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This study was performed to radiographically examine the prevalence of aspiration sites and to evaluate their atomical correlation with the bronchial pattens. Ten healthy beagle dogs were repeatedly radiographed, at weekly intervals, in the left and right lateral, ventrodorsal (VD) and dorsoventral (DV) positions. Three mililiters of iohexol distilled with same volume of saline was infused into the tracheal inlet. Which lung lobe was aspirated was decided upon by the presence of a significant alveolar pattern due to the contrast medium. Alveolar patterns were identified at the left (100%) and right cranial lung lobes (77%) with the dogs in dependant lateral recumbency, at the right caudal lung lobe (71%) with the dogs in VD recumbency and at the right middle lung lobe (59%) with the dogs in DV recumbency, respectively. The anatomical correlation was evaluated by performing computed tomography. The right principal bronchus (165.8 ± 1.6°) was more straightly bifurcated than was the left principal bronchus (142.7 ± 1.8°, p < 0.01). In VD position, the right side lung had a greater opertunity to become aspirated. The ventrally positioned right middle lobar bronchial origin was more easily to be aspirated the other laterally positioned ones. We think that these anatomical characteristics can be one of the causes for aspiration pneumonia to occur more frequently in the right side lung.  相似文献   

A technique for computed tomography (CT)-guided percutaneous biopsy described for use in humans was adapted to the dog and cat and is evaluated in 14 patients. Nine retrobulbar, 1 cranial mediastinal and 4 pulmonary masses and 1 hilar lymph node were biopsied in 13 dogs and 1 cat. Tissue samples sufficient for diagnosis were obtained in 12 of the 15 lesions. Diagnoses were made following cytologic (3/12) or histopathologic (3/12) evaluation or both (6/12) and included retrobulbar lymphoma, carcinoma, spindle cell sarcoma and suppurative inflammation; pulmonary carcinoma, granuloma and eosinophilic/histiocytic inflammation; nasal carcinoma, thymoma and metastatic carcinoma of a hilar lymph node. In each patient, the needle tip was identified within the lesion on the CT image. The primary limitation was non-diagnostic samples in 3 of 15 lesions due to necrosis or insufficient tissue. Complications were minor. In addition to biopsy guidance, CT imaging provided information not obtainable with fluoroscopy or ultrasonography which assisted in tumor staging and therapy planning. Although a larger number of patients and biopsy locations would be required for a thorough assessment, the free-hand technique described in this preliminary report appeared to be a safe and useful option of biopsy guidance in the dog and cat.  相似文献   

This report describes computed tomography (CT)-guided stereotactic brain biopsy using the Kopf stereotactic system, a commercially available patient restraint system which does not require additional modification for use in small animals. The accuracy of biopsy needle placement was determined by injecting dilute iohexol into cadaver brains and comparing the three-dimensional coordinates of the desired target location to the actual needle tract observed on postcontrast CT images. Overall mean error in needle placement in a dorsoventral trajectory was 0.9 +/- 0.9 mm (n = 80 injections) for dogs and 1.0 +/- 1.1 mm (n = 30 injections) for cats. The overall mean error in needle placement via an oblique trajectory in five dogs was 1.7 +/- 1.6 mm (n = 12 injections). These results suggest that this system can be used to successfully place a biopsy needle into the brain to obtain biopsies from small lesions.  相似文献   

Sixty-two bone lesions in 59 small animals were biopsied using a Jamshidi-type biopsy needle. In all instances, the Jamshidi needle biopsy diagnosis was confirmed or disputed by results of histologic examination of specimens obtained by surgical resection or by amputation or at necropsy. In 57 of 62 bone lesions, biopsy resulted in an accurate diagnosis of tumor vs nontumor, yielding an accuracy rate of 91.9%. The specific tumor type or lesion type was identified accurately by Jamshidi needle biopsy in 51 of 62 lesions, yielding an accuracy of 82.3%. Of the 62 bone lesions, 48 were intramedullary osteosarcoma and 62.5% of these were subclassified correctly by Jamshidi needle biopsy results as osteoblastic, chondroblastic, fibroblastic, osteoclastic, or poorly differentiated osteosarcoma. Jamshidi needle biopsy was easy, quick, and safe, and its high accuracy rate of diagnosis indicated that it should be a valuable aid for diagnosis of bone lesions in small animals.  相似文献   

