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A. C. KING 《Plant pathology》1991,40(3):367-373
Apothecia of Tapesia yallundae, the perfect state of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides, were found in March 1989 on wheat and barley stubble at nine of 37 naturally infested sites and also at one inoculated site in Germany. Apothecia were found on about 1% of stems collected from the naturally infested sites and 5% of stems from the inoculated site, and were first found in the second week of March, coinciding with the onset of an early spring. Apothecia were not found on either green plants or second-year stubble. In total, 143 single-spore isolates were obtained from the apothecia and described according to a range of morphological characteristics. The majority were ascribed to P. herpotrichoides var. herpotrichoides. This is the first isolation of this variety from T. yallundae apothecia in Germany. Even single-conidial isolates from one apothecium showed much variation, some being like var. herpotrichoides, some like var. acuformis and some intermediate.  相似文献   

Apothecia of Tapesia yallundae were collected from a set-aside straw stubble site in Lincolnshire in March 1993. Single ascospore isolates were obtained which produced colonies with morphologies and growth rates characteristic of the R-pathotype of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides. Isolates were confirmed to be R-type by the use of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. These observations confirm that T. yallundae is the teleomorph of the R-type of P. herpotrichoides and represent the first detection of the sexual stage of the R-type in the UK.  相似文献   

T. HUNTER 《Plant pathology》1989,38(4):598-603
Apothecia of Tapesia yallundae are reported for the first time in the UK. They were observed on decaying stems and leaf sheaths of unharvested wheat near Bristol in January 1989. Isolates from single ascospores produced cultures typical of the W-type form of the anamorph, Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides . Pathogenicity on wheat was confirmed by inoculation and re-isolation from glasshouse-grown wheat seedlings.  相似文献   

A total of 45 field sites in England were surveyed once for the presence of apothecia of Tapesia yallundae from 1992 to 1994. Apothecia were found at 21 locations and were mainly present on less than 3% of stems. However, apothecia were found on 1532% of stems at four sites. Analysis of the growth characteristics of ascospore isolates from seven sites showed that most produced colonies characteristic of the W-type of T. yallundae , with only one site yielding the R-type, Most ascospore isolates were resistant to the fungicide benomyl and effectively all remained sensitive to prochloraz. The results of the study are discussed in relation to the fungicidal control and epidemiology of T. yallundae , and the risk of spread of disease from set-aside sites.  相似文献   

Field isolates of the cereal eyespot pathogen can be divided into two groups which are now considered as two species: Tapesia yallundae and Tapesia acuformis. In both species the first case of acquired resistance was observed with benzimidazole fungicides in the early 1980s. At the same time, a number of sterol C-14 demethylation inhibitors (DMIs), such as the imidazole prochloraz and several triazoles, including flusilazole, were introduced. Surprisingly T. acuformis appeared intrinsically resistant to the triazole derivatives in comparison to T. yallundae, but both species were sensitive to prochloraz. The intensive use of these DMIs led to the development of acquired resistance towards triazoles in T. yallundae and towards prochloraz in T. acuformis. Today all the strains in both species appear equally sensitive to the anilinopyrimidine cyprodinil. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

Isolates of Tapesia yallundae and Tapesia acuformis were subjected to Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay. Amplification products common to isolates of either species were cloned and primers were generated from each sequence for use in conventional PCR. The primer pair derived from a T. yallundae specific RAPD marker amplified a product only from DNA of T. yallundae isolates and not from DNA of a range of other fungal species associated with the stem base disease complex of cereals. Similarly, the primer pair generated from a T. acuformis -specific RAPD marker amplifed a product only from DNA of T. acuformis isolates. Quantitative assays were developed for both species of Tapesia from these primer pairs, using competitive PCR . Competitive PCR was used to determine the level of colonization of seedlings by each species in glasshouse- and field-inoculated cereal hosts and results compared to those for conventional seedling disease assessment.  相似文献   

A reservoir of infection of Tapesia yallundae may exist after harvest in bases of cereal stems due to the presence of apothecia capable of discharging infective ascospores. Apothecia of T. yallundae developed in a seasonal pattern on winter barley inoculated with the pathogen, with maximum numbers of apothecia produced on stubble 5–7 months after harvest. A similar pattern of development was observed on infected winter wheat. However, the peak in numbers of mature apothecia was observed 2 months later than in winter barley. Apothecia capable of discharging ascospores were present for up to 6 months on stubble. Apothecia of T. acuformis were not detected on spring or winter barley, or spring or winter wheat stubble, despite inoculation of growing crops with isolates of compatible mating type.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Eyespot of wheat is caused by the discomycete fungi Tapesia yallundae and T. acuformis. T. yallundae is considered the most important causal agent of the disease in this region but no apothecia of either species have been found in the U.S. Pacific Northwest (PNW). Two compatible isolates of T. yallundae from the PNW were used to inoculate a field plot in the fall of 1998 and apothecia developed in the spring and fall of 2000 on standing wheat stubble. In the spring of 2000, wheat stubble from eight naturally infected fields was examined for the presence of apothecia of T. yallundae and T. acuformis. Apothecia of T. acuformis were found in two fields but no apothecia of T. yallundae were found. This is the first report of apothecia of the eyespot pathogens occurring in the PNW. Species and mating-type distribution of T. yallundae and T. acuformis in the PNW were determined from 817 isolates collected from diseased wheat over 3 years at spatial scales ranging from within fields to across states. In all, 460 isolates were identified as T. yallundae and 357 isolates were identified as T. acuformis with MAT1-1/MAT1-2 ratios not significantly different from 1:1 based on chi(2) tests at most scales tested. The apparent increase in frequency of T. acuformis from previous surveys may indicate a shift in the predominant species causing eyespot. The occurrence of apothecia under field conditions, along with the widespread distribution of mating types of both species, suggests that sexual reproduction may be occurring in both species.  相似文献   

