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When humic acid (HA) and phosphorus (P) fertilizer are simultaneously applied to soil, HA may affect the movement of P. A laboratory incubation experiment was conducted to quantify the effects of a commercial HA product co-applied with monocalcium phosphate (MCP) on the distance of P movement and the concentration of P in various forms at different distances from the P fertilizer application site in a calcareous soil from northern China. Fertilizer MCP (at a rate equivalent to 26.6 kg P ha-1 ) was applied alone or in combination with HA (at 254.8 kg HA ha-1 ) to the surface of soil packed in cylinders (150 mm high and 50 mm internal diameter), and then incubated at 320 g kg-1 moisture content for 7 and 28 d periods. Extraction and analysis of each 2 mm soil layer in columns showed that the addition of HA to MCP increased the distance of P movement and the concentrations of water-extractable P, acid-extractable P and Olsen P in soil. The addition of HA to MCP could enhance P availability by increasing the distance of P movement and the concentration of extractable P in soil surrounding the P fertilizer.  相似文献   

塿土的锌肥肥效和磷、锌关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
(土娄)土施用锌肥曾取得良好效果,我们的田间试验证明,施用锌肥可增产7.8-16.8%,但有些地块施用锌肥不表现增产作用。近年来由于广泛进行土地平整,有些地段大量生土出露地表,往往表现出缺锌症状。  相似文献   

A 2-year field experiment was conducted to assess the effect of applied zinc(Zn) on the seed yield of pea(Pisum sativum L.) and to determine the internal Zn requirement of pea with emphasis on the seed and leaves as index tissues.The experiment was carried out at two different locations(Talagang,Chakwal district and National Agricultural Research Centre(NARC),Islamabad) in the Potohar Plateau,Pakistan by growing three pea cultivars(Green feast,Climax,and Meteor).The soils were fertilized with 0,2,4,8,and 16 kg Zn ha-1 along with recommended basal fertilization of nitrogen(N),phosphorus(P),potassium(K),and boron(B).Zinc application increased seed yield significantly for all the three cultivars.Maximum increase in the pea seed yield(2-year mean) was21%and 15%for Green feast,28%and 21%for Climax,and 34%and 26%for Meteor at Talagang and NARC,respectively.In all cultivars,Zn concentrations in leaves and seed increased to varying extents as a result of Zn application.Fertiliser Zn requirement for near-maximum seed yield varied from 3.2 to 5.3 kg ha-1 for different cultivars.Zinc concentrations of leaves and seeds appeared to be a good indicator of soil Zn availability.The critical Zn concentration range sufficient for 95%maximum yield(internal Zn requirement)was 42-53 mg kg-1 in the pea leaves and 45-60 mg kg-1 in the seeds of the three pea cultivars studied.  相似文献   

长期施肥对塿土磷素状况的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
利用塿土12年长期肥料定位试验,研究了不同施肥方式对耕层土壤全磷(TP)、有机磷(OP)与有效磷(Olsen-P)的影响。结果表明,施用化学磷肥提高了耕层土壤TP、Olsen-P含量,但并未提高OP含量;对照与磷钾处理的OP含量有降低趋势。当基于含氮量施有机肥时,土壤TP和Olsen-P含量大幅度提高,也提高了OP含量,但OP/TP比率在降低到一定程度后维持在一个较为稳定的水平;即使施用有机肥的处理,磷素也主要以无机形态累积。土壤Olsen-P与TP或两者的增加量都呈显著的线性相关,塿土TP每提高100 mg/kg,Olsen-P增加量约为20.8 mg/kg,且单位土壤全磷增加带来的Olsen-P增加有随施肥时间降低的趋势。在土壤Olsen-P含量达到一定水平时应考虑减少磷肥用量。基于有机肥中磷素含量来推荐有机肥施用或延长其施用的时间间隔,将有助于减少由于有机肥施用带来的磷素大量快速累积。  相似文献   

