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牛乳被誉为营养价值最接近于完善的食物,人均乳制品消费量是衡量一个国家人民生活水平的主要指标之一。世界上许多国家都对增加乳制品消费给予高度重视,加以引导和鼓励。在我国,乳制品逐渐成为人民生活必需食品。改革开放特别是近几年以来,我国奶牛养殖业和乳制品工业发展迅速,奶牛存栏、奶类产量、乳制品产量成倍增长,乳制品消费稳步提高,成为仅次于印度、美国的世界第三大牛奶生产国。  相似文献   

牛乳被誉为营养价值最接近于完善的食物,人均乳制品消费量是衡量一个国家人民生活水平的主要指标之一。世界上许多国家都对增加乳制品消费给予高度重视。加以引导和鼓励。在我国。乳制品逐渐成为人民生活必需食品。改革开放特别是近几年以来,我国奶牛养殖业和乳制品工业发展迅速。奶牛存栏、奶类产量、乳制品产量成倍增长,乳制品消费稳步提高,成为仅次于印度、美国的世界第三大牛奶生产国。  相似文献   

乳及乳制品是营养价值极高的食品,为保证充足的安全性、较长的货架期及稳定的营养价值,乳杀菌技术得到研究人员的重点关注。本文综述乳品工业的杀菌技术研究进展,阐明热处理技术和非热处理技术的杀菌机制,介绍巴氏杀菌、超高温瞬时灭菌、超高压处理、超声波、脉冲电场等不同杀菌技术对微生物、营养活性物质、风味物质、质构及化学反应等方面的影响,为其在高生物活性乳制品中的开发应用提供参考。  相似文献   

本文立足北京市奶牛产业链发展情况,通过走访和追踪调研,从北京市奶牛产业链运行涉及的奶牛养殖、乳制品加工和乳制品销售3个重要环节,对北京市奶牛产业链利润分配现状进行分析研究,并提出优化北京市奶牛产业链利润分配机制的对策建议,以期增强北京市奶牛产业链的稳定性,更好地保障首都乳制品的高质量供给,推动北京市乳制品产业的健康持续发展。  相似文献   

酪蛋白占牛奶总蛋白80%,具有很高的营养价值和重要的生理功能。A1和A2型β-酪蛋白是牛奶中两种主要的β-酪蛋白遗传变异体。牛奶A2型β-酪蛋白和人乳中的β-酪蛋白结构和消化特点相似,对人体更亲和,也更容易被消化吸收。开发A2型牛奶对增加乳制品品种、细分乳制品市场、提高乳制品档次具有积极意义。本文介绍了牛奶β-酪蛋白基因多态性、中国荷斯坦牛群β-酪蛋白基因型频率和等位基因频率、A2奶牛和A2牛奶的检测、以及A2乳制品开发现状,并对新疆开发A2牛奶及乳制品提出意见和建议。  相似文献   

目的:本文讨论中国乳制品产业链条中奶牛养殖者与乳制品企业间"稳定牛奶价格"问题及其对中国奶牛行业的影响方法:本文采用了对比法、数字法、举例法等等方法结果和结论:中国乳制品产业链条中存在奶牛养殖者与乳制品企业间"稳定牛奶价格"问题,这种问题的存在很大程度上限制了中国奶牛养殖业的发展。  相似文献   

三门峡市重视奶业生产现代化乳制品开发公司一举实现挤奶机械化¥三门峡市奶牛协会@张恒牧三门峡市重视奶业生产现代化乳制品开发公司一举实现挤奶机械化河南省三门峡市现存栏奶牛450多头,遍布六县(市、区)。在改革中,这里奶牛场、户在重视奶牛头数发展的同时,积极开展...  相似文献   

河北奶业发展的正确道路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我省奶业发展势头强劲,形势喜人,已成为农民增收的一大支柱产业。奶牛生产和乳品加工每年以30%以上的速度递增,显示出超常发展态势。2003年全省奶牛存栏130万头,牛奶产量208万吨,分别占全国总量的六分之一和八分之一,位居全国第3位。乳制品产量连续4年位居全国第二位,其中固体乳制品产量11.9万t,液态奶产量40万t,乳制品国内市场占有率近10%。  相似文献   

近年来,我国乳制品行业发展迅速,乳制品工业总产值不断增加,奶牛存栏数及奶牛单产都有了大幅度增长。乳制品行业快速发展的同时,环境污染和能源浪费问题也日益突出。走循环经济之路是乳制品行业可持续发展的必然要求,发展循环经济的关键技术是推动循环经济在乳制品行业发展的重要基础。  相似文献   

近年来,我省奶业发展势头强劲,形势喜人,已成为农民增收的一大支柱产业。奶牛生产和乳品加工每年以30%以上的速度递增,显示出超常发展态势。2003年全省奶牛存栏130万头,牛奶产量208万吨,分别占全国总量的六分之一和八分之一,位居全国第3位。乳制品产量连续4年位居全国第二位,其中固体乳制品产量11.9万吨,液态奶产量40万吨,乳制品国内市场占有率近10%。  相似文献   

