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In two experiments, ewes in weeks 1–20 of lactation received either pasture only or pasture plus ad libitum conserved forage. Herbage height was maintained at 3·3–3·4 cm on both treatments by manipulation of stocking rate in the 24 plots (twelve per treatment) used for the experiment with additional ewes and lambs. In experiment 1, silage, which was of lower metabolizable energy (ME) and crude protein (CP) contents than the grazed herbage, was consumed at an average of 375 g dry matter (DM) ewe−1 d−1. In experiment 2 a strawmix, containing (g kg −1 freshweight) 480 g barley straw, 300 g concentrate and 220 g molasses, again with a lower ME and CP content than the grazed herbage, was consumed at an average of 165 g DM ewe −1 d −1. In both experiments ewes not receiving forage lost weight whereas those with forage gained weight and tended to have increased body condition scores. Offering silage or strawmix did not affect lamb liveweight gain or stocking rate.  相似文献   

The study was designed to test the hypothesis that grazing management in early season could alter sward structure to facilitate greater animal performance during critical periods. The effects of grazing a mixed perennial ryegrass/white clover sward at different sward surface heights, by cattle or sheep, in early season on sward composition and structure, and on the performance of weaned lambs when they subsequently grazed these swards in late season were determined. In two consecutive years, from mid‐May until mid‐July, replicate plots (three plots per treatment) were grazed by either suckler cows and calves or ewes and lambs at 4 or 8 cm sward surface heights (Phase 1). From mid‐August (Year 1) or early August (Year 2), weaned lambs continuously grazed, for a period of 36 d (Year 1) or 43 d (Year 2) (Phase 2), the same swards maintained at 4 cm (treatment 4–4), 8 cm (treatment 8–8) or swards which had been allowed to increase from 4 to 8 cm (treatment 4–8). Grazing by both cattle and sheep at a sward surface height of 4 cm compared with 8 cm in Phase 1 resulted in a higher (P < 0·001) number of vegetative grass tillers per m2 in Phase 2, although the effect was more pronounced after grazing by sheep. Sheep grazing at 8 cm in Phase 1 produced a higher number of reproductive tillers per m2 and a greater mass of reproductive stem (P < 0·001) than the other treatment combinations. The mass of white clover lamina was higher under cattle grazing (P < 0·05), especially on the 8‐cm treatment, and white clover accounted for a greater proportion of the herbage mass. These effects had mainly disappeared by the end of Phase 2. On the 4–4 and 8–8 sward height treatments the liveweight gain of the weaned lambs was higher (P < 0·05) on the swards previously grazed by cattle than those grazed by sheep. The proportion of white clover in the diet and the herbage intake also tended to be higher when the weaned lambs followed cattle. However, there was no difference in liveweight gain, proportion of white clover in the diet or herbage intake between swards previously grazed by cattle or sheep on the 4–8 sward height treatment. It is concluded that grazing grass/white clover swards by cattle compared with sheep for the first half of the grazing season resulted in less reproductive grass stem and a slightly higher white clover content in the sward, but these effects are transient and disappear from the sward by the end of the grazing season. They can also be eliminated by a short period of rest from grazing in mid‐season. Nevertheless these changes in sward structure can increase the performance of weaned lambs when they graze these swards in late season.  相似文献   

