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Summary Host plant genetics of N2 fixation in the cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) — Rhizobium symbiosis was investigated in the field with a mixed strain inoculum and in the greenhouse with a single strain inoculum. Five cowpea genotypes, including H-Brown Crowder and L-Bush Purple Hull, were used to generate populations for genetic studies. Diallel analysis for general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA) and reciprocal effects was carried out for the N2 fixation variables nitrogenase activity, nodule number, nodule weight, and top dry weight, in the field study. Generation mean analysis and heritability estimates were performed on the greenhouse population which included P1 (H-Brown Crowder), P2 (L-Bush Purple Hull), F1, F1. F2, BC1, and BC2. Positive and significant correlations were observed between nitrogenase activity and both nodule weight and nodule number. Correlation coefficients between top dry weight and the other 3 variables were not significant. Estimates of SCA were highly significant for all variables except top dry weight, while those of GCA were significant only for nodule weight. Generation mean analysis revealed that additive gene action was more prominent than dominance and interallelic gene action for nodule number and nitrogenase activity, while the opposite was true for nodule weight and top dry weight. Narrow sense heritability estimates were moderately high for nodule number (0.55) and nitrogenase activity (0.62), and low for nodule weight (0.39) and top dry weight (0.17).Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Article 20385. Research supported in part by a grant under USAID PASA AG/TAB 610-9-76 (USDA-CSRS-701-15-59). 相似文献
Summary Three greenhouse experiments were conducted to compare the performance of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), wild soybean (G. soja Sieb. et Zucc.), and soybean x wild soybean hybrids for traits relating to N2 fixation including nodulation, acetylene reduction, nodule leghemoglobin concentration, and nitrogen (N) accumulation and dry matter (DM) accumulation. In all three experiments G. max generally exceeded G. soja in nodulation, acetylene reduction, and N and DM accumulation while the soybean possessed higher nodule leghemoglobin concentration. In Experiment I, the mean of the hybrids did not differ significantly from the G. max parent in nodule mass, acetylene reduction activity, nodule leghemoglobin concentration, or DM accumulation. The hybrids did exceed the soybean parent in N accumulation, thus demonstrating high parent heterosis. In Experiments IIA and IIB with a more carefully chosen set of G. soja parents, high parent heterosis of individual crosses was common. Across the three experiments average high parent heterosis was 34, 28, and 28%, respectively, for nodule mass, N accumulation, and DM accumulation. If one accepts the assumption that hybrid vigor results from the accumulation of dominant alleles, then these alleles could theoretically be accumulated via selection in a homozygous genotype. If this is true than the results of the experiments reported here suggest that interspecific soybean x wild soybean crosses could serve as sources of homozygous lines which would exceed currently available soybean cultivars in nodule mass, and N and DM accumulation.This work was supported in part by the USDA Competitive Grants Program, Grant 82-CRCR-1-1039 and Cooperative Agreement 58-32U4-2-370 between the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Agronomy Department, University of Maryland, Scientific Article No. A-4648, Contribution No. 7644 of the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station. 相似文献
Summary Chlorophyll fluorescence, and more particularly the fluorescence decrease ratio (Rfd) which indicates the potential photosynthetic activity of the leaf is highly correlated with the plant nitrogen fixation activity, at stage R2 (onset of flowering), under controlled growth conditions, using nutrient solutions where mineral nitrogen supply is decreasing. The Rfd value affords the analysis of the efficiency of the nitrogen fixation related to the host plant and the rhizobial strain, and the characterization of the best strain-genotype pairs. The rapidity of the measurement together with the availability of portable fluorescence determination systems make possible an application to soybean improvement for increased nitrogen fixation. 相似文献
