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A blend of ethyl trans-cinnamate, methyl 2-epijasmonate, methyl jasmonate, and (R)-(-)-mellein, identified from the hairpencils of male Oriental fruit moths, attracts sex pheromone-releasing females several centimeters away. The chemicals thereby duplicate the behavioral effect elicited by hairpencil-displaying males during courtship; the chemicals also produce the herbal scent emanating from the hairpencils.  相似文献   

Cade WH 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1981,212(4494):563-564
Male field crickets, Gryllus integer, call and attract mates, or they silently intercept females attracted to calling males. Selection experiments demonstrate that the duration of nightly calling has an important genetic component. Mean calling times in high and low lines were significantly different and had realized heritabilities of 0.50 and 0.53, respectively. Selection can operate in such a way that each of the alternative forms of male reproductive behavior is associated with a specific genetic substrate. This has not yet been shown for other species in which males adopt contrasting modes of mating behavior.  相似文献   

Female crickets can recognize conspecific calling song from its temporal pattern alone. In Teleogryllus oceanicus, the song pattern consists of three classes of interpulse intervals arranged in a stereotyped sequence. Females recognize a model song in which the sequential order of intervals is random. This argues against the hypothesis that recognition results from matching auditory input to an internal template of the song.  相似文献   

The notion that a trade-off exists between immunity and reproduction is now a central concept in theories of sexual selection. However, whether such a trade-off exists between immunity and gamete viability has not been established. Here we show that genetic variance for high levels of an immune response required to fight bacterial infections is associated with genetic variance for low sperm viability. These data have implications for our understanding of sexual selection mechanisms and of reproductive costs in male longevity.  相似文献   

Magnesium-activated adenosine triphosphatase activity in the giant mitochondria (sarcosomes) of the flight muscle of aging male houseflies decreases concomitantly with failure in flight as reflected in the loss of wings during the second week of adult life. Preceding the loss of wings, however, there is a rapid decline in the activity of an alpha-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase which is located in the extramitochondrial fraction and is dependent on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide.  相似文献   

辛硫磷对家蚕雌雄个体的毒力比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究家蚕性别和对辛硫磷农药的抗药性的关系,以家蚕卵色限性品种为试验材料,采用浸叶法测定家蚕雌雄个体各龄期对辛硫磷农药的致死中浓度(LC50).结果表明,各龄雄蚕个体对辛硫磷的LC50均高于雌性个体,1~5龄的雄蚕LC50分别为:407.811、1 291.245、2 046.462、3 376.183、5 428.747 mg/L,分别是雌蚕的1.03、1.14、1.05、1.05、1.07倍.  相似文献   

Female rats treated with testosterone as neonates and as adults exhibited a temporal patterning of male copulatory behavior identical to that of normal males, although such females displayed few intromission reflexes and almost no ejaculatory patterns. With prenatal, postnatal, and adult testosterone treatment, female rats displayed all the characteristic masculine responses and intervals, including the ultrasonic postejaculatory vocalization.  相似文献   

同源四倍体水稻雌雄配子体的多态性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
同源四倍体水稻(2n=4x=48)由于其细胞内染色体数的倍增而导致生殖性状发生了明显变化.雄配子体中存在较少的正常花粉粒(13.35%~17.49%)和较多的败育花粉粒(82.51%~86.65%).败育花粉粒包括典败、圆败和染败花粉粒.同源四倍体水稻APⅣ(4)的成熟胚囊内存在着正常蓼型(43.0%)、退化型(36.0%)和变异型(21.0%)胚囊.变异型胶囊中包括双卵卵器(71.4%)、三卵卵器(17.5%)和无助细胞(11.1%)胚囊.不同季节,APⅣ(4)颖花内的多卵频率存在着明显差异,同一季节强势颖花的多卵频率明显高于弱势颖花的多卵频率.由此认为,同源四倍体水稻的雌雄配子体表现出异常发育状态,有性生殖能力已明显变弱.  相似文献   

