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This article describes the assessment of consumer risks of residues of tetracyclines in slaughter pigs in the Netherlands. The assessed risks were toxic and allergic reactions, and the disturbance of the consumers' intestinal flora. Toxic and allergic reactions in humans and animals have only been observed at therapeutic doses, affecting between an estimated 1 in 5,000 and one 1 in 140,000 individuals exposed. Residues of tetracyclines in pigs are closely associated with treatment with injectable formulations. Established Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) do not reflect actual consumer risks in case a limit is violated incidentally. For example, when the established MRLs for tetracyclines in meat are exceeded with a factor 400, 40,000, and 200,000, respectively, the actual risk of an adverse drug reaction for the consumer following a single consumption of this meat is maximally 1 in 3 million, 1 in 300,000, and 1 in 8,000, respectively. At the current estimated low levels of incidental exposure via pork, the annual risk of negative health effects for a random consumer is estimated at maximally 1 in 33 million. The annual risk that a temporary disturbance of the intestinal flora may also result in a facilitated infection with certain enteropathogens, such as Salmonella spp., is estimated at 1 in 45 million. It is concluded that the current microbiological risks of pork are greater than the risks of residues of tetracyclines as such, and that the control of the microbiological risks of pork should therefore be given first priority.  相似文献   

As a result of the Chernobyl accident sheep and cattle in Wales, Cumbria and Scotland became contaminated with radionuclides of caesium and iodine. In the worst case, the maximum levels of contamination were of the order of 4000 Bq/kg of caesium-137 and 2000 Bq/kg of caesium-134 in muscle and 2,000,000 Bq/kg of iodine-131 in the thyroid gland. Calculations show that the radiation dose rates to the animals from these burdens of the radionuclides of caesium would have been approximately one thousandth of the dose rate needed to cause clinical signs of damage; in the case of iodine-131 approximately 10,000 times higher levels of the nuclide would have been required to cause clinically perceptible damage to the thyroid gland. In any forseeable nuclear accident severe problems of human health would arise before any detrimental effects on livestock could be detected.  相似文献   

The paper reviews the lines of evidence which link the use of antimicrobial drugs for food animals with the emergence of antimicrobial drug resistance in bacteria pathogenic to humans, with a particular focus on the public health aspects. Deductions from the epidemiology of food-borne infections, ecological studies, outbreak investigations, typing studies and direct epidemiological observations show that resistant bacteria are transferred from food animals to man. In addition to transfer in the food chain, exchange of mobile genetic elements among commensal and pathogenic bacteria contributes to the emergence of drug resistance. There is growing evidence that this has measurable consequences for human public health. One consequence is increased transmission supported by unrelated use of anti-microbials in humans. Other consequences are related to reduced efficacy of early empirical treatment, limitations in the choices for treatment after confirmed microbiological diagnosis, and finally a possible coselection of virulence traits. Recent epidemiological studies have measured these consequences in terms of excess mortality associated with resistance, increased duration of illness, and increased risk of invasive illness or hospitalization following infections with resistant Salmonella.  相似文献   

The occurrence of multidrug‐resistant zoonotic bacteria in animals has been increasing worldwide. Working in close contact with livestock increases the risk of carriage of these bacteria. We investigated the occurrence of extended‐spectrum beta‐lactamase (ESBL) and plasmidic AmpC beta‐lactamase producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL/pAmpC‐PE) and livestock‐associated methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (LA‐MRSA) in Finnish veterinarians (n = 320). In addition to microbiological samples, background information was collected. Bacterial whole genome sequencing was performed to deduce sequence types (STs), spa types and resistance genes of the isolates. In total, 3.0% (9/297) of the veterinarians carried ESBL producing Escherichia coli, with one ESBL producing E. coli isolate producing also AmpC. Seven different STs, sequences of several different plasmid groups as well as several different blaESBL/pAmpC genes existed in different combinations. No carbapenemase or colistin resistance genes were detected. MRSA was detected in 0.3% (1/320) of the samples. The strain belonged to LA‐MRSA clonal complex (CC) 398 (ST398, spa type 011, lacking Panton‐Valentine leukocidin genes). In conclusion, this study shows low carriage of multidrug‐resistant zoonotic bacteria in Finnish veterinarians. However, finding LA‐MRSA for the first time in a sample from a veterinarian in a country with prudent use of animal antimicrobials and regarding the recent rise of LA‐MRSA on Finnish pig farms, a strong recommendation to protect people working in close contact with animals carrying LA‐MRSA CC398 is given. Further studies are needed to explain why the prevalence of LA‐MRSA in veterinarians is lower in Finland than in other European countries.  相似文献   