Summary Mungbean is an important source of vegetable protein for the growing population in many developing countries of South East Asia. Its production is limited due to its susceptibility to diseases and insect pests besides many other undesirable agronomic traits. Strategies for increasing and stabilising its production have been to develop varieties resistant to diseases, pests and with other desirable agronomic traits. Genetic improvement of this crop by classical breeding has met with limited success due to the lack of sufficient and satisfactory level of genetic variability within germplasm. Recent advances in biotechnology have offered the opportunity to develop new germplasms. The development of such technologies largely depends on efficient regeneration of sexually mature plants from organs, tissues and protoplasts. An overview of plant regeneration by direct or indirect organogenesis and embryogenesis is presented. The use of in vitro and molecular techniques such as somaclonal variation, screening for various desirable traits, interspecific crossing and genetic transformation to supplement conventional breeding, for genetic improvement of this crop is described. The advantages and limitations of these techniques along with directions for future research are discussed. 相似文献
Dinitrogen fixation and legume productivity are greatly influenced through the interactions of legume host, Rhizobium, and the above- and below-ground environment. The benefits of improving legume N2 fixation include reduced reliance on soil N, leading to more sustainable agricultural systems and reduced requirements for fertilizer N, enhanced residual benefits to subsequent crops, and increased legume crop yields. Most of the gains in N2 fixation to date have been derived from management of legume cropping systems and through inoculation of legume seed with competitive and symbiotically effective rhizobia. Further gains are possible by developing plant cultivars with tolerance to soil abiotic factors, increased plant yield, and a broader and more effective matching of plant host and rhizobia. Techniques for screening material for superior N2 fixation and examples of programs to increase fixed N, with attention to the major abiotic stresses, are discussed. 相似文献
Summary Yield data from the 5th–12th international mungbean nursery (IMN) trials conducted at 23 sites in 15 countries were analyzed by conventional stability analysis—regression of genotype mean on the environmental index, and by segmented regression analysis—fitting separate linear regressions in low yielding and high yielding environments. The gene pool base concept allows comparison of genotypes from different IMN trials grown in different years and sites. A very high positive linear relationship was observed between the regression coefficient and the average yield of cultivars, indicating that high yielding cultivars were less stable across environments. When data points of the regression of genotype mean and site mean for VC 1973A, a high yielding and widely adapted cultivar, were examined, the relationship appeared not to be linear. The segmented regression analysis improved the coefficient of determination (r2) and the genotypes were grouped based on regression coefficients in high yielding and low yielding environments. Different categories of genotypes suitable for high input environments, widely adaptable genotypes, and highly stable genotypes were identified.Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Article 23208. 相似文献
Summary Two-way classification analysis, combined with analysis of variance and linear regression techniques, was applied to a set of yield data from twenty-one genotypes grown at twelve locations for two years in International Mungbean Nursery trials. Genotypes and environments with similar yield response patterns were grouped and differences between groups identified. Genotypes were also grouped on the basis of flowering time and the relation between days to flower and yield was examined. It was concluded that cluster and associated analyses are of value in determining response patterns of mungbean genotypes to a wide range of environments, and a useful aid in the selection of materials and locations for mungbean evaluation. In particular we note the adaptation of genotypes M409 and M1134 to high elevation locations, and the positive yield response of M374 (MG50-10A) to high yielding environments. Highest yielding lines were also the earliest to flower. Disease resistance was considered the most important breeding objective for mungbean yield improvement. 相似文献
Summary Studies on the inheritance pattern of bacterial leaf spot (BLS), yellow mosaic (YM) and Cercospora leaf spot (CLS) reactions in crosses of BLS and YM resistant/tolerant but CLS susceptible × CLS resistant but BLS and YM susceptible parents indicated that resistances to BLS and CLS were governed by single dominant genes, whereas YM tolerance was a monogenic recessive character. The studies also indicated that these three genes were inherited independently. The simple inheritance pattern and independent assortment of the genes governing resistance/tolerance to these diseases suggest that the usual breeding methods will be adequate to develop multi-disease resistant mungbean cultivars.Paper XII in the series Studies on resistance in crops to bacterial diseases in India. 相似文献