为探究不同性别尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)对持续性高温生境的响应,持续监测36℃实验组和28℃对照组的雌鱼和雄鱼的形态学特征变化,并取处理70 d的罗非鱼脑、背部肌肉和鳃组织进行TUNEL染色法分析,选取该实验组和常温对照组个体的背部肌肉进行转录组测序。结果显示:高温处理组的生长发育速度明显迟缓于对照组,雄鱼生长发育比雌鱼快;TUNEL染色法显示在背部肌肉组织中凋亡信号最强,而在其他组织中信号较弱;在高温处理后的雌鱼和雄鱼中分别鉴定出3 405个和4 645个差异表达基因,上调基因均多于下调基因。对这些差异表达基因的KEGG通路聚类分析发现,雌鱼主要涉及细胞周期、嘌呤代谢和DNA复制等通路,雄鱼在心肌细胞的肾上腺素信号传导、心肌收缩和紧密连接等通路显著富集。这些结果为研究不同性别罗非鱼对高温环境的适应机制提供了分子生物学的基础信息。  相似文献   

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) administered during the neonatal period (days 2 to 11) resulted in a sequence of events that were manifested in adulthood. Reproductive dysfunction was seen in both female and male animals. Females treated with MSG had fewer pregnancies and smaller litters, while males treated with MSG showed reduced fertility. The MSG-treated mice showed increased body weight and decreased pituitary, thyroid, ovary, or testis weights.  相似文献   

Under standard conditions of temperature, humidity, and (artificial) diet, loss in flight ability is paralleled by a decline of up to 66(2/3) percent in activity of enzymes dephosphorylating organophosphorous compounds in the thoracic flight muscle. Concomitantly, the content of adenosine triphosphate in the flight muscle increases five times, while the content of adenosine monophosphate correspondingly diminishes.  相似文献   

为营建日本茵芋雌雄株组培快繁技术体系,以雌株品种‘帕贝拉’和雄株品种‘鲁贝拉’嫩枝茎段为外植体,研究其诱导、增殖、生根培养的主要影响因素,筛选最佳培养基。结果表明:日本茵芋雄株的诱导率、增殖倍率及生根率均低于雌株,且差异均达极显著水平;在较佳诱导培养基3.0 g·L~(-1)花宝1号+1.5 mg·L~(-1)6-苄氨基腺嘌呤(6-BA)上,雌雄株诱导率分别为75.6%、34.7%;结合切除芽苗顶芽的方法,在培养基3.0 g·L~(-1)花宝1号+2.5 mg·L~(-1)6-BA+4.0 mg·L~(-1)赤霉素(GA3)上,继代培养50 d,雌雄株增殖倍率分别为4.25、3.22倍;在培养基1.5 g·L~(-1)花宝1号+0.5 mg·L~(-1)生根粉1号(ABT 1号)上,雌雄株生根率分别为73%、61%;雌雄株组培苗移栽在黄心土+椰糠(3∶1)基质中,移栽成活率分别为86%、83%。  相似文献   

Mosquitoes: female monogamy induced by male accessory gland substance   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
G B Craig 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1967,156(781):1499-1501
Male accessory glands were implanted in virgin females of Aedes aegypti. When exposed to males, females copulated readily but were not inseminated; they remained sterile for life. Extract from one male could sterilize more than 64 females. The active principle may be a protein or peptide. Intraspecific transplant prevented insemination in 12 species, including Aedes, Anopheles, and Culex; interspecific transplant gave partial protection.  相似文献   

Pheromones: isolation of male sex attractants from a female primate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fractionation of vaginal secretions from rhesus monkeys by partitioning and chromatographic procedures, combined with behavioral studies, demonstrates that short-chain aliphatic acids are responsible for stimulating the sexual behavior of males. Injection of estradiol into ovariectomized females increases the concentration of volatile acids in secretions which will then sexually stimulate these male primates.  相似文献   