不同磷水平对水稻土供锌能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过室内培养的方式研究了不同磷浓度对土壤供锌容量-强度(Q/I)关系的影响,并应用能量的观点探讨不同磷浓度对土壤中锌的交换过程的影响。结果表明:在不供磷条件下,盘锦盐渍型水稻土的供锌能力最强,沈阳盐渍型水稻土次之,而抚顺潜育型水稻土最差;不同磷水平对锌浓度的改变值(△Zn)、活度比(AR)和交换自由能(△G)均没有显著影响,而这些指标的显著变化是由于不同锌水平的差异引起的。  相似文献   

长期施用化肥对塿土微生物多样性的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
【目的】土壤微生物在土壤有机质分解、营养循环、植物生长等方面都发挥着重要作用,研究长期施用化肥对其产生的影响可为农田合理施用化肥、培肥土壤和高产高效可持续性农业生产提供理论依据。【方法】以陕西杨凌"国家黄土肥力与肥料效益监测基地"的长期定位试验为基础,利用BIOLOG分析并结合常规分析研究了6种长期不同化肥施用方式不施肥(CK)、单施氮肥(N)、氮钾配施(NK)、磷钾配施(PK)、氮磷配施(NP)和氮磷钾配施(NPK)对土土壤微生物量和微生物功能多样性的影响。【结果】与不施肥CK相比,长期单施氮肥(N)的SMBC、SMBN没有显著变化,但明显降低了土壤微生物商和土壤微生物对氮素的利用;NP和NPK配施能够显著增加土SMBC和SMBN含量,明显提高了土壤微生物商,使土壤微生物种群结构发生了明显变化但土壤微生物对氮素的利用没有显著提高;长期偏施肥处理(NK、PK)的SMBC、SMBN和微生物商虽轻微增加,但土壤微生物种群结构没有显著改变。BIOLOG分析结果显示施磷处理(PK、NP和NPK)对微生物代谢活性的促进作用较大且在培养初期代谢活性较不施磷处理(CK、N和NK)增加显著。长期单施氮肥(N)对于提高土壤微生物多样性没有显著作用而其他化肥施用处理可以提高土土壤微生物群落的碳源利用能力、物种的丰富度和优势度,其中NP和NPK处理配施效果最好。化肥施用对土土壤微生物群落的均匀度没有显著影响。主成分分析的结果表明不同处理的土壤微生物对碳源利用表现出显著差异,氮磷养分的差异是产生分异的主要原因。【结论】土区小麦玉米轮作下,平衡施肥(NP或NPK配施)对于改善农田土壤微生物特性具有良好作用。  相似文献   

利用渗漏池设施,研究了冬小麦-夏玉米轮作条件下不同土壤深度对塿土磷素淋失的影响。种植8季作物结果表明,对深度小于80 cm的渗漏池,淋出土体的累积渗滤液量和累积全磷量随化学磷肥施用量的增加而减少;随土层深度的增加,淋出土体的渗滤液和磷量均减少,且二者的减少率都很接近,表明磷素淋失主要受通过土体的土壤水分控制。相对于深度小于80 cm的土层,供试土壤的粘化层有效地减少了土壤渗滤液和磷素淋失。各深度渗漏池渗滤液中的磷以可溶态为主,约占全磷的70%左右,颗粒磷约占30%。合理施肥并加强水分管理是塿土区减少磷素向土壤深层迁移的有效手段。  相似文献   