For three 8-week periods of the grazing season 48 spring-calving cows were continuously stocked at either a high or a low rate (average 4.9 and 4.3 cows ha−1 respectively) which declined through the season. Within each stocking rate group half the cows were allowed access to hay for 45 min after morning milking; the other half received no hay.
Total dry matter (DM) intakes were increased by offering hay, and intakes of hay were greater at the high stocking rate and during prolonged periods of inclement weather. However, there were times when, because of low herbage height and adverse weather, offering hay once daily could not prevent a decline in total DM intake. Grazing time was reduced and ruminating time increased by offering hay, but the rate of biting at pasture was unaffected. Hay DM was eaten at twice the rate of intake of herbage DM.
Offering hay increased milk yield in early season and liveweight gain in late season. The benefits of offering hay were greatest for the higher yielding cows. There were no significant effects on milk composition.
Stocking rate had only small effects on herbage height, but stocking at the higher rate tended to reduce herbage DM intake and reduced live-weight gain in late season. Levels of utilized metabolizable energy from grazed herbage were high (average 106 GJ ha−1) but were reduced by feeding hay and stocking at the lower rate.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to assess the effects of grazing a perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) / white clover (Trifolium repens) sward by sheep or goats on sward composition and structure and on subsequent diet selection, herbage intake and liveweight gain by weaned lambs. From mid-May to late July (phase 1), ewes with twin lambs or yearling Scottish Cashmere goats grazed continuously swards maintained at 4- or 8-cm sward surface height. From mid-August to the end of September (phase 2), weaned lambs continuously grazed the same swards maintained at 4 cm (treatment 4–4) or at 8 cm (treatment 8–8) or which had been allowed to increase from 4 cm to 8 cm (treatment 4–8). By the end of phase 1, swards grazed by goats had higher proportions of white clover in the whole sward (0.377 vs. 0.181; s.e.d 0.0382; P < 0.001) than those grazed by sheep, irrespective of sward height treatment. This resulted in phase 2 in a higher proportion of white clover selected ( P <0.001), higher herbage intakes ( P < 0.001) and higher liveweight gains ( P < 0.001) by weaned lambs grazing swards previously grazed by goats compared with those previously grazed by sheep. There were higher proportions of clover present in the swards from treatment 4–8 at the beginning of phase 2 compared with the other sward height treatments and consequently weaned lambs had, on this treatment, a higher proportion of clover in their diet ( P <0.001), higher herbage intakes ( P <0001) and higher liveweight gains ( P <0.001). It is concluded that goats can be integrated into sequential grazing systems with sheep on grass/clover swards and this can result in an increase in the proportion of clover in swards and increased sheep performance.  相似文献   

In 1976, 1977 and 1978 a red clover-perennial ryegrass sward was cut twice for silage, and in the autumn of 1976 and 1977 it was either grazed at low and high stocking rates, i.e. seventeen and thirty-four lambs per ha respectively, or was cut with a forage harvester. The effects of grazing on yield in the following year were examined. Herbage growth in the grazing period was slow and did not differ significantly between the treatments. The yield of silage dry matter taken in May and July was highest in ungrazed plots (9·8 and 8·1 t ha-1 in 1977 and 1978 respectively) and lowest in plots stocked at the high rate (5·9 and 5·7 t ha-1 in 1977 and 1978 respectively). The aftermath yield for grazing in 1977 was slightly but significantly greater on treatments grazed in the previous year compared with ungrazed treatments. Red clover content decreased markedly during grazing, the high stocking rate treatment containing 2·4% clover and the ungrazed treatment 57·3% clover. The high stocking rate treatment also had the lowest red clover content in the first silage cut. Red clover content in grazed plots increased to a level similar to that in ungrazed plots by the start of the grazing period in the subsequent harvest year. Animal performance was higher at the low than at the high stocking rate but herbage consumption per head did not differ significantly between the two grazing treatments. Possible reasons for the adverse effect of grazing on the red clover are defoliation and treading. It is concluded that such experiments can form the basis of an economic assessment of red clover and help the farmer decide whether or not he should integrate the crop into his system.  相似文献   