The computed tomographic (CT) features of the normal thyroid gland were compiled from images acquired in 25 client-owned dogs without thyroid gland disease. The mean pre- and postcontrast attenuation values were 107.5 and 169.0 Hounsfield Units, respectively. After injection of intravenous contrast medium (600 mg iodine/kg), the apparent thyroid gland volume (both lobes combined) increased from a mean value of 1148.0 nm3 to a mean value of 1188.9 mm3. All thyroid lobes were homogeneous on pre- and postcontrast images. In a craniocaudal direction, the gland spanned a region from the 1st to the 8th tracheal ring and the right lobe was often more cranial than the left. On transverse images the lobe shape was ovoid in 72%, and its location was dorsolateral to the trachea in 90% of dogs. Parathyroid glands could not be identified and an isthmus connecting both thyroid lobes was only seen in one dog. Considering the excellent visibility of the normal canine thyroid gland, CT can be beneficial in the differentiation of thyroidal versus nonthyroidal neck masses. CT also yields potential in the staging of thyroid carcinomas.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is commonly used as a diagnostic procedure to evaluate superficial and deep masses in animals. However, few studies have addressed the accuracy of FNAC in the evaluation of cutaneous and subcutaneous masses in a clinical setting. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare the accuracy of FNAC as compared with histopathology in the diagnosis of cutaneous and subcutaneous masses from dogs and cats. METHODS: Cytologic and histopathologic specimens obtained between 1999 and 2003 from 292 palpable cutaneous and subcutaneous masses obtained from 242 dogs and 50 cats were retrospectively evaluated. Cytologic samples were obtained by FNA and histopathologic samples were collected by surgical biopsy or at necropsy. Concordance was determined and the accuracy of FNAC for the diagnosis of neoplasia was determined using histopathology as the gold standard. RESULTS: Of 292 specimens, 49 (from 44 dogs and 5 cats) were excluded due to poor cellularity of the cytologic specimen (retrieval rate 83.2%, n = 243). A cytologic diagnosis of neoplasia was obtained in 176 cases (175 true positives and 1 false positive compared with histopathology). Sixty-seven cytology samples were classified as non-neoplastic (46 true negatives, 21 false negatives compared with histopathology). Overall, the cytologic diagnosis was in agreement with the histopathologic diagnosis in 90.9% (221/243) of cases. For diagnosing neoplasia, cytology had a sensitivity of 89.3%, a specificity of 97.9%, a positive predictive value of 99.4%, and a negative predictive value of 68.7%. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study confirmed FNAC as a reliable and useful diagnostic procedure for the evaluation of palpable cutaneous and subcutaneous lesions in small animal practice.  相似文献   

We conducted a retrospective study to determine whether multidetector computed tomography (CT) could be of value for adrenal gland assessment in dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism. Adrenal gland attenuation and volume values of 49 dogs with hyperadrenocorticism were recorded and age, body weight, and gender were examined to determine if a relationship existed between these variables and adrenal gland morphology. There was not a statistically significant difference in mean X-ray attenuation of the left vs. right adrenal gland in normal dogs (35.3 +/- 6.1 HU), or in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism. The mean adrenal X-ray attenuation (+/- standard deviation [SD]) in dogs with microadenoma was 33.1 +/- 6.8 vs. 31.8 +/- 12.7 HU for dogs with macroadenoma, and these values were not statistically different. The mean volume of the left adrenal gland in normal dogs (0.59 +/- 0.17 cm3) was greater than that of the right adrenal gland (0.54 +/- 0.19 cm3) (P < 0.05). The mean CT volume (+/- SD) of the adrenal glands in dogs with microadenoma vs. macroadenoma were 1.60 +/- 1.25 vs. 2.88 +/- 1.60 cm3, respectively. There was no effect of age or gender on adrenal gland morphology or X-ray attenuation. The weight effect was the most important source of variation for the volume measurement in dogs with hyperadrenocorticism.  相似文献   