番鸭公母分饲的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RF系番鸭产蛋期公母分饲的全程产蛋率(46.79%)、受精率(90.40%)和存活率(94.87%)都显著高于混饲组的(分别为42.47%、84.69%和88.16%);经两因子方差分析:种番鸭开产体重和日粮粗蛋白水平对繁殖率交互作用显著,全程以A2组(中等体重公鸭4.5~4.7kg、母鸭2.4~2.6kg)和B3组(公母鸭日粮粗蛋白水平13.9%和17.6%)的繁殖率最高,平均产蛋率、受精率和存活率分别达49.51%、91.33%和96.48%.可见A2B3组的体重和日粮营养水平是最佳范围.  相似文献   

普通丝瓜雌雄性别分化的特点和表现形式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对78份普通丝瓜品种30节内的雄、雌花蕾着生状况进行调查,分析了无性节、纯雄节、纯雌节和双性节(同时存在雌雄花蕾)的分布规律.结果表明:普通丝瓜的性别分化比较复杂.无性节一般分布在起始几节,呈现连续或不连续分布,少量品种在高节位还有零星分布;双性节中雌花和雄花有11种组合方式,以多雄 单雌节最常见,在所有丝瓜材料中均有出现;雄花从个体(枚数)存在状态看,有单枚和多枚(又叫总状花序)之分,雄花分布在纯雄节和双性节之中,雄花在纯雄节中存在6 种表现形式;早熟材料的有雄节(包括纯雄节和雌、雄节)有24.1节,中熟材料的有雄节有23.6节,晚熟材料的有雄节有21.3节,且熟性越早有雄节数越多;雌花在纯雌节中有4种表现形式,以单雌形式存在最普遍;早熟材料的有雌节(包括纯雌节和双性节)有23节,中熟材料的有雌节有18.7节,晚熟材料的有雌节有13.55节;无性节、纯雄节、纯雌节和双性节的数量与品种来源地、果形、植株长势和叶色均未表现出趋势性差异.  相似文献   

黄条金刚竹(Sasaella kogasensis'Aureostriatus')是竹亚科东笆竹属(Sasaella)金刚竹的品种之一,叶子具黄条纹,是观赏价值较高的竹种之一.2015年3月黄条金刚竹在国内出现了自1984年引种以来的首次开花.为了给研究竹类植物花器官的发育提供新的资料信息,通过形态观察和石蜡切片的方法对黄条金刚竹花序形态及胚胎发育过程进行观察与描述,结果如下.(1)花芽分化初期生长点呈半球形;早期花序上顶端小穗原基先发育,侧生小穗原基后发育,各小穗小花发育顺序从下往上;小花分化由外向内,外稃、内稃和浆片原基先分化,雄蕊和雌蕊原基后分化.(2)黄条金刚竹花药壁发育类型为单子叶型,绒毡层为腺质型;小孢子母细胞胞质分裂类型为连续型,花粉粒多为三细胞型.(3)黄条金刚竹胚珠为倒生胚珠,珠被双层,薄珠心,大孢子四分体呈线性,合点端1个大孢子分化成为功能大孢子,功能大孢子经过3次有丝分裂形成八核胚囊;胚囊为蓼型胚囊.研究明确了黄条金刚竹花序建成以及雌雄配子体发育过程,表明黄条金刚竹为混合花序,雌雄配子体发育正常.  相似文献   

为生物防治棉大卷叶野螟提供科学依据,研究棉大卷叶螟雌虫性信息素对雄虫的诱集作用,在野外和室内用棉大卷叶野螟雌虫及其性信息素提取物对雄虫进行诱集试验.研究发现:1~7日龄雌成虫及相应日龄雌成虫性信息素提取物随着日龄的增高,对雄蛾的引诱力逐渐降低;随着距离的加大,其诱集作用亦逐渐下降;1~7日龄雌成虫性信息素提取物对雄成虫...  相似文献   

Female canaries exposed to playback of large repertoires of male songs built nests faster and laid more eggs than did those females exposed to smaller song repertoires: females are attentive to attributes of male song, and their choices have played a role in the evolution of oscine singing behaviors.  相似文献   

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