The effect of level of removal of current season's shoots of heather (0,40 and 80% of the dry matter of the shoots) in the summer and autumn on the intake and diet selection by grazing Scottish Blackface wether sheep was examined in an experiment conducted over two years in which all combinations of level and season of grazing were provided. The treatment plots were grazed for 5 weeks at any one time and measurements made of intake and diet selection in weeks 2 and 5. In both the summer and autumn grazing periods level of removal in week 2 had little effect on the quality of the diet selected. In week 5, digestibility of organic matter was higher for the 40% than the 80% level of removal in the summer (0·543 vs 0·508) and particularly in the autumn (0·503 vs 0·449). Digestibility of the diet selected was higher in week 2 than in week 5 in both the summer (0·555 vs 0·525) and in the autumn (0·511 vs 0·476). Mechanisms of diet selection are discussed. In the summer grazing period only small differences existed in intake of organic matter between levels of removal but in the autumn intakes were higher at the 40% than the 80% level of removal. In a clipping experiment in which 0, 40 or 80% of the length of current season's shoots was removed in May, July and September in 3 consecutive years the nitrogen content of clippings in May and July was higher and the cell wall constituent lower at the 40% level in comparison to the 80% level of removal. Higher levels of removal at the previous clipping increased the nitrogen content of the clippings in May, July and September and reduced the cell wall constituent content in September.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to examine the effect of concentrate supplementation on the performance of suckling lambs while grazing at variable levels of herbage allowance. Twenty-four ewes suckling twin lambs were allocated 55 d after lambing between four grazing treatments (two levels of herbage allowance × two levels of supplementation) in a 2×2 factorial design. The sward consisted of Tall Fescue and was grazed rotationally.
Daily herbage organic matter (OM) allowances were 57.0 (H) and 38.5 (L) g OM kg LW−1 above 1·5 cm cutting height. Lambs were either supplemented (S) ad libitum with high-moisture whole maize grain or unsupplemented (U).
Supplement intake during the 60-d grazing period was 16 kg DM and 17.5 kg DM respectively for LS and HS lambs. The effect of supplementation on lamb growth rate differed significantly between allowances: at the low allowance level, supplementation increased growth rate (287 g d−1 vs 226 g d−1), whereas it had no effect at the high level (277 g d−1 vs 276 g d−1). Growth rate of unsupplemented lambs was significantly reduced at the low level of allowance compared to the high level (226 g d−1 vs 276 g d−1). The effect of sward height on time spent grazing by unsupplemented lambs is described during the defoliation of a plot.  相似文献   

Over a 24-week period, three groups of dairy cows were continuously stocked at 8, 10 or 12 cows ha-1 between morning and afternoon milkings, and overnight were housed and offered grass silage ad libitum. Due to a prolonged drought, sward heights only averaged 4·1 cm.
The increase in daytime stocking rate led to a decline in herbage intake, and increases in silage intake. At the highest stocking rate (12 cows ha-1), the silage intake failed to compensate for the reduced herbage intake. Consequently the total dry matter and estimated metabolizable energy intakes were lower than for the 8 and 10 cows ha-1 treatments. Milk yields and milk composition were not significantly affected by treatment but the 12 cows ha-1 stocking rate gave the lowest milk and milk solids yields.
The utilized metabolizable energy (UME) on the grazed swards was greatest for the 10 cows ha-1 treatment. The sward cut to provide the silage had a UME level (GJ ha-1) 32% greater on average than the grazed swards during the same growth period. The total areas utilized for grazing and silage production for 8, 10 and 12 cows ha-1 were 0·240, 0·224 and 0·215 ha respectively. Fat and protein yields per unit area were greatest for the 10 cows ha-1 group.  相似文献   