Microcomputer systems were placed in three veterinary practices each serving three farms (bureau), and onto nine dairy farms (on-farm). Over a twenty-four week period, the utilization of the computer system and the DHM software was monitored. The on-farm system was more costly in terms of equipment and technical support effort, but the information was utilized to a greater extent than it was by the bureau participants who had invested more user time per cow. Note that actual time will vary with the software program used. The farmers indicated that they wished to have access to the information offered by the software. `Computer phobia' was not found to be a problem. The expectations of the computer system and its benefits generally remained high. In general, the information available through the microcomputer system and the DHM software was found to be useful to both the dairy farmers and the veterinarians in this study.  相似文献   

Marketing to veterinarians is the process of synchronizing the business aspects of his or her goods and services so that they are understood and desired by animal owners. The basic components of a successful marketing program are in four categories: the individual, the situation, the needs, and the implementation. Each category is important and all are interrelated; however, the implementation of a program should not begin until a self-analysis has been done and the situation and its needs are thoroughly researched. Programs that have been used by successful practitioners can be copied. No program can be effective unless the economic status of the client's enterprise is known and understood.  相似文献   

一、以色列奶牛养殖业概况 奶牛业是以色列农业的主要产业之一,其产值占农业总产值的16.5%(其中牛奶及其制品11.9%,牛肉产品4.6%),饲养品种均是以色列荷斯坦奶牛,305天奶产量可达11.53吨、乳脂率3.52%、乳蛋白率3.17%,其单产水平居位世界第一.以色列奶牛场主要分布在基布兹和莫沙夫.  相似文献   

一、全球黄油及奶酪现状分析及展望 全球黄油产量将增长29-3%。其中,印度黄油产量增长量将达到全球增长量的90%。印度是全球最大产奶国之一,其奶产量将继续增长。其中,牛奶和水牛奶产量将分别以每年1.4%和3.1%的速度继续增长。由于水牛奶乳脂率较高,因而更具营养价值。受其国内需求快速增长以及国际市场黄油价格上扬影响,印度黄油产量将上涨58.5%,而黄油出口量在预测中期创新高之后,由于国内需求量大涨,将再次下降。  相似文献   

Selenium is an essential part of the enzyme glutathione-peroxidase (GSH-Px) and plays an important role in the intracellular aspecific immune defence. Reference values for blood levels of GSH-Px are not available for dairy goats. The EU has authorized the addition of selenium (as E), in the form of sodium selenite or sodium selenate, to animal feeds, to a maximum of 0.5 mg selenium/kg complete feed. Dairy goats given feed containing the maximum level of selenium (0.5 mg/kg) had GSH-Px levels of more than 1000 U/g Hb. The reference values for GSH-Px in cattle, horses, and pigs are between 120 and 600 U/g Hb. Newborn kids had GSH-Px levels between 350 and 400 U/g Hb, comparable with those ofnewborn calves. In conclusion, the addition of selenium to feeds for dairy goats in amounts authorized by the EU leads to blood GSH-Px levels that are substantially higher than those in other species, such as horses, cattle, and pigs. Thus the maximum level of supplemental selenium in feeds for dairy goats should be less than 0.5 mg/kg.  相似文献   

近年来,随着奶牛业的快速发展,奶牛饲养量猛增,同时各地饲养的奶牛品种各异,因而其产奶性能差异很大。高者年产奶量可达10000kg/头以上,低者仅为3000kg/头左右。因此,如何挑选高产的母奶牛就显得尤为重要。笔者结合生产实践和各地的一些先进经验,提出在挑选优秀高产母奶牛时应注意的三点问题:  相似文献   

普宁 《饲料广角》2003,(19):49-50
1 设牧草的颗粒尺寸足够大,以碎干玉米为淀粉来源; 2 非纤维质碳水化合物=100-(中性洗涤纤维+粗蛋白+脂肪+乙醚萃取物); 3 TNDF(总中性洗涤纤维),FNDF(牧草中性洗涤纤维),ADF(酸性洗涤纤维),NFC(非纤维质碳水化合物); 所有各项分析均以干物质为基准。  相似文献   

Staphylococci are the main aetiological agents of small ruminants intramammary infections (IMI), the more frequent isolates being S. aureus in clinical cases and coagulase negative species in subclinical IMI. The clinical IMI, whose annual incidence is usually lower than 5%, mainly occur at the beginning of machine milking and during the first third of lactation. These features constitute small ruminant peculiarities compared to dairy cattle. Small ruminant mastitis is generally a chronic and contagious infection: the primary sources are mammary and cutaneous carriages, and spreading mainly occurs during milking. Somatic cell counts (SCC) represent a valuable tool for prevalence assessment and screening, but predictive values are better in ewes than in goats. Prevention is most often based on milking machine management, sanitation and annual control, and milking technique optimisation. Elimination mainly relies on culling animals exhibiting clinical, chronic and recurrent IMI, and on drying-off intramammary antibiotherapy; this treatment allows a good efficacy and may be used selectively by targeting infected udders only. Heritability values for lactation mean SCC scores are between 0.11 and 0.15. Effective inclusion of ewe's mastitis resistance in the breeding goal has recently been implemented in France following experimental and large scale estimations of genetic parameters for SCC scores.  相似文献   

奶牛焦虫病可分为牛双芽巴贝斯焦虫和牛巴贝斯焦虫病与牛环形泰勒焦虫病三种。奶牛和各品种的黄牛、肉牛、役牛等可被感染。  相似文献   

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