以28年的长期肥料定位试验为基础,探讨了对照不施肥(CK),单施有机肥(M2),单施氮、磷肥(N2P2),有机肥+氮、磷肥配合施用(M2N1P1和M2N2P2)5个施肥处理对关中塿土微量元素Fe,Mn,Zn,Cu有效性的影响。结果表明,长期施肥对耕层土壤有效Fe,Mn,Cu,Zn含量影响较大,在耕层土壤(0—20 cm)中,长期不施肥土壤有效Fe,Mn,Cu,Zn含量均处于亏缺边缘;长期单施氮、磷化肥处理的土壤Fe,Cu,Zn也接近亏缺边缘;而长期单施有机肥、有机肥与氮、磷化肥配合处理,土壤有效Fe,Mn,Cu,Zn含量丰富。与CK相比,M2、M2N1P1、M2N2P2均可显著增加0—10 cm土层中有效Fe、Mn、Cu和Zn含量,10 cm以下土层中,土壤有效Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn在一定程度上也有增加趋势;N2P2也可增加0—10 cm土层中土壤有效Fe和Mn含量(有效Mn达到显著水平),有效Cu含量降低,对有效Zn含量没有影响,而10 cm以下土层中土壤有效Fe,Mn,Cu,Zn与CK无明显差异。因此,塿土在不施用有机肥的情况下,应施用微肥以保证作物需求;即使施用有机肥,也应适当补充铁肥和锰肥。有机肥和氮、磷化肥配合施用的土壤微量元素养分状况较好。  相似文献   

【目的】 研究塿土区冬小麦?夏玉米轮作体系磷肥利用效率 (PUE) 和土壤肥力 (磷素) 的关系,可以界定土壤磷素的最佳管理范围及合理施磷量,为实现作物高产和减少磷素损失提供理论依据。 【方法】 采取塿土长期定位试验5个不同磷素水平的土壤,有效磷含量依次为3.90 (F1)、15.00 (F2)、23.60 (F3)、35.70 (F4) 和50.00 (F5) mg/kg进行盆栽试验,供试作物为小麦‘小偃22’和玉米‘郑单958’。每个磷素水平土壤上设置5个施磷量 (P2O5 0、30、60、90、120 kg/hm2)。作物成熟后,收获地上部所有植株,晒干、脱粒后测定地上部生物量、籽粒产量,籽粒和秸秆样品粉碎后测定其含磷量。作物收获后均匀采集盆内土样约50 g/盆,风干并混匀后分别过1 mm和0.15 mm筛,测定土壤速效磷和全磷含量。计算冬小麦?夏玉米种植体系磷肥利用效率与土壤磷素水平的关系。 【结果】 F1土壤增施磷肥可显著提高小麦和玉米的籽粒产量,与P0相比,所有施磷处理小麦增产52.2%~119.7%、玉米增产94.7%~212.7%;F2、F3、F4和F5土壤磷肥增产效果不显著。经过两季作物种植,与P0相比,F2土壤施磷60 kg/hm2、120 kg/hm2和F5土壤施磷120 kg/hm2显著提高了全磷含量,其他磷水平土壤全磷含量无显著变化;F1、F2、F3、F4和F5土壤施磷处理的土壤速效磷含量分别增加了?4.08%~434.69%、26.49%~112.77%、6.74%~48.24%、4.07%~43.65%和?4.84%~28.29%。冬小麦磷肥利用效率 (PUE) 与土壤Olsen-P之间呈显著的正相关关系 (P < 0.05),P30、P60、P90和P120线性关系决定系数分别达到0.996、0.899、0.760和0.820。夏玉米PUE在P30下随土壤磷素水平的提高呈二次抛物线形式增加,据此可得出在Olsen-P为12.32 mg/kg时PUE达到100%,当土壤速效磷为33.63 mg/kg时PUE达到最大值155.24%;在P60、P90和P120时,PUE随土壤Olsen-P含量上升而直线增加,Olsen-P分别达到12.22 mg/kg、16.64 mg/kg和14.39 mg/kg后维持在一个水平。整个冬小麦?夏玉米体系PUE随土壤速效磷的变化趋势和夏玉米类似,冬小麦 (P30) 和夏玉米 (P30) 总施磷量为P 2O5 60 kg/hm2时,可算出土壤速效磷为17.97 mg/kg时PUE达到100%;当速效磷达到40.11 mg/kg时,PUE达到最大值131.51%。在同一磷素水平土壤上,随施磷量增加,小麦和玉米PUE均显著降低,尤其是施磷量高于60 kg/hm2后。 【结论】 关中塿土区冬小麦?夏玉米体系,小麦季土壤速效磷应大致控制在17~40 mg/kg范围内,玉米季土壤速效磷控制在13~34 mg/kg范围内进行管理;整个冬小麦?夏玉米体系将土壤速效磷大概控制在17~40 mg/kg范围内,总推荐施磷量为P2O5 60~120 kg/hm2为宜。   相似文献   