Reduction in grazing intensity and the use of traditional instead of commercial breeds have frequently been recommended to meet biodiversity and production goals in sustainable grazing systems. The impact of such practices within a range of contrasting grassland vegetation types was studied. This paper describes the effects on foraging behaviour in a study conducted over three years on mesotrophic or semi-natural grasslands in UK (steers), Germany (steers), France (heifers) and Italy (sheep). Three treatments were performed: (i) a moderate grazing intensity using a commercial breed, (ii) a more lenient grazing intensity with a commercial breed and (iii) a more lenient intensity with a traditional breed. Livestock at all sites preferentially selected bites containing legumes and forbs, and also short rather than tall vegetative patches. Grazing intensity affected not only diet consumed, largely reflecting the different availabilities of dietary components, but also some differences in diet selection. Livestock grazing the more productive mesotrophic grasslands more frequently exploited short patches of higher nutritive value, which is expected to reinforce the spatial heterogeneity of the pastures. Studies in the UK and Germany also revealed that steers showed a more pronounced selection for short patches at the lenient grazing intensity. More homogeneous grazing by livestock on the semi-natural grasslands with fine-scale heterogeneity is likely to decrease their spatial heterogeneity. There were few differences in the choices made by commercial and traditional breed livestock. North Devon steers in the UK expressed a greater selection for tall grass-forb bites than Charolais × Holstein crossbreds, whereas traditional breeds appeared slightly less selective than commercial breeds at the other three sites.  相似文献   

Abstract Four sward height treatments were imposed by continuous variable stocking using at least ten Suffolk × Greyface lambs per plot from late July to late August: constant 3·5 cm. constant 6·0 cm. 3·5cm increasing to 6·0 cm and 6·0 cm decreasing to 3·5 cm. The treatments were established on two swards given fertilizer N applications over the season of 97 and 160 kg N ha?1 respectively. Animal density was greater on the high fertilizer treatment, at the lower sward height and especially on the decreasing height treatments. Liveweight change of lambs was higher (P <0·001) on the 6-cm than on the 3·5-cm treatments (+159 vs-13g d?1 and was also higher (P <0·001) on the increasing than on the decreasing sward height treatments (+92 vs-26 g d?1). Herbage organic matter intake (OMI), measured on two occasions in the experiment, was greater (P <0·001) on the 6·0 cm than on the 3·5-cm sward heights whereas values for the increasing sward height treatments were much greater than those for the decreasing sward height treatments. There was little difference in the organic matter digestibility of the diet between treatments. Diets were composed largely of lamina, although there was more pseudostem and dead herbage in the diets of Iambs grazing the decreasing than the increasing sward height treatments at the end of the experiment. Bite mass was closely related to OMI but the treatment and period differences were relatively greater than for OMI. Bite mass was more closely related to the depth of the lamina layer (sward height-pseudostem height) than it was to sward height. There was evidence that pseudostem acted as a barrier to defoliation on these short swards and also that the proportion of youngest leaf in the diet was positively related to sward height and to increases in sward height. Sward height and especially the direction of change in sward height, together with associated stock density, were potent influences on lamb growth rate. This was a consequence of differences in herbage intake, which was strongly influenced by bite mass.  相似文献   

The difficulty in matching the herbage requirements of grazing dairy cows to herbage production, due mainly to the unpredictability of the latter., causes stocking rates to be too low for maximum per hectare production and, thus, cows to be underfed at certain times in the grazing season. Conserved forage may be used as a supplement for grazing dairy cows in order to reduce variation in forage intake by the cow, to allow pasture stocking rates to be increased and to increase the efficiency of land use. The effect of offering conserved forage with herbage on intakes and production is reviewed in comparison to both ad libitum and restricted herbage. Total nutrient intakes and milk fat + protein yields are reduced for cows offered herbage and supplementary forage compared with cows offered ad libitum herbage, but increased compared with cows offered a restricted herbage level. Increasing pasture stocking rates may allow increases in utilized metabolizable energy levels from grassland but further research is needed in this area. Both grass and maize silage supplements offer potential for increasing the efficiency of land use, but in the case of grass silage this is only achieved in the best management practices.  相似文献   

