学物质,均需规定休药期.休药期的规定不是为了维护动物健康,而是为了减少或避免供人食用的动物组织或产品中残留药物超量.  相似文献   

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