有机修饰塿土对苯胺的吸附   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
以十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTMAB)单一修饰和CTMAB+十二烷基磺酸钠(SDS)混合修饰塿土耕层和粘化层土样,从吸附实验和热力学角度研究修饰土样对苯胺的吸附特征和机理。结果表明,供试土样对苯胺吸附均呈现100CB>50CB>120CS>CK的高低顺序,耕层修饰后对苯胺的平衡吸附量增大了4.5 ̄8.57倍,粘化层土样增大了6.0 ̄18.33倍;温度为40℃时耕层未修饰土样对苯胺的吸附量高于粘化层未修饰土样,20℃时则低于粘化层原土土样,而修饰土样则均呈现粘化层修饰土样对苯胺的吸附高于塿土耕层修饰土样的结果;耕层土样随温度升高苯胺平衡吸附量升高,而粘化层土样则表现出降温有利于苯胺吸附的现象,修饰剂对土样的修饰对苯胺的吸附具有"感温钝化"效应;Henry模型适用于描述苯胺的吸附;修饰土样对苯胺的吸附自由能变均为ΔG<0,属于自发反应,粘化层各土样对苯胺吸附为放热熵减过程,吸附自发性由焓减控制,耕层各土样对苯胺吸附为吸热熵增过程,其吸附自发过程为熵增控制过程;疏水吸附是修饰土样对苯胺吸附的主要机理,但修饰剂对于土壤表面的修饰是不均匀修饰,粘化层土样以物理吸附机制为主,耕层土样则存在化学吸附的机制。  相似文献   

WANG Yu  ZHANG Yi-Ping 《土壤圈》2001,11(4):377-382
With six packed columns composed of <1 μm and 5 μm~0.25 mm fractions from an Eum-Orthic Anthrosol (Columns 1~6) and one column of the Eum-Orthic Anthrosol (Column 7), K+ transport experiments under the condition of saturated steady water flow were conducted to qualify the effects of soil texture composition on the retardation factor (R) of K+ transport. The results showed that the retardation factor of K+ transport in the tested soil columns greatly increased with increasing clay contents. In an attempt to use pedo-transfer function (PTF) approach in the solute transport study, a preliminary PTF was established through the six packed columns (Columns 1~6) with soil basic data including soil bulk density, volumetric water content and clay content to predict the retardation factor, and proved valid by the satisfactory prediction of R in Column 7.  相似文献   


Zinc fractions occurring in five wetland soils as a function of organic matter application and soil redox potential were studied under laboratory conditions. The results indicate that a large portion of native or added Zn is bound to the soil mineral component. Exchangeable and organic complexed Zn and Zn bound to amorphous and crystalline sesquioxides were found to be in dynamic equilibrium. Exchangeable and complexed Zn were positively correlated with both native and/or added organic matter, while Zn bound to the amorphous and crystalline sesquioxides were negatively correlated with added organic matter. As soil redox potential decreased, the amount of exchangeable and organic complexed Zn decreased, while Zn bound to the amorphous and crystalline sesquioxides increased. Zinc fractions examined varied, depending upon soil cation exchange capacity, clay and organic carbon content.  相似文献   

