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奶牛繁殖障碍与繁殖疾病的营养调理   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
奶牛的营养状况是影响奶牛繁殖力的重要因素。理想的奶牛管理应做到整个泌乳期始终监测奶牛的体况和奶牛日粮中微量元素和维生素的含量,避免营养素的不平衡而引发的奶牛繁殖障碍,同时应避免奶牛过肥或过瘦,防止由肥胖母牛综合症而引发其他的繁殖疾病;日粮中缺乏蛋白质会使繁殖力下降,但蛋白含量过高对繁殖功能也有负面影响;大多数矿物质缺乏症或矿物质失衡对奶牛繁殖有极大的负作用,适当补充某些维生素和矿物质十分重要。  相似文献   

奶牛的营养状况是影响奶牛繁殖力的重要因素。若泌乳早期奶牛体重下降过多,受孕率会明显下降。配制能量平衡、适口性好的日粮,提高采食量对缓解这一时期的能量负平衡十分重要。理想的奶牛管理应做到整个泌乳期始终监测奶牛的体况和奶牛日粮中微量元素和维生素的含量,避免营养素的不平衡而引发的奶牛繁殖障碍,同时应避免奶牛过肥或过瘦,防止由肥胖母牛综合症而引发其他的繁殖疾病。日粮中缺乏蛋白质会使繁殖力下降,但蛋白含量过高对繁殖功能也有毒害作用。大多数矿物质缺乏症或矿物质失衡对奶牛繁殖有极大的负作用,适当补充某些维生素和矿物…  相似文献   

影响母牛繁殖力的营养因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
营养状况是影响奶牛繁殖力的重要因素.若泌乳早期奶牛体重下降过多,受孕率会明显下降,配制适口的日粮提高采食量对缓解这一时期的能量负平衡十分重要;理想的奶牛管理应做到整个泌乳期始终监测奶牛的体况,避免过肥或过瘦;日粮中缺乏蛋白质会使繁殖力下降,研究表明蛋白含量过高对繁殖功能也有毒害作用;大多数矿物质缺乏症或矿物质失衡对奶牛繁殖力有极大负作用,适当补充某些维生素和矿物质十分重要.应该注意,造成畜群繁殖问题的不仅仅是营养因素,还应仔细检查和排除其他因素的影响.  相似文献   

奶牛对矿物质需求的种类很多,起主要作用的有;钙、磷、锰、铜、碘、锌、硒.维生素中对奶牛生长繁殖影响大的是维生素A、维生素E、维生素D、维生素B等.上述矿物质和维生素是维持奶牛正常生长繁殖必不可少的营养成分.如果奶牛缺乏矿物质和维生素,不但影响奶牛的生长发育,最重要的是影响繁殖能力、降低产奶量.因此,在饲喂时,应加强对各类饲草料的合理搭配,保证奶牛对矿物质和维生素的正常需求.  相似文献   

奶牛饲喂青绿饲料发挥繁殖潜力的试验安徽省保健奶牛场(合肥230031)沙开友维生素对奶牛的健康、生长、繁殖和泌乳都是不可缺少的营养成分。而与奶牛繁殖有着密切关系的主要有维生素A、维生素D和维生素E。除瘤胃微生物能合成维生素B和维生素K,体组织合成维生...  相似文献   

1提高母牛繁殖率 搞好奶牛日粮的营养平衡,供给全价饲料,按母牛的不同生产阶段,合理调整日粮的营养结构,保证母牛达到中等或中等偏上的膘情。在高产奶牛日粮中应添加过瘤胃脂肪,铜、硒和钼以及维生素A、维生素D、维生素E等营养成分,可预防母牛牛繁殖障碍。保证饲料质量预防饲料中毒,尤其是黄曲霉素可以引发成年母牛组织血管出血、淤血、死亡、流产、死胎等不良反应。  相似文献   

奶牛繁殖率主要是受遗传因素决定的,但也受营养、饲养管理、环境等因素的影响。其中营养条件对奶牛繁殖率的重要影响已被人们所重视。通过对母牛的营养调控.可有效发挥生殖潜力。维生素尽管需要量很小,却是维持奶牛健康、正常发育所必需的微量营养成分,且在奶牛的繁殖中起着极重要的作用。大量的研究结果表明.与母牛繁殖性能有关的维生素主要是维生素A、E、C。给母牛提供充足的维生素,可提高受胎率和胚胎成活率。  相似文献   

维生素E和硒在奶牛保健上的作用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
杨丁 《中国奶牛》1997,(5):38-39
维生素E和硒在奶牛保健上的作用○四川省宜宾地区兽医站(644000)杨丁硒和维生素E已被证明对于维护奶牛健康是重要的,提供适量的硒和维生素E能减少某些繁殖异常和乳房炎的发生。试验表明,当维生素E和硒被添加给饲喂缺硒和维生素E食物的奶牛时,胎衣不下、卵...  相似文献   