Tapesia yallundae is reported for the first time in the Federal Republic of Germany. Apothecia were found on wheat and rye stubble at two sites in the north of the country and one in the centre, in April 1988. Isolates of Pseudocercosporella herpotrichoides var. acuformis were obtained from germinating single ascospores, identified on the basis of colony morphology, mode of conidial production and pathogenicity to wheat and rye.  相似文献   

The biological and molecular characterization of six isolates of a new Cowpea mild mottle virus strain (CPMMV; Carlavirus, Betaflexiviridae) are reported. Soybean plants with mosaic and stem necrosis were collected in Bahia, Goiás, Mato Grosso and Minas Gerais states, Brazil. Complete genomes of the CPMMV isolates are 8180–8198 nucleotides (nt) long, excluding the 3′‐polyadenylated tail, and have 67–68% nt sequence identity with a Ghana isolate of CPMMV, the only CPMMV isolate for which the genome has previously been sequenced. The replicase has only 60–61% nt sequence identity with the Ghana CPMMV isolate, and the coat protein (CP) is highly conserved (79% nt sequence identity and 95–96% amino acid sequence identity). The high CP identity and the phylogenetic analyses supported the classification of the Brazilian isolates as CPMMV. Biological and molecular differences with the Ghana CPMMV isolate were found and indicated that the six isolates represent a distinct CPMMV strain denominated as CPMMV‐BR. Furthermore, it is shown that recombination occurred mainly in the polymerase gene, and may occur less frequently in other regions of the CPMMV genome.  相似文献   

Effects of regular treatments with the fungicides carbendazim and prochloraz applied to whole plots divided into subplots with different initial population mixtures of carbendazim-sensitive or carbendazim-resistant Tapesia yallundae or T. acuformis were studied in successive crops of winter wheat from 1984/85 to 1999/2000. In unsprayed and carbendazim-sprayed whole plots, a stable coexistence of about 50% each of T. yallundae and T. acuformis developed within five seasons, but in whole plots sprayed with prochloraz or prochloraz plus carbendazim, the proportion of T. acuformis increased to > 80%. A discrete time difference equation model was derived from knowledge of the biology of eyespot and competition theory to describe the population changes. The model was fitted to the data from treatments where coexistence occurred [subplots in unsprayed (1985–92) and carbendazim-sprayed (1985–89) whole plots], using nonlinear least squares regression. The optimized value of the resource overlap coefficient was small, suggesting niche differences between the two species. Populations were nearly 100% carbendazim-resistant in carbendazim-sprayed whole plots by July 1985 (one season) and in whole plots sprayed with prochloraz plus carbendazim by July 1986 (two seasons). In prochloraz-sprayed whole plots, the proportion of carbendazim-resistant isolates decreased more rapidly than in unsprayed whole plots in the 1980s, but by July 1992 a shift in populations in unsprayed and prochloraz-sprayed whole plots towards predominantly carbendazim-resistant strains had occurred.  相似文献   

Plasmodiophora brassicae is an obligate biotroph that causes clubroot, one of the most damaging diseases of crucifers. Differential cultivars and random amplified polymorphic DNA markers were used to assess the extent of genetic diversity among nine single-gall populations of P. brassicae and 37 single-spore isolates (SSI) derived from four of those field samples. Isolates were classified into eight pathotypes, and each isolate was associated with a unique molecular genotype. Virulence and DNA polymorphisms were detected within and between field isolates, and among SSIs from different pathotypes, hosts and geographical origins. The relatively high level of genetic diversity among field isolates was similar to that among SSIs derived from a single-club field isolate. Molecular and pathogenicity-based classifications were not clearly correlated, but isolates belonging to pathotype P1 were clustered. Two RAPD markers were specific to pathotype P1. The finding that genetic differences can occur in P. brassicae field isolates will be an important consideration in resistance genetic studies and in choosing breeding strategies to develop durable clubroot resistance.  相似文献   