J. M. Ngeve 《Euphytica》1993,71(3):231-238
Summary Two experiments, each involving a set of 10 sweet potato clones, were conducted for three years at 4 sites (Ekona, Ebolowa, Nkolbisson, and Bambui Plain) in Cameroon. Data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance to determine the presence of genotype x environment (G x E) interactions, and to regression analysis to assess the performance of clones across anvironments. Environments were assessed in two ways: (i) the mean response of all clones (dependent assessment), and (ii) the average performance of a different set of clones (independent assessment).The first experiment (Expt 1) produced higher yields but had fewer stable clones than the second (Expt 2).The analysis of variance revealed that the clones interacted significantly with environments for all traits.The study has identified high yielding and stable sweet potato clones for distribution to growers in the major areas of cultivation in the tountry. Despite slight differences in numbers of clones judged stable by the various regression indices in the two methods of environmental assessments, the rankings of clones on the basis of their linear regression coefficients were similar. In a developing country like Cameroon, with limited resources and where sophisticated equipment for obtaining physical or biological measures of the environment may be lacking, the mean performance of genotypes may still be the most reliable measure of environment in evaluating the stability of performance of crop cultivars. 相似文献
Summary Six Vicia faba populations were grown in all possible combinations with six Rhizobium leguminosarum strains in order to estimate the relative importance of the three genetic components of symbiotic variability. Additive genetic effects of host genotype and rhizobium genotype accounted for only 8.9% and 11.8% of the total phenotypic variation. Non-additive variation attriabutable to specific host genotype × rhizobium genotype interactions was by far the largest component of variation and accounted for 73.8% of phenotypic differences. Therefore the greatest improvement in symbiotic nitrogen fixation is likely to arise from simultaneous selection of both symbionts. 相似文献
Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain G49 has been the only inoculum used in French soils. Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) cultivars were selected and tested according to their performances with this rhizobial strain. The aim of the present study was to determine the consequences of strain substitution on N2 fixation abilities of various genotypes. Three genotypes and cultivar Weber, in combination with B. japonicum strain G49 or SMGS1, were cultivated in pots and tested for nitrogenase activity under differing nitrogen nutrition conditions. The reliability of ARA (acetylene reduction activity) measurement for assessing symbiotic nitrogen fixation under the experimental conditions used was checked. Genotypic variability for symbiotic fixation activity was observed with each strain under soil culture conditions; important genotype x strain interactions were also involved. These results were corroborated for the protein yield and other yield component performances of the various genotype-strain associations. Thus, in France, the replacement of strain G49 with another one might result in the alteration of the relative agronomic performances of the soybean cultivars, since N2 fixation is considered as a major factor of soybean productivity. 相似文献
Bruchid beetles or seed weevils are the most devastating stored pests of grain legumes causing considerable loss to mungbean
(Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek). Breeding for bruchid resistance is a major goal in mungbean improvement. Few sources of resistance in cultivated
genepool were identified and characterized, however, there has been no study on the genetic control of the resistance. In
this study, we investigated the inheritance of seed resistance to Callosobruchus chinensis (L.) and C. maculatus (F.) in two landrace mungbean accessions, V2709BG and V2802BG. The F1, F2 and BC generations were developed from crosses between the resistant and susceptible accessions and evaluated for resistance
to the insects. It was found that resistance to bruchids in seeds is controlled by maternal plant genotype. All F1 plants derived from both direct and reciprocal crosses exhibited resistance to the bruchids. Segregation pattern of reaction
to the beetles in the F2 and backcross populations showed that the resistance is controlled by a major gene, with resistance is dominant at varying
degrees of expressivity. Although the presence of modifiers was also observed. The gene is likely the same locus in both V2709BG
and V2802BG. The resistant gene is considered very useful in breeding for seed resistance to bruchids in mungbean. 相似文献