Understanding the grazing conditions under which plant populations are limited by seed availability (seed limitation) is important for devising management schemes that aim to manipulate the establishment of weed and forage species. Seeds of three weed species (Cirsium arvense, C. vulgare and Rumex obtusifolius) and five forage species (Lolium perenne, Lotus uliginosus syn. L. pedunculatus, Paspalum dilatatum, Plantago lanceolata and Trifolium repens) were broadcast sown into L. perenneT. repens pastures in Manawatu, New Zealand and five sheep‐grazing and two slug‐grazing (with and without molluscicide) treatments were imposed in a split‐plot design. Of the five sheep‐grazing treatments, four compared continuous grazing with rotational grazing at intervals of 12, 24 and 36 d in spring, with all four grazed under a common rotation for the remainder of the year. The fifth treatment was continuous grazing all year. Seed sowing increased seedling emergence of C. vulgare, L. perenne, P. lanceolata, R. obtusifolius and T. repens under all sheep‐ and slug‐grazing treatments, with differences in seedling densities persisting for at least 21 months. Seed sowing did not increase seedling densities of C. arvense, L. uliginosus or P. dilatatum. The effects of sheep‐grazing management on seedling emergence and survival were uncoupled. For the five seed‐limited species, seedling emergence was greater on pastures that were rotationally grazed during spring compared with those that were continuously grazed. However, seedling survival was lower in pastures grazed rotationally during summer, autumn and winter, so that after 21 months seedling numbers were greater on plots that were continuously grazed all year. Exclusion of slugs increased seedling recruitment of T. repens but had no impact on the other species. As weed and forage species responded in a similar way to sheep‐grazing management (increased under continuous, decreased under rotational), it is unlikely that the goals of reducing weed invasions and enhancing forage species establishment could be carried out concurrently in established pastures with the same management.  相似文献   

Finding an optimal balance between livestock production and grazing impact on plant biodiversity is an important issue in the design of grazing systems. This paper describes a study of the effect of two levels of grazing intensity combined with different animal breeds on plant biodiversity and sward structural diversity of semi-natural grasslands conducted over 3 years in the United Kingdom (UK), France (F), Germany (D) and Italy (I). There were three treatments at each site: moderate grazing intensity with a commercial breed (MC), lenient grazing intensity with a commercial breed (LC) and lenient grazing intensity with a traditional breed (LT). Grazing livestock were cattle in the UK, F and D, and sheep in I. Only grazing intensity had clear effects on vegetation diversity, the effects depending on site-specific vegetation characteristics. In more diverse pastures with finer scale heterogeneity in F and I, there was little effect of the treatments. In less diverse swards with higher grass dominance and coarse-scale heterogeneity, the number of species decreased from initial levels on the lenient grazing intensity treatments (treatments LC and LT), because of increased dominance of grasses reducing the cover of other species, particularly legumes. The structural diversity of the pastures was more affected by level of grazing intensity than botanical diversity. In more diverse, semi-natural grasslands, structural heterogeneity was not affected by the treatments. In less diverse, more productive swards, structural heterogeneity decreased where large patches were initially found on the UK site, and increased where smaller patches were initially found on the D site. It is concluded that management systems to conserve diversity need to consider carefully the background environment, and that more knowledge of the mechanisms involved is needed at farm and landscape scales.  相似文献   

Finding an optimal balance between livestock production and grazing impact on animal diversity is important for the development of sustainable grazing systems. This paper tests the hypothesis that extensification of grazing management enhances animal diversity. Similar treatments were applied over a period of three years to sites in the UK, France, Germany and Italy. There were three treatments at each site: moderate grazing intensity with a commercial breed (MC), lenient grazing intensity with a commercial breed (LC) and lenient grazing intensity with a traditional breed (LT). Animal diversity was studied at the species level for birds, hares, butterflies and grasshoppers, and at higher taxonomic level for ground-dwelling arthropods. Bird and hare numbers were low and showed no overall treatment effects. Species richness and abundance of butterflies and grasshoppers were higher for treatment LC than for treatment MC, both for species preferring short open grasslands and those preferring tall grasslands. There was no difference in the impact of commercial or traditional breeds. Most ground-dwelling arthropod groups did not show consistent treatment effects but some taxa showed site-specific responses, generally indicating a greater abundance at lenient grazing intensity. Overall, the study showed that lenient grazing intensity enhanced animal diversity on grasslands at a small scale within 3 years. By comparison, the effect of livestock breed differences was negligible. Follow-up research is needed to elucidate the processes leading to increased biodiversity in patch mosaics and to establish the generality of these findings at larger spatial scales and longer time scales.  相似文献   