The study was performed to investigate changes in the behaviour of male and female pigs when one or more pigs were removed from the pen and sent to slaughter. Twelve pens were included, half of them housed six female pigs each, while the other half housed six male pigs each. Skin lesions and behaviour were recorded on two occasions, four days before and two days after one or more animals per pen were sent to slaughter. On the first occasion the male pigs fought on average about twice as often as the females (2.6 vs. 1.0 per animal per hour) and had twice as many skin lesions (6.7 vs. 3.2). On the second occasion, the frequency of fighting among both males (6.8) and females (1.8) had increased, however, more in males than in females. The number of skin lesions was not significantly higher on the second occasion. In the male group there was also a tendency towards increased mounting on the second occasion (from 2.3 to 3.3 per animal per hour). The study shows that the very common practice of slaughtering pigs from one pen over more than one occasion results in an increase in unwanted behaviour. The effect is more pronounced in groups of entire male pigs than in groups of females.  相似文献   

This observational study was conducted to identify the cause of death and load level factors associated with mortality in 1 090 733 Manitoba broiler chickens transported to slaughter in spring and early summer. Death loss in transit was 0.346% and accounted for 19% of the total carcass condemnation. The death loss pattern was clearly bimodal, with a low death loss in 180 of 198 shipments. Cumulative death loss during the growing phase of production was consistently associated with increased transport mortalities in load level models and when comparing high death loss with low death loss truckloads. High ambient temperature at the time of slaughter and loading density of the truck were the major factors associated with exceptional death loss.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate sero-epidemiological aspects of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (Mh), influenza H1N1 and H3N2 viruses and Aujeszky disease virus (ADV) in fattening pigs from 150 randomly selected farrow-to-finish pig herds. Different herd factors were examined as potential risk indicators for the percentage of pigs with antibodies against the 4 pathogens. The median within-herd seroprevalences of the pathogens were: Mh 76%, H1N1 100%, H3N2 40% and ADV 53%. There was a positive association between the seroprevalences of both influenza viruses, and a negative association between the seroprevalences of ADV and H1N1. The percentage of pigs seropositive for Mh increased with the purchase of gilts and with the season (slaughter date in March-April). The within-herd seroprevalences of both influenza viruses were higher in the case of a higher density of pig herds in the municipality. A higher number of fattening pigs per pen additionally increased the risk of being seropositive for H3N2. The percentage of pigs with anti-gE-antibodies against the wild type ADV increased with higher airspace stocking density in the finishing unit, increasing herd size, increasing number of pig herds in the municipality and slaughter date in March-April. Increased seroprevalences for these 4 respiratory pathogens were mostly associated with pig density in the herd and its vicinity, the winter period, and with the purchase of gilts. Purchase of gilts, number of fattening pigs per pen and airspace stocking density are risk factors that can be managed directly by farmers striving to attain a high respiratory health status of pigs.  相似文献   

Lungs from 191 slaughter pigs with gross lesions indicative of enzootic pneumonia of pigs (EPP) and 80 grossly normal lungs, all originating from 9 different herds, were subjected to microbiological and pathological examinations. The microbiological studies included both bacterial and mycoplasmal culture and also testing for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae antigen in tissue by indirect immunofluorescent technique. M. hyopneumoniae, Pasteurella multocida and Mycoplasma hyorhinis were detected in 83%, 43% and 37% of the pneumonic lungs, respectively. Mycoplasma flocculare was the most frequently isolated organism in the non-pneumonic lungs. The greatest amounts of macroscopic pneumonia (25.2%) were recorded in lungs with all the three agents M. hyopneumoniae, P. multocida and M. hyorhinis present. The amounts of pneumonia in lungs with M. hyopneumoniae alone and in concurrence with P. multocida, were 9.3% and 15.6%, respectively. M. hyorhinis was also, in this study, associated with higher frequency of diffuse pleuritis. These findings indicate that M. hyorhinis might be involved in the pathogenesis of pneumonia in slaughter pigs. Ninety-six per cent of the isolates of P. multocida from pneumonic lungs could be characterized as type A. In the herds which had the most severe pneumonia problems, toxin production was detected in 83% of the P. multocida strains while only 28% were toxigenic in herds with subclinical to moderate pneumonia problems.  相似文献   