Summary Inheritance of the brown hypersensitive resistant (BHR), non-hypersensitive resistant (R) and susceptible (S) host reactions produced by three races of the bacterial pustule pathogen (Xanthomonas campestris pv. vignaeunguiculatae) was studied in 45 F1, F2 and testcross progenies, using the infiltration inoculation method BHR reaction was dominant over R and S reactions, and R was recessive to S reaction. Two genes appeared to be involved in BHR reaction; one governing BHR reaction to race 1 and the other to races 1 and 2. Both were ineffective against race 3. R reaction, effective against all the races, appeared to be controlled by one, two or three recessive genes. One cowpea line had one BHR gene and two duplicate recessive R genes. Reaction expression in the segregants was clear and as expected with races 2 and 3 but was modified with race 1, possibly due to interactions between dominant or recessive alleles of the BHR genes and the homozygous recessive allele of the R genes. Gene symbols Bp-1 and Bp-2 are proposed for the BHR genes and bp-3, bp-4 and bp-5 for the recessive R genes. The genes present in each of the differential cowpea line are suggested.Contribution from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria and Crop Development Division, Ministry of Agriculture, P.O. Box 9071, Dar es Salaam Tanzania. 相似文献
Summary Extent of heterosis for seed yield is an indicator for transgressive segregation in cross of self-pollinated crops. However, the extent of heterosis is thought to be related to the genetic diversity among the parents. Isoenzymic variation was used for estimating the genetic diversity. Eight varieties of green gram (Vigna radiata) were characterized for esterase, amylases, phosphatases, catalase and peroxidase isoenzymes. Differences in these systems were used to calculate a diversity index (D.I.). Hybrids produced from an inbred pair having higher D.I.'s outyielded those with low D.I.'s. However, the correlation (r) between D.I. and heterosis for seed yield was not consistent in different seasons but some of the desirable crosses could be singled out on the basis of D.I. 相似文献
Striga species are parasitic angiosperms that attack many crops grown by subsistence farmers in sub-Saharan Africa and India. Control of the parasite is difficult and genetically resistant crops are the most feasible and appropriate solution. In cowpea, complete resistance toStriga gesnerioides has been identified. Breeding for resistance in sorghum has identified varieties with good resistance toS. asiatica in Africa and India. One variety was also resistant toS. hermonthica in W. Africa. No such resistance toStriga has been found in maize or millets.Resistant varieties have usually been sought by screening germplasm in fields naturally infested withStriga. However, laboratory techniques have also been developed, including anin vitro growth system used to screen cowpeas for resistance toS. gesnerioides. Two new sources of resistance in cowpea have been identified using the system. The technique has also been used to investigate the mechanisms of resistance in this crop. Two mechanisms have been characterised, both were expressed after penetration of cowpea roots by the parasite.The resistance of some sorghum varieties toStriga is controlled by recessive genes. In cowpea, resistance toStriga is controlled by single dominant genes. The genes for resistance are currently being transferred to cowpea varieties which are high yielding or adapted to local agronomic conditions. OneStriga resistant cowpea variety, Suvita-2, is already being grown widely by farmers in Mali. Reports of breakdown of resistance in cowpea toStriga have not yet been confirmed, but a wider genetic base to the resistance is essential to ensure durability ofStriga resistance.Abbreviations ICRISAT
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
Long Ashton Research Station
Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development 相似文献
F. G. J. M. Van Den Bosch 《Euphytica》1987,36(3):791-801
Summary The possibility of testing mungbean for grain yield in monoculture in single wide-spaced row plots as an alternative to selection in intercropping with maize was investigated. Results indicated no significant genotype x planting pattern interactions and genetic correlation coefficients between grain yields in the two planting patterns were, in most cases, close to unity. It was concluded that, as far as the mungbean component in the mixture is concerned, yield selection in either of the two planting patterns is justified. Effects of single-plant and progeny selection on mungbean characteristics were also studied empirically. Lines derived from single-plant selection in monocropping or intercropping showed differences in yield, number of pods per plant and seed weight. Except for seed weight, no differential effects of progeny selection in monoculture or intercropping were observed for any characteristic. 相似文献