The effects of sheep grazing on the development of and production from heather swards and on intake and diet selection by grazing Scottish Blackface wether sheep were studied in an experiment in which sheep numbers were adjusted to remove 0, 40% or 80% by weight of current season's shoots in summer and in autumn for a period of 5 years. All combinations of season and level of grazing were provided. The plots were divided after 2 years and grazing was continued for a further 3 years on one subplot but discontinued on the other. Sward productivity during the 5 years of grazing was unaffected at the 40% level of shoot removal but at the 80% level was reduced by up to 66%. After a season's uninterrupted growth at the end of the experiment heather cover and herbage mass were lower and current season's shoots as a proportion of total mass were higher on those treatments which received the greatest severity of grazing. Weight of current season's shoots was unaffected on treatments which had received the 40% level of shoot removal but was reduced by 40% and 50% on treatments which had received the 80% level in summer and autumn respectively. On the rested subplots sward recovery was such that no treatment effects remained after 3 years except with respect to 80% shoot removal in autumn where herbage mass was reduced compared with other treatments. Intakes of digestible organic matter per sheep were higher at the 80% than the 40% level of grazing in the fifth year of the experiment. This was ascribed to the ingestion of new shoot growth from the twig bases on the 80% level of removal treatments. Intake and digestibility were higher in the summer on those treatments which had received the 80% level of removal in previous autumns. Over the 5 years of the experiment there was a small decline in intake and digestibility values, with the decline being greatest in the summer and at low levels of grazing. Floristic changes differed on the rested and grazed areas. On the rested subplots in the fourth year after grazing stopped, heather height was lower and cover by grasses, sedges and herbs was greater on treatments which previously had received the highest levels of utilization. On bare areas the rate of recovery of heather was rapid where shoots as well as seedlings contributed to recovery growth. On the grazed subplots, with the exception of the low-growing ruderal Rumex acetosella, cover due to grasses, sedges and herbs remained low as species other than heather were selectively grazed. Relationships among stocking rates, grazing behaviour and heather utilization are discussed and guidelines for the recognition of overgrazing are outlined.  相似文献   

The effects of sheep grazing on the development and production of heather swards were studied over a period of 3 years in an experiment in which sheep numbers were adjusted to remove 0, 40% or 80% by weight of the current season's shoots in summer and in autumn. The number of shoots grazed increased with the level of grazing but not in direct proportion. The length of shoot grazed was greater at the 80% level of grazing. Heavy autumn grazing was associated with frequent uprooting and breaking off of shoots and with a high incidence of shoots grazed down to the previous season's wood. The siting of new season's shoots was influenced by the amount of shoot length grazed in the previous season. Grazing behaviour of sheep within a plot was affected by variation in heather cover with the sheep showing a tendency to graze near bare areas. After 3 years of grazing, standing crop was reduced by both levels of grazing whether in summer or autumn. New shoot production was unaffected on plots which had had the 40% level of shoot removal but was reduced by half on plots which had had the 80% level of shoot removal whether in summer or autumn. A clipping experiment was also carried out where 0, 40% or 80% of the length of current shoots was removed in May, early July and Septeinber. Standing crop was unaffected by May clipping but was reduced on plants with a history of 80% shoot removal in July or September. New shoot production was only reduced on clipped plants which had been subjected to 80% removal in September. The role of overwintering green shoots and carbohydrate reserves in the support of new shoot growth was considered. The implications of the results in relation to heather management are discussed.  相似文献   