In order to study the early events associated with infection of swine by Yersinia enterocolitica, 42 five-week-old crossbred piglets were inoculated per os with approximately 10(8) Y. enterocolitica O:3. Groups of 5 animals (and one negative control) were euthanized 30 min, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h following the infection. Palatine tonsils, retropharyngeal and mesenteric lymph nodes, esophagus, duodenum, jejunum, ileum (and Peyer's patches), stomach, liver, spleen and feces (from colon) were collected and analyzed for the presence of Y. enterocolitica by standard bacteriological procedures. Natural infections were also analyzed, as a complementary study, by taking one-gram samples of fecal material and tonsils from 291 pig carcasses less than 3 h after slaughter and culturing them for Y. enterocolitica using a cold enrichment technique. Within 30 min, Yersinia enterocolitica O:3 was already present at most sites. The presence of Y. enterocolitica in the liver of 3 out of 10 animals and also in the spleen of 3 out of 10 piglets, within the first 3 h postinfection, but not at later times (with one exception), probably indicated a transient bacteremia accompanying the initial stages of infection. The tonsils were colonized in most animals (13/20) as the bacteria remained present from 12 to 72 h postinfection, while only 4 out of 20 fecal samples were found to be positive over the same period. Up to 10(4) colony-forming units of Y. enterocolitica per gram of tonsil and fecal material were recovered. Finally, among the 291 animals sampled at the abattoir, a total of 79 were found positive, 70 of the tonsils sampled were positive, and bacteria were recovered in 17 fecal samples. It is therefore suggested that palatine tonsils are the most reliable tissue for the indication of an infection/colonization by Y. enterocolitica O:3 in swine and that the removal of this tissue during the slaughter process should be considered in order to minimize the possibility of contamination of meat products.  相似文献   

与使用无机矿物质相比,在猪饲料中添加有机矿物质可给养猪生产各个阶段的生产性能和环境带来益处。由于有机矿物质具有较好的养分利用率,因此它不仅能使猪的生产性能不受影响,而且还能使养猪生产的净收益得到提高。  相似文献   

与使用无机微量元素相比,在不同生长阶段的猪和母猪饲粮中使用有机微量元素可全方位地为养猪生产带来生产和环保方面的优势。有机微量元素的使用使得饲料营养成分的利用效率提高,猪的生产性能得以维持和改善,进而提高了养猪者的净利润。  相似文献   

Differences in haematological and clinicochemical profiles of blood of apparently healthy slaughter pigs collected at the farm and at slaughter were investigated in relation to the severity of pathological-anatomical lesions. For this purpose blood-samples of castrated male pigs were collected once at seven different farms and from the same pigs one to three days later at the slaughterhouse. In general, as far as the investigated blood variables are concerned, there were distinct and significant differences in the mean values between farm and slaughter blood-samples. As a rule the mean values of the investigated blood variables were higher in the slaughter blood than in the farm blood. The effects are most pronounced for leucocyte concentration and for the activity of the enzymes creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and gamma-glutamyltransferase (gamma-GT). For the blood variables albumin, lymphocytes and magnesium there were significant, but not so strong interactions between the sites of blood-sampling and the groups, which were classified according to the severity of pathological-anatomical lesions. Despite the fact that there were significant differences in the mean values of blood profiles of the slaughter pigs between the sites of blood sampling, this effect was only manifest as a difference in the level of the values of the blood variables. This means that clinicochemical and haematological profiles from groups of pigs at slaughter reflect the herd's health status at the farm and can be used when monitoring it.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Blood acid-base responses to handling were evaluated in slaughter weight pigs fed diets supplemented with l-carnitine and fat. The study was carried out as a randomized block design with a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments: 1) dietary L-carnitine supplementation (0 vs. 150 ppm, as-fed basis); and 2) dietary fat supplementation (0 vs. 5%, as-fed basis). Sixty pigs (91.1 +/- 5.14 kg BW) were housed in mixed-gender groups of five and had ad libitum access to test diets (0.68% true ileal digestible lysine, 3,340 kcal of ME/kg, as-fed basis) for 3 wk. At the end of the feeding period (110.3 +/- 7.52 kg BW), pigs were subjected to a standard handling procedure, which consisted of moving individual animals through a facility (12.2 m long x 0.91 m wide) for eight laps (up and down the facility), using electric prods (two times per lap). There was no interaction between dietary L-carnitine and fat supplementation for any measurement. Pigs fed 150 ppm of supplemental L-carnitine had lower baseline blood glucose (P < 0.05) and higher baseline blood lactate (P < 0.05) concentrations than the nonsupplemented pigs. After handling, pigs fed L-carnitine-supplemented diets had a higher (P < 0.05) blood pH and showed a smaller (P < 0.05) decrease in blood pH and base excess than those fed the nonsupplemental diets. Baseline plasma FFA concentrations were higher (P < 0.01) in pigs fed the 5% fat diet. After the handling procedure, blood glucose, lactate, and plasma FFA were higher (P < 0.05) in pigs fed the 5 vs. 0% fat diets, but blood pH, bicarbonate, and base excess were not affected by dietary fat. The handling procedure decreased (P < 0.01) blood pH, bicarbonate, base excess, and total carbon dioxide and increased (P < 0.01) blood lactate, partial pressure of oxygen, and glucose, and also increased (P < 0.01) rectal temperature. Free fatty acid concentrations were increased by handling in pigs fed both 0 and 5% fat and 150 ppm L-carnitine. In conclusion, dietary L-carnitine supplementation at the level and for the feeding period evaluated in the current study had a relatively small but positive effect on decreasing blood pH changes in finishing pigs submitted to handling stress; however, dietary fat supplementation had little effect on blood acid-base balance.  相似文献   