红壤基质组分对磷吸持指数的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
在红壤旱地肥料长期定位试验(始于1988年)中,选取了无机肥试验区的NPK、NP、NK、PK,有机无机配施试验区的CK、CK+猪厩肥(BM)及CK+花生秸秆(SR)等7个施肥处理土壤,测定了土壤磷吸持指数(Phosphate sorption index,PSI),分析了PSI与红壤最大吸磷量(Xm)的相关关系,讨论了土壤pH、有机质、黏粒、铁铝氧化物及无机磷酸盐等基质组分对PSI的影响。结果表明:长期施磷或配施有机肥均可显著降低红壤PSI值,随着土壤pH的升高、有机质及铁结合态磷酸盐(Fe-P)含量的增加,红壤PSI显著降低;土壤游离铁铝氧化物及黏粒含量越高,PSI也越大。PSI与Xm呈显著线性相关关系(Xm=0.5PSI+412.8,n=15,r=0.967**,p<0.01),因此,可以用PSI替代Xm来表征土壤固磷能力,亦可由PSI的大小来推断土壤磷的供磷能力。  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of three phosphorus (P) fertilization regimes (no P, P input equivalent to P off‐take by crops, P input higher than P off‐take) on crop yield, P uptake, and soil P availability, seven field experiments (six in crop rotations, one under permanent grassland) were conducted in Switzerland during nine years (six trials) or 27 years (one trial). Soil total P (Pt), inorganic P (Pi), organic P (Po), and the amount of isotopically exchangeable soil P were measured in the 0–20 cm and 30–50 cm layers of the arable soils and in the 0–10 cm layer of the permanent grassland soil. Omitting P fertilization resulted in significant yield decreases only in one field crop trial as the amount of P isotopically exchangeable within one minute (E1min) reached values lower than 5 mg P (kg soil)–1. In the absence of P fertilization Pi decreased on average from 470 to 410 mg P (kg soil)–1 in the upper horizon of 6 sites while Po decreased only at two sites (from 510 to 466 mg P (kg soil)–1 on average). In all the treatments of the trials started in 1989 the E1min values of the upper horizon decreased on average from 15.6 to 7.4 mg P (kg soil)–1 between 1989 and 1998. These decreases were also observed when P inputs were higher than crops needs, showing that in these soils the highest P inputs were not sufficient to maintain the high initial available P levels. Finally for the six arable trials the values of the isotopic exchange kinetics parameters (R/r1, n, CP) and P exchangeable within 1 minute (E1min) at the end of the experiment could be estimated from the values measured at the beginning of trial and the cumulated P balance.  相似文献   

氮锌配施对石灰性土壤锌形态及肥效的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
通过分析石灰性土壤上施用锌肥后土壤中锌的形态变化,研究锌肥的有效性及后效,为指导合理施用锌肥提供理论依据。结果表明在潜在性缺锌的石灰性土壤施锌肥没有明显的增产效果,可增加小麦籽粒锌含量,但不同基因型反应差异很大;土壤中的锌主要以矿物态存在,占全锌91.5%~97.6%,其次为松结有机态锌(1.34%~5.53%)、碳酸盐结合态锌(0.47%~1.55%);施入土壤中的锌增加了交换态、松结有机态、碳酸盐结合态、氧化锰结合态锌含量,但大部分转化为矿物态;种植小麦可以使土壤中的锌向有效态转化;施氮增加了小麦对锌的吸收,也增加了锌矿化的比例;主成分分析结果表明,交换态、松结有机态和碳酸盐结合态均能不同程度反映土壤锌的有效性,石灰性土壤中碳酸盐结合态和有机结合态锌含量占有较为可观的比例,因此增加这两种形态储备容量是调节和控制土壤锌营养状况的重要措施。  相似文献   

Phosphorus‐desorption rates by anion‐exchange resins were best described by three empirical kinetic models: Elovich equation, the parabolic diffusion equation, and the fractional power equation in that order. The objective of this study was to determine the relationship between kinetic rate constants from Elovich, fractional power, and parabolic rate equations and soil physical and chemical properties from soils of different lithogenic origins from the Nigerian savanna. Phosphorus‐desorption patterns included an initial fast reaction, followed by a slow release that continued up to 20 h. Particle diffusion was observed to be the rate‐limiting step in the kinetic desorption of native P in the soils studied as opposed to ligand exchange or surface reaction. The influence of parent material is not prominent due to long history of pedogenesis over the soils. The rate coefficients from the Elovich equation, parabolic diffusion equation, and the fractional power model were best predicted from clay, pH, and extractable Al and Fe oxides and therefore exert a profound influence on the rate of P release from the soils. These soil properties together explained between 93% and 99% of the variance in the rate coefficients of P desorption from the soils.  相似文献   