Presence of suspected primary glomerular disease is the most common and compelling reason to consider renal biopsy. Pathologic findings in samples from animals with nephritic or nephrotic glomerulopathies, as well as from animals with persistent subclinical glomerular proteinuria that is not associated with advanced chronic kidney disease, frequently guide treatment decisions and inform prognosis when suitable specimens are obtained and examined appropriately. Ultrasound-guided needle biopsy techniques generally are satisfactory; however, other methods of locating or approaching the kidney, such as manual palpation (e.g., in cats), laparoscopy, or open surgery, also can be used. Visual assessment of the tissue content of needle biopsy samples to verify that they are renal cortex (i.e., contain glomeruli) as they are obtained is a key step that minimizes the submission of uninformative samples for examination. Adequate planning for a renal biopsy also requires prior procurement of the fixatives and preservatives needed to process and submit samples that will be suitable for electron microscopic examination and immunostaining, as well as for light microscopic evaluation. Finally, to be optimally informative, renal biopsy specimens must be processed by laboratories that routinely perform the required specialized examinations and then be evaluated by experienced veterinary nephropathologists. The pathologic findings must be carefully integrated with one another and with information derived from the clinical investigation of the patient's illness to formulate the correct diagnosis and most informative guidance for therapeutic management of the animal's glomerular disease.  相似文献   

Radiation is becoming widely available to treat tumours in veterinary patients. Orthovoltage machines capable of delivering low energy external beam radiation are less versatile than linear accelerators and cobalt-60 machines that deliver megavoltage radiation. In addition, electron beam capabilities that are available with some linear accelerators allow more targeted treatment in smaller patients. Acute effects of radiation are to be expected, but in nearly all cases such side effects resolve without limiting protocols. In contrast, late effects of radiation are dose limiting and are more likely with higher doses per treatment fraction. Protocols that use smaller doses per fraction have a lower risk of late effects thereby allowing higher total doses to be delivered which leads to higher tumour control rates. It is possible to provide long-term tumour control in cats and dogs using radiation therapy, particularly for mast cell tumours, soft tissue sarcomas, oral tumours and brain tumours in dogs and soft tissue sarcomas and skin tumours in cats. Individualization of treatments for tumours based on tumour staging and proliferative fraction should be considered, rather than making blanket assumptions about the behaviour of histologically determined tumour types.  相似文献   

A retrospective analysis of masses of the brachial plexus and contributing nerve roots in dogs seen at the University of Minnesota over a 17-year period was conducted. The goal of the study was to characterize their computed tomographic (CT) appearance and determine the minimum mass size confidently detectable. Twenty-four cases with a recorded diagnosis of brachial plexus or caudal cervical nerve root mass were found, wherein both the medical records and CT images were available for evaluation. These masses were characterized based on the presence or absence of contrast enhancement, margin character, size, extent of local invasion, and presence of vertebral canal or spinal cord involvement. Within the limits of this study, and the available histopathology, there appeared to be no clinically exploitable relationship between the tomographic appearance and the histologic interpretation. Twenty masses were noted to contrast enhance, typically with rim enhancement and a hypodense center. Only two dogs had a palpable axillary mass on physical examination. As measured, based on the largest dimension within a single slice, detectable masses ranged from 1.0 to 6.5 cm.  相似文献   