围产期日粮中添加过瘤胃保护B族维生素对奶牛健康、产奶量和繁殖性能都会产生影响。试验结果表明,添加过瘤胃保护B族维生素可以显著降低刚分娩奶牛亚临床酮病的发病率、奶牛平均人工授精成本以及泌乳190天内的淘汰率(P0.05);显著增加乳脂率和泌乳150天怀孕率(P0.05);胎衣不下的发病率从18.5%减少到16.0%,但是差异不显著。这说明在围产期日粮中添加过瘤胃保护B族维生素可以提高牛奶乳脂率、奶牛健康状况以及繁殖性能,并能为奶牛场节省成本,提高经济效益。  相似文献   

合理利用维生素AE,提高奶牛经济效益   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
维生素的种类很多,其中维生素A、E作为奶牛必需的脂溶性维生素,对于奶牛的生长发育、繁殖性能、产奶量和奶的品质均有明显的影响。当日粮中维生素A、E缺乏时,会引起奶牛的生长发育障碍、繁殖性能下降、产奶量减少和免疫力降低等症状;而过量的维生素则会引起中毒,带来生产中巨大的经济损失。为了充分挖掘奶牛的生产性能,必须充分认识维生素A、E对奶牛生长发育和生产性能的影响,并制定合理利用维生素A、E的方案,以达到提高奶牛业经济效益的目的。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to test whether supplementing dry cow rations with phosphorus (P) and magnesium (Mg) would interfere with the beneficial effect of zeolite supplementation on the periparturient blood calcium (Ca) concentration in dairy cattle. Three groups (A-C) of 10 Danish Jersey cows were each given the following daily supplements from 2 weeks before the expected date of calving until actual calving: group A: zeolite, monoammonium phosphate, standard dry cow mineral and vitamin mix, containing 61g magnesium phosphate; group B: zeolite, standard mineral and vitamin mix without the magnesium phosphate and group C: standard mineral and vitamin mix, monoammonium phosphate. All cows in group B had an apparently less variable serum calcium concentration around calving with no cases of milk fever and no subclinical hypocalcaemia or hypomagnesaemia recorded. In contrast, a parturient drop in blood Ca was seen in group A as well as group C. In group A, one cow was hypocalcaemic at calving, and developed milk fever. In group C, 12 blood samples, representing six cows, were hypocalcaemic, and three of these cows were treated for milk fever. All groups remained normomagnesaemic and there were no significant differences in blood Mg across groups. In conclusion, the combined P and Mg supplementation in addition to zeolite supplementation did not increase the serum Mg level (forage Mg 16.9g/day; 0.21% of DM). Combined P and Mg supplementation reduced the zeolite-induced hypophosphataemia but also reduced the stabilising effect of zeolite on parturient serum Ca.  相似文献   

奶牛繁殖障碍主要以妊娠奶牛发生流产,产死胎、木乃伊胎、无活力的弱仔、畸形胎儿和奶牛不育症为特征,该病在奶牛场中普遍存在,严重影响和制约奶牛业的发展。笔者从发病原因、临床症状、治疗及预防等方面,对奶牛长期不发情或隐性发情、屡配不孕和生殖器官疾病等奶牛繁殖障碍疾病作了论述,为临床该类疾病的防制提供参考。  相似文献   

奶牛酮病的研究概况   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
奶牛酮病是由于体内代谢紊乱所引起的一种代谢性疾病,主要表现为产奶量、乳汁质量下降,繁殖性能降低,以及内分泌紊乱等,导致奶牛淘汰率增加,给奶牛场造成严重的经济损失。近年来,奶牛酮病的发生率有呈上升的趋势,与目前奶牛产奶量高、日粮结构改变有很大的关系。通过营养调控在一定程度上可以降低酮病的发生率。  相似文献   

Optimal transition cow health is the key to success of the subsequent lactation, and increasing attention has been focused on management and nutritional practices that support it. Physiological stress during the transition period alters the efficiency of the immune system, making the lactating dairy cow more susceptible to infectious diseases, such as mastitis and metritis, with subsequent impairment of reproductive performance. Trace elements have a specific role in free radical control at the cellular level and influence the anti-oxidant/free radical balance. Dietary trace elements must be available for absorption throughout the whole of the digestive process until they reach the final site of absorption in the small intestine. Negative interactions between minerals can occur and, as the intestinal environment lowers the absorption of ionic minerals, chelation technology has been developed to increase mineral bioavailability. Organic trace elements have been used in dairy cow experiments, resulting in significant improvements in udder health, lameness and reproductive performance.  相似文献   

养牛业作为农业产业之一,肉、奶等产品在市场上的需求不断提升,但在养殖过程母牛患上生殖系统疾病,该病可引发发情期紊乱等疾病,如不有效治疗会严重影响母牛正常繁殖,养殖场效益受到影响。母牛生殖系统疾病治疗需根据临床诊断采取合理的方案进行,中草药治疗该病在临床上效果明显,本文通过采用中药对母牛生殖系统疾病进行,并阐述相关的作用机理,以供同行参考。  相似文献   