Summary Sorghum midge, Contarinia sorghicola Coq. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is one of the most important pests of grain sorghum worldwide. We studied the reaction of midge-resistant and midge-susceptible genic-cytoplasmic male-sterile (A-lines) and their maintainers (B-lines), and the effect of resistant and susceptible restorers on sorghum midge. Midge damage and adult emergence were significantly lower on the B-lines of midge-resistant genotypes (PM 7061 and PM 7068) than their corresponding A-lines, while the reverse was true for the midge-susceptible genotypes (296A and ICSA 42). Differences in midge damage and the number of midges emerged were not significant between the midge-resistant and midge-susceptible A-lines when infested without pollination (except midge emergence on PM 7061A). Pollination with a midge-resistant restorer (DJ6541) reduced midge emergence significantly in one of two seasons. Source of pollen did not influence midge emergence on the highly-resistant A-line, PM 7061A. The implications of these observations in the development of midge-resistant hybrids were discussed. 相似文献
J. A. Lane T. H. M. Moore D. V. Child K. F. Cardwell B. B. Singh J. A. Bailey 《Euphytica》1993,72(3):183-188
An in vitro growth system was used to determine the virulence of two samples of Striga gesnerioides from Zakpota in southern Benin. Cowpea variety B301, previously considered resistant to all races of S. gesnerioides, was susceptible to both samples of the parasite. Two other cowpea varieties, 58–57 and IT81D-994, were totally resistant. Resistance in 58–57 was associated with a hypersensitive necrosis of infected roots, whilst IT81D-994 supported production of small S. gesnerioides tubercles with stems which failed to develop. Striga gesnerioides from southern Benin is the fourth race of the parasite to be identified, and the first with virulence on variety B301. The implications for breeding cowpeas with resistance to S. gesnerioides are discussed.Abbreviations IITA
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
Long Ashton Research Station
Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development 相似文献
B.I.G. Haussmann D.E. Hess B.V.S. Reddy S.Z. Mukuru M. Kayentao H.G. Welz H.H. Geiger 《Euphytica》2001,122(2):297-308
The parasitic weed Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. seriously limits sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] production in Sub-Saharan Africa. As an outbreeder, S. hermonthica is highly variable with an extraordinary capacity to adapt to different hosts and environments, thereby complicating resistance
breeding. To study genotype x environment (G x E) interaction for striga resistance and grain yield, nine sorghum lines, 36
F2 populations and five local checks were grown under striga infestation at two locations in both Mali and Kenya. Mean squares
due to genotypes and G x E interaction were highly significant for both sorghum grain yield and area under striga severity
progress curve(ASVPC, a measure of striga emergence and vigor throughout the season). For grain yield, the entry x location-within-country
interaction explained most of the total G x E while for ASVPC, entry x country and entry x location-within-country interactions
were equally important. Pattern analysis (classification and ordination techniques) was applied to the environment-standardized
matrix of entry x environment means. The classification clearly distinguished Malian from Kenyan locations for ASVPC, but
not for grain yield. Performance plots for different entry groups showed differing patterns of adaptation. The ordination
biplot underlined the importance of entry x country interaction for ASVPC. The F2 derived from the cross of the striga-resistant line Framida with the striga-tolerant cultivar Seredo was the superior entry
for both grain yield and ASVPC, underlining the importance of combining resistance with tolerance in striga resistance breeding.
The observed entry x country interaction for ASVPC may be due to the entries' different reactions to climatic conditions and
putative differences in striga virulence in Mali and Kenya.
This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
R. C. B. Hutten E. J. M. M. Scholberg D. J. Huigen J. G. Th. Hermsen E. Jacobsen 《Euphytica》1993,72(1-2):61-64
Summary The production of dihaploids is the first step in a potato breeding program at the diploid level. Dihaploid induction ability, dihaploid production ability and seed parent x pollinator interaction were analyzed for 28 × 3, seed parent x pollinator combinations. This is the first report on significant interaction between seed parents and pollinators. Despite this interaction, IVP 101 had a significantly higher dihaploid induction ability than the widely used pollinators IVP 35 and IVP 48. Previous findings on significant differences in dihaploid production ability between seed parents were clearly confirmed. 相似文献