The height, width, and cross-sectional area of the vertebral canal and spinal cord along with the area ratio of spinal cord to vertebral canal in the cervical vertebra were evaluated in images obtained using computed tomography (CT). Measurements were taken at the cranial, middle, and caudal point of each cervical vertebra in eight clinically normal small breed dogs (two shih tzu, two miniature schnauzers, and four mixed breed), 10 beagles, and four German shepherds. CT myelography facilitated the delineation of the epidural space, subarachnoid space, and spinal cord except at the caudal portion of the 7th cervical vertebra. The spinal cord had a tendency to have a clear ventral border in the middle portion of the vertebral canal and lateral borders near both end plates. The height, width, and area of the vertebral canal and spinal cord in the cervical vertebra were increased as the size of dog increased. However, the ratio of the spinal cord area to vertebral canal area in the small dogs was higher than that of the larger dogs. Results of the present study could provide basic and quantitative information for CT evaluation of pathologic lesions in the cervical vertebra and spinal cord.  相似文献   

With the advancement of technology, more tools and methods are being made available for the assessment of bone density in the live animal. Computed tomography (CT) is one such tool. In a CT scan, x-rays are passed through a subject and detectors record transmitted energy. The CT computer then constructs cross-sectional images from this data to represent the internal anatomy.The first objective of this study was to investigate CT as a means of estimating bone mineral content of the equine third metacarpal bone. Our hypothesis was that the cross-sectional area of the third metacarpal bone, as measured on CT images, would correlate significantly with ash weight of that section. Our second objective was to use CT to measure and compare bone density in the dorsal, palmar, lateral and medial cortices of the equine third metacarpus. We hypothesized that CT would detect differences in density by cortex.Twelve cadaver thoracic limb specimens, from horses of varying age, breed and prior use, were scanned on a CT 9800 (GE Medical Systems). Scanned sections of the limb were then skinned, dried, ether-extracted and ashed in a muffle furnace. Bone mineral content was expressed as grams of ash/cm section of bone. The image recorded by the CT was developed and assessed using an imaging photodensitometer and a corresponding software package to estimate the area of each bone section. Correlation was determined using SAS (6.12). Differences in bone density by cortex were calculated using a simple t-test. The maximum, minimum and mean estimates of third metacarpal bone cross-sectional area as determined by CT were 519, 351 and 423 mm2, respectively, while the maximum, minimum and mean ash weights were 8.9, 4.8 and 6.4 g/cm, respectively. Estimates of bone mineral content by ash and cross-sectional area as determined by CT were significantly correlated (r=.91, P=.0001). There was no difference in CT density numbers between lateral and medial cortices, however the dorsal cortex was lower in density than the lateral (P<.05) and the palmar cortex was lower in density than all other cortices (P<.05). This data suggests that in a research setting, CT is an effective method by which to calculate cross-sectional area and, hence, estimate bone mineral content. Computed tomography was also able to detect differences in bone density by cortex.  相似文献   

Computed tomographic (CT) venography of the cervical vertebral canal was performed in six, clinically normal, adult mixed-breed dogs from 14 to 23 kg. After dogs were euthanized and saline perfused, a gelatin and iothalamate mixture was injected into the right external jugular vein. Contiguous, 4-mm-thick CT images were obtained with dogs in sternal recumbency. Dogs were kept in the same position as for the CT scan and frozen to approximately -8 degrees C. All post-contrast CT images were analyzed using similar bone window and level settings. Additional multiplanar reformatted dorsal images were obtained in all dogs. The frozen cadavers were sectioned through the cervical region extending from the occiput to T1 at approximately 8-mm intervals. The frozen sections were then compared with the CT images. The CT appearance of the normal cervical vertebral venous system was described and illustrated. Components such as the internal vertebral venous plexus, interarcuate veins, intervertebral veins, and vertebral veins were clearly identified on the CT images.  相似文献   