It is clear that nutrition is closely related to reproduction in the dairy cow. In addition to classic nutrient deficiency and excess, dry cow body condition and postpartum energy balance have a major impact on fertility. Dry cow rations must be designed to prevent milk fever, dystocia, retained placenta, other calving problems, and metritis. Most importantly, milk yield and reproductive performance should be regularly monitored to detect nutritionally associated health and performance changes that precede impairment of reproductive function.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to find out whether BLV infection, known to cause immunodisturbances in cows, might also bring about decreased productivity, reproductive rate and a shorter life span. More than 100 pairs of dairy cows, and a whole population of 3000 milch cows, were studied for this report. The findings revealed that a BLV-positive cow had a shorter life span than both its seronegative counterpart and the entire milch cow population. It also produced a total of 3.5% less milk and had a mean of 48 more days open than did the BLV-negative cow. The differences in survival rate were highly significant, while, at a level of 5%, those of productivity and reproductive rate were not. The implications of these findings are discussed. A highly significant correlation was also shown between BLV infection and the persistence of Trichophyton verrucosum infection in cows. The presented data indicate that BLV infection might affect the immune system of a cow to such a degree that it ceases to be productive enough to be kept within a herd. Thus it is usually culled before any severe symptoms of disease emerge.  相似文献   

产乳热是奶牛产犊后泌乳造成血钙水平下降而引发的营养代谢性疾病,其发生病率非常高,对奶牛健康和生产性能影响较大。产乳热增加了奶牛生育性炎症、生殖障碍和内分泌、消化等方面疾病发生的几率,对养殖业造成很大的损失。影响奶牛产乳热的因素有很多,不仅包括奶牛品种、年龄、体况评分、产乳热史等牛自身因子,也包括饲养管理层面的因素,如泌乳天数、干奶期、产犊间隔的控制及奶牛饲料营养水平的调控,还与气候、环境等外界因素相关,这些影响因子往往相互交织,增加了奶牛产乳热的预防和治疗难度。作者综述了奶牛产乳热的发病机理,分析研究了各种因子对奶牛产乳热的影响机制,并介绍了几种预防措施,主要包括对奶牛饲养环境的管理、产犊间隔和泌乳情况的控制和奶牛不同阶段饲料营养水平的调控,以期为降低奶牛产乳热提供理论依据。  相似文献   

A retrospective longitudinal study of metritis was conducted in Denmark on data collected during 1993-1994. Data on herd size, breed, parity, and treatment of disease were obtained from the Danish Cattle Database. Management and production-facility data were collected using a questionnaire, conducted as a telephone interview in 1994. The study included 2144 herds from three regions in Denmark (102,060 cows). Herd-level variables included were: herd size, housing, flooring, grazing, calving measures, and calving supervision. Cow-level variables were: parity, breed, calving season and whether the cow had been treated by a veterinarian for dystocia or the diseases: retained placenta, reproductive disease, ketosis, milk fever, or dry cow mastitis.Marginal multivariable logistic-regression analyses were performed. The cow with highest odds of metritis was a first or greater than or equal to third parity cow, of large breed, that calved during November-April, in a zero-grazing herd. The cow had been treated for dystocia, retained placenta, and at least one other reproductive disease, but not for ketosis.  相似文献   

饲料资源缺乏一直以来都是制约中国畜牧业发展的主要因素。从长远看,常规饲料已不能维持中国畜牧业的可持续发展,开发新的饲料资源是解决饲料不足的重要途径之一。向日葵副产物营养价值较高、来源广、价格低,是一种非常具有开发价值的新型饲料。向日葵副产物包括向日葵饼粕、向日葵盘、向日葵秸秆及葵花籽壳:向日葵饼粕蛋白质含量高、纤维含量低,是一种优质的植物蛋白来源,可以提高奶牛乳汁的营养价值、促进肉牛生长、提高羊的瘤胃发酵效果;向日葵盘粗脂肪含量高,含有大量的膳食纤维,可以提高奶牛的产奶量和乳脂率,促进肉牛增重,提高羊瘤胃挥发性脂肪酸浓度以及粗蛋白质、粗纤维、中性洗涤纤维的消化率;向日葵秸秆富含氮、磷、钾、钙、镁等矿物质元素以及少量的蛋白质,可以为肉牛提供一些常量元素和微量元素,提高羊的日增重,降低料重比;葵花籽壳的主要成分是纤维素和木质素,含有丰富的生物活性物质,可以提高奶牛日增重、肉牛饲料转化率。作者具体介绍了向日葵副产物饼粕、葵盘、秸秆、葵花籽壳的营养价值,以及目前它们在反刍动物饲料中的应用情况,以期为今后向日葵副产物的开发利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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