Data on sheep live weights, herbage standing crop and herbage quality are presented from a 3-year grazing management study comparing set stocking, four-paddock rotational grazing and four-paddock forward rotational grazing systems. In both rotational grazing and forward rotational grazing systems, sheep were sequentially moved from one paddock to the next every 5 days. Lambs were weaned at 12–15 weeks of age in the forward rotationally grazed system and from then on grazed one paddock ahead of the ewes. Herbage mass was consistently greater on the rotationally grazed system than on the set-stocked system, averaging 38.4% more herbage in 1978. 32.8% more in 1979 and 52.7% more in 1980. No differences were observed in ewe live weights at the end of the grazing year between the rotationally grazed and the set stocked systems. Live weights of rotationally grazed lambs were superior to set-stocked lambs only when herbage allowance was low; otherwise no difference existed between these two systems. The forward rotationally grazed lambs generally had lower liveweights than did the rotationally grazed lambs, perhaps due to weaning stress.  相似文献   

为确定华北平原饲用油菜高产优质的适宜播期,选用甘蓝型油菜品种4个,设置4个播期,研究不同播期下温度对饲用油菜鲜草产量和饲用品质的调控效应。结果表明,随播期推迟,饲用油菜生育期内日均温与有效积温升高,花前生育期天数缩短但花后生育期延长,总生育期天数缩短2~7 d。饲用油菜鲜草产量随播期推迟呈降低趋势,3月28日前播种超过35 t/hm2;品种间华油杂62鲜草产量显著高于其它品种(P<0.01)。饲用油菜鲜草产量和饲用品质与纤维含量显著负相关,中性洗涤纤维含量与苗期的有效积温量极显著负相关,与营养生长和花后有效积温量显著正相关。因此,在华北平原春播饲用油菜可选用华油杂62,播期以3月8日-3月18日为最佳,鲜草产量稳定在50 t/hm2以上,具有较高的粗蛋白、淀粉、水溶性碳水化合物和总可消化养分含量,可实现华北平原饲用油菜的高产优质生产。  相似文献   

Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) swards were given annual applications in six equal instalments at 21-day intervals of either 100, 400 or 700 kg ha?1 N in 1973 and 1974. Ewes with twin lambs were rotationally grazed on these areas. The nitrate-N content of the grass was measured immediately before grazing. Blood samples were taken at regular intervals from the ewes and lambs to estimate blood methaemoglobin and certain plasma mineral concentrations. A maximum nitrate-N concentration of of 0.67% in the herbage dry matter was recorded but no adverse effect of N fertilizer was found in terms of the blood constituents or growth of the sheep, or in the carcase quality of the lambs.  相似文献   

The present study highlights the effects of sheep grazing and precipitation on herbage and animal performance in a grazed steppe of Inner Mongolia. Experimental data were collected during grazing periods of four consecutive years (2005–2008), and effects were analysed across a gradient of seven grazing intensities. Variation in annual precipitation, reflected by the effect of ‘year’, was the major factor affecting herbage; i.e., the production and nutritive value of herbage increased with increasing precipitation. Herbage parameters were also affected by grazing intensity, as herbage production (HP) and herbage nutritive yields decreased, while herbage nutritive values increased with increasing grazing intensity. The grazing‐induced decrease in herbage nutritive yields suggests that decreases in HP offset the positive effect of grazing on the nutritive value. Liveweight gain (LWG) was predominantly affected by grazing intensity, as LWG per sheep and per ha decreased and increased, respectively, with increasing grazing intensity. However, responses varied among years: LWG per sheep was maximized by light grazing in the drought year and by moderate grazing the wet year. Our results showed that herbage shortage at high grazing intensities reduces LWG per sheep and thus diminishes responses in LWG per ha. Nevertheless, the highest grazing intensity provides highest animal production per ha in the short term; however, this is not sustainable in the mid‐ and long term because decreasing HP induces degradation processes. Based on our results, a reduction in grazing intensity that still provides 78% of the maximum LWG per ha meets the requirements of a sustainable grazing management.  相似文献   

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