胡萝卜田杂草调查及防除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河南省南阳市地处北纬 32°17′~ 33°4 8′ ,东经110°5 9′~ 113°4 8′之间 ,位于北亚热带向暖温带的过度地区。年降雨量 80 0~ 10 0 0mm ,主要集中在 7、8、9三个月。胡萝卜在本地播期正是伏天 ,此时气温较高 ,多数年份雨水偏多 ,有利于杂草生长。加之胡萝卜种子饱满度差 ,幼苗出土困难 ,生长缓慢。如果苗期不能及时防除杂草 ,极易造成草荒。若采取人工拔草 ,投工量大 ,耗工费时。杂草与胡萝卜争水、争肥、争光、争热 ,造成胡萝卜苗弱晚发 ,导致减产 ,还会引起病虫害的发生 ,增加畸形根的数量。过去利用除草醚、氟乐灵等防除杂草 ,效…  相似文献   

Heterokaryon compatibility was tested by pairing complementary auxotrophic mutants of three fluctuating (M18, M33 and M50) and three progressive (PV1, PV2 and PV3) hop wilt isolates of Verticillitim albo–atrum . The criteria of compatibility adopted were prototrophic growth on a glucose minimal medium at 26°C and the presence of diploid conidia. Most pairings produced at least some heterozygous diploids, showing there was no complete incompatibility barrier to hyphal and nuclear fusion on an agar medium. The incidence of prototrophic diploidy was greater within paired mutants of progressive isolates, and between PV1 and the three fluctuating isolates. A recombinant haploid prototroph was re–isolated following inoculation of Antirrhinum plants with a pair of complementary auxotrophs (M18 nic -4 cob -26 and PV3 arg -8 pyr -2). In hop, this recombinant was of intermediate pathogenicity compared with the two parental wild–type isolates. Four large–spored, diploid isolates were obtained from Antirrhinum following inoculation with heterozygous diploid conidia (M18 nic -4 cob -26/PV3 arg -8 pyr -2) from diploids synthesized on agar. All four diploids remained stable on agar and one showed moderately high pathogenicity in hop, from which it was re–isolated as a stable diploid 10 weeks later.  相似文献   

Relationships between the spatial patterns and numbers of apothecia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and incidence of sclerotinia stem rot of soybean (Glycine max) were investigated in a field plot in 1981 and 1982. Apothecia and disease were both spatially aggregated and were most consistently described by the negative binomial distribution, although the Poisson-binomial and logarithmic with zeros distributions sometimes gave significant fits to data. Numbers of apothecia and disease incidence were correlated within quadrats of 1.4 m2 (r = 0.04-0.57), 36 m2 (r = 0.44-0.87) and 108 m2 (r = 0.44-0.99). The results suggest that disease incidence was determined primarily by inoculum produced within the field. This information may be important in developing models for disease production.  相似文献   

Recombination has played an important role in evolution and genetic diversity of Sugarcane yellow leaf virus (SCYLV) isolates sequenced to date. This study found that three newly sequenced SCYLV sorghum isolates from the USA underwent intraspecies recombination. No statistical significance on probable progeny–parent relationships involving SCYLV sorghum isolates were found in possible interspecies recombination with 18 members of the Luteoviridae family. Sorghum isolates deposited in the GenBank database under accession numbers KT960995, KT960996 and KT960997 were phylogenetically closely related to SCYLV genotypes IND, CUB and CHN1, all members of phylogroup II. Networked relationships among the sorghum isolates showed that numerous incompatibilities occurred in the sequences. These conflicting signals were probably due to recombination, especially in KT960997, which was heavily impacted by recombination. The KT960997 accession was positioned on a distinct branch compared to other members of phylogroup II, suggesting that it has probably emerged as a new genotype. Future studies on molecular evolution may reveal further insights into the adaptation capacity of these SCYLV lineages to new environments.  相似文献   

A total of 142 samples of plants showing symptoms of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) were collected from fields planted to Brassicaceae and non‐Brassicaceae crops in the southwest Marmora region of Turkey, during the 2004?06 growing seasons. Using enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) TuMV was detected in the main brassica‐crop fields of Turkey, with an overall incidence of 13·4%. TuMV was detected in samples from Brussels sprouts, cabbage, wild mustard, radish and wild radish, but not cauliflower or broccoli. The full‐length sequences of the genomic RNAs of two biologically distinct isolates, TUR1 and TUR9, were determined. Recombination analyses showed that TUR1 was an intralineage recombinant, whereas TUR9 was a non‐recombinant. Phylogenetic analyses of the Turkish isolates with those from the rest of the world showed that the TUR1 and TUR9 isolates belonged to world‐Brassica and Asian‐Brassica/Raphanus groups, respectively. This study showed that TuMV is widely distributed in the Asia Minor region of Turkey.  相似文献   

芋艿田常见杂草有近30种,其中以禾本科、蓼科、苋科和玄参科杂草为主,在不同时间段杂草优势种类和数量有所不同,并且不同生境的芋艿田杂草种类也有所不同。  相似文献   

亚麻枞形期和快速生长期杂草密度上升快,相对覆盖度大。亚麻快速生长前期杂草生长速度较快,相对高度高。杂草影响亚麻生长主要是苗期、枞形期和快速生长前期。每hm^用56%二甲四氯钠盐750g 5%精喹禾灵乳油750ml,在亚麻株高5~16cm(枞形期)、杂草l~4叶期喷施,除草效果好,对亚麻生长亦安全。  相似文献   

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