【目的】研究缺锌对玉米根系生长及根系中生长素含量与生长素运输关键基因表达的影响,揭示缺锌胁迫下玉米根系生长与生长素响应特征。【方法】以郑单958玉米为材料,进行营养液培养试验,设置Zn 0缺锌 (0 μmol/L) 和正常供锌 (1 μmol/L) 两个处理。植株干样经硝酸–过氧化氢消煮,利用原子吸收分光光度计测定消煮液锌浓度。保存于FAA溶液 (70% 乙醇︰38% 甲醛︰乙酸 = 90︰5︰5,体积比) 中的根系样品,经洗涤扫描获得数字图像,利用WinRHIZO软件分析得到根长、根表面积、根体积等指标;采用气相色谱-质谱联用仪检测根系中生长素吲哚乙酸含量;采用实时荧光定量PCR技术对玉米根系生长素转运基因ZmAUX1和ZmPIN1c表达进行定量分析。【结果】缺锌胁迫下,植株地上部锌含量低于20 μg/g,生物量显著降低;缺锌根系表面积与体积变小,总根长、侧根总长度与侧根平均长度变短,侧根密度增大,直径变细。缺锌条件下,距根尖2 cm的区域中生长素较正常供锌处理降低近30%。缺锌根系中ZmAUX1和ZmPIN1c基因表达明显受抑。【结论】缺锌胁迫下玉米根系中生长素转运关键基因表达降低,生长素含量下降,生长素分布改变,影响根系生长发育。  相似文献   

不同土壤水分供应与施锌对玉米水分代谢的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
采用盆栽试验研究不同土壤水分状况下及施锌对玉米植株水分状况、水分生理特征的影响。结果表明,干旱胁迫下,玉米叶片含水量和水势降低,植株体内自由水分的含量减少,而束缚水含量略有增加,离体叶片失水速率小;叶片气孔阻力增加,导度下降,蒸腾作用和光合速率受到抑制。施锌后玉米叶片的水势和鲜重含水量没有明显变化,但玉米叶片气孔阻力降低,气孔导度增加,叶片蒸腾速率和光合作用速率加大。干旱胁迫下,施锌对玉米植株体内水分生理代谢有一定的调节作用,但是在土壤水分供应充足时,施锌更能增强玉米水分生理代谢,提高水分利用效率。  相似文献   

The transport processes of solutes in two soil columns filled with undistrubed soil material collected from an unsaturated sandy aquifer formation in Belgium subjected to a variable upper boundary condition were identified from breakthrough curves measured by means of time domain reflectometry(TDR),Solute breakthrough was measured with 3 TDR probes inserted into each soil column at three different depths at a 10 minutes time interval.In addition,soil water content and pressure head were measured at 3 different depths.Analyteical solute transport models were used to estimate the solute disperison coefficient and average pore-water velocity from the observed breakthrough curves,the results showed that the analytical solutions were suitable in fitting the observed solute transport,The dispersion coefficient was found to be a function of the soil depth and average proe-water velocity,imposed by the soil water flux.the mobile moistrue content on the other hand was not correlated with the average pore-water velocity and the dispersion coefficient.  相似文献   

棉田土壤上几种磷肥用量估算法的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过田间试验和室内模拟试验研究了不同磷肥估算法在棉田土壤上的应用。结果表明: 肥效函数法、土壤吸附等温线法、土壤磷酸盐吸收系数法和磷指标法均能应用于棉田土壤,砂壤质棉田由此估算的施磷量分别为P2O5 148、173、168和150 kg/hm2,壤质棉田施磷量分别为P2O5 138、160、153和172 kg/hm2,其中以土壤磷酸盐吸收系数法操作最简便且精度与肥效函数法相当。  相似文献   

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