A commercial swine herd was selected for study, because pigs at slaughter repeatedly had lung lesions consistent with enzootic pneumonia and had snout lesions typical of atrophic rhinitis. Pigs born during various seasons of the year were allotted to 4 investigations and were evaluated from birth to slaughter. Individual lungs and snouts were identified and collected at the slaughter plant and later examined for gross lesions of bronchopneumonia and atrophic rhinitis, respectively. Each lesion was scored, and the following comparisons were made within investigations: prevalence and mean scores for lung lesions; prevalence and mean grades for snout lesions; correlations between lung lesion scores and growth indicators; correlations between snout lesion grades and growth indicators; and correlations between lung lesion scores and snout grade scores. Included in the growth indicators were average daily gain during the growing phase, average daily gain during the finishing phase, average daily gain during growing and finishing phases, and days to attain 104.5 kg of body weight. Prevalence of lung or snout lesions, mean values for lung lesion scores, mean values for snout lesion grades, and mean values for the various growth indicators were tested for statistical differences among the 4 investigations. Prevalence of lung lesions was highest (96%) for winter-slaughtered and lowest (81%) for autumn-slaughtered pigs. Mean scores for lung lesions were 7% (summer), 5% (autumn), 9% (winter), and 16% (spring). Prevalence of snout lesions was highest (85%) for spring-slaughtered pigs and lowest (42%) for autumn-slaughtered pigs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the effect of adding organic acids to the drinking water of finishing pigs 2 weeks prior to slaughter on the shedding and prevalence rate of Salmonella at slaughter. Approximately 600 animals from four Belgian pig herds infected with Salmonella were included. At two herds, the study was conducted twice. Before the start of the study, overshoes were taken at the different herds. Two weeks prior to the expected slaughter date, the pigs were randomly divided into two groups (treatment and control group) each containing on average 50 animals within each herd. The treatment group received from this day onwards acidified drinking water (pH = 3.6-4.0), the control group received non-treated water (pH = 7.8-8.5). All other housing, feeding and management factors were identical in both groups. At the slaughterhouse, 10 pigs of each group (20 pigs for each group of study group 6) were randomly selected and sampled (blood, contents of ileum and rectum, mesenteric lymph nodes and carcass swabs). All samples were immediately transported to the laboratory and submitted to Salmonella isolation. Salmonella was isolated out of 11.9% (66/554) of the samples taken at the slaughterhouse, with the highest frequency found in the content of the ileum (18.7%), followed by 17.8% in the lymph nodes, 7.2% in the content of the rectum and 3.6% in the carcass swabs. The results did not reveal a significant difference between the treatment and control groups for the different slaughterhouse samples. The study documented that the investigated control strategy namely, the strategic application of organic acids during the last 2 weeks prior to slaughter was insufficient to decrease Salmonella shedding and contamination shortly before and during slaughter.  相似文献   

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