Giardia duodenalis is a relevant gastrointestinal protozoan pathogen of humans and animals. This species complex consists of eight genetically different assemblages. Assemblages A and B are pathogenic to humans and pets, thus confer zoonotic potential. The risk of zoonotic transmission has been controversially discussed. The aim of this monocentric cross‐sectional pilot study was to investigate G. duodenalis assemblages in humans and pets living in common households in Berlin/Brandenburg (Germany). Samples from dogs, cats and humans sharing the same households were screened for Giardia infection by antigen‐detecting assays. All human samples were additionally analysed by a Giardia‐specific qPCR. Cyst quantification and sequences of different gene loci (triosephosphate isomerase (tpi), glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh), β‐giardin (bg) and for dogs SSUrDNA) were analysed. A total of 38 households (31 households with dogs and seven with cats) with 69 human individuals participated in the study. Initial antigen‐detecting assays revealed Giardia‐positive results for 13 (39%) canine, one (14%) feline and one human sample. Reanalysis of the human samples by qPCR revealed two more positive specimens (4%). Two of these three samples were identified as assemblage B at all tested loci. Success rate of assemblage typing for pet samples was generally low and comprised mainly the SSUrDNA locus only. Overall, six of 13 Giardia‐positive canine samples were typable (2× A, 1× co‐infection: A and B, 1× C; 2× D). One pair of samples (dog and human) from the same household had a similar but not identical assemblage B sequence at tpi locus. Assemblage A was also detected in the dog specimen, which hampered sequence analysis. In conclusion, although exhibiting limitations due to the sample size, our study highlights the need for better and standardized typing tools to distinguish G. duodenalis strains with higher resolution in order to perform proper case–control studies for a realistic estimation of zoonotic risk.  相似文献   

A one‐year‐old intact male German shepherd dog was referred with a 3‐month history of dysuria and pollakiuria. Physical examination revealed a large firm mass in the caudal abdomen. Findings from survey radiography, negative contrast cystography, computed tomographic (CT) retrograde positive contrast cystography, and CT excretory urography were consistent with a large urinary bladder diverticulum. An exploratory laparotomy revealed a normal wall appearance in the ventral compartment (true bladder) and marked thinning of the wall in the dorsal compartment (diverticulum). Both ureters inserted into the ventral compartment. The dorsal compartment was excised and histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of urinary bladder diverticulum.  相似文献   

Canine hyperadrenocorticism (HAC) is one of the most common causes of general osteopenia. In this study, quantitative computed tomography (QCT) was used to compare the bone mineral densities (BMD) between 39 normal dogs and 8 dogs with HAC (6 pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism [PDH]; pituitary dependent hyperadrenocorticism, 2 adrenal hyperadrenocorticism [ADH]; adrenal dependent hyperadrenocorticism) diagnosed through hormonal assay. A computed tomogaraphy scan of the 12th thoracic to 7th lumbar vertebra was performed and the region of interest was drawn in each trabecular and cortical bone. Mean Hounsfield unit values were converted to equivalent BMD with bone-density phantom by linear regression analysis. The converted mean trabecular BMDs were significantly lower than those of normal dogs. ADH dogs showed significantly lower BMDs at cortical bone than normal dogs. Mean trabecular BMDs of dogs with PDH using QCT were significantly lower than those of normal dogs, and both mean trabecular and cortical BMDs in dogs with ADH were significantly lower than those of normal dogs. Taken together, these findings indicate that QCT is useful to assess BMD in dogs with HAC.  相似文献   

Fine needle aspiration biopsy was performed on 147 skin tumors in 119 dogs over a 4-year period. Both air-dried smears (Wright's stain) and wet-fixed smears (Papanicolaou's stain) were prepared from the aspirates from each tumor and the cytological diagnosis was correlated with histology. In 105 tumors, the cytological and histological interpretations agreed. Histologically, there were 36 stromal tumors, including 19 fibrosarcomas and nine hemangiosarcomas. Cytologically, 12 of the fibrosarcomas and five of the hemangiosarcomas were interpreted correctly as malignant tumors. All 11 melanomas and all 37 mast cell tumors were identified correctly cytologically, while nine of the 11 squamous cell carcinomas, 15 of 21 adenocarcinomas and eight of 19 mammary carcinomas were interpreted as malignant using aspiration biopsy. The fine-needle technique also identified 16 dogs with metastases to the regional lymph nodes before surgical biopsies were undertaken. Benign tumors were incorrectly described as malignancies in only three cases